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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1897)
OREGON MIST. 11 fc. fctfcHW Ml WAV M0HNINO '.. .: BEEGLK 4 DAVIS. One cnjiy on year Ik ad raao.., ...,... 11 M Dim cot')' sis uioiitlil,... - Ml HlatU copy...,....,.,.,,.,,'.........,..,....,..,, ( Advertising ratm mad known upon appltratloa COI.CMMA COUNTY DIRECTORY. CNtf Aftleera. Jnrtir Joaeuh B. Doaa. TUInl.r tier Judson Viel, Varoonia Treasurer .'.V."'.V. m'. whanna t. Helena adjourned, or whether it is still in ten ItT TBS COURTS DECIDt. Th legislative problem has become t sort of chotouU and no doubt the reeding public i tired of hearing the ubjoct mentioned, for it ha been the theme of comment in the Oregon pre for the pant 40 day, .till it it such muldle that we may be pardoned fo referring to the matter onoe more A the situation now stand nobody know for a certainty whether we have had a session of the legislature or whether it still exist, though it uow devolves upon Mr. Simon, president the senate, to get a decision of the court as to whether the senate has AMKWMir.. ..Martin White, Qnlner an intparaliv Sra:::::::::::rf npu M'- .nd it devoi. Commissioner . iJetc,SPjiu! uPn atm 10 K " decision in me matter. i.ven it the house could IT. HELENS, ORESOK, MARCH . hew legislative reform refuse take the oath of office. to Oni of the very first acts of the new administration should, be to appoint a man register of the Oregon City land office. IT is now in order for the populist to begin their campaign for 1898 by reasserting their great love for the dear lax burdened common people. and promising them remedial legisla tion if they will just elect them again. Tub official vol lor vice-president was : Hobart, 271 ; Sewall, 149 ; Wat- sen, 27. If Bryan had been elected there would have been no election of vice-president by the people. The populists would have enjoyed that sit uation immensely. ' CtMi.Dk would like to stay outside ot the United State and yet enjoy cer tain inside advantages, without taxa tion, liability to military services or other inconveniences. The free trade existing between onr own states is wbat Canada desires, but there is little probability that she will get it. be organised now it would be useless if the senate haa alre idy adjourned for it ci.uld not proceed with business any more than the senate could while the house wa unorganised. Abundant opportunity is offered Mr. Simon for making a lest of his ruling that ifr resolution adopted by the ma jority of the senate to adjourn without date was unconstitutional There are number of senator' who will refuse to again enter the senate until a decis ion by the con its i bad, or they are convened in extra session by a procla mation from the governor. Now let Mr. Simon order en of those senator arrested aud brought before the bar of the senaUt to show cause whv he should absent himself therefrom. In this manner the matter can at once be brought before the circuit court, ana a speedy decision from the su preme court can be had upon the qnes iton. It is now President McKinley and ex-President Cleveland. The country took its second step toward . pros perity yesterday. The first was COMPOUND FALSEHOOD. "Minnie Haha in last week' News trie to explain away the falsehoods stated in a previous issae by further stretching th truth in reference to the personnel of the late lamented legisla tore. In one place "Minnie" says there re 13 populist in th boose and in another only 12. Which is right, or whether either ia right, we leave our readers to jndge one statement by the other. One or th other or both are token on November 3d, last The Mo- wronS witness false In one par Kiuley administration is on the throne ticul"r " P"nd t fl 1L" at Washington and a special session 1 ne n"ur,s 01 ,ne "reUry of state, of contrea will con vena on the 15th howeer' Und printed in these of the present month, from which the co,unnM ? week g- t-wit: Fif- country may expect good results. lee.n PPU"Wi republican, 3 union-Dimetattio (.populist), 4 demo- At least a dozen times- in the past crat; total, 60. Necessary for a quorum two years the dispatches from Havana to transact business, 40. The republi reported that the Spaniards had the . U told, are two short of that Cubans "cornered,- and the iniurrec- number. But at all times there were Uon on the point of collapse. Yet tbe 1 29 d often 34 republicans present, insurgents continued to flourish, and n(1 conceding "Minnie s ' state occasionally they mad a demonstra- meut that were are but 12 populists tion at the gales of Havana. The to lroe. (which is not the case), latest tale that Weyler is on the point I tbe7 wiln lhe 29 or 34 republicans, of trapping Gomez and dispersing