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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1895)
OREGON MIST. : rUIIUBHKD EVERY FIUDAY. n TIAPORS Mists Sun SIDE-IIEAI) PARAGRAPHS. Fot Btbamho Houi. A.. Barber, a, dairyman, living on Beappoose, was. arrested lnt Tuesday upon a warrant worn nut bw Edward Laiubrson, on charge of stealing a bog. The com- iiUinl reada ai follows! "That laid larber did, on tbe 21st day of April, 18tt5, willfully and unlawfully take, steal and appropriate to hi own use, hog, the personal properly of Ed ward Lamboraon." The case la set for hearing Tuesday, April 80, 1805. Al Inn k Clueton have been employed to defend Barber, and W. J. IUce ap pointed by the Justice to prosecute the case. Patronies Home Indurtrt. This Is a motto that should not be lost sight of by people who go to Portland to buy clothing. J. M. Moyer k Co., clothiers, corner Third and Ouk streets manufacture the wool raised in Orot son into cloth which is conceded te) be of the best quality, The way toW help Oregon people is to patronise Oregon's manufacturing industries by buying suob goods at are produced at home. Moyer k Co. ean always be relied upon to give you the equivalent of your money in any article pur chased of them. We have known this firm and done business with them for years, and can with confidence reaom mend them to the people of Columbia county when in need of anything in their line. , MuitnKRKK Surrenders. Thomaa C. Powell, who killed his father-in-law over on Lewis river about April 1, mention of which was made in these columns at the time, after successfully thwarting every attempt by the orB cere to oapture him for three weeks, returned to Kalama last Saturday and gave himself up to Sheriff Watson. Mince the murder took place a change of feeling teems to have come over the people in the neighborhood towards Powell which has been communicated to the sheriff, many having made tbe statement that Strait bad threatened Powell's life repeatedly. Mrs. Powell consulted an attorney and upon his advice the fugitive returned and gave liimself up, believing that hit ease it clearly one of self-defense. Held to Ahswbr. George LeFe- vre, of Hoappooee, was arraigned before Justice Bwager last Saturday on a chargeof assault with intent to commit rape on the person of Christina ffew' mann of Beappoose. The case occupied almost the entire day, more being a large number of witnesses on each aide. Home of the witnesses could not speak Engliah, among them being the prosecuting witness, and in conse quence an interpreter was necessary. The accused waa defended by W. J. It Ice and the prosecution conducted by T. J. Cleeton. The esse was a closely contested one, and resulted in LeFevre being bound over to await the action of the grand jury, with bail fixed at $200, which be readily fur nished. The effort of the city council to reduce expense is commendable, and we hope the running menses of tbe city will be reduoed to the lowest possible notch consistent with good government. It is not right to pay an official a high salary lor uo Ini nracticall nothing. Ho man should receive public money unless he arna it. With reference to tbe office of city marshal, we believe that official nhould only receive feee for what be actually does, and would thereby ren der more satisfactory service to tbe ritv. Under such a system better oider would" undoubtedly be preserved which would be appreciated by the in liabitante. Or. If the marshal is to re- reive a sslary make it large enough to cover lighting the lamp and servioes as night-watchwan at well, and then ace to it that the city get value re reives! for its money. RioiiT-or-wAY Committee in Towir. The right-of-way committee of the Aitoria railroad, consisting o G. Win gate, E. Z. Ferguson and D. H. Slew art, were in tbe city Wednesday and yesterday looking up tha titles to tbe right-of-way and ascertaining who the preseat owners are as well as taking the correct desoriptlone of the land from the abstracts in Cole k Quick's office. Tbe gentlemen say they have secured over 60 per cent of the right-of-way already, and do not anticipate eny great amount of trouble in secur ing the remainder. Some, it is