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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
OREGON MIST. SUBSCRIPTION, 11.80 PER YEAR. BKEULS DAVI8, Publishers. T. HRLEM, OHfcGON, NOV. 9. IMMIGRANTS HOWL The Rainier Review, a paper wliicb lias Been in existence ten mouibi, owned by a mau who live in KaUmt, Wub., and edited by recent unnor talion from that slate, neither of wlmm nave ever paid cent of taxei in tliii county, has a great deal to say about . the management of public affairs i Columbia county, in general, and Th Hh In paatioular, with special refer noe to the $173 paid this paper for publiihing the delinquent tax list, for which, in reality, the county does uot . pay, since the amount is added to the mount oi taxea assessed to each de linquenl, most, of whom, like Mr Imut, of the Bewiew, are non-reei denU, except, unlike Mr, Imua, of the Review, they have been paying taxea in the county lor Years. The charge made by Th Mist waa lets than the rate established by the courts of Ore' ton for the same work, and are paid la every other county of the state, and are considered reasonable. But while Mr. Imus and his associate new-comer are so interested (f) in the welfare of the dear people, let us look for a mo ment at some of the charges made by . tots same Mr. I inns for publishing delinquent tax list in Cowlits county Wash., three or four years ago in the Jkaiaina Bulletin, wuion paper he is again editing. At that time Mr. Imus realised several thousand dollars out of publishing the delinquent tax list Which did not represent as much cash as the one recently published by this paper. But Imus is "onto his iob.' lie runs a republican papei in Kalams and a populist paper in Kainier, and like many immigrants, his freshness is only exoeeded by his cheek. Has the Review ever done anything to en title it to patronage outside of the narrow limits of Rainier, aud outside of wbiuh it it hardly known? When the public has work to be done it is the duty of its servants to give it to some one who is competent to do it to a manner within the meaning of the law, under which head the Review does not come. Tbe editors of The Mist do not claim to hare had thirty . live years experience in newspaper work, but they do claim to know some thing of the business, aud in tbe al most thirteen years Thc Mist has been published in this county, it has not taken up the hobbies of the nar row confines of any particular hamlet, but has worked for tbe interests of tbe entire county and proposes to continue in tbst line. It has had many things with which to contend, which we be lieve has been overcome to the satis faction of the people. In every in stance where this psper has come in contact with Portland prices for coun ty work it has shown that it could and did do the work at a great saving to the county but with little profit to it self. It is one thing to bid on a job and quite another thing to be able to do it. The Mibt is no new comer. It has been here for years, has labored bard for the interests of all and has paid its taxes (this year amounting to $34) promptly without any cost to the county, and expects to stay here and continue to labor tor and in conjunc tion with those who believe Colombia county still has a promising future, all immigrants to the contrary, not withstanding. handsomely on their county orders. Sheriff Doan is authority for the state ment that tho delinquent tax roll for tow, as returned by him to the county sfter the sale for taxes, contaiued a less amount of money than had any delinquent tax roll for a number of years back. One other in stance may be mentioned here which is significant is the fact of the county proceeding iu a legal manner to force people whom the sheriff coi.M not manage to pay tliir tax.a oirenm stance which is bringing hundreds of dollurs into the treasury that other wise would be on the delinquent roll. truthfully be said that Mr. Sclioon- over was the prime kicker because! tbe orders were explicitly written. It is said that consistency art jewel, but it did't mean such jewels as the euitor oi me sentinel. POPULIST ECONOMY, INDEED. Our populist con tern poraries at Rs i u ier.Clatakanie and Pittsburg are always