or 1 could haft made op the 40 to con- capturing his army ia likely to have a Stitut a quorum. There was no time similar sequel. Spain' position in tn th"8 could not have been done Cuba, it seems safe to assert, i not had the populists been there for the improving. I purpose ot serving the people instead I of serving an individual master who OtrraiDB of the leaders in this city I carried tho sack. When the populists and the strikers in other part of th could have organized th legislature county, the better element of the pop-1 at any time and failed to do so, is it wist party denounce the late hold up not a fact that they are responsible for m severely as do th republicans, aod the failure? UBea and hi lieutenant will not "Another Haha" in the same paper. nave men a walk over in this county land probably written by the same oer- as they had at th last election. This son quote Th Mist a savior before do of Bimonism which U'Ren has the legislature met a follows: "That given his party will so disgust all dec- party (meaning th republican) has a ent men in it, that at the next election large majority in both branches and both he and his party will be Bent to there ia no good reason whv the join Simon in hi retreat to which the pledges made before election should GRASS AND CLOVER Vegetable : and : Flower : Seeds SEND FOR FULLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. wTta? !Anoi. Stock, Low Prices. Mail Orders Solicited and Satis faction Guaranteed. BUELL LAMBERSON i8oand 182 Front Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or . CLATSKANIK. at Ira Orphia Lewis is apsndin few day In our oily with friends. Henry Krat and Frank Merrill, two of our merchants an in Portland this week. Mrs. Stevens and famllv have moved buck to town, occupying th restdenoeof llrue Haines tor the present. new pui-cliaae tut property formerly owned by H. D. Llgselt, W. H. fonven g t a fall which bruise.! him eonsitlerably and tnteit very iliirl uli for hint to tx nroiui.l (or two or tures days, but tit reports himaell' on duty atfuiu. George Sunderland and wife have gone to live on th Jack I'avnv plaee for the summer. Ueorire expects to work at Sal dern'a canis and will be near his work. Th Burr district selected Morris Frank lin school director in pine of L. Leonard, and re-!ecled J. M. Keddick clerk. Their school hoard ronsists of IS. H. Wood, t'liaj. Doisvert and M. Franklin. Nathan Tingle is newly elected scliool di rector in tho Qnincv district and G. W. Barnes was elected clerk for the ennui tig year. The board there in Lvruaa Junes, K. A. Ltllach and Nathan Tingle. Conuty Purveyor Meserve haa been In town a few days with an extensive map of th ltryaut estate, with ha divisions and subdivision aa platted by him in recent surveys. H. h. Warren is assisting- In get tins parwrs in sban for aiirnaturra limkinv to an amicable adjustment of lona- standing obstructions in the way of division of the property anion the heirs. That a aettle meut way be arrived at to the general wish. A little enisode at the ahiniria mill otin day last week emphasised the necsity for an understanding between partner in ad vance. A considerable pile ot shinnies was laid out to be sold to tav for beltiua: and aawa according to one partner, bat the other part ner authorised ten thousand to be uaed tora different purpose. When a t'am came to haul away the ten tliousand shingles there was onite a circus between rjartners. one piling the shinalea on a sled and the the taking them off again. The "off bearer" was reinforced and the idiingles did not go; but the other partner at once Mooned the mill and removed a little nart of the machinery, so the mill is silent since Partis have slept over the matter a little and au agreement is expected soon. MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Red Winter Apple trees, enoh as Ren Davis, 8piuenhrg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Molou, and Uravenstein, ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Cherry, fear, rium. Peach. Anricol ami Oninra Inwi amiill iruuauiacgoerry, itasioerrv, tJimntborrv, Ftrawlwrrv , Wineberry and Currants. FAY'S l'KOUr'IO CURKANT, as largo and five times a prolific a the Cherry Currant. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are jtrown on fir limber n.ll, have food roots, whic weenil.svor to dig and ship with troes. Trees have been inspected aim pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would liko to do business with you. Wtite us you want trees. Price list seut free upon application. A.k HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon Groceries, Clothing. Boots und Shoes DART & MUCKLE $T. