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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
GENERAL NEWS SUMMARY Christian Felber Committed to the Asylum. sHate Teachers' Association Horn Comfort Range Company's I'euullar Methods. . This 0b Not IsAna. Ole Mun on, fisherman living on scow In he slough above town, was, on com. nUInt r( A. IT RI.I...I.. U n ilenry, examined m to bit mental condition Mora JuJge Doan last Wednesday. Munaon wai not be slaved to be Insane and therefore wet not committed to the asylum. QiviThib Youi Attshtiom. Those obool districts whlob contemplate levying a ipeciai mi for the msiiiteo no of Ibe dislrlot, are, by law, re quired to do so by the first of Febru ary ' of each year, in order that there may be no delay in making up the Us roll. The law governing lb le pro eedure may be found on page 61 of we uregon eobool law. QuADaAVT Gasa Decided. Tbs quadrant land contest case bae been decided by the tupreme court in favor or the government. Thle will be good ewe to many tettlera iq the Nehalem valley who have been occupying land In the quadrant for eeveral years and have spent a treat deal of moot and labor improving it, believing all the that tbe government would win the ami. IIOBTICULTVII AXD DaIIYIMO. Thn Oregon Agricultural college offers free to any young man or woman who de- elree Information along that Una it abort course In horticulture and dairy Ing. Board and lodging may be had at tbe eobool at from $2 to ti per week. The whole eipenee for tbe four weeks course need not be more than from 111 to 120. Further inforina tion at Ibis office. School Statistics. The average salary paid male acbool teachers in Oregon the present year Is 145.16 per month. Tbe average last year was 94A 44. Tbe average for lady teachers is 9 37.43. Tbe value of school prop rty in tbe state is 2,088311.17. Tbe number of teacher employed is 8317, and tbe number of pupils enrolled Is cHJ.zji, whlob Is a gain over last year ofoverWUO. A Bhavb Bor Hums. A corres pondent write the Guard from Wed derburo, Oregon, concerning a Lsne county boy, a son of T. J. Cook: "Master llarvey Cook and bis dog went bunting the other day and killed very large panther, measuring nine feet, and alto two large wild cats. Tbe brave little boy is only eleven years old and is a fine hunter. He has killed two bear and ten dear and quite a lot of small game this winter. What county can produce a better record for a brave boy than La net" Fob flooo Roads. A good roads convention is being agitated to be lteld la Portland. This is a movement that all the people Interested in the development of the country should take bold of and push along. Legis lation of some nature ought to be se cured at the ueil session of the legis lature which would place road con atruotion upon a substaatlal and simi lar basis in all parts of the slate. Tbe gospel of good roads has been presorted by every newspaper In tbe state, and it does seem thst the people ought to have some Interest in ths matter now. State Tbachms' Association. The annnal meeting of tbe flute Teachers' Association will beheld at 8a!em, commencing on December 28th and ending on th 30th. The pro gramme for the occasion baa been is sued, announcing tbe topics that will be discussed, and by whom. Special rales have been secured for those who desire to attend, aa follows : All mem bers traveling aver the Southern Pa cific will be charged full fare going, and return for one-third fare. One and one-fifth fare will be charged for round trip over the lines of tbe Ore ton Railway A Navigation Company. It is the Intention to hold a county acbool superintendents convention at th close of the teachers' convention. Amuoobd Ihsahav Last Saturday Christian Felber, who was held to ans wer on a charge of larceny In Justice Clark's court last week, and who waa cop fined in jsll in Portland to swait the action of lb grand jury, wss brought back to this oity to be exam ined as to his sanity. The complaint waa sworn to by ll 8. Italian and A. H. Blakesley, and the examination took place More Judge Doho, and Felber was adjudged insane and com mitted to lb asylum. When ques tioned by the physicians Felber said be knew it was wrong lo steal but de clared that, being aul of work, he was obliged to do so in order to live. He also slated that be had been confined in the Joliet penitentiary In Illinois, from October 1891 to 1894 for stealing 600 feet of lumber. lis said it did not make any difference to him whether he went to the asylum or to tbe peni tentiary, for in either case