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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1897)
Eastm Bbkviom. EMler services were eendUOWU Id DOlll cnuroo usro i. anH.. The Congregational ervlces were held a half hourarller then usual in oraer n give wished so opportunity to attend the ttn aennal aerVIOeS, which " half hour later then the usual time. At the latter plane chorus of 23 vetoes from 8t. Stephens chiH, Port land, furulshed the muiiio, which 111 greatly enioyea ny muw K' . -v churches wort beautifully decorated lor the oooaslun. Business Mkhtiko, A binWss meeting of the Congregational church society waitould Houlton Wed lies .vnlnfft which Unit four dele gates were eleoled to aUend the an nual convention at Aaloria, which will be held on the 28ih and 20th. The delegates elected were Mr. T. 0. Phil brook, ol Houlton, Mrs. Alma femonl, Mis. Frankle Way and Mr. 8. 8. Way J St. Helena. Mre. M. 0. Gray and Mra Little were selected to look after railing. "e paitor't salary. It was decided to proceed with the build ing ol the new church in litis oily at once. . . ' Good PnosrEOTS. The weather In dications are that spring ia fairly on; farming baa begun in many parte of tha country aaye the Wallowa Chler Uin. While the hay waa about all cleaned up, and many had to resort to atraw stacks to keep their alock alive, the lota baa been light, abd cattle and aheepcanie through iu good condition. There ia vet couitiderable grain on hand, and the mille are full of flour, which will be hauled out ae an at the roads are paaaable. A larger sore stge will be eown tbia epriug and all Indication! are favorable for a prosper oua aeaaon in thie county. Atrccn Colol Eudt. Hie ac tion ol Secretary ef State Kiacaid In retuaing to file tbe billaol the railroad oommiaaion for aalariea hae raised the ire of Coloael J B. Eddy, one ol the commission, and alao editor or the Boeeburg Plaindealer, and causes the oolonel to remark that "Harrison R. Klnonid la eecreUry of alate; that ! ail he ia. He aeema to think he ta the whole elate government, supreme court and leglalaiure, included, bat be ien't. He refueee to recognize certain of tbe tale offloere while he doe othera, eleote4 at tbe tame time and in pre cisely tbe aama way, he aaye the peo ple do not want Hum." A Chahcb Mmtiko. On Tuesday evening, at tha supper table, in Tur pin's hotel, K. H. Mitchell of Vernonia and 8. D, Dennis, lite lawyer recently located here, were aeated aide by eide. After a few momenta conversation, the tact that both balled from Kansas led MKcfarft to inquire aa to DentiU' rela tive there, which revealed the (act the Mr. Dennis ia a brother ufS. 8. Dennis father of Mr. Mitchell's Oral wile. The two gentleman had never met before, although they had chaaed antelope over tbe aame plaina, courted girls, and published newepapere (n the aame towns. Mr. Dennis came west and located in Vancouver twelve yeara go, and lour yeara later Mr. Mitchell located lu Hillaboro, tiii state. Ann It Tbmi Thus. Justice Clark'a court Wednesday, in this city, waa tha scene ol quite a sensational atiit, wherein one Gen. W. Kelley was plaintiff and tils wile defendant, charg ed with adultery. Considerable prep, aration had been made lor the trial, and witnesses, the full number by law allowed, were on hand. It didn't take long, "however, to try the affair, ae it appeared that there was but one pros ecuting witness. Kulley himself, so the examination ol the prosecuting wit neasea took but a few minutes, and af ter a brief aession the wife was dis charged with a statement from her attorney that the witneaaee were on hand to prove a clear case for the woman and a very "bad case" for tbe plaintiff. The cost were taxed to the 4ainliff. - -- . Time to Won the Roads. "This is a good liana to work the roads where holes are to be tilled up and griding done, but the farmers must be allowed (o look after their farming interests while the ground is in order. Hera is tbe U-ouble witb our present system of road working. If road taxee were paid in cash tbe supervisor could have a force of men on tbe roads at work, at a time when somethiug of profit to the roads could be aooompllshed." Thus aaith tha Neberg Graphic, and it is em inently correct. By tbe lime farmers get their spring work dona tbe ground is so dry that where it is worked it fails to pack, and hence the mod the next winter. The general verdict among men who have observed, is thai road work should be done early in the