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Stock of Rubber Goods PROFESSIONAL. The annual school meeting this year ATTORNFV - AT - T AW brought out quite a crowd. Soon after the " HI - V i - L.A VV notices were nosred a verv few rest!ee spirits began sn agitation for a change in the hixh acliiol and for a reconstruction g?nerally. Or. Hall wss tbs retiring di rector and a number of people determined ne anouia o re-eiectea, so mat lively in terest was awakened in advance. Quite a Dumber of women look advantage of the opportunity given them to vol and were present. The kickers seemed to lack ren- eralship and could not agree on a candidate wno wouia agree to ruu for some time. when K. B. Elliott wss selected snd on s vote st the meeting received 10 votes against -M for Dr. Hall. The clerk had not been exactly in sympathy with the acts of the board and was retired to give nlac to George Tichecor, who becomes bis suc cessor. There was an overwhelming a uremon ot commence in th oresent man agement of the schools and an additional month was voted to the terra, makina- it eight months. Will practle In all courts of Oregon rr Wash tngton. Prompt anention siren to convevenc tnif and notary's busluusa. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNBV AND COUNSELOR-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner of Deeus tor Wahlnatnn, snd anexper- Dear "CaJlte." republicans of Portland will consign him. Oregon City Enterprise. Job Simos in teaching the populists the trick of holding np the legislature is cutting a club that i liable to crack hi own head some day. For should the turmoil" that b ha etirred np in the republican party result ia sending eleven populists to the senate at some future election, these eleven men could hold op th entire legislature of Oregon, and should be be fortunate or unfortunate, enough to be a mem ber at that time, tbey would be just as liable to put their hold-up on against him as they now have been to favor him with it. Some day the people of Oregon will have their constitution so amended as to prevent a handful of men from blocking all legislation and robbing the taxpayers. Oregon City .Enterprise. Jhc rump senate, which has been holding daily session at Salem tine the regular senate and house adjourned one week ago, has dissolved and th members gone home. An attempt was made by Simon, Bourne, et. aL to compel the men who had been faithful to their trust by staying there during the 40 dsy to stay indefinitely, but the at tempt failed flatly. The fag end of the disgrace has quit, and we trust the state will never be cursed with another such. The only remedy by which the peopl might get relief is through a special session which may be called at the option of the governor. It might be added in this connection that the rump Davis house, with half a dozen members and ten sergeants at-arms, is still holding daily sessions in the lioufe chamber. They probably have not yet, in their wisdom, learned that Hie farce iu the other end of the build ing ha dissolved. not be carried out to the letter, and we predict they will be." Th Mist do not dispute the fsct that the re publican had large majority in both houses, but "a large msjority" doe not necessarily mak a quorum Tbirty-one would be a majority of tbe house, while it takes 40 or two-thirds to do busines. Thirty-eight is large msjonty" of 60 but it is not th necessary two-thirds. In th senate the republicans had enough to make a quorum and tbey promptly proceeded to business on tbe first day, showing that party to be in good faith. Why did not lb bonse do likewisef Simply because tbe opposition to the republi cans had a sufficient number to ob struct, and ibree-fourth of that op position were populists, who were the personal guast of Jonathan Bourne at the Eldridce block, where number claimed they had free board, uugjug, wnisKy, oigsrs na women as long a they desired to remain there. Again Tbs Mist predicted that the pledges would b carriMl mil in it, a letter because it thought after the populist had shouted so long and lood for reform ther would be in their seats like men and take th oath of otnee instead of skulkine abont the state house trying to keep out of sight of tbe speaker. The iiinr again prs- uicts mat moae pledge would have been made good bad not the populists prevented tbe organization of the bouse. Coma again. "Haha:" the mora vnn talk the better. Daasjer f (he tVrip. Fbe greatest danger from la griDneisof its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care Is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tsken, all danger will be avoided. Among tbs tens af thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have not yet to learn of a single ease having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certaio preventive