The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 30, 1894, Image 4

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URING hard times con
sumers cannot afford to
experiment with inferior brands
of baking powder. It is NOW
that the great strength and purity
of the ROYAL make it indis
pensable to those who desire to
practise economy in the kitchen.
Each spoonful does its perfect
work. Its increasing sale bears
witness that it is a necessity
to the prudent it goes further.
Ha Needed It.
Jack Harrlup (despondently) My aunt
lays she will Iwive her money to soma de
serving chanty.
Tom BriKbtleigh Cheer up, old
You'll probably get It, (or I don't know
any one deserving charity more than you.
I rum,
Om of the Signs.
"Mrs. Dotinby thinks that her youngest
Boy Is going to De a great actor."
"Because he doesn't cry like most babies
when she has his photograph taken, lie
positively enjoys it." Washington Star.
Some DltTereneo.
"I got an awful lickin with the wire bris
tle hairbrush this morning," said Billie.
"Pshaw!" said Johnnie. "That don't
hurt." .
"Yes, it does. Pa bad the bristle aide
down." Harper's Bazar.
,Kot a Bad Outlook.
Little Sister You've been fighting agaiif
JUittle Brother Yep.
"What will become of you if you go on
"JJunuo. ilebby I'll be a great actor
Wen 1 grow up." Good News.
Tha Argument BeeoBiee PciusiL
Tommy Hub! You needn't feel so stuck
np. xourdaddy used lodriveamilk wagon.'
Sammy I know it. I've beard him say
your daddy's been owing him a milk bill of
S4 for rnore'n 16 years. l bicaco Record.
will not develop uniformly
unless they get sufficient
nourishm'ent, They will be
thin, weak, hollow-chested.
, tlie Creaxa of CoJ-liver Oil
and Hypophosphttes, over
comes the tendency toward
thinness and makes children
i strong and healthy. Physi
cians, the world over, endorse
, Don't ti3 deceived ty Substitstes!
, Prepared by bcolt a Bowua. N. V A 1 1 recent
That Elephant Shoal,: Re Sewn, Even If Ho
Had to r'urulnh the Match.
Senator Calvin S. Brice recently told
story of one of his boyish experiences:
"You can possibly imagine the interest
we lads in the country took when a circus
came to town. From the time the colored
posters were up am) tbe circulars distrib
uted until tbe arrival of the show there
was not a moment but that was one of ex
"Circuses traveled in caravans then over
the country. They were not as elaborate
affairs as those of the present, but I cer
tainly nave never seen one in recent times
which caused me the wonderment and gnve
me tbe pleasure of those old time shows.
The entries into town were the great
events of the season, and for hours at a
time when a circus was coming we watched
the road or went out in the country to act
as an escort to the elephant and vassals to
t ne clown.
Upon one occasion we watched and
watched for the approach of the show, but
it was delayed, the morning sped awav.
the afternoon disappeared, and yet no cir
cus. Finally night came, and the darkness
deepened, and with it came tbe report that
tne snow was near at band.
But what were we to do. for it was now
so dark that we could not have told an ele
phant from tbe shadow of a bay wagon
and all our joy would be gone if we could
not aee the animals pas along the road?
At that time one of the boys discovered
a quantity of lumber which some one had
bought to build a bouse. TU tell you
what,' said be, 'let's, build a fire with this
timber, and then while it's burning we can
0 tbe wbole show pass, elephant and alL
"The boy to whom he made this remark
hesitated, looked at the lumber and then
peered down the road. Then he said: 'Ob
no. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't burn
np the timber. It wouldn't be right, you
know. But say,' be continued heattatiasr-
y, i ve goi a niatcn nere u you want to see
the elephant. "New York Herald.
Civeral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S. S.)
entirely cleansed my system of contagious
blood poison of the very worst type.
Wn. S. Looms, Shreveport, La.
Bo Wanted to Know.
"S'posin a man bad a pass over this here
railroad," said a man with a faded overcoat
and a tangled gray beard, "he cu'd ride fer
nothin, bayf"
"That's what he could." replied the gate
tender at tbe Central station, to whom the
query was addressed.
"Free gratis fer nothin, hayf" ,
"Yea." .
"Conductor wouldn't ask fer no tare?"
"Certainly not."
"Wouldn't be no snap game about It.
hayf If I had a pass, I'd use it Jest like a
uccet, hayf"
"Yes, you blamed old fool, yes."
The old man was rather astonished bv
this outburst, and he retired to a bench to
think things over. After awhile he came
np to tbe gate tender and coughed a couple
01 times. "1 don't wanter be intrudin,
pardner ," he said, "but I wisht ye'd tell me
one tbing."
juey wouiun'i oe any danger that a
man'd hafter pay if be bad s pass, would
tneyr" ... ...
"No, not a bit. What are yon asking me
such fool questions forf Have you got a
Ao, not yit " replied the old man. edg
ing away, "but I writ down for one t'other
day, an I kinderwanted t' find out all 'bout
them.' Buffalo Express.
T had scrofula in 1884, and cleansed my
, system entirely from it by taking seven
bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp
toms Mince. C. W. Wilcox,
Spartanburg, S. C
Treatise on Blood and Eldn Diseases mailed
tree. Swift Srscinc Co, Atlanta. Ga.
