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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1895)
OREGON MIST. FUBMSHID IVESY FRIDAY. SIDE-HEAD PARAGRAPHS. Till Firembhi' Bill. The ball Riven at the opera house lust Friday Bight under the ausplcea of the Ore department of St. Helen, was well at tended and was a flattering luoceee both financially and socially. Preparing rot Work. County As sessor Martin White hae been In town all week making preparation to begin teaiing the county and taking the esnsus.. He hai ordered hi blank at thl office, and on the flt of March . will begin to trouble you. , Hiayy Tax El. The oounty, state, and achool tax levy for Jnsephne county, taya the OranU Pa Observer, i S71 mill. The school ta for OranU Pass is 10 mills and the city tai is 6 wills, miking in round number, 42) mill tb people of Grant Pa to pay forth pleasure of holding properly there. The levy of lat year was 35 wills. - 't Loooimo Ihdustry. Loggers on the Nsliulem river, fully 75 miles from it mouth, are preparing to open up new camps when the mill at Nehalem City eommenee operatlona. It I aid by mill owner that log can easily be floated for 90 mile down the Nehalem ; river, and log from tb flneit belt of - timber on the eoaat are directly along '; tli bank of that atream. Scow Bhaookd A aoow In tow of the ateamer Pilgrim, in coming out of " Soappooea bay fait Friday night, ran ; onto a mag In the Willamette (lough and broke a large hole In her bottom. Blie itruck with iuch force that It ti : nscessary to lighter her before aha could get clear of Ibe snag, after which i the acow wa taken to Portland and i placed on the way for repair. JUDOMBWT FOR PLAIHTIFF. The CBS. el John Weatberwas against B. II. King to recover back money paid the litter to forego prosecution of Fred Weatherwas, wae tried in Sareger'e court laat Saturday before a jury, and a decision rendered in favor of the plaintiff whereby he will recover the 1135 sued for. Wa understand the case will bo appealed to the circuit fourt. ' . . World's Fair Fwd. The world' fair fund ihnwi total receipt amount ing to 160.797.54, the disbursement being 943,614.85; leaving a balance on hand to turn back into the treasury of 18589.80. Taking into consideration Ihe fact that Oregon led all it coait competitor in the number of award, the showing I certainly an excellent os, California and Washington each having a buavy deficiency tor the leg islature now in aeesion to provide for. Thb DoasiMi Divorce Cam The Dobbin divorce case which wa tried in the circuit court here at the lat term, will go to Ihe aupreme court, notioe of such action having already been served on tbe plaintiff attor ney, Messrs. Dillard A Cole. Tbe de fendant, A. T. Dobbins, will ask, so we are informed, to have the deoree of di vorce set aside and that the bond of matrimony once existing between A. T. Dobbins and Jennie Dobbine be not dissolved. Too Maut Road. We am in re ceipt of a communication from Cow Camp in which the writer complain of there being too many road laid out and not improved sufficiently to meka them passible. Our correspondent U correct in this matter. There aire, in deed, too many new road laid out and located without aofBclent meana to improve them, thu dividing up tb work on so many roada that none are what they ought to be and would be If the work was mors centralised. 8orjio Br Ihvutioatkd. It is said that instead of tbe garbage from Port land being delivered and consumed by the crematory at Rooky Point, a great deal of it has been dumped into the Willamette slough and allowed to float down stream or rot at Its bottom. How ever, these charges have been made and from tbe quality of the water in the slough below Rocky Point it is reasonable to suppose the statement is correct. In any event the matter is of uffiolent oonsequence to justify en in vestigation. RioitTBRBO Stock Pay. Mr. U. West, of 8capoooee, is Riving consider able attention to blooded stock, prln eipally Jersey oattlaand Poland-China hogs. Mr, West baa been handling took nearly all hia life and bis come to the conclusion that to make a suc cess of stookraising it must be done by feeding nothing butgrades, and con sequently he ha imported to hi slock farm some of the higheet grade regis tared stock to be bed, 'from the lead ing stock farm of the Eaat, which can be aeen at hi farm at any time. Rbsumrd Oprratioh. Tbe mill at Mooreaville, atter an idleness ot many months, is again in