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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
OREGON MIST. ISSUE BTBBV r SI MAT SMSKlMrie -SV- BEEGLE A DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. fcserlptlem Baste. On eopv en year la aaranoe. (0 ne eopj MS UlOUinS........ 70 t BHUgl oopr Advertising rata mad known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. - ! leers. ...... ......Dean Blannhard, Rainier Judge., Clark Jurteon Weed, Vernonla SharlfT Cuaa.F. Doan, Kalnler Treasurer ,.,K. M. Wharton. Columbia City tun, of Schools J. O. Watta, Soappoow Ammt Martin White, QulnoT Surveyor W. N. Meaerre, Delena C.wloo.r. Jl-fcViwU. HS2 taaiair H If aaoano. St Helena Lode. Ho. M Rearalar Communications first and third Saturday In aanh man th at 7 :S0 r. . atMaaonlo Hall. Vlalt. iac asambers in food standi nt Invited to et- tana. MieoKio.-Kalnler Lodre, No. H Stated a a. linn Saturday on or before each full moon at 7:sQ r. a. at Meaonlc ball, OTr Blaacbard'a tor. Viaitini members ta food itandiug in vited to eMeud. Odd Fallow 8t Helena Lodn No, UT Meats ororj Saturday night at 7 SO. Tranatent bra lb ran in good standing oordlaUj invited to attend. Kitears of PrvriAS. Avon lodjre No. S3, Beets every Tuesday e renins at 7:30 o'clock. In Odd Pellowa hall, St. Helena. Oregon. Traa aiaat brethren inylted to attend. - Karasrrs o Hmu.-EaJnler Lodn Ho. 58, saeeta every Saturday evening at 7:90 o'clock. In their hall, oyer Delta' atore. Transient brata ru cordially Inylted to attend. JOHiom Oboid United AEICi Hbcbah los. Colombia Council Mo. 10. Meets In Odd Fallows' hall, St Helena, every Thursday even ing at 7 :S0 o'clock. Visiting brethren la good standing, Inylted to attend. Oases or bUsths Bran. Mlxpah Chanter soeela every second and fourth Saturday at 8 f. M., in Masonic hall. St. Helena, Oregon. A waleonM gUn to rial ting mem bars. ST. HELEN. OREOOM, KAstCH t. 6 rA nut's jailor should be put in a glass case. A eonvioted murderer, with a wooden gen, made the jailer throw op his hands and open the cell doors. In the meantime the murderer took the genuine revolver from the frightened jailer and set at liberty number of prisoners. The same re volver was used by Blanck in his des perate combat with the two deputy aheriffls a few days later. Who so good a democrat as Sen tor Gorman admits in public debate that the trouble with our national finances isn revenue too small for its expenses, it seems ont of place to say the currency question is the leading issue. What this country needs most is an income large enough to cover ex. perigee. Let us bave that and our llnanoe will, in a large degree, adjust itself. Tariff reform made it necessary to cut down income, and reduced in come drained the treasury. This in turn called for bonds and the bonds called for interest. While the people pay the interest they may curae tariff reform. The interest, by the time it is paid, will amount to more than the sum borrowed. For instance the latest loan will have an interest charge of $72,000,000 upon $60,000,000 bor rowed. Had our income been suffi cient to meet our expenses the seventy two millians would be saved. It is only a small part of the cost of tariff reform. All experience goes to demonstrate that it is diversity in products that in sures to the tiller of the soil the great est certainty of reward. This is the generally accepted principle all the country over. This being the case, it naturally follows that the country ca pable of producing the greatest diver sity of crops is the one which insures ths apeatest prosperity. Borne coun tries produce principally corn and bogs; others produce wheat; still oth ers produce principally fruit crops. This country comes very nearly pro ducing everything in agriculture, hor ticulture and stock-raising, and in ad dition to these it bas a great wealth of timber, minerals and the facilities for manufacturing industries. There is no section of country in all the broad land, says an exchange, that is so prolific in its variety of products as is this section of Oregon., It has the fonndation for substantial prosperity and unlimited facilities and resources for material advancement. It is really amusing to think what an amount of information one can