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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1895)
E5S2 ABtjcam Loyomo Plant. Muoklw Jin. are putting Jil a' iteam ,lorf,iri plant ou Miltou crtt.ik willed will be . nansKua uy con Curry, an exper- '.lencecl lolteef. who la well known hum ving resided at this place in former 'times when the lumbering .business Booming. I ne engine and boiler, Yeoetitly brought from Stella, Wash., win D useu in tne punt. The Urni estimates that with the UM tit 11811111 ,1ogi can be put into Milton oriole at it good prollt, eTen at present priest. w - Captains Arhbti. Captain Lar- jcim, oi the Telephone, ana Gsptaiu ttullivan, of the potter, were tried la a'ortlsnd thin wettk, charged with via Istlngeoily ordinance whloh forbid teamors running at a greater ipeed man six milot an hour within the cor porste HmlU of the city. Several Aveelcs ago a similar eaee eras brought in the eame oourt end the captains .discharged. The oily council immedi ately paued another ordinance bear Ing upon the matter, and it la for vio lation o the new ordinance Unde fendable are to be dried. ' 1 -i .... . Tub Haytiak Ebfiibuo Aoain.. United Bletea Attorney Murphy haa received an inquiry e to the atataa of the llsytiaa liepublio case, from the department at Washington. The steamer wai sojd by 'United Statin Marshal Urafly tor aouie -lB.UW, and the mojey haa been in the regis try of the United Statu court ever luce. The Kodiak Packing Company Which had a claim againat the ateamer, petitioned toe eecreiary of tbe treas ury tome time aince to remit the One or penalty againat the Hayllan Kepub llo, lu order Uiat U mleUt collect lie claim out of the proceed! of tbe aale, The aeoretary of tbe treaaury haa not yet given any decision, in tbe matter. who wab to iH.AHB.-vur reaaers have not forgotten the river colliaion ueiween ine yawi nainior ana eteamer Ocean Wave on the night of Auguat 18th, laet. in which Edward Wagner and John weatburwax were drowned Laat Wednesday the matter came up oeiora me government inspectors at Portland for the purpose of determine Ing who waa roaponaible for the acci dent. Several of the oflkeri of the Ocean Wave, two or three of her pas eengori, and tbe three aurvivore from the yawl were preeont, and the inveati gallon took op the entlj day. Some of the witnesses were subjected to a eery rigid oroaa-exaniination. The in peotore have not yet readied a deois ion in the matter. Tpi FirriLB NaHi,t. There ia, perhaps, no place in the county where theaofl is more fertile than-in tho Lower Nehalem coo nlry, It ia sur prising to the traveler, after wending hie wny over the mountain from the city of Clalskanie, through the im nienso bodies of timber, to merge from the thicket to the beautiful valley iu the vicinity of Mitt and Fishhawk. By hard toil end perslatent effort the eetllera over thero have opened up nice farnia, planted orcharda and in every way budded comfortable homes for Die future. There ie one drew hack, however. Tbuir preennt meant of transportation prohibit the degree of prosperity aucb alurdy yeomen are entitled to. If the time ever oomes when the Nehalem valley ie traveraed by a railroad thoae people will possess the garden apot of the county. Nxaely A CoLLlsaion. The Lurline find liailey Qatsurt came uear collid ng Monday night on their way dowi , Jt waa at the mouth of the Willameth , where the latter boat had a lew min utes previously panted the former one: The Lurline waa following close aatern when the Gattert waa forced to atop fcrr englnet on account of a "hot box," and to dote waa ber rival following In ber wake that it wss only by a hair'a breadth that ahe turned ont of the mmv PiunnDMri ftn ilia flalKArt who etood aft end eaw tbe Lurline coming at full speed toward them ttood aghast waU-hing for the craah to eome, but were agreeably aurprited to aee the "smaller boat glide safely out Into the open river into tbe darknete. The Galiert was delevod only a few min utes, however, until ahe again glided aafely down tbe river aa if nothing had happened. . Oriooii Pihx Abroad. Tho lum ber ahipment from thia port haa not been aa aotive thia year ae formerly, and a number of milla have atopped worklner. About the only mill which haa been kept buay constantly ia that of Inman, Paulson Co., winch haa been running day and night for aome time. Their average