operation, and the hills and valleys thereabout resound with the shrieks of Ihe whistle and Ihe hum of machinery that hae long been silenced under the enormous weight of business depression. Just how long the mill will continue to run we did not learn, but the fact that the gonial and rustling H. B. Bntthwiok is at the helm carries along with it the snur noe that so long ai there la a chance to keep even operation will continue. A 8,tatb Cihiui. The oonitltntion .of Oregon provide that an enumera tion of the people of the data (hall be made every ten yean, beginning with 1895. The statute further provide that thl .enumeration ahall be made by the .county assessors, beginning ot later than May 10th, and that, be Ides enumerating tbe people of Ihe state, they shall classify them by. age , V" collect various simple statistics of production and industry. The assessors are to make returns to the county clerks, and these to the secretary -ot state, who is to furnish blank forms for tbe enumeration, and who also must declare the result. Pen Ida are.imposed upon assessors and olerirs Veho fail to perform the duties imposed upoa thsui by thii law. iumnvm thb Tow. The proprie tor of the town lit of St. Helen land In their own light by not reduc ing the pride of lot. At the present tlma kits hare are held too high and cannot be sold until a marked reduo- tion 1 mad. Tbe prloes are today a high as they should be in city of 5000 population, and as a result there i no demand. There must be a start ing point for every city to Improve, and this starting point is not reached through high prioes. As a town grows in population and business value of really grow, proportionately. The one I essential to the other, and must come up, If at all, together. It i ap parent to everyoooy who nave waioiiea the growth of citie that one improve ment enoourai and stimulate an other( but In all case the degree of progress rest with the town site owner. Just how long this state of affair will continue In St. Helen is not known, but it is evident that the party owning the town site will have to offer some inducement and attempt some improvement of the property before there will be a demand for real estate in this place. As matien now itand property ia absolutely ansaiaoie and will continue so until a more liberal disposition is shown by those who own the property. ThatPlakx Wal. Another meet ina wae held Monday nieht to further ooneide the proposition to build Ibe walk between 81. Helens sna Houiion, and also to receive the report of the committee to view and survey out the route, which waa submitted by James Muckle, as follow: "We recommend proposed and most feasible route, find ing the distance to be 6910, which would require 23.640 feet of lumber to put In two-plunk walk; wv further And that tbe proposed route is prnciicable and the walk can be put in very easily with very slight grade, and same would be on a street almost the entiie distance to the end of the 8t. Helens claim." It waa slated at the meeting that Mr. Howard would furnish the lumber on the ground for 17.50 per thousand. A motion wa made by Mr. Dillard and adopted, that a committee of three be appointed with wer to make necessary arrangement for clearing the right-of-way, contracting for lumber, and superintending tbe work on Ihe ground, with the u nder tending ibal the shortest route pos sible, from Ihe lower end of Blakes ley's garden, should be chosen. On motion W. H. Dolmau wae made col lector and treasurer tor the funds sub scribed. Tbe meeting then adjourned. To Broulatb Fbb. A bill is now pending in the legislature which pro vides tbat in any suit or action brought upon a promissory note, contract, or other obligation, created either by agreement or etatutory provision, wherein the plaintiff is permitted to recover from the delvndant his attor ney fees, no greater sum shall be al lowed by any court, notwithstsnding any agreement or alipulation In such contracts for a larger sum than aa fol lows : On sums of f 200 or low, 10 per cent of the judgment, including inter eat but exclusive ot costs: exceeding $200 and not exceeding 9500, 6 per cent: exceeding luOO and not exceed Ing 91000, 3 per cent; and on all sums exceeding s 91000, 2 per cent; provided that on any contract so providing, a fee of go may be allowed, although it exceede 10 per cent of the amount re covered : and provided further, that in any auit wherein mortgage or other lien be foreclosed, a fee of 