of that dread disease. It will enacts permanent cure In less time than any other treatment. The 2$ and 60 cent sizes for sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Lines to the memory of Callie, the be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. tshanna han, who died at her home in Vsrnonia, February 15, 1807: Our hearts are saddened when we think Ul loved ones gone before; Yet weep we not as though we ne'er Buoam see mem any more. Our Father, in the home beyond. Has taught ua in his love; Tbat though we must be parted here. n e soon snau meet a Dove. Her home is sad, her face b missed From where it used to be; But God to her hath kindlv said: i nave a piac lor mee." Then rest, dear Callie. rest: Best peacefully where thou art laid. I E'er thou into this world was brought This bed for thee was made. And when we're called from this vsin world, This world of toil and care, To pass to those bright realms above, Catlie will await us there, A Swcsb FamD ana TsacBta. shewBMtissa Qwlrklv Cared. After having been confined to th house for eleven days and paying oat $25 in doc tor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of Bsult St. Marie, Mich., was cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents aud has not sines been tronblcd with that complaint. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. S.. D. DENNIS, Attorney ani Counselor at Law. Gknibal Law Pbactics. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' Hens, etc. 1U practice In all th eourta ot Oregon and Washing 'aa. Tatlos Bcilsimo, - - Br. Hilsxs, O. DR. EDWIN K08S, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon j-jr. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' Bt. Helens, Oregon. )R. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskauie, Columbia county, Or. 1000 Men Vaoted TO Unload Schooners Not sealing schooner, lumber schooners or prairis sciiooners. but schooners of beer at th "Model Saloon" J. S. CI-ONINGER, Prop. At Mr. Clonlnser'a tilace nf hnalnaaa auo os iu:mu me De I Dranus oi CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY AMD "CASPARILLO" CIGARS. Front Street, - St. Helens, Oregon. Decker's BARBER SHOI J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old snd reliable barber hat hit rasora Inst aa sharp aa can tie found, and will shave you wuuwwui sua uuu-k iy lor ouiy 10 esuta. ST. HELENS, : OREGON Lumber T. J. Curros. H. iUIK. ALLEN A CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ST. HELES8, - OREGON. Have Patience, Brother. Raisiib, Or., March 2, 1807. N. HE8ERVE, Surreyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Editors Mist: Now that the nineteenth Platting and Engineering work promptly session or tna iirovn ii.i . tt. m i. . ki.. i of the past, may we not slop snd reflect for a momeat upon our social and political IflPT IXTT" 4 T condition, and debate ith nnnl ik. ""-"-"JJ whys and wherefores of all this shams that HOTEL A. H. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. has been throat upon the state of Oregon T n j T n . . It Is a lamentable condition Indeed. it Board DV Day, Week 01 Month AT REASONABLE RATES. occurs to me has been th result of the roost dastardiv trickerv kind in a political sens. We. who ha stood shoulder to shoulder in tbe reform movement sine its infancy, cannot fail but fee! deeply chagrined at the action of our representatives at tbe seat of state govern ment. We have, to put it mildly, been victims of deception, more or less, since toe lounuing or our party. From tbe local offices tbat we here been successful in se curing to member of congress our leaders have forgotten those who placed them in responsible positions ss soon as tbey were elected, snd in many instances bave paid little attention to the great fundamental Srincipleaupon which they were elected, hort comings of men are to be overlooked to considerable extent, and with each direjict public servant ws hare sued for pardon and promised, if given another op portunity, to do better. But have these promises been kept? Thestste legislature wut ws nave always hoped for good results from our renreaantati,.., tha v.... in that we bave also failed, and failed in a "''"" excuses cannot be found adequate, for there is no ezensa xcnt that V-.. again been deceived, and may we not ask here, who are to be frosted f If nitn. sentativea in the legislstur had made an effort to accomplish reforms in tsistion only, tbey would have to thateitentshn.n good faith ; but when they failed entirely to Qualify aa niembera. what onerea, ann must onr party stand branded ss being insincere in it reform movement? nifiuauuoniHi principles of the reform party are good, but nnleaa wa ha.. iihin our ranks men who can be depended