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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
1 e0 1 n4-ls t SI ST OREGON MIST. CEO EVER! MtlDAY. olOKNlNt -- BEEGLE & DAVIS. .scripts IUIM. On eopy on ver Id edvauoe... One bouv sla. monttw... glutls oopj......--.-. - Advertinni wh mad knows upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Cesmtf filers. . . - t .V O VtntA Clerk , Juiinon WeedTV ernome Sheriff...... J. N- Rte, ClaUkanle taaw K.H. Wharton St. Helens Snpt. ot Schooll J. O. Watts, Scanpooea . -1. MtMh Whits. QlllnnV Surveyor.'.... ......W. N. Meeerve. Ueleua Corooar.r. Dr. A. P. McUren. Rainier , , i P. A. Frakes, Commissioners ;;:;";;.. . Fewr.ou.Mist MT. BBLENt, eMBOeil, MABCH I. It annears inat now that Secretary Kincaid ia the moat important official in the state. He ref uees to iasue war ranti on any of the several funda for carrying ou state business except hit wn salary and s few other items. Mr. Kincaid, in point of importance, ia all that the word implies. I the opinion of the Oregonian the nt nf th United States is a degen erate body composed of men of low morale. What effect, pie, will the sending of the mn who corrupted the Oregon legislature have upon the mor als of that "degenerate bt.dyt Will the influence of a man like Mr. Cor- bett have a tendency to raise me standard of the senate's morals? The tn ba eouaiateot. should cease its attacks upon the senate of the United Slates oenceiorio. Th people of Columbia couoty may some day exercise better judgment in selecting men for public positions than bas been done in some instances in the past. A public position should never be given any man for the mere purpose of helping hina along finan cially, fitness for the position to be filled should be the only consideration in filling public places. , There are plenty of honest capable men to fill all publio positions, and the exercise of business judgment will elect only reliable men as servants of the people. Cohgkess assembled in extraordi nary session last Monday, having been called together by President McKinley for tbe especial purpose, of revenue legislation. All parties seem to agree that something should be done to raise sufficient revenue to defray running expenses of the government, but as usual there is some difference of opin ion as to just how that reveuue should be raised. The extra session is called for a specs! purpose and consequently no business can be transacted other than that specified in the call, hence a new tariff law may be looked for soon. It is not expected, however, that the old McKinley law will be en acted, bnt, no doubt, the bill which will be passed by the extra session will increase import duties very mater ially over tbe present schedule. The country is ready for the change, and the sooner the meaaure is presented to the president for his signature the better it will be for tbe country. Mju CoRBrrr's credentials as sena tor from Oregon were presented to tbe senate by Senator McBride last Men- day, who asked that Mr. Corbelt be sworn in. ue was not sworn in, now- ever, as the question was raised that there were some irregularities con nected with the manner in which the appointee was chosen. Objection was made to the oath being administered, and Mr. Corbetl'a credentials were re ferred to the committee on priv ileges and elections. Much spec ulation ia indulged in as to wheth er or not the appointees from Flor ida and Oregon will be seated, and particularly in tbe case of the Ut ter. Tbe republicans need every vote possible to psss a tariff bill, but they cannet entirely ignore alt former prec edent which are adverse to the pres ent case. Of course- there is no fixed law governing such cases, and the ac tion of one senate does not necessarily bind another, but established prec edent has great bearing, with the body before whom tbe contest is brought. and tbe final outcome of this ease no one can foretell. It is safe to aay it will not be settled veiy hastily, and may not be decided during the extra session. WS BElIMVi SO, TOO. "The lamentation that under tbe precedent set this year at the capital, no legislature can ever be organized, if one-third of tbe members of either house are resolved to prevent it, is needless unhappiness. It may be easily guarded against by arrange ments as to preliminary organization. This time the minority was allowed to take the legal initiative. This was the vantage ground of the "Davis bouse" from which, in the circumstances, it could not be ousted. In