talking about economy in public af fairs and how cheaply tbe work can be dore if populists sre elected to the vsrious offices of the county, etc To prove the utter redictilousnees of such assertions we need only to refer buck to the administration of Massie, Kvaer, and even (o our Pupa Schoonover. The three are the only and all the populists that ever held office in this oounty. Compare, if you please, the economy practiced by them with those of their predecessors. Massie, poor man, is gone, and Kyser is out of of fice, but, alas, one barnacle of popu lism remains in the person of Mr. Schoonover. Compare the cheapness of his services with those of his prede cessor, Mr. Spencer, from tbe same place, or Mr. Frakes. Scboonovcr's present colleague. The last year Israel Spencer was commissioner he received for his service the sum of $154.40. The first year Mr. Schoonover was commissioner he received $284.30; the second year, $269.10 ; and last year, 1255.08. It must be remembered that Mr. Schoonover came from the same locality as did hi predecessor, Mr. Spenoer, and therefore had to travel the same number of miles, yet each year his bills were over $100 iu excess of those of Mr. Spencer. It hss been said that a comparison of the bills of Frakes and Schoonover wsa unfair be cause the latter had further to travel. But how about the comparison be- ween Mr. Soboonover and his prede- decessor, Mr, Spencer, coming from tbe same place? Compare these fig ures, which are a matter of record, and then shew wherein lies tbe populist economy so much talked about. The Review of last week looked green, and upon perusal of its con tent it was found to bo greener than it looked. That mushroom has under taken to biilldoxe the oounty officers ana especially the sheriff, but if we mistake nut Sheriff Doan as well as the other county officers, will go right along attending to their oftloiul duties in i lie future as in ihe past, to the en- lire satisfaction of the pnlille. They are not the ttliiss of men to be bulldos- d. VREGUUTOtt A Dozeh laboring men, who esrn their bread by th sweat of their brow, and live economically an I honestly. are wortu more to a community than a hundred "political economists" who stand around on street corners trying to devise some scheme to live by their wits, and putting in most of the time cuMMiiir the government for not enact ing such legislation that a ma n would not have to work. POLITICAL IWTEBS. The goose bone prophet says we are to have a bard winter. So far as the democrats are ooncerned.this is simply a repetition of what the recent election returns told them. Now that Sherman has renounced all ambition for the presidency, the democratic papers are telling what a great man he is and how ungrateful nis party naa been In not giving him tne ouice. - The general democratic feeling with regard to the third term is that it would only be serving Cleveland right to give him tbe nomination when there isn't a ghost' of a chance for him to be elected. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost every body takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get ail me oenents or a nuiu ana pleasant, laxative and tonic that purines the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keens It active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a slucelsh Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. S5-EVEItY PACKAGE- Baa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper 9. H. ZeUln A Co., rhila-. Fa. $25,000 Stock of Boots and Shoes. THE OREGON Shoe Store 168 THIRD 8TBEET Have Purchased I2S.000.00 worth of llont and thna at 25 tier cunt leas tlinn Actual diet. Ws will Pell them Cheaper than you i ran Buy auywncre nine. gooh itl GTItcof JJricr Mens Boots. . $1.45 ' Mens Working Shoes. . . .95 Mens Dress Shoos from. 1 25 to $.1 BO Ladies Shoes from 1.00 to 8 00 Best School Shoes from . .50 to 1 75 Infant Shoes 25 We Have til Assortment sal Hell l.oweei i'rlccs. B( SUM TO FIND TMI RIGHT PLAOI Tbe Oregon Shoe Store "I Aft Third Mtreet, IMpIITLAND, auu hviwui'u Murnuii auu laniiiiti, Next door to Koburts Bros. Dry Uoodi Slow. (Moutlon Uils pwr.) THE HUNT HARDWARE COMPANY -DEALERS IN TBS TORRENS SYSTEM. ASSESSMENT