sometimes get without the asking. As two editors sat in onr sanctum the other day discussing hard times and wondering how present ills could beet be remedied, a gentleman stepped in from the street and, while he dis claimed to be a populist, delivered a free lecture along that line, during which he claimed to be a prophet, and that by some invisible power of mind he had always been able to fore tell the future. Then be proceeded to outline coming events, declaring that . all present office-holders were rotten with corruption, that the national ad ministration bad plenty of brains but were conspirators, that Oreeham was the most brilliant man of the age but was aiding a band of pirates to fleece the government, eto., etc. He talked so fast and took his departure so sud denly that we did not get a chance to inquire bis name. At this juncture the editor and the visiting knight of the quill looked at each other and smote a smile amid wonderment of "what next," svftr which they pro- ceoded to delve into the real question in their usual "hammer and tongs" manner, and finally adjourned without coming to an agreement on a remedy for present conditions. SSCSIVSD BIS SSWASD. wuiism M. Springer has been a lucky man, so fas as office-holding is concerned, and now he is "fixed" for life in a seat on the bench of Indian Territory. He has been in congress constantly for twenty years, where he has been recognised as one of the lead ers on the democratic side. He is not known ss a great lawyer, and has probably gained this position by his subserviency to Mr. Cleveland iu fin ancial and tariff matters. Mr, Cleve land has a habit of rewarding those who thus stand by him, and showing no favors to those who venture to dis agree with him. Carlisle went back on his record of many years, on the money question, or else he would never have gained a place in the cabi net, though why he wanted it is a mystery. Breckinridge of Arkansas misrepresented his constituents and abandoned his principles ; and was re warded with the Russian mission. Springer has been one of Cleveland's most faithful lieutenants, and, like Wilson of West Virginia, is not for gotten. He is not timber of a very high standard for such a position, but worse might have been found. Sun. LtThbocoh all the gloom which hovers P- J t a . ., . arounu me pmpoeea construction 01 the Astoria-Goble railroad there is but one ray of light, and its brilliancy is not such as would stsgger one. The same obstruction stands out boldly which has been the biuge on which the scheme has been hsnging for these many years -to interest people who had the money to build the road. The promoters now will ssk for another unlooked-for extension of time, with a hope of feing able to make the neces sary finanoial arrangements, a thing which bas all this time been the block over which so many have stumbled and fallen. The only ray of hope pen etrating the surrounding mist which bangs over the affair lies in ths fact that perhaps Mr. Hammond, in the frensy of inspiration, brought on by encouraging promises, imagined his way clear, and sent engineers into the field to map and plan and secure data for future aid and reference, either with which to defend himself against the urgent demands of the Astorians, or for protection from the capitalists to which he has been relating the story of his visionary railroad. People throughout this part of the state have so often been assured that the conatue- tion of a railroad to Astoria was a mat ter of only a very short time that they bave come to view the whole thing as a snare and a delusion. Justice, how ever, demands that Mr. Hammond be accorded some credit for bis effort in behalf of the road inasmuch as he is working against very great odds. POINTKD AND PERTINENT. When a disappointed politician is in doubt as to his next step he organ ises a new party. Mr. Wilson will give the country a pleasant "April fool" if he will keep fool ideas ont of his management of postal affairs. If the Cubans will put up the price they can get volunteers enough from the United States to wipe the Span iards off the island in a week. A gang of green goods men have made Washington their headquarters since congress adjourned. Another il lustration of the force of example. If