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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1897)
rSRSONAtt AMD LOCAL. "Among the Breakers" -2Txt Moay sveuiug By looal taUnt, at th opera bout. R. Palmar wa in Portland Moo dy . ; Harrison Allan was a Portland via! tor Tuesday lait. Mr. Prank Dow hat recovered from hit recent ill new. Reserved ealt for tha drain now on aala at ths drug atort. Dr. Cliff made profesiiooal visit to ICelso, Wash., Iat Sunday. lira, I. Q. Wilutrorn was a passenfi r on ilia iraiaa Monday tor rortiena, w. r, slaughter, of Mayger, waa doing bualnaaa in ibia oily Monday, E. E. Quick's; tha wteet baoon, nam ana iiouldr. uolmao aata 'am Mr. and Mra. Henry Lareen, of War ran, warn visitor to Portland Tuesday Dr. Cliff waa oallad to Clalakania Tuesday night on profauional buii nee. X. E. Quick put op tha finest amok ad meat la tha county. Dolman aalla 'an. Wm. Watt, of Soappoose, waa at tanding to bualnaaa Id tbla city last Saturday. Daro Davia and wlfa war paaaengera on tn iraia laai Monday (or fort' .land. Adam Stump, of Soappooaa, ona of uoiumnia oountys picoeer, waa in town yesterday. Wu. Fluhrer. tha wall known abingla mill mas, of Mayger, was iu town jaonaay lest. . Mra. Jam Dart and little dsuglit- are will leave today for Saoraniouto, uai., on a visit. Be. 0. E. Pbllbrook will praaoh at Yankton next Sunday morning and at ok Helena in tna evening. Frederick Vivien, of Columbia City, waa a passenger tor rortiand Monday, sraer na ramamaa over ntgni. Every effort will be pat forth to have the ball thoroughly beated for t ut drama next Monday evening. George Mayger, s milling young nan ot Mayger, waa attending to Due iaeea m altar ia thii oity but Monday. Mra. 8. 8. Way and daughter Win la returned from Portland laat Mon . day where they bad visited a few daya. Jay Darning went to Portland yea- . terday to meat bia mother, Mra. Btine, who be expects to visit brre for eonie v. tin, , Remember the date for the drama : "Among the Breaker, haa been flied for next Monday, the 86tb, iuatead of Wednesday, to lu. A man advertise for a competent ' person to undertake tbe aala ol new medicine, and adda that it will prove highly lucrative to the undertaker. Notioee are potted calling for a apecial aobool meeting in Hi Helena o Jaasry 29th, for tbe purpose of . voting a tax to liquidate indebtedness. Tbe fisherman on tbiaaaotion ot the river are making preparaiiooa for tbe spring run oi ealmon. Tbe aturgaon re not vary numeroua ao far Uiia year. Look eat for tbe paper that ia oaten aibly eeut to your addrete free of charge. If you take it out of tbe office you will probably have to pay for it bjrand by. Counterfeit dollar, quartan and balveeere in circulation. Leok out for them. They are dated 1806 and are aoppoeed to originate eomewbere in Southern Oregon. Messrs, Joe. Haybura and Cbarlea Gable have juat aecured a large num ber of trap polee for tbe new trap erblch they are to ahortly put ia thi aide of tbe light-house, just at the bead of the drift. There ie a possibility that Theodore Darrant, tha San Franoiauo murderer, may be given a new trial. One ot tbe justice of tbe aupreme court la aaid to nave openly declared that tbe evi dence againat Durrani for tha killing of Blanche Lamonl waa intufSuient to convict. Sandy Old, not unknown to a cer tain kind of fame all over the Paolno elope aa tbe man who killed Emit Webber and who got one year in tbe penitentiary at Baiem for bia crime, la now io the Portland oity jail charged with petty laroeoy, ao abtolutely friendless aa to be unable to aecure a nominal bond. A Washington ttaie editor appeala co bit subscriber in tint unique mau nert "If you have frequent headaohes, dimness and uniting spell, acoom Denied with chilli, chilblain, epilepay ad Jaundice, it ia a tlgu that you are not well, and likely to die at any min - ute. Pay your subscription a year in advance, and thua make yourtalf solid lor a good obituary notion." Some people aay that advertising it II matter of luck : that yon cannot tell what advertising i going to do, or wnetber or not it i going to pay. Tbi may be true, bat it i very etrange that tbe man who . givea . careful thought to bia advertiting