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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1895)
Highest of AS tn Leavening rower- Latest U.S. Govt Report 1 1 ..vjv FOR LITTLE FOLKS. BABY DONKEYS. A Pair o Fopater Pwta la OeMea Oats -' Park, Saa ITimachwa. . Tbe oblldreo have two new pet out t Golden Gate park. Then ar two brand new baby donkeys that are brought oot for an boar or two dally to the playground, and when tbey are there nothing elite in tbe park attract any at tention at alt from the children. The donkey are not much bigger than Ban Joaquin valley jack rabbit, and each one wear a pair of eari many liaea too large for him. They are Tery aooia- ble and enjoy being petted by the little folk, bnt tbe attention they have at traoted baa tort of spoiled them. When they get tired of being fondled, they are just aa likely aa not to kick the nearest child with the most malevolent inten tion in the world. The kick of one of the baby donkey is a trifle more seri ous than slap from chicken might be, and nothing pleasea the yonng don key worshiper mora than to provoke one of these manifestations of displeas ure. Of course nobody thinks of bar Bearing or saddling the little donkey yet They could aa well think of hitch ing a couple of lambs. They bava pot been named yet, and they look so mnch alike that only their closest acquaintances among the chil dren know them apart They are given into Mr. Murphy's charge, Mr. Murphy being the superintendent of tbe chil dren1 playground, for a very short time very day except Sundays. The excep tion ia made because the wise people to whom the future of tbe yonng donkey baa been intrusted do not think that tbey wonld be able to stand the excitement and petting they would get from a Sun day crowd of children. As it is, they are surrounded all tbe time that tbey are in the playground by children, and tbe funny woolly little beast with the long ears and wrinkled noses are already threatened with dyspepsia from the in ordinate quantity of peanut, popcorn and candy that has been smuggled to them. Up to date tbe donkeys, in addition to accepted edibles, bava devoured sev eral dozen pocket and quite a number of pinafores. Tbe little beasts get quite tired out with tbe excitement and the fondling, and then tbey are led away to a stable, followed by a wistful lot of children. The idea of bringing them to the play ground is to aocustom tbem to children, so that wben their time shall come to haul tbe little carta or be saddled up there will be no difficulty. San Fran cisco Examiner. ; Oimnar Coma ta Oar Heaee. Granny's com to rar houel An. bo, my lawzr dalayl All the children round tb. plao Is tat a-mnnin crazy, retched a cake for little Jake, ' An fetched a pie for Nanny. An fetched a pear fer all the pack 'At rniw to kia their granny. Lucy Ellen's In her lap, An Wade aa Bl as Walker Buth's a-ridin on ber foot. An Polio's on the rocker. An Msrtby ' twtna.frora Aunt Marina r An little orphant Annie, All's a-eatln gingerbread An glggleua at granny. Tells ns all the fairy tales Ever thought er wondered An 'ban dance o' other etoriee Bet she knows a hundred I Bob's the one for "Wbittlngton," An "Golden Locks" fer Fanny Hear "em laugh an clap their hands, LUtenan at granny! "Jack tbe Giant Killer" 's good. An "Beanstalk" 'a another. Bo's tbe one of "CindereU' " An her old godmother. That nn's beat of all the rest- , Beatewt one of any where the mice acampera home Like w rnna to granny. -James Whltoomb BUey. Improving tba OTaror. "I don't like this soup. It is not good. " And a little boy laid down hi apoon. "Very well, then," said hi mother, - "yon need not eat it" That afternoon the little boy had to go with bis father to weed the garden. It was very warm, and they worked until supper time. Then they went into the bouse, and the mother brought tbe boy a plato of soup. "That' good soup, mother," he said, . and be ate every bit "It is the very same soup you loft at dinner today. It taste better now be cause you bava earned your supper. A dinner earned by honest labor Will aarer wast