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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
OREGON MIST. 6CB8CRIPTIOH. 11.80 PER YEAR. BKKGLK DAVIS, Publishers. T. HELEKI, ORKUOH, NOW. 15. Tbkri U yet possibility that tbs Hawaiian islands will be annexed and become part of the United States. Tcebdat afternoon of last week in Pendleton was consummated a sale of 70,000 bushels of wheat, which was lored in the warehouse of the Fendle- ton Wool 8oourinff fc Packing; Cora peny. The lot waa owned mostly by W. M. Pierce and Henry F. Pierce, and brought 40 centr net. The an- aounoeinent of this aale to the Pacific Coast Elevator Company has given new life to other wheat producers, who feel encouraged to hope that they. too. will receive a good price for their crops. TBI attorney general of Oregon has rendered an official opinion upon the question as to whether or not the costs incurred by the prosecution of offenders strain si the late came taw should be borne by the county or state, construing the language i "One half of all the money paid into the county treasury over and above the amount necessary to reimburse the county for any expense paid out ot the treasury," etc. The opinion cites section 236X, HiU's code, which pro- Tides that costs and disbursements in criminal actions are paid by the county in which the action is brought, and holds that section 38, of the game law clearly recognizes the same rule tor the protection of game, fish and wild fowl, and to provide for the appoint ment of fish and gama warden, and that the repealing clause does not in clude section 2361, and therefore, con- elades that costs must be paid by the county in which the action was insti tuted, and not by the state i be at torney general has advised Fish Com missioner McGuire that, nntil an nulled by some tribunal having juris diction, sectioa IS of the new law is in force. This will materially effect cold-storage firms, aa that section makes it unlawful to have in posses sion, dead or live birds, nub or fowls, oat of season. THsfaot that a specie of salmon, known by persons familiar wbith the scaly tribe aa dog salmon, are actually being canned and shipped to the markets of the East for food is a great surprise to many people. Buch is tbe ease, however, may it be said to the injury of the salmon industry on the Columbia river. Thes fish are not considered good for food by people who are familiar with them, and never before have they been utilised only for the oiL That the packing and placing on the market ot these fish will greatly cripple the salmon indus try will not be disputed. It is true a few people find employment in catch ing and canning these fish, and it is also true that the establishment which cans them makes an enormous profit owing to the low price (a cents each) which is paid for the fish. This will not last long, however, for tbe quality of tbe goods will soon be discovered and an end may be put to the busi ness. But how about the reputation of- the genuine Chinook salmon, of Which the Columbia river fisheries have so long boasted? There is where the injury will coma in. Eastern people who have heretofore consumed great quantities of canned salmon will look elsewhere for that article of food, and as a result the Columbia river produot will be a drug on the market, eo to "speak, and the natural con se quence will be a reduction in the price of our goods to make them saleable and a corresponding reduction in the price paid fishermen for the raw ma terial. Therefore those who will be the greatest losers in tbe end are the persons who catch the fish. .. SUCTION SUMMARY. . The solid Booth has dropped ont of politics. last week's republican vic tories in Kentucky and Maryland are decisive on this point. The republi can majorities