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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1896)
ToTMflUAL Hl'KAKlNO. T. J. Cloe (ton will apeak at Watts & Price's hall t Soappooso, nn the political issues of tne tiay, on Baiurilny vning, May 10th. Tha public, including the Jadtos, are luvlled. Rkpuhmoan SrBAKiNO. There will be a grand republican rally at Moorei ville on Friday evening, May 16th, t 8 o'cloolc. T. J. Cleeton will be the orator of the evening. The public is cordially invited to bo present. The India are espmiiiill.y requested to bu present. Tuoplo of til political faiths are Invittd. Fknmanhuip. l'rofeiwir J. M. Gar tIsoii, of Forest Grove, hat bcon in the city since Tuosdny endeavoring to or gauiie a writing dust in tit, Helens and Houlton. X meeting was hold in thli city lust evening to ice what could ie done, bat owing to press hour ar riving bofore the meeiing adjourned we are unable to note the result, It wai thought, however, that a class would be orgHuhed at each place. A Bid Salk. The foreclosure of the mortgage on tho Northern Pacific rail Toad will bo followed by the nalo of the property, A special muntor-iiwlnino-ery hai been appointed by the United Slates oourt of appeals, and whenever io ae (H will advertise tho property in various newspaper from lloslon to I'ortland for sale, Nona will be allowed to bid who do not liist (lonuail the sum of $200,000 na an evidence of good hum. INDEPENDENT Caruidatk. I. II. Hhoemuker has filed with the county clerk ui nomination as an "imlepend ent republican" en ml id to for school euprriiitendont. His nomination con tains the names ol wty or more per sons who claim to be qualified electors ami are recognized as belonuing to u II political parties. Mr. ghoeniuker and JmU'o Northiip ahould pool issues and make tlieir cauipnign together. Tliey both stand about an equal show of election. In tiik County Road. There is said to be a shingle mill standing in the county road leading from Hninier to lieavor valley, about a quarter of a mile from the Htohman school house. The shinglwinill stands in such a po sition that water drips from the eaves on the bridge. The mill standing upon tho publio highway, Phillip Drnnt has notified the owners that objection is made to tho mill standing there, and if the parties insist the mill will have to be moved. It is just proliablo that the circuit court will be called upon to decide the mutter. . Could Nor Aorkk, The joint meet lug of the democratic and populist state central committee! hold in Port land Tuesday resulted in no final ac tion being taken In the direction for which the meeting was culled. The object was to agree, if possiblo, upon a plait to defeat Mr. Tongue for con- f;reifl, and the gonnral tendency bofore and was for the democrats and popu lists each to withdraw their candidate for congress in the first district and ngrve upon a compromise man, prob ably Judge Waldo or Representative Darklej, After a stormy session last ing far into the night, tho populists declined to withdraw Vandurberg, thnir candidate, and thereupon the demo crats refused to pull JefT Myers, tlieir candidate, down, and so the three-cornered fight for ongress in the first district is still on without any pros pects of a compromise, which means success for the republican. Tin Good Templars. A district Good Tom plars lodtco was instituted in Kuinier last Tuesday evening with thirty fnor charter members. Tim dis trict lodno is composed of the six sub ordinate lodges of this county located nl Hi. Helens, Houlton, Kninior, Gluts katiio, Helena and (Stewart creek, which lodge represent a total mem bership of 150. Tho sssions of the district lodge is held every three months, and the next session will be held in Hi. Helens on the first Wed nesday of August next. Rev. W. L. Black well was chosen tho District Chief Templar. A Lawykk, Too. The populints of "Washington county huvu nominated Wrs. W. K. Thome for school superin tendent, Mra. Thome, wIiobb maiden name was Howard, until ubout four years ego, wns admitted to the prac tice of law in llii state so years prior and actually did engnge in the practice of her profession, and wutt said Bl that time to he the only woman ever admitted to the bar in this state, and would probably be practicing law yet had not her pathway heen strewn with Thorucs. The lady's qualifies tions for lira place, howovcr, cannot be questioned, Fruit Injured. From many parts of the slate it is reported that the fruit .crop is greatly injured by reason of heavy froais and l ite, cold rains. It is said the peach crop will l practi cally a failure this year. It is also ea timated that there wilt not be more than one fourth of a cherry crop, and other fruita are injured to such ox tent that the erop will be short. The fruit crop is not the only source from which our people will sutler a shortage, In Yamhill and other Willamette val ley counties it is claimed the