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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1895)
OREGON MIST. SUBSCRIPTION. $1.60 PER YEAR. BEEQLE DAVIS, Publisher. T. HELEN. ORK60K, JULY 5. Oregon Prea Aaaoclatlon. The ninth annual meeting of the Oregon Fresa Association is hereby culled to meet In tbe city ol Newport on Saturday, July 20th, 18PA, at 8 o'clock p. m. All arrange merits have been nude for hotel accommo dations for the prese, and the general pro gramme of the eesiion ia being prepared by tli executive committee, E. L. R. White, chairman, Portland. Tlioae desiring trans portation should notify the president not later than July 15th. Association apera please copy this notice. J. ft. Beboli, President. TBS PBACTICABLS BOUTS. It i not overstepping the truth in the leaat to say that the easiest grade for the construction of a railroad into the , Nehiiloru valley ia to be fouurl by following the rich Milton creek valley from St. Helena. Not only would this be the country through which the easiest grade could be had but we feel 84 fe in saying thai this, probably, would prove the moat prao tioable reute.since the entire distance of country abounds with resources which are most necessary to the mainte nance of a short road like one through that country would be. That scope of country is rich in timber, which, for quality, cannot be Surpassed, both fir and cedar, and the lands all the way are very fertile. The beautiful Milton creek valley possesses every require ment of the homeseeker, being very aoossable, picturesque, fertile and heaLhfuI, and though its settlement and development has been slow, it will be bnt a few years when it will possess some of the most beautiful, productive and profitable farms within our county, Not only is that valley rich in this re spect, but the adjoining highlands afford excellent grazing, which, with it many watercourses, make it alto getber a most desirable place for stock' raising; and with the great amount of hay and feed which the locality is ca pable of producing, would make it a rich and desirable country if no other resources were to be found there. For many years the logging industry in the lower end of that valley has been systematically and profitably carried on, but now tbe limit is nearly reached for tbe me thod of logging which has been common there, unless there be a great amount ot cash expended, and to more effectually and profitably re move the immense growth of valuable timber a railroad has come to be about the only means which can be practi cably used. The pass on over into the Nehalem valley would be an easy one, and since that valley, too, possesses so many similar resources, the investment in such an enterprise would prove doubly remunerative. Tbe coal, of which there is no limit, in the moun tains of that region could be more profitably removed to market over a road built down the Milton creek val ley, we believe, than by any other route, since it would be a very short haul to deep water. SHOULD FIBST COUSINS MASSY? The question of the actual anato mical and physiological causes of dis abilities in the offspring of first cous in is well worthy of the most thorough investigation, says the Hospital. In a complex vital organism like the linmaa body one need not be sur prised to find occasionally or even fre quently departures from the normal j standard of physical and mental ' per fection. Such departures will natur ally vary in kind and degree in differ ent families. Thus one family may have defective lungs, another inactive livers, another poor eyesight, another inadequate auditory apparatus, and o on. j; If the members of such families are fortunate to marry persons who are free from the same class of anatomical and physiological peculiarities, such peculiarities will naturally tend to be diminished, perhaps, by so much as balf, in their offspring, and in the course of generations of physiologically fortunate marriages they may diBap. pear. But if, on the other hand, per sons of the same blood and family, ucb a first cousins, all of whom must necessarily be more or less similar in tructure and function, marry each other, then tbeir peculiarities will tend not to be diminished, but to be in creased, perhaps doubled. So that, taking bearing as a sense wbirh is somewhat deficient in a given