output haa been 4,000.000 feet of lumber per month (or the paat aix monthe. The market for Oregon pine, ita local name being "fir," la uuite extenaive aa it it being shipped to every part of the world. The ohief marketa being Japan and China. The lumber ia aent JSatt by rail, where large quantitiea of it are uaed for building purpotea every year. The qnalitlea of the Oregon pine are appre ciated highly by ahippera who make matte of it. The American yaoht 'Defender" had a matt of thia pine. roruand uoroniljlo. Coantjr Court Proceedings. At an adjourned term of the county court of the atate of Oregon, for Co. lurabta county, begun and held at the pounty courthouse in St. Helena, Sep tember ti, 1895, the following proceed inga were had i In the matter of the delinquent tax aale of land belonging to A. 8. Clark, for tbe year 1895. Ordered that the costs of aale be remitted. In the matter of the claim oi Will iam Honeyman for damagea. Claim rejeoted. In the matter of correction of aaseaa went roll. Ordered that unimproved landa in townahipa 8, 4, 5 and 8 north, range 8, 4 and 5 wett, bo assessed at 92 per acre, and that unpatented landa claimed by the O. A 0. B. B. Co., be assessed at $1 25 per acre. In the matter of aeourlng witnesses for the State in the oaae of Stale of Oregon va Oeo. Upton. Ordered thai the olerk draw a warrant on the tretta urer for $100, in favor of O. F, Doan, aheriff, to be aold for paying expensca of Mrs. DeJournett And daughter from Sacramento, ChI., to St. Helena, Ore, Whereupon pourt adjourned with out day, MM S0N DROWNED The Columbia's Treacherous Waters. Ateamer Ilattle Capelaed Judge DlanoharU and Otbere Have a Merrew Kaoapo, On Thursday of last week about noon Judge Blanohard and a crew of men, consisting of Henry Johnson, Frank Heed, John' Simons and George Andoraou, started for Knappton with Blanohard'i pile driver and araftol piling. They were towing the raft with ttlaiiohard'e ateamer. lietlie, and were oppoaite J. B. E. Bourne'a When a heavy aqualt caught tbem. John- ton and Eeed werepn the Iattie with illanchard.'but the other two men were on the pile driver. Johnton be came frightened and Blanehard told him to out the email boat loose, which be did, and be and Beed both Jumped Into it. It upset and Johntou went down and did not riee again. The Hatlle waa then capsized with Blaneh ard in the pilot house. An empty water tank that waa olosod kept the atern of jthe boat from elnking. Blaneh ard, however, wai ahut up in the pilot house, with the open door under water. The other door waa closed and bolted. A a reault of two previoue accidents, Mr. Blanohard ia unable toraiae either arm aa high aa hie aboulder. Hie predicament would have meant death to a more excitable man. But be opened the door, got to the atern of the boat and pushed the email boat to Beed in time to aave the latter'a Ufa. Henry Johnson waa a quiet, in duatrioua man and had been in tbe employ of Mr. Blanohard several years. llw waa a native oi oweunn, a tingle man and haa no relative! in thia IT- - I IS I country. Bainier Beview. CLATSHAMIE. Prank Van drove over from Fiahhawk on Wednesday of this week. Will Olililiolm from Lower Nehalem waa on our atreeta tbe oral ef tola week. Iinv. White It In Portland this week at tending the sesKlous nf the Oregon confer. ence. mis wiie l uu mm, W. K. Tichenor Is havlncantta a serious lime with au inflamed knee that has kept btui in tbe hvuae for a week. F. Hvera was busy last week nacklnc house plants for Neliafara, to brigliun the new home of Mrs. Jllnipel there. A eonslderablo Quantity ol co-oneratlve eedar lumber it being taken on board the steamer bhaver fer use up tbe river. We are nleaied to aote that R. 8. Uattan passed a sueeeuful examlnaiion for a ttHte He diDloma at I he examination lor teach ers held here last nontli. Oiir ptlv flMtiii ia attrnet a atMwf man oonimercial man lately, and it u snppoted tlity get some orders for foods from our merchants to Induct tbeui to come. Orviile Merrill was unfortunate enoueb to out his font while at work at Beaver Wednesday afternoon. He wsa brought to town by liarry dvverxon aud hud the In jured laeuibsr looked alter. If you to into the steamer ware room this week you will smell bops, and if you follow your uoee several bales of them may be seen that bave been brought over from tbe Nehalem ysltey lorsblpmenl. Jack