true, have refuted to make term within tbe reach of the committee, and many of these have already been served witb notice to appear in court and show csuse, if any, why said railroad should not pass through their premises. Tbe committee have secured the right-of way from every resident in Clataop county exoept two. A Fraternal Visit. Jaoeb George, W. B. Dillard, Dr. Ross, J. 0. Cox, J. Muckle, jr., Dr. Cliff, J. R. Beegle and Judson Weed, of Avon lodge, and M. C. Case, of Glenooe lodge, Knights of Pythian, visited Rainier lodge of the tame order last Saturday night. On arriving at that city Dr. McLaren took the party, who were hungry and tired, In tow, and landed them at Mrs. Dib bloe's where an excellent dinner was pread, to wbloh all did justice. In deed, there were so many good things that one of the number could not be persuaded to leave the table. The anssion of tha lodge waa one of much interest to all present and greatly en- Ioyed. After the lodge closed tbe good adies of Rainier surprised the visitors by breaking into the lodge room and treating those present to an elegant spread of good things, after which speeches were made by those present until time for the steamer Bailey Gatsert, when the lodge room was closed and the visitors escorted lo tbe steamer, and with a general hand shake the festivities olosed. The even ing was one of the most plesssntly pent for many months, to tha boys y, and Ihey arc right. $176 FEIUsONAb AND GBNBHAIi. Note and receipt books for sale at tins omce. . Lawrence Maxwoll was sees on our streets Tuesday. Ex-Senator J. N. Dolpb was in tbe city yesterday. Wm. Menke, of Keasey. was in town during the week. Emery J. Mills, of Vernonia. was on our streets Tuesday, Q. W, Cole wss in Portland this week attending to legal business. George Broughton, an Oregon City sawmill man, was in the city Tuesday. D. J. Swilter is at Grants Pass with Judge Joseph Dobbins, formerly of mis county, We can furnish you the Weekly Or- egonian and The Miht, both together, one year for 92. L. B. Stuart returned from his plsoe in Nehslem last Sunday evening after an absence of over a week. Dr. Boss returned to Portlsnd Isst Monday to resume duties at tbe hos pital, after recuperating for two weeks. Rainier, waa in the city Wednesday attending to buainess at the court house. II. C. Lamberson, of ficapnooie. wss In the city Tuesday. Mr. Lamberson is one of Bcappoose't most prosperous farmers. Eev. George B. Van Waters, Episco pal minister oi rorlland, will bold services In St. Helens next Monday evening. Ntjaoob George is havlnr his house on I (lie hill painted and papered, and in a general way making it ready tor oc cupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Shanahan, of Ver nonia, came over last Sunday to visit their daughter, Mir. T. J. Cleeton at Houlton. "VDnputy Sheriff Blakesley went to Rehalem yesterday morning to sum. nion juron for tbe May term of cir cuit court. , hDepuly Clerk Harris went to Ver nonia yesterdsy to visit bis family, who have been on tbe sick list for some time. hsSheriff and Mrs. C. F. Doan spent Sunday in Beaver valley the guests of Judge Doan and family, returning home Monday. Miss Graham, of The La mode Mill inery Parlors, Portland, ia in lb city, with a stock of millinery, and can be found at tbe parlors of the St. Helens hotel, where tbe will remain until Hun' The Washington County Hatchet Is the latest venture in journalism to sppear on our table, with Austin Crsig ss editor. It is published at Forest tirove, a town that has long been in need of a newspaper. T. J. Gorman of Wyoming, and D. J. Gorman of rorlland, have asi dated themselves together for the purpose of erecting a fertiliser and oil manufactory at Astoria. Tbe factory, It it aaid. will cost 2U,UUU. Thit office acknowledges the receipt of Volume 1, Number 1, ot the Satur day Night, published at 8slem by T. E. Murphy and E. H. Flagg. The first issue mskes a very creditable showing, being eight pages and neat and clean typographically. Governor Pennoyer made fifty-two pardona from October 1 to the time when he went out of office in January, It ia no wonder he wanted to keep the pardons out of the papers. Law doet not amount lo much with