family, one would expect that two first cous ins marrying, whose hearing tended to be imperfect would produce off spring who would be very likely to be deaf, and that not merely in old age, but in youth, or even in childhood. The same of course is true of all sorts of physical and mental peculiarities, as well as of hearing. If people would but bear io mind that the union of persons who have similar defects, more especially if they are blood re lations, tends to intensify those de fects, exactly as piling on a bright fire infallibly produces augmented heat, they would save themselves much bitter remorse, and avoid the male dictions of a class ot imperfect human beings who not seldom curse tbe day they were bora. I It people were more disposed to look upon the bright side of life, to not cross the bridge before they come to it, indeed to make the best of the circumstances which surround them, how much happier the world would be. It is so natural for people to im agine the country is going to ruin and they prate it so persistently that it has a damaging effect upon society which might be inclined to look upon the the bright side of life and incul cate in their associates a more cheer ful disposition. It is true conditions are not all that is desired, but it is none the less true that "long" faces are not the remedy. Let us all take courage and at ouce begin to build hopes for the future. Times are said to be looking uj in the East very per- oepiiblv, and business men here have begun ' to notice a slight change. VVheiit and wool have advanced to a much better figure than a few months ago. Those are two of the chief com modities of Oregon, and an advance in the price of either means a step to ward prosperity. Times are not good, but prospects are brightening in this state. 1 The editor of the co-operative de partment of the Sentinel, and chief mouther of the tax-eating populists, does not like it because Thb Mist ad vocates new enterprises and encour ages education. No wonder! The more the people are educated the n:ore difficult it is for such vultures as this m (?) to practice his deceptive methods of getting misinformed peo ple into his colony that he may more successfully fleece them of $200 each, the advertised admission " fee into something that is supposed to have been started for the eo'e purpose of catching soma unwary sucker. Tax eater, did you say 1 It is a safe propo rtion that no one will eat any taxes paid by the co-operative editor of the Sentinel for reasons explained by looking over the tax list. This co- operator has few intellectual equals according to bis own estimation but if he would stack himself up alongside of tbe inmates of the state insane asy lum he might discove' he bad several hundred superiors even in that insti tution. Tbe meeting of the Oregon Press Association at Newport, commencing July 20th, promises to be one of inter est to those whoatteod. Applications for transportation have been coming in at a rapid rate during the last few days, and it is expected that nearly every paper in the state will be repre sented. The meeting this year should be particularly devoted to the practi cal workings of those engaged in the profession. A united press in Oregon can accomplish a great deal for the state, and there it no better place to unify sentiment and inspire unani mity of action than at the Asso ciation meeting. It should be the aim of each member to take part in tbe discussion of important subjects which will be brought out at the next meeting. Thb annual report sent out by the treasury department at Washington for the fiscal year just ended shows that the expenditures for the past twelve months have exceeded the re ceipts by about $46,000,000. Can it be longer claimed that the protective system is not best for the United States? With the old tariff on im ports, which the foreigner would have to pay, this slate of affairs would not exist. This may be an unpleasant statement to some of our tariff jugglers, bnt it is, nevertheless, true. And two years more of "perfidy and dishonor" will not relieve matters in any ma terial degree so far as revenue for carrying on the government is co cerned. 