and doe it In an intelligent and atraightforward way uaaally baa the luck on hie aide. Talk about a olote teaton for atur geoo ona ot the waya to protect the eturgeon would be to take the trapa out oi Baker bay. Not year paaae but witness th dettruction of thous and of young sturgeon. Once caught, tha trapmen will not turn them loose again, because they get into someone else trap. Tbe trapmen ought to tumble to the (aot that they are destroying a ?, ,ndutlryi "d by ao doing are making no frienda among tbe up-river fishermen. A well-known minister of the city tell a good story which came to him . .?,tleT durin the late campaign. An Illinois school teacher asked bis class bow many dim made a dollar. One boy replied ten. The next boy was iked how many eents made a dime. Another little fellow eaid ten. Tbe next question waa how many mills make one cent After thinking a minute tbe email boy, whose turn It waa to answer, said : "My papa aaid at breakfast thi morning that if Bryan waa aleotsd. not d mill in the country would make a cant." Astor- SOAPPOOSE. J. M. Joy I quit lick at bis horn. Mr. F H. Swsger is visiting at Deer Island. N. A. Perry and wife visited 8oa poos Saturday and Sunday, Asa Holiday haa been suffering witb lagrlppa lor tbe past week. Legripne in mild form it getting good bold upon several of our people H. 11. McKay bas secured a con. tract getting out piling for fish taps, Several of our young men are talk' Ing of going to Rossland, B. 0., In the early spring. J. F. Dangerfield now attends to all switcb light between Warren and Soappoose. Sam Vanoleve bas bought the ranch owned by Mre. Handleman ou South Soappooe creek. Mr. Henry Dunn died at bar home on Oak Island last week and was buried in Fairview cemetery Saturday, John Callahan, sr., returned Mon day from a flying trip to England, He report Oregon good enough for bim. School district No. 9. Joint, voted peclal tax at a meeting last Monday to be used iu improving the school premises, v. Mr. P. B. Stephen suffered a sligh paralytic stroke last Friday, but at thia writing ia in a fair way to be around again, Bev. C. E. Pbllbrook preached Sun day morning and evening here and also conducted tbe burial rites at the interment tif Mre. A. H. Larsen, The family of Mra. Jungniokle. re aiding five mile weat of Bcappoose, ie reported In deatttute circumstances, Our people are alwaya ready to aid unfortunate and thia oaae should doabtleaa be investigated. In tbe death of Mr. A. H. Larsen which occurred Sunday, January 17th there passed away a dutiful wife, a loving mother and a neighbor, of great value. The deceased leavea a hue- band and aeven children, the youngest years ol age, all of wbom have the bearlielt aympatby ol a boat ol loving friend. Th interment took place in K airview cemetery Monday. DBLKNA ITEMS. L. J . Meaerve made a business trio to Maraniaoo laai week . Mr. and Mra, Wm. Holsapule spent Sunday lilting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Atklne. Geo, Biohardaon baa the material on tbe ground for an addition to bia bouse. S. M. ooale, ol Charcoal canyon, waa doing buaineea in onr city last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Wonderly were the guests of Mr. and Mra. T. Morria lat Sunday. Mrs. Mary Atkins, .who baa been vlaiting friends at Hudson for several days past, returned bom laat Sunday. Misses Ida Fowler and Maud Wil son, wno bave been visiting relatives and friends at Chinook beach, return ed borne laat week. John Syverson started hie big log ging engine on lie aemi-daily trip laat Tuesday, witb Wm. Barr, ot Clatska- nla, at lb throttle. A. K. Morgan returned from Hud eon Tuesday, where be bas been in tbe wood bnainess for tbe past year. Mr. Morgan ia doing the carpenter work on Geo. Kioaardeon' residence which assures first -class workmanship, John Alvin Is doing some valuable improvements on bia plaoe in tbe way of bleating stumps and grading. He haa used a vast amount of powder and expended a considerable sum in leveling the ground. Mrs. Gertie Flippin, of Clatskanie, arrived In tbia valley laat Saturday expecting to apend a few days visiting ner parents, Mr. and Mra. V. a. a. Washburn, and frienda. Mr. Flippin baa many