future, atten tion will be given to the proceeding at tbe beginning, and there will be a pro gramme of organization. Beaides, there never will again be party divis ions and party conditions similar to those of the late opening of the assem bly. Repetition of these proceedings, for these reasons, will not be impossi ble. Let no one be alarmed. We ahsll yet have legislative sessions." Oregonian. We believe tbat the Oregonian is right that such elements will not again corns together under such conditions first, hsd the senate elected any other member excepting Joe Simon to preside over its deliberations, the hold up would not have been successful. Second, had Clerk Moody not reeog ' nixed a Simon-Bourne man in tbe house, on tbe first day, it could not have succeeded. Third, bsd not a Portland capitalist furnished about 150,000 In cash to aid Simon and Bourne, the attempt would certainly have failed. Fourth, hsd Oregon's chief newspa per been on the side of law and order, and always been on that side, so as to wield the influence such a newspaper ought to have and bas in other states, but, unfortunately, bas not in this one, the plans would have been broken to fragments. Fifth, bad times not been so bard, of the legislator! who told out for 20W to f 5000 a head would not have bven purchasable. Honesty in such snairs, strange a it niay Mem, in some individuals, tuui along pielty close to prosperity. butn, it would' not have occurred had not the people of lh various ooun tie. eleoted o many populists, under various political guises, to represent thorn in the legislature. 1 he list ruik-ut be extended to treat length. We believe, too, that "repetition ot the proceedings, for these reaaona, will not be possible," and that we ahall yet have legislative aeseiona. Salem statesman. WHAT THEY THINK OF CORBETT The appointment of H. W. Corbett for United States senator by Governor Lord Is a fitting climax to tba Or-gou disgrace and shows to the people the powerful influence ot mooev: how it can be used to thwart the will of the people. Hut why was Corbett appointed r me answer is . i "a ne not furnish the mont-y to care for. and feed, and wine and dine the Donulbls and furnish them female typewriters Didn't be fur- nun tne money wim wnicn to encourage Hie booillor representatives in me legisla ture to miki the holtl-uo rjosaibleT A man ought to be entitled to what ha buys and pays lor. Astoria neraia. The Morning Oregonian was condemned by the populists, disliked by the democrat, despised and not wanted by the Mltchellitee. Nevertheless, Harvey Seott succeeded ia using the pops, defeating Mitchell and bavins1 Henry Corbett appointed senator. It seems that he laughs best who laughs last. Oswego Iron worker. Tbe question now arises, ean Mr. Corbett be seated? Opinions differ widely.' Tbe Statesman says: "A majority believe he will not be. Their reasons are rood Kbnnld the senate make it a Draetice to seat senators in all cases where facetious legis latures nave failed in the performance of their functions it would be bat a short time until the United States senate would be composed of ninety men who could not be elected by the people's representatives to seals uerein. roia vouuty unserve. The appointmeat of H. W. Corbett for United State senator by Governor Lord is not generally approved by the republicans of Clackamas eountv. His appointment is but a confirmation of the popular idea was ue uniteu otaies scnaie ama urgenvr ated into a millionaires' club. There is no disputing the fact that his money wssaa important factor In his suocesj. Kot tbat he directly bought his way in, but bis wealth aod his business connections through bis banks, railroads and other in terests, made ot mm a man suttaoie to au vance the interests of Joseph Simon. M r. Corbett has served s term ia the senste be fore, being elected in 1883 by tbe legislature as tbe dead-lock candidate in the contest between Governor Gibbs and John H. Mitchell. Oregon City Enterprise. - trill Not Seat Corbett. WuHtaato, March 17. The determina tion of the republican managera of the sen ate not to give time to the consideration of the cases of appointments by governors of states was reached only after it was found that tbe democrats were determined to i sist the seating of tbe appointees as long as they could talk, and that they would be aided in this bv the silver reDublican and tne popn lists, mere is a teeung among manv senators who reallv believed tbat the governors had a right to appoint in the