the accounts of the defeats and victories of Cuban revolutionists are only half true somebody stretches the truth in calling the revolt an insignifr cant affair. One pretty woman with no other knowledge than how to nse a pair of saucy eyes can control more men than a score of the greatest female orators of the world. , No gas companies are going out of business because of the announcement about the nine hundred and ninety ninth one that a way to furnish gas lor a merely nominal price bas been aiscovereo. Now that there bas been time fo get at the truth, the trouble in New Or leans is seen to have been largely a case of unwillingness on the part of the democratic governor to interfere with the bloodthirsty rioters. Before actually beginning' ber cam paign as a candidate for mayor of Wichita, Mrs. Lease should devote some study to that ancient proverb about a prophet being without honor in bis own country. She would better not give her old neighbors a chance at her scalp. Senator Hill was stabbing Orover again when he said of the late Andrew Jackimn : "Yon may search bis writ ings, bis letters, his speeches, his mes ssges and all his public papers, and you will find there is no twaddle shout non-partisansbip in either na tional .state or mnnicipal government." Attention, O. P. A. Atlanta. Oa., March 15, 1895. John K. Beegle, president Oregon Press Association, St. Helens, Oregon Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform you that at a recent meeting the executive committee of the Cotton States dc International Exposi tion unanimously adopted the following resolution: Bisolved, That each state editorial as sociation be invited to visit the Exposition during October, 1896." We trust that it will b the pleasure of the Association to visit Atlanta during the Exposition. Vary truly yours, W. O. Coons, Chief Department Publicity A Promotion. DEER 181. AND. , Samuel Kelly, of Clatakanls, Is visiting his parent, Mr. and Mr. Charles English and other relative sod friends. Mrs. A. F. MoDonald has just finished a very pretty quilt It is an "ocean wave" pattern of 3,304 different pieces. Mrs. Emmons Buell is quite poorly at this writing. Th lady ta well advanced in years, but well preserved. She is consid ered convalescing, George Merrill, Esq., of Rainier, is pros pectins; on A. A. Morrill's (his nephew) place for gold. He finds aeyeral colors to th pan. There is no doubt bnt what th most of th hills of this eounty would pan out good wages to diligent workers, Mr. C. H. English and Mrs. Edwin Merrill hsve each got some very pretty carpet, woven by Mr. Olaen, wbo ia a com potent loom 1st. She ta a widow with quit a family, and those who bare wearing to do, plain or fancy, should patronise her, W wish to correct an error In our last correspondence. Mis Lilly Bonser, th Washington achool teacher wbo I to teach the Canaan achool, ta a taxpayer in this county, and if ah don't become th closest resident to that school house it will be her own fault. Never were the ptospeots more flattering for a creamery than at present, whether it ia located here or not. Without question St, Helena ia th most central point for large creamery and cheese factory for 1000 or more cows; but there might be some trouble In hauling milk over the roads in their present condition. A creamery tak ing th milk from about 600 cow can be handled here very successfully. But the farmers will find out that they must handle their own milk if they expect to receive the largest merjrin. A gentleman by the name of McMaster, recently from Illinois, waa looking over this neighborhood recently with a view to start ing a creamery. The farmers here have tried to combine together and build a co operative creamery, but so far have failed in their efforts. Those who ahouid do the most wonld do very little. There is a good location here for a creamery that could handle the milk from 500 or 600 cows. At present there is about 300 cows. The gen tlenian did not think the inducement suffi cient to pay him. A very laughable affair occurred at on of our latest parties, where there were three playing. The leader, who is in the habit Qf keeping time with hia head, had his eyes closed and waa nodding, as usual. One of his companions, a stranger, not