Free by Mail
on reoeipt or o dolus
A Whole Garden.
Let us ail von onr IUnstr ted Catalonia which
will tell yoo all about it. h unset Borland Plant
s.;o. lesnerwooa riail Siorse y Co.), 427-B Iran ome
oau rraaciaco. new tea aeeas s specialty.
Bow It Impressed Him.
Whoever has seen tbe Washington mon
ument in Baltimore, with tbe crouching
bronze lion of Bary e near its base. will appre
ciate the story tbey tell about the rustle
huntsman on his first visit to town. He
waa shown all the objects of interest in
Baltimore one by one, but gave each only a
passing glance and not even so much aa a
word of comment, when be came in sight
of tne Washington monument, however, a
new light shot from bis eye.
At last it was obvious that something
had been found to interest him. He scanned
the shaft for some minutes, running his
eye trom the base to tbe point on which the
statue stood and back again, then fastened
his gaze on the crouching lion as if fasci
nated. His lips parted, and his city friends
drew near to hear bis criticisms of the sculp
tor's art. At last out came tbe words.
'B'gad, he's got the old man treed, ain't
nei" jutte field's Washington,
Official Hauteur.
Vebruarr 1..
" 15..
March 1
..19 per cant
..10 "
.. "
.. 8 "
TOTAt.... 5 per cent
" ii.,. , unr eanonuiri in i a nays
Fronts paid twice each iimiith; money can be
withdrawn anv tune; sal to 11,000 can be invested;
. write ftir 'nrurmatlon.
jriBHKK ft CO.. Hankers and Brokers.
18 and so Broadway, Mew York.
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
.. . Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubber Co.,
T8 and 15 First St., Portland, Or.
Write tor catalogue rasa.
Attempt to Quash an Indictment Because
nra Misspelled Word Tim Justloe Whose
Chief Ainu Is to Tut the "Kerboah" on
Crime Whenever It Shows Ital'gl; Front.
Life has been lamentable failure to the
man who bits not prowled aroitud the pre
cinct judicial gristmill on grinding days
ad seen iniquity "stomped on" aud Jus
tice crowned queen of the May.
But if yon would see tbe justice court in
tta wild, "unpestered" state go Into the
jungles of east Texas, where it roams at
will and subsists on funny young men
who get accused of disturbing a peace
which In all likelihood never existed. In
such places the justice of the peace gener
ally runs hla office in connection with
small stock of family groceries, and the
sessions of the court are held in the rear
end of the mercantile establishment, where
the presiding genius can keep his eye on
the front door, so that he may not miss
cash sale if opportunity offers. And the
opportunity sometimes presents itself on
such occasions, and "bis honor" asks the
lawyer And the jury to exeuse him while
be increases the gross receipts of the cash
drawer. It also happens sometimes that
tbe J. P. espies some one in the courtroom
who is in arrears for supplies, and lays a
paperweight on legal proceedings while
he attempts to induce the delinquent to
sonars the account. This annietimea re
sults In bad blood between debtor and
creditor, angry words, axhandles and bar
rel staves and the ground torn up, in which
"his honor" sometimes comes out of the
conflict on all tours, with a head on him
like a hippopotamus. Then an adjourn
ment is in order, and the rest of tbe docket
IS carried uvrj to tiiu lifiEi term of
I attended the sitting of one of these
courts once and saw it batch out a small
brood of unvarnished justice. A young
man naa disturbed the peace and trifled
with the dignity of the state in the one
and the same transaction, and justice
wnetted Its nayfcmfe and bowled for re
venge. "The court' had drawn up the
indictment at tbe Instance) of a nervous
gentleman, who claimed that a subdivi
sion of the peace located in his immediate
vicinity had been disturbed by the young
man Hereinbefore referred to. In draw-
lng up the indictment "his honor" had
deflected somewhat from Hoyle and or
thography and spelled peace p-i-e-o-e.
nen court was opened, counsel for defen
dant attempted to quash the complaint on
the ground of its literary and legal imper
fection and made quite an exhaustive ar
gument to that end. After counsel had
closed his argument "the court" sustained
the indictment in substantially the fol
lowing language:
W hue admitting that In the drafting
of tbe indictment an embarrassing degree
oi umamiiianiy witn tne standard au
thorities on diction is evident from the
spelling of the word peace, at the same
time it is the opinion of 'the court' that
this inaccuracy does not vitiate the indict
ment, for we cannot enter upon the dan-
gerous precedent of predicating tbe ad.
ministration of justice upon a certain de
gree of familiarity with the textbooks.
Justice was fuH grown and had corns
on her toes before knowledge had ceased
to wrestle with the colic. She stood guar
dian over the liberties of man while knowl
edge was in the kindergarten and small
clothes, and now to make her snbservient
to this precocious young 'on were like the
head paying homage to the tail. If coun
sel will bear with 'the court,' we will state
that we are here to administer a job lot of
rectangular justice and not for the par
pose of discussing the literary merit of
tbe complaint wherein a superfluity of
f seems to have obtained and in which
the drought appears to have struck the 'a'
"Admitting that, when scrutinized by
the scholarly eye, 'peace' conveys to the
mind different meaning to tbatof 'piece.'
it has no age over it when conveyed to
the understanding phonetically. Hence.
shonld a witness on the stand testify to
tbe fact that the defendant had disturbed
the peace, the import of the word would
be determined by the sense in which it
was employed, and the same process of
reasoning wonld obtain aa applied to the
written instrument.
