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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
OREGON MIST. SUED EVERY mi DAK MOHlUrlO '" -T- BEEQLE A DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. . aacrltleB BIh. On eopy on jw la ailraaoe,...,,..., On oopr ll mate copy... . 11 00 to I 5JTOJr iW TBI POPULISTS, There is not populist paper in the state that does not Indorse the hold-up of the home. They would hve their readers believe, however, that Joe Simon, m at the bottom of all the trouble, and indirectly would have it understood that the republican party of the state- would be held responsible lor the muddle. There ia not a demo-populist paper Advertising nut mad known upon application n "s county or in the etate which i i , in bae not brayed itaelt hoaree in anathe- COLOMBIA, COUNTY DIRECTORY. mM Mr. Simon, and now if we , . , , take the populist press at it word that Ctr oifira Mr. Simon ia the leader of the obatruo- Jain ....Jownh b. Doan, Rainier I tionists, we find that hit following oon Sheriff J. N. Rice, fclai Treasurer K. H. Wharton tit. Helen Supt. of School J. 8. Wtu, gcanpoose Amm ...Martin White, Qtilney filirvMvnr WW UMam lul.n. Coroner Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier I Mr. Simon, and that i i. v. would teem then, that our populitt friends are eager to do the bidding of the only objec- Fetenou. nut Hon tuey have bad to hit leadenhi in the past was that be lead the repub- HELERS.OBEeoN.t-EB.. lie ns and not their own dear selves. While we do not know or care whether Tbi populist legislature of Wash-1 Mr. Simou has found in the populist ington last Friday elected ex-Judge members of the house pliant tools to George Turner to the United States further his personal ends, we do know senate to sueeeed Watson 0. Squire, that the 31 "regulars" are composed Turner received all of the fusion votes, with one or two exceptions, of repub- II of the democrats, and 40 out of the I Moans, and those who do not believe in 66" populists. His principal opponent a majority rating, who refuse to quel Waa A. A, Denny of Seattle, who re-1 fy, who refuse to come in and answer ceived 28 votes. Tomer's election roll call, for fear of making a const fives 8pokane the two senators and tutional quorum, and perversely insist one member of congress. Senator upon doing nothing themselves nor elect Turner was formerly a republi- permitting the majority to do any- can and came to Washington Terri- thing, are composed of the populist tory in 1884, when be was appointed I members of the house, by President Arthur as associate jus-1 If the populist organs throughout lice of the territorial supreme court in I the state want to know that the skulk which capacity be served until 1889 iag, cowardly tactics pursued by their when the territory whs admitted to I representatives are due to the in flu statehood. He is 'estimated to belence of Mr. Simon, we know of no worth in the neighborhood of a half a good reason why we should interest million dollars, and is manager of Le ourselves in making any lighter their aoi mine in British Columbia, now burden of condemnation in attempt paying f50,000 monthly in dividends, ing to prove the contrary. If the pop . , ,. . - ... . ulists wish to have it known that a re- "7""" Iel,iUl,on 1 Publican, and not a very large one at eC Vll lUUVUtltGU ill kUV UUUIU UU that fa asntial tr 9A ni m nA t J j l i i. i it - I ' w vus must vui ujiu "l . .7 y " . T dle of-tbe-roadsters, we csn sUnd it if : ""evening i the populist, of the state are willing ,ri . to submit to it. We have always sup- , . . ... wo-..ufi .UD uuujcoiM, I nnJ .... Ki:-- v.. A hroln. ,nnil. . . . A tv i., :..i, w " " " .(...ui nnnnliata hnr ... . l..i aodeUee ,th. Southern Oregon State " this state upon whose head has been Board of Agriculture, the state food and dairy commission, the state fish and game warden, the boatman at As toria. It also proposes to knock out the fixed rate of taxation for the 0. N. G. and University of Oregon, and to place certain state officers on salary. It repeals the act creating the rail road commissions, state board of hor ticulture, state board of agriculture and health officers. The state officers it seeks to put on salary are the state treasurer, secretary of stale and clerk of the supreme court. heaped more abuse than any other by the den.o-populist press, should be able to wind into a pesky knot twenty loud-mouthed populist blowister. This frank admission, however, on the part of our populist friends, will add immeasurably to the conceit of the lit tle Israelii. Pendleton Tribune. VERNON I A VARIETIES. It