in Missouri, Maryland and West Virginia last year, and the practically tie vote between the parties in Kentucky at that time, was ascribed to democratic apathy. But the re publican majority just rolled up in Kentucky and Maryland can not and will not be attributed to any such con dition. The size of the vote last week in both these states is fatal to any presumption of this sort. All the democrats are said to have gone to the polls, but thousands of tbem voted tbe republican ticket, and will continue to vote it so long as tbe republican party is true to its ideals. It will be alleged, of sourse, by the democrats that their reverse in Ken tucky and Maryland waa due to fac tional feuds in their psrty, and in some degree this explanation is valid. Tbe split on silver in the former state and the fight against Gorman in the latter turned many votes over to tbe republicans. But these causes were merely contributory. They simply assisted in turning the scale. The re publican majority in neither state would have been so large without them, but there would have been a majority of some eUe or other. There wss no split in Kentucky on the silver question or anything else in 1894, nor was Gorman or Gormanism an issue in tbe Maryland canvass. Last week's break in the democratic line in the Bonth shows that the causes are deeper than is popularly supposed, and have been longer in operation. That is to say, geographical parties and geographical politics hsve reached their end. It will be no longer possi ble to determine a state's partisan complexion by its latitude. Mason and Dixon's line has been abolished, flutes on both aides of it will hereafter divide freely on tbe questions of tbe time, irrespective altogether of their altitude toward dead and gone issues. The country has emancipated itself from its bondage to the ante-bellum era. Texas annexation, the Wilmot proviso, tbe Kansas-Nebraska law and secession have at last lost their power to sway the people in either South or Jfortb. A great era in the nation's political history has apparently been closed for all time, COURT PROCEEDINGS. At a regular session of the county court Of Columbia county, begun and held in St Helens, Wednesday, No vember 6th, 1895, present, Hon. Dean Blanohard, judge; P. A. Frakea and 8. G. Schoonover, commissioners : Jutl son Weed, clerk ; C. F. Doan, sheriff; the following proceedings were had In the matter of viewers report on J. H. Adams road. Report read twice in open court and road ordered opened. In the matter of viewers report on A. D. Holaday road. Report read twice in open court and road ordered 0ened. In the matter of viewers' reivort on S. P. Ballard road. Report read twice in open court and road ordered opened. In the matter of continued bills for work in road district No. IS. Thi matter coming on to be heard, and af ter bearing statements from J. Reed, supeivisor, and J. Campbell, as to the necessity of the work performed, Judge Blanchard and Commissioner Sclioon over voted to allow the bills; Commis sioner Frakes contended that the work consisting largely of crceslaying, should be done by the road district, and not paid for with county funds, voted not to allow the bills. Petition of Alex Houston and Har per Rittenhouse for remission of tax assessed before making final proof on homestead, allowed. Petition of John Dibblee for credit for tax paid to W, A. Meeker, and not credited on tax roll, allowed. Petition of W. D. Flu for rebate of tax, rejected. Anton Doering.a native ot Germany, admitted to citueoship. ' Matter of sheriff's return of delta quent tax sales. Ordered that the sheriff have credit for tbe amount so returned, and also for tax remitted on account of double assessments, as shown by list filed with the clerk. Matter of settlement with