frienda bare who are plea ed to note her sojourn among us. The latest effort in iournalism ia the Temperance Harald, a semi-monthly, published by the UooJ Templars Lodge at thia plaoe. The first issue appeared laat Saturday under the management of L. J. Meaerve, and waa highly enjoyed by thoee present. A very pleasant social party waa given by the young folk at the resi dence of Dr. and Mrs. Meaerve on Wednesday, Jan. 13th. The time waa pleasantly spent with games and music until at ball paat eleven o'clock a de licious lunch waa aerved, after which the merriment waa resumed. Danc ing, charades and other gamee ware indulged in nntil all dispersed. 1 :90 o clock, when VBRNONIA VARIETIES. There wss a dance at Mr. Wilkinson's last Thursday night. 1 Mr. K. fildgwsy Is mow driving a logging team tor the Pittsburg Mill Co. Blsoktmlth Einnons is doing consider able improving on bia plaoe, clearing and fenolnjr. . . . : ' La Grippe Is now making a visit to ths neighborhood snd Is extending bis visit longer in soras fsmlliss thaa is Mreetbl. . On Sunday evening, Jan. 17th, Grandma Beeghley passed quietly away. Mrs. Beeghley was one of tbs Nsbalem pioneers, and bas been a patient suBsrsr for sevsrsl years. Bbs has been completely helpless for about flvs years. Her bnaband died ten years sgo. Ths funsral wss held on Tuesday. Rev. Palmer, of the United Brethren ohurch.preaobsd ths sermon. At ths literary society last Friday alght the qasstioa for debate waa: "Resolved, that Washington deserved mote honor for defending bis eonatry than did Columbus for discovering it." As this was a contest between the boys and the old stagers, or mere eorreotly, between the pupils and tbs elder members, there wse a good deal of interest msnlfsst, and tha young talks cams oat with flying oolors for tbs negttivs. At Con. Mr. E. 0. Slaven will aell at cost her remaining millinery goods at may plaoe. Call early. ME. BCOTT. '; KEAHEY MOTEB. : Oh, no it was not tbe nswspsper oor rsspoudaul nor ths"Asotttatsd Fre" ie porter tbst took for his text "And Peter's Wife's Mother Ley Blok ef a Paver," bot. tbe old itinerant prsaobsr. Wbstbsrons line wss mining in the msnusenpt or whstber the typo missed it from tbe "stick we cannot say. Bs tlist as it may, we'll let brotherly love continue and ask ys editor bow It would do to report wbst peo ple ssy for oansf As this being the rainy season tbsy have time to say a grsat deal more than they do, Taking It for granted tbst you ssy "Speak on brother," we will proesed to tell you that Mr. H says: "It Is tbs good-for-nothing lasy eusses that do ths most growling about bard times. If they would go to work and elssr land and grub stumps and quit their growling tuejr might rails something to eat anyway." Mr, K says; "Thsrsis plonty of gold In these here mountains on Rock creek and ha has got It down flu, so tbst bs csn sissy any rock," Mr. asysi "Supposing wscsll a meet ing and draft some resolutions In regard to Cuba and send them to congress." Bister says "ones sbs had good woolen stockings to wssr now sbs has to wsar cotton." Miss 0 said "I'll tell you bow you can bavs woolen stockings, get sonis sbeep and sard an spin the wool and knit stockings as mam ins doss." (Prstty good advice.) Mr. T does not say much, notwlth standing be has Inoreerad bis live stock to ths number of S sheep and SO goats. Mr.'D says "bs bss severed bis relation with all churches, as It is tbe churchee and christian people that have caused all onr national troable. Christian man all over the land asked Qod to direct them to vote fer a man that would savs tbe nation, then went to the polls snd voted for MoKlnley, man that would destroy the nation." (I den t see how they eonld do so.) Mr, A says "he is gotag to sell every thing hs has sscspt bia rsneh on Crooked ereek snd then etart oat and see America, Will perbsps go to ths old country to visit bis relatives." ... .