Therefore 'the court' holds that the
complaint, while a little wobbly in its legs
as regards literary makeup, is abundantly
sufficient for all practical purposes, and
this is not a court in which abstract
theory will ever be invited to a seat up
next to the stove and practical demonstra
tion allowed to gnaw a file in the back
ball. We take it for granted that justice
would get along as well and sleep as
soundly should a conviction be secured for
disturbing the 'piece' as though the same
verdict bad been obtained for disturbing
the 'peace.' The fine would be no harder
to pay for the person so convicted, the rup
tured peace would recover its normal func
tion as early, and the revenue accruing to
tbe county by reason of tbe fine collected
would build as many bridges, court
houses or jails. The chief end and aim of
the justice court is to put the kerbosh on
crime wherever it sbows its ngly front,
and not to attempt to compete in ortho
graphical finish with the bill of fare at a
first rate restaurant in drawing up bills
of indictment. Scholarly attainment is
all well and good, but tbe crucial moment
sometimes arrives when justice presses
her lily white bands to ber stomach and
yearns to be satisfied.
We do not desire to be understood as
favoring the conviction of a party for one
offense when charged with another. For
bid that we should desire a man bung
when he shonld only have the seat of bis
pants kicked into tatters and his plug of
tobacco taken away from him. Neither
do we favor the release of a party when it
is evident that he is guilty simply because
the indictment whereby he is brought be
fore the courts would fail to provoke ap
plause from a literary society. Ho, with a
supreme desire to do the square thing be
tween legal form on tbe one band and
box toed justice on the other, 'the court'
will be forced to sustain the sufficiency of
the indictment and leave the rest to the
Jury and its God."
Then the trial was entered into, and aft
er the evidence was taken and a pyro
technic display of oratory ton-'-ed off by
the counsel on either side of a case, the
jury found the defendant guil.y and fined
him $5 and trimming for disturbing the
piece, uuiveston Mews.
instructive Experiments Conducted
Government fctnerts.
The oohilli Ion of the nutlnunted vaults of
the United State tiiiisury has Induced the
government, throtiub a commission, to un
dertake some experiments in the art of bur
glarizing or blowing open safes. Charles K.
Munroe. who conducted the Investigation,
spoke of the subject as follows to a Wash
ington Star reporter:
"By experiments of mechanical experts
the oommiasion showed that In a burglar's
timenud wit b tools at a burglar's command
it was entirely possible to take off the lam
inae constituting the doors aud walls of or
dinary safes, anil with drills and blowpipes
to cut holes 4 Inches in diameter through
4' inches of the best metal -franklinita
aud other high trsiatants.
"Then by experiments n l,.'th I eundaol-1
edit was proved possible by attacks with
fulminate of m-reury, nitroglycerin, dy
namite all art ides of ordinary commerce
to open any of the safes of square construc
tion in less than an hour, often In a few
minutes, aud by he useof charges so small
as to do no seriots damage to the building
or even to the coitents of the safe, and with
out producing samcient report to attract
attention In the immediate neighborhood.
"The first method of attack was by the
door. The comnou square, most generally I
used, and the circular, known as the screw j "I see dot In your eye.
door, but also f laminated or sheet con
truction, were found to yield quickly to a
small quantity cf nitroglycerin poured into
the crack, which always exists in such con
struction between the door aud jamb.
"In one of myexperinienU a safe taken
from a bank wat attacked. It had a screw
door. The safe was ii feet 5 Inches cube,
built up of eight alternate layers of Iron
and steel approximately one-half Inch each
In thickness anil at the back about
inches through. The screw door was com
posed of 10 one-half inch plates. The first
and second plates were of iron, the third of
steel, the fourth of steel, and then alternat
ing till the tenth. It was built lu Ave steps,
the diameter of the first being 15 Inches.
and then each one inch smaller till the
ninth and tenth. The last was 13 inches iu
diameter. These plates were fastened from
within by screw bolts. An annular iron
ring was fastened to the inside plate from
the Inside by 10 bolts and had a screwhead
cut Into its exterior circumference. This
fitted into another aunular iron ring fas
tened to the inside plate of the safe arouud
the door opening.
A circular iron frame hung on hinges
acted as a carriage to the door, and into
this was screwed an annular iron ring,
through which slid into the door eight half
inch screw bolts passed. When the bolts
were removed, the circular Iron frame with
annular Iron ring could be swung back,
and the screw door presented itself with its
first plate flush with the outside of tbe
safe, and showing six one-half inch bolt
holes through the first plate of the door,
arranged in a circle about one iuch from
the outside circumference. Two handles
diametrical y opposite were attached to tbe
tt wits an awfully wet dar. I suds cousin
by of mine, Al Carmfiix, of Barbour, Va.
! though practicing law In Xew York, found
ourselves at Si)iiira 1'emiltigtou's tavern on
the haruwunu river, east shore of Murrluud,
By dinner time (and a capital dinner the
squire gave uh) the barroom was full
though it would have been fuller, perhaps,
If they hadn't "local option,"
Well, after dinner we all fell to talking.