920 msy be allowed, although it axceeda lu per cent of the amount recovered. Appeal to Supreme Court. Atlor nevs Dillard A Cole bare been served with notices that an appeal will be taken to the supreme court in the case of Tetam A Bo wen vs. O. A. Massie, l. al. The property involved in the raae is the sawmill property at Danby, this eounty, which Massie, during bis term of office, as sheriff, levted upon and sold at sheriff's sale, to Muckle Bros, for a atipulated sum. Tat urn A Bowen brought suit in the circuit court to recover the property for the purchase price, but tbe case waa de ckled against them. They will now lake it to the supreme court and ask that tbe deciaion of tbe lower eonrt be reversed, and tbe case be remanded for new trial. A Bio Deai We were informed by a reliable gentleman tbia week tbat a big realty transfer is on the tapis, in which many will be pleased to bear of its early consummation. Two gentle men from the East are negotiating for the Musgrove place, on Sanvies island, and should the sale be made there will be severs! thousand dollars involved. The intending purchasers, it is said, will bring nearly a bundrvd head oi registered slock with them, and engage extensively in the dairy business. In rase the purchase ia made several thousand dollar will be expended in modern improvement. Off fob Repair. The Oregon Railway A Navigation Company have taken the Potter off the Aaloria route temporarily tor repairs. The Baker is now carrying the mail inatead of the Potter. It ia intended to give the latter thorough overhauling preparn tory for tbe seaside travel in the spring. The O. R. A N. Co., have for several yesrs give.) the people along the Columbia a xood service, though the annual expenditures have, for two or three years, exceeded by far the receipts. However, they still attempt to improve the service. Aa Olsl aajell.r. Keeasii.s)latl In the late war I waa a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteers, Company O. During my term of service I con traded chronio diarrhoea. Bines then I have used great amount of medi cine, but when I found one that would give me - relief it would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it ia Die only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results followed. I take pleasure in recom mending this preparation to all of my old comrades, who, while, giving their services to their country, contracted thia dreadful disease as I did, from eat ing unholsome and uncooked food. Youre truly, A. E. Bending, Halsey, Oregou. For tale by Dr. Edwin Rots. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. G. W. Cole was in Portland last Saturday. Try one of "The Bird" cigars at the drug stors. ( Justice blanks and receipt books for sals at this office. Frank Bishop, of Deer Island, was in town Tuesday. County warrants command prem ium in Lane county, We are enjoying fine weather for this tims of lbs year. Frank D. Henrlcl, of Montavilla, waa in town yesterday. A mssqueradn ball is on the tapis for the 22d at this place. Dr. Ross, of St. Vincent hospital, Portland, waa in town Sunday last. Tbe rock crusher, below town, bs been in operation during tbe week. John West, of West port, was in town Wednesday on bis way to Portland. Miles Bliaren. of Rainier, was In town Saturday ana witness in the King case. Dr. Jay Tutlle, of Astoria, is can didate for the appointment of health officer in that city. Mrs. Sarah Lemont who has been confined to her room for several daya, ia convalescing. Tbe bank, of which mention was made in these columns some time ago, baa not yet materialised. We are In receipt ot communica tion from Clatakanie which is crowded out for lack of space this week. Israel Spencer, of Vernonia, waa, on Tuesday last, re-comnussioned a no tary publio by Governor Lord. Deputy Sheriff Blakealey went down to tioble Tuesday on business con nected with tbe sheriffs office. Send your orders for job printing to this office, where we are prepared to execute them on short notice. J. C. Hall, for many years surveyor of Washington county, waa drowned on the Nestuucn bay one day this week. Mrs. H. A. Corliss and eon arrived bare Wednesday evening from Orauis Pass, on visit to relatives and friends. Frank Bishop, of the Caanan settle ment, waa in town Tuesday. He re ports ' s prevailing feeling of better times in that locality. Judge Doan, of Rainier, waa vis itor at tbe county capital Saturday, being subpoenaed aa witness in the