cases of Montana and Washington four years ago Wat, it Harms; been settled by s vote of the senate against admission, It is well to make it a precedent for tbe future, and make legislatures responsible for the vacancies of a state in tbe senate except in cases of death or resignation, when tbe legislatures are not in session and appoint ments are provided for. One senator, discassing the Oregon case, said that, if the Oregon appointment was sustained, that hereafter it would be in the power of 11 men in the atate senate, bv re fusing to go into organization to prevent forever the election of a senator and make the governor the sole official to choose sen stors. Some six years ago tbe senate in Florida refused to vote for senator, and as s body refused to go into joint session with tbe bouse. Some of tbe senators went into joint session with the b.use. a sufficient Dumber to make a majority of the legisla ture. They voted for Call, and be held bis seat without a aissenttng vote. THE FATE OF DAVIS. Alas, poor Davis I His bouse eaanot ad' joorn. Without a quorum It can bnt ad journ from day to dsy, and a quorum will never come. Some members adopted a resolution to dissolve, but what of that? There was no quorum and the adoption of tbe resolution was Illegal. The Daris house cannot ad journ. Davis has gone home, haunted with the consciousness that bis bouse has net ad journed. In bis waking hours, voices whisper. "No quorum, no quorum," and in hi dreams there runs the refrain, "Bayer, Berkley, Bourne, Bridges, Bilyen," snd so on aown ins list ot loose wno wouia and those who would not. He awakens from uneasy slumbers to hear tbe night shriek "You can't sdionrn. adiourn. adioarn." Other houses msy com snd may go, bat tbe Davis bouse goes on forever. Ft may resolve to dissolve, it msy scatter to the uttermost part or tue eartu. it may bide its hsplesss hesd from tbe sate of man. but still tbe mighty truth rings on, "Ths Davis bouse cannot adjourn." There is ne escape for Davis. Thosgh be fly to Cuba and follow the fortunes of her struggling patriots, ins gargling wounds ot everv Spaniard stain wilt moan. "Yon can't adjourn." Though swift to far-off irete ne uies ana aetps its noDie cause, yet every ajing i urs wui curse at aim ana cry, " Yon never can adjourn." The song will baunt him to his last sad hour and on tbs slab erected where he sleeps, this tribute will appear: Here Ueth one whom heaven nor ben can hold, For mighty truth proclaims blm still on earth. Yea. when this circling inhere Itself grows cold, a u inuw DuKai mure Ji unman woe or mirtn Bis spirit still is doomed te linger on, Tbe last and only evidence of man. Ask you the sin of this most wretched pawn? au Douse ass not sajournea n or ever ean. . Conrallia Gazette. Pennoyer Sees tbe Point. Tbe following letter appeared in tbe Ore gonian Monday: "Pobtiato, March 8. )To the Editor.) Will you permit me to speak briefly in your paper on a most important matter? A reg ular session of the Oregon legislators bss been prevented. If this bsd been accom plished by an armed force, It would have oeen criminal, it it naa Deeu accomplished by an unorganized mob it would have been alarming. But is it anv the less criminal snd siarming when accomplished by the ciionen representatives 01 tne people, wno, recreant to their duty, refused for 49 days after the time set for the commencement of the session, to take their oath of office and axsist in making the required quorum in the house? Tbe 27 populist and republican conspirators who thus struck a treasonable blow at our established institutions are guilty of a most grave crime. And those 13 populists, who, by thus refusing to per form their duty e legislators, have directly become instrumental in the appointment of a mouometalic national bank president as senator from Oregon, can expect to inherit nothing but the pity and contempt of the npie. Ana let me say in conclusion mat is citixena of Oregon, of all nartiaa fail in rebuking this first step toward the over turning of our civil government, already taken, then, indeed, will our free institu tions be destroyed and liberty will be lost. "STI.VBSTOS PBUBOTSB." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. PYJH w Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for It! great leavening strength and healthfulneaa. Assures tli fond against alum and all forma of adul teration oommou to the cheap brands, aor al BiaiMO rowoaa Co., saw voaa. WHERE IS NEWKliIi? The question of tbs shortage of C. H. Newell, school clerk for tbe BU Helens dis trict, and his absence from his home sines tbs tacts became known baa been ths tonic of conversation for tbe psat tan days. Newell disappeared en Monday night of last wees ana ntts nm sinuv vwvu umm from. The school board on the following Thursday bad a warrant issued tor bis ar rest and Constable Kobinson made an at tempt to arrest the fugitive but waa net successful. Ths matter is now in the hands of Portland detectives, bowever, ana some new developments may be looked for soen. For the year beginning March , 18U8, Newell was not under bonds, for the reason that he refused to give a new bond, claim ing that as he was re-elected his old bend held over. The school board did not push the matter and demand a new bond as re- auired bv law, and in consequence are utt er obligation to the district to the amount of the shortage which occurred during the year lHWi. which will probably reach 958. For the year 1HU5 Newell gave a bond and tbe shortage during that year appears to be something over fc!00, which amoant will, no doubt, be made good to tbe district. It had bees surmised for several months that there waa something wrong with the school clerk's sccounts, for in one or mors instances warrauts bsd been paid out of their regular order aud when warrants of prior date were presented there was no money to redeem them. Tbe school board called a special meeting to look into the matter, but when the meeting was held Newell msde the excuse tbat be bad sot had time to check op his books. A second meeting was called and Newell summoned to appear with bis books, but be ignored the meeting and did not appear. There tbe matter rested until the annual school meeting on the first of this month, when he was re-elected. At this meeting a sneciai committee waa srJDointed to sz- amtns into tne sccounts ot ins ciers, out .. .... . .... he again stated tbat be had not his vouch ers with him and thus ths committee's work was delayed a few days. -What became of the monev Newell is ebsrged with having embessled is s ques tion. He bss not lived eztravsgant and bas apparently been doing a fair amount of business in bis grocery store. But the Columbia "bank ' of which be bad the honor of attaching bis nsme sa "cashier." ia also closed ud on attachment to secure deposits, and this bsnk business hss proba- oiy got miu up wwn miv bcuooi ulsinct. The bank, bowever. did not do much busi ness as there seemed to be s general lack of conbdence tn the concern tor reasons toai ought to be apparent to all observers. If Newell should be arrested and punished it would be out of tbe usual order of things in this couaty, for in the light of past his tory, very few persons are punished for crime, and indeed it is seldom that a fugi tive is arrested after be passes the bound ary line of tbe county. To the everlasting shame of the county our laws are violated and the guilty parties go on their way re ducing, ouciciy ueuiauus m tnis state aw things should not continue snd that every effort should be made to punish those who transgress tbs law. Real Estate Transfers. B. M. Mantilli to Julia Mantilla, wM of sec 8. to 4 n. S west: $2. Ellen Owens snd husband to E W Co ri vers, ne'4 of ivW, lot 2, see 10, tp 7 n, r 4 west; f 156.00. Ole Olson by sheriff, to Christina Olson. nwH of sett of sec 1, tp 5 n, r 2 west; I960. W J Boss et si to Andrew Anderson and David Bailie, a parcel of land not located: 450. Joseph VanBlarlcom to Martin Daviaoo, Mock 12, lota 12 and 3, block 13. and lot 1. block 14, East Bide Addition toVernonia; tl80. Lyman Jonas and wife to Jesse B Jones, st)4 of nwK. H of sw. swK of sw& see 11, tp 7 n, r 4 west; $1. L B Jones snd wife to J A Kemp, se) of see 3, tp 7 n, r 4 west: flfiOO. Snssnna C Lamberson and bnsband to Dora Barnett and husband, 10 acres in Aaron Broyles' donation claim : tl. Susanna Lamberson and husband to Ada Rronse and husband, 10 acres in Broyles' donation claim : SL Henry Mouiton to Claud I Monlton, nw K see 35. tp 6 n, r 6 west: II. W A Edgsrton. by sheriff, to Richard Everding, nts of see 6, tpfln, r 3 west; 11101 60. B 8 Fullerton te Astoria Railroad Com pany, right of wav: 300. CP Ferry to James Wallace and WL Graham, undof awj of nw. and lots s snn 4, sec w, too n. r 0 west; A 8 Grabam and wife to Astoria Railroad Co. right of way across lot 10, sec 2, tp 7 n, ro west; etau. 8 C Hoadley and wife te James Dart, as H sec 19, tp 6 n. r 2 west: tlOOO. Daniel Anderson and wife to G W Bush- ford, mw or sett and n of swtt