county of ficers. Tbe accounts of the clerk, sheriff and treasurer were examined. found correct and ordered approved, In the matter of tax levy for 1895. Ordered that the time for making the tax levy for the year 1895 be contin ued until tbe January term, 1896, Ordered that the clerk draw war rants in favor of the several road and school districts for the amount of road and special school tax for the year 1894, on land bought by Columbia county. Tbe following bills were allowed : Anliker, Rudolph, juror, Oct. term. I 5 40 Pomeroy, Frank, same 6 60 Huffman, John, same 13 80 Foster, R R, same .. 12 40 Price, D W, same..... 0 60 English, Chas, same 15 00 Lavender, T H, same.. . 19 20 Mockle. Chas, same... 14 00 Kricksen, Joe, same SO 40 Kelson, John, same 18 60 Cramer, John, same 30 40 Saxon, Magnus, same 14 40 Brings, C H, same 3 80 Campbell, J A J, same 8 00 Sherman, J R, same 8 00 Cronse, C F A, tame 3 00 C rouse, Abraham, same 8 00 Crle, John, same 4 20 Clark, U W. same 4 20 Emerson, C S, same. . .. 4 20 Henshsw, D, same 4 20 Henderson, A A, same 420 Perry, N A, same 4 20 Clark, A N, same 4 20 Bacbman, John, same 32 40 Mosher, C W, sams. 33 60 32 00 81 60 37 20 ; 87 20 MOO 29 00 32 60 , 35 00 35 80 35 20 87 60 37 00 29 00 .. 28 80 32 60 Ray, Jesse, same Delta, WJ, same Barr, Wm. same.... Edgerton, W H, same Hegele,Qas, same.... Downing, John, same King, John, same O rah am, S Af , same Johnson, Arthur, same Adams, A F, same Shearer, W 8, same... Berg, Dan, same Larsen, Henry, same Briggs, C F, same. Emerson, C W, same Godfrey. Florence, witness before the grand jury 2 60 Whitney, Hay K, same 2 60 Hattan, R 8, same 9 20 Campbell, John L, same... 9 20 Conway, John, same 9 20 Cole. OW, same 4 00 Ridley, EF, same...... i 2 00 Little, A B, same 2 20 Ward, B If, same 7 20 Perry, N A, same.. 2 20 Beaseman, E, sams 7 20 Campbell, John, same 920 GUmore, John, same 2 20 Tracy, Frank, same 7 20 Cox, R, same 200 Quick, E B, same..... 2 00 Bpeneer, Israel, same 2 00 Parker,John,wltnees,statevsEnyart 8 00 Parker, John, same 8 00 Gilland, L T, same 8 00 Bplawn, John B, same. 3 40 Olson, C L, same 8 40 Seffert, E. same 4 00 Quick, B E, same 2 00 Splawa, S B, same. 3 40 Oberg, HA, same....... 8 80 King, Jack, same 4 40 Swager, F H. same 8 60 Spencer, I M, same 8 60 Berts, L H, same 4 40 Barnes, E J, same... 8 40 Merrill, Edwin, same 8 00 Beeghley, D M, witness before grand : jury 2 00 Lousignont, Peter, witness, state vs Lamberson 4 20 Johnson, A, ssme...... 4 20 Bohruan, Ole, same 820 Frakes, P A. same .. 4 20 Keal, Robert, same 7 00 Freeman, William, same. . . . 8 60 Cloninger, Tbos, same. 8 40 Harris, Clifford B, same , 3 20 Peters, Lyman, same , . 7 20 McLoud, Allen, same 7 60 McLoud, F H, same 9 40 Statler, W C, witness, state vs Upton 15 00 Miles, W A. witness, state vs Isenhart 2 00 Archibald. J H, " "... 6 80 Sanborn, W J, " " "...10 20 Turner, J W, " " "... 9 60 Merger, 0, " " "... 9 60 Baylor, Ira "... 9 60 Snyder. C, " "... 9 60 Divine, W M, " "... 9 60 Davidson, CN, " " "... 9 60 Stockenbnrg, John" ' "... 9 60 Coakley, James, " " "... 960 Sanborn, J L, " "... 9 60 Wilson. J L, " ,... 9 60 Slaughter, W F, " " "... 9 60 Henderson, Harry" ' "... 9 69 Lillard, Farland, - " "... 9 60 Ewing, DM, " " "... 9 60 Ewing, Nora J, - " "... 9 60 Ewing, Daly. " " "... 9 60 FJuhrer, Mrs M, state vs Isenhart.,. 9 60 Ewing, N C, witness, state v Isenhart 0 00 Johnson, Joseph, " 0 60 Clarlmout, Andy, " " ' "... 10 00 Huffman, J W, ' " "... 4 00 Johnson, Amos, " " "... 9 60 Olson, Oscar. " " 9 60 Horgren.SR, " " "... 9 60 Cramer, John, " " "... 4 00 Severn, W " " "... 9 CO Watts, Frank, " " "... 40 McNullty.JT. ' "... 4 80 Dunwoody. Mrs A, state vs Upton ... 20 00 Dunwoody. W, same SO 00 Uattan, R 8, witness, state vs Badger 11 20 Scarborough, R, " " ".,.12 80 Haines, Bruo ' " " ... 