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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
END OF THE SESSION Both Branches Worked Hard on the Last Day. HILLS THAT PASSED BOTH HOUSES liasur at th "Work Dsn la Olympl jr h FUtk Imln of th Tb fifth session of tbe Washington legislature adjourned sine die early Fri day morning. The closing scenes were unusually interesting and at time ex citing. Both branches of the legisla ture worked ' hard all day Thursday. The lobbies were packed with specta tors, . and the sergeant-at-arms was often ordered to clear tbe floor space of lobbyists within the bar of each house, to give room to move about. Conference committees were the or der of the day, and accomplished im portant work in bringing the houses to agreements. The most important were those having on hand the freight-rate reduotion bill and the general appro priation bill. The former Anally effect ed an agreement during the. afternoon, and the freight-rate bill soon went to the governor. The appropriations bill was not so easily settled, and it was long after midnight when any kind of an agreement was reached. The clock waa stopped at midnight, and it was near sunrise when final ad journment was effected. The cause of. delay was the contest over the appro priation bill, and the time siven enroll lug clerks to prepare the bills for the signatures of the presiding officers of eaoh 'body. Some members protested against continuing after midnight, but to no avail. The resolution to Investigate the penitentiary was lost in the senate. Inaf tktWwk. Below is a summary of the import ant bills that have passed both houses of the legislature during the fifth ses- aion: Fixing order of payment of debts of decedents. Approved by the governor. Begarding assignment and cancella tion of mortgages. Approved. Reducing salaries of warden and clerk of the state penitentiary to $1,400 and fl,000 per annum, respectively. Ap- : proved. ' '; Defining tbe crime of rape, and fixing the age of consent at 18 years. Ap ' proved. Fixing the duties of coroner when the sheriff is incapacitated. Approved. Protecting manufacturers, bottlers apd other dealers in liquors. Approved. Granting bounty for production of sugar. This bill provides for the state to pay 1 cent per pound, as bounty, to manufacturers, for all sugar manufac tured within the state. ' Providing that property assessed for street improvement purposes may be sold on ten days' notice after the aset merit falls due. without foreclosure pro ceedings. Providing for suing the sureties on bonds by laborers or others, on con tracts for street or other municipal im provements. Providing prior liens for employes against the real or personal property of employers ot labor. Authorising bringing of suits for dis tribution of funds of insolvent lnsur anoe companies. Providing for incorporation of ceme tery associations. - To prevent unauthorised interference with electric wires, meters and cables, Making all debts payable in lawful money or currency of the United States. Protecting trade-makrs, labels and advertisements. The anti-option deficiency judgment law, providing that in all proceedings lor the zoreclosure ox mortgages here after exeouted, or on judgments ren dered upon the debt thereby secured. tbe mortgagee or assignee shall be lim ited to the property included in the mortgage. Exempting from execution and at- ' tachment to householders and freehold' era personal property to the amount of 11,000. When any person dies seized of exempt property, leaving heirs, such property shall be set aside for the use of such heirs, free from all claims against the deceased. Submitting an amendment to the constitution to the voters of the state. at the next general election, embodying me ngni oi woman sunrage. Giving the owners of lands abutting upon tidelands the prior right for sixty days to apply for the purchase of said lands. Kelating to admission of attorneys ana coansellors-at-Iaw. Approved. Defining motions and orders. Relating to removal of attorneys. Approved. Relating to new trials. Approved. - To prevent attorneys advertising for divorce eases. Approved. Prohibiting the discharge of ballast in bays. . Relating to the duration of Judg ments, and providing that after the ex piration of six years from the rendition of any judgment it shall cease to be a lien or charge against the estate or per son of the judgment debtor. Providing a