OF RAILROAD LANDS. The Sentinel undertakes to blame Judge Blanchard and Commissioner Frakes for ths reduction made in the assessment of railroad lands o which the valuation was reduced from $3 per aero, as fixed by tbe assessor, to 9 1.2S as reduced by the county court. Mr. Scboonover, from the beginning, was in lavor oi mincing tbe assessment on all wild land to 12 per acre. At that time Mr. Frakes wanted to maintain ths rate fixed by tbs assessor 13 per acre ana consequently tbe court could not agree. An adjourned term was held, and in the meantime it was learned that the railroad company had no title to tbe land, and consequently could not be made to pay the tax be cause tbe title was in dispute, but the company, pending tbe outcome of the suit, and as an evidence of good faith in claiming title to the land, offered to pay tax on the same if the board would reduce tbe assessment to 1.25 per acre, and if not ther would not pay until they received title, which is yet very much in doubt. It was a case of the county receiving revenue from this land on an assessment of $1.25 an acre or nothing, since there being no title they could not collect. They very wisely, in our judgment, chose tbs former course and thereby secured to tbe county several thousand dollars in taxes. But Mr. Sch.tonover would not sgree to this unless the county court would reduce the assessed valu ation from $3 to $2 sn acre on a large tract of land lying in bis immediate neighborhood in upper Nehalem which was done. - It may be said in this connection tbat for tbe same reasons given above railroad lands m most counties of tbe slate sre assessed far below what they are here, the minimum being as low as 39 cents an Sere in one county, and less than 75 cents an acre in seversl counties. Thk Mist believes tbat very evidence of wealth should pay tax, provided it can be collected, but tt is impossibls to collect tsx on land tbe title to which is still vested in the government by reason of the litigstion now pending. Again the prohibition-ist-democratio-republicao-populist who runs the sentinel has misrepresented tns train. It is certainly gratifying to the lax payers of this county to know that our oounty script is selling in tbe market at a higher price than has been real ised for several years. Columbia county warrants hays been selling lately for 98 cents on a dollar, with fair prospects of exchanging at par in the near fu ture, where, during the Massie ad ministration the holders did well to realise 88 cents. A sheriff thst makes an honest effort to collect tbe taxes, such as have the two last incumbents of that office, play no insignificant part iu bringing about a state of affairs whereby oar citizen! can realize more Tbe Globe-Democrat has the follow ing to say of tbe Torrens system of land records: "At ths recent election .Cook county, Illinois, adopted the Torrens system of registration of land titles, under an act of tbe last state legislature author ising counties to make such a change. This system wss originated in Aus tralia, where it has been in practical operation for many years; and it has also been adopted, with certain modi fications caused by local conditions, in England and Prussia. It is designed to simplify conveyances of real estate, to reduce litigstion over bind titles, and to substitute security for inse curity in the ownership of such prop erty. Tbe Illinois law is a little more complicated than tbat of Australia, but practically like it in all essential particulars. Provision is made for a registrar who sball keep a record of all land titles in tbe county, and make transfers thereof on bis books, giving certificates to the owners, which will be as readily convertible as a regis tered bond. The grantor is required to execute a deed ss heretofore which is not the case in Prussia, for instance, where the buyer and seller may ap pear before ths registrar and make the change of ownership without any writing between them, simply by word of mouth but the deed counts only as an incident; it is the record of the registrar that accomplishes the trans ference of title. "Under this method, tbe books of tbe registrar show at a glance in whom tbe title to a given