11 20 Harail. IW.ert " " "... 11 10 Chalmers, J M P " 4 00 Lull, James U SO Myers A F " " " 20 Merrill, Albert " " H 20 Hughes. P ' " 11 SO Warren, H I " " . 11 SO Bureau, Joe . " H 20 Dixon, Dan " " " ... 11 20 Conway, John " " "....11 SO McDonald, Jas " " ... 11 Warwick, Thos " " "....1120 Sliuler, Sara " "... 11 20 Campbell, Chas " ' "....1120 Campbell. J L " " 11 20 Merrill, Frauk " " " 11 20 Elliott. OE " ".... 11 20 Coiiy.ra.WK " U 20 Conyers, S W " " 11 20 Hall. J S " " ... 11 20 Flubrer, Wm " " 9 60 Flunrer. Minnie " "....9 00 Pophaiu, Mrs N " " .,.. 11 20 Merrill, Mrs N " ".... 11 20 Fabrique, J A " 11 20 Badger, Gertrude" " ".... 1120 Badger. Jennie " " "....1120 Badger. Geo R " " It 20 Miller, Wm 8 " " ".... U 80 Badger, Mrs G W" " " ... II 20 Beach, Myra " " 11 20 Cliff, HR " " ."....'4 00 Myers, A F witness before grand jury 9 20 Miles, S A same..... 2 00 Watts. J G witness in Lamberson case 8 60 Little, A B witness in Emerson case. 2 20 Quick, EE " " ..2 20 Perry. K A " " " .. 2 20 Saxon, Mawms" " " .. 2 80 Ridley, EF " " " .. 8 00 Emerson. F L " " " .. 8 20 Encerson, AS" " .. 2 20 Rice, W J " " " .. 8 00 Watkins, HP" ".'.. 1 00 Chalmers. J MP " " .. 8 00 Young, James" " " .. 8 00 Emerson, C 3 " " t " .. 2 20 Thornburg, WT " "..8 00 Lane, Wm, witness in Badger case. . 11 20 Clark, Fred L same 11 20 Bearers, John witness in Lamberson case 2 40 Miles, 8 A witness in Emerson case.. 2 00 Watts, Mary J witness In Isenhart ease 2 00 Gray, M C witness in Emerson case 2 00 Muckle, James same...... ,. 2 00 Blakesley, C W same...., 2 00 Gilmore, John same 3 20 Dearbery, W work ia r d 15 125 McCauley, L same 6 87 Brown, T H same 16 11 Richman. W C same 17 61 Reed, C same 15 61 Pettijohn, T same 3 75 Johnson, M M same.... 14 99 Reed, Joseph same 17 61 Blakeley, Ruf us same 14 90 Foster, J W work in r d 12 4 00 Shearer, MS " " 8 00 Berksnfield, B " " 3 00 Berkenfield.A" " 3 00 Vanvotkenburg, J A " 4 00 Lane Bros loruber for rd 12 6 80 Meserre, W N, surveyor on Holaday road 58 50 Duncan, J R chainman same road... 20 40 Lynch, Grant " " " ...20 40 Schmitka, John marker " " ... 20 40 HanUeman, John axman " " ... 20 40 Gore. G T flagman " . . . 20 40 Adams, U C viewer " " ...20 40 Holaday, A D viewer " " ... 20 40 Watts, W T viewer " ...20 40 Roberts , E viewer on Adams road ... 4 70 Solomon, Tbos same. .". 5 00 Sesseman , R same 4 60 Adams, John marker same road 3 00 Adams, A F chain man same 3 60 Adams, V C same 8 00 Meserre, W N surveyor same 10 60 Meserre, W N establishing govern ment corners 80 00 Spencer, I viewer on Ballard road. .. 3 00 White, Martin assessor..., 136 00 Lengascber, Jacob work on bridge in rd6 9 75 Borthwlck, H B lumber for r d No 20 83 Lane Bros, lumber for r d 13 10 00 Davis, Alice work on assessment roll 12 00 Glass A Prudhomme, stationery 62 46 Lange, Guitar work on bridge in r d 27 12 00 Urle, J H building fence aronnd the courthouse , 7 50 Hlllsboro Publishing Co, printing brief in case of state vs Stearns 17 00 Barnes, G W deputy assessor. 12 60 Newell, C H work on assessment roll 47 60 Howard, H O lumber for r d 3 87 43 Howard, HO lumber for rd 6,,..... 86 08 Howard, H O lumber for r d 5 81 27 Bergerson, Peter supplies for county charge , 15 15 Zillgett, F A supplies for county chg 16 20 Zillgett, F A supplies for Mrs Red mond 7 25 Huber, Henry support of sister 16 00 Campbell, John work on bridge r d 15 1 60 Byntack, Tgnae work on bridge r d 23 3 75 Sobiskl, Frank same 4 60 Marks, PO work on bridge rd 24 ... 8 25 Olson, C E work on bridge r d 5 14 00 Glesson, L B same... 8 60 McDonsld, A Fsame..... 14 97 Mott, Alfred ssme 17 26 Bomgardner. W H same 11 76 Gaitena, James same , 11 66 Andrew, N A same... 2 00 King, Andrew binges for courthouse gate , 1 60 Lemont, Geo H drawing lumber 2 00 Muckle Bros, lumber .. 