new revenue and taxation law, in which many important changes are made. Creating a bureau of labor to protect the health and lives of employes. For the better protection of railway switches. ' , Permitting the organization of cor porations for the purpose of clearing out rivers and streams, and fixing maximum tolls. For the protection of game animals and fish, and song birds. Establishing a nniform system of blanks in the counties of the state. Appointing an inspector of coal mines for the protection of coal miners. Establishing a board of pardons, to consist of the secretary of state, state auditor and superintendent of public instruction. Exempting the proceeds from acci dent insurance from liability for debt Providing for , the registration of voters in school elections in oities of 10,000 or more inhabitants. Requiring street railways to employ lone bat experienced and competent Ben. Approved. v To prevent vivisection and dissection n the schools of the state, except niedi tal schools or medical departments. Improved. To prevent the introduction or spread of disease among sheep. Allowing farmers and end lers to Cdle their products in cities without nses. Allowing married, women to act as administratrix or executrix of deceased persons. ,- . - For the protection of honey bees. Approved. To protect the cheese and milk in dustry by compelling proper marking of cheese imported into the state. Ap proved. Making it compulsory to record all deeds, mortgages and assignments of mortgages in county where property is located. Approved. ' Extending the right of eminent do main to mining corporations, for the purpose of building tram roads, etc Fixing the fees to be paid to the sec retary of state by corporations. For filing articles of incorporation, $10; filing amendatory or supplemental ar ticles, $10; certified Copy of articles, 5; annual license fee, to be paid be fore July 1 each year, $10, for all cor porations incorporated before or after the passage of this act. Providing for the reservation and im provement of a portion of the public highways for bicycles and foot passen gers.. . Providing for dissolution of the mu nicipal corporations of the third uii fourth class. Authorising cities to acquire and maintain water works and waterpower, gas and electric light plants. Providing a method for collecting as sessments for local improvements, es pecially for Seattle. Providing for voting on constitution al amendment relative to taxation. Fixing the maximum railroad freight rate at $4.38 a ton for distances of 850 miles for grain, etc., and other reduc tions. Authorising cities to sell water works, gas or electrio light works upon a vote of the people. Appropriating $10,000 for a wagon road from Lylo, in Klickitat county, to Waahougal, in Clark county. Appropriating $30,000 for the com pletion of the state road from Marcus to Marble Mount Appropriating $10,000 for a state road from King county to Yakima, via Matches pass. Appropriating $10,000 for a state road from Gand Forks to La Push, Aprropriating $3,500 for a state road from Montesano to Brookfield. Aboiihsing boards of control for the Boaster and Western insane aysinm, for tbe penitentiary, the Soldiers' Home and the reform school, and providing for a board of five citizens, one of whom hall be commissioner of public institu tions and auditor of accounts, at a sal ary of $1,500. Authorizing the commissioner of state lands to lease mineral lands owned by the state, original locators having a preference for ninety days. Providing that, as to all negotiable paper, the time intervening between Saturday noon and Sunday midnight be declared a legal holiday. .' Uranting debtors the right of posses- sion of real nroDertv during the neriod '. of redemption. To prevent destruction of miners' lo cation stakes or notices, and providing a penalty. Abolishing municipal courts in the cities of Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma on January 1, 1898, and giving justices of the peace jurisdiction to perform the work of municipal courts. Creating a board ot forest commis sioners, consisting of the governor, treasurer, commissioner of public lands and the professors of forestry in the state university and agricultural col lege. Providing for the disorganization of irrigation districts. Requiring street oars to be provided with pilots, fenders or aprons. Providing for the service of summons and complaints upon corporations