observing his leader's eyes closed and thinking be meant for him to play correctly, gave a knowing nod that he was correct, and con tinned sawing th strings and striking th keys and the leader still nodding the head and the stranger still nodding back with considerable frown gathering on his bro Bat bis looks, when he discovered his mis take, sent a ripple of laughter through those who had "ketched on. DEEP CREEK DOINGS. W. K. Van is on the sick list, having had a severe rising in hia head, which broke last Sunday, and as a natural result, gave in stent relief. The neighborhood la infested by some thievish animals, probably dogs. A few nights ago Mr. W. E. Van lost a choice sheep; it was killed near hia house. If that New Era kicker is not too high toned, like the Scotch lord, we would invite him to come down and live In Columbia county where ha could probably make enongh to pay bis taxes. Most of the farmers about here have their spring seeding done, bnt last Saturday morning had a tendency to stop operations in the way of planting, the ground being covered with snow, but it did not stay long. It seems as if the wheels of time bad been rolling backward for some weeks, and the weather clerk was bent on a spree, and his deputy bad lost hia reckoning and that we were destined to undergo the ordeal of an other winter. The Deep Creek gristmill waa started sev eral weeks ago after being idle over a year, owing to the loss of th dam, which has been replaced in a very substantial man ner. It is expected that the aawmill at the same place will be in operation in dne time, and when completed will be a model mill of its kind, having the necessary appliances for doing first-class work. The January freshet has been the cans of an immense lot of extra work for the ranchers along the Nehalem river this spring in the way of replacing fences and removing drift timber from their fields. Bat there is never such a great loaa bnt what there ia some gain , for there is from one to four inches of silt deposited on the overflowed parts, which, no doubt, is as good as a dressing of manure. We are much pleased to note the fact of that "scession scheme" having met with another defeat We would bave thought that the sitting down on it got eight years ago would have settled the matter for all time to come. O, no; J. H. D. O., Columbia conntyites don't want any Astoria Swill- town administration. We prefer to stay in a county where the officers are chosen from among the representative citizens of the county, where a candidate's election doe not depend upon bow much whisky money fie can pat np. uome again, and you will find us at home. We have adopted this motto: "When there is an enemy in our camp we will sleep on our muskets." BACHELOR FLAT. Keeping batch is great fun. J. M. I hare a pair of mittens, now. Wm. B, C. Gable ia building a large barn. Charley am a rustler, sure. I am going to make the old McNuIty place look half decent, or break a heme strap. S. M. There ha been some gardening done and some spuds planted, but I think they had better wait for spring. I. O. Wikstrom's flume was badly torn up by tbe high water daring the winter. but a Urge force of men under the auner- viskra of J. Berdahl, have about finished repairing it. The Flat will bave to change Its name soon, Tbe bacbelors are all getting mar ried, or are trying to, except Webber. Clrcalt Court Notes. Suits were filed in the circuit court March 21, as follows : ' George Baker vs F. L. Emerson et al; suit to foreclose laborer' lien, amount 918, and attorney's fee $26; W. J. Rice, attorney for plaintiff. A. A. Henderson vs F. L. Emerson et al; salt to foreclose laborer's Hen, amount 199, attorney's fee 2S; W. J. Rice, attorney for plaintiff. MADE PROMPT PAYMENT. Stats or OasooK, I Triasuby Dbparth SltT.J Balim, Or., March 8fi, 1R96. Hon. E. M. Wharton, county treasurer, St Helens, Oregon. Dear 8lr: 1 am in receipt of your valued favor of the 28th Inst,, ncloslng bank exchange in my favor In th sum of 13,090.37, with instruc tions to apply th same In payment ot th amount due from Columbia eounty on ac count of state taxes for 1898 and 1804. In compliant; with your request I take pleas are in handing you my official receipts cov ering th respective amounts. In