I Yon know how sociable they get south of
Mason aud Dixon's line who go duck shoot
lug. Due thing led to another, till we be
gan guessing where the others "hailed
from," I confess It mails me tnml when a
big countryman from across the Hue in
Cecil county reckoned I was "from out west
soinewhar," but the fun came In when
smooth shnven, round faced, big paunched
chan, called bchwaiih by our boat. Knokenn.
"Now, vare you dink 1 was from, ehf Vat
gouiidryniana vould you dink 1 wasr"
Dead silence. The audHcliy of Ilerr
Schwaab wa quite appalling. But a wink
from rvuiiliigton gave Al tbe cue.
"You're from Hoatou."
Schwaab grinned.
"No, note to bod os dot,"
Another guessed South Carolina, another
California, and my friend from Cecil coun
ty ventured theupiiilou that bewas a Span-
'Now, you vas voolln," said Schwaab,
Veil, you gill it up,
ehf I douglit you vould. 1 s'brct, vun
dime or umiuder I viki! more as a hundert
beebles. 1 bees a Cliermau. . Haw, haw,
uawi" i.ire.
Tbe heirs of Dinniis, ere, are still en
joying; an income of nlaMit $7,000 d year
from the salt) of his novels, of which be
wrote alxmt 300. Two or three furnish
most of the revenue.
Is more to be dreaded limn an open ami visible
one. That subtile ami hi'klns tin., which under
me generic, inline ol malaria manifests I Kelt.
wheu It clutches n In t tenaaioiisarai.p.lii the
imiviiB lurum ui l inns tmu lervr, ulilOMH remit'
tent, dumb awie or airne mice, can only be effect-
uaii KuarutHi SKiilnst by fortifying ilia system
mains! li imliliims attneks wl h Hosteller's
Stomach Millers, a Ihurotnrh antidote lo the
poison oi niliumia in the system and a safeguard
against it Iboroiuthly lo be relied hhmi. In the
event of a malarious aiisek avoid ioUonl
your syalem with quinine, and use Insiesd thin
wholesome reno-ily, m objectionable In taste
aud far more erncaclotw than any droit, t'se
the Hitters for lUsptipsiM, bUioiiKness, eo.. slips
Hull, kidney complaints and rbeiuna ism.
, IheGrest Cure
forCfttarrh, feafni,CoM8, Sore Throat,
lloarrciiu&f, lleuitactie, fv-tld, Sickening
!retu i llestnrrs the Voice, Sense Of
emelLctc, i ikp at-c-auoniukiMsor
unit. i. f. KVOIC V Sf f fO-R",
N, f. 8, V. No. 038-8. 1. N, U. No. 615
Henry Clay Say, nigger, yoase powerfn.
proud sense yo' done commenced sweepln
out that pos'offlce. Whyn't yo' speak to a
gemman when he passes by,
John Randolph When I sees nnthln, I
says nuthin. Truth.
Two expressmen In Spokane had a dis
pute over a dime, which reunited in a
fight, Two hours later each paid in tbe
police court a fine and costs amounting to
117, and the question of who owned the
dime wasn't settled either.
The Horse's Unt.
The horse's bat, which last year a hu
mane horse owner in Bordeaux provided
for his horses, is now becoming a great
article of trade in France. It is made of
straw and covers the eyes and forehead
of the horse, while openings are left for
the ears. A sponge is kept in the inside
of the hat, and this is moistened from
time to time with vinegar so as to keep
the horse's hoad refreshingly cooL
A Horse For Three Hollars and a Half,
The crowd langhed when the auction
eer's assistant brought forward a horse
at a sale in Ottawa one day last week.
One dollar was the first bid. By easy
stages this was raised to 13.50. and at
that price the animal changed owners.
annnlar iron ring screwed into the iron
frame hinged on the front of tbe safe. Tber
were used to screw np and unscrew the
The object of the test was to remove
plate after plate and effect an entrance.
irst, one one-hundredth of an ounce of
nitroglycerin was introduced, and plate 1.
the least securely fastened, waa removed.
Then tbe amount of explosive was increased
aa the fastenings became stronger till one-
fourth of an ounce was used upon tbe Inner
plates. Tbe 10 plates were all removed and
access to tbe contents of tbe safe obtained
in 88X minutes.
As an example of the opening of the or
dinary square door, the attack was upon a
safe which was built for tbe Mercantile
National bank of New York city. It was
delivered to tbe commisBion locked and
sealed as it came from tbe bank. It was 5
feet 8 inches high, 2 feet inches wide aud
2 feet 2 inches deep on tbe outside. It was
found to consist of six plates. The first
outer plate was of wrought Iron one-half
Inch thick; tbe second, wrought iron one
quarter inch thick. Tbe third was one
half inch thick of three and five ply lami
nated welded steel and Iron strips, presuma
bly chrome steel, with turned corners, each
plate being 6 inches wide. Tbe fourth
plate was of franklinite inches thick,
cast in double basket work, one-quarter
inch wrought iron rods laid in sections,
with solid turned corners. Tbe fifth was
one-quarter inch wrought iron; the sixth,
one-half inch wrought Iron. The construc
tion was excellent. The door was a fine
anM-tmun e9 Irliirl I .. .,...!.! ,..1 I L.