- Ws bavs been told that the work on the new survey between John Campbell's and the rook bluff Ie completed, but it will not be opened for travel nntil spring, as It is de sired to give the newly graded part time to thoroughly eettle. ie eorrsspowaent sayesn (being af an imaginative turn) that we behold the coffer of the Columbia County Mews so filled by wsy of enlarged subscriptions tbat, like the man spoken of In Scripture, it will be nee eatery to "tear down and bnild larger." We trust some of the German population who can scarcely speak a word of English enjoy the peruesl ef its pages. As nothing lu this world Is of so littleaccount ae not to bs pat to soras ute, and as a vast number of die dwellings are ovsrspresd witb news papers on their inner walls, tbst which cannot be read can be pasted en ceilings. YANKTON MOTES. 1 ). N. Brlnn and wife and sea went to St Helens Sunday. A. A. Smith and W. A. Kale ware in St Hslene Sunday. Mies Beatrice Croute spent 8unday with her parents In this place. Mr. L. Bailey and Alfred Harrison have been quite slok for tbs past week. Oharlee Bumgardner spent a couple of days at Deer Island this week. Protracted meetings carried on by Rev. Palmer closed but Bunday witb good re sults. Rev. Palmer went to Warren Sunday, where he is going to conduct a protracted meeting. Rudolph Earth andJoe8oblsM spent the latter part of laat week at their homes, near Spring valley. Mrs. Brlggs and son and daughter, Mrs. Phelpe, spent a taw days of last week at ths metropolis Harry Sherman, who is general delivery- man for W. H. Dolman, at St Helena epent Sunday with his mother at this place. Tbe Lyceum waa adjourned for two weeks at this place owing to the. aeries of meeting being carried en, but it will re- sums again Saturday night. Ths Us Inspector for the N. P. R. Co. was at Houlton Wednesday inspecting' the tlee bsnked at tbat place by H. O. Howard. Out of a lot of 977 ties there were no culls reported, which was a good showing for Mr. Howard's mill. D. H. Pope went to Bridal Veil Thursday to see his sister, Mrs. Roberts, who is run ning the boording fa cues at tbat place for the Bridal Veil Lumbering Co. He reports business very dull and tbe mills shut down at tbat plaoe, preeumably for the winter. MIST NEWS ITEMS. Mr. MoFarland, ot Westport, was ia sown Thursday. , Mr. George Kerr, of Pitteburg, visited friend bare Saturday. Mrs. MarshslBhssrsr.of Deep creek, was in town Sunday visiting. Mrs. 0. L. Parrene, of Clatskanie, Is vla iting friends and relatives in the valley this week, . Med-AlMlst, on Sunday, Jan. 17, Mr. Andrew Nelson, aged 89 yean, I month and 10 days. . Mr. X. D. Peter oo, cur county commls- sionsr, returned home Snaday after at tending to his duties at the county seat. GOBLB NEWS NOTES. Mr. Ed Fowler is quite sick with ia grippe. Mr. Ed. Volght, who bas bsea sick tor the psat week, Is somewhat improved. Mr. Unick Heok, formerly ot in Rosslrnd, B. 0., where be bas mining interssts. Ths many friends of Wallace LeRoy, for merly of the Danby mill, will regret to hear ot hie euddea death at Kalam, ot ty phoid fever, on Friday laat. He leaves a wife and five children. Mr. LeRoy was a member of tbe Forester and was alaos member of the Woodmen. - Mrs. Cawidy, of Mooresvllls, died very suddenly Sunday last by taking an over dose of medicine. Tbe medloine was taken through a mletake. Bbe waa a widow, and had been residing at Mooresvllls tor some time. 8he left four children, the oldest of wbloh Is twenty years. Tbs farewell dance given by Victor 8e- eott et th Danby hall was a greed success. Rainier, Kalama. Gobi, Ner City, Ru ben, Mooresvtlle, Riversldsaad Cottonwood Point were represented. A splendid sup per wss served at midnight and then tbe gay crowd returned to the hall snd tripped the light fantastic nntil early morn. IT. HELENS SCHOOL MOTES. SOMSTHISU TO SSMBMSSB. "We eaa etand the era art of Teewnlay, Today'a wen Ilia w can drlr away; Wtiat waa and la brlns us Ciamay, For put snd preaent aorrow. Bill the burdena that make na groan and a The trouble tbat make aa fame and fret, Are th thing that havn't happened yet; 1M pain wat we u nua wiuurrow, Burattte. Examination s nest week. Look out for "Among th Breakers' next Mondsy night. Anna George was absent from school this week on account of sickness. ' Tbs regular teacher will be absent on business to Hslsm for a fsw dsys, and his place will be supplied by his brother, Mr. Ohsrlss E. Hsll, lately from Tillamook. Lwsl talent of St Helen i will