in the hands of receivers. For the protection of sturgeon in the Columbia. Providing that at the general election to be held in November, 1898, there shall be but one justice of tbe peace and pne constable elected in cities of the first class. Tbe salary of justices is fixed at $1,000, and of constables at $720 per annnm. Amending the laws relative to fish ing with view to the protection of salmon, and increasing the license for traps. Defining the boundaries of Chehalis county. Relating to estates of insane and in competent persons. Providing for a current expense fund in cities of the third class. Relating to the settlement of estates of decedents. Relating to arid land, and creating commission for the reclamation of arid land and appropriating $30,000 therefor. Allowing corporations to become sureties on bonds of officials, and regu lating such corporations. To regulate insurance companies, re quiring that policies be written by local agents; that a license be secured from the state, and that 3 per cent on all policies be paid to the state; that state ments be published in two daily papers each year; that in case of a total loss the full amount of the policy be paid, and prohibiting insurance combina tions. Allowing road funds collected in city limits to be turned over to the munici pality. ' Appropriating $10,000 for a guaran tee of interest on warrants for the con struction of the oapitol. To establish and maintain a fish hatchery on the Chehalis river, and ap propriating f 3,000 tnereior. Appropriating $15,000 for a state road from Wenatchee up the Columbia to the Methow, and to the Twisp river. To protect natural oyster beds, and appropriating $10,000 therefor. Appropriating $4,187 for the relief of W. B. Davy, for building the Whatcom normal school Creating two log scaling districts, one with headquarters at Seattle, and the other at Spokane. Codification of school laws, with amendments ot the barefoot school-boy bill. For laying out and improvement of boulevard or composite highways. - Providing for appointment of com missioner of horticulture, and defining his duties. Resolution for a senatorial committee of seven to investigate tbe fish Industry of the state, and report at the next ses sion, members to receive $5 a day, but 1 total expense not to exceed $1,000. WWttt H m tMntf m mmm I SB Use the Only Spring Remedy in the World That has Stood Every Test of time. In March, April and May use Paine's celery compound. And only Paine's celery compound I For it is nature's remedy. Do not for a moment confound it with any of the ignorant, catchpenny, short-lived patent remedies -sarsapa-rillas, nervines and tonics that bear as much resemblance to Paine's celery compound as the parasite vines do to the oaks that they live on. . Paine's celery compound cures dis ease. It makes people well. It has saved the lives of thousands of suffer ers. It makes the weak strong. It purifies the blood and enriches the nerves. , Every condition of winter life has been detrimental to health. There has been a steady decline in nervous vigor. Now that spring comes the body is ready to cast off unhealthy tissues if it is only given a chance. This opportunity comes when the excretory organs, kidneys, skin and bowels are made to work ac tively and the nerves are able to fur nish sufficient energy to the digestive organs. It has been ascertained that in Russia 5T3 per 1,000 girls marry before reach ing the age of twenty. Mrs Humphrey Ward, the English novelist, has turned her energies to wards writing a play. A clever Parisian has invented a ma chine that can split a human hair lengthwise into thirty -six strips. Nine women obtained tbe doctor's de grees at the University of Berne, Swit zerland, at the last examination. A dust excluder for vehicle hubs con- j sists of a cap secured to the outer end j of the hub, being easily removable. An electrio roller for massage pur-! poses is composed of plated copper and ' sine and generates its own electricity. ! WISE AS AX OWL. ! The owl is said to be the wisest of birds ; because he keeps both eyes and ears wide ( open, says nothing and keeps np a good I d1 of thinking. When sciatica takes hold i of a man, he is wisest who says nothing but keetia his eves and ear ontn for the 1 best remedy, who thinks and knows it may f , 1. ; l : i l j i - i - '"U't IU vripflllllK, BIIU s im UUUH ny irUM 1 that ft. Jacobs Oil is the best known rem edy for