tract of land is vested and to what incumbrances and charges it is subject. Each certificate issued to a purchaser becomes a new title, and there is no need to look be hind it for possible defects. At tbe end of five years after the first certifi cate is issued, the statute of limitation shuts out all adverse claimants, and tbe title is held to be perfect. Jo cases of transmission by will or descent, the title goes not directly to the heirs, but to the executor or administrator, the same as personalty ; and proof of heir ship is made before the court, which orders tbe title to be transferred ac cordingly, on the surrender and can cellation of the outstanding certificate. The advantages of such a system are manifest, and the only objection to be urged against it is tbat of precedent, or prejudice, in favor of tbe present cumbersome, expensive and more or less uncertain methods of conveyance. It will take some time for the people of Illinois to become accustomed to it and willing to extend its operation throughout the various counties; but it is such a decided improvement in every respect that there can be no doubt about its ultimate acceptance by tbe whole stale. Tbe same reasons recommend it for adoption in other states, at least so far as its general features of simplicity and security are concerned, and they should not delay a change which is so clearly in the in terest of the owners of sll kinds of teal estate." The ox tra cost of coal when stssm is kept up on tbe British fleet in the neignoornnou oi Constantinople is 135,000 a day. Turkey is an exoen- sive luxury to all the powers, and will be eliminated as a matter of economy. Perhaps the most remarkable effect of ths recent electiou is the opportun ity Kentucky will now have to get ac quainted witb herself. It is a state of great resources, but the bourbons have managea to conceal tne tact lor sev eral generations. A correspondent writing from Lon don says he has learned by residence there that "to win English spproba tion one must belittle things Amen ran Km nr n.v,n1 aoi.lnnllv nnrWalanrl. ihi. .nrt .A- Ki. kJ. !.u5: Vence apuifc W degree, w minutes - ui, wi a cnatns or worst to make himself popular wuu .ogiitnmen. StoYesNRanges CUTLERY AND TINWARE A lsrgs and varied assortment of all ner essary cooking utensils, eonslvtiiiirnt an ele gant and well-cuomm assortment of 0IIANITE-IR0NWARE Our line of stoves sre ths bent made, as ws esrry the celehtated "Majeatlo Ntoel Kanga, rewgiiiMiu to os tns very IN8PKCT Ol'R Heatincr Stoves Comiwnr. a enrnoratliui. I I " NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR- MI M . nr.xx, suant to a decree made and entered In Ihe HUNT nARDWARB CO.. (ltUleul (Inure salts, flstsiaast Jilt I ha sslurhlh 1 Reward! A suitable reward will be Datd to anv one Hiving pusiuv vviuvncv ui any una turning the atoucocks or In anv way tamnerinc with them or any of the iilif or niains of the water company of St. Helena. V. J. SW 1 1ZI1.11, SUpl. Master's Sale. ' In tbs Circuit Court of the United Stoles (or ths iiirici oi uresou. John r. P. Brewitur 1 n. I Jonepa B E. Bourne, B. P. Morton, and Th Aiwria and Columbia Ktver Kallruad I bov enUilcd Court aud cum on the eighth day of November, ISA. and to me directed. I ill, on the SOIk Oar ! DeceBifcar. 18AS. at the door of Ihe County Court home of Colum bia County. Oreaon. at Ht. Helen. In tnld County end Bute, and at Ihe hour of leu o'clock a. At., orrer lor mis al public auction to the highest bidder for euh. all of the riuht. title aud Interest had on the 7lh day of May, lwri. Drjusepn n. a. nourne, toiretner wun an line rhlrb he hu Ijnre the naid dale anmlrad In and to the following dwribed real property, situate In Columbia Couuty and ths Btats of Oreaon: The ealt half of the donation land plain of tha widow and heira of Jamea Dobbins, rieceaned, belna NotiAration Number 7WU. Claim Number S7, in Sections Seven 7), Kwrht (), Seventeen TO Cor. Second and Yanibill Streets. PORTLAND, - . . OREGON (17) and eiichteeu (1H) North. Ranee Two Wert, and Sections One and Two (2). in Township Seven of Ihe Willamette Mart- ownshlp 8even ) North and Lord Salisbury's remark that the queen rules over more Mohammedans than the sultan