1m the death of Mr. H. O. Mathies, editor of the Oregon Koightand North west Sportsman, the journalistic pro fession of Oregon loses one of its very promising and prominent members. Mr. Mathies, though a young man, was starting on the road to distinction and fortune. To the sorrowing Wife and little daughter The Mist desires to express its. sympathy, and in tbeir affliction may they look to Him who doeth all things well for comfort. On several past occasions Mr. Cleve land baa referred to the Nicaragua canal as a praiseworthy American en terprise and one in which the patriot ism of tbe country is properly enlisted The time is apparently near at hand when these words will be tested for Eng land has come to regard Mr. Cleve land's foreign policy as her golden opportunity. It may now be said that transporta tion facilities on the Lower Columbia river are as near perfection as they will ever be. Four better boats than the Telephone, Potter, Thompson and Oatzert do not ply on any river of the United States." and the rates are cer tainly low enough to suit all reason able people. Probate Court. In the matter of the seltlemunt of the estate of E. G. Bryant, decease J. Ordered that the hearing be continued until the administrator could make bis final report. Karimir Jaiecks, a subject of the King ot Austria, was admitted to citi zenship. E. E. Quick and James Muckie, jr., were his witnesses. Resolutions of Condolence.' 8t. Hklsns, Or., July 2. 1808. At Its meeting Tuesday night Avon Lodge No. t2, Knights of PyUiiss unani mously passed the following resolutions: Whikias, In view ot the loss we have sustained by tne decease of our brother aim associate, It. O. Mai hies, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to Mm; therefore be it KasoLvan, That it is but a just tribute to thn memory of the departed to say that in regretting his removal from our midst we mourn for one who was, In everyway, worthy of our respect aud regard. Kksoi.vicd, That we sincerely condole witii the family of the deceased on the die- iiensation with which it has pleased Divine 'rovidenoe to atllict theiu, and commend them for consolation to Iliui who orders all tilings fur the best, and whose chastise ments are meant in mercy. Rksmlvkd, That this heartfelt testimonial ot our sympathy aud sorrow be forwarded to the family of our departed friend by the secretary of this meeting. H. R. Curr, J NO. R. Hsim.a, Juuson Wean. Committee on Resolutions. TstKASUHKH's NOTIVK. County Treasurer's Office, St. Helens. Or., July 6, 1895. NOTICE Is hereby given that ail Colum bia county warrants heretofore pre sented and endorsed -'Not 1'nid for Want of Funds'' up to March 1, 1SU, will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest on the same will not be allowed after this date. K. M. WHARTON. Treasurer of Columbia county. Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, James F. Watson, Truatee; sn Commer cial National Bank, of Vorllaud, Oregou, Plaintifls, versus TheColumbi River Lumber A Fuel Com pany. K. L. Sal.ln, 8. W. mantel, as Re ceiver: H. B. Borthwlck, C. W. Knowles, D. i. Moore; H. 11. Borthwlck and W. M. Fraine, partners, as Borthwlck A Frains; J. r. Uoines, and J. M. Leavens, Deteud auts. BY VIRTl'E OF A JUDGMENT. ORDKR, DK cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above-entitled court, in the ubove-entitled cause, to uie duly directed, and dated the 7tb day of June, 1S95, upon a de cree rendered and eutered in said court ou the lfith day of May, 1S86, and in favor ot James F. Watson, Trustee; aud Commercial National Bank, of Portland, Oregon, and against the above-named defendants, for the sum of I6S.7W.S8, with Interest on 6,SM.88 thereof, at eight tier cent; on t57.312.7a Ihoreof at nine per cent, and interest on il.S3i.19 thereof at ten per cent, all from May 16th, ISttS; and the further sum of 3.0t47.U, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per oent per annum from the 16th day of May, 1S95; and the further sum of $32 GO coats aud digbunetueiit-. and the ooU of and upon this writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following-described property, situ ated ia tbe County of Columbia, State of Ore gon, lo wit: That certain leasehold interest, granted, created and described tu a certain In denture of Lease, dated the 14th day of Decem ber, M88, and executed by George 8. Foster and Etisa Foster, his wiie. to the tirra of Moore A Starr, then composed of D. J. Moore and Charles r., cnarr, woit-n