produce the drama "Among the Breakers' st the opera house nest Mondsy evening. A good attendance is expected, which- should be, as it Is for a worthy cause- tbe raUlng of funds for the Kpiscopsl church. Arrangements srs being made for a school entertainment to be held In tbe opera houee. The following committee on pro gram mre has been appointed s Daisy Wat- kins. Flora George, May Whitney, Percy George, Grace Miles and Clara Lavender. The "High School Wbisxer" rather ex ceeds this week in the wsy in which it whisses. Tbe first whlsa seeme to be con cerning "concerning." We do not recol lect juat how many times ws used tbe word, but It is ne-esry to uss it a good many times to Ml np a whole column and say nothing. Ths editress of tbs " Whirser eeeme quite anxious to know whether "he' or "ehe" woald best expreee the gender of the writer, but never mind Miss Ediiresa we'll not define our gender at present. We ar a in doubt whether misspelling Diodoroos ia a greater or lew mistake than capitalising such common nouns as "generals" snd "historian," and "orators," and "poet. we were also "caused to smile" to see the word "epithet" written with a cap ital. This is grammar "with a ven geance," and we will be pardoned we hope for Inquiring If the "children ot 13 years old " down there are as coaverssnt with the English Grammar aa with Ancient History. We ware somewhat astoniahed to read "He throws slurs at tbe "E"ditor of the ' Whlaser.' ' and then glance at the top of the comma and read "Anna English Editress." Being the problem eorreepond- ent we tried to figure it out, but we give it up. One more whim and we will stop whis- ung, and give the "Whlxser" a cbanoe Tbe editor or editress, we don't knew wbloh. says "Hs then goes and says." Now, we don't "go and say." we just say it with out going, Perbsps "who are asleep and dreaming" don't generally "go" (to Clais- kanie). They couldn't do it without get ting pretty well ebaken np navigating the crooked, little stream of the same name and fame. However, should ws undertake to visit tbe Whlaser, and chance to be wakened from onr dreams and loetled from our berth wa will simply step off the boat and walk in ahead. saw qoBsvioHs, L What makes an arteelsn well possible T 1 What is a "water carnival T' S. History record hew many nnlvsraal empiresT 4. When did the battle of Arbila occur, and wbe was tha conquering general f 6. Who was Demosthenes . What Is the origin of tbe word Eng land I 7. Name Oregon's leading pioneers and disooverers whose names have paesed into history. 8, What la a treaty t 9. 'What waa the Urgent army that ever existed T 10. What proportion of the Inhabitants of the world speak the English language T asiswbbs to quasriosTS. L How many poeta laureate has Eng land had, and who Is the present oner Answer Eight The present one is Alfred Austin. . I. What Is peciflo gravity Answer BpeciOo gravity is the weight of one sub stance compared with that of tbe same bulkef another sub tan oe. Water is the etandard tor liquids and solids; air for isses. Answered by Pearl Decker, 8. What are the centrifugal and centrip etal forces Answer Centrifugal force means tending from the center, and cen tripetal to the center. Example of the first Water flying from a grindstone in motion. Example of the second The leaning of a borse while rounding a curve to preserve his equilibrium. 4. What is standard time, and wherein d ies It differ from solar lime Answer Standard time is that adopted by railroads to obviate the Inoonvenlenoea arising from differ lie i In loral time of plsoee compara tively near. Local timi is correct time ac cording to th longitude of a given plaoe. 8. What were the blockade runners T Answer The blocked runner were fast tiling veesele painted a dull gray color so aanottobesaaUy detected at night and were need during th blockade In the South d i ring the civil war. Th object ol the owners was to make tha immense profits arising from tbe sale of goods at that time. 8. How are treaties negotiated between nations T Answer-Treaties between na tion or soverigns are formally signed by commissioners properly authorised, aad solemnly ratified -y the several soverigns or the supreme powers of each state. . 