spring, in order to pack well. Placed ik Position. Soma time ainoe The Mist mentioned the fact that the county bad purchased two sections oi steel paper files to be set in the large vault used fur keeping papers la. Tivese useful cases have beeu placed In position, and the work of go ing over and sorting out all papers such as probate and circuit court doc uments hus been completed, and the files are in aotual use by tha clerks. This addition of convenience and safe ty in the clerk's office was a precau tion which should have been taken long ago, for it insures not only the correct keeping of papera on file, but ia an absolute defense against fire. The genial clerks will willingly explain the modus operandi of the contrivance if yon will call on them. ArrecTS all Alike. The farmers of low lands are not the only ones in oonvenienced by the raising waters of the Columbia. Tha fishermen iu Ibis locality are a badly demoralised lot of fellows. When the season first opened fishing prospects were ood, but they continued so only a brief period, fm the hlh water oume, and now it is al most impossible to oiitch a fish. Nets are on the racks, and their owners are anxiously watching the water as it creeps Inch by inch to a mightier vol ,urce. At this data, in 1894. there was but a ten foot raise in the river, but now the gnage registers nearly twenty feet. Farmers are preparing to vacate the low land farms, and some lew have already, and should the water continue to come It la only a matter of a lew days when tbe low lauds will be entire ly inundated. PBKHONAIi AMD LOCAL. Go to the drama. Seats for the drama at the drug store. W, D. Connell, of Deer island, waa iu roruana Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank dow were down rrotu Uak lalond Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sheldon wera In rortland, Wednesday afternoon. Men's, womens' and ohildrens' shoes very cheap, at . A. Perry's, Houlton The Houlton school will give sn en tertainment tonight. All frieads are Inviled. Neil O'Hare. of Maveer. waa attend. Ing to business matters iu this cltv last Tuesdsy, The effects of the late firm ol New ell 4 Watkins wera sold by tbe sheriff Wednesday. Miss Mary Burke, ol Rainier, came up Tuesday to visit relatives here a couple of weeks. John Meyers of Vernonia was In tho city Wednesday and made a business trip to Portland. Attorney E. E. Convert, ol Portland. was in this city Tuesday looking altar business affairs. Miss Irving, who Is teaching the Yankton school, spent Sunday with friends in this city. Rev. Plowman started on Monday lor Corvallia where he attended the Evangelical conference. ' Mr. F. Alspaugh, representing the R. G. Dun Commercial Agenoy, was interviewing tha bueiaess men of this city Tuesday. Farmer Pague, tha weather forecast fraud, can't tell "exactly where he ie at." May be so, and may be not so; bo oan't tell. Should tbe water continue to raise pretty near all tbe farmers on Sauvie's island and along tbe alough will be driven to tbe mainlands by Sunday. E.G. Giltner, administrator of the estate of Merrit Pomeroy, deceased, has filed his petition for final settls ment and discharge in tbe probate court. Terry Gillem, who was taken to the hospital a couple of weeks ago, is re ported as slowly recovering, but ex pected to be out in a week or such a matter, ,. Bachelor Flat is to have a school house of convenient dimensions, that will coat over $200. Mr. W.lyerding baa the ooutract of building it, and is to have it completed by July 1st. A "Y' is being put in the wood flume at its terminus in this city, and other chanties are being made.. Just so soon as the work is completed 200 or 300 cords of wood will be flumes down. Emery Mills of Vernonia was in town Tuesday making arrangements to go to California, where he haa a contract for carrying tbe V. 8. mail on a fifty mile run. He expects to start in time to commenoe work July 1st. Advices from the extreme upper Columbia are to tbe effeoi that the suow is melting at an exceptionally rapid rata. Warm weather haa pre vailed for some time, and indications are good tor au early high water. Everything ia in readiness for the performance at the opera bouse tomor row (Saturday) night. "A Fisher mon's Luck" is an excellent comedy- drama, and no doubt tbe local com pany will preaent it in a manner doing credit to itself. "' Mr. A. B. Hammond, president of the Oregon Central and Eastern rail road, and promoter ol the Aatona-Go ble road, returned