uiMrumaiu is recorueu in uie I'ountr ol Columbia, in the Btate ol ureiron page -158, In Rook "J," of the Kaeoids of Deeds of said County, to which Instrument and rec ord reference is hereby made for further and complete description of the term and con ditionsot said Leave, which said Lease was af terwards dulv assigned and conveved bv the said Lessees to the said Defendant, Culumbia Ktver Lumber Fuel Company, by mesne con veyances therefor duly executed and acknowl edged, said leased premises being situate iu the County of Columbia, State of Oregon. Also the following-described Isnds, to-wlt: The south naif of the south half of section ten flu). In towu- ship six (6), north of range two (2), west of the Willamette meridian; also the south half of River lot No. 1, of the river front of Acer City, In Columbia County. Oregon, as delineated and designated on the town plat of Near City, duly recoruea in me tiecorus oi sain i;oiumoia couu ty, in the office of the County Clerk of said county: also toe nonn nan oi Ktver lot no, of the river front of JS'eer City, as the same ap pears by the plat of said Neer City, now of record In the office of the County Clerk of said Colum bia County: also the northwest quarter of sec tion fifteen (15), township six (6), north ot rauge two 12). west ot tne wins taimngone hundred and sixty (ItW) acres; and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter oi section nneen (13), towusmp six (O), norm range iwo(z;, westoi tne Willamette menaian containint- forty (10) acres, in Columbia County, Oregon; also the southeast quarter of section sixteen (16), in township six (6), north of range two izi. west or tne wiiiairette menaian. con taining one hundred and sixty (160) acres; also tne toutneast quarter ol tne northeast quarter, and the north naif of tbe northeast quarter of section numbered fifteen (15), in township six (6). north of range two (2), went of the Willam ette meridian, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres; also all of the wood aud tl in ner suitable Jor luei ana sawiogs on me soutn east quarter of section fifteen (15), in townshii six (6). north of ranee two (2). west of the Will amette meridian, in said County, lying wsst of wnai is xnowu as tne uotta nume. according to the terms of a certain Instrument executed by Lawrence Archibald and Kliraheth Archibald, his wife, of date February 5ili. IH'.rl, and recorded at page S0 ot Book "M,'r of Records ot Deeds ot said ColumbiaCounty; also all the timber and other trees suitable for fuel or sawlogs upon the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section ten (10), township six (6), north of range two (2), west ef the Willamette meridian. In ac cordance with the terms of a conveyance thereof matte by 11. P. Drennan, to the Columbia River Lumber A Fuel Company, of date July 14th, WW; also all the down and standing Umber on the northwest quarter of section twenty seven (271, township six (6), north of range two (2), west of the terms of a certain Instrument executed to tne muaroeiie menaian. in accoraauce witn the Columbia River Lumber & Fuel Company also all the down and stanaing timber on the oy u. j. Moor: on tne utn oav or August, iku soutnwestquaneroisection twonty-rwotzcreowa-shin six (6). north range two (2) west. In Colum bia uonntv. in accoraance with the terms ol a certain Instrument, of date August 11th, lHy2, executed to the Columbia River Lumber at Fuel Company by D. J. Moore; also all rights-of-way for flumes and roads and all easements and flumes belonging to the said Fuel Comnanv. in said Columbia County, Oregon: also lot four (4) In section twelve (12) township six (6) north, range two (2) west in said County. Also one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land conveyed ny i nomas sicuermott ana wiie to u. J- oore, and by the said D. i. Moore and wife conveved to the Fuel Company, by conveyance therefor ov saiq names resDectlvelv oinv executea. ana of record in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Columbia, to which Deeds Records reference Is had for further and more particular oesenpnon: ana generally an lanas ana inter est or estates belonging to the Fuel Company situate In the County of Columbia, Bute of Oregon, including the steam sawmill of tbe Fuel Company, stsre-house, dwelling house and other buildings upon the said lauds of the Fuel Com Dan v. and all water ritrhtsaud flumes, wharves, wharf rights and privilege, and gen erally, tne entire plant ana property oi mia Columbia River Lumber it Fuel Company ia said Columbia Connty, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or in anywise anner- talniug, and all the estate, right, title and inter est at law or in etiuit: ;v, of the said Columbia River Lumber 4 Fuel Company of. in or to the same. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, Judgment order and decree, and In com pliance witn tne aeuianas of said writ, i win, on I'uesdav. theieth day of July. 1805. at the hour oi ten o ciocs a . a., at tne iront ooor oi tne County Court House In the city of Ht. Helens, Columbia County. Oregon, sell at oublic auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for United mates gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the above named defendants or any of them bad at the date of the mortgages of the plaintiffs herein, or since bad in and to the above described real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order and decree, Interest, costs and ail accruing cost. C. ft. DOAN, J14112 Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. Dated St. Helens, Oregon, June 12. 1K90. T2Mist and Oregon ian $2.00 ONE YEAR LEONARD HUFF & CO., Commission Merchants 8 WAGER'S OLD STAND. A general asortment of feed kept on band, and sold at the lowest prices FOR CASH. Undertaking Goods FURNISHED ON 8H0KT KOTICK. St. Helens, ; ; ; Oregon. S1W..U.MII . regulator7 Reader, did you ever take Simmons Livrr Regulator, the "Kino of LivbrMedioinbs?" Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It ia a aluraiah or diseased liver that Impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dulL heavv feeling is due to a torold liver. Biliousness. Headache. Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better tram Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Kvery package lias the Bed Z stamp on tbe wrapper. J. 11. Zeiliii & Co., Philadelphia. THE MIST . AND . OREGONIAN , TOGETHER , 2 DOLLARS 2 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Henrv Westermire. plaintiff, vs. Oeo.C. Kngelke, Katheriue E. Sloau and B. K. Jones, defend ants, BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT, ORDER. DK erce and execution, duly issued out ot aud under the seal of the above-eutltled Court, in the above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated the ftih day of May. 1SV5, upon a iudg ment and decree of foreclosure rendered and entered in said Court on the 14th day of May, W9-S in favor ot Henry Westermire, pi aim I IT, and against Geo. C. Kngelke, Katherine K. Sloan and K. K. Jones, defendants, for the sum of two Hundred ana twenty f-'-v uoiiars, witn interest at 10 per cent per annum since May 14th, l'J5, with the further sum of (75.00 attorney's fees and J2i 'JO cots of suit, also the costs ou this writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following-described leal property to wit: The south hall of the northwest quarter (si) of nw'.l and the north half of the south west quarter (nij of awt) of section twenty-one (21). township four (4) north of range tour (I) west of the Willamette merldlan.eontaluingone hundred and sixty (1D0) acres, situated lu Co lumbia county, Oregon. I duly levied upon the above-described property on the 3d day June, 1S95. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion. Judgment, order and decree, aud in eom nllance with tha commands of said writ, 1 will. ou Motidav, the 8th day of July. 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the county court house. In the city ot Bt. Helens, said County and Slate, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, U. S. tlold Coin, all the right, title and Interest which the above-named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage of plaintiff herein, or since had In and to the above-described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex ecution, itidginent. order aud decree and attor ney's fees. Intercut and costs, and all accruing costs, vaieu at ei. ueiens, vreKon, juoe o, lovth JTJuS Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. TKKAMKfcU'N NOTICE. ' County Treasurer's Office, St. Helens, Or., June 21, 1895. Notice is hereby given