acreage of spring-sown grain will be dtioronsetl by Ml per cent from the usual amount by rouson of the late heavy rains pro venting plowing and needing. All these things combined do not uflV'i an encouraging outlook for Oregon this year. Looks I.ikk Blackmail. The ree nt charges brought against George F. Moeck, postmaster at Rainier, by one O. G. (iuimby, for defamation of char acter in making known the contents of a certain letter directed to the post master, warning people against Quinv by, savor largely of blackmail. The complaint filed in tho circuit court avers that plaintiff is damaged in the modest sum of $10,000. . People who know Mr. Moeck best do not hesilute to say they do not believe there was any intent on his part of ininrv to an othor, but only to protect an innocent and unsuspecting publio from possible intrusions. Tho care will come up for hearing in tho circuit court this May term. The plaintiff will be rep resented by Williams & Wood, while Hillard & Cole will appear for the de fondant. Committed to tub Asylum. Chas. F. Guslafsou, a native of Sweden, who bus a claim near Mist, wns committed to the asylum lust Tuesday. The complaint was sworn out by Matilda C. Johnson, a sister of Gustnfson, bo fore N. C. Dale, notary public, charg ing that the accused hnd repeatedly attempted improper relations with the complaining witness, and otherwise acted in a manner that would indicate that he was a dangerous man to run at large. Gnalafsou was arraigned be fore Judge 13 In no hard and gave his agoatforly years, was a 'member of the Luthorn church, had taken out his first citizen papers in Portland in 1882. He was once bofore committed to the asylum from Portland about eight yenrs no. Tho examining phy sicians were Dm. ClilF nnd Ross, and tho witnesses were W. II. Fgiils and AUnicnl. AsKB A Cmanob of VNt!B. X. N. Sleeves, on trial for the murder of Geo. Mayers, for which "Bunco" Kelluy is aorving a life sentence at Salem, Men day asked for a change of venue to an other county, and stated as his reasons that he believed he could not get fuir and impartial trial in Multnomah county. Al his first trial the indict ment against him waa for murder in the first degree, and tho manslaughter verdict of the jury was a pour Comoro mine. Judge Stephens gave the state until Saturday morning to answer to Stecves' claim, and in the meantime Steeves' lawyers will endeavor to got further proof that their client is"uu popular" in that county. The request of Stouves lawyers was granted lues day by Judge Stephens, end tho case will he taken to Washington county, where it will be tried before Judge Mc uruiH at iiuisuoro in July. A New Swindle. The latest swin die is accomplished by means of double fountain pen, one end filled with good ink, tho other with ink that fades away in a day or two, Tho sharper's plan is to call on farmers or others, making a bargain so advanla geous to them that they are willing to agree to it, write the agrecmenbor eon tract with the ink that fades, then manage so that the victim signs it with the ink that lasts. Then in a few days they have the name on sucet ni blank; paper on winch any sort of note can be written. People who read the papers aro careful how they sign their names to any docu ment offered by a stranger. Others are caught in this new trap. PEIlHONAIi AND liOOAti. A Little Pointed. "Tho Bolleeon ian advises republicans to vote against an Mitchell cutuiiuates lor represents tives. Suppose the regular republi cans should advise their followers to vote against all candidates for re pre sentatives not Mitchell men, what would bo tho result? The louBy sheet in the tall tower cowers before wealth truckles to corrupt and domineering rings, forgetting that wrong cannot long triumph over right. The ropub lican party in this stale has been ton long misrepresented by the no-called metropolitan paper down at Portland and now It ia to bo congratulated on Having it on the other side to huh elect the regular ticket by its opposi tion. Hcppner Gazelle. County Court. County court is in session (his week, Commissioners I A Frakes and 8. G. Schoonover and Judge llluncbatd being present. Al most ine entire day Wednesday was taken up hearing claims for rebate of taxes. The court, however, was not in clined to grant the requests made by the parties who claimed to have paid excessive taxes, and so business pro cooded. There were also some road mailers to bo considered which were not easily disposed of, but the May term will probubly close tomorrow evening. This will be the last eesaion in which Judge Blanchard and Mr. Schoonover will take part during their present terms. A Good One oh Euobne Salem Journal : "Since Salem has no street cars that are moved by means of a mule or bovine it will probably be safe to publish the following: In speuking of the Russians and their care of horses, Dr. Gregory de Kannet related that Russiau horsemen exchanged horses at