Tuesdsy from the East. More activity in railroad con auuottou in ibis county may be looked lor. A professional forger by tha name of Copeland, who baa beeu operating in the city of Portland lor the past three yeara, waa captured by detectives in that city last Monday night. He forged for no very large sums, but he kept contiuually at it. Harry West, of Scappoose, waa hi town yesteiday, having brought bis little girl to the doctor Tor trealmeut. Mr. West baa lately received from tbe East three bead ol registered Jersey cattle, whioh will prove a valuable aud attractive addition to Sunny Banks Slock Farm. Governor Lord Is reported as having said that when be is advised that any county treasurer is using tbe tax money that abonld go to the state lor any purpose other than the payment of tbe state tax, he will sea that the law ia enforced and the treasurers compelled to do their duty under it. The water in the Willamette at Ore gon City keeps raising slowly, and the fishermen are getting few fish, and moat of those oaught are eteelheada, The fishing industry ia not nearly ao bad as last year, however, for then 18 days were lost by reason of the very high water at tbe height of tbe fishing season. ;'.' A Boston paper says : "Spring is here at last. A butterfly waa caught at tbe North End yesterday." Tbia may be the proper way to catch a but terfly, but when you grab a wasp it is better to grab about the middle, quickly shifting northwesterly toward the head, or any direction to get away from the "bueinsss end." Two or three new railroads are on the eve of construction in Idaho; an other short road is proposed to be ex tended from the main line of the O. R. & N., near Tbe Dalles. In faot, all aver tbe Northwest there are feeder lines and spurs in contemplation. In tbe extreme northwest of this state ia a spleudid seolion of country, rich in everything that would offer induce ments to railroad companies, only lying idle waiting for the hand ol prov idence to bless it with transit facilities, when its worth will sblne forth to the commercial world with dazaliog bril liance. From Astoria, south, through the great dairying and lumber sec tions ol Tillamook county, up the Ne halem river, in whose valley are to be found all natural resources, then to the magnificent grain flelda of Wash ington. This is a practical course, and would prove a splendid invest ment to any company. Mr. Patrick, of Vernonia, who left last fall to spend tha winter tn Iowa, returned to this city last Friday even ing, looking exceptionally healthy and In the best ol spirits. Mr. Patrick re ports no hard times In Iowa, and is confident ol a return of better condi tions for this coast in the near future. A great number of trout have been taken from the small streams in this locality during tbia month. It has not beea an nncommon thing for one person to catch 60 or 75 in a single day. Mr. George Hall and bis friend, Mr. William Downing, are en title J to the prise so far. The olty of Astoria recently passed sn ordinance for the purpose of licens ing the gambling houses of that city. but the mayor vetoed it. The coun oil sustained the mayor's veto, and so it may be that the law against gamb ling will be enforced. Probably the first case of the kind In the history of Oregon came up be fore Judge Brink, at Prineville recent ly. Charles C. Miles was examined for challenging John C. Elder to fight a duel, and was buld to the grand jury under full bouds. Holders of claims against the state are able to secure loans from Salem banks and brokers on a basis of about 80 per cent of the lace of tbe olaima. That is, brokers are virtually discount ing the stale claims 20 per cent. The Ice cream sociul given last Sat urday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gray was well attended. 1 he proceeds, which were for the Con gregational church, amounted to $16. Max Berg, of Warren, was in town Saturday last, and while here pro vided himself with the necessary weap ons to fight gray squirrels, of which be says, there are great numbers. Mr. A. J. Hubert, sr., who haa spent two or three months in thie oily, left for Preacoit, Aris., last Saturday, where be will remain for some time looking after mining Interests. Pretty much everything is under water along tbe Mississippi except tbe ducks, and indications point to a aim ilar condition of affairs for the Colum bia river region. Rev. Philbrook bas exchanged his Bachelor Flat property for a place In Houlton, where