its treatment and permanent cure, j It penetrates to the seat of the excrutiittiug pain, soothes and cures it, and prevents ' what sometimes happens the use of the j surgeon's knife to get lid of the torment. The owl thinks and then acts ouicklv. and the sciatica snfferer should act promptly to arrest the progress of the disease and to re store the nerve by the use oi St. Jacobs Oil to its natural condition. The lady manager of a California in surance company is credited with the largest salary paid to any woman $10,000 a year. OVEB THE PRECIPICE Boats ot Invalid! tumble to destruction limply becauM they will exercise no discretion in the dim ten ol eating, drinking and the avoidance el exciting causes, and, above all, in the Hem ot medication. They persist In dosing them selves in aeaaofi and out of Mason with drastic nd violent remedies, opiate and mineral poison, in neat, tne safest, the p! substitute for such hurtful no-remedies la Hos- , tetter' Stomach Bitter, potent lor malarial. j rheumatic, dyspeptic, nervotu nd bilioo j complaint. Illinois spends at least $2,000,000 a year in punishing criminals. It spends scarcely anything for their reform. BOXS PitODUCTS AWO PtTBSt FOOD. All Eastern Syrup, o-clled, nnllv varv oi ne vy body, Is mde from giucoae. -iea wraen Drpt" t made from uf ar Cane and is strictly pure. It 1 for sale by nrt-cls grocer, in can only. Manufac tured by the Pacinc Cow gTiur Co. All gen uine "Tea Garden Drift" have the mnuac turer'a nam lithographed on every can. '. Hon this f : " We offer One Hundred Dollar Bewrd for any cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball' Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHEKBY i CO., Prop., Toledo, O. ne thcundsnfsnsii. hsvokn.n r for the last 15 yean, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction and fin ancially able to carry out any obligation made by their Arm. , WetATrcax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. , Waldiso, Kibxs.h 4 JiiRvm, Wholesale Druggist, ToledOiO. Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken internally, act ing directly upon th blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price He. per bottle. Bold by all Druggist. Testimonial free. Hall' Faml'y Pllla are the best. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only rough medicine used in my house. D. C. Albright, Miflliuburg, Pa., Dec. 11, 1895. Schilling's Best is simply good honest tea, well grad ed, fresh -roasted, packed air-tight If you don't like it, your grocer returns your money in full. There is no other such dealing in tea. AachilltiicaCMvaaT aaa gem 41 fpt KOPLITHaT MI SICK r fLlum PILLS s ths Oa TblD b im . O" One for a Doss. SM Dnsslsu a So. bM Ssa su.d fra,, 44M Br. Besaaa Ms. C. Pail, r. for tracing and locating Gold or Silver or, lost or bidden treasures. M. I), VOVf Lua, Box U7 HoutiilnUKi, Conn. RODS A. wm ln i iujta r .Tio. ... So tim Sold m arantlsta. Tastas. Uotasi. ft 1 1 PAlllE'S CELERY No remedy in the world accomplishes these results like Paine's celery com' lionud. It nourishes, regulates and in vigorates the entire nervous system from the brain to the minutest nerve filament It causes an increased appe tite and tones up the stomach to deal with the increased food. Its nourish ing action is immediately manifest in a clearing np of the muddy, unhealthy skin, an increase in weight and more refreshing sleep. First discovered after laborious, scientific' research by the ablest physi cian America has produood. Prof. Ed ward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college, it is prescribed and publicly indorsed by the best practi tioners in every city in America., It has been so enthusiastically recom mended by grateful men and women in every walk of life that it is today in every sense the most popular remedy the world ever knew. . It has proven itself the greatest of all spring medicines. r In New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, St Louis and two or three GREAT deal of immense has been written and be lieved, about blood purifiers, What purifies the bloOd? MMM THE KIDNEYS PURIFY the BLOOD AND THEY ALONE. B diseased, however, they cannot, and the blood continually becomes more impure. Every drop of blood in the body goes through the kidney, the sewers of the system, every three minutes, sight and day, while life endures. puts the kidneys in perfect health, and nature does the red. The heavy, dragged