such a gov ernor in tbe chair .Eugene Guard. Attorneys Allen and Bice went to Oregon City on Thursday of last week, the latter to argue a motion before Judge McBride for alimony and attor ney's fee in the divorce case of 1'ugh versus Pugb, tnd the former to repre sent tha defendant's interests in the case. Judge MoBride denied the mo tion for alimony and attorney's lee asked for which amounted to $200. In the fall of 1893 a sen of Mr. T. A. McFarland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Sutter, Co., Cat., was taken with a very heavy cold. The pains in bis chest were so severe thst be had spasms and waa threatened witb pneu monia. His father gsve mm several large dosos of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which broke up me cougn tnd cured him. Mr. MoFarlaud says whenever his children have croup he invariably gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He considers it the best cough remedy in tbe market. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. City Coonoil Proceeding. A regular meeting of the city coun- oll waa beld Monday evening, with all the members present. Tbe council meets every Monday night instead of onoe each month, at formerly. The esssion waa an interesting one, the discussions becoming very spirited tt timet. An ordinanoe wat passed providing that the lighting ot the street lampa should be let to the loweet bidder at the first meeting in May, notice to thla effect to be given by posting no tices five days prior to laid meeting. The council retaint the right to reject any and all bide. An ordinance waa patted reducing the dog tax from $5 on female dogt to $2 60 a year, and on male dngt from $2.60 lo$1.60. A committee was appointed to ex amine into the accounts of the ex-oity treasurer, W. B. Dillard, and ex-oity reoorder, G. H. Lemont, and reported their accounts as correct, which report was accepted and approved by the council. The report of the ex-oity treasurer shows that the outstanding oity warrauls unpaid amount to the following : Outstanding unpaid warrants....... $ 63 Cash on hand Indebtedness over resources $M9 83 The following bills were rejected : George H. Lemont. labor 30 George Anderson, labor 1 85 These bills were rejected because the work is alleged to have been done on private property instead of the publio street. OLATSKANIB COMMENTS., H. L, Warren, city reoorder, spent t por tion oi last week In Portland. Miss Brettet, of Portlsnd , has been stop ping for two or three days with Mrs. W. if Conysrs. :. Cbarlsy Conysrs brought some ssrly radishes Into town Isst week as a tribute lo bis farming ability. Hallls Oonyers Is st boms again from a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Durham, of McMlnnvills. Henry Doerr left the nsw blacksmith to look after horse-shoeing last week while he went to Nehslem to look after bis claim. Bruce Haines spent Sunday at home, after a weeks' experience In work on the seining grounds snd In water after ttsb, An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krlokson died suddenly on Lower Beaver last Sunday, and was buried In the ceme tery there on Tuesday. By the way, Mr. Price, the new black smith, keeps his anvil ringing a good deal of the time, having sn opportunity to show what bs csn do In bis lins. Miss Annls Qulgley was a visitor from Lower Beavsr on Thursday Isst snd re- mslned two or three dsys tbe guest of Mrs. K. 8. Bryant and daughters. George Irwin hss moved bis family into th bouss on ths Ja k Payee place. The house has been enlarged and otberwlae Ira pruved for tbe new occupants. Ths drug stors bss received a supply of colored tissue pspsr to meet ths demand for paper flowers. They last longer than the natural ones sod require no water. The remalna of Mrs. Anna Overholt were brought over from Mayger last Thursday and Interred la tbe Maplewood cemetery at this place. A number of persons from that vicinity attended ths funeral. C. F. Willis and family are an addition to our population during the past week, and now occupy tha residence of M. O. Bryant, so we have not lost In numbers by losing Milton's fsmily and getting in on as large. Mr. Willis is a wsgon-maker and we bops may And it to his interest