he will hereafter re side. The exchange was made with Mr. Sturm. Judire Doan was in town Monday and appointed O. B. Anstioe, Caesar Salari and Thomas Morris appraisers of tbe estate of Jao.b Beusch, deceased. The Sunday school service of tbe Congregational society Easier mora ing waa very much enjoyed. Adam and Cuthbert Stump, of Scap poose, were attending to busiues mat lera here last Friday. , It will now be in order for it to rain seven Sundays iu succession since it rained on asler. Miss Longacre, who bas charge of tbe Warren achool, waa viaiting in this oity over Sunday. Dorr Keasey.of Yankton, was a pas- f II . t . l w i . i aenger tor roruanu jnouaay murniug, A nice line of mens' shoes at A. H. Tsrbell's, Houlton. Prices tbe lowest. James Muckle is able to be about again, aud visited Portland Monday. Miss Mamie Dart spent last Sunday in this city visiting relatives. Lou Emmons, of Vernonia, waa in this oily last Saturday. . "A Fisherman's Luok" tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Andrew King went to the metropo lis Monday. Expense op tbe Pkjt. The report of the superintendent of the peniten tiary for ibe quarter ending March 31, shows the number of convicts in tbe penitentiary to be 351, received dur ing quarter 45, discharged 49, died 1, transferred to asylum 1. Tbe earn ings were : For board of United States prisoners, $378.85; and for labor in the stove fotindrry, $2989.88, making $3, 308.73. Tbe receipts were $413. Tbe expenditures were. Salaries of em ployes, $4610; general expense, $4, 776.05; photographing convicts, $44 ; electric lighting, $565.52; total expen diture., $9905.67. Should be F logged. E. M. Rows, who was arrested in Astoria, Monday, charged with ebauohing several little girls, was arraigned in justice court, Tuesday, and the examination post, poned till Wednesday. If what two of the little girls say is true, Rowe will get the full extent ol the law. The youngest Pohl child, 8 years of age and a little girl named Owens, about the same age, have said that Rowe forci bly took them to his room at a hotel, and prevented them from screaming, by gaging them. After assaulting them, he threatned them with death if they should mention the affair. Two of the children are diseased. Rowe formerly lived in the state of Washing ton, where he practiced medioine. He is known here aa "Doo." He has a divorced wife and a son, the latter 14 years of age, living in Seattle. And So It Goes. Because of a citi sen being a road supervisor does not mean that everything shall sail clear with him, or that he shall have no per plexities. This faot can be attested to, perhaps, by Mr. William Wood, of Vernonia, who is supervisor of distriot No. 13. One day last week, while act ing under instructions from tbe County commissioner, so the story goes, in ex eouling some duty in resrard to a piece of road in his district, a little difficulty arose whioh resulted for tha time be ing, quite unpleasantly for him. He was arrested, charged witb assault upon one Dow, and sentenoed to thirty days in the county jail, brought to St. Helena, Saturday night, aud delivered over t the sheriff- But on Monday morning the affair took on a different ooloring, and resulted in Mr. Wood being informed that be waa not so lia ble to go to jail as he thought, aud the next thing he heard waa that he oould go borne jual aa soon as hs saw fit. It turned out that the justics had over reached his authority, and tbe whole matter appeared to be more or less ir regular. Mr. Wood ia probably at his home by this time, carrying out the instructions of tbe commissioner. ; FROM RAINIER. Desn Blsnchard left for Astoria Tuesday morning on Important business. Charles Clark bas moved Into bla new bt tase In Dobbins addition. The creamery at Bainlsr Is being made In readiness to start up about the first et Hay. Rainier Is ahead of the tiroes In tha estab lishment of re. tau rants and candy factories Captain Hoohklrk has moved Into tbe building ou the bill, opposite Judas Doan's residence. There Is soma tulk that tbe sash and door factory at Rainier will resume operations In a short time. It Is said tbat Honeymnn, DeHart A Olsnn. railroad contractors, will conduct a store permanently bern. F. 0. Winchester, of Rainier, bas laid tbe foundation for a new residence. The build- Inc will bs 10x24 with U foot posts. Many of the men who have been enjeaged in the fishing indnntry here have moved their gear to Eagle Cliff and vicinity. William Lee bas