Weaiuerwax-King case. Tbsre is no reason to oomplaio of weather which has prevailed for the past two weeks. It has been all the heart could possibly desire. Instead of betting your old bat, brother, you should bet your obeek, ot winch you have an abundance, and which will stand tbe wear better. Major Post has let com net to ex tend the revetment along the bank of the Willamettee, at Contains. It ia said 98000 will complete the work. Work on tbe tax roll for 1894 was begun Monday morning by tbe clerks ud is being vigorously prosecuted. It will require about eighteen day's work to complete it. Carrie Newell is quite low with a severe cold on tbe lungs, and there ia (ear entertained oi her not recovering unless a sudden and radical change soon lakea place. Mr. Jones, of the water system of thia place, stated to a Mist represent' live last week tbat while he bad so far been unsuccessful in securing a right to utilise the spring on Germany bill toanppiy the town with water, tbe probability was that aucb an agree ment could be made soon. Dr. E. T. Cams, dentist, of Portland, will visit Rainier April 10th and re main nntil April 20th. Dr. Cams is prepared to do all kinds of work per taining to dentistiy. Teeth ou gold, silver, aluminum, and rubber plates, Gold crown ard bridge work. Teeth extracted without pain. Frank Fletcher, who was pardoned out of the penitentiary by Governor rennoyer a abort time ago, waa again sentenced to term of three years st 8alem laat week, from Umatilla county, on charge of assault with a danger ous weapon. A loaded revolver ia con' sidered a dangerous weapon in East ern Oregon. Thb Mist is very mnch in need of the money due it on subscription and otherwise. We are obliged to pay cash for paper, ink and labor, as wt-II aa for other current expenses. To meet these requires cash, and we wUb to urge upon our friend the necessity of attending to thia matter. The members of the fire department desire to thank who patronised the ball last Friday night and thereby rendered financial aid In the depart ment in the net sum of 941.65. Thanks are especially extended to the ladies of tbe town for their geuerousnees and labor in preparing and contributing the splendid supper for the occasion. 8ome time sgo Mr. Simon Goldbaum of 8a u Luia Rey, Gal., was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism. He used Chamberlain's Balm and prompt cure waa effected. He says he has since advised niajy of his friends to try itand all who have done so have spoken highly of il. It ia tor sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist.. . In anothsr column can be found the new advertisement ot Mr. A. Holaday'a nursery at Scappoose. Thia is strictly a home establishment, and as such de serves the patronage of the people of the county, not so much this point, but tbe fact that Mr. Holiday propogatea the trees from hia own young bearing orchard, aud ia thus able to guarantee the treea to be what they are repre sented, thus the establishment still further merits your undivided support. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i fam ous for ita cure of bad cold. It owns the Mcrelion, relieve the lung aud aid nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. If freely used as soon as the cold has been contracted, and before it has become settled In the system, it greatly lessens the severity of the attack and baa often cured in a single day what would have been a se vere cold. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. Refined Cruelty ' ' Boapfoosb, Feb. 6, 18W. T tlitnnlii av.nlna after J. R. Watts' family had finished their even l mat i.Iiaw at arnnnd the fire read ing and talking as usual, till shortly alter o o ciock, wnen snarp u i...r.l at il. rfunr. The door was opened and gracious, what a sight r . . . . a w nr. . . - met tne asionisnea gase oi And what sounds she beard I The n..nt m mnn filluit with neoula. STSV. W... T w'.a .. . m .. a . .. f joyous, laughing people laughing at Set I . . . Hi jurf. WiiiiaV-ina ine wmb n .tui'juv, ni then for sliii was amazed and dumbfounded, poor woman) It wa tne anniversary ni ner umvu uir-.ii-day, and her children had planned un.l maMirAtft a. aurnrlsa for her. In due time she recovered her equanimity ... .. . . ... i i. r i sulucientiy to enjoy tne juae. and instrumental musio and whist were the leading features of the even- ... .. f t. M. I Ing's entertainment, alter which ioi- L.wmI a aiilnnitiil reliant. There