is new twenty-five daya since the assembly of the Oregon legislature, yet not a single measure has been passed by either house. A great many bills .have been introduced ia the senate bat none of them have reached a final vote, while In the houss a correspond ing a umber have been presented and merely road by title. The senate, un der control of Joseph Simon and the F. A. Zilgett is ceiling hi store. Born January 24, to Mr. E. Guild, a daughter. VT. W. Allen ha been laid np with an at tack of rhoamatiam. Dr. Bay, of Mist, has rented the Magoon place near Pittsburg. . The Vernonia school district voted a 10 mill tax for the purpose of buildings school bouse. Mi Myrtle Powell went to 8t. Helen tbi week to attend the teacher' exam ination. , The petition askiug for a vete on the county seat did not get many signer round PATTERSON OF WASHINGTON last sprit) the republican couuty con vention in wis county adopted a platform touching noon Important subjtuts for leftta. Utlv consider tion, and by the following resolution, among other, iiwtruoUd lbs oandidate for representative to support tfenator Mitchell for re-election i 'Besolved, That inasmuch as we believe it Is for the best interest of the state that Hon. J. H. Mitchell, tut people' advocate and friend, should be retained In the ente of the United States, we hereby instruct the representative to the legislature who nominated her today, if elected at the ballot box, to ue hi best endeavor to elect him, Mr. Marrill accepted the nomination on that platform, was elected and I using every snort to carry oat hi pledges, A copy of lh platform adopted was cent to Q. W. Patterson, candidate for Joint senator for Washington, Columbia and Til, lamook counties, with fly sections narked to which hi particular attention was called. In reply to which ws print below a verbatim copy of his letter as follows: "UiwiBORo, OK, May 20, 1896. "air. J. B. Beeaie, My Dear Sir: Your of late dat to hand and noted In reply will Say the that I endorse the resolution In yoar platfor as follow '1st In the elleotioo of assessor snd road supervisor "2nd la regard to useless commissions "3rd In reference to Hon J. H. Mitchell I hartily endorse , " rUhlng Industries ft " to th expenditure of Public Mony "My only reason for not writing yon sooner waa the fear of the anty Mitchell men in this co bat I find they are very tew, nut l nave at ail time been a warm sup porter of him and no honest Bepresenta- live can go against 79 per oent of the voters Which I feel Sure want' Mitchell. If you write Me up on the above platform pi BEE SUPPLIES WK ABC SOIC AGENTS fOR- Roofs Bee Supplies-Best in the World 8CND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG . Lambcrson's SEED STORE 180 and 18a Front Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or Groceries, Clothing,. Boots and Shoes DART & MUCKLE MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Red Winter Apple tree, snrh as Ben Davis, Spiiion berg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Helen, and Gravensteiu. Italian and Petit Prune Trees Cherry, Tear, Plum, Peaoh. Apricot and Quince twos, small fruit Blaokberry, Kaapherry, Gooseberry. Strawberry, Wineberry and Currants. FAY'S PKOLIFIO CURRANT, as largo and five times ss prolific as the Cherry Curraut. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES. Trees are grown on Art limber soil, have good roots, which we en desvor to did and ship with trees. Trees have beeu inspected, snd pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would like to do business wjth you. Writa us if you want trees. Price list sent free opon application. A. HOLADAY, SCAPP00SE, OREGON. ST, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Stock of Rubber Goods SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of f resh Meats. Hams, Bacon and Lard " Farm For Rent. . Atkins place in Beaver vallev, linier, SO acre in cnlliva- TheJ. A SK miles from fUi turn, linre pasture, good buildincs and bearing orchard. An excellent chniice for aairyiua-. jernxvery reasonable to right uartv. i M n an nr itisa iiniiaMinaj be earful and Say nothinc; that is going to at Clatskanie, Or., or Mr. Surah Meserve. ourt ui oaituc of the ticket or mv self. I vreguu, ior iuii imriicuiim. 