out feeling' the bilious attacks, headaches, nervous unrest, fickle appetite, all caused by poisoned blood, will disappear when the kidney properly perform their function. There is no doubt about this. Thousands have so trrtifirri. The theory is right, the cure k right and health follows as a natural argtsrncf. Be self-convinced through per sonal proof. Rheumatis Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not sera to reach trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Threw bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon sble toniovs my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely snd am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy; S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guaianteed purely vegeta table) is exclusively for tbe blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out tbe poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Leading dealers everywhere sell FERRY'S SEEDS Don't risk ths loss of tins, Isbor snd ennsd . or Pisnuiisseeasof aosoown aaal- i nr. Ths markst Is foil of ch-sp. lorsllsMssMds. FUST'S Itttl STSSISS.S thl; do DOS uinumimiw. ossa snal r is. a.m. riRHTACO., Detroit, Mloh FINEIT IN THE WORLD. Pinck'i "C C " Razor xea 4-S. and 6-a t'ri-m ' s.ka Can be exchanged If not Salisfsctnry. Bend lor General Catalogue or Cstslogue of Sporting Goods or Sarber Supplies. WILL V FINCK CO., . - SSO Market St. San Frsnclsco, Cal. M1U A combined Binding and ' a Faeiric. Outwears all others dress Facing Iustproof,Wlerprof. tan not shrink or crinkle. Can be washed without rrnnv. Make the skirt ban. (racefullv. If four dealer will Msnursetniins o. no suppir you, aoaree weber 819 Market Ht., liboms 23-24, Han rranclaTo. Cal A' (Paciflo Coast Notice ta DenlrrmW srs nnan m nn,.(i..J for .icluslv. acancles. r--,. my mm 5 other large cities, the leading newspa pers, making their own canvasses agnin this year, have found that the demand for Paine's celery compound surpasses that of all other remedies together I Faint's celery compound, taken dur ing the early spring days, has even more than its usual remarkable tefli- ciency in making people well. It makes short work of disease. It rapid ly drives out neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and- rheumatism from the system. It removes that lassitude, or "tired feeling," which betokens weak ened nerves and poor blood. omon working in olose offices, sales women tired out and nervous from long hours' standing on their feet and wait ing on impatient, irritating customers; overworked, worried and disheartened men and women everywhere will be astonished to life becomes And how much happier when their nerves have been strengthened and their blood pari' nod oy moans or this great remedy. No other remedy ha the hearty ap proval of a like body of educated men and women and professional men, nor, has there ever been a remedy that was wept Away In Flood. Mr. B. V. Stnalley relates In a Chi cago newspaper a thrilling and very peculiar experience which be under went a few years ago in traveling In the Northwest With three friends be attempted to ford a slough of th Ya kima River la Washington, In a big j wagon a raws by four borsea. Mr. Smtl ley says: I Th river was very high, and tb I broad slough waa running like a mill I race, w know that th fordlng-plae waa narrow and tb water deep, but we expected nothing mors serious than to get our feet wet, But when we were about balf-way across, th lead horses got their bind feet ever tb double trees and became unmanageable; and then the wagon waa swept off th ford and into deep water. j On of my friends swam ashore, and two others climbed out of tb tall of th wagon and managed to keep their footing until they were rescued. I at tempted to set out In the same war. but before I could do so tb wagon waa swept into very uep water, overturned, and wagon, horses and I war. " 7 . " w " ; floundering in the currant I could not swim, and gav up all; hope of my life. I went under water, ' and thre ha,l a sr rlur nrir... of what psychologists call tb double! consciousness. It seemed as If I were two persons, on physical man, stilt intelligent enough to struggle among tbe horses, and tbe otber a conscious ness that was entirely serens and hap py, looking with admiration at tb beautiful water overhead, and wonder ing If th body would com asbor somewhere down tb stream and b re covered. This part of m felt quite