7 83 Ross, E medicine for Hankies and Rhodes 8 45 Mason, Richard nursing Hanklns.... 7 60 Chalmers. J M P medical attendance on Rhodes 15 00 Mason , Richard nursing Rhodes. .. . 7 60 McGrew, R Doming Hanklns.. 7 60 Chalmers, J M P examining Inssne pstients 10 00 Cliff, HR same 10 00 Chalmers, J M P medical attendance on Hanklns 10 00. Merrill, Edwin work on bridgs r d 6. . 10 60 Bohman, Ole juror May term .. . ... 8 00 Blakesley, AH boarding prisoners.... 28 26 Howard, H 0 lumber for rd 22...... 17 80 Doan, C F special deputies 77 00 Oregon Mist, publishing delinquent taxlUt .....173 00 Silvers, 0 constable, stats vs Brous. . 5 00 Oregon Mist, publishing court pro ceedlngs and stationery 48 90 Dart A Muckle, supplies for McCoy and Hanklns. .. ... 15 80 Blakesley, A II furnishing room tor Hanklns................ 10 00 Portland Hospital, treatment ot J J Colson 82 00 Good Pamaritan Hospital, treatment ot Thomas Thomas,... ,,. ........ 4 00 St Vincent's Hospital, treatment of Joe Green ...114 40 Moschcr, rcler lumber for r d 8 ... . 03 00 St. Vinwnt's Hospital, treatment of Rouseau 80 60 Finley, J P t Co burying Thomas Thompson 83 00 Swager. J II committment of Insane person ..... 2 00 Ilalnes, A B oonstable fees state vs Badger 8 00 Brauning, Henry supplies for Du- mayer ,. 1 97 Sean, Geo C boarding prisoners .. ..00 72 Johnson, J C (travel for county road 6 00 HUhop, Frank work on bridge r d 0. . SO CO English, C & Son spikes for r d 5 .... 19 56 Orchard A Switsor, water rent....... 7 50 Polan, J support of Jus Moore 20 00 Frakes, P A commissioner lees 19 00 Schoonover, 8 G same 36 20 Saylor, W H medicine fur Upton .... 83 SO Wi-ed, J postage for county oftloars . 20 00 Hall, J K justice fees state vs Kduitin- smi , . 3 95 Haines, Bruin- oonstable same 3 90 Boyle, James witness sams ... 3 90 Swsger, J 11 Justice fee state vs Splawu.. 7 40 Enyart, Harry witness sums 8 in Decker, L constable " 18 35 Enyart, Frank witness " 3 10 Jacobson, Jacob ' " 3 10 Obcrg, HA " " 8 60 Payne. Johu, M " " 3 10 Warren. H L city recorder fees state vs Badger.... , 0 70 Campbell. J I. constable same 1 00 Heine, A B " " 8 70 Hughes, E " " 4 00 Nichols, N boarding prisoners 3 75 Merrill, Normsn, Juror, coroner's Inquest 1 00 Brrans, MB, " " " ,. 100 Haines, A B, " ' .. 1 00 Haines, C H, " " " .. 100 Tedford.SJ, " " .. 1 00 DUon. D, " " .. 1 00 Conway, John, witness, " " .. 1 00 Scarboroagh, Robert, " " .. 1 SO Smeraon, C W, rebate on tax 1 00 Blakesley, W W, same 1 W Doan. i B, burying Henry Johnson , 5 TO Brouse, J B, coffin for Henry Johnson.... 2 00 Lee. Wm. conveyins body of Henry John son to grave S 00 Clark, B, auditing In digging grave for H Johnson , 1 60 Simon, John, Mme. 2 SO Jarri. K, notifying Justice ot the peace. . B0 Splawa, J B, holding inquest on body of Peter Smith t 00 Collins, Bdgar, Juror coroner's Inquest... 100 Olson, CL,sams... 100 Enyart, B C, same 100 Gore, H 0, same 1 00 Olson, C E, same 1 00 Enyart, S C, same 1 00 Kinder, Sam, witness, same 1 SO Kinder, Warren, same ISO SIMMOrTsV REGULATOR? GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS Liver regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. PACKAGE- Baa tbe Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. Zeilln A OoPhllaMPa. flaml SottlensesU. NOTICE Is hereby given that I. the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Ole Olson, deceased, bare rendered and filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, my final ac count and petition for final settlement, and tbat Monday, the 6th day of January, 1386. at 2 o'clock P. M., and the court room of said Court in Ht. Helens, Oregon, have been appointed by said Court as the time and place for settlement thereof, at which time and place any person Interested in said estate may appear and file bis excep tions, in writing to said scconnt, and con test tbe same. EDWIN MERRILL, Administrator of the estate of Ole Olson, deceased. nl6d20 Dated November 14, 18S6. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the Connty of Columbia. A. T. Casaor, Plaintiff, vs. 1. W. Cliws and M. E. Cuke, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, Judgment, order and decree duly liuued out of and under the seal of the above-entitled Court, In the above entitled caujte, to me doly directed, dated tbe 2nd day of November, 1845, upon a Judimient and decree rendered and entered In said Court on the 1Mb day of October, IMS, Id favor of A. T. Creecy, plaintiff, and against defendants, J. W. Cllne and M. K. ciine, for the sum of six hundred and ninety Ave and 21-100 (1696.21) dol lars, with lutereat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum since October 16th, 1WK), end one hundred (100) dollar attorney's teas, and twen ty-two and 81-100 (122.81) dollars coats of suit, snd also cosla of and upon aaid writ, command ing and requiring me to make sale of the following-described real property, to-wit: The southweat quarter of the northeast quarter of section 23, townahlp three north, rann two west of the Willamette meridian, Columbia connty, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid execution, Judgment, order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of laid writ, I will, on Saturday, the 7th day of Decem ber, 1A9S, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county court houae, In the city of fit. Helens, said County and Btate, sell, sub ject to redemption, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for united States gold coin, cash In hand, all of the right, title and intereat which tbe above-named defendants, or either of them bad on date of mortgage, or a I nee bad In and to the above-daacrlbed real property, to aatlafy aaid execution. Judgment, order and decree, interest and coats, aud all accruing coats. C. r. DOAN, Sheriff of Columbia County. Oregon. St. Helens, Oregon, November 6th, VM. nsd6 NEWELL & WATKINS DEALERS IN Groceries, Hay, Floor and Feed WOOD A 100 BHIMGLE. Country Produce Bought and Sold, and Ex changed for Ooods. Undertaking Goods furnished on Short Notioe, Store on Strand Street, ST. HELENS, OR. $25,000 Stock of Boots and Shoes. thk'oreqon Shoe Store ICS THIRD STREET Have Purchased 125,000.00 worth of Hoot a and Shoes at 2o Mr cent less than Aotual IWt W will NmI tliMtti (MiMiw,r lliati vou can buy anywhere Kiss. gooh at hf yrlct Mens Boots 11.45 Mens Working Shoes. . , M Mens Dress fcjlioos from. 1.25 to 93.50 Ladies Shoes from 1.00 to 3.M) Best School Shoes from. .50 to 1.75 Infant Shoes 25 We have 111 a Assortment audi Nell wt Lowest lrl I SURI TO PINO TNI RIGHT PI.AOI The Oregon Shoe Store 1 AQ Third Ktreet, I'OUTI.AKB, 109 Between Morrl-wu aud Yamhill. Next door to Huberts 11 rot. Dry Ooods Mors. (Mention this paper.) THE HUNT HARDWARE COMPANY DEALERS IN Stoves Ranges CUTLERY AND TINWARE A large and varied assortment of all neo caaary cooking uteniila, consisting of an ele gant and well-clioseu assortment of GRANITE-IRONWARE ' Our Una of stoves are tho best made, ss we carry tbe celebtated "Majestlo Hteel Hangs," recognised to be the very best. msrscT our Heating Stoves HUNT HARDWARE CO., Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, PORTLAND, - OttEOON JAMES SPENCE OINERAL BLACKSMITH. All kinds of wood and iron work done and all work guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Houltnn, Oregon. ia.aaaaaaaa B. B. QUICK, Ceaaaaleaioaar ef Deeds lor Washlagtoa a. W. COLE, . . Notary Public Cole & Quick, St. Helens. - - Orcg-ow ' PROPRIETORS OP , "Thorn's Numerical System OP- Title Abstracts" -FOR- Columbia