Were about forty persona present, and all tell mat tney were royauy nunwiw. is. - a. WVsa Baby s skV, wt r Csatorla. Wftsa ah was a Child, sbs crisd for CutoHa. Wban sba txwama HiM, bs chine to CatXorla. Waaa sbs had Cbildrao, sha garsUum Caatoria. ' WANTED TO TRADE. I hava a rood. t-jroatet backboard, has been used but four m ntlis, worth 1U0, and which I would like lo trads for a yoks of sood, young work oi-n. Apply to 1 U. U. UALoun, XKIU1KIII. vrvnijn. SHERIFF'S SALE. nv VIRTUE 0 LI EXECDTIOir. AMD rl M of uli dnl laraad out ol ths Circuit Court ( thsSutsolOretoa. for ths County of Columbia, In laror of w. 1. Van8churrr and Kalnst w. A. Meaner, ror ins sum oi asveu rutl ri.htn mnA Ta ils Dollars, with In tersil thereon at I per cent, per annum from ths th da al Januar. IMS. and ths lurthar sum of Twsntf-ons snd M lot Dollars costs and dls buraemsnts, also Uis eotts oa this writ apon s Judgment rendered January sth, ISM, and docketed January Mb, IMS. now, tnereiors, oy Yinua oi saia juaaroan. snd exantitlna snd order of rail, I have levied noon and will, on Saturday ths MB day of Feb ruary, ISM, at ths front door of ths County uoun nouae, in at. neiens, wnninui. .u.., State of Oregon, at 10 o'elod- la ths forenoon of aid da, sell at publle suction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, all ths right, title and Interest of said W. A. Meeker In and lo tbe following -described real property, to-wit: Ths northweet quarter of section Bins, townahipstx north, rsnge two wart of the Willamette Meridian, situated in Columbia eounty, Mtete ol Oregon, to satiily ths hereinbefore named sums and easts and sxienie of said sals. Dated January II. MM O. T. POAN. JISIIA Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ia the Circuit Court of the Slats of Oregon, for Columbia County. BY VIRTUE Of AH EXECUTION, DECREE and order of ssle istued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and to me duly directed, dated on the ZSrd day of January, IM, upon a Judgment and decree rendered aud entered in said Court on ths 4tb day of January, 1M, ia faror ol E. O. Moll, plaintiff, aad sgslnst W. C. Henderson and it. C. Henderaon, defendants, for the ram of Flee Hundred Sixty-two and SO-100 dollars UVttSO) and the further sum of berentv Bve dollars (I7S0O) snd ths further snm of 1)2.10 oosts and disbursements, all la United States gold coin with interest thereon st I per cent per annnra In like gold coin from date of said de cree, to wit: Jan. 4th. IBM. and (or ths costs and expenses of sale under thlr writ. Now, therefore, by eirtue of and In pursuance of said Judgment, deeiee snd order of sale, I duly levied upon, and will, on the 2nd day of March, ISM, at 10 o'clock A. M.,st the frontdoor of the county court house. In the City of SU Helens, In said eounty and state, nil, subject to redemption aocnrdtng to law, st public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, alio! tbe Interest of the defendants. W. C. Henderaon and M. C. Henderson in ths following described real estate In Columbia eounty, State of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter (iwM) of section thirty two (12) in tawnihlp four () north, ran re two (2) west of the Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred end sixty (M0) acres, mors or leu, according to government so rvsy, to satisfy the hsrsln mentioned sums and for costs and ex- Witness my hand this 2th day of Jannsrr ISM Oral C. F. DOAN, Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon, SHERIFF'S SALE. S-T VIRTUS OP AN EXECUTION. JCDO- I ment, order and decree, daly iwued oat of and under the seal of tbe Circuit Court of the Stile of Oregon, County of Columbia, in favor ot W. J. VsnBchuyverae plaintiff vs. W. A. Meeker ana Mary E. Meeker as aeienosnis. " mm auiy riirOTtA1 . lUtatfl the isth da of January. Uss. upon a Judgment snd decree rendered on the sta uav oi January, inw, enu ipuna wa ty" a. a? Jnnr 1SAS In favor of W. J. Van- Sehuyver plaintiff, and against W. A. Meeker defendant, lor the svm of Nine Handled Fifty threeM 100 (SUM S3) Dollars, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum from tbe tb day ol January, ISM. and I1M.00 attorneys fees, sad the further sum ef 117.30 costs, also we costs on mi wni; commanding me to make sale of the following- 4m,..imI r.l nmnartv. tn-wit: Lot No. 6. iA Block No. IS, In the town of St. Helens. Colum bia County, (Mats of Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and