that all Columbia county warrants neretoiore presented ana endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." an to Jflimnrv II. ltftl. will be paid upon presentation at this otlice. Interest on the same will not be allowed after this date. i21il9 K. M. WH AliTON, Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE fa hereby given that tbe under signed Receiver, in the suit of Albert Michael against R. 0. Envart and K. K. Spencer, lias filed in the office of tbe Connty Clerk for Columbia county, Oregon, bis final account and report, and tbat tbe Judge of tne circuit court for earn county ana State, has appointed 8 iturday, July 13th, 1)5, at 10 o'clock A. M. ot that dav, and the courtroom of said court, at St Helena. Oregon, as the time and pluca for hearing and settling said account, at which time and place any peraon interested may appear and contest the same. E. K, QUICK, Receiver in suit of Michael vs. Spencer or Knyart. jl4jul2 JUST OTLJT. Hill's New American Polygraph! An indispensible companion to every merchant, clergyman and lawyei in tbe land. If you have copying to do, write at once inclosing 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Agents wanted. Liberal discount. Address, W. H. BAUMANN, Genl. Agt U. 8. A. F. O. Box 67, Ma rinse, 111. Sunny Banks Stock Farm H. WEST, Pro p'r. Importer and Breeder of Improved OGS. fJnlike the old time Chester White Hogs, the improved stock are short, chattily, and mature quick and fatten readily at any age. (ALL STOCK BE018TEKED) Farm One Mile From Scappoose. Intending purchasers are Invited to call and see my stock. All cor respondence promptly answered. H. WEST, SCAPPOOSE. : i OREGON. PEOPLE DESIROUS OF BUYING JEWELERY Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Etc. . Would do well to order from G. HEITKEHPER The Portland Jeweler, Corner of Third and Morrison. ! Yon will save at least V per cent, and get good goods. Diamonds, watches, silverware, optical goods, etc, Vour correspondence is solicited. Chester White FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -BTtAMEft- YoungAmerica WILLAMETTE SLOUGH UutveSl. Helena,. Arrive at Portland H'' Us ve Portland . ; " Arrive at St. Helens. Oi"0 r M FAHB IB CKM '' Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight. Purine the summer eeuann, or as long as the water remains high enough, this boat will make two trips each week up Bcappoose bay on Tuesdays and Fritlaya, JAMES GOOD, Master. B. B. QUICK, Commissioner el De4 for Washington 0. W. COLB, i, , notary minis Cole Si Quick, 5t. Helens, Oregon PROPRIETORS OP "Thorn's . Numerical System OP Title Abstracts" -POR- Columbia - County, Oregon TITLES Kxamlned and abstracts furnished. Wilt attend tu matters before the Hoard of Kqualltatlnti; iwyinentof taies, etc. Keal Kstate, Coiiveyaucini, aud Insurance, and Leans ueaotlated. 5wsawiwwwwwwwir E. WEAVER. Hair-Catting Shaving NEATLY DONE. Clean Towels and Quick Woik VOUft PATHONAOB SOLIOITID 8T. HELENS, : : : OBEQON -THE- BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened under the management of GKOKtiK A. HK1NN. corner of Hi ran. I and Cuwliii Htrects. Ht. Helens. Oreitun. where can be found the brands of WINE AND LIQUOR Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment ot put. rone, wtiere time cau be 'leasantiy spent, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the lncrca-ed trade at tut very popular saloon. ) THK FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THB Ba HQI'KT. ST. HELENS LIYERY STABLES TH08. COOPEE, Proprietor. Horses Boarded and Cared For, TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTIOI. ST. HELENS, : : OREGON Steamer Mascot FASTEST And Most Comfortable Daily Steamer Between St. Helens and Portland HAVES aBSITia St. Helens 6:30 AM At Portland 10 A M . LiAvaa Portland at 3 P M aaaivn At Bt Helena 6PM DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Bight Reserved to Change Time with out Notice. LEWIS RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Portland Landing Foot of Alder Btreet. Steamer Bailey. Gatzert IN PLACE OF 8TB. TELEPHONE. Columbia Klver ft Pugot Bound Nay. Co. Alds Bt. Dock Aan.t PORTLAND AND ABTOKIA Leaves Portland riatlv fsxRAnl Hnnri.vl af t 1 M. IjULVttn AiMsiFtiL rlifltv ritiiit iliin'ituutat 1 P. M. Round trip tickets all local points and Astoria good on Btr. Lurllne. it. a., Ag.ut. u. o. Scott, pres. CHICKEN M!SI.