a plsaaant flavor. , Exchange. rwv wv THE BALLET SKIRT. It la a Seaey Frilled rettleaaU aad May Be Adapted to Ordinary Wear. The fussy frilled petticoat known as tbe ballet skirt is now worn by fashion able women under evening and danoe gowns, but nearly reaching the ground. First there is a close fitting yoke of muslin, wbiob ia cut in fonr part and reach ee well below tbe average corset and very much below the short corset worn for skirt dancing. On to this yoke is set in full gathers or flat plait wide skirt of tbe muslin, edged with a frill of lace put ou slightly full. This skirt reaches from the yoke to the full depth required, and over it at tbe B line another skirt is simulated by a deep frilL also edged lace, and put on so that the bottom edge ia half an inch above tbe edge of the under lace, thus giving an extra full and ample effect When worn, ao wide is this skirt that it gives tbe appearance of a multitude of lace petticoats, and the dancer usual ly catchee the center with a aafety pin or a few stitches about 10 or 13 inches below tbe yoke and practically converts it into a divided skirt These ballet skirt are also made for ordinary wear in dark silk. A Distuairaaahed Wanai Oralis. Dr. Charlotte Ellaby, opthalmio sur geon to the London New Hospital For Women, Enston road, ha won no email personal distinction by ber late achieve ment At tbe request of H. H. the Jam Sahib of Jamnngar. Dr. Ellaby went lately to India in order to operate upon the maharani for cataract Both eye were operated upon in turn, and both operation were completely successful. A correspondent in India says: 1 be ma harani ia naturally delighted at recov ering ber sight, and her joy i shared by all her household, a well aa by the English women who have tbe pleasure of tbe acquaintance of one of the most charming ot the Rajput ladies, beloved for her genial manner and esteemed for ber unaffected and sincere piety. " Dr. Ellaby' services were retained at tbe suggestion of Mr. and Mrs. W. & McClelland, who, for long year resi dent in Jamnagar (Mr. McClelland be ing state engineer there), are the tried and trusted friends to whom bis high nes the Jam Bahib turns when trouble invade bis household. Dr. Charlotte Ellaby baa returned to England. Lon don. Make Over Their Praaaea, " There are often good fashion grow ing out of national disasters. At the time of tbe French revolution the style of wearing the hair high on tbe bead was begun and was designated a "a la guillotine." Apropos of this tbe fashion of the present baa entirely done away with tbe idea that one must appear in a fresb toilet every time one goes to function of any sort Mrs. Cleveland and tbe ladies of the cabinet set the ad mirable example last winter of wearing the same sown as often as tbe humor dictated. At the White House reception Mr. Olney, Mr. Carlisle and indeed all of the cabinet ladies have worn the same crown more than once and have even resuscitated the toilet of last year and subjected them to some brightening up and alteration, which, though per haps not apparent to tbe ordinary ob server, ba not escaped the eye of those who know tbe gowns and the women welL It is now quite allowable for a society writer to state that "Mrs. Blank- enblink wore ber most becoming gown" and to describe tbe familiar toilet And why not? Washington Capital. J alia Ward Bava, Mr. Julia Ward Howe ba been writing poetry for nearly 60 year. Al though this remarkable woman has passed ber seventy-nitn year, ine das the Dreaence. tne demeanor, tne expres sion, tbe voice and tbe step of 60. Bhe baa a handsome face, ia in vigorous health, give beed to the art of dress and is far more lively than are most women at ber time of life, bhe is tbe mother beside of Mrs. Bicbards, Mr. Maud Howe Elliott and tbe late Mrs. Julia Anagnoa, each of whom i well known in tbe world of letter. Mr. Howe ia also the sister of Marion Craw ford' mother quite a galaxy of talent to be related to by immediate tie of blood, not to mention tbe late Sam Ward, epicure, and Beau Ward McAl lister. It was of Mrs. Howe, by