7. What waa California named after, and when was it admitted to the, Union T Answer California was asmsd after a charactsr by that name tbat appeared aa a hero in aa eld Spanish romance, very pop ular at that time. The date of its admit tance to the Union aa a state is 8ep. 9, 1890. 8. From what did Oregon receive its namef Answer There is some dispute about this question, but it is thought to have derived Ita name from the Spanish Oregana, or Bpanish wild Margoram grow- j mg along the eoaal. 9. Wbe made the first American Sag having on it ths stars and stripes T Answer Mrs. Betsy Ross, of Arch street, Phila delphia, in may or June of 1777. 10.. What is the eldest flag in tie world and how long has it been in uss T Answer The oldest flag la the world is that of Denmark, which haa been in use slnoe the year ef 1219. Answered by Pearl Decker. For psin in the chest a piece of flannel dampened witb Chamberlain's Fain Balm and bound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back between tbe shoulders, will afford prompt relief. Tbisie especially val uable in ease where tbe pain is ceased by a cold and there ia a tendenoy toward pneumonia. For aala by Dr. E. Roe. Statu v, NmlO'H abx. Last Mon day Neil O'Hare, of Mayger, appeared io tbe court-room in St. Helens before A. N. Clark, Justice of the peace, charged with dispensing liquors In less quantities than one gallon, be having a government license which entitles him to sell it in quantities oi a gallon or more. It was charged tbat be sold a certain fellow of that section fifteen cents wortn of tbe liquor, but they brought no witnesses to prove the charge, and the court, after hearing all the testimony, dismissed th ease and aseessed the costs, amounting to $76.00, to the private prosecutor, Geo. 11. Wsgner. Th Da am a. Local talent of thi city will produce the drama "Among the Breakers" next Monday evening at the opera bouse for the benefit of the Episcopal church to be built i this city. Those psrticipating in tbe performance are sparing no mesne to make it a arrand success, and if the public dies its share a satisfactory sum of money will be raised. The pint of tbe play ie laid on the coast of Oregon, and the cbsractera are rustic and nautical. The drama, winch ie two act one, is of modern life, full of mirth. David Murray, tbe light keep er, and Mother Carey, the mysterious old woman, will excite more then one curious desire for information. Tbe storm scenes will be good, and tbe out come uf the plot will command the warmest sympathy. ' Uhablb to Aobcb The following is taken from the Astoria Budget, and it seems we msy look for another fiab armeu a strike this year. It says "From present appt-arancea tbe Co lumbia river will see another fishing strike equal to that of last year with both ranuerymen and fibernien more determined to maintain tbe position wbioh last yesr resulted in a compro mise, through the assistance of tbe militia of two states. The association of all cannery interests on tbe Colum bia ha been iu session here for several days under the direction of C. 8. Nor ris, of Chicago, representing tbe Booth Pscking Company. Today a formal offer was made the Fishermeu's Union to psy four cents per pound during the coming season. It is tbe same offer made last year, two days before tbe season opened. Its refusal caused a strike. Tbe fishermen demand five cent, tbe price paid tbe year previous At a meeting tonight of tbe Funer men's union, me lour cent price waa discussed, aad finally action was sub pended until next meeting when a de cision will be reached, undoubtedly unfavorable, aa cannery agenta have been amonfr the fishormen with offers of four and one-hulf cents. A majority of tbe trapmen have already made contracts at four cents with the ean nervmen, but this does not weaken tbe fishermen, aa they know tbeir neces sity to the cannerymen, and if they can make the same stand aa laat year tbey will secure sufficient to repsy tbem for last year's losses. The fish ermen here so far have made no pre paration of gear for tbe season for the first time in many years. Many fish ermen who left this section during tbe strike last year will not return. An effort