least every half hour. The lecturer said he found Oregon differed in thut respect. At Eugene there is a street car line whose cars are propelled by an old nrilu and the owners of tho corporation are so thoughtful that they change cart every half hour but the mule is obliged to work tho ontire day." Had Thkke Names. The Columbia river Ihib had three names. It was first culled the Oregon. Afterwards it was called the Saint Rogue, but when it was discovered by Robert Gray, in 1702 it was given the name of his" ves sel, the Columbia, in place of the two floating appellations Oregon and St. Uoo ne. According to Whitney, the original name of tho river was the Orejon, "big ear," or "ono that has big ears," tho allusion being to the cus tom of the Indians, who were found in its region, of stretching their ears by boring them and crowding them with ornaments, Assessor White was In this city yet terday. ' G, W. Barnes, of Quinoy, wns In tho city yesterday. Harry West, of ScappoOHO, was in towa Wednesday. The Miht and Orcgoniun one year for $2.00 in advance. Congress has decided to adjourn on the IStii of this month, County Survoyor Moserve hat been in tins city most of tins week. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldon were in Portland Tuesday afternoon Mr. A. Iloladay, the Hcappoose nur seryman, was in town Wednesday. Chariot Schnabel, an attorney of Portland, was in this city Monday. Gnorge F. Moeck, of Rainier, wat at tending to business ia tho county seat Tuesday. Mr. N. A. Nichols, of Portland, it visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Doao, of this city. T. J. Cleeton started on Ins cam paign tour through Clackamas county yesterday E. W. Bingham wat appoioied ad ministrator of the estate of Jesse Guild, daceuued. Mrs. J. 0. Mucklo visited her sinter at Skumokuwa Monday, returning the same evening. C. II. Newell went lo Rainier Tues day to organize a diatrict lodge of Guod Templars. Judge Blanchard was kept quite busy Monday and Tuesday wrestling with the probate ducket. Attorney George K. Davis, of Port land, was in the city Tuesday attend ing lo legal business preparatory to circuit court. Mrs. W. II. Dolman wont to Salem last Friday to spend a few days and to uid in her daughter t celubration ol a silver wedding. Adam Stump, II. C. Lamberson, F. II. Swager, O, D. Garrison and J. 1) McKay, of Hcappoose, were in this city Wednesday. In tho probate court this week Peter Jjousignont was appointed guardian ol George, Margaret, Lena and Bessie XiOusiuout, minors. Rev. C. E. Philbrook will preach al Scappoose next bunday at II o clock a. m., at Warren aid p. in., and at Houlton at 7 :30 p. m. Mrs. G. II. Lemont and Mrs. M. C. Gray were in attendance at the Good Jemplars meeting at Kainier lues day. They were delegates from the lodgo in this city. Rev. W. L. Black well will preach next Sunday, May 10, at Houlton at 11 o'clock a. m., Colombia City at 3 p. m., and at the church in St. Helens at 7 :30 p. m. William Kuril), a subject of Ger many, and Percy H. and I'alen Clark, subjects of Great Britain, declared tlieir intentiou to become citizens of the United States before Judge Blanch aid Monday. After handing his contribution to the editor, the poet observed : "My Mil. DAVISON AGAIN. Vkbkonia, Or., May 4, 1898. Editors Mist: In view of the fact that the populists of Columbia county bar no organ through which they can express themselves, such slush is thrust upon an unsuspecting publio through a sheet called "Independent," published by one Mitchell, that is so misleading tnd possibly danger ous, as the article in question purports to be written by one R. gesssman, although the phraseology Indicates that he was not tho writer. Hut this Bcsseman aspires to ho county judge, and in a three-cornered contest it Is possible that sucli a calamity may befall our county as bis election. The article referred to was tntltlcd "Good Roads," lie recommends that the county issue (50,000 In county warrants to be paid In annual payments of t-5000 without in terest, and these warrants to be used to build a "good rosd" from St. Helens to Vernonia. The first objection is tbat the county is prohibited from going In debt ovor IflOOO, and the very proposition Implies that be would be willing to violate his offi cial oalh to support the constitution. This shows him to be a dangerous and unscru pulous character, wholly unfit for so re sponsible and Important an office. In the scoond place, if such warrants are intended us a circulating medium, they will be subjected to an annual tax of ten per cent. Tho question arises, "What would be the present worth of such paper payable in twenty years with annual inter est of ten per cent, and in view of the further fact that a decision might at any time be handed down by the supreme court declaring such issues unconstitutional and void V The utterance of such wild schemers appear to ludicrous, as a measure of relief, that we