this con nection permit me to congratulate yourself, and through you the citisena of Columbia eounty, on being the first county in th state to pay, in fall, it quota of state taxe for 18M, the remittance just received bal anclng your account In full to data. Thank ing you for your coimncndablo promptness in the matter, I remain withslncer respect, Yours very truly, Phil Mktschas, State Treasurer. Attempted Assassination. Washihotom, March 25. Information cominc to the Chinese legation is to the effect that the wound of Li Hung Chang, the Chinese viceroy, whose assassination was attempted in Japan while he was there negotiating terms of peace between the two countries, is not dangerous, except as com plications may davelop. The wound Is In the fleshy part of the face, but fortunately no part of the skull bas been fractured or any vital organs touched. Prince Li's ad' vaneed age and several constitutional dis orders, which make him almost an luvaltd. may aggravate an otherwise harmless wound. On his arrival at Stmonosaki, he was too sick to leave the ship which brought him. The officials of th Japanese lega tion aay th offender will be charged with treason, as th( assault is not only against the person ot Li Hung Chang, but against the Chinese government It ia probable also that the trial will be by court-martial. and convictioa by court-martial would mean that the offender would be shot DYSPEPSIA Is thst misery experienced when sud denly made aware that you possess a diabolical arrangementcalled stomach. Vo two dyspeptics have the same pre dominant symptoms, bnt whatever form dyspepsia takes THE VNDEItXYIlve CAUSE IS IN THE LIVER, and one thing is certain, no one will remain dyspeptic who will It will eerreet aelellty f Ike stem ach, expel f awl gaaae. ! lay Irrltaulea, sale dlgw tlB natal at She sail tlsa Start the Liver working, and all bodily ailments will disappear. "For more than three years I suffered with oyspesie in ita von lorm. i inea several doc tor, but they afforded no relief. At last I tried Simmons Lirer Regulator, which cured me In a short time. It la a good medicine. I would not be without It" jAHaa A. Hoaks, Phllad a. Pa. EVERY PACKAGE Dai ear S Stamp 1st red etas wrap per. J. H. ZGIL.1M, at Ce., Philadelphia. LEONARD HUFF & CO., Commission Merchants 8W ACER'S OLD STAND. A general asortiuent of feed kept on hand, and sold at the lowest prices FOR CASH. Undertaking Goods FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICK. St. Helens, ; : ; Oregon. St. Helens Livery Stables THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Handy location, and you can feel sure tbat your horses will receive as good attention ss though you were caring for them yourself. HANDY TURNOUTS for Infants and Children. nnOTHERQ, Do You Know that Paraatarle, Bf Bateraan's Drop, Godfrey's Cordial, saanv ao-ealled Soothing Syrups, and saoat ramadies tor ehfldrsa are eoninnssil of opram or mmijUuef Pa) Tow Kmo that opiuxa and inorifa ate tn peTowKaarwthatlBBBsaataasaiifclaadiM without labeling them poisoa t P Test Kwow that roa should aot permit mar sssdlslae to b gbea roar ehOd sssless joa or your phjrssciaa know of what It la oompoaad f P T Know that Qaatorla Is a pnretv Tewatabls weparattoa. and that a Mat of Ks IntredtaoU I publlahed with efaarbottasf Pe Tot Know that Oaetoria la th praacrtpttoa of the famous Dr. Banrael Pitcher. That a has beaa in use for noarr thirty Tears, aad that mors Oeatoria is bow sold thaa of all other remedies for ehUdrea eotnhtnedf Po Tow Knew that the Patent Offlos Department of th United States, and of othar ooontrlee, hare auui J axuluatra right to Dr. Pltoher and hia assigns to use the word Casleslasail Hermmila. sud Hast to Indian llmai ha slsis pi lam isTaiissf Pe Tow Know that one of the reasons for eranUnar this sorammant protection waa beoaoae Qaatorla had haea pimest tobs aaealately luatilsT Po Tew Knnw that 8S average doss of Oastorla are furnished for CO SSita, or one cent a doae I Pe Tew Know that whew i oassaaifl of this parfaet ra-eparaUon. rout children may he kept wall, and that you may have unbroken rest t Wall, thoao things are worth knowing. Thay arafaeta. The gaeadaafle) adgsuatwre of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla PEOPLE Desirous "Buying JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Etc, WoaM So well to order tresa Q. HEITKEflPER The Portland Jeweler, Corner of Third and Morrison. You will save at least Mi per eent, and get ood aooils. Diamond, wati'he. silverware, optical goods, etc. Your uorresiHmdenoo Is solicited. TTT E. McNEILL, Keoeher. TO THE E AS T OIVU THC CHOICE OP Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY Of Spokane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY Ot DEFER; OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY tOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIE8 OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY DAYS For San Francisco. For Vnll Details Call on or Address W. H. HURLBURT. General Freight and Pass. Agt., Portland. C:ilC:iEtMI3aP4TS tfyoa th rststfcMS laraaaesree Srnliri. Make money while other are wasting time by old procsssta. Catalowtella all about It, and describca every article aeeaea lor poultry business. The "ERIE" SHChaaleatly th beat wheel. Prettiest saorteu We are Pacifie Coast Areata. Bievelet cata- karaaLaudlcdrrejriaa foil deacrlnUon. ertcea. ere., aoinrr wairran. mALUlf A ri&BATOX CO.,rttalaaa,CaL Bbavcw Hooea, 131 S Mala St, Loa Antclcs. i ! Canals, and Trade-Mirks obtained, and all Pei-i antlniaioaascooauotaaiorMODtaars rtn. .ond we can secure In less time Ihanlhgee . . . ii. l : Send model, drawiof or photo., with daaerhv ;noa. we aoTiaa, u peismaoia or nut , wi icaarf. Ovm lee sot due till patent iaaaevrad, i . n "How to Obtain Pateota." with 'cost of aaoM la th V. &. aod lgri(a eoaatnaa santires. Aooresa, iC.A.SNOW&CO. am aaWYsrr Aftuf. UfAltM.vtM. D. 43. ON SHORT NOTICE. I ew ewory OE2 III e.J I r warm Patronize $ Home & Industry Our Second Sale since Store, S. W. Cor. llurd and Oak streets. ME$9.95 All-Wool Suits. Frtvka and Sinirlo and Double-lJrcastcd Sacks, 20 and 22-ounce goods; eighteen patterns, Including Blue and Black Cheviots. Evory suit warranted mads of celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Casslmsre, and manufactured on our own premises. W employ 111 bands and monsy paid for labor remains bare at homo. J. M. HOYER&CO., Wholesale and Retail Clothiers Nos. 81 and 83 Third Street, S. W. Cor. Oak. Portland, Oregon CHOICE BRANDS OTP Wines, Liquors, and Cigars AN AT ALL TIMES BE FOUND AT THE MODEL SALOON, J. a CLONING ER, PROPRIETOR, : : : : 8T. HELENS, OREOOIf Famous Fire Laddie Cigars Kept Constantly on Hand. ; ' ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY WITH POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES Weinhard's Deer 5 Cents. The Banquet SALOON Has re-opened under th management of GEO. A. BRINN, Coiner Strand and Cowlitz Sts. A CHOICE SELtCTION Of Pure Wines and Brandies mmoos rmt LAOWI OIOARS. Pool and Billiard Tables At THE BANQUET, For Sale ENGLISH SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Address W. W. WEST, BCAPPOOSE, . . 0RK00N ST. HELENS STRAND Mr. Thomas Cooper has just opened op his new and eb-itent barroom la St. Klns wlier oao ounatanUy be found ths lanioos Also best Brands Domestic and Key West Cigars. MR. COOPER IS ALWAYS GLAD TO WELCOME HIS OLD FRIENDS TO HIS PLACE OP BUSINESS. ST. HELENS EXCHANGE, St. Helens, - THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & cB'S. .V......, ...I- rin, rtr-BI inagf Zmmi ii si STTFR. aOSEPH PCBLLOQO FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondavs.Wuina.jaa tp.u . . Portland Tuesday, Thursday nd Ssturd.y at 6 o'clock . m. THE PORTLAND AND Q. M. Shaver, Master. fjlalWakaj 1MS4laa..a af.-a, . WoMorriar Astoria M,.n,i.; n.V,.ni . 7V : ;' SJ , ..... , w uws, iu.uay, inursilay ana Uiminisy evenings at 9 Removing to Our New B. B. QUICK, QVKK. I ilsslaasrat I1 0. w. cot J, , . Netary PwkU Cole & Quick, St. Helens, Oreton PKOPRIBT0M Of "Thorn's Numerical System Of . Title Abstracts" PO- Columbia County, Oregon TITLES Examined and abstraeta famished. Will attend to natters before the Hoard of Kiualiiatlon: ot tasaa, etn. Kaal Kstate, Conveyancing, and ioaurenoe, and mms nsfweiaa. r t i rmru ri u i mi w u mijjuuulu. EXCHANGE STREET.- - Oregon COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER CLATSKANIE ROUTE ... 8'"Jy mornlns. .1 7 "."HI"B?l t:w o oloc. . Keturnini, leaves ,v