be would ba cared for Instead of gelling his Hy ing In th way ha had heretofore. His ess is a peculiar one, and he will probably not remain in th asylum long. . Tbb 8amb Hkhb. "Joseph Slewsrt, one of the Home Comilort Range Co s. agents, in Richmond, was arreateJ the other day on a charge of obtaining a note under fl V"-. Tu plaint was made by Mr. John R. Hall, if Mslbourn, who ws Induced by Stewart to purchase a rang for 0, having been promised six years time on Ihe same. Tbe note was signed by Mr. Hall, and waa made psysble on July 1, 1897, Stewart promising to give a written agreement, giving Mr. Hall ix years time, which he failed to do, bene th arrest Standard (Quebec) Journal." To the sbov the Fossil Journal addsf "Most of the notes ob ..i i k ih. Home Comfort Com- pany In Gilliam were gotten under circumstances almost Identical with th Osnedian esse aoove quv, no doubt th company's agents pni ao the asm Uotie all over ih con tinent It might pay those who pur chase Horns Comfort stoves in this oounty, who have not yet paid for them, and who can Drove tha loner- time promise made them by the agent, to stana a suit, uuilam county Juries do not look kindly upon swindles." Dabokb AhbadI Strange as It may appear, there has been considerable apprehension among th farmers and fruit growers In Ibis locality for the safety of next ssasoo's fruit crop. Thoir concern grew out of Ibe faot that for sevsral days past, up to the first of the present week, the buds on fruit trees were rapidly swelling, and In some esses were almost ready to bloom, Tbis was noticeable, too, on many kinds of shrubs, and bad the warm weavher continued another forty eight hours there would have been many fruit trees W nearly full bloom. Had this been the ess there certainly would have been soothe, short fruit orop for this section, a thing which could not profitably be experienced again, as the orop last year was an al most total failure. This condition of such early budding was experienced a number' of years ago, whan, on Christmas day of that year, there were two cherry trees on R. Cox's place, at Warren, In full bloom. The result was that ths cherry crop on that place was a complete failure. However, if there should prevail colder weather for a lew weeks yet, there may naturally be expected an abundant amount of iruit next season. Hew la lreve Cran. Soma reading that will prove Interest ing to young mothers. How to guard against the disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the causj, nrst symptoms and treatmeat is tbe object of tbis item. Tbe origin of croup is a oommon cold. Children wb are subject to it take cold very easily and croun is almost sure to fol low. The first symptom Is hoarseness ; tbis Is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which Is easily recog nixed and will never be forgotten by one wbo has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Congb Remedy Is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disappear, even after the croupy couch bas developed it will prevent Ihe attack. There is no danger in giving tbis remedy for it oouiaios nomine injurious, ror saie oy Dr. Edwin lioes. Heeolatlona of Sympathy. Casks Bock, Wash., Dec. 13, 1806. Tbs followlnt resolutions were adopted by tbe Ancient Order United Workmen: ' Wbsseas, It bas pleased tbe Supreme Master Workman of the universe, tore- mors from our midst, Brother Charles C. Slavens. a men.ber of oar suiter Lodge No. 73, A. O. C. W.j therefore be it Resolved, Tbst Cowtlts Lodge No. 41, A. 0. U. W.. extend to our departed brother's bereft wife, parents, brothers and sisters, oar warmest heartfelt sympathy in this sad liour of tbelr bereavement, for tbs loss of their dear relative. Riwlvxd, That while we mingle oar obsequious sorrows with ths Mends of the departed, we fully realise that not only they, but this entire eemmnnlty, has lost one whose absence has created an aching void which tima alone can efface. Risolykd, That we extend to the mem bers of Castle Rock Lodge No. 72 our fra ternal sympathy for ths loss of their Mas ter Workman and one of tbelr worthiest members. Rssolvsd, Tbat Cewlits Lodge No. 41, A. 0. U. W., cause to be spread npon Its rec ords, a copy of these ran tut ors, and that copies be furnished each of ths following usmed papers, to-wlt: Washington Work man, Cowllts Advocate and 8b Helens Mist. 'Light be tort of thy tomb! May Its verdure like emeralds be; There should not be tbe shadow of gloom In aught tbat reminds us of thee.1' . W. Lsnstao.l D. B. Lsahmt, Committee. 