apportenanees thereunto belonging or tn anywise appertain og. Wna. IkMMtnM hv vIKllM of Said execution. lodgment, order and decree, and in compliance will. ,h anmmaada of eald writ. I will, on Sat urday the 10th day of February, 18M, at the front door of the County Court House, In St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, et Ike hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, sail, subject to re demption according lo law, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title ana Interest wnicn tne aoove aamea ueienuaaia, er either ot them, had on Ihe 2nd day of Decem ber. ISM, or since had ia snd to the above described real property, to sstisfy said sxeeu Uon, Judgment, order and decree, interest aad eoms ana ail aocruinacoeia. r Dated St. Helens, Oregon, Janna 11895. JIU1S Sheri ff of Columbia County, Oregon. C- (10 and $20 Genuine Confederate Bills, wa7S only nve cents; iw auu w "' sen ceute eacn. xo anti w wa". .inBrw'-i - -U t, ..JMUII. Oft un I a ...h mat securely sealed on receipt of price. Address r.u.afa Biort wt Atl&nl Aa. LEONARD HUFF & CO, Commission Merchants BWAGEB'8 OLD STAND. A fenaral asortmentof feed kept en band. ana soia at sue iuw pea FOR CASH. Undertaking Goods , FUBNIBHED ON SHORT NOTICE. St. Helens, : . : Oregon. J.N". Slusser, HAIR DRESSER AND '' ' T0NS0RIAL ARTIST. Having recently located In the city and wishing to establish myself, I invite the publio to favor me with at least a share of yourvrsae. snsrp, sem ruun. COIBCBN'S OLD ITAND BT. HELENS, s : : OREGON Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair DO; CITEM1 MOST PERFECT MADE. A purs Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret lorn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Teachers' Examination. NOTICE Is hereby given Ibat for the pur pose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as csndi dataa for teachers of the nnblic schools of this county, the Connty Schiol Superinten dent thereof will hoM a publio examina tion at ot. tit-ien, uregon, commencing ai 1 (one) o'clock P. If. Wednesday. February tbe 13tb, lMtt. Applicants niu't be in .. i . n ur.-ri-u prompt nttcnaance. u. County 8cbool Superintendent, Dated tbl 29th day of January, 1896. Notice) te Credit. -VTOTICE l hereby given that the ondr- XI signed has been sppointeo aaniimsira tor of the estate of Cbarle Trial, deceased, and all Damns bavin claims agsiiist said estate ar hereby notified to present tbe same lo rue. wim toe necemsry youcners. within six months from the first publication of this notice, at my retiMence, a'. Dter Island, IttluiitDia county, uregon. A !-,( ALP 'I DTU Administrator of the s-tate of Charles Trim, deceased. Dated February i. vma. SUMMON. Ia tbe Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for the county ol uoium nia. C. A. Freeman, Abbie J. Freeman aad Kate E. Freeman, plaintiffs, ys. Albert Freeman, defendant. T A. Freeman, defendant in the asms ef State of Oregon: irou AkE HEREBY REQUIRED TO AF- X pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs lied against yon in the above entitled nit on the am dar of the next recular term of said court, which shall eommenee six weeks or more atter the first publication of this summons, to wit: Ob Tuesday, the Ink day of May. ISM, nrf U vnu fall ao to aonaar and answer Ihe plaintiff, will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint filed nereis). The relief claimed is thst the pUinUffs may have a decree for the lands described as follows, lo-wlt: The southwest quarter ol tne soumwesi quarter of section U, snd tbs northwest quarter of Ihe north wa-t ouarter of section 24. and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter ef said sec tion la. ail lu lownsuip lour norm, range two czi west, in commote county and that tbe said lands be adjudged to be the isads of the plaintiff.. And for such other and further relief aa In aaultv shall seem meet and nnder tuitlce shall appertain, and for (heir costs sna auoursemenu. This summons is published In pursuance of an order of said Circuit Court, Hon. T. A. Mo Bride, presiding, In open Court on the 12th day of October, 1M; that this summons be servea upon you nrrvi. oy puoiiuatiun m u Obsook Mist, a weekly newspaper published tn St. Helens once a week for six weeks. jura J. C. MOK ELAND. Attorney for Haintiff Notice To School Clerks. ALL Clerks in need of "Record Books" or "Blank Reports" should notify this office at one. J. O. WATTS. County School