1 ris L. 1. MESKHVR. Administrator of th e.Uta nf John A AUins, aecesed, For Sale! wbh I could Sea you and bav a talk with you but will See you later and I will now leav the matter in your hand Plea x cus Short letter for 1 am very busy Truly your O. W. 1attbbok" wi.sstNisvHiwuiNui uiv acgtaiBkurv I pi, l rt . i h been .x:Uyth. rev..,. from that tHcow S o H. O hTFN dicatedintfaa abo. scholarlr letter. M. SSUn"' iu(lulr O. HAZEN, I. n, nf th. r " ,.,,.. r ,v. . Y arren, uregon www juiucu umuum wiu vua popuiisi in I am , piwventine the recognition of the only or-I MCUaCl S populists and democrats, a few days Vernonia. . . ... . I go reiuaea io recognize ifte organised William Wilson says if be hssn't the house, and thereby placing a further grippe, then he has s whole lot of grippe blockade opon business. In the tnesn- "JPtom.n time the twenty-nine republicans of There ta scrcel3r s family near Vernonia tb house have been present each daj Iwo wee'sT UKrippei" Mnd done all in their power to trsns- Bert 8chKno;e,h., returned home for . act business lor the state, while the rest from his work ss cook ou one of th ten repnblicsns who are followers of Colombia river tteamers. Simon, the fiften populists, three an- Carrol afoNutt and family have returned ion bimetalic and three democrats 10 Vernonia and intend to make it their daily absent themselves from the P,rmnt nome- The re occupying the bou.einOrd.rto prevent a quorum reeen0y Tac"ed b' K U-M- .... .. ..... . . 1 It is rnraored that petition are being elr- titution that it requires forty to trans cnlated in our north and wet tier of town- act business. We repeat again that I ships asking the legislature to set them off there has been no day since the begin-1 lnto Washington and Clatsop counties re- ning of the session that the populists Pect",r- did not have sufficient votes to make am 1 nmnea a wry th. .iw , , . . ,. snccessfnl term of school in the Upper Ne- th. alleged quorum of forty if they balem district and h engaged for. would present themselves before the five month term in the Wilon ditrict for house, which they have all times re-1 next snmmer. ganixed houae of representative, and has in every way in hia power lent bis vote and influence with th popnUsta in preventing legislation. Notwithstanding bis letter so heartily endorsing" Senator Mitchell he cboees to misrepresent "75 per cent of th voters" by staying out of th senatorial ST. HELENS, caucus when s majority of the entire legis lature entered it, and also aasiited in pre venting a quorum of th Joint assembly last Wednesday. What betrayal of hi constituent be will next enter into proba bly depend on whether Simon says thumbs While tbe Washington connty states man claimed to be in favor of abolishin useless commissions" it ia well known that to i. A. liacrum, chairman of tbe board of railroad commiisioner. be I largely indebted for hi nomination. In leaping witn bis record on other matters he may "throw Macrum down," but that could hardly be expected from Patterson s uch an act would be in the interest of tbe state. BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable barber has his rasors lost s sharp as can he found. nri win eomlorubly awl quickly lor only U cent. ; : OREGON MUCKLE BROS. MARorACTuasB or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Sheathing, Casings, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Rongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OR HAXD. AT THK OLD STAND, ST. HELEK 0BI0ON OIiD AGE." Your Money's Worth Every Time i i i i i i i i i Lumber fused to do. Thb bill of Senator Smith, of Clat sop connty, introduced in the senate to ent off three miles of the west end of Colombia connty and attach the same to Clatsop county is a second at tempt on tne pari 01 me Ulatsop sens-1 Troupe," s local organization. Their ren ter to steal a very Valuable section of I duion ot vartoo Southern ditties and Ne- Columbia county, and for many res-1 p0 onrc,er, keP hooae convulsed anna ahnnM f.;l ... T .v. Mf ymmm ill IUV UI1 A. L. Clark, of Rainier, was at Vernonia Friday and Saturday getting subscribers to s petition ssking tbe legislature to give tbe people of Columbia county a chance to vote i on the "permanent" location of the county seat. Th last meeting of the literary society wa entertained by th "Alabama Minstrel plaee the strip which an attempt is being made to cnt off, represents prob ably W)fm in taxable property. In this connection it might be mentioned that Columbia connty carries an in debtedness of more than $30,000, a urge part of which was incurred in improving the particular section in question and upon which this county COLUMBIA CITY, Mrs. Li. M. Caples hi returned from Baker City much improved in health. Dr. Byron Caple ha finished hi course of studies at Vienna, Austria, and 1 now on his way to Egypt. Be stopped at Ven ice, Italy, and passed over the bridge of Sighs. Tb streets in this city, as you know, ar water, tbe business being con ducted entirely by