upon h enact them into law, of wbat benefit will .uvu pxuu-ipiat ever d to as. rorousr. Tbe table It tnrmllnt with th. h- ik. a...... ciean. a snara of yonr pat rooair Is solicited. T. HELENS, OREUOM NEW STORE. NEW GOODS I wish to iaforra tbs public of HOULTON And vicinity that 1 hsve Inst opened a line of first-class GROCERIES, FLDUR, FEED am selling tbs lowest. Bv strict attention to business, and fair yourparroni: 1 th 01 A. H. TARBELL, HOULTON, - . . OREGON iAAAAAAAf,a.a. IV aa I V'U. aS ifTnrl Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for lis great lravenlne stn-nifth and healthfiilnexa. Asaurea the food agslnat alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap branili. otx saaiMd rowesa co., new yoaa. Your Money's Worth Every Time Dolman's Store. . . . All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. BuiIders, Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at tbs Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all order to H. fi. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. 5J i ST. HELENS MEAT MARKB All Kinds of Fresh Heats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meat by Wholesale At Special Rate. MAIN BTIHHKT, t t ST. James H. Sheldon, HKLHINH, OBKOON, Oltlcenf Williams. Woen A I.INTHH'l.'H. I'uaTLaNU. nr.. e. a iwa I have axaiutnnl Ih ltni-yoloii.lic Iilrtloiiarr. and In my )mt jm-nt li Is an eacM-dinalr valuslu wwrk, anil the imwt erfct llrtlouarr nowes- lant. I Sml II Inlw a oouutittie etvino ltwleal, orihn- m.i'hlcrtl and his torlral Irealwriil l Ilia KUtflHh Ian suae a. jc is whuls library In lUall. linn. HTWiLtu Ei-altarnnrai era! ot the Unlicl, Htataa, an a -sen alor of the Hulled males. TOK A SHORT TIME ON1T THE GREAT kyclopiie Di etaiari A limited number of sets of this great work will be distributed at the low introductory prices. -AT ONCE A- i Dictionary i Encyclopaedia 5359 pages, 25o,ooo wonl8"5o,ooo cnrycloimedic suljeclg prouueeu ui a cost or 00,000. t onr massive volimies. $2.50 fii ctiro the rlrlivrry of lite entire wotk J balance to be paid si iue raw ui fiw yer niontn, lor on year, petut your nm and address to th raciflii Coast Nss)air Hyndicste and vw will be aupi'lied with saniDls its ens fur examination, ti h. some Slroet, 8an Francisco, California. WHITE COLLAR LINE O. R.&N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. TELEPHONE Learas Pnrtl.nrf ,1.11. ........ u.'.A .. Leaves Astoria dailjr except Hunday at 7 1. If. Clatskanie Drug Store New tod Select Stock. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. Patent Medicines and Draft's Notions. 4 tr5H Stationery, School Booh Prescriptions Carefally Componnded B. B. THOMPSON. O. U. i tt rn leaves Portland dailjr eirapt Buodav at ( P. M n.... unity ascept nunuay at 7 A. M hts. U, n. WJOYr. PraaldauL T A BTTY tr V A a lilo TO THE ray jj y Vyyyyy MUCKLE BROS. MASuracTusiBs or Dimension Lnmber, Flooring, Kusnc. Sheathinir, Caslnirs, and a complete stock of eveijr vsriety of Rongh and Dressed Lnmber ALWAYS OK HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELBK OREOOM OITCS THE CHOICE 0 Tio Transcontinental Rontes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAT OF ookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY Of DEHVER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITT LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES ....ST. IIFT.FXTS TIHTFT - """iw aavr a JUUstst uur tarjie win at all times be found supplied with the best ediblo and aciioacies the market affordg. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The bote! having been newly refurninhod we are nropared-to irive satis faction t all our patron, and solicit your imtrooaite. J. George. Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. rVWV yyyyyy yi PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE " uV B a. " "'"""""""'asss u .1 STEAMER O. W. BHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. ThZulKutlt,i,mnKlftVa'nA',Mt Wasliinjton street. Tues.lav, Ju,tilnlYM ml.i " w! 11" "K" "t,i'";l"tk- Ketnrnl.iK-Leave Clatakaiiie tilde per' ah.!. t.ii. v.'i'aM n ""'V.? "d., rl' ,y wnnr 6 o'clock. Will paas )ak Point lnvVlLnfimA'u',ffT iM"U" 8:20i Kssltss 0:lf: Ht. Helens JO :30. Arrlv in l ortlnnd 1 .aw A. M. 1 lie coiiipnny reserves the right to chanse time wltlimit nolle. MIAVKR THAIVCOHTATlUl- COIUVANV. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER OCEAN STEAM ER8 LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS For San Francisco. Tot full Details Csll on or Address W. H. HTJRLBUBT, OenersI Freight and Pass. Agt., Portlsnd, B. HIcNelll, Pre, mu Ulanafer. I " '" ""- an Leaves Kelso Mn -FOR PORTLAND- nrinnvii. WMinnurioii. a e ii. . I ortland I .leniny, Thnrsdny snd Saturdnv st 6 oVl'.ok a. Leaves