to re main In our town. . There has sp-ung up here lately quite a sudden and unexpected demand for Chi nese matting, which our young ladles are utilising as a foundation for many ingen loos and tasteful designs. In head covering. One seeing how neat and becoming some of these hats look Is surprised upon learning that tbe materia used once covered a tea box, and had anything but an attractive look. Artistic skill csn transform many a eruds article Into a thing of beauty, and these hat are evidence ibst this skill is not wanting lo our town. A very pleasant evening wss spent at Myers last Friday evening by the Authors Club. Those present discussed Robert Louis Stevenson snd Mrs. Hsriet Beecher Btowe, and read selections from their works with skstches of their live and labors. In terest in theae semi-monthly meetings ia rather on the increase, and new persons are coming In to enjoy them. A pleasant sur prise In the way of cake end candy was tendered the club at Myers' and then tbe guests wers bound to have a taste thst was not confined to literature. The orchestra was present also and supplemented the proceedings by excellent muslo. A very unexpected blowont occurred st ths sbingl mill Friday evening. So onei pec ted waa It that the sodden noise ot es caping steam got every man out of the mill as fsst as his legs would carry him. There waa a tremendous hissing and roaring about the boiler and the mill was filled witb steam in less than a minute. People from town cam running down, yet stood back a little distance to ss what would happen next. It was some time before anyone could tell what did happen, but In time it waa discovered that part of the support to tbs boiler had given away, on and had dropped and a pip connection broken loose. Repairs are about complete agsln. QC1NCY ITtUMS. Mr. Robert Johnson is visiting friends In Oregon City. Frank Barnes is hauling wood at present tor Mr. C'bipman. , Miss Nannie Qulgley was visiting frisnds In Clstskanl last week. Mr. Joseph Ericksoa captured a swarm of wild bee th other day. Dr. Hall , of Clattkaaia, Is seen In this vi cinity quit often, attending th sick. Our road supervisor, with bis crew, is openings new road (rem Andy Lswiston's to Clstskanie. Our school began April 1st with a large attendance, and la still prosperous, with Hiss John at ths helm. Mr. Edwin Glenn, who hss been 111 for th past month or more, la still on th de cline. Fi lends, call and see him. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erickson disd last Sunday. Tb remains were Interred In the Stewart creek cem etery. Messrs. Walter Jones, Will Brass and Arthur Low left last Wednesday for East- rn Oregon, wher they Intend shearing sheep tills season. Mr. E. Chtpnssn received quite a serious Injury laat week by a blqw from one of his horses. Ths calk of tha shoe pierced ths flesh to the bone. Rev. Cbllds was also the recipient ot a blow from a quadruped. He doesn't know whether it waa a cow or a horse, but aa a result he leans quite heavily upon a cane. One day last week as Mr. Grant Jones was going to his work hs was surprised to see a large Mack bear np In a tree quietly surveying him and the whole ranch, gener ally. Mr. Jones hastily called to his Wlfs to bring ths gun, snd old bruin wss soon brought down from Its aerial seat. Mr. Jones bas sines captured two cubs. MAYO BR. John Carlton Intends going soon to his ranch on th head waters of the Santiam. Our friend Lillard was recently married and we all join in wishing him happiness. A lively time is reported to have been had at the dance at the camp Saturday night. Mrs. 0. N. Davidson has got her piano at home again, and I tall you there is lota of muslo In that part of town now. 0. N. Davidson was up to visit his par ents, who live on Lewis river, last week, and reports them both in good health. Tb Mayger Company have shut down all wood cutting operations for the sum mer, and buainess in that Una promises to be very dull at this place. Mr. and Mra. Fluhrer wish to thank ths rnany friends hers and at Clstskanie for their kindness during their daughter's sick ness, and their bereavement. Wa rspubllosns, of this placs, expect T. J. Cleeton down here to address ns on Sat uruay