Campbell Is now city marshal in fart as well as in name, baring been regu larly clolhed wilb authority last week. Bruce Haines resinned and the council on Monday evening appointed Jack. Some boys playing ball got Into a fight last Sunday and the marshal found it nec essary to take ont Into custody to stop pro. coediugs. Is was very .unfortunate both for the boyt aud for tbe peaee aud quiet of our city, -. , D. W. Kreomsn was over from Fiahhawk Wednesday after a turbine wheel be bad shipiied from Portland and expeott to use In hi mill. The machine whs quite an ob ject of ouriosity to many persons about tbe ware room. K. II. Lant reached town on Wednesday evening of laat week, and, packing the few remaining articles needed, started on Fri day evening with his wife and child for Ne halein bay Tor a resldenoe near Uimpel A Company'! sawmill. A number of loads of baled hsy have been broneht into town this week, tent bv Henry Biaunlng, of Mist, for shipment to Astoria. Lumber also continues to arrive from tbe valley of the Nehalem, and ia shipped by steamer to Portland. Charles Fisher came over from Mist last week with D. W. Kelsey and wite, who had been on a elalm tome weeks in oompany with tbuir grandson. Walter Courier. Tbe party look tbe steamer Friday evening for Portland and Oswego, where they reside wuen not ramning, A erjeclal nrosraiD of extreme wu rend' ered at the schoolbouse laat Friday after noon. Both schools assembled in the up per room where from 8 to 4 p. m. tuch Vis itors at were present listened to Kings, reel tallons, and an assay by tbe scholars of the upper grade. The performances were all creditable asid sbow that a little training nn certain lines would deveiope mora tnan an ordinary ability to reoite and sing. It is contemplated holding similar exercises at the ulose of etoh mouth of school. Laat Auguat while working in the harveat field I became overheated, waa suddenly attacked with orampa and waa nearly dead. Mr.Cummioga, the druggist, gave roe a doee of Chamber lain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Beinedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the rem edy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Center villo, Wash. For aale by Dr. Edwin Boas, Druggist. The iloul ton people are having their new achoolhouae painted and are other wite improving the premiaei prepara tory to the commencement of aobool. The direotora in that diatrict recently purchased the number of aeala neces sary for the bouae, and when they ar rive and are placed and other minor preparationa made the fall and winter term of aobool will begin. The aeata are of the latent and moat improved style, and when all ia arranged Houl ton will have a neat, comfortable and oommodious school building. Mrs. S, A. K ell, of Pomona, Cel., bad the bad luok to sprain her ankle. "I tried aeveral liniments," ahe says, "but waa not cured until I used Chamber- lnin'a Pain Balm. That remedy cured me, and I take pleasure in recom mending it and teatifying to ita efll- cacy. ' Thia meaioine ia aiso oi great value for rheumutiam, lame oaon, paiua in the choet, pleurisy and all deep- seated and muscular paina. For aale by Dr. Edwin Bote, druggist. Boar in mind that we will furnish yon ihe Weekly Oregonian and This Mib't together one year for only PKJIHONAL AN p .LOCAL. I. O. Wikatrom went to Portland yet- .Wraay, Mr. W. B. Dillsrd went to Kalama Wednesday on legal business. Attorney O, W. Cole waa attending to legal business in Portland Monday . Mra. II, Orohard waa a paaaenger up on the Iralda yesterday morning fur Portland. Erwin Seffert.of ,3oble. waa in town Saturday evening laet iu attendance at JUaaonlo lodge, " . Mra. Elizabeth Perry, of Houlton, waa a paaaenger up tor Portland yea terday morning. ' - Mra. Ellis, at the Oriental hotel, who baa been suffering wilb an attack of fever lately, ia improving. Mra. J. Q. Muofcle baa been aeriouely 111 for aeveral daya past, but ia now able to be about again. I. Bumgardner and family, of Deer Island, have been apending aeveral weoka at Aauiand, Oregon. The Cooper fountain iaan ornament to the town, presenting metropolitan appearance on rront atreet. The courthoute yard haa been Wealed to a new fence and two new galea, which it haa been in need of for a long time. Local fishermen predict a large run of aalmon thia fall, and conaiderable preparation