delighted at being released from partnership with tbe other fellow. How long this lasted ; I do not know. I did not have any of i that vivid recollection of all tb events of Uf which men restored from drown ing usually tell about. Th higher con sciousness only felt that it was an in dependent spiritual existence, now for th first time released from dwelling In physical body. But now th body, In its desperst struggles, clutcbed the car of on of the horses. Tb horse got It . bead abov water, and tb man's head cams up with It Tb man was rescued by boat, and wltb extreme regret my high er consciousness was forced to re-enter its old dwelling-place. Shot Ahead of Armor Atsjlsv. Only a few years ago a process waa discovered by means of which th ar-' mor plates or war sblps could be as hardened on the fac that th best pro jectiles were shattered on striking them. This wss regarded as a ddiv victory for armor over guns. Recently however, tbe tables bavs been turned' once more. Ths first step, according to tb Scientific American, was tb placing of a cap of soft steel on the point of the projectile. This enabled the shot to penetrate the armor plat by preventing th breaking of th point Tben Increased velocity was given to the shot by ths nss of Improved powder. The result was that a sli-lncn solid shot was sent through ten inches of face-hardened steel, twelve Inches of oak-backing and tbres additional plates, each seven-sixteenths of an inch thick, after which tb shot prac- "-- uusu unimpaired, Dunea itself eight iei in a oang or sand. Tbs XDri. .peri- menu were made In this countrv anri both the best armor .ni tCb"u , ar of American invention. A SdentiSe Vision. Ons of ths popular attractions at ths Munich Congress - of Experimental Psychology last summer wss a dark room In which remarkable experiments with X-rays were performed. A chm ically prepared screen was placed in front of ths spectators, and tbs screen being rendered fluorescent by th rays, which proceeded from behind, a boy ws cstuseu to pass siowiy between th screen and the sourc of tbs rays. As hs passed, bis bones, as well as his heart, lungs and othsr Internal organs, wer visible In shadowy outlines, prof! J. Mark Baldwin, of Princeton, descrlb- mg mis experiment In th Popular Bel encs ' Monthly, says that ths mors menu. In regular rhythm, of th organs rcicrisu were plainly seen. "fcxeeVclssd Mtm. , "This bicycle eras has don ra a world of good," declared Bloomley "Why, you don't rider' "No, but Pv been knocked a total of mt issst i Ann r- ,. t,.. .. .. . . - suiiHiig , uon to aooge ooroHsrs."-Dtrolt GOUPOUD APR MS HIE HELL welcomed in so many intelligent, pru dent homos where pains is taken to get only the best in so vital a matter. In such families all over the country Paine's oelery compound il the first, last and only remedy used. Prof, Phelps had studied the nerves in health and disease, when well nourished and when under-nourished, In men and women and children years before he looked tor the remedy. Paine's celery compound is the outcome of his entire professional life. It is the one remedy that the world could not lose today at any price. Paine's celery compound induces the body to take on solid flesh. Physicians recognise Paine's celery compound as the one scientific spring reuieiiy, ami it it universally prescribed by them wherever there Is creat need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of health and strength to the worn-out system. Paine'a celery oompountLU the best spring remedy because it is more than mere spring remedy. It brings about healthy appetite, complete digestion, regular action of the bowels and the Gladness Gomes With a bettor understanding of th transient nature of th many phys ical ilia, which van tab before prmieref fort) gentle effort pleaaantefforU rightly dirvx-tcd. There is comfort in the kuowledge, that so many forms of alcknese are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a conatlpated condi tion of th svstem, which tii pleasant ! family laxative. Syrup ot Figs, prompt- "'; """"jy remedy with mllltoneoflanillles, and f. every where esteemed so highly by all who value good health, lu beneficial effect are due to the fact, that His th on remedy which promote internal cleanllneas without debilitatlns' th orF.Hn w!,k, li V-.il5! V.'f7,or all important, in order to got its bene- Uuial erreota, to note when yon pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by