night, slay 4. Ws bops to tee a large crowd here, for T. J. Is a good speaker and always talks to ths point. Died April 10, Mrs. Kmma Overbault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fluhrer, of this place, sged 27 years and 10 months. She suffered for two years from cancer ot the threat, from which sbs died. Sbe lnsves a husband and three email children, DBBIt ISLAND. LaOrippe Is sll tb rsgs and several ar reported to be laid up. Beautiul weather. No frost has dons any Injury to fruit ss far as known. Cbsrley and Alvin Merrill are banking a line lot of cordwood on the slough. K. J. Barnes' new honss Is nsaring com pletion, and all tbe folks are expecting a nous warming. John Oalterat was over from ths Cowlllt river wher be has a logging camp, last week on business. Eastern friends wbo have lately been al most buried with snow storms will anvv our tin spring weather snd fruit prospects. I It amieara verv much as If Mr. Demerest and family took all th sociability out of this neighborhood, a there haa not been a rrty nor a word concerning ooe sine hey left. Lemon Dean haa been confined to bis room for two weeks, but is considered con valescing. Mr. Dean is quite an old gen tleman and bas been very poorly for some time past. A new mode of fishing waa operated on era are so plentiful that they were caught by band and thrown out on th nans. Horn of tbe nsb are quite large. Eaater bas corns and gone snd was well remembered here. There wss none too poor but wbat afforded cake and eggs. And wnen a person s inner man is so wen sup plied , there is another thought that is more Important to be remembered oil that day. it is He who sscended to eternal peace to prepare a home for those wbo beUevetb in Him. Eaater bells chime out so sweet, Tells us sll that we must meet Christ, th Havlor, and then "Peace on earth ; good will to men."' Court House Note. A marriage license wss issued Mon day to Alice Pratt and John P. Lewis, of Clatskanie. License to wed were issued by the county clerk Tuesday to Maria Emilie Boeck and William H. Menke. Tbe parties are residents of Keasey, this county. William H. Dolman, through his at torneys, Allen k Cleeton, hsve filed an attachment suit in the circuit court against William and Lotta Strachan on property in St. Helena for $170 on account. Treasurer Wharton drew a check Wendesday in fayor of Hoffman k Bates for the sum ot $1928.88. This is the amount of the warrant and in terest drawn in payment for building the Houlton bridge. For the first time in three years the countv school apportionment is made in April. The law requires that it shall be made in April, but heretofore taxes have not been paid in in time to make tbe apportionment aa required by law. GlLLTOIf GLEANINGS. Mrs. F. M. Hoyt is reported quit sick. Farming is in full blast, owing to th ex tremely pleasant weatnvr. Jerrv MeCartv Is making a treat noise mowing out stumps lor jonn voian. James Bacoa. jr., has been quits sick, but la reported as Being somewnat oetter. Times seem to be more prosperous : spuds are being snipped irora nere oy tne carioaa Mrs. Miller, of Portland, the daughter of J. B. Bacon, visited her parents her last Sunday. Tb railroad company will fenc? th line through here this summer. Cooper 4 Baker have th contract for making th post. , Wheal Baby waa sick, w gave her Castarlaw Wbea she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whflo sha became Visa, sbe dung Ut Castoria. Wham ah had Children, ah gar them Oastori. Haw Care BfcaaaasUlsas. Araoo, Coos Co., Or., Nov. 10, 1893. I wish to inform you of tbe great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm bas done my wife. She hss been troubled with rheumatism of the arms and hande for six months, and has tried many remrdies prescribed for that com plaint, but found no relief until abe used this Pain Balm ; one bottle of which bas completely cured her. I take pleasure in reoommending it for tbat trouble, x ours truly, (J. A. Bull ord. 60 cent and $1.00 bottles for sale by Dr. E. Boss, druggist. Teachers' Examination. NOTICE Is hereby given thst tor the pur pose of making an examination of all persons who mav offer themselves as can didates for teachers of the publie schools of this connty, tb county school superin tendent tnereoi wiu noin a public examina tion at Ht. Helens, uregon, Wednesday, May Bth. 18w. commencing promptly at 1 o'clock p. m. - J. G. WATTS. i ouniy ecnooi superintenuent. Dated tbia 23d day of April. 