sdorned bis property by building a wall in front of his property to prevent It sliding on the railroad grade. A. L. Richardson Is ereetlng a new wagon shop on a wbarf along tbe railroad grade between Rainier and Hoeck's landing. Farmers throughout Beaver valley have been very busy of lute sowing their spring (rain and otherwise laying tbe foaudation for tbe coming harvest. Fred Trow spent several days in Portland this week. Fred never says a word, but people are Inclined to view with suspicion bis frequent visits to tbe metropolis. W. J. Deits seems right at home In lbs old place of ba!nes. supplying the wants of bis customers. . JDeits always whs sble te do business if there was any to be done. The road supervisor has-been doing some good work on tbe mountain road below If. J, Kitte rings place. Tbe road has been widened and tbe grade reduced consider able. Tbe railroad crew who have been riprap- plug on tbe grade between Rainier and Cs dar Landing are making all possible speed, snd expect to have tbe work finished by tbe middle of May. It seems that nearly every low boat on the river bas been broogbtinto service tow ing sawlogs to the Portland mills, evidently for the purpose of getting a supply of logs on band before tbe water gets toe high for towing. E. A. Anrys bss opened an ice cream and confectionery establishment in one of Mr. Delta's buildings, and the prospects are tbat be will do a good business. He is man ufacturlng bis own candies, so that a fresh supply of goods csn always be bsd. He expects to not only snpply his retail cus tomers, but sell wholesale to other dealers as well. Last Saturday he sold 62 pounds of candy of bis own manufacture. Tbe new Congregational church in this city is completed with the exception of placing the pews in poition. The building is not Isrge but of modern style, the audi torinm being in tbe shape of a half circle, with an elevation from tbe pulpit to the entrance. Tbe seats will be arranged in three sections, with four aisles, including those next to the wall. Back of the pulpit is space sufficient for the choir. Altogether the edifice Is a neat one and an ornament to the town. Tbe railroad contractors have left orders here to employ every roan that comes to town looking for work. Tuesday evening one of the sub-contractors from further down the line wss tn town, and stated to a Mist reporter that it was their intention to push the work as rapidly aa possible, and tbat every man they could get could be Bsed advantageously. Along the railroad line all the way from Ooble to Astoria there is a scene ef activity, and it Is the general opinion that the road will be completed very early in the summer. Lee Shaver at Rainier, was arrested and taken before Police Judge Clark on a charge of whipping his wife. Shaver pleaded guilty and was fined $25 and coats, amount ing altogether to 932.50 which waa paid. Tbe parties to the transaction live on a scow at Meeck's landing, and the man fol lows fishing for a livelihood. Shaver it seems, gave bis wife f 2 upon which to live while he would go down tbe river fishing. Meantime Shaver goes to Rainier and loads up with boose, and afterwards went home and wanted tbe money he had given his wife, who refused to give It to him, where upon the combat ensaed. Card of Thanks. ScArroosa, Or., Apr. 21, 1897. Wa wish to exnrass throurh the eolnmns of Tna Mist, our heartfelt thanks to tbe neighbors and friends who were so kind and tbonghtml during tha siekness and death of our daughter, Olea, On' sorrows have been liahteaed by their kind words aud lotions. Ma. and Mas. J. Joaasoa ao Familt. Fraaa Crisfl Creek. After the big Ore in Cripple Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, tbe cold only becoming more settled. After using three email bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and in this high altitude it takes a meritorious cough reme dy to do any good. O. B. Henderson, edi tor Daily Advertiser. For sale by Dr. Ed win Ross. - Real Estate Transfer. Hattia J. Conyera to Mattie E. Aldridge,. IU acres in R. W. CenVera' D. L. C.; It. u. 0. roster to Alex MUier, lot e, oioca , Ooble; $25. Thorn a Kearney to John Finnlgan, nw X of sec 6, tp 6 n, r 2 west; 1100. tieorca F. Moeck, trustee, to Rainier Masonlo Building and Cometery Associa tion, lots 1 and 2, blk 22. Rainier; $1. Edwin D. McKay and wife to Henry C. , l i A, uiy wnl.iAf seX o' aeo 84. tp 4 n, r 2 west; i860. Absolutely Purea Celebrated for lis great leavening strength and healthfulnesa. Assures the food agalnat alum and all forma of adul-. teratton common to the oheap brands. aOYAtj SAK1M4 rOWOSB CO., NSW Tons, it GUARDIAN NOTICE. NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVKM THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed bv the Cnuntr Court of Colombia CoiiDly, OreKon. guardian of the ettate of Ole M unsou, an luiuuia E anon, and haa qualified aa auch. All peraooa avlnc claima agalnat aald estate are hereby re quired to present the aame with proper vouchers to me at the office of the County Clerk, in St. