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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1893)
' ' - ' I . ant tan fl mi (grTvtif ,rl'f f f tf t"f PESSIMIST CORNERED 4- ft- V University of California. Your committee have made a very careful exami nation of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER, and are satisfied that it fulfils all the requirements which the public can make of a baking powder. For purity and care in preparation it equals any in the market, and .Our test shows that it has greater leavening power than any other of which we have any knowledge. i NATURE'S STORED POWER SUFPS CIENT FOR ANY EMERGENCY. tVlad ud Water Ready to Take the I'lara of Cnl-Wuti fa rmnl Methods ol rood Frodaetioa The Opilsolsti View of Mm Earth's Foture. JPrqf. Chemistry, University of 'California, and Stale Analyst: Prof. Chemistry, College Pharmacy cf the University of California. -I All other baking powders contain either alum or ammonia. Twe Deer right. The gentlemen comprising the survey ing party bow working for the Bear Val ley company np Millard's canyon, were on Monday treated to a right which sel dom cornea to men in thU center of civili sation. We get the story from Means. Pollock and Rosa, transit men of the party. The men were working np the canyon abont a mile above the Millard Honae wen they heard a peculiar, crashing noise. Looking np they saw on the cliffs bigh above the stream, and abont a quar ter of a mile from them, two noble bucks standing, with heads lowered, abont ten feet from each other. Thna they stood eying each other and pawing the dirt for folly minnte. Then they made a simultaneous spring, and came together with a noise like a falling tree. 8o violent was the concussion that the animals were thrown back nntil a dis tance of ten or fifteen again intervened between them. The men, fascinated with the sight, watched the deer go through the same performance again and again. Finally, after a more than usually violent rush, the bucks did not separate. but struggled as if apparently trying to push each other back. It soon became plain to the men, however, that instead of pushing they were pulling away from each other. In other words their horns had become locked, and from raging combatants the bocks became fright ened animals, and were only bent on se curing a divorce. Messrs. Boss, Pol lock and party then conceived the idea of taking advantage of the helpless con dition of the bucks and capturing them. 'ihey made a great rush for the scene, but before they reached it the deer in their straggles approached too near the edge of the cliff and both of them fell to their death in the pool below. When the party reached the water the deer were found locked in each other's horns quite dead. The gentlemen thought to skin the deer and bring in the hides to lend an air of authenticity to the tale, but the law is so strict as to having in yonr posses sion the hide of a newly deceased deer. no matter whether the deer dies of la grippe, commits suicide or falls ont of balloon, that they forbore.- "German Syrup" Eoschee s Oerman byrup is more successful in the treatment of Con sumption than any other remedy prescribed. It has been tried under every variety of climate. In the bleak, bitter North, in damp New England, in the fickle Middle States, in the hot, moist South every where. It has been in demand by every nationality. It has been em ployed in every stage of Consump tion. In brief it has been used by millions and its the only true and reliable Consumption Remedy. $ Baking PoiVder Purity and Leavening Pouter UNEQUALED. QASH PRISES To Introduce onr Powder. h.. a.. tennlned to distribute among tbe cmuonp era a number of CAHU PHIZES. To ttie person orclob returning oa the Urgent Don'lerorcrtlficateonor before Jans 1. lev, we win drive a ch prize of 100, snd to the next largest, numerous other nrlasa tinting from S5 to 7S iw c ABU. CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. HAVE YOU GOT PILES IWHT7TO PTTJBS known br ttotetaM Hit pnplravUun,o-vuM LntentM ltohln when warm. This form and BLIItl). MU&DUM or VU&mUVUiQt SLUHi TIKLD AT09CE TO Dft. BO-SAH-KO'8 PILE REMEDY, Which averts dimsetir on part afT!t4. baorb. tumor. tUl ltorunc,efrxrtrrij pormsnjTit cur. Prion &Oo. DmmtimXM ViatU. Dr. Jfatnko, JftUgpaU. fat, SOCIETY BADGES. A. FELDKNHEIM R, Leading Jew. eler of the Pacific North went, keeps large toot of all HBCKBT BOCIETY BADOKS on ban i. Best goods at low est fliriires. Badges made to order. Almeek's Closed. Almack's is no more: Willis' Rooms have had their day and ceased to be! No more will the magnificent hall and salons of the dingy edifice in King street, St. James', celebrated tinder both these titles, re-echo the sounds of revelry and mirth. Henceforth the animation within its walls will be confined mainly to sales by auction. In its day Alniacks was the center of fashion, entry to which was guarded by a committee of ladies as closely as ever Orberus guarded a region not so inviting, and who were less easily satisfied than even the fabled sentinel. Even ths Duke of Wellington who, according to Lord William Lenox, earned for himself in his day the title of "The Bean of the Peninsula." jnst as in later times a gallant admiral earned for him self the distinction of "The Swell of the Ocean" was denied admission one night because he had donned black trousers instead of the knee breeches and silk stockings which the committee had voted indispensable for gentlemen. Every book dealing with fashionable life at the end of the last century and the begin