- v.. . . . , v .. . ,10 n , 1 1 1 1 , 111 iiuTiuoi niLU ,
tongue and groove and rubber packing. I
The bolting and locking was a beautiful'
niece nf wnrkniHoulilnnf v.Iia mraf. Im1isnj '
and most approved kind. It was 2 feet
wide and 5 feet bigb.
- "Tl,. ol,..,.L. ., V..,,..... l. .
- - .... " , o urguu ij umauisj a
putty well at tbe edge of the door and pour- j
ing into tbe crevice between tbe door and '
tht jamb 4.8 ounces of nitroglycerin. Tbe 1
explosive ran in rapidly, notwithstanding
tne nc was very close, ho wedge was neo-
essary. tight minutes after operations
began the charge was flred. The safe had 1
been placed in a rough shed, and when all
was ready everybody walked away to a dis
tance of SO feet. Ko slight was the report
for which we were listening that the com
missioners would scarcely believe any work
had been done. . We found that the whole
jamb of the door was blown out and under
tbe door a space left sufficient to admit the
whole band and arm into tbe safe.
The Dlate of franklinif xu nhnUorai
into fragments. Tbe under door of tbe '
lower compartment was blown In, the dl-1
riding shelf between tbe lower and middle
compartments was blown upward, tbe first
three plates of the Jamb were torn out
down to the franklinite. and the first plate
of the three-sixteenths of an inch was en
tirely stripped off. In eight minutes full
access bad been gained, by means easily at
burglar's command, into this large safe
constructed for a metropolitan bank as !
burglar proof. This was but a type of j
umuy experiments, which demonstrated
conclusively that with the ordinary safe of i
square construction, sometimes called the
'standard,' it is perfectly easy to gain ao-
cess by small amounts of easily obtained
and safely used explosives."
A socletv with the oviiomen of " hmirnved
Order ol While Men " would receive the cordial
Indorsement of the average wife.
Bronchitis. Sudden changes of the
weather cause bronchial troubles, "(roan's
AVmiciiW Teochri" will give relief. Jtorf
on'y i' bora. I'rice, lii cents.
Older Sister Clara, I'm surprised lo s you
soak your bread in li e gravy; ii's exceedingly
bad form. Clara Well, it's awfully rood taste.
Tht wist man rum no unnecessary fliki.
Ther ,' are ftw greater risks than allowing
cold t) fasten Itself upon the system.
Whether tt attacks the throat, the lungs,
tht stomach or tht muscular system, II
given even a little time, it Is iitrt to
strengthen its hold and can then bs shaken
oil' onl with great dlllloulty.
It It entirely tinnecrsssry to run these
risks, Ai.Loot'K's 1'oRotn Plastirs applied
to the back, chest, pit of tht stomach or to
the llmiit will cll'sotuallr prevent the
trouble from Increasing. They are slmplt
in tlielr Ingredients, perfectly salt, and can
be applied by a child,
BaAMiiRiTU'tl'iiiUtoneup tht system.
Hluvvosanl-Half the world never knows how
Ihs other hall liv.s. MaOlson -That's what I
comes ol living In Hau wlthuul an sir shall,
Stats or Ohio, Oitv or Tolsoo.I
I,W1 B UOtlNTV, I '
Frank J. t'liaNKr mskea oalh that he Is th
senior partner of the tlrin of K. J. Ciirnky A
Co., dolus business lu the city nf Toledo, noun
ly and SUte sforeasld, Slid that suld rlrin will
ay the sum of ONK IIDNIIHKO iHILLAItH for
eai'h and every case, of catarrh that oamiot ho
cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrh Turk.
niANr, j. uiiBi.-MiT,
Marorn lo before me mid a ibserlbed In my
presence this tltti day oi lieoember. A. I). IHSil,
lKAi.,j a. w, ni.r,Aion.
AWnry fiibhV.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, and
sets directly oil the blood and mucous surflui
of lua system. BVud for tesllmonlnla, free.
F. J liittjNnr ijii ,
Toledo, 0,
Sold by drunKlU; IS cents.
Bixe, 33x48 Inside bearers; table dlstrlbu-
n mum .
t, um.Mim
Mrs. Judge Pock Tells How
She was Cured
RunVmra from rjvBttoii'.ia sli nth) vint1 ,(,, r.,.
I lowing letter Jiom Mrs, II, Al. I'eek. wila'if
JtntKu rei'k,aiitieafrraoy,t'iilRiida writer
connected Willi the Aisoolalod I'nssi
"lly a t cep sense of Rratltuds for the rrr rt
benefit I bavo received Irotu tliu uscinl ilnod'u
Harair!lla, I have btsn led towtlielhnfolk -w.
lug statement for the beuollt of ullitrers who
may bos ndlarly alltleted. or lo years 1 hurt
been a great stifle rer from dyspepsia and
Heart Trouble),
Almoit everything 1 sto would distress me. I
III, d different treatments aud niedloiues, but
lulled to realhu) rellrl. Two vrn.s nuo a trlend
prevailed Um me to try llixal's r-atsamuili.
the first bolt's 1 noticed helped me, so Iron.