0. W. Bowas. J Marvel tlessiMs. From a letter written by Bev. J. Gunder- maa, of Diamonds!, Michigan, we are per mitted to make this sxtract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tbe results were almost marvelous In tbe ease of atv wire. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Blves Junction she was brought dowti with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. Terrible par oxysms of coughing would last hours with little Interruption and it seemed as it sns could not survive them. A friend recom mended Dr. King's New Discovery; It wae quick In Its work and highly satisfactory In Its results." Trial bottles free at Dr. Edwin Boss' drug store. Real Batata Transfers. Bi.ta r flMton to Jacob Bench, sr.. eX ef seK, sec 15, and nwK of swt, sec 14, 1 7 i.rSw; 2W. Henrv VsnAuksn to Joseph Belslog, aX of neX. sec W, T n, r w ; 178. United Biatea to Heirs ot ueorgs a. vooae. iKof new. seUof ne and ne) ofse, sec7.tSn,r4w; patent. oi. io Fraak Johnson. awU of seX and nK o' "' M0 e' nd nw ' neW snd new 01 nwji sec t, tea, i w. f.lentrlo Biltera. mi..i nitta is a medietas suited tor " - any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languia, sxnauiwu -i ..n. mhmn the liver Is torold and sluggish, and the need ef a tonic and alter- stive Is felt. A prompt nse oi snis wui- .1.. ... -.. .rarted ona? and pernaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from tbs malarial poison. Head aobe, Indigestion, constipation, dlsslness yield to Electrlo Bitters. Fifty cents and 1 per bottle at vr. m. jsoss ore . HI Appreciation Shown. v u,.Tprmlt me. through your ' - " paper, to thank the dear people of Warren, as tbelr pastor, for the 110 cash received, through the entertainment they gave there a short tints ago. . . " Th. Hml-Weekly St. Louis Globe- . tw n.nui rAnnhlican in Democrat, oiaun --r politics, and Th. Mist, one year 11.75 r . nnu. nintA riamnnrat is in advance, iw of the leading rcpuoucau F-r?: .. y.:.-j t.La. and its eight p g U.; week .7eed with the r . j ltaMiitinar news. It latest ana mm -- agricultural departments of pmU Interest to farmers. Send 11.75 to Su office and receive both p.pers for onejesr. WITHIN COLOMBIA COUNTY What Oar Gorrcspondents Have to Say. Prom All Prta of th County- Local Events for Headers - of The Mist. VBRNONIA VARIETIES. Editor Ssnford, of ths News, was In town last Saturday. Mr. J. Brous made a visit to tbe county seat this wsek. Wn, Flacks and wife ars the happy pos sessors of a brand new daughter. Mr. 0. Lewis, a son of A. B. B. Lewis, Is spending short time visiting near Verno- nla. Mr, Richards bss removed to Vernonla Hs occupies tbe bouse recently vacated by Judge Brink.. Mr. Holmes and wife ars preparing for an exU)ndei,it to tbelr former home in Minnesota. A force of men bas bee at work lately Improving the road eastot Vernonla, doing volunteer work, A little son of Mr. snd MATH. D. Van Blsrlcom cut his leg very badly ons day last week with an ex. Mr. Brlce Hacker, who, with his family, bas spent two years In Yamhill county, has relumed te bis ranch on Rock creek. Mr. Heeler, of Clackamas ceunty, who has been visiting friends near Vernonla for several weeks, returned to bis home on Sunday last, - Road Supervisor James Adams Is en gaged with a force of men making a new bridge scross the canyon near the Tucker place oo ths Rock creek road. Ths youog people of Vernonla are pre paring to bare a good time on Christmas. There will be an elaborate programme ren dered at Webster's hall, and a Christmas tree afterwards at the Evangelical church. At the meeting of the Vernonla literary society last Friday the question "Resolved, that General Grant was a better general than General Lee," was discussed exclu sively by the pupils of the Veraonia school. Tbe decision of the Judges wss In favor of th negative. YANKTON NOTES. ' December 10. Henry Burnett Is again driving team for II. 0. Howard. H. 0. Howard went to Portland Wednes day, returning Thursday. Mr. Cbarleton, mother and sister, Mr. Kale and wife, went to 8L Helens Sunday. A number of our yonng gentlemen at tended tbe dance on Xide creek Saturday night. Alfred Harrison and James Cox, of Houl- ton, oomiuenced work for H. 0. Howard Monday. The magic lantern show given by a Mr. Galloway Friday night was a success In svsry way. Ths scenes were fine. December IS. Charles Bumgardner went to St. Helens Sunday. Joseph Ken was seen on our streets Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sherman bas been on ths sick list for several days. C. Curry's child that has been sick for some time is slowly recovering. 