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. bated April vth, 1W. am7 JUDBON WEED, Guardian of the Estate of Ole Munson, insane. CHANGE OF NAMES. NOTICE IB HEREBY UIVEM THAT BY AN order and decree ol the County Court of Columbia Couuty, Mate of Oregon, duly made and enteted on April Srd, iaui, the name of "Susy Harriet Foster," was chanaed to that of "Susy Harriet Msrrlll," and the name of "Bea trice Ioua Foster ' waa changed to that ol "Bea trice lona Merrill." Witness my hand snd seal this Sth day ef April, law. ivvnvn raci, Clerk oi County Court. (ODHTT COUST SL. 9m7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVES THAT I. THE nnderslened. have been apDoioted by the county t'ourt oi uoiumma county, uregpn, aa mlnlstratorofthe estate of Benjamin f. Neer, sous having claims against aald estate are here by required to present tne same, wiin proper voucners. to me at ma omue oi -cote at wuica,--ln St. Helens. In said county and state, within six monius iroin tne arue nereoi. Dated at 8t Helens, Oregon. April ie, 1897. E. E. QUICK. Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin F. ;.eer, deceased. aittmis SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for iMumoia county. Elberg-Uunst Cigar Co.. acorporation, plaintiff, vs. Henrv Braunlne. defendant I To Henry Brauning, the above named defend- aoi: JL You are hereby required to appear and answer the eomnlalut Sled against you In the above entlUed action on or before thelllhday of May, 1897, said day being the first day of the next regular term oi tne above entitiea coun, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the judgment prayed for in lta complaint, to wn: For lodgment axainst the above named defendant for the sum of Sixty-four and 08-100 (S64.0S) Dollars, with interest thereon from the lender of September, IMS, and the costs and disbuniemenis of this action, and for an order of eaia court tor tne aaie of tne real properly at tached in this action in Baker County, State of u re iron. aeecriDea as lots in. iy. ana ie in diock 5, in Stewarts Second Addition to Baker City, oaxer countv. mate oi urexon. This summons la miblished br an order of the above entitled Court, made and entered In asld Court by the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge oi aula court, on tne uttn aay oi sieren, m26ra7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for The State of Oregon and the Board of Com missioners for tbe Hale of School and uni versity Lands, and for the Investment of the Funds Arising therefrom, plain tins, vs. Henry Robert, Mary A. Robert, and James umru ae Aoministratoroi tne estate oi t. u. Tavlop. Am nmA AmlmnAmntM To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Robert, defend ant aoove namea; A. You. and each of vou. are herebv reauired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against von la the above entitled suit and Court by the first day of the next regular May term of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, for Columbia Countv. to-wit: on Tues day, the 11th day of May, 1MT7, and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff's will apply to the Court for an order of default against you, and for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: for Judgment againet tbe saia aeienaant, uenry uuoerc, jor tne sum 01 One Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per year, from the zisi aay m oepiemoer, loin; (OKeiner wiu, me further snm of Two Hundred Dollars aa attor neys fees, and the eosta and disbursements in this suit For a decree foreclosing all claims, liens or rights of each of aald defendant, and all ner sons claiming under them, In and to the real eatate and premises described in the complaint, to-wit: inenortn nail oi tne soutn nan oi sec tion thirty-four in township number six north of range number four west of the Willamette Meridian, In Columbia County State of Oregon and