will be made to keep outside fishermen away in future, and if done it will make the local fishing situation of simple solution. Many merchants are well aware that tbeir customers are their best friends and take pleasure in supplying them with tbe best goods obtainable. As an instance we mention Perry t Cam eron, prominent druggists of Flushing, Miohigan. Tbey aay: "We have no hesitation in recommending Chamber lain s Cough Kemedy to onr custom ers, as it is the best cough medicine we have ever sold, and alwaya givea sstisf action." For sale at 25 and 60 cent per bottle by Dr. E. Roes. Not a few, who read what Mr. Robert Bowls, of Holland, Va baa to aay be low, will remember tbeir own exper ience nnder like circumstances: "Last winter I bad la grippe which left me in a low state of health. I tried num erous remedies, none of which did me any good, nntil I waa induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. The first bottle of it so far re lieved me that I waa enabled to attend to my work, and the second bottle effected a cure." For sale at 25 and 60 cents per bottle by Dr. E. Boss. CITATION TO HEIRS. In theCounty Court ot the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In th matter ot th Estate of John Keller, de- cesser). To Maria Keller, (now Marie Scmnlta.) Anna Keller. Lisa Keller. John Keller ner, Jonn Keller and i all others unknown. If any auoh then bs: N THS NAM 8 OF THS STATS OF OREGON. . Yoa and each of Tonara heFahvMimm&nrijiit to be and appear before the Bon. County Court ol the State ot Oreiron, In and for the County of Columbia, at the Court House in St. Helen, on tbe Ota day of Febrmary, 1807, et 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to ahnr omml If "? vm, wnfw oroer m aaie ui ,ne real prop arty belonging to aaid estate should not be mad aa In the petitioa prayed lor; said real property being described a the sonth hall of the southwest quarter, and the west half of the luarterof Section 26, In Township 7 Kanffa S Mt of Wlllaml, Ua.4. dian. In Columbia County, Oregon, containing im aorea oi una. In teatlnonr whereof t. Jndann Wd. lk rj the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of aaid Court at my offloe In the City of St. Helena, Oregon, this 4th day of January, A. D. 1897. lJULj , WEED, 8ft County Clork. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Cnuntv. In the matter of the Kstat of OsiaaChsrrlnston, To Venionla V. Dawson, heir at law of Oslaa cnemngton, deceased, and to all heir un- KDQWD, II K N THKNA any there be: S.ME OF THS STATE OF OREGON. jl rou. ana acn oi you, are hereby i mended to be and aoDear before th Hon. rim oom- Court of the Stale of Oregen, tn and for th County of Columbia, at th Court Hon ladt. Helen, Oregon, on Monday the 1st Day of March, 1807, At 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, It being the March term, to show cans, if an viat. h. unty an order of sale of all the real property be longing to said estate should not be made as prayed for in th petition on file in said Court, aid real property being deeoribsd aa follows, to-wlt: The NW ji of Sec U in T 4 N, R6 W of gon, and containing 160 acres; lm an undivided one-half interest In the NK ii; NB U of NW U; th fractional SW of NW 2; Ssli of BW& to uuiiuviiv aenuiBo, in lioiumoia uounty, or- Bee si, T s N, K l w of Willamette Meridian in Multnomah County, Oregon, and containing Tliii aoras, "known as the Able and Chrring ton ranch on BauTtea Island." Also a tract con taining TO aorea now in possession of Jackson Able, known aa th "Joy 7u-aora tract" situated In th end of th Bam and Mary Jan Lam bar son D. JL O, In Bee S6 In T S N, K t W of the Willamette Meridian in Multnomah County, Oregon, and more particularly described tna certain dead from 1. M. Joy and wife to J. Able aud O. Cherrlngton, dated October I'i, 188S, and recorded tn Book 10S Pag m, Multnomah County reoorda, to which reference la hereby mad. lu testimony whereof I, Judson Weed, Clerk of the County Court aforeaald do hereunto tmy hand and affix th seal of said Court at my ?Ho In the city of St. Helaua, Oregon, this Win day of January, A. D. IBU7. (ail.) JUDSON WEBD. J3f3S County Clerk., Great Shoe Sale Misses