8. Rock, who Is driving one of Howard's ox teams, speut Sunday at bis home hi Carico. Mr. N. A. Perry and J. Rowley, of Houl- ton, were In this place a few days ago on business. Mr. Crosbv is erectins him a dwelling house on the lot formerly owned by B. Plain nier. James Cox, of Houltoa, was In tbis plaee Sunday doing soms repair work on How. ard's mill engine. Cbarles Brlggs, of this place, la building a store house in which he expects to put a small stock of goods. George Brous, of Honlton, is going to move his family out to Yankton, where he is head sawyer in the mill. Tbe surprise party at Charles Crease's was the place at which the young people enjoyed themselves dancing. H. O. Howard le running bis business on s largs scale, having four teams hauling lumber, logs and railroad ties. Mr. Hadley, from the East, made Leslie Bailey, of this place, a pleasant visit tbis week. They ars old acquaintances. A number of our people attended the erasy quilt social at Honlton Mondry night. N. A. Perry drew the lucky number, 48, which won the prise. CLATSKANIB. Oscar Elliott Is in Astoria this week. John Wallace, ef Mist was in town Mon day. Al Thomas was here Monday on his way to Mist. He bad been no the river looking after timber interests tor Smith Thomas. W. A. Edxerton snd J. M. Roddick were passengers oa ths incoming steamer Mon day morning after a few days spent in Port land. Praotlcee are being held this week for an entertainment nnder the ausploes of the Sunday school, announced tor Christmas Ers, next. Isaao Bumgardner and family started on Monday evening for Deer Island to visit hu parents. He took along a present in the shape of a cub bear which be bought here, as bis father has been wishing he oould secure a bear alive. Frank Olsen, working on the railroad grade for Contractor Allen, got his leg bro ken Friday by some falling rocks in one of the cuts across Beaver. He was brought here and his Injury attended to by Dr. Hall while oa board the Bbaver, where ba was placed for conveyance to Good Bamarltaa hospital at Portland. L. V. Maxwell, by a fall Sunday morn ing, sprained his leg quite severely, and was considerably distressed for a while, thinking the leg waa broken, and he oould not climb telegraph poles for several weeks. An examination by the doctor put bis mind at rest, and soms bandaging and liniment got him out again In a day or two. A voung bear was seen and captured by Jake Goddel not far from town a few days ago, Tbe cub objected very strongly to be- ingoiiptureu, but Jake, witu tneaiaoia dog, was master of the situation, and took the animal into cusioay. ooou siht uriug- ing It into town Ik Bumgardner bought it as a present for bis father. Cliff Overtnrf Is now wielding tbe raxor and scissors with ths lank snd profession of a tonsorlal knight. Sines th depsrtnre of M r. Goble, wbo left as last week without definite Information as to when he would return. Cliff is nslng ths chair at Lane's, as ws nnderstand thst Mr, Maxwell Is tak ing mors than an ordinary interest ia ths furniture left In his possession. It wss thougl't best last week to elose the school at the end of the third month for tbs holiday vacation, so our scholsrs will bavs s three weeks' vacation. The attack of measles smong many of the scholars eaused such a poor record of attendance recently that three weeks' vacation is ex pected to get them all well so that tbey can start In with vigor and vigilance on Mon day, January 4tb, Miss Reld has gons to Portland to spend tbs holidsy vacation with her parents and friends at University park, and to get away from tbs measles as well. Prof, Whitten Is remsining with us to bavs a little time for study and recreating having hid tbe measles in bis earlier days. Miss Bryant bas also bad her experlencs In tbat dlrec tt.m, and all the pupils in her room have now been through measles, making her work liable to no further Interruption on tbat score. - A change bss taken place in the proprie torship of the blacksmith shop property, osused by aa exchange of properties. Henry Doerr reslgnatbe town property and takes a claim near Vernonla, while John Eagle comes Into possession here and has alrsady moved Into the house vacated by Doerr, who bas taken his family for the present Into a house Just outside of town. John is not a stranger among as, having been employed by Saldern for the past year or two to do the necesserr backsmith work of two or three logging campa, and he has the reputation of being s good workman. He is now "the village blacksmith," and