tbe way, that Oliver Wendell Holme hap pily remarked on ber seventieth birth day, "She is 70 years young. " Tha Scent Bottle Fad. Mr. Cleveland has given a new im petus to the scent bottle fever. Bhe carries with her at all her receptions the silver and crystal scent bottle that wa given her in Philadelphia when she went to christen tbe big warship. It is et with a beautiful diamond of tbe pnrest water and is a thing of beauty. Now it is qnite tbe thing to carry one of the tiny bottles shoved up tbe palm of the glove. Philadelphia Times. A Woman Will Do It. Probably the most conspicuous in stance in this country where a woman has been selected as the sculptor of a figure of beroio size is that of tbe choos ing of Mrs. Theodore Rcggles-Kitson to make for tbe city of Providence a bronze statue 7 feet 0 inches bigb. The statne is to perpetuate the form and face of Esek Hopkins, the first admiral of the American navy and a native of Rhode Island. SPOUT IX. THE VELDT A TALE OF GUNNING THAT WILL WARM A HUNTER'S BLOOD. Oaua Bird That Are Ueaaa Arson; Tbelt Fe I Iowa Wegun Life In Wild Country laooraat or Farauaaad Feacea No Ueavj Clothing to tor-umber the iluntrr. Wagon life lu tbe South African in torior has of course it drawbacks, yet In a climate where for about seven mouths absolutely settled weather may be relied upou it pleasure outnumber them 60 to 1. To mount one' pony ou a clear bright morning; to ride forth into tbe veldt with a frlendaud a brace of pointers, with the blessed feeling that you have not a care in the world beyond the march of your wagiui to the next water; to be absolutely certain of some pretty shooting in a wild country innocent of farms aud fences; to return to camp toward evening with perhaps 10 or It brace of bird aud a small bock these things, to the average healthy male, seem a near perfection as may be found in this vale of tears. It is 8 o'clock on a bright April morn tag in South Bechuaualand. The air is full of light brisk and wonderfully ex hilaratiog. Four gunner have just breakfasted under the lee of their wag on. Now, baring mounted their pontes -the average South African horse is seldom more tbau 14 band they ride quietly down the hither side of tbe shallow valley "laagte, it is called in these parts wherein they were out spanned, aud climb tbe farther rise. It is a picturesque scene. The slopes are clothed with a long growth of wav- ing grass, now greenish yellow after tbe rains, amid which great bowlders of dark red rock crop up. Here and there small patches of bine green bosh start oot from the grassy veldt Beyoud, crowning the valley, begins a thickish woodland of short trees bastard yellow wood, the Boers call them which ex tends for some mile in front, till the great open plain are again reached. As the gunners ride up the farther slope their wagon i already in motion behind tbem, starting upou its day's trek, 17 mile to the next water. Through the clear, nimble air cornea the crack oi the driver's great whip and his shrill cries, hnrled at tbe oxen, and the un wieldy home on wheels crushes slowly through the yielding sand. But now the gunner bave spread ont in Hue, and tbe pointer are already busy. Near some bowlder one of tbe dogs feathers a little, then stand, rigid a a figure of bronze. The two nearest gunners dis- mount Tbey already carry their guns and bandoliers and ride, as men do in tbe veldt, in their flannel shirts with their sleeves well rolled up the arms. There is little to encumber their move menta. Breeches, gaiters aud stont boots, a shirt and a shady hat are all that a man needs in Africa. The reins are thrown over the ponies' necks aud bang in front of tbem, and tbo nag will stand quietly for hours. Now the gunners are close upon the. pointer, still standing with rigid tail and outstretched neck. These francoliiis lie close in the long grass. "Where the deuce" On a sudden up spring three brown birds within five feet of tbe sportsmen. Twenty yards of law, tne gun are up, two light report from smokeless cartridges, and a brace of the birds bit the earth. Almost