County, Oregon TITLES Examined and abstracts furnished. Will attend to matters before the Hoard of Equalisation; payment of tasee, eu. Real Eataie, C'onrejraiicliig, and Insurance, and Loans negotiated. E. WEAVER. Hair-Cutting ShaYing Neatly Done Clean Towels and Quick Woik YOUR PATRONAOI SOUOITIO 8T. HKLKN8, : : : OREGON COLUMBIA SALOON 0. E. HUNTER, Prop, NEVINS OLD STAND Be-opened snd Be-furnlshed. The f . H. McBrayer WMej Woinhard'g Beer Kepi on Ice. GOBLE, : i OEEOON Hill's New American Polygraph! An indispensible companion to every merchant, clergyman and lawyei in the land. If you have copying to do, write at once inclosing 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Agents wanted. Liberal discount. Address, W. H. BAUMANN, Genl. Agt. U. 8. A. P. 0. Bos 67, Harissa, 111. rjO YOU NEED GROCERIES? ' If you do and doslrs the best quality for the least mousy your wanis unit nmaja o ui,"w i DART & MUCKLE, Who have a complete line. Dress Goods. Clothing, Fancy Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All kinds of fresh and salted meats, sausage and Hah. An express wagon runs dully to all parts of tbe city. Meata by Wholesale - . . At special Ratea. Swcetland & Sheldon, MAIN 6TMWMT. It ST. llKLKNIjl, OUKOON, the Place te Saeure Clatskanie Drugstore fe PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Vour SVath Medlnlnea Fatont Medicines, Prescription Drugs, Tolls! Articles, ranor Notions, He. DR. J. 8. HALL, Proprietor aVCka(saaale, Ore R IT tl aafW SaTsVi aa eeeS1?e HELENS IICXCELeeee Our tables will at all times be fouud supplied with the boat odiblos and C ii.o i 9 uviitavict mj iiimi MV lunivi. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having boon newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis- 9 faction ts all our patrons, and solicit your patronage. K J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. ay ay syaas-s FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TIAMiR- Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland ,. .,.,..10:00 A M Leave Portland 8:00 P M Arrive at Ht. Helens 6:00 P M FARE tS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight. During the summer season, or as long as the water remains high enough, this boat will make two trips each week up Scappoose bay on Tuesdays and Fridays, JAME8 GOOD, MASTER. HI QC o r- co CD D cc Q CO CO o DC ST. HELENS DRUG STORE My Specialties: AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES My Prifoa Are as low as first-class goods can bo sold. Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night I KEEP IN STOCK Fresh Patent Medicines I am here for business, and want your trade. Yours very truly, DR. EDWIN ROSS. Best Quality Drugs used In Prescription Department 33 o CO CO m o c o CO H O JO m r j&AjaVjaVaAuaVAjSVa ST. HELENS EXCHANGE, W f. , , . . , . . ,. 4mr. uiuiwr a new anu eiegani oar room is ins iSTorue re sort of the eity , where at all times can be found the famous t PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY J BEST BRANDS DOMESTIC A!D IMPORTED CIGAR 2 Mr Cooper Is always glsd to welcome his I old friends to hla iMinular nlac ni titiatiiuia Br""! ST. HELENS EXCHANGE PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE I 09 STEAMER O. SHAVER, Dell Shaver. Master. Iaveg Portland, foot of Washington street, for ClitUknule and wny landings, Mnn ThuVsd$day8 wturn 10 I'0'lU',1 tosSv-. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY. TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER -..-n tlruni.iin.a iri.ii a.. .ua- '- "r ' H 't iTfL t?r"pNrt -tin-rr Si stir, aosBPH KBLLoaa JTVJCV IjA.SH D Leaves IT elan XfnnA,,. ur..i j . . . ... PnrtinnH vi ' V "u,,""tty. rifisys at o o'oloclt a. m. Jeavps Portland luesday, Thursday and, Saturday at fl o'pjock a. m,