Superintendent. Scappoose, Oregon. PEOPLE Desirous Buying JEWELRY, Watches. Clocks, Etc., WeeM Se weM la eraer Iraea G. HEITKEMPER The Portland Jeweler. Corner of Third and Morrison Ton will save at least IS per cent, and get good goods. Diamond., watches, silverware, optical goods, etc. Your correspondence is solicited. PROFESSIONAL. H ARRISOM ALLEN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. BT. HELENS, OREGON. Notary PaMta, Ccavevaaciag, aae Csnettleas rpHOMAS C. WATTB, NOTARY PUBLIC. ACKNOWLEDGMENT TAKEN, CONVEYANCING AND GENERAL NOTARIAL WORK DONE. REUBEN, - OREGON D r. a. p. McLaren, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Rainier. Oregon. JR. H. R. CLIFF. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8U Helens, Oragon. J-yu I. R. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanie. Columbia county, Or. jyH. J. M. f. CHALMERS, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. St. Helens, Oregon. Vy M. MESERVB. Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Survevor. Lsnd Surveying, Town Flatting snd Engineering work promptly executed. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT There has just been received s large sssortraent of pur snd fresh drags, patent medicines, etc. Also numerous other articles which ar. found in sll first-class drug stores. Bsraeiaber that Ihe place to buy your drugs is at a drug stors. SAINT HELENS - - - TOILET ARTICLES This honse also carries s very large assortment of fancy notions, consisting ot toilet articles such as perfumery , soaps, tooth-brushes, tooth-powders, and ia fact all articles included in tbat line. Also writing paper and achool supplies. PRESCRIPTIONS C011P0UMDED DAY OR NIGHT A competent pharmacist is always on hand ready to compound prescriptions on abort order. Mr. Boss is ever watchful of the public's demands, and you will always find what you want at bis establishment. DR. EDWIN MAIN STREET ST. CHARLES HOTEL If you wsnt to meet a friend you Corner Front and Morrlaoai Sta. Portland, Oregou r-evf, y fa y njp njp njp isat sy DART & MUCKLE . . . . Are once mora doing easiness at ths old stand formerly oo . cupied by Muckle Bros., Fresh Staple Jost from tha best markets ot ths world. They also bavs a nsw and complete line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Latest Patterns. Realising tbat their stock would be incomplete without, these ; gentlemen eleo carry a large invoice of .... W w it a i Laaies ana uenis nne rooiweur s MANUFACTURERS and Dressed Lumber of ST. HELENS, : Clatskanie Drugstore PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, FrescrlptloB Drugs, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, eta The table art always supplied with the Boat Edibles and Delica cies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Having bee.- newly refurnished wo are) preosred to give satisfac tion to all our patrons, and solicit a shnre of your patronage. J. GEORGE, Proprietor, St Helens. Oregon MNUTT BROS -THE LEADING Vernonia and Cornelius, Ogn. . WRITE TO CORNELIUS FOR STAGE DATES. FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS SUPPLIED St. HelenMEAT - flARKET All Kinds of fresh and sailed meats, sauure, and fish. An express wagon runs dairy to all parts of ths eity. Meats by WhoteaaJ at Special Rate. . . J. H, DECKER . . . TONSORIAL ARTIST The old and reliable barber has his raiors just aa sharp as can be found, and will shava you com" fortably and quickly for only fifteen cents. GIVE HIM A CALL AT THE OLD STAND ON STRAND ST The table will be supplied with the) best Uhe market affords. Board by ths Day, Week, or Elonth at Reasonable rates Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage ia Solicited. A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop., ST. HELENS, OR" Job Printing DRUG STORE ROSS. Prop. ST. HELENS, OREGON THIS LCAOIwa FAMILY HOTEL HAS BEEN COM PLETELY RENOVATED. will surely find him st this hotel. C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor aad Maaafar myay sgyS ay ay sy ssat sy sy ay ayii where can be found a complete stock of A Groceries r-s. r a. A OF AND DEALERS IN Every Style, Grade and Variety : OREGON th f1ace to BKUtm Year Fresh Mealclnee DR. J. B. HALL. Plsgwlelag HE2 TBLj MERCHANTS OF- Sweetland & Sheldon, Mela St.. 5. IMesis. Oregea In all Its breathe, neatly awe! artlsttearfy, dene. We make a epaclartf ef nee, eoeter, . and commercial Jo. prltitlns;. Far flea ! prlntlna; THS MIST has as equal ee IlK eeae. .