are forced to look in some other direction for the root of the evil. The ex pendituro of so much money (debt) would give scope to a "Uick"-tator to employ the gang that nave secretly conspired to tin elevation. This would be clover for Bchoon over, Mitchell, Campbell et al. This gang secretly disfranchised the populists In the state and national conventions and slated the ticket for this county. Verily, the smell of official fire has brought the rlfi'-rair to the surface, and the evils en dured by the populists appear to be cumu lative in Ibe following order: Massit, Hchoonover, Sesseiran. May the good Lord deliver the good people of Columbia county front the last as from a pestilence, M. Davisoh, "HOW HATH THE MIGHTY FALLEN." Vernonia, Or., May 8, 1896. Editors Mist: I noticed a remarkable production from the fertile brain of Ver- noma's honored ( ?) recorder In last issue of The Mist. Whether lie had it published for the purpose of advertising that he now hud an office, or whether he wanted tbe people of Columbia county to know that he is still alive and open for any office from representative to road viewer, wo leave for the ppople to judge. We are sorry tbat his petition for a place on the populist ticket for judge met with such poor success in his own neighborhood, where the long-haired populist is so well known ; and who knows that from the fact that a certain populist gave blni away on bis (D's) scheme for said populist to work for M r. recorder's nomination for judge on the promise of f 10 per month salary, has turned what few brains tha recorder had, to water. Nose, why did not Mr. Davison, recorder, "publish the minutes as they are in tbe minute book," and not send the proof licet? Mr. recorder published that, his friends lell me that my verse is full of to-claimed minutes, without authority of fire. "Good enough, " replied the ed- law, and in doing to has overstepped the ttor, with a glance at the stove, "my tir is equally lull ol verse. Dr. J. E. Hull and W. K. Tichenor. of Clatskanie, were in this city a short time Tuesday afternoon conferring with the tax collector, and went away on the bhavcr the same evening, leav ing evidence that the county ex chequer had been repleuiahed to some extent, and Treasurer Wharton at once issued a call for more warrants. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and to use each one in such a wav as to derivo the greatest benefit is a question every una must solve for himself. We be lieve, however, that no better use could bo made of one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every familv should be provided with. For sale by ut. t-dwiti It oss, Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominont livery man and murubar.tof Goshen, Va., hag this to say on the subject of rheuma tism : "I take pleasure in recommend- ng Chamberlain s Pain Balm for rheu malum, as 1 know from personal ex perience that it will do all that is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up in bed with nflnmniatory rheumatism, and suffer ed intensely. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain, and the use of one bottle com- letely cured htm. For sale by Dr. tdwin Roes. bounds of the dignity of the "court," and his action brings down upon his bead the just indignatiun of populist and republican alike of this vicinity. Mr. Davison's polit ical goose is cooked ; his political aspirations die hard, and his policy of rule or ruin will be laid to rest with Mr. Davison, recorder of tbe city of Vernonia. B. Sessiman. County Treasurer Dead. IIillmiioho, Or., May G.J, W. Sap pington, aged 02 years, died at bis res idence in this city at 4 o'clock tbit morning. He was in the street last night at 8 o'clock, when he left for home, saying ho ncyer felt in better health. A few minutes after arriving at borne ho complained of not being able to see, twooned away, and never again, became conscious. The cause of death was cerebral apoplexy. The funeral took place this afternoon from the Christian church, and the remains were taken on the 6 o'clock train to Gaston for interment. Mr. Sappington was elected county treasurer on the republican ticket in June; 1894, which office he filled with credit to tha county. At the republi can convention, which met April 30 last, he was renominated by acclama tion for the same office. Blank note and receipt books can bo bad at tins office. Challenge to Debate. The McKinley Republican Club, of St. Helens, Oregon, hereby challenge tbe Pop ulist party of Columbia county to a joint debate on any question of politics, at any time. Dcbators to consist of five members of the Peoples' party and five members of the McKinley club, speeches lo be limited to fifteen minutes to each speaker. Debate to take place at any point in the county agreed upon. HARRISON ALLEN, D. DAVIS, President. Secretary. Teacher' Examination. jyOTICE is hereby given that for tbe L purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themielves s candidates for teachers of tbe public school of this county, the county school superin tenuent inercoi will noia a puouc examina tion at Kt. Helens, commencine at 1 o'clock p. m.. on Wednesday, May 13th, 181)0. Btate ccrlilicates and uipiumas will be acted upon at me same lime. J. O. WATTS, Cmintv School Superintendent Dated April 22, IMjO. Citation. In the County Court of Columbia County lor me siate oi uregon. In the Matter of the KatBte of I Charles Trim. Deceased. f To J. W. Trim and George Trim, heirs at law ol said decedent and any ana nil others, known or unknown, interested in ssid estate. TN THE NAMK OP THE STATE OF A Oregon, you. and each of vou. are here bv commanded to be and appenr before the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, ror tOlumhia County, at tne May term inereot. lo-wit: at tne uoart Mouse, in the City of St. Helen", on the 21st day of Mav. IHUO. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to sbow cause, if any exist, why an order should not be made by said Court authorizing tne administrator of said estate to sell the real property belonging to said estate or so much thereof as shall be necessnry to pay the charges, expenses of administration and claims against said estate, whii-h said real estate is particularly described as f ol lows, to-wit: Tbe northeast quarter of section three, in township five north of range two west or tiie Willamette Meridian in Columbia countv. Stnta nf Orepan. and containing, aceording to United States government survey, one bundred and sixty acres oi tana. Witness my band and the seal of said ionrt aimed tnis am day oi April, A. v. 1896. JCDSON WEED, (seai. Clerk of tbe County Court, alO By W. A. Harris, Deputy. Summons. California for Free Silver. Sacramento. May 6. -The McKinley en thusiasts completely captured the republi- lan state convention todav, although the district delegates elected from the fourth congressional district were unpledged, and are avowedly Allison supporters. The fifth district delegates will probably be of the same political complexion, but the other fourteen are bound to McKinley by the strongest pledges that could be framed. Tbe convention came out squareiy for sil ver in the following declaration, which was enthusiastically adopted: 'We favor thefreo and unlimited coinage of sivor at the ratio of 10 to 1, and tbe making of gold as well as silver a legal ten der in payment of all debts, both public and private." Sovereign Coming. Rainier, Or., May 5, 1896. Editors Mist. Hon. J. H. Sovereign, grand master workman, Knights Df Labor will speak In St. Helena Tuesday, May 12, on the issues of tbe day. Turn out and hear populist principles dis cussed. W. A. Wood, Chairman County Cen. Com., P. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tiiei.oumyoi uoiumDia. Cora ilcCullomrh, plaintiff, l vs. Charles MeCullomrli. defendant.) To Charles HcCullough, the defendant above namea : N THE NAME OF Tn75 STATE OF OREGON, You are herebv required to amw&r and auiwer plaintitf'B complaint hereta on the first day of the next regular term of the Court aforesaid, which shall commence six weeks or more alter thehrst DUtilleatlon of this summons. to-wtl: On Tuesday the lHh day of May, 1K96, and it you fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff will apulr to the Court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving ine oonus oi matrimony existing Between piaintin and defendant ana for such other and further relief, in the premises, ma 1 as to the Court summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable T. A. McBride. ludra of the Court above named, made and entered of record in said Court on the 26th day of March, IS; that this summons be served upon you bv publication thereof once a week for slit successive weeks. In The Oreiron Mist. lished at St A. IU 27 11)8 weekly newspaper of general circulation, pnb- i at ei. ueiens. uoiumoia county, Oregon. A. C. EMMONS Jl GKO. J. CAMERON Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. p. Tim Strtkk. The flshermens' strike does not soem to sot tie very fast. In deed matters tin not seem to be any nearer a settlement now than I hey were at the start. A meeiing was held the first of the week in Astoria, at whioli a number of salmon packers were present, but the meetinir ad journeu wnnout accomplishing any thing in the direotion of settlinir the dispute. , Meantime the season is one- third gone. This strike may be the means of rnisme the price of the canned goods by reason of a shortage in tiie sup) ly that is sure to follow.. Tubllo Speaking. T. J. Cleeton, whose intention it is to slump Columbia county, in the in terest of the republican party, will peak at Mayger on the 25th, at 8 o'clock p. m.; at, Beavor Falls on the 20th at 1 o'clock p. m., and at Apiary at 7 30 p. m. of same day; at Mist on the 27th at 7 :30 p. m. ; at Fishhawk on tho 28ih at 1 o'clock