instantly a third repot t follows, and the near gun ner ha secured bis right and left, not a difficult matter with these frnncolin. But the pointer is not yet content Another brace of birds ia found and brought to bag within 80 yard. The partridges are now gathered. They prove to be tbe small Loqul irancoJin- 'N'awimpi" the natives call them perhaps the most beautiful game birds in tbe world. As one of them lies in the gunner' palm for a few moments, the bright nankin yellow and orange of the bead, the clear, hawklike markings of tbe breast and the beautiful shape and feathering mark this partridge of Africa as a gem among it fellows. Tbe birds are bestowed in a saddlebag, and tbe gunner mount and ride into the forest on tbe right hand side of the wagon road. Meanwhile their comrade have entered the woodland more to the left band, and their guns can be beard al ready going. For two bonr tbe sportsmen quietly walk their bones through tbe forest. moving due west Once their pointer gets into a (mall troop of guinea fowl delving for bulbs, and after a smart chase drives three of them into a tree, whence, as they fly off, tbo gunner se cure tbem easily enough. At length, after picking up a few but terflies in tbe forest clearings, for tbey carry a net, our gunners emerge upon broad, rolling, son drenched plains, covered with long, pale yellow grass Through these they ride steadily boar after hour, picking up every now and again a head or two of game. Now it is a brace of big red wing partridge (Or ange river francolin); now one of those annoying yet handsome game birds, the black and white bustard zwart koor- baan, tbe Boers call him whose very noisy and chiding ways are familiar everywhere in open veldt in Sooth Af rica. Now, after keenest search, a leash of tiny bush qnail are flushed and se cured, one after tbe other having liter- lly to be kicked up. A hare and a sol itary '.'dikkop" thick knee plover are added to the growing bag. Cor. Lon don Review. Greeley. Doable.,. During tbe life of Horace Greeley a man who resembled him and nearly very town of any size had one such citizen found hi way impeded by the attention thrust upon him, aud which were intended for another man. He was commonplace person who took no in teres! in tbe questions of the day, but possessed the famous facial resemblance which impressed strangers. Snch a donble of greatness had only to keep silence and look wise to be mistaken for his distinguished prototype. Ex change. The Helen of Hlbbona, The use of ribbons in increasing until many as three piece may be put upon one dress. Puffed sleeves have five band of ribbon from shoulders to el bow over tbe puffs. The waiHt ha three or five bands from shoulders to waist line, with any number of loops and ends attached to the belt; then rib bon are set in at the belt and fall two- thirds of the way down the skirt, where there are enormous loops, rosettes and ends, and in some instances very large bow midway of the length of tbe rib bon from waist line to hem of skirt New Jfork Ledger. j THE SILK WAS CHEAP. But It Fell Fntm Ornw Wbea Hack KaeW tha Other km tha Frio. It wa bargain day in one of the large down town store, and th coun ters were piled with o toning silk of Uiu niout tempting prices. Two women were iudmtriously turn ing over the pieces, and one of tbem aid to her companion, "Yes, I'm get ting a gowu to wear to my sister-in-law's wedding, and tho only thing which pussies me ia which plfoo to take they are ail so delightfully cheap aud tbey look so handsome. " "Yes, it i hard to decide," admitted the other woman, whose bored aud weary air proclaimed ber merely the escort The active shopper looked fresh lud alert "Yes. Now, if I only knew what Victoria wo going to wear, it would be easy enough. I'm determined for ouoe that my gown shall cast hers iu the shade. When we were girls together, she was glad euongh to copy my things, but now she' married Henry' elder brother, who has more money than Henry has, and she doe put on such airs." "Yea. This is a pretty piece," sug gested her companion, who