1895. JUST OUT! Hill's New American Polygraph! An indispensible companion to every merchant, clergyman and lawyer in tbe land. If you have copying to do, write at once inclosing 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Agents wauted. Liberal discount. Address, W. H. BAUMANN, Oen'l. Agt U. S. A. P. O. Box 67, Marissa, III. IS tie t Creel tr. THE undersigned bas assumed and will pay on presentation to her at her res idence, Hcappoose, Columbia ooanty, Ore gon, all Just and legal claims against W. W. West, deceased. Claims must be pre sented within one year from date. Dated April 12, 1895. al2m!7 MRS. MARIA WEST. NOTICE. ANOTB for 110.00, given to Thomaa Peoples, on November 20th, 1894, by my minor boy, William E. Johnston, is null snd void. Wm. JOHNSTON. alOralT Vesper, Oregon. TAKEN UP. There Is s stray steer st my place about 8 years old ; color, roan. Owner ran have same by proving propertv and paying costs. CHKISTINA OLbN, Deer Island , Oregon , a30 Awarded Hlghett Haocra World't Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair. "DLX r CREAM MINIS PC7CIQ Host Perfect Mad. 40 Years the Standard. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for P. A, NELSON, Plaintiff, LOUVIBA C. NELSON, Defendant.) TS. To LourUe C. Nelson, the a bore named defend ant: N TH E NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby renulred to atoear In the abore named Court and cause and answer the complaint Sled against you therein, on or before me Dm aay oi me nexi term oi saia tjoun 101- lowins the expiration of the time prescribed In tb order for publication of this Summons upon Sou, which said first day of the next regular 11m of said Court is Tuesday, May Mb, 1S06, and If you so fall to appear and aoswer on or before said daw, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree therein for the relief prayed for In the complaint; namely: that the marriage contract and oolbratlene now existing between yourself and said Dlalntlffbe dlssolTad and an nulled; that plaintiff hare decreed to him tbe care and eustody of the minor children of said parties mentioned and described in said com plaint, and for such other relief a mar be eoultable. This Summons Is nbliihed in Ths Obbooh Mist bv order of Hon. T. A. McBride. made April Sd, ISM, directing publication thereof for six succewire weeks. Dated April Sd, 10. CAPLE8 A ALLEN. agml7 Attorneys for PlelnUK TKEAaUlIKB'S NOTICE. County Tbeabubbb's Office, St. Helens, Or., April 5, 1895. Notice is hereby given that Columbia county warrants No's. 2354, 2352 and 2366, heretofore presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest on the same will not be allowed after this date. B. M. WH4.RTON. Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. TBEASIBER'S NOTICE. COITNTT TSKAIUBBB'fl OFFICE, St. Helens, Or., April 12, 1895. Notice is hereby given that all unpaid Countv Warrant of aaid countv. which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." no to November 12, 1892, will be paid upon presentation at tbis omce. interest win not oe anowea after this date. E. M. WHARTON, Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. ntlce to Creellt.r.. T'HB nnderairned having been dulv ap- JL pointed administrator of the estate of Levi French , deceased, all persona having claims against aaid estate ar requested to present the same to me, at the law office of Alien at Cleeton. in St. Helena, Columbia county, Oregon, witbin six months from the daU hereof. LINDLEY MEEKER. Administrator of the estate of Levi French, deceased Dated April 5. 