(Q PAYS If yon use tbe Pstalsaia lacabaters a brooden. Make money while others are wasting Catalog tells all about lt.and describes every time pvoiaproci amcie Deeaea lor poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the beet wheel. Prettiest model. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicvcl. eata- lcwue.matled lrecarlvea '1 rfescrlrrttoTi.pHi'es, etc., aokbts wutis. riTALVM A nfCUBAtoi CO., Ptalma,CaL Baaaca Hou.a, sji 8 Main at., ls Angeles. w ami i i) i Mi IllusTrated! 1 Saaia' T.-aaaais' IVA AAAAAfJOLJ- i TkATRONlZC i V HOME 1 INDUSTRY i i SPECIAL SALE Since Removing to Our New Store i i J Every Mull War. j ranted mm et rk atViaV Celetemled Alhany Woolesi Iflllle 'sia. alMsare, nonet fnctured on onr own I'reutleea. SUIT THEY ARE J.M. HOYER&CO., Apt! Albany Woolen Mills - 81-83 Third F3OFrr,Iia.SriZ), ORBQON B CHOICE BRANDS OF Wines, Liquors, and Cigars CAN AT ALL TIMES BE FOUND AT THE MODEL SALOON, J. 8. CLONINGER, PROPRIETOR, s ! ! ; ST. HELENS, OREGON Famous Fire Laddie Cigars Kept Constantly on Hand. ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY WITH POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES Welnhard's Beer 5 Cents. ST.. HELENS EXCHANGE Mr. Thomas Cooper has just opened up bia new and elegant barroom In Ht. Helena, where can oouslantljr be found the famous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKEY Also best Brands Domestic and Key West Cigars. MR. COOPER 18 ALWAYS GLAD TO WELCOME HIS OLD FRIENDS TO HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS. ST. HELENS EXCHANGE. St. Helens, - - Oregon THE JOSEPH KELLOGG 4 1 1 Si r STR JOSEPH KFiLiLiOQO FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5 o'clock a. m. Leave Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 o'clock a. m. ASTORIA AND 1 STEAMER O. "W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. T T at 1 J 1 a ..... . ... , j r"r"n"i i.ior oi vraainnfiion sireet. tor l'latsaanle and way landings, fnn day, Wednesdaj ' and Friday mornings ate o'clock, artel return to l'oriland Tuesday. Thursdays and Haturuaya. HIIAVEB OiO-AJSTIlZiEJIZ). THE SOUTH CENTRAL CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING & MILLING CO I1HOOKPOBATKU) CAPITAL STOCK - - $2,000,000. karee tl.OO each, rail rl4 anal Nasi.Aaseeeakie. (Issued In payment for the Company's Mines.) TREASURY RESERVE STOCK, $300,000. Of JIT! ImW mf afflf W VICTOR NlWHAilM, man 1 II. mil th. DllnS. Hllvar f!U Gold; WW VI. TnenTr,"l Traneler Ouarantee Loan Mortaaie Co., (Autaarlaea lianliarsl.MUl.luui.iM, THE MIME ARK PIsODUCKRa ana 191 np,OTS Certain to advenes and yield ten to hundred Artas , - UOS l Unvs S200.00 Fnll P 1 SfAlr - w Atlti Itl tn&t nronnrtlnn tnnM n Ua eata will be sent by tiiunmM&iXorh'.Zi made throuah bank or express comoauy. Bend shthVpuVtoM in ' r . . . - "v if.nsmu (if Lilts 111 VKIHiin FtalallB as fulls. H avM niialaalal1 hfj 7;; ,, .. "" '""'' oen'"11' directions with application. AddraaS abnllflatlAn fn. sham. Ia - ufl'm O.IKH. Hllalaa mm mi.ii .V.I ... Z SPRING AND SUMMER 1895 OUR THIRD Ajs At aftt aVt MENS' t All-Wool Suits FOR A J TWKI.VI rollerne, lneln dlug in. nn Blnok Oheviota. m Wholesale and Retail Clothiers St., Cor. Oak, COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER CLATSKANIE. p O TafAnBsrORTATIOM COnfAPlT. "tu.j; Owns a Rich Group of Ten Gold Mines l.eeatea la Careen lvllalna; Dlalrlet, Owyhee Count;, Idaho; a district which has prodoosd OVER $40,000,000.00 OfflCEH AttB DIRfSOTOMSi rJiw -i? Vzfl" "rothers, eapltallst and real .state owner; and ol w. , H. Brothers a to., motors, Ht. l-ouls. ol? Pf.l,,"ai"'i' & Ware, railroad contractor, Ht. teuls. S. . , Wm. F. VVern... w. V. Warms a Co., Investment brokers, !!f;o.nta0?orTi..,C0.,,k,,r', fUb"M" Co" " WfiS ecrjuary-Wm. flrrs. of Wm. THrre It Sons, and Tlrre Coal Ce., Bt. I)iiis; also president I'rlnce Arthur MlnlneCo., gold mines. Aee't Mecy K. A. Wernse. oashler W. K. H'eriise a Co., M. IxhiIs; also II. KIIOADRH, of Khoadns, Kannei A Hnnnoe, Hartford Cltv Ind I I.BKHT MIKKKI-HOrl, S'I'kvit aVotJIal?' aud A UN JCNOCH. at Mi h. will ha WOUKED far DIVIDEND!. A SIT A PI? 'a. a 'sail .aaiJLJa fold on the par. vvtrvai ?.V.r" ? (nil ,ii7.h.V. . . '...! "" D.llv.ry may also be Central tJaneallaalea Oela nll...i ar I