may be taken as sn intiinaiion to tbe powers that England understands the business, and may find occasion to add to her subjects wno are loiiowers oi tne prophet. But Ihe fiery Turk will be harder to man age than tbe effeminate Hindoo. There may be some truth in tbs re port that a project for the annexation of Hawaii will be presented, with Mr. Cleveland's sanction, during ths com ing session of congress. But it will not be supported by Senator Sbeimsn, unless hs has changed bis mind since he wrote bis book, wherein he ssvs: "If my life is prolonged I will do sll I can to add to the strength and pros perity of tbs United States, but noth ing to extena us limits or to add new dangers by acquisition of foreign ter- ritorj." His idea is tbat "our family of states is already large enough to create embarrassment in tbe senate, and a republic should not bold de pendent provinces or possessions.'' Range Three (11 West of Ihe Wills dian, more particularly described aa follows: Beginning 87S chain north and 10 OS chains West from the southwest earner nt Km,., usn (7) in Township Seven north and HauireTwo west; theuce north 7IU0 chains: theme wltb the meanders of the rlvar snuui 44 ilr.. aaat 26 chains; thence south 7.S degrees east S chains 91 links: thence south M deareea I - ... L ' .. . , w minute eai 10 mains vx unas; inenee soutn I 5S degreee east fiti chains 23 links: than,, nnnh I 8i degrees easts chains 60 llulu; thence south ta degrees east S9 chains: thence south 63 degrees 30 minutes east 12 chains 60 links; thence south 67 degrees 30 minutes east 4 chains: thence sooth 28 chains 19 links; thence) west 88 chains; thence north 40 chains and thence woat SSchalna to tne ptace oi beginning, containing as.l acres, according to the United states Govern ment survey. Also, all the tide lands lying I earn, ami naming ami abutting on tne east half of said above described donation land claim, coutalnlng 2.1S acres more or less: containing in all 321.S1 acres more or leaa. tos-athar with ail the water rights, ditches, privileges, aud appur- Hruaiicca upon, leauing lo, or connectca With I sai a lanus, ana every part and Darcel thereof. Said sale will be made for the purpose of I realising the sum of Ave thousand eight hundred and eleven and 79-100 dollars (15811.711) I together with Interest thareon from ih ,.t I the said decree, and the further sum of 117 20 1 soma, in accruing costs ana expenses oi sale. The sale will be made subject to the conflrm-1 Atlon of the above entitled rnnrt anri ihi.vt t I ma reuvuipuuu provifieu oy law. WALUAi;B MCIAMANT, Master In Chancery In the United State Circuit C.mi rt fe tha IIIkiHm nl o...nn Dated November 21 18U6. D29d27 JAMES SPENCE OKNKRAI- BLACKSMITH All kinds of wood and Iron work done and all werk guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Houlton. Oregon. YOU NEED GROCERIES? ' If you do anil doslr the boat quality fur Ihe taunt money your wauls can always uu tiiliml by DART & MUCKLE, Who have a complete line. Dress Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All klmls of fresh end salted meals, sauK sntl flsh. An express wagon ruus dally to sll parts of Hie cltr. Meats by Wholesale ai special Kates. MAIN STliwKT. Sweetland & Sheldon, i rr. UKiiKNH. omiiooN, Clatskanie Drugstore'- Ihe Place lo Secure Vour Fresh Merflolnee PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS alcnt Medicines, Prescription Drum, Toilet Article, Fancy Notions, do. OK. t, B. HALL. Proprietor eevClstskente, Ore ST. HELENS ThOTElTI Our tables will at all times tie found suilieil with the best edibles and dtliciicifs the market a fiords, TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The liotol having been newly refurnlsliod we are nri-pared to civo satis- I..,. at a.. ll . a . a sr D action is au our patrons, auu soiioil your patronage. K " " " VMS feieivilfl, HUM UtlUI J 1U I W UIIHJD, tJ. George, Proprietor. 