ia being made for a large catch. A marriage license waa Issued by the county clerk Tuesday to George W Jordan and Minnie C. Bhultx, both of Kainier. Mr. and Mra. T. J. Cleeton have moved into town and are occupying tbe cottage on Cowlitx atreet, next to Uddfellow'e ball. State Superintendent G. M. Irwin and Misa LUlutu M. Coiaon,.of La Urande, were married lu that city on Tuesday evening- Mre . M. J. Scott, whom we reported laat woek aa being quite aick, ia very much improved, and will be able to be up again toon. In thia issue the county treasurer makea a oall for warrants up to July otu, lava, betidea aeveral large war ran ia bearing that date. A large ecow waa landed at tbe pile of paving blooka at the mouth of tbe bay Monday evening, and will remove tbem to Portland for improving pur poeea. Assessor White and Clerk Weed will begin next week tbe work of making a copy of the assessment roll of 1895 which will be funiebed the secretary of atate. The water in tbe Columbia river bae probably reached ita lowest atage, but yet the largeat ships that float are enabled to traverse the river with per fect aafety. Tbe new flag recently purchased bv Sheriff Doan and Clerk Weed, which waa dedicated to the courthouse, givea that building a aoiuewhat American appearance. Thb Mist wanta correspondent in every neighborhood. If anything of interest happens in your locality let tbe world know it through tbe col umns of Thb Mist. The sturgeon industry ia proving a eource from which aome of our local fishermen are receiving considerable oaeh, and aa the season advances the run is expected to be greater. Pursuant to adjournment county court convened on Tuesday last and tranaacted what buaineaa there was before that body, tbe result of which can be found in another column. The big fire proof safe, after stand ing in the middle of the street for sev eral days, took another start last Tues day and landed in Kewell's store. It is a good thing that sale has wheels. W. A. Meeker wss again brought into oourt Monday and adjudged in aane by Justice Swager and oommitted to the asylum. Sheriff Doan and Dr. Chalmers left on the train Monday evening with Meeker for Salem. Sheriff Doan made a flying trip to Portland Wedneaday. Leaving here! on the Lurline a few minutea before 12 he reached Portland oue hour and a quarter before the 3 o'clock boat left, thus arriving home at 5 o'clock in tbe afternoon. Mrs. H. E. Battln, of Portland, was iu this city several days the first of the week. During her stay in this vi cinity she visited Mrs. Hoi man at ber Columbia City homestead and spent eeveral pleasant days there. Mrs. Bat tin returns to Portland well pleased with her visit in this county. The state fair opened at Salem last Wednesday and will continue until next Friday. Harry West, of Scap poose, started Monday for the fair, taking with him some of his registered Jersey cattle and improved Chester White swine. We would not be at au surprised to see 8cappoo8e receive some of the awards this year. Mr. H. C. Johnson, of the Mania nillo Milling Company, Clalsksnie, was in the city Tuesday looking after the business interests of the Arm, Mr. Johnson took some orders for lumber while here, and guarantees that all lumber ordered from the Manzanillo mills will be just as represented in quality, and the price ia down to the lowest notch. The steamer Yonng America broke her rudder last Sunday and conse quently did not come' down that after noon. She resumed her regular trips Monday afternoon, and on Tuesday evening arrived here with some pas sengers and a lull load of freight. The Young America gives the people a good service, and being a oom for table aud snfe steamer, deserves a good pat ronage. BOllN. 