p. m., aud at Vernonia on tho 29th at 8 o'clock in the evening. Committeemen will please set ore halls, mnko announce ments, CO, Jones, He Pays tho Freight. Send for a copy of "The Buyers' Uuiue, with latest reductions and market reports. Sent free to any ad dress. Freight on $20 order of goods paid to any point on the Columbia river, reached by Portland boats. Jones' Caxh Store, IOj Front street, between Washington and Stark, Fort- land, Oregon. When Baby was slot, we gave her Castorla. . When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, Whoa she had Children, she gav them Castorla How lo Trent a Wile. (From I'aclilo Health Journal.) First, get a wife: second, be patient. Yon may havo great trials and perplexities In your business, but do not, therefore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wifo niuy have trials, whiih though of less magnitude, may be hard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add, always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in the house. It is the best, and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. For Sale. The cheapest place in Columbia county. Inquire of K. O. HAZEN, Warren, Oregon. tf Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Felr. Publio School Exercises. There will be publio exorcises at the schoulhouse each Friday afternoon, begin ning at 2 o'clock, consisting of singing, rec itations, dialogues and concort exercises by the pupils of the publio school. School patrons and others interested in the pro gress of the pupils aro cordially invited to attend at the times named above. There will be appropriate memorial exercises nn May 30tb. H. C. Bakbb, Teacher. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Columbia. Belle J. Maedonald, plaiutiif, ) vs. IT. J. Maedonald. defendant. ) To H. J. MacdoaalJ, the above-named defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THR 8TATE OK OREGON, You are hereby required to animur nrl answer the complaint filed against jou in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled Court, on or before the first day of the next regular torin of said Court, follow ing the expiration of six weeks from thu date hereof, to-wit: On or before Tuesday, the 12th dav of May, 18: and if you fall so to nuHwer. wie pimniiu wui apply to me oourt for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissnlvlntr th hnnd. nf matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff, and for the costs and dis bursements of suit. This summons is published by order of Hon. i uumns a. racunae, juncs oi tne aoove entitled Limn, mane ana uatea March, 18U6. mVJvms Daied March 27th, 1896. on the 29th dav nf FRANK J. TAYLOR, Attorney lor rumtltr. OUR FIFTlTr-- SPECIAL Patronize Home INDUSTRY SPRING AND SUMMER 1896 Men y r r r I J.Al.MOYER&CO. 8 1 and 83 Third Street,' t Samples with plain rules for self-measurement sent freo to any address.? SINCE REMOVING TO OUR NEW STORE 8 1 and 83 THIRD ST, S. W, Cor. Oak 's All-fool Snits Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted Made From Our Celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Cassimeres. s $8.85 - ft flfirH! ii firl iftJAAJLfUll ftI H ftAAji SOLE AGENTS Albany Woolen Mills B3 taissssgassk I tor Infants and Children. nOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, ?j Bat-man's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, til most remedies for children an composed of opuun or morphine 1 Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying; narcotic poison, t Do Yon Know that in moet countries druggists are not permitted to ion narcotics Without labeling them polaons 7 Po Yog Know that you should not permit any mud lei ne to be (tan your child unless you or your physician tuow of what ft la composed 1 Do Yon Know that Castorla la a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with erery bottle t Do Yon Know thai teSoito Is the prescription of the famous Pr.Bamnal Pitcher. That It has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that men Castorla la now sold than nf mil ntlmr rprrwtticn tor rhUimt vnMiwl t Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and hi assigns to use the word , " Caatoria " and its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense r DoYonKnow that one of the reasons for granting this government proteotioo waa because Castoria had been proven to be bcIntly ha i mliniT Do Yon Know that 35 mvvruf dosea of Castorla are furnished for SO canta, or one cent a dose f Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect ErfnrstVm yonr childrtn mar be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Well, these things are worth knowing. They arefaota. The fae-atmna signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Summons. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Mary Amsden snd L. E. Anisden, her hus band, plaintilt's, vs. D. W. Eeller, Jane Adco, 8. W. Johnson, Maud Johnson, Archie Johnson, Bonnie Johnson, H. F. Allen and C. H. Lewis, co partners na Allen A Lewis, and K. E. Quick, as administrator of the estate of E. J. V. Johnson, deceased, defendants, . To Jane Adcox, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: YOU are herebv reallirnd to animal- ftinl answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit by the first day of the May term of the Circuit Court for Columbia County, for the year 1896, to-wit: On or before May lath, 1896; nnd if you fatl to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will applv to the Court for tho relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For the appointment ol a guardian ad litem to represent defendants, Maud, Bonnie and Archie onnson in this proceeding; For iudirmeut aeainrt thn defendant. T) W Zeller, for 11400 with interest therenn at the rate of 6 per cent ner vear from DecmnhAr 1st. ISM, together with MOO attorneys fees, and ousts inthls8ult; For a decree foreclosing all claims, liens or rights of each defendant, snd all persons claim ing under them, in and to the land and premises described in the emnpliilut, towit: All that por tion of the donation land claim of William O. fonnloton and wife. In section number sixteen (IB) In township number three (3) north, of muse nuinoer two (2) west, of the Willamette Meridian; and seven nnd ono-halt (7U) acres from and out of section numhar fifteen nM in ssid township and ranee, and particularly de scribed as follows; Commencing at the north west corner of said section number fifteen (15); thence runntne east on the section lino thirtv (80) rods; thence south forty (40) rods; thenoe wes wuny yw) roas to tne section line; thence north on the section line fortv (40) rods, to the nlsee ofbeginniug; and containing in all One Hundred and Sixtv-nlnn ami a half nftiii more or leBS, all situate in Columbia' County, Slate oi Oreiron : and ordnrlnr a sale of tha Mmn aud an application of the proceeds to the pay ment of said judgment; Aud for such other relief as may seem moet and equitable to the Court. This summons Is published hy order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, judste of this Court, made on the 18th day of March. 1?X. D1LLAKD A COLE, m20ml Attorneys for PlaiuUna, FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens 6:30 A. M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland . 2:30 P M Arrive at St. Helens 6:00 P M FARE 85 CEN 18. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and -bust Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. -THE BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened nn;1er the management of GEOKGE A. BKINN, corner of Strand and Cowlita Streets, St. Helens, Oregon, where can be found the choicest brands of WINE AND LIQUOR Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, wnere nine can ue pieasanuy spent. WHITE COLLAR LINE Strs. Telephone and Bailey Gatiert COLUMBIA RIVER A PUGET SOUND NAV. CO Alder St., Portland; Flavel dock, Astoria. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Telephone leaves Portland daily (except Sun day) at 7 a. m., leaves Astoria daily at 7 p. m.. (excent Sundsv). Runs dirpct tn train form. sop beach, and connects with steamer Ilwaco lor ii waco trains, running to all points on North beach. Bailev Gatzert leaves Portland dailv itHrnn . (except Sunday), on Saturday at H p. m. Leave Astoria daily at 6:45 a. m. (except Sunday and Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m.; connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning from Astoria every night la the week. E. A. SEELEY, Agent u. B. SCOTT, Pres. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS ) Resides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THE BANQUET. COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HELENS, OREGON Makes investments, receives deposits and does a general banking business. Capital Stock, $20,000. All kinds of good securities bought and sold. Exchange, good everywhere in the world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. 6, 1890. J. R. Nelll, president; E. W. Allen, vice-president: C. N. Scott, secretary; P. H. Ward, assist ant secretary; C. H. Newell, cashier, Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable harbar hss his nsttrs lust as sham as can be fnnnd. and will Hhav vntl comfortably and quickly tor ouly 16 cents. ST. HELENS, : : OREGON ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Everything elean. A share of your pat ronage is solicited. ST. HELENS, OREGON. ST. HELENS LIYERY STABLES THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Horses Boarded and Cared For. TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTIOE. ST. HELENS, : : . ORKOOH MUCKLE BROS. XAMUfACTUKKXS Ot Dimension Lumber, Flooring Rustic, 8heathinR, Casings, and a complete stock ot eyeiy variety ol Rough and Dressed Lumber , ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. KELEP OREGON y y y. y