boat The doctor will DOW navs interest, and annnnr nr lot- K to cro- snd on up tbe Nil, perhaps Will have to liquidate the principal. Mongol., then returning by way of T I ' Borne, Naples and en to Paris, then to In the name of fairness, then, what America. rurht has that section to desire see re- ; - that section shall have paid its part of Pain Balm and bound on over the seat the indebtedness which it has incurred? of tbe pain, snd another on the back a no propoeuion is a deliberate) at tempt to repudiate that much indebt edness and leave the remainder of Co lumbia connty to foot tbe bill by add ing greater burdens to the remaining Uxsble property. Senatar Smith made this same attempt at the last session of tbe legislature bat the bill failed to pass, and tbe present bill should meet the lame fate. between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This is eeoeciallv val uable in cases whers the pain is canted oya coia and there it a tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Dr. E. Boss. It is said that Scappoose talent is preparing a drama which will prob ably be given to the publio in tbe very near future. Scappoose people are the ones who can render a drama in excellent shape. 8t. HiLSKs, Ob., Feb. 1897. To tbs Eprroa: W now arrive at the last stage otmaa; tbs stag when he be come philosophical, staid aad set iu ways, almost immovable, unless he ba been a man, not a alar to custom, habit and su persution but, a Undent, thinker and reaaoner. Tb man of yean, wbo ha con quered his appetite and passion, walks with (top elastic, ba a clear eye aad a bearing that I clear, withal. How few there are of inch persons, I will not call them old. because they never grow old aad never childish unless 'childless. Old per sons snould be constantly employed, both physically and mentally. Thinking, read ing and writing keep th brain from shrinking away in old age. They should eat sparingly of the cerials and meats, more (specially those meat from old animal as they contain tbe earth salts, material for the bones, which old persons bav but very little use for and, io th end, produce pre mature death. They should drink either pure rain or distilled water; their diet should be almost wholly of fruits and veg etables. Many men from 80 years of age to tbs end of their lives, never drsw s well breath, they think and maintain that they do. At 40 or before, tbev turn erav. bald and begin to wear glasses : clear evidences that they are failing dying ss it were. Yet, they never stop to think why; if thay do, tbey sttribute it to soras cans, antirely foreign from tbe true cause. Generally oereattary i what tbey lean on, so easy, you know, it calls for no self denial. The natural inclination of man tend to prema- Address all orders to ui uH, issn especially in oia age; to sit around a warm nr. listlessly, est tbs beit and richest food obtainable and gener ally amok or cbew tobacco Incessantly, Tb road to good health 1 narrow, rocky and np hill all tbe way; in order to attain it man must lira contrary to hi natural in cllnatlen. Tbe physician's mission I to enre, and a noble one it is, too; but the philosopher tb critio of sll science 1 nobler. He it I who studies out tbe cause of all diseases seeks to educate the people to remove tbe case of diseases, then tber would be no sicksess, bene no pre matura deatb by disease. A large nom her of physicians know tbs esnse of dis eases and, to their credit, so Inform their patients, tell them tbey don't need medi cine, tbey need self denial and exercise, generally tb physician is discharged snd employed that will dish up the medicine. O'iMde of tbe doctors, about fivs persons In s thousand know th law of health, and only one ont of tbat number liva up to them. An effective remedy would be for tb bead of very family in th world to employ a physician by tbe year as an ad visor to teach them how to live; at yearly tipend, th contract so conditioned that the family is tehv np to tb doctor' ad' vice and. in tb event tbey did, should ther be any sickness that required tbe calling of a physician, the fee for said call to be deducted from th physician' yearly tipend. Let the dawn of the incoming century com in with our physicians changed to philosophers; then, and not until tbea, may we look for a prlghtly old eg. Btodsst. Dolman's Store. PROFESSIONAL. I Meat by Wholesale At Special Rates. MAIN BTItBiKT. i James H. Sheldon, ST. HKI,KNP. OnKOON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAw Clatskanie Drug Will Martina in all Mnrf. nf amumh n. JiiUm. Prompt attention given to couvsyaao- flMna . ... . .. . ... 