Hum u takliiK It It dl J me so-much good that
my friends spoke of the Improvement. I have
H'cclvvd siio.i great beuollt iroin It lhat
Gladly Recommend It.
tloti; bed springs; will print nlne-eolunin Inow have an excellent amrailtoiiud noih'u I
is aisu soups uj itiy
folio or aix-oolutiin quarto: splendid all'
round press for country olllos: fur sale
cheap; guaranteed lu order. Address
rALUKR it kit,
Portland, Or.
Dae BnsBaUueStovt Polish ; no dual, no smell.
cat ever dlslnuavt uia,
r- vuiw
ilosh and strength. I Cannot praise Tfnod't
araaparllls too much." Mrs, 11 M. 1'scx.
I rsey, California. O t HOOIf'H.
Tit Giant for breakfast.
Hood't Plllt a o hand niadii, am:
i in proori ion and ainiearanoe.
tier sat
'.Vi. a Ixn
One Tuerk Water Motor, new.- that will
develop from 10 to lo-horae power; can be
ubhi t m aavnuue uy auureaaiug
Palmsb A Rsjt,
Portland, Or.
Brines comfort and improvement and
tend to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
tor than others and enjoy life more, with
'?s expenditure, by more promptly
tiliiptiiiK the world's best product lo
the needs of physical being, will attest
lie value to health of the pure liquid
nxativo principles embraced in tiie
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
lu excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and plena
a it to the taste, the rcf rcshitig and truly
beneficial properties of a turfed lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
diapeiling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing cofmtipittion.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Dowels without weak
ening them and it Is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Fip is for sale by all drug
gists in 00c and $1 bottles, but it it man
ufactured by tho California Fig Byrtip
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Por Hovers. Llnmrlmr Coughs. Weak
Lungs, Weeding from f.tiifg, llronrhitls,
Asthma, and Consumption. In its early
stages, Dr. 1'lerrw's Uoldeii Medical Duanv-
ery is a sovereign remedy. It not otriy
cures the cough but also builds up the
strength and Heah of those reduced Isslow
a healthy standard by " Wasting HiMoaae."
nut not niaat tat folks mors corpulent.
n. F. WU.KV. of Boa
piier, OiNWrst fa.,
Wyo., writes i "I had
bmnehltla for twenty
years aud over, anil I
oould not work with
out coughing so hard at
to taae an my strengtn
away. I took Ore bot-tli-s
of Dr. I'leroe's
Golden Miilical lilseov.
ery, ami glvs you my
word anil honor that
I can do any work lhat
more is to do on my
'rancli ' without cough
ing. I have not taken
any of tho MluMvo
Uislli-nl Dlsoovary ' for
a yoar.
r Cj yj
Ma. Wilst.
Cheap Hiffh-Class
I'rlee SUA; superior to 11110 maehinea. Agents
warned In every town. Hood eiiaw lor live
men. Wrl'e for particular and rainloatie f
Typewriter Siii.plles. FACiyiC TYI'KWUlTKU
EXL'HA.MiK, i'orl and. Or.
"LI In rvfri tvirf irnt:ir
there is no superior
among .ill baking pow-
ask rot it DKi fitiiNT run
-fot KlTtRMIKATtNa
C round Squlrrela and Cophert.
r. A. COttK CO.,
tola Agents, . I'urllauil, Or.
Bladder, Drlnary and l.lver Pisrssss. Dropsf
(travel and Diabetes are cured by
AND tivm
7k I V take
?l7hVi XBE8T
In hm rt v4r in whtrh h ArrHer Oft, 4l4 !.Atnm U
spift'ltKl $HN in ihn tjrofk, tttMi 4it mA furutaii tItaii.
ttr- ivtml Ut Ihf tnliv yr trill Nt ilr. etui ft m
ihI (r lb ftrfflli litis ttteli tht tmnrtntvut twm m
4i fan vhM'iim ta know tt thu laviM enptli4lnf
(I Ara vH ruriot tt Inow Kow the) Atiiimw l' cm n
ntkw btvl ruk, hard) tirt prMM ltt Mret inm m4 inf
thcUtftitir.B thit Tlvw rrW I" fnrwsaw thai mom.
Uiimi btur than tMiaimif tta mgutritd nhI lottMO Ua4 ImiJ
lJm-t Wfrr fnroiftl
tiiu Kntiniii m. roimrm rr mtoui arbi. it
BtwaM. of IliUt It mi mi witMRHMM fmnf. MM tUtM Mi
tin tmofoiMt. qnantilf ( i-4, att4 ix-xl $nU. Th wthi j
I4IIUW M) n4 I -, fuu mH, mw witjrii na BsTff, hft M
.iw'wn. bttl h duln 1 knaw ll M all in tta naal Hit few
lnM t ha ,n by. ihitf I In tit twtn, Uia fwta.