containing One Hundred and Sixty acres, together with the improvements thereon, and ordering a sale of the said real estate and an ap- fuicauonoi tne proceeds to toe payment oi said udgment. and for such other relief aamav seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons Is published by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Colum bia County, duly made and entered In open court, jsarcn u, wti. w. u. uibLAKU ana G W. COLE m 1930 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. CITATION- TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for coiumoia county. In the Matter of tha Estate of Frank at. Meeker, accessed. To W. A. Meeker, Anna Smith, Anderson Smith, Willie Bmltn, cuue Hmitn ana tsamantna Smith, heirs at law of Frank M. Meeker, de ceased, and to all other heirs of said deceased, unknown If any there be: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You. and each of von. are hereby com manded to be and appear before the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for tne county oi coiumma, at tne court-nouse, in SL Helena, ia aaid Countv and State, on Monday the Srd dav of Mav. 1SV7. at 2 o'clock P. M., of aald aay, it being the regular May term oi aaia Court, to show cause, if any exist why an order of sale of all the real property belonging to said estate, should not be made, aa prayed for in the petition on file In said Court; said real property being described aa follows, to-wit: An undi vided one-fourth interest in and to the south west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, oi section number one, in township number two north of range number two west of the Willam ette Meridian, lu Multnomah Countv. State of Oregon, and containing Id the whole tract eighty acres of land. In testimony whereof, 1, Judson Weed, Clerk ol the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of aaid Court, at my office in the City of St Helens, State ol Oregon, this 4th day of March. A. D. 1897. ICOUHTT COUBT SBAIj JU1US nr w. A. uaaais, county ciera. Deputy. (mtta23) SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Walter J. Burns, plaintiff, vs. CO. Cole, Amanda Cole, J. P. Marshall, Josis cole, v- . c. Henderson ana Melissa usnaer- snn. defendants. To C. C. Cole, Amanda Cole and Josie Cole, de fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Yon are herebv reauired to appear and answer the complaint died against you In the above entitled suit in the above named Court on or before Tuesday, the eleventh day of May, A. u. lev, sal a a ate oeing tne nrst aay oi tne next reeular term of aaid Court: and If TOU fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a deoree against you, aud each of you, foreclosing that certain mortgage executed on the 3th day of July, 1888. by Will W. Cole and W. C. Hender son, as partners under the firm name of Cole A tieuaerson, to one wra. uunDar on an oi tne following described land, to-wit: Lot Number One (1) in Seotlon Thirty-six (36) In Township Seven (7) North of Range Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 11.49 acres, more or less; also tbe west one-hair (H) of the Northeast One fourth Ci). and the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section Number Thirty-nre (86), in Townsmp numner Seven (7) North, Range Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 120 acres, mora or less; together with Mill, Machinery, Boom, Chains, Logging Outfit, Blacksmith's Outfit and all buildings erected thereon, for the nitrnnae nf aeeurine the Davment in full of a certain promissory vote made and delivered to tne sat a wra. uunoer on saia uate oy saiu coie A Henderaon. whereby the said Cole A Hender son agreed to pay to said Win. Dunbar on or be fore 18 months after date of said note the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until paid, and In cam suit Is Instituted to collect said note, or any portion thereof, then such a sum as should be adjudged by the Court reasonable as attor neys leoa iu suvo suit. I The conveyance In said mortgage being so made by said Cole A Henderson to the said Wm. Dunbar, and conditioned for the payment of the said sum of (l&uO, and interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, until paid and for the payment of all taxes upon the property mentioned in said mortgage; aud said mortgage being recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Columbia County, In Book E, page 319 of the Rocorda of Mortgages of said Couuty; and the further relief