'iZ,: a iii i ,i aV""01 , unui v.-.,r,BH VS WIHVf VUlJUlUg. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOK-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. flu Ahtrrt Vtnnka. Nnisw OmUIa aw.mi.. n.aewws S WUUDVUU WIU1 VOHW, Store DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t New and Select Stock. Patent Medicines and Draft's Notions. OR. EDWIN BOSM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon Stationery, ScS;c! Boots. Prescriptions Carefollj Componoded JJR. H, R. CUr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helen, Oregon. r P. 1. M. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Materia Of tbe best quality delivered to any point on the river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half in FARM PRODUCE. . H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. TO THE JED S T OIVB8 THB CHOICB 0 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF ookane, Minneapolis & St. Pan UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DEH7ER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW BATB8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS DIED. FI3K At Clatskanie. Oregon, on Sunday, January 81, 1807, of measles, Beta, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. Jame Fisk. Thb Mist 11.00 per year. For San Francisco. For Full Detail Call on or Address w. H. HTJRLBUBT, General Freight and Pas. Apt.. Portland. HeNalll, rree. Manager. T. i, cisstok. H. Alls. ALLEN 4 CLEETON. Attorneys and Counselors at law BT. HELENS, . OREOOH. silt ak afh mfk A afW afar AAAAAIAA .. .ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Oar tables will at all times be found supplied with the best edibles and delicacies the market affords. , TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The bote! having been newly refurnished we are trcpard to give satis faction ts all our patrons, and solicit your patronage. t J. George, Proprietor, 8t. Helens, Or. vvwvTvwvwvtvvvvvvyvy1 r yy H. VE8KBVB, Surveyor and CivU Engineer DKLENA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Flatting and Engineering work promptly In Advance. TnB-a WHITE COLLAR LINE -AD- O.R.&N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. TELEPHONE. Lsares Portland dully tcepl Bundar t T A. M. Leara Aalori dalljr siiwm Sunder at J F. M. E. B. THOMPSON, o. a. a n. co. I Leaves Portland dallr Hnnrtar at S p. H iu,, iuuijt except puuuay MTA.M Ticket of tb two Compan! soofl an both u. B, auuiT, President. flist and Oregonian ONE YEAR $2.00 Tbis offer bolds good only for new yearly subscribers wbo pay in advance and old ones who pay np to date and one year in advance. boots. Jt. A. nEELRY, Aient, 1000 Men ISanted TO Unload Sclioooers Not sealing schooners, lumber arhoontrs or p'airl scliooners. but scboouar of beer at the ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT SEASONABLE BATES. Th table la snnnlled arlth th haat h. .rfr.i I arTords. Kfaryihliif clean. A ahar. ol your pat- wmw is aoiiciHMl. BT. IIK1.K.NH. UKKliON odd Saloon" J. 8. C.ONIN0ER, Prop. At Mr. Clnnlnger'i ilr of bnstness CSS slso be to;.nd lbs best brands of CYEU8 NOBLE WHISKY ' AMD ' "CASPARILLO" CIGARS. Front Street, - St. Helens, Oregon. To Exchange! A flnfl-room Oottag with bath room, stable and 6 large lot sll let in fruit, only on block from car line, In on of th best suburb addition f PortUnd. Will trad for farming land with river front. Ad' dress to A. ft. MILLKR, 04 V. Third street, Portland, Or. PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, DeU Shaver. MaBter. ThI.I'Vi.J ,8, 18nf1, wl" Ijt'Portlaiid, foot of Washington street, Tnesdsy, I..' .i?yJ"d,H",ld..eve"l"Wt.8.o c'- Returnlng-Leaves" ilstskanls (tld rwr- nay ami r n(iv evpnmgi rf:2flj Hainlr8:il0! Ki mtttlng), Monday. Wednesilav and Prtdav .nl,.. u k 'i i. Stella 7:15: Maygerf:2fli Hainlr8:20: Kalama ni. h' Tbe company reservus the rlitlit U ihinn tlm. wiiimnt nni. about 7: Stella 7:15: Mav in ruruanu l.isu A. M. Will i... rt.w Pnlnt ttlama 9:16; Bt. Helen 10:30. Arrlr floney Saved By taking the two papers together for one year. Yon cannot keep posted on current events without tbe leading newspapers. The Mist Hss been designated the official paper of Colombia county by the County Court, and consequently will furnish all the news pertain ing to publio matters in which tbs people are interested. SI1AVGB TBAMPOHTATIOn COMPANY. THE MIST AND OREGON IAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S mvrn ctcaufr ""T::.:- ,; 'lirllil. STTF JOSBPH KBLLOGG -FOR PORTLANTJ- x7S!IeJ U? Mon,y. Wednesdsys, snd Fridsys at b o'clock a. uMvtvH- auwuay, Aoursnsy and Bsturday at 6 o'clock a. m.