Dongoia Shoes, Ladies Shoes, from Ladies Shoes, from Gents' Shoes, from AH Shoes Reduced in Prices. LEO SELLING, JJ 167 Third Street, Between lYour llonej's Worth Every Time Dolman's Store. . . . IIUCKLE BROS. MAHorAonmaBS or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, itosuc. Dneatninsr. uaalnss, snd a complete stock of eyeijr rariety of Bongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYB OH HAHD. AT THK OLD STAND, 8T. HELEK OREOOV Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKS B, Proprietor. The eld and reliable Barbae kaa hla Man luit aa sharp aa ean be found, and will ilun m comfortably and quickly for only 15 out. ST. HELENS, "1 s OREGON 0 Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, t TOILET t ARTICLES ivrsi School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Fens, Fen cils, and the Beet Inks on the Market. A FINE LINE OP FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soars....... tL Patent Medicine W . C1r t' AAAAA tae--Ar COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HELENS, OREGON Hakes Investments, reeelvs deposit and dose a seaerat eancin Dusinesa. Capital stock. $20,000. All ktnda of rood securities bought and sold. Exchange, good everywhere In the world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. . 1890, V D bVaIU .-.-aull,. W 10 All t a dent: a N. Scott, woraurv: P. H. Ward. uiflt. 4.1-311. yicaiurjut, -a. vv Aiitju. T lJ""Wl- lit wocnsiMry; u. tx. neweu, ,cuni$r. For Sale! The cheapest place in Columbia oounly. Inquire of B. O. HAZEN. Warren, Oregon. tf NEWELL & WATKIHS DEALERS IN Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed woea aiso shihgle. Country Prodoce Bought and Bold, and Ex- aogea loruooas. undertaking boode furnished on Short Notice. Btore on Strand 8 tree t, 8T. HELENS, OB. Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short ootioe. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on tbe river at tbe ,owept Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all ordera to E, B. EORTHaTICX, GOBLE, OREGON. afsIiM 1 1 to 2, $1.25 to 95c - - 2.25 to 1.85 1.75 to 1.35 2.50 to 1.85 Yamhill and Morrison, POETLAKD, OR, Astoria HarWe Works J. H. IMHOFF, Proprietor. MAHUFACTUBKB OF Monuments MARBLE AN. ORANITfC AMD ALL KINDS Of CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLS: A PtCIALTV. Foot of Twelfth Street, ASTORIA, OR. -FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -eTEAMSR Young-America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH LeareSt. Helene 6:30 A. M" Arrive at Portland.'.. ... MAX LeaTe Portland... 2:30 P M Arrive at 8t Helens 6:00 P M ' , FARE SS CENTS. . ' Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. ""3 i PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY vusruvsuKii. - Ar -a-. -ajafr 'J "It ! 1 -THK BANQUET SALOON .v,; . " j-'' Has re-opened under the management of GEORGE A. BKINN, corner of Strand and Cowlin Streets, Si. Helens, Oreiron, where ean be found the choicest branda of Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devioee for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other nopnlar brands, are kent constantly on baud to supply theincreated trade at this very popular saloon. ' THI W AMOUS ( . CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS rPT AT BE BANQUET. : Lost. ..5M..wn,te yearling steer, marked with 'Key 'mark in left ear; also a red yearling belter, having small white spot over bin. Anyone knowing whereabouts of cither or both animals, please notify owner, 0. Saiene, by letter addressed, St. Helens, care of Captain Good. 0. SALENS. Farm For Rent. The J. A. Atkins place In Beaver valley, IH miles from Rainier, SO acres in caillva tion, large pasture, good buildings and bearing orchard. An excellent ehauce for dairying. Terms very reasonable to right party. Call on or sddress th undersigned at Clatskanie. Or., or Mrs. Sarah Meserve, Helena, Oregon, tor fall particular. . , 1..J. ME8KRVE, Administrator ot th. estate of John A. Atkins, deoeitsed. ' For Sale! My share, consisting of S13 ams in range 7 west 'Willamette meridian, sections S and 8 situate on Columbia river near town of Rainier, off James Bobbins' donation Isnd cHh-a. D. W. DOiElN'N.