demanded in said suit is (1) judg ment against said W. C. Henderaon for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there on from the 29th day of July, 1889, at the rate of eight per oent. per annum, and for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars as attorneys' fees, and eosta and disbursement in this suit; (2) that said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said land, and that said land be sold as prescribed by law, and tbe proceeds, or sufficient thereof de rived from such sale be applied to the payment of said judgment; and (8) that you, and each of yon, be foreclosed and oar red aa to any Intorest In said land; aud (4) forsuch further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons Is published and mailed to yon by virtue nf an order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of tbe above named Court, made on the 13th day of February, 1897. ALLEN A CLEKTON, and EMMONB A EMMONS, f26a Attorneys for Plaintiff. V; f-.:., I ' IM ! i . i eeetaWe Reparation, for As- Uqg tlaeSkiuoxhs aixtBowfls of . . eaewsssBasaanssaa sBBajasawaseB IrrxwtestHgcstioTvClectriif- iKSsamKestAXjntaitisnatiKr Oprum.Morphinf nor Minfnt. KOT NARCOTIC. JBssa mTOUUrSiOillXailMia. jtUtU, IA mimmiml &S!SmS.ltmmt Anofect Remedy for Cons II oa- tion. Sour Stomah,Diareloea, Worms rCorrvulsBnsJevBnsh Q8SS and LOSS OV SLEEK TaeSioale Signature of, . TTEWYOHK. .'ft " V ' B - I I ea..L. . - Jt I tCTCOPr-CT VHAPPEB. i I .sUstle of MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Red Winter Apple trees, such as Ben Davis, Spitzeobcrg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Melon, and Gravensteio. ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREE5 1 Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach. Apricot and Quince trees, small fruits Blackberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Wineberry and Currant. FAY'S PROLIFIC CURRANT, as large and five times as prolific as the Cherry Currant. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are grown on fir timber soil, have good roots, which we endeavor to dig-and ship with trees. Trees have bee a inspected and pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would liko to do business with yon. Write ns if you want trees. Price list sent free npon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON - Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, I TOILET I ARTICLES School h An Unusually well-selected Stock cus, auu tun A FINE LINE OF Finest Perfumes and Soaps. Patent Medicines aVTSSr Jmfritmrr .Sfcr m Ar THEM 1ST AN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Astoria Marble Works J. H. IMHOFF, Propricton, U AHUFACTURBB OF Monuments AND ALL KINDS OF cflMKTERY WORE ITALIAN MAN BLK A SPICIALTV. Foot of Tfeim Street, ASTORIA, OR, FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens.... 6:30 ATM. Arrive at Portland... 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at Bt. Helens 6:00 P M : ' ' f sTABsf tS CBMI-S. , . Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers and Fast f reignt. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. SEB THAT THE i FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' ; op IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBYX BOTTKE3 OF ? flsstsrls Is est sp la ens sirs bottles only. It is not soli la bilk. Sent allow anyone ts sell Jtm anytUnf else em the flea or yresuss tSat it la "Just ss good" aad "will answer every par pass." See that yes (t G-A-B-T-O-a-tA. Iks fas. sv , i i i i Mmj!jmjiiimStmktml Supplies, of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen- jj aiias ou tuts juane. ' FANCY STATIONERY A PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY I AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. I A. Jt- JL Jl Jt- mr immr .Lr mw mr . D OREGON IAN -THE BANQUET SALOON J. S. CL0NINGEB, Prop. Wine and Liquor Card tables, cool table, billiard table and otber devices for tbe entertainment of pet rous, wnere time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides otber popular brands, are kepi constantly on band to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. . THK FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KSPT AT H BANQUET. IIUCKLE BROS. MAsorACTuaiBS or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle. Bheathine:, Casings, and a complete stock ot eveiy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OH HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELEN3 ORT.MS