and sett of nW see 33, tp 7 n, r 3 west; 3500. C L lyres snd wife to J B Wilverdina. "tt of swtt of awtt sec 19, tp 3 n, r 2 west; 100. Kate Burkbead and husband to Astoria Railroad Co, right of way; 160. Joseph Dixon and wife to Asioria Railroad IO, right or wav, Vi. J HDeardorff and wife to Sarah D Bui United States to L B Jones, sett of nwtt ( or iwh ana swi oi swtt, see 11, tp 7 n, r 4 west ; patent. United States to James H DeardorS, t see 28, tp 7 n, r 2 west; pstcnt. fUsewnsaUlsaa Qaiekly Cared. After having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying oat 925 In doe- tor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of Ssnlt Sts. Marie, Mich., wss cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and has not since been tronbled with tbat complaint. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible established house In Oregon. BaUrv 1780 and extMiiaes. Pnaltloo permanent. Reference. Koclose self-addreand stamped envelope. The National, Star insur ance Bldg., Chicago. BOB. Thomas. At Yankton. Friday, March 12, vsui, to tne wire ot u. 1 nomas, a son. Baeokb. At Yankton. Friday, March 12, 1807, to the wife of U. Barger, a sou. RicHABDSoa. On Wednesday. Msrch 17, im. to ths wife of D, W. Richardson, a daughter. DIED. BPLAWN. At Deer Island, Oregon, on weanesaay, siarcn itn, iwi, Stephen Splawn. Tbe interrment took place at Masonic cemetery testerday at 1 o'clock, conducted by tbe Masonic fraternity, of which order deceased -was a member. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 1807 SEED CATALOG FULLY ILLUSTRATED Free on Application. Send for It. BUELL LAMBERSON 180 and 18a Front Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or MONTE VISTA NURSERY A clioioe lot of Red Winter Apple trees, sneh as Ben Davis. Bpitienberg, Northern Spy, Buldwin, King, Melon, aud Uravenstelo, - ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Phm Pji. Plum fruits Blackberry, Kaspberry, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Wiueberry and Currants. FAY'S ritOLIFIO CURRANT, as large and five times as proiiiio as tne unerry uurraut. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are grown on we endeavor to dig inspected and pronounced clean and liiriity. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would like you want trees. Price list seut free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon MAYGER ITEMS. About six inches of snow fsll her lsst week. W. J. Sanborn Is down with rheumatism at tbe present tints. Mr. Losk. of this Dlece. killed alargs wildcat last Saturday. The thermometer registered IS degrees above sero here on ths 11th Inst. Messrs. Wilson snd Dickson, of this place, paid Chinook beach a visit last weak. with his brother-ia-law, F. Liilard, last week. Mrs. Clara Wilson, who has been lick the past week, is able to be up and around again. Mr. O'Hare, proprietor ot the saloon st this place, made a trip up the river last week on business. 8. M. Boats Is baallng cord wood for a coal pit. Mark says that kind of work is nam on nia uanas. VSTANTED r'AITUFUL MKN OB WOMKN TV to travel lor responsible established house in Oregon, eaiary S7W ana expenses, rosition nennauant. Reference. Knclose sell-addrsssed stamped envelope. Th National, Star insur ance mug., vnicago. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. wSSa, si - -ctet 10 DOZEN GALLON CANS OF PEACHES GALLON CANS. OF APRICOTS ONLY 25 CENTS A CAN A. H. TARBELL, HOULTOS, . . OBKUON PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW Will practice In all courts of Oregon or Wash lngton. Prompt attention given to conveyanc ing and notary'a bueiuesa. . Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNBELOR-AT -LAW, ST. HELENS, OBEGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner of iJeeds for Waahtnatoit, and an exper ienced collector in connection with office. 8. D. DENNIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Gkkbbal Law Fiacticz. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' liens, etc. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon and Washington. Tavlob Boildiso, - - Br. Hsxbss, Ob. JJE. ZDWIM K08H, t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ... St. Helens, Oregon jtb. a. k. curr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt, Helens, Oregon. QB. I. . HALL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clstsksule, Columbia oounty. Or. R. MK8KBVB, Surveyor and Civil Engineer PEI.ENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKEBLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table la snnnlled with the best the mirk.t effortls. Everything clean. A share of your pat rouave Is solicited. BT. HKLENH. OKKiiuH Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Vaarh. Anrlnnt and Guinea trees, imitll fir timber soil, have good roots, which and ship with trees. Trees have beau to do business with' you. Writ us if tsf Hir ih -fn " Your i IfnnAv'o Wnrtli AUVUVIJ U 11 VI 111 Every Time Dolman's Store. ... Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable barber haa his rasors Just aa snarp as ean oa louou, ana win snare you ootulottably and quickly for ouly U cauls. ST. HELENS, t OREGON AH kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short -uol ice. Builders' Material Of the best qnality delivered to any point ou the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address an orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. WHITE COLLAR LINE O R. & N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. TELEPHONE. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at T A. M . leaves Astoria dally except ttuuday at 7 P, H. R. R. THOMPSON, o. . v. CO. Leaves Portland dally except Hunday at ( P. M Leaves Astoria dally except Huuday at 7 A. U ,v.. n, .V. . 1 i i . . ...... ... u .us .ww w,uH.nif r,n on nolo boats. V. U. WJOTT, President. Jt. A. BEELEY, AgCUt iile TO THE , : .. ' ' ' 1 GIVI8 THB CHOICB O Two Transcontinental Rentes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAT OF ookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DEH7ER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW BATE! TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W, II. HURLBURT. General Freight and Pass. Agt., Portland. E. McNeill, Pres. and flaaaitr, Lumber tirOCUriCe VJAUIHAB7- DART & MUCKLE ST. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Stock of Rubber ' SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, ST. HELENSMEAT MARKEf All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Mata by Whole! At Special Rate. MAIN BTRtiHT, i t Ofllreoi FOB A SHORT TIME ONIt, Wosol a Ijstmici'h. FUSTI.AHD. Or.. Mau. S MM. I hevtearatnel the Knryvlvpedlf Dleltonarr. and In nr Jutlatnenl III Is an txeoedlnslr valuale work, ami the most perret dletlouarv nowe-l taut. 1 Hurt It to he a complete etymo eal, orlho- (raimiaal aim nia turfaal treatment ot the Kogllsh lan fuase. It Is a whole library In llsalf. Oso. H. Williams Encyc A limited number of sets or this great Ks-ettnrurr sen tral ol ths lliiltnl Slates, ana si sen tor ol ths United Btstea. -AT ONCE A- Dictionary! 5359 pages, 25o,ooo word.s produced at a cost of ?oo,ooo. four nuiMHive volumes. X nil rw ' 91 60 er WU I U U nd ddre8 10 will be supiiliod with soma Street, Ban rranoiscu, Uslilorola. Clatskanie Drug Store Net and Patent Medicines Siflt.nnMT SrTinnl RnnVft A AAAAAA A A AtA aV d yity ,s .Aa AJ . ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all times be found supplier! with the best edibles snd delicacies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis- taction ta an our patrons, 4 J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens. Or. tV V y aj. y sy asy y ay PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIJ f'-.Jff isw. aw BTEAMER O. VT. SHAVER, DeU Bhaver, Master. Commenolng April 1ft, 1808, will leave Portlsnd, of Washlnton street. TiimM Thursday end Uumlay evenliiKS at ft o'elopk. rletiirnlnir-Leaves Clatskanle. (H1 Fft ?ilJU.nff),u?il",J!vWAdnM'Jr' nnd Kr,,,By "'"nlnjfrs nt ft O'clock. Will p ", PuJ?! fteKli' H!e,.l!L8,"';f, -' ' Klama 0:l.; Ht. Helens 10:30. Arri in l ortlsnd 1 :30 A. M, Tbe company reserves tlie rijjlit to chancre time without notl SIIAVKH TRANSPORTATION COMfAfV. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & CZr I 1 13 . Ti f -r m J W sTr-n )X XX Jr- I . I ' I It JLJUi FOR PORTLANE Leaves Kelso MomUvi wuinU..i ,i tr-. . a .t. . , l.favei Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. Boots and Shoes 1 Hay and Grain, . " . ' JaiTlCS H. Shcfdon, BT. IIKLKNH. OKKOON, THE GREAT work will be distributed at the ' low Introductory prices," Encyclopaed - 5o,ooo cncyclopaodic rabjocti entire work ; balance In be 11 tl mini 1 1 (- saujpli ii, lor on year, nenu your umi !taat. NMSrafiu tier Hvri(liiats aita tnm pie iisgni (or examination. 'K&a- DR. J. E. HALL Proprietor. i Select Stock. and Druggist's Notions. PrpMrinHnn P9nfnll rnmnnnni'fl aud solicit your patronage. y sup auM.awsuysuysisusau yyl COMPANY'8 RIVER 8TEAMER ,T t- t- . , ( fi