1896. . a5m3 Millinery. Miss Downing will be In 8t. Helens the 1st. 2nd and 3rd of May with a choice lot ot Hats, Bonnets and Notions. Price to suit th times. Ladies wfll do well to call and see her at tb Orien tal Hotel. Sunny Banks Stock Farm H. WEST, Prop'r. Importer and Breeder of Improved t HOGS. tJnlike the old time Chester White Hogs, the improved stock are abort, chunky, and mature quick and fatten readily at any age. (ALL STOCK KEG18TERXD ) Farm One Mile From Scappoose. Intending purchasers are invited to call aad see my stock. All cor respondenca promptly answered. H. WEST. 1 SCAPPOOSE, : : OEEOON.!,- PROFESSIONAL. T. J. CLarroM. Eauu. ALLEN k CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ST. HELENS, ORKGOK. Natarta Public Ceavwysatdag sad CeJkctlcsM JB. A. f. MCLAREN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. J-JR. H. R. OUFT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . 8t. Helens, Oregon. jyt. J. I. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Colombia county. Or. JB, J. at. P. CHALMERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. yy M. HK8ERVE, Sumyor and CStU Engineer DELENA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Eutinasring work promptly -executed. M I TT1 w li e SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT There has just been received a large assortment of pnre and fresh drugs, patent medicines, etc. Also numerous other articles which are found in all ttrst-claas drugstores. Remember that the place to buy your drugs is at a drag store. SAINT HELENS DRUG STORE - TOILET ARTICLES - This house also carries a very large assortment of fancy notions, consisting of toilet articles such as perfumery, soaps, tooth-brushes, tooth-powders, and in fact all articles included in tbat line. Also writing paper and school supplies. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT A competent pharmacist Is always on hand ready to compound prescriptions on short order. Mr. Ross ia ever watchful of the public's demands and you will always find what you want at his establishment. DR. EDWIN MAIN STREET - V Fn aai p i jyt qt jy y EW GOODS. EW PRICES. DART & t-HESH , GROCERIES I SHOES, Famishing Goods, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICE8. . HATS AND CAPS r Tla- waw wtr rV istW WafW waftt TBw sESI xtfrW -xStW SEk at MUOKLBBROS MAKCFACTURERS Rough and Dressed Lumber of ST. HELENS. : Clatskanie Drugstore a PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, Prescription Drags, ' Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, eta FVT iTTiTSTS The tables are always supplied with the Best Edibles and Delica cies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satisfac tion to all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. J. GEORGE, Proprietor, St. Helens. Oregon GEORGE BIEPHOF'S Rbenmatic Remedy a Permanent Gore This Remedy Properly Taken will Cure any Rheumatic Case. St. George's RHEUMATIC BITTERS. Is a Bitters specially manufactured to aid those afflicted witb Rheumatism. It gives tone to the stomach and pnritie. the blood better than any other bitters known. For Sale by all Leading Druggists or Address "O. R." P. O. box 663, Astoria, Oregon or PETER BRACH. General Agent, marl-6m 137 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. TelephoneKo. 24. St. Helens MEAT - MARKET All Kinds of freah and salted meats, sansage, and fish. An express wagon runs daily to all parts of the city. Meats by Wholesale at Special Rates. . . J: H, TONSORIAL A.RTIST The old and reliable barber has his raiors just aa sharp as can be found, and will shave you com- fortabiy and quickly for only fifteen cents. GIVE HIM A CALL AT THE wise: obientl mowel The table will be supplied with Board by the Day, Week, or Everything Clean. A Share A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop., ST. HELENS, OR Insist on Costs no more than farf erior package sod never spoils tbe flour, keeps soft, . vtrsalfr acknowledged purest in Bate toly CHURCH as CO waia aj grsesrssv Asassar AnauS Baawr Boak Mekri ROSS, Prop. - ST. HELENS, OREGON jt p JL y sua y a V1 irY'er''3FW mm coods JUtT ARRIVED. MUCKLE, DART & MUCKLE, J St. Helens, Oregon. 3 frg. -SaxW EElg at. fW OF AHO DEALERS I Eyery Style, Grade and Variety ; OREGON th Place to Stcvrs Your Frmh Medicine. DR. J. E. HALL. Praersrter -SSyCurtsIr 1 OTBL Sweetland & Sheldon. Mala St., 5t. rUtaats.Oncsa. DECKER . . . OLD STAND ON STRAND ST the beat the market affords. Month at Reasonable rates of Your Patronage is Solicited. JWWARB et Imttattloa trade) saarks) uad labels. a 44 and is wd. tb world. Kev York.