8KVKR80N. At Goble, Oregon, on Sept. 25, 1895, to tbe wife of Jacob Sererson, a boy. McCLAY. At Colombia City. Oregon, on Sept.. 25, IW, to the wife ol W. f . McClay, , a girl, MURDER AT MOUNT COFFIN James Greenwood Shot by Charles Asimus. , A. Dispute Over Wages The Msur- jderer Promptly Arrested and. Placed in Jail at Kalama. ? James Greenwood., ,the government ligblkeeper at Mouut Coffin, Wash., was shot and almost instantly killed last Baturday morning by Charles Asimut. The trouble grew out of jOreeuwood refusing to pay Asimus money which the latter claims was duo him for labor. It seeme that Asimus called on Greenwood for the money and tbe latter told bim to col lect it if be could, whereupon Asimus went to Kelso' to begin suit in the justice court to collect the amount, but when be reached that place he was required to give security for the oosls In the sum of 9100. This be was unable to do, and returned to Mount CoUlo, saying if Greenwood would not pay bim he would give him a thrashing. On Saturday morning ho met Greenwood and strain de manded his money. This time Green wood is said to have told Asimus to go to b 1, that be would not pay iiim, whereupon Asimus drew a re volver. Greenwood, on seeing the weapon, started to run but the deadly aim of but wrsthy assailant was too quick for bim and he wac shot down, and in a short time died. At this juncture spectators - arrived, among tbem being the victim's father in law, Fowler by name, with a gnn, and made an attempt to shoot Asimus, but was prevented by the bystanders get ling the murderer into a warehouse and locking the door. Constable VanLuyen, of Kelso, was notified and, arming himself with a warrant, proceeded to tbe scene and placing Asimus under arrest, brought him to Kalama where be was lodged in jail. On the steamer coming up to Kalama Asimus, who is a German, talked freely of the affair to passengers, snd seemed perfectly cool, slating that all he desired in the matter waa justice, admitting, however, that hie victim was getting away from him when tbe fatal shot wss fired. Greenwood leaves a wife and five children. He is said to have borne a reputation for trying to avoid paying his debts. DEER ISLAND DOINGS. Grandpa Gray will move Into the Catter- att house this winter. John McDonald was in tbe neiehborhood a few days ago. He now lives at Tenlno, waamngion. M. Collins has rented tbe H. C. Gore farms, and for soma time baa been hauling hay to St. Helens. W. D. Connell exhibits a fine Chester White bog from tbe Sunny Banks Stock Farm at c'oappoos. The new barn of James Gaitens is nearly completed. When finished it will be a good, commodious, solid structure. Recent frosts did not do much damage here though it looked at the time as if ell the late gardens would be nipped. I. Bumgardner and ton, Charles, left for Southern Oregon a couple of weeks ago by train. Mrs. Bumgardner and two of her daughters, the Misses Mattie and Mary, are at present at Ashland, Oregon. Horeren Bros, are stacking fine cedar lumber at the station here to be shipped to Portland. Prices for lumber, like every thing else, it very low. but the boyt find a ready tale for the first-class article. Sunervlsor K. Merrill It busy with a crew of men redecking Merrill creek bridge. He Is also putting in new stringers. It 1 very evidont that tbe hie of a hr pole stringer it not as uutine a a sawed fir ttrinsrer. but be It replacing the fir stringers witti cedar ones, which wiU undoubtedly give better satisfaction. Letters are received from W. Drum mond, a former resident of thia place, but now living in Manitoba, though be is orig inally from Scotland. Iu part, be says : we nave great cropa nere tnis year, nut the weather is bad for harvestine. The dairy boom has taken a great bold on this province, and there has been a great many new lactone (creameries ) startea mis year. We have a splendid country and climate for summer dairying, but the long, cold. severe winters nanaicnp us oauiy in com- parison with your mild winters, where you can run your factory from J at nary 1 to December SI. and have a gojd fkw of milk can run your factory from Jai uary 1 to all tbe year." Yonr wood flume is very n u h like our creamery, y u bave it, yet ou liaven't it. To speak of a creamery will make a person a laughing stock, but such letters aa Mr. Druminond writes should brim the Mood in oreamson flow to anybody's brow. When dairying can be made a success in Mani toba, whre it is aa cold as Iceland in winter and as hot as Hades in summer, and the cattle have to be fed In fact twelve months in a year, we simply think what little effort ws make to live, and how much we would gain in having a creamery and cheese factory in auoh a God prepared climate at the great Columbia valley. RAINIER RUMBLINGS. Snider A Co's. shingle mill, at Bte'la, Wash., was burned down Monday night so we are informed. Justioe J. B. Doan went to the county metropolis juesaay. unere ne at enea to A, J. Alley, who has a shingle mill about seven mild back of Kainier, hat rented bis mill to Wm. Xibbltt for one year. An effort is bi Int ra d ; h get the Suffolk shingle mill it . te I, but lu.w well tbe effort baa succeeded is not yet ki:own. John Stehman, of Beaver valley, has pur- chased a shingle mill with a capacity of 12,uuu suingies a aay, operated oy tour men. Brant Bros., who have been operating a shingle mill about four milea back of this place, are moving their mill to near Beaver oreek, on tbe p rem ires of Robert Lovelace. Awarded mghert Honors World's Pair, aold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da CREAM .Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, Great Sacrifice SALE. No. 8 Cook Stoves "..,...t 7.50 No. 8 Copper Bottom Wash Hollers. J.00 no. a uonper not torn lea-Kettles. 40c Stove nine per iolnt. ,19c 4.00 1.76 .15c Decorated Winner Hets from J5.00rn. W extern 8tar Washing Machines.,,. Meat Clothes Wringers First grade Stone-ware, per gal Mason's Fruit Jars, ptt COc, qtt 75c. 1 ! ( i" j .1 . r Heating Stoves at Cost When tbe above n rices are taken as were samples of tbe many other bargains offered. mey win impress upon an, ine lacttuat this is a sale none can afford to miss. Special attention given mail orders from the country. CHICAGO CROCKERY STORE... Cor 2d nd ysmhill Ste. Portland, Or. (Mention this paper.) Bv this chanaSVllie firm bave shortened the diHtanceto haul-shingle bolts to the mill, and also shortened the distance to hayl tbe shingles to Kainier. Muckle's shingle mill started this week. The mill la new and eonaequently will not be run to IU full capacity fur some uine. Justice Doan has" rented his 'farm near Rainier to William Jordan for a ierni of one year, and will move to thispUee where he will in future reside. Albert Atkins, living near Sanborn's place, below Kainier, lost the tonr ringers of his right hand on Thursday ol last week while operating a shingle macbint. Mr. A. J. Alley and family and Jesse Alley and wife have moved to tbe sawmill of Michael Roeser, where tbe men will be employed in the mill during the whiter. , REUBEN. S. Haren went to Astoria on Monday. " Henry Wood ham returned home from tbe bop fields on Saturday. . J. Keinstedt, went to Rainier on Satur day to spend Sunday with bis family. Brown A Kellle made a large shipment of shingles to Portland on Friday, also one on Monday. E. C. Heider received some tine blooded bogs this week Irani the Ladd farm near Portland. 8. K. King is nnrsing a boll on his hand this week. W. C. King filling bis place in tbe shingle mill. The engineers for tbe Goble & Astoria railroad are working from here toward Rainier this week. H. B. Bothwlck made a shipment of lum ber and piling to Portland on Monday, tbe piling being 80 feet In length. J. M. Archibald la building a house on his place for tbe benefit of wood choppers. He expects to bare two or three hundred cords of wood cut this winter. Samuel Bowen. of tbe Arm of McXangb. ton and Bowen. loggers for Botbwick's mill at Mooresville. died last Friday at Bakers field, California, and was buried at Meer ;ity Monday. E. WEAVER, Hair-Cutting ShaYing NEATLY DONE. Clean Towels and Quick Woik YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED ST. HELENS, : : ! OREGON TBEASl'JtEK'S NOTICE. County Trkahubeb's Officb, St. Helens, Or., Sep't. 27, 1895. Notice is hereby given that all unpaid County Warrants of said county, which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." on to Julv 8th. 113, aim warrants No. 2994,3032,3121,3122, 3123, 3124 and 3125, will be paid upon pres. -. . i T . . : 1 1 .. . allowed after this date. E. M: WHARTON. Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon, When Baby was sick, we gave her Ctatoria.' When she waa a Child, she cried f or Castoria. Wbea she became Miss, she ehmg to Caatoria. When she had Children, she gaTtthem Castodt. The Jury List. The following named persons were drawn by the eheriff yesterday to serve as jurors at tbe October term of circuit court, whioh convenes on the 15th of that month: John King, farmer ..Carico John Henderson, farmer Scappoose Wallace A. Edgertoa, jr., Mer't. .Clatakanie U. M. Beeghly, farmer. .......... Vernonta Joseph Erlckson, farmer Quincy John Huffman, farmer. . Mayger Jesse Ray, firmer Hudson John Cramer, farmer. Mayger Rudolph Aalrker. farmer Scappoose Magnus Saxoa, farmer.. .. ........Warren R. R. Foster, merchant