Hta nntoUli.'R t fwn4 In tlr 4ifcay a Htmtil r'lt M
tor to m haa-htn lhan a B''hr waa. ' Atlr dona
awt Ar 4"int ft Ihitttf and II la kiwwii ta ba lM otirf thm ta
d. MTtaill lllll plktlrlf HOefra U httlfrl MIB( "WfNO
if T'Mg will mi niAit'tofh ntMtry lodori '
Wo mU Iho Hl Wintlwill boaliMM. Mana IK ataoal lo
whrfih Iho boat ofttur Imilalnia tmn wlt htti rotoulviy an-
roaoh and in thatr atxtoavar tn riOk tldl waably a
artntanlinf at tho ttafnao mt Iho ntof Hot to twr la our
ntout ouuav ror itivartutitf wnt nxi wa rm tt f Tba
raar. ta Xh. WK Ml II U THK Hnr W K0. HRUAIlN.
LRIM r eiMT, and ro hfltvt know htUr Ikon anylp,
Wa irt.Hf lhat Ihlo toinl, oiaoaod to bo lr( will lot
iraitoo), ittti ir proiwiii gaivantfrnf, will loaf ara of
yoara. Harbad ira oalvanliW will laat 3U and b rao
Meal If u $4 m now. Haw lotto dtoo II ll oainlodt but
Iho barrtsrd wito a an tlfhih of an Inch lb k, whito omw J
lha atool ottod in Iho katto of ortndmilla la trom a Unity
aaeoitd to atUtt-tWtr. nf an m-b Itttrb, and throf wwnM
lal only from a tanrth t an aig hth aa Inn. aa tbo borbad wiro,
atnar tht no. hainfl aHB, km IWf ara tin oqital, kf ahto I
aurial haa holoi puncbod IkruMttb. H and m motod In tktckat
and atM rlaid aWcaa
Tbo tthratwrit nf Iho Into Mrla al anM rarfca too nalnl I
round that rivota, and wtr at raro yoia in tnd rualajHitklr tail
Awa tbo thin oartt hat utod alanlod otoUl and pot
Curaa Brltht'l VUmmt lUtimllon or Non r
vouuffto vi una, rauii iu id Havok. luilun at
tdaak rtvato. Thtt of aourto l m an food at oointtno Uih
Iho ant Odoa nf lha valvamiavt ntrlal I
afrtoctod, WK til I Ml HIK THE 1
Ko ntor nalafw obwol. aw i
borora bHo aol loo ol bar
a oooota ma trn, no
wo nnoar, mmw
IMooo nra a root.
woriotaoa. wo
noto noiMaf
and la in n
Wonooldo'l toll
or awtal Ml too. I
U jmm ttoali
114 I AO
i- afr flak, two oat i
r Sr,.-s.' AT iZ- 1.
it m- I
It i Bold on a flruarante by ail drug.
erutn. It cures Incipient Consumption
and in tha bent Cough, and Croup fUro.
TT. L. norcifsAfl an ahai
equal custom work, cmiinif irotn
m io y, dc( TBI uc inr mi1 money
in tho world, hi. line mnd price
Msmpcd on the bottom. Kvery
pair wuraMc-u. Jakcrwuuhsti.
C lutfl. Bee IM-al nancr for full
,OTTAMWinnrtKWtiecriPtionof "ui" complete
P t0MUiTV tmtraUd Latah
ffivinfr in
t met ion
hnu, Ia
derby mail. Pott ape free. You enn jret Uwbtot
bttraTuna of deaJert who push our shoes?
pf mm Af-
motor WhI to
mlt4 mmd tUad i
of ruH tnt Immuritimr,
H at (aom immrn Med ll
tWtW tiK mnd olwoisMMWi
md Ufl lhn Mitt 4t fcM
makot mtthmmttal 4s mttd ulU mwmrm
.,-n rwwTf, rrirnf, sui sflna a)waf gr I
0r mwrt to JIM, rorw o noaf ofWW ktrt Iht Btoltm I
MM I mmd fo uthaUy M ir aoaMsMatiss. Aa k I
f an4 MWoW tnmrih m tm pirn. I Ant ootw mm
mi-umo, M'Mr,sfr unit rltablt. i i, mtpmtt ro to I
oVj, nn4 umm aWn emmml tfn do M. If Am aV tvrw I
"" Joroiia otWtetf ftvm awoor'i ooat a mmot hmr, I
S"!?. ,lrarifl, Nervons Dlsaasaa, Osusra
UsbUlly, rsatals Hsakusss sud Kicsma.
Cures Blltorunsas. Readanhs, Jsunrllr., Soul
Hlomaoh, l)jrsaip.(a, Coosilpallon and Hiss.
)Ta 4T ONtlKaa Iht Hldavys, l.lver
and Hswili. rs-iorliig than lo a bMlihyatc
'n,and :-ItfcN wban all oth.r me,llrlnM
(all. Hundreds bars baan saved who bv bssa
glvtn up lo dls by Irleuds and pbyslciaui.
I 1 11tMM
Tlnnrl n r
Una word About lha naturo of falvanlnni.