wanted her lunch. "Isn't it? I wonder if it i qnito as good aa the one that woman bos over there. I think I shall take this Pin sure Victoria would never know but that it wa awfully expensive, fur I ahull toll her that it was 3 a yard. There won't be apiece left to tell the tale after today, anyhow, tot that she'd ever look at a bargain counter she's too proud for that Let me see, bow many yard" "You would like to set this pioco In the light, tuadum?" said thovoicoof a clerk hack of them. "Certainly. Step this way, please. Yes, tho very thing for a wedding. We are selling will you allow me to pass, ladies? The two women stepped aside, and tbe one who wa counting up how many yards she needed cried: , "Why, V ictoria, is that you? 1 I've been looking for a gown to wear at Marie's wedding. " "So have I," replied the lady who had been following the clerk to the light bnt hut I don't see anything here that is nearly good enough. " "Neither do I, replied the other woman, and sho put down the piece Bhe bad been holding lest some one else get it "Come, Amy, wo will go." "Will you look at this piece in the light, madam? ' asked thaclurk. "Not today," wa the haughty reply. I will come in agaiu and look at some thing hotter. " And the two parties moved off in op posite directions leaving tbe clerk be bind tho com t and the one standing iu theninlo smiling at each other. C'ht' cago Triboue. "Colorow'a a Rqaaw." Edward, one of "the fighting Mo- Cooks," while governor of Colorado territory hud a good deal of trouble with tbe Indians, and especially with their chief, C'olorow, a great scoundrel and a coward at heart The chief wonld have shot the governor one day had it not been for the family nerve of the Mo- Cooks. The National Tribnuo of Wash ington tell the story: With a party of hia braves Colorow came to Denver one day, and alter drinking heavily of whisky told bis fol lowers that he was going op to kill Mo- Cook. The governor had bis office in a two story building and rat with his back to the door, with a looking glass on the desk in front of bim, so that be could see any one coming in without turning. McCook was expecting some trouble with Colorow and was seated at hi desk when tho Indian came in. Colorow had a pistol in bis band, aud approaching McCook he stood by bis side aud grunt ed: "McCook liar!" The governor never looked up, bnt kept on writing. -.... "McCook heap liar. repeated Colo row, but the governor never noticed it 'McCook heap big liar," continued Colorow, and still tbe pen scratched away. Colorow mistook McCook 's si lence for fear and let his pltol hand drop nntil his arm hung down straight In an instant McCook grouped tbe In dian's wrist, and in another the pistol fell to the floor. Turning Colorow around, tbe govern or deliberately thrust him down stairs and out of the door into the circlo of Indian who were waiting for the ex pected trouble. "Colorow s a squaw, " said McCook to tbe assembled Indians, and giving the chief a parting push be returned to bis office. - Royal Intellecta. "Bow do royal personages compare with ordinary mankind ns regards brain power and intellect?" i the purport of an inquiry from a reader oi tbe New York Tribune, one which has probably been called forth by some referenda to Prince Bismarck's well known phrase about "Austria s imbecilo archdukes, ' in connection with tbe recent death of the old uncle of Emperor Francis Jo seph. To this, reply is made that, as a gen eral rule, the intelligence of the 'anointed of tbe Lord" is not above tho average of that of ordinary mortals. Paradoxical thongh it may appear, brains are not needed in any superabun dant quantity to direct the destinies of great and powerful nations, and ancient as well o modern history teaches that the most successful rulers have been portions of a mental caliber below rather than above the average, whereas those monarch who were exceptionally gift ed bave invariably shown themselves un fitted to administer tbe destinies of the people subject to their control. Tbi may be explained by the fact that dullness