Goble Chat. Muckle, merchant St. Helens W. J. Dietz, merchant Rainier D. W. Price, merchant 8cappoose Cbas. English, merchant . . .... Deer Island Thos. H. Lavender, blacksmith .. Vernonia W o. Barr, farmer. ...Clatskanit ....... Gillton John Downing', farmer Olias. F. Brigza. farmer Yankton Frank Poiueroy, fisherman . Rainier Vernonia Arthur Johnson, farmer.. ... John Nelson, farmer. Chas. W. Moser, farmer Dan Berg, farmer ............. Clias. W. Emerson, farmer. . Hudson ......Rainier ....Fishhawk Carico 8. M- Graham , farmer Henry Larsen, farmer ...Marshland Gillton Alonso F. Adams, farmer. Walter Shearer, farmer. . , . Gustave Hegte, farmer . John Bachmann, farmer.. ....Vernonia ...Mist .......Gillton ...Mist Mrs. E. . Davis, of San Miguel, Cal., 1 says: "lam trying in a measure to repay the manufactures of Uliaraber laiu'a Cough' Remedy for tbe great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest si night was disturbed by a hack ing cough so that I felt miserable the greater part of the time. Many reme dies recommended by frieuds were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not experience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Kerned y. After two bottles of the large sise had been used I am pleased to state, my health la better than it has been for years Tbe soreness has left my lungs and ohest and I can breathe easily. It has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles as I was, to give it a trial. For sale by Pr, Edwiu Ross, druggist. Exp osition JPOHTXAND, OBEUOH, The Largest and Moat Complete Display ever made of the Resoorces, Industries, Com merce, liuslneaff. Agricultural, Korestn, Mines, Fruit, Fisherien, Manufactures and Trau8iK)rtaiion Facilities of the Great Pacilio Northwest. Fine JHusic, Special Attractions Every Day. Beiucea Uatea mu AU 3'ransp.rtatlan amines. ADIHI&IO!. Single Admission....,,,..,,, 25c Children under 12 years. ...... 10c Season Tickets .... . , . . . , f 3.00 E. C. MASTEN, Secretary, tathjsVAfausHajfti afb OUR FOURTH SPECIAL SALE SINCE REMOVING 4 I and 3 xmi&D 4 - i i i i i j Binsle and Double Breasted Sacks, afl sizes. In Twenty-four Pattern", including BLUB, D. B. HEAVER, ALL SHADES CHEVIOTB, , XWEEDS.ANB CAS8IMEREB .... i i i e Every Suit WARRANTED made of our CELEBRATED ALBANY b j WOOLEN MILLS CASSIMERE, and manufactured on OUR L1 j OWN PREMISES. p J. M. MOYER & CO., ; Wholesale and Eetail (Miners. $ FINE WATCH REPAIRING. t Uncle Myers THE LEADING JEWELER, DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES, ETC Bargains in Watch Repairing at Lowest Rates. 165 First Street ST. HELENS All kinds of fresh and salted meata. sansam anil An express wagon Meats by Wholesale At special Rate. MAIN STRWKT. ' t l GETTlteOregoniaii for Infants SaMMttak. THlnxr y nr.' otearrsriltas ef Castoria wHh tha patjeassuf of saOUcwta f pmrmmu, permit mm to tp k ef H without, traffcag. It la anqntnttttnahly th. ht remedy fer Infant, tmd CMMi-ea th. world haa rer known. It U Biradm, Children IU. It. is glToa thai henlth. It will say their Uree. In tt Motlwy lurre. something which jm nhtolntaly asrfa and practically perfect mm child'. nsadloUa. ' Ctftenrla dswtreya Worms. ; Cnatorin sJIaya Fererlahnm.. ..... Cartorla proront. TomrHng Soar Cnrd. Caateria etrrea IMnrrheea suae! Wind Collo. Catort roUoTO. Teething TrenMea. Cartorla erart Constipation and Flatnleatey. Cmaterla M.ntrallao. the atTWota ef nsvr henle acid gas or ptAmmu ally Cartorla. does not contain morphtnn. eplnm, or other narcotic pro port. Cartorla n.slmtTato. tho food, regnlatea the stomach and howls. giving hoalthy sud natural aleerp. ' Oaatorls. U pnt nn In ona-alae hottlo. only. It la not aold fas hnlh. Pont allow nay omm to aell yon anything olo tho plost or promise. that It la "jnat a. good " smd "will answer orery pnrpoao. B that yon got OA-S-T-O-R-I-A. Vhm ftse-almlle atgnatnre ef Children Cry for October 5th. For Exhibit Space apply at the Ex ' position Building tt) C. H. HUNT, Supt. tVS)y A Ar sW sth AstkanV A Adtt Patronize Home t WDDSTRT " FALL AND . WINTER 1895-1896 'TO OUE NEW" STORE ' ST. S. W, Cor. Oak ft COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. all lines of Jewelry PORTLAND. OREGON. MEAT MARKET runs daily to all parts of the oitrv 5weetland & Sheldon; BT. HELENS. OREOOIT. and MisUogetherfor!ij and Children. taoneToryy Pitcher's Csstorla.