th Cali fornia Fig Hyrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggist. If In th enjoyment of good health, and the aystutn la regular, laxatives or other remedies ar tben not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, on may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the beat, and with th well-informed everywhere, 8yrup of (figs stands highest and is moat largely ,Jed and gives most general satisfaction. Sent Free! To any person Interested In humane matter, or who loves animals, w will send free, upon appliraiion, a copy of tbe "ALI.l ANl'K," t lie organ . of this Society. In addition to it in tensely interesting- reading, it con tain a list of ths valuable and un usual premium given by ths paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-111 United Charities BulMlnf, New York. Fop OIIBB Munis nss ssa lit'Sr:.-'?"-'' rr-." " " " -v. - r.ii .-"si zzz-z7".?zs rizzyazz? VPTCRB a4 ml S f 1API 3 Pot the last 20 years we have kept PisoV Cure for Con sumption in StOCK. and would Koonei tKfntr a trnvprvmin rmtlfl f ut : . K wunour SUgar m m risos uire. It is a sure seller. C in, i 7 ocmer. Michigan, September 2, Cheapest Power.. I! GUARANTEED ORDER. M H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline, i-a H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasolloe. I-a H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. i-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline. i-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. i-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. mo H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasolloe. State Your Wantt and Write tor Prlcet... 405-7 Saaaome Street San Francisco, Cal... AY. M other excretory organs whenever taltsn whether in summer or in winter, but as the greatest of spring remedies it bis extraordinary opportunities for lining, lug the body to throw off morbid h. mors that poison il and cause rheums, tism, neuralgia, near! trouble and i general low state of the health, as U spring the system is more pliable art chronio diseases so securely lodged li the system that they are with dlfflcultr ousted, become more tractable. Thoiinaml ot men and women lat found from personal experience that Paine's celery compound makes eopli well, and keeps all front sickness the laae it in tne spring. - Many a father and mother hv ika- tlced the unmistakable improvement la the health of their children from tak ing Paine'a celery compound In th. spring. It is the one scientifically ac curate remedy fitted by its ooinpmiltion to inorougiiiy pur try the blood and dis pel that exhausted feeltns- and set rid of skin t'"ais, headache and flu of de pression with Which children with weak, nervous systems, as well as grown people, are afflicted. BEST IN THE WORLD. 06 Models 97 Modols 06 Ideal SAO SO 3 Keeond-hanrl Machine of all aiatea from s-si to u aash, or on Inaisllmrnu. Write for Cat. als and Second-hand 1.1st. LIVII AUKNTS WAKThU. t-KKD T. MKHKIIX CO., P0STLAXD, OS. (POSANI, WAIH. WHEAT, i Mat saoner hv aue- lul aixwu aiiuu In l.l.icsxn. tt bur and Bril wheal Isms ab niarfiiia, fortunes n Men made en a small iH'Kiiinuii oy iraitnif ill fiiiursa. writ lot full oarilcuiar. Heat ot reiersnvw given. rt ytT' v pr.tnr on lha ChURtj) HosVfJ at Trmtlit, swid ft ihorfitich kiiowlf4r of tb bwt !. .HmnUif, lloi.kln. 4 tt . i l(rtf btitr4 ot Trml. Hrokttr. Ortir lu rurUs.ui, 'huq. nyvmmuw snvi men n hu EVERY HEN MM.hs is Sslsss Isms kstsrs M SUt 1 B satsrsssisssMssssUNSS Jff I I -ets-s sahsnmf ss ,' r. B Bswdf lSMHfsMe f tllUMfSSS Jg SS f ! SSSSS vtsss Okisksa. SfcsrtatOTMSjsssasatseOs is sa FHshss, Osl. iNtiurrsmtiLS TU1KV Mrs uoin AWSYWITH aaa sunns." OsaWlMl Seller, assri-s. ice. ua mum, w fCLIPSI MFC. CO. UrUail. Psrtlssd, Or., U.S. A. A cent Wsnlsd. FRAZER AXLE CREASE Bit! IS INI WOIL0. It wearlbf qlltlr anurpusd,inllr aliutins two bou ol snv nil r brand. Fra Iron Animal Oil. IUT THS USUIa FOR SAI BY OKRliON AND atsWWASHINOTOM MKKJHAHTS-sn and lslr urU. vsrwwwvssTrsr Ms, Wisou. solans atat r sSihiIiI slwsjs bs ssd FureailUron UwUUs. ltm,tBaltrblU.twr .ta. enrsa win rltr,ajn,i is , rbeaa. Tweftt rs easts d KB cured : no par ontll lias. NAKsriaLD m Saa Francisco. : " . . s.tore than we couid without RAVEN & CO., Druggists, tKfy 1896. U Rebuilt Gas and .Gasoline Engines fOR SALE CHEAP Hercules Gas ....Engine Works i m m -res ' - Gas, Gaiollns tod Oil Engine., J to $00 8. T,' '