UKuallygoes hand in hand with caution, which is a vory desirable quality in a ruler, while genius is often both iuipnlsive and impracticable. A Noble Woman. Then I bade good by to an honest, earnest woman who has given her life to a great cause. Abuse has not curdled the milk of human kindness flowing in her veins. Poverty has not iiuhittered ber generous soul. Susan B. Anthony, with her honorable 75 years, is more alive today tbau almost any woman of my acquaintance. Why? Because she is iu love with a noble idea. Love be got enthusiasm. Enthusiasm keeps soul and body yonng. Blossed be that whfoh mokes the world go round I Kate Field' Washington. VALLEY OP DEATH. PROMINENT RANCHMAN WHO . HAD SUFFERED LONQ. Ha lays That HI Doctor and Friend Had tilveu Ulm I'p-IIlt Ml notions t'nre. from the Colorado Farmer, Dtnvtr, Colo. David a Ureen, who Is pt middle life, a man of flue physique, strong, vigorous aud buoyant went to Colorado in 1800 aud now resides at i It T Ciraut avenue Denver. He ia well known in Colorado and Indian Territory as a cat tle man and is also known In Colorado mining circles by "old-Umers." He I a member ot Triuity M. E. church of this city and well known in Methodist circles aud a familiar figure) on the street of Dourer. Ha I a gentleman of intelligence aud culture, oominunios tive and affable. Ou the first day of February, 1808, Mr. Oreon rooeived a serious injury to the spine occasioned by slipping while supporting a heavy weight Tbe injury was very painful and in a few days he was helpless. Through the long mouths ot suffering that followed be was reduced in strength and flrsh ... , , .- ... k ..ll -!,,), uuiii uia uorruua ayevoui wae wc ". exhausted; he ws brought to the DOT' dor laud ot paralysis. His entire right side was threatened with this malady. The spiual column and base of tba biain were a battery of pain and tor ture, aud naught was left him but to suffer and wait for the end. While in this 'condition and utterly hopeless of help (a hi physioian and the best medical oonusel proved power less), his attention was providentially called to Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. As a drowning man dutches at straw so he caught at Pink Pills and Immediately began to improve. Ha commenced their use about tbe middle of March last aud today hia pains are nearly gone, all the alarmiug symp toms of paralysis have disappeared and tho original injury is rapidly improv ing. His general health aud flesh are returning, his usual elasticity of spirit and vivacity are restored and an hour's oonversatoin ia sufficient to convince one that to Pink Pills is due a change almost miraculous. In conversation - with a representa tive of the Farmer, Mr. Green said: "I have not been on the street for sev enteen months till two or three day ago, but I am so much better. It is a surprise to me aud to my friend, yea, and to my doctor, too. Tbe fact is, I have been at death's door. . No one thought there wa any help tor me; even my doctor thought I never would be any better! But here I am walking about a you see, and to me it is won derful! and perhaps you will hardly believe me when I tell you what did it it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." It is due to suffering humanity that the story of Mr. Ureen be told. Hi kindness of heart and generous im pulses would rejoioe in spreading the fame of a remedy that has brought him from tho valley of death to enjoy the pleasure of loving home. His physioan is a gentleman well known in Denver, has lived here many years and built up a good practice. He is broad-minded and in good stand-; ing in tbe best medical circle in the J city. Anyone wishing to do so, can j readily satisfy himself aa to tba facta herein related. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life I and richness to the blood and restore i shattered nerves. They are sold in J boxes (never in loose form, by tbe desen or hundred) at 50 cent a box, or six j boxes for $3.50, and may be had of all druggist or directly by mail from Dr. William' Medicine Co., Schenectady, j N. Y. ' Hew Uae For Lor Latter. An ingenious bride, so the story goes, ho evolved a happy scheme for keeping her husband trne to the protestation of bis wooing. The engagement was a long one, the love letter exchanged, legion. With these letter she ba papered ber boudoir. No muu could in the face of t such evidence of eternal devotion object to the price of a new bonnet or be stingy in the inatttr of pin money. How could be scold about tbo butcher's bill, or be sulky even if she did give his pot loung ing coat to the old clothes man or put ber png to sleep in his Sunday hat or cry because he staid at the club and forgot to come in until midnight as in his bachelor days? Philadelphia CulL Bl Fardooabl Ml .take. It was a bad break the Rev. Dr. Fourthly mude when he married that couple the other day. " "What was it?" "He performed the ceremony all right, bnt lie never had married anybody iu bloomers before, and he a little nearsighted, yon know, and when he came to saluting tbe bride, according to bis custom, be became a little flurried aud kissed the young man. " Chicago Th Devil' Honaa. In Ladynrd, a small town in Connecti cut, isa house built prior to 1710 which bears tho title of tbe "Devil's House." A curse i supposed to rest upon it and in proof it is pointed ont that in the present centnry more than 100 death bnvo occurred in it, most of which Were violent or more than ordinarily pathetic. Tbo curse i supposed to have been put upon the place by a girl named Oroeu, who was ill treated there by a relative to soenre her property. Philadelphia Ledger. TRII H t SUeitTAKSN Foil UK ILTH'R S.4KK Will be rendered more beneficial, and tha fa. til ea ol travel counleracird. II the vo-alter will lake alons with III in llonteiter'a Htomarb Blttera, and iim t at prolarHlv. and cnabllnt uinir, nerve iiivierantana aiptlierreaulailr. mpurUlee in air aud w,.lr la nemrallzeil ipuriuue in air auu w.-ier ia nmnraiiEeii oy it, 1 it la a malclileaa trenqnllMter and rrgu'ator ami it la a ma i of (he stomnCi. liver and bowela. it roimt r pta m alalia,, and a tendenvf to Biuui-j auq manner aumeii ia. There ll a dlAVrenn. between a cold and tha rrlp, but ron will not realise it until jrou re ceive Hie uuvior a diu NJCVV WAT KAHT-MO DUST. n.l Vmui frntn Pivrlwl P.nM.. Walla via O. K.& Spokane anil Great Northern Uailwsv to Montana, Dakota, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Ht Louis, East and Houtb. Aock-bailaat track: Hnescenerv: neweutiimneiit: Great North. ern falaco bleeper and Diner; Family Tourist Cars; Bullet-Library Oar. Writ O. C. Donovan, Oeneral Agent, Portland. Oregon, or F. I. Whitney , O. P. fc T.A Ht. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and In formation about rates, routes, eto. HKKSJ BKLOW, "Man wanta but llttl hsrs oslow, aud wants that llttl long," and Just long as h can it. To words of tb old hymn bar a manning, which, Interpreted that a th Bbasno ol ail pain i tup rem bap it la little ti aak to b freed Frum it. A short out tpth attainment of this I to U Ht. Ja ous Mil. is thins; to vt, but the amount of goott it does ia th ours of pain i something nonnoui, HOW'S TMISt We offer On- Hundred Dollar Rward for any ease of Catarrh that oanuot be curatl by Ball 'a Catarrh Cure I K. J. CliKJi KY CO.. Prop.. Toledo, Ohio. We, thsnnlsrslsnad, have known If. J Cheney fur th laal 14 years, and brllsvt him perteetly honorable in all businea tranaantiona and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. n bt a t auaa, Wholesale ProKKlst. Toledo, O. Wai iiu, Kiniur A Maavis, Wholesale llruKKiat, Toledo, O. II all 'a Catarrh Cur ia taken internally, act Ins directly upon tb blood aid niuooua urlaoee of th system. Prlo, 7fto. per bot tle. Hold by all Druggists. le.uuionii free. '.-'.' W hav not been without I'Uo's Cur for Consumption for Wyears. I.imis Ksa air. Camp St., Karriauurg, l'a., May 4, ItVI. FITS.