like Longfellow's "Week in, week out, from morn till night iou can near nis oeuows mow; You ean bear him swing his heavy sledge, With measured beat, and slow." It was gratifying to notice last week thst your problem correspondent bad found oat and was willing to admit there was an at tempt at a high school In Clatskanle. Gratifying because the admission was an evidence that there is reosa in that brain for smetblag besides the facts and prob- Isms of tbe school' books. We would further inform ths correspondent that tbs attempt is a grsnd success, as baa been demonstrated by three months of actual trial, If a large attendance ot scholars and enthusiasm in their work, count for any thing. Ths correspondent would be safe in risking an attempt to find our town. A governor of Oregon, United States senators and other members of congress, bave had no difficulty In getting here, and members of the state legislature are mads to order here, the last three county conventions finding talent in Clatskanle to represent tbe county without any difficulty. Th high school is getting others ready, but before they announce themselves, we would like to whisper In the correspondent's ear that a school teacher was actually nominated for tbe legislature while teacbiag here and triumphantly elected soon after ths close of the term. Come down soon, apply for the school and get in line for promotion. Yee, another Clatskanle school teacher is now deputy sheriff ot ths county, and where the lightning will strike next no one knows. Take oat a little accident insur ance and come down after Christmas, visit the high school snd see the place. You may get the measles on the first visit If nothing more, tbey are here and easy to get. MAYGER ITEMS. J. W. Boals made a trip to Portland last week. 8. M. Boals made a flying trip to Hogne island last Sunday. : Elmer Meserve, of Delena, paid this place a visit last Friday. 8. M. Boals had a runaway last week, but as luck would have it no damage was done. Mr. A. Clairmont returned home last week after being abaeut in Portland for some time. Al Montgomery went op to Lewis river last Thursday to spend a few weeks on his homestead. The recent heavy rains washed oat about a quarter of a mile ot Tbe Mayger Com pany's flume. Major J. 6. Kinearson bas returned again after being absent about two months mncb improved in health. W. J. Sanborn has a crew of six men at work getting oat piling to be shipped to Alaska for building fishtraps. REUBEN HAPPENINGS. Mrs. R. R. Foster was In Portland last Saturday. J. E. Davidson, of Kalama, was in town on Friday. '. W C King, ot Apiary, was In town on Wednesday. Fred Koble mads a shipment of cheese to Portland Friday. William Conner went to Portland on ths Kellogg Wednesday. Isaao Bumgsrnnerand A O Berg of Deer Island, were in town Saturday. Father Woodham will spend Christmas with his son, Fred, near Rainier. T 0 Watts and wife went to St Helens last Saturday to visit the Eastern 8 tar chapter. Samuel Mann, D. D. DUIard and Ed Smidt, of Nehalem, were visiting R R Fos ter on Monday. J W Taylor, of this place, wss elected superintendent of the Sunday school at Goble last Sunday. George Severson, of Toledo, Wash, who baa been visiting bis brother, J Severson, returned home last Saturday. RAINIER NEWS. Dr. Parker is now occupying rooms over the City Restaurant. Alex Schmear has purchased a scow and moved bis family on board. Miss Belle Perry is playing ths "devil" at Ihe Review office tbis week. Captain Skinner, ot the Alice A, bas moved hit family to Rainier. Jharles Anderson, the boy medium, lectured Wednesday evening in the old school house. The Rainier Review Is now in ihe hands ot Mr. Cobb, the jeweler, Mr. Brown, the former editor, having been "kidnaped." Heavenly strains of musio ran be heard quite frequently issuing from the drag store. Dr. McLaren is learning to play the violin. John Dibblee met with quite serious ac cident last Friday, resulting In a broken rib. Hsis, however, doing nicely under skillful treatment of Dr. A. P. MuLaren. CUBAN LEADER MURDERED General Maceo and His Staff Horribly Butchered. Under Pretense of Making; Peace th Dastardly Outrage Wae ' Committed. Through the Associated Press reports the details of the murder of General Antonio Maceo and bis stuff bas been made known. Following are the details as reported by s Cuban in a letter written to a friend at Jacksonville, Florida s . "Havava, Deo. 0 Dear Friend Justo: Our bravs general, Antonio Maceo, and tbe greater part of his stuff bave been mur dered by tbe