8t. Helens, Or. VVV'VVVVVVVVVtVVVVVVVVVV1 B. B. QUICK, I CesnHsslsnsr el I. Deeds lor Washlagtoa O. W. COLE, , Notary PeMIc Cole & Quick, St. Helena, Oregon PROPRIETORS OP "Thorn's Numerical System Title Abstracts" Thk political outlook in Oregon at this writing is a gloomy one for the democrats. The party vote in Ibis state has been badly weakened by tbe course of the administration in "retain ing republicans in office" while the men who worked and voted for the party in tbe campaign are summarily "turned down." The recent elections in the Esst have given a solid appear ance to the republican rank aud tile which will take supreme eflorts in the opposing parties to shske. Ths Sentinel man is as full of in consistency as a nut is full of meat. Only a few weeks ago be ripped Clerk weed up the back for usine what he aaid were superfulous words in writing the orders of tbe county court. In the last issue of tbat paper its editor said that if the proceedings were legally writen all court orders would be shown. Mr. Weed is acting only upon the order of tbe court in this matter, and it can M alicloaaly liled. "We note that $71.55 remitted to John Dibblee brolher-in law to Judge Blanchard for tax in tbe year 1891, and paid to Meeker; not only allows Dibblee bis money back, but remits his tax for tbe year. The county looses f7 1.00 the tax paid to Meeker, and 171.55, the amount remitted to Dibb lee. In all a total of 1143.10." Pitts burg sentinel. The above is smother one of the sen tinel's falsehoods. There was no tax remitted at all, as the following order oi the court, of which the Sentinel correspondent is a member, will show ".Petition of John Dibblee for cred for tax paid to W. A. Meeker, and not credited on tax roll, allowed." It will be seen by tbe order of the court tbat there was no money paid uiooiee, and tnal be only received credit on the tax roll of 1891 for money which he had paid meeker and for which be held no receipt. In justice to Judge Blanchard and Commissioner Frakes since) Schoonover seems to have misrepresented the facts to his paper or else tbe psper baa takes it upon itself lo willfully lie we make this ststement. As we have stated be fore, we believe a newspaper has right to criticise the acta of a public official, but it baa not tbe right to mis represent tbe facts, which the populist sheet over tbe bill never misses an op portunity to uu. Edwin Bobs, the druggist, will tell you tbat no one is better qualified to I.. J, .1 - i . , juugc ui iuo iiienta ui an article man the dealer, because be bases his opin ion on the experience of all who use it. For this reason he wishes us to publish tbe remarks of other dealers about an article which be bandies. Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg, Oregon, says: "We sell more of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy than all otb ers put together, and it always gives good satisfaction." Mr. J. F. Allen, of irox, Oregon, says : "I believe Cham' berlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have handled."' Mr. W. H. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells well and is highly praised by all wbo use it." - Bear in mind that wo will furnish yon tbe Weekly Oregon ian and The Mist together one year for only f 2. TREASURER' NOTICE. COIIMTY TBBiSUBKR'8 OfPICB, St. Helens. Or.. Nov. 1. 1895. Notice is berebv riven that all nnnaM County Warrant of said coiintv. which have been presented and endorxed "Not ram tor want oi 1 nnds." tin ta Jnl 12th. 1)3. will be naid noon nreastnlatinn at thia office. Interest will not be allowed alter tins date. ic 41. WHAKTON, nln29 Treasurer of Columbia Couniv. Or. risietl Settleoaesil. NOTICE Is hereby given thst I, tbs un deralirned administrator of the aetata of Ole Olson, deceased, have rendered and filed in the County Court of the Htats of Oreaon for Columbia Countv. mv final u. count and petition for final settlement, and tbat Monday, tbe 6th day of January, 1XI, at 2 o'clock P. M., and the court room of said Court in Bt. Helens, Oregon, hsve been appointed by said Court as the time snd place for settlement thereof, at which nme ana place any person Interested in said estate may appear and file his excep tions, in writing to said account, and con test ths same. EDWIN MKRRILL, Administrator of the estate of Ole Olson, deceased. nl6d20 Dated November 14, 1806. FOR Columbia - County, - Oregon TITLES Examined and abstracts famished. Will attend to matters before the Board of equalization: payment of taxes, eta. Keal Estate, Conveyancing, and Insurance, and i uvauueieu. LI ST. HELENS DRUG STORE LU o 03 D QC Q CO CO O QC My Specialties: AND- DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Are as low as first-cl,is goods can be soM. Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night I KEEP IN STOCK Fresh Patent Medicines I am here for business, and want your trado. Yours very truly, DR. EDWIN ROSS. Best Quality Drugs used in Prescription Department 33 o CO CO a 33 c a CO H O JO m E. WEAVER, Hair-Cntting Shaving 3 JNeatlyDone Clean Towels and Quick Woik YOUR PATRONAOC SOUOITf O 8T. HELENS, J i OREGON COLUMBIA SALOON O. K. HUNTER, Prop. NEVIN 8 OLD 8TAND Re-opened and Re-faratthed. r A A fc A fk.VatJsVi 4 4 ST. HELENS EXCHANGE. Mr. Cooner'e new snd eleratit bar room fs ths favnrite rs- !" sort of Ids city, trlisre at all times can be found the famous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY BEST BUANDM DO.HKSTIC AND IMPOHTKD CIOAHa Mr Cooper is always elsri to welcome Ms old friends to bis po'uTar place of business ST. HELENS EXCHANGE SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Conrt of tha fltata n for tbe Conrity of Columbia. a. 1. uaaacr, riaintiir. vs. J. W. CLiaa and M. E. o.iae nstuitmu B)r virtus of ao execution, Judgment, order and deeree dulv IssuaH nut nt .ni nwiM tne seal or tne aoove-entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to ma dulv dlrMtjwt it.t,t ik. aiuanj m nuvemoer, npon a Indirment and decree rendered and entered In said Court on the lMh day of October, 1W8, In favor of A. T. Creecy, plaintiff, and against defendants. J, w. tjine and m. k. units, lor the sum of six hundred and nlnetv five and 21.irsi itnon oi hi lars, with interest thereon at the rate nl tAn ,.r cent per annum since October isth, lHtfft, and one hundred (1100) dollars attorney's tecs, and twen ty-two and Sl-100 (122.81) dollars costs of suit, and also costs of and upon said writ, command- iim auu requinnr me io mase sale of the fol lowing described real Dronertv. t.slt- Th. southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Tie W. H. HcBrajer Wbiskej Weinhard'a Beer Kept on Ico. vukle, j . OREGON PORTLAND AND OLATSKANIE OUST OLJOP. Hill's New American Polygraph! i , . ... au muispensibie companion lo every merchant, clergyman and lawyer in tne land. If you have copying to ao, write at once inclosing & cents in we1- j'jjasjL3 - j i . i..i r i riii"- west of tbe Willamette meridian. county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Invmnt r a and In compliance with the commands of said! writ, I wlil, on Hatnrdar. the 7th day of Decem- front door of the county courthouse, in the city of St. Helens, said County and State, sell, sub ject to redemption, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for United Slates (told coin, cash In hand, all of the rls-ht. title aiidlntaraat hi-H the above-named dafanrianta. or mtthM nt ih.n. bad On date of morteue. or llnM hmA In.nH to the above-described real property, to satisfy said execution. Judgment, order and decree, iu'5 auu vuvut, auu an accruing costs. . r- UOAN. Bnerlirof Columhla ronnttf. rkres-nn St. Helens, Oregon, November Stb, mi. nsdS STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. slaves rortiana, I 09 GO 1 w stamps forparticulars. Agent, wanted. Wsdnesd" v".nd" filTJ?' VZ.&M'Z&Z tuursuayi ana Baturdavs. - ......, ....,.,,-, Liberal discount. Address, W. H. BAUMANN, Genl. Agt. U, 8. A, P, O. Box 67, Marissa, III. HAVeU THANSPOHTATIOrl CORIIMNY. THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER JEWELL & WATKIHS -DEALERS IN- recedes, Hay, Floor and Feed WOOD AND amiDOLE. Country Produce Bought and Bold, and Ex changed for Goods. Undertaking boods famished on Buort Notice. Store on Strand Street, BT. HELENS, OB. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TtAMIR- Young America VIA WILLAMETTE SLOUGH T m n a h Self,n,-1 8:80 A M Leave Portland ,, 8:00 P M Arrive at Bt. Helena eilio p J rARB IS CEMT. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers , and Fssl Freight. -FOR PORTLAND- JAMES GOOD, MA8TER. Tauaa Vaal.. - e ... . mwssjtub AD HI Jlinnr BVI Wm nna. ....a 1 t ..... - I Tueay, Thur.y and 8.('rdB'y ZTJZ&VT "