Aarraotor Whoal, Vtrto am
Tha ailvarjr whilt
oatmi wlilah Rll tmy port and aovara avcrv nortion
n Tur M tine and tlamtnuw
a r out on, buA wblch, after atandlna let a nm
witn iho alaol, a ehamkal rombiuatinn mr tlUa ttbtab tawatsi
altod and ib irrantsiull. i..ri-r , 1U . -wp oannot
Tlta (Lib AdfarlitnnMul in thfi wnm wtl thaw A I IThaol Maal
TriMk, woichinc m no . which wii ot i .-.r.. "J!7i!
wa to tmm lha A""t futj. li w. bt'fooBd alt I
g Reeolator of the Liver and Kid neys
- Br-Koino roa-
ro.ll,miHliU in, mr Urm of In sr., .r,h"n . rr 1 eosta at M S I HI .,
m?i ,. .mniLW, .juris. .,.,,. or.; So ABiBiBJa, naCBulSlisul.
om iiHBiiio, neuralgia
falftllOh hOUMfl. iMIHkt flnn. ,4,ia,. AA-A
.f1"-"""' " "'! off,-, ts SMspt nla
sfllnMa4nrll,-imu II svl r.rn..nt fi., Wiiulnill- II ,o.
ssvs sny tlxitisltl nf u,lns s wlmlmilt thu ytr wriw a, f
WW. Utlns whM rs wllf imihI, whwlhar rumulDs at UssMd
snail poMliils w will safc yim s lllwril attar.
P.U'-V."?:? S' "'" - SMI0. C1BH, IU
rsiXKS for lbs In mots wrlum, l. 11.. lf. n or ssuihu,
S?uil.'.".;r.,!'. .'J'.." ""'i"1" ""inns Iho s.i-uioa,
wh siioixo i i;ss is stasirroa i" r K,dli,o, 5
smaiMHllion Slid amounts sail ntitulH,r ol SHM ton 4 for ijor.
U,ulnlo 11.. Aornou-, Ill.u.un, ,., hruuh.,, ',
rrsatlooo. Ksiim far, Linroln, K-l'., Skoii city, lows. gin.
ossikIis, BoS.lo. op K p.,k rian, N, j,, cit,. Anm
nnvms suit n.,r! mois nrlii, All Stool, all aslvaMsal.Arior.
Ososploaon, loliroi1 rroo on e,a si Ohleass sut sblnsod to
tsyona. airMia ol llio r..llo,n nfotas' "'IT-"
D-ft. aaa. ia-ft. aao. i-ft. aiao.
Sure Cure for Sprain, Bruise or Hurt !
You'll Use if Always for a Like .listap.
How Llghtnlug Discriminates.
A painter named Quinichel wag in one
room of hit house with two women when
a storm came tip. He took a teat on the
bed, and the women tat on his right and
left on the tame bed. A flash of light
ning killed both the women, and the man
escaped unhurt. He informed me he only '
leu a sngiit snocn wnen both of the
women toppled orer dead on the floor,
Due ne waa rrigntened almost to death.
Chickens ara easily and successfully
raised byaslng tbt Petaluma In
eubatora and Broodara. Our ll
IllStrnlAH ftalanoila full oil oKah, I.
Don't buy any but tbe Petaluma If yos want strong, vigorous chinks
Wears Pacific Coast Headquarters for Bone and Clover Cutters, Mark
era, Books, Caponlilng Tools, Foantalns, Flood's Roup Cure, Morris
Foultrv 11m rA ffanswiiia I hn .r..i,.. blllu. ..I .1.
, kiiiv, omig.oiTVHiar
uirou uy pi,Hi try raisers, nee tne miicnines in oneratlon al
And 111 Otbir Blod and Skis Dlmm.
It It t BOiltlva ears lor all ihnou, twoinh.i a.u.
osttcomplalnuandoompllrated tronhlss and
'"k'JJJminon anoog our wives, motbera
Tbs etrlot Is Irnmedlate and lasting. Two or
thres d ol Da, PaaDas't Rbmbut taken dally
keeps the blood oool, the liver sud kidneys aui
lys snd will entirely eradicate mra B, ,,,
tobd.1 ' ""olbM
hJ.-l1l?i?.1I!,Tir,',t,Pdl,,!,,l,n tM onulry
S!?.?.rU!'. V0, "tdyaals.Bor given sucfi
This remedv bas been used In tht hospitals
throughout the old world lor the imS,
?!!! h"." I?'"0 'r the sbovt dlwaana
rautdllsU wlUour,WB,ll'lllollt'''l
Bend for pamphlet ol testimonials from Ihoa
7. .. f,"Jf "."P"1 6 ix " lrogglsli sell
ro? illibr try It and be oonvlneed.
9 and ll Front St., Ban rranoigoo.
HmS Poor,, I pb! I it-.
1'almer a Roy, a. F Cal, a I'urUaud, Or.
ariu;ie reiiuireu Dy poultry raisers, nee the macblnes In oper
our exnihii with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm. Midwinter Fair, hatching
namnhAi inH oil klnita nf stains.... J.... t i. . "
IO iu. p
''"'"' tiui,u rmui. niuwiuier rir, naMonins
1 of cm. OaUlogue free: If you want it, wriu
Ballets made of precious ttonea art
rarities in warfare. Bat during; the rt-1
cent fighting on the Kashmir frontier, ! No doubt waa entertained but that he
, wueu Hie cmisn iroope aereatea tne re-, gave a truthful account of the occur-'
bellioua Hunzat the nativet used bulleta rence. Chase City Cor. Richmond Dis-'
of garnets incased in lead. oaten. .
jwx!?J17!T!.t: 'P'aUatettls. '
rMI . is... ' tag
J 1 ra tlma Snlrl try dnmlsla M