-Att Bta airnpe free by . Kline's Ureal Werve Keeiurer. Wia aflat Ibejral oa' uae. Marrrkxia rurea. T'eaiue an su ! trial outl'e inw u ' 11 mere neuv mi w. hu-i, ; ail Arch at, fhllwlrlphla, fa. Tav Qsai.ii for breakfast Both tho method nd result when Syrup of Figa ! taken; it U pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts pcnUy jet promptly on the Kidneys, hirer and Bowels, cleanse the ? tern effectually, dispel colJa, head aches and fever aud cur habitual constipation. Bvrup of Figa it the only remedy of It kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taato and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in iu actioD and truly beneficial in it eflect, prepared only from tbe roost healthy and agreeable ubttancea, it many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for aalo In 50o and f i bottle by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Ifc not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. IAH nAMQISCO, Cat. tomritu. nr. Hit tout, tit. . hT f .1 a Timely Warning. Tha great success of th chocolate preparation of th house of Walter Bakor A Co. (established in 1780) ha led many misleading of their name, Baker It Co. are th oldest and largett manu facturers of pur and hlgh-grad Cocoa and Chocolate on this continent. No chemicals ar used In their manufactures. Consumer should ask for, and be ur that they get, th genuln Walter Baker It Co.' good. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. If von want a sure relief for uiuos, uae aa i - - Allcock's Bear in Mind Not oa of tation i as good as th genuine. I MALARIA I B Thrf 4rrm only. Try it. WEINHARD'S FERTILIZER CATALOGUE JUST OUT SEND FOR ONE ' HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH S A POLIO Km. John Siii, Jr., of. Gnat Falli, Mont., rteom mtniid Kty I Cream Halm to mi. I can tmtkariu kit ilatimtnt. "It ii a toiitivi curt or caiarr it una a Undid." Kev. J: ranch W, foole. fattor Central Prei. Church, Helena, Mont, FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP! Ia tha beat anao In the wo M, ik.i.h Ki-.'ll?!!?" nk- " "a mention Ul EH J".!! ,y" y.'.,a "" "lr" - dol lar e worth, n. at. I MA ABb. I... ... n. n-.- Smith'; , sto,,, 4M iu iu P(011l r Qti r aSitywri I dWBAlHAI SURE CURE for PILES VHMUI.U w auu. Your Happiness Depend upon a healthy body and a contented mind. Your Health I aerlomly In d uigar unless your blood is rich, red and pur. Hood's Sarsaparilla lath On Tru Wood Purifier Prominently I" th Tibli Kya. ' HERCULE8 GAS AND GASOLINE ...ENGINES... NOTIO FOR. SIMPLICITY STRENGTH ECONOMY SUPIRIOR WORK MANSHIP... IN IVf RY OITAIL Thea enlne era act now led t ed by rspert eiiitirera to He wurlhf nl tale-heat euinmeale tlon lor almplleltr, Mih tta-l material and arrlur aturiaanhlp. Tl,v develop the I" I aj'lunl tmnwer, aud ruu alitimit an elei lrw eare batferr ; the rl"W ol I, union la tlotpl. Inrapeualre sod rellaiil. for pamalns aaiSI. lor Itrleaflft purfo a no teller ei-slne pan be found on the 1'actne eoaat for hnlwin auiSia for miner ther have met with allheal annroral. for Iniermliieut pwaer larlr teunoaiy la no U'leetloaed. IT.TIOim 110 I.RIIE EI6IIES Aaurwrt'aau v AmericanType Founders' Co. PORTLAND, OR. 8. nd for catalog ua. dr. Guars lareovtD OVER PILLS A ltU fbvMo Ott rill fart Im, Ilk. Trveassa Eatila MtDtair what th - - lwrkt m nth H Mfutavr. Thr ttf HwtlM, tiraf Usa fjw. ro tmmr we t nmpeasM HeMiew iami mrmwm.V Thaty mmttm kmc mm khtm. T mmnnem pm, mm to th placing on th market and unscrupulous imitation labels, and wrapper. Walter paiua in the back. aid, cheat, or . Porous Plaster th host of counterfeit and Imi DO YOU FKEI. BAM IXIK8 YOUK BACK arheT Dose every strip a hurdenT Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KCIJS OB BOTTLlM) Beoond to none- THY IT.. Mo eiaimr from. rOHTUND, OB. Buell Lamberson . .SEEDSMAN... 203 Third St.... PORTLAND FRAZER BUT IN THI WORLD. AXLE CREASE ItawearlmrqaallUea an nnaarpaaaed, aolually ontlaattiit two boxee of any other brand. Pre from Animal Oil.. .MT TUB OKMUIMM. rou BALK BY ORKUON AMU nr-WASHIMIITOM MKKVHAMTa - ana veeier. lenerall J. MRS. WINSLO WS - rO CHILDRtN TtKVMIMC m 5 C..U a fcellla. V, T. Iff. TJ. No. 62: -S. F. N. V. No. 009- I CotwfB ttrap. Tauaa Unod in lima sola tr armorial itli, i,