Spaniards, the Spanish major. Ctruje la, acting the part of assassin, with Dr. Maximo Zertucba as an assistant in tbe horrible drama. "Convinced that, notwithstanding his enormous army, bs could do nothing against our gallant lesder, wbo had so re peatedly defeated tbe Spanish generals in Finer del Bio, Weyler conceived tbe Idea of appeasing his beastly instincts by cold blooded murder, and making tbe best of tbe secret relations between Dr. Zertucba and tba Marquis Ahomada, he planned with the latter his hellish scheme. "Weyler took the field, and in bis ab sence Ahumada proposed through Maceo s physician, Zertncba, a conference with Maceo, to take place at a certain point in tbe province of Havana, with tbe view of arranging plans for tbe cessation cf hos tilities. Tbs basis was to be Cuba's inde pendence, snd a monetary Indemnity to Spain, together with certain advantages that should be agreed npon for Spanish commerce and Spanish capital Invested there. " "Tocsrryout the plan, tbe agreement was tbat orders should be given to tbe de tachments of troops stationed on the troche on the section between Martel and Guana Jay, to allow Maceo, with bis staff, to pass the military line unmolested. Time was required to mature tbese arrangements, and to give them all the appearance of truth, Ahumada feigned that before acting he must make tbem known to Weyler for previous approval. "Tbis sxplains Weyler's sndden arrival in Havana and his prompt departure for Pioar del Rio. The conditions and place of meeting having been agreed upon, Maceo crossed tbs trocha, over the road to Guana- jay, without being molested by tbe forte, but as soon ss ha arrived at the place de cided upon, he and bis party were greeted by a tremendous volley from tbe troops nnder Major Cirajeda, who lay conven iently in smbnsh. -"Most of the officers of his staff fell with General Maceo. Zertucha is alive, because he was aware of tbe scheme and remained In tbe rear." In a letter from another Cuban ws find the following: "Maceo erossed tbe trocha, gaing to the place appointed for the meeting. He passed tbe Spanish sentinels nnder Spanish pro tection, and they presented arms in his honor. Going forward some four miles from the trocha, Maceo snd his staff, nam. bering35 men and officers, came to hill side thickly stndded with small pines and underbrush. Here a Spanish outpost was observed. Maceo sent forward his flag, and in a tew minutes was signaled to advance. As be did so, hundreds of 8panish soldiers arose out of the nnderbrnsb, surrounding ths party. Major Cirujeda galloped op and demanded Maceo's surrender. "Never," shouted ths intrepid Cuban leader, drawing bis sword. "Forward, my men; death to tbe cow ards," shouted Cirujeda. At this the Spanish soldiers poured in a fir of leaden bullets. Maceo fell at the first fire and young Gomes next. The fire was continued nntil every man was killed. except Dr. Zertufcha, whom the Cubans say Is a traitor. Ths bodies of Maceo and young Gomes were then lied to the tails ot the soldiers' horses and dragged over the field, so as to disfigure them, as the Span iards did not wish to have (hem discovered and identified at first. Thb Mist and Oregonian one year for 2.00 in advance. Get neat job printing done at' this office. Prices lower than tbe lowest Mrs, A. L. Richardson, of Rainier, ia very sick at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. H. Johns, in tbis city. Good advice : Never leavn borne on a journey without a bottle of Cham berlain a Uolto, Ubolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For-sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. At last reports the, body of C. C. Slavens, who was killed by a landslide on the Cowliis riyer, had not been re covered, though every means for its recovery bave been applied since the accident. Mrs. Lawrence VanBlarioom came up on the Thompson Wednesday from Astoria, where she had been visiting. She will return to her home at Phil omath after visiting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Weed, at Houlton, lor a few days. Cbarles Gable, of Bachelor Flat, baa rented bis place for the coming sea son to Mr. Hegele, of Warren. Mr. Gable, in the meantime, will devote bis time to looking around tbe coun try, and taking a general rest. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East Brimfield, Mass., had been suffer ing from neuralgia for two dsys, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden. tbe merchant there eenl her a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and asked tbat sbe give it a thorough trial. Oa meeting Mr. Wells the next day she was told that she was all right, tbe pain had left ber in two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth f 5.00 if it oould not be bad for less. For sale at 60 cents per bottle by Dr. Ed win ROSS. Bncklesi'a Arisieak Satlv The best Salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Lost. One white yearliog steer, marked with V ' t f- i.r, u . . .I.a H ....lis. heifer, having small white spot over hips. Anyone knowing whereabouts of either or both animals, please notify owner, C.Baien. oy letter aaaressea, oi. ueiens, car oi Captaiu Good. 0. SALENS. BksOrsfsiA AsfhJfcafhnValii sib sUkSAaHi rfts AAAi j ..THE BIG . i CLOTHING STORE, "FAMOUS Sell Suits and Overcoats 33 Per Cent Cheaper than any House in Oregon. " Prices for Suits. 7.00, $8.60, f 10.00, and $1100 Tbey are all Wool and Warranted, . Overcoats $8.S0, $10.00, and $12.50 Boys' Suits from $2.00 up. Famous Clothing House, Second and Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon gj ' - tVTSvVWVVVTVVllVVVV'yVVVVV' professional. COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY DR EDWIN BOSS T, HUS1. OMOOIS .-. ' tuwlB B"BB Makes Investments, receivse deposits and doss PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. cO. . St. Helens, Oregon All kinds of food semritlee bought snd sold, Exchange, food everywhere in the world, sold. rvR. h. B. curr, incorporated jah. . is. J. B. Netll, president; I. W. Allen, vlce-presl- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ISZ&SJffiffZ&Z' B, Helens, Oregon flrUCKLE BROS. J-R. J. g. HALL, MABOrACTUSSES or PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T?? IF, Flaring, . Rustic. Obeathing. Casings, and a ' Clatskanle, Columbia county. Or. complete stock of every variety of,,. H.A-,,. aM Dressed Lumber ALLEN & CLEETON, at the old btasd, bt. hele'k obeqow mJT NEWELL & WATKINS N.ME8EBVK. DEALBK8 IN Samjorand Ciril Engineer 6Mte m M M WSSBARBIHIHeLE, DELENA, OREGON. Countrv Produce Bought and Sold, and Ex County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town changed for Goods. Undertaking Goods Platting and Engineering work promptly lurnished on Short Notice, executed. Store on 8trand Street, ST. HELENS, OB. Dr. E. Ross 3 ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, TOILET , ARTICLES . - J U J - L U Jj,JT;,,-,,JUy.,,-f School Supplies An Unusually well-selecled Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cils, and tbe Best A FINE LINE OF Finest Perfumes and Soaps. Patent Medicines tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Oregon Shoe Store- 108 Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill Special Sale of Shoes Our Stock Is Complete. Embracing all Pop ular Lasts in LADIES'. CHIL DREN'S and MRK'S SHOES Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes, in Narrow. Square and Piccadilly Toe; and Common Sense Letts. $1.25 to $3.60. New Oxfords in Tan and Black, Common Sense, Narrow Square and Piccadilly Lasts, from BO cents np. Men's Shoes up to date, from f 1.25 to 13.50. Children's and Misses School 8hoes from SO cents ud. Children's Spring Heel 9 to 12, 60 cents. Children's Spring Heel 5 to s, ou cents. We Sell Reliable Goods Only. " OREGON SHOE STORE, 168 Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill, All kinds of rough and dressed : Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at the - Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Lumber : i 4 inks on tne Market. M FANCY STATIONERY 1 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. -THE BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened nnder the management of GEORGE A. BRINN, corner of Strand and Cowlits Streets, Bt. Helens. Oregon, where can be found the choicest brands of Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat. rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Beeldes other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the Increased trade at this rery popular saloon. THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT HE BANQUET. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -wTgAMgn Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St, Helens 6:30 A K Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at St. Helens ; 6:00 P M -.v: aTABB ta CBItTa. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. Decker's BARBER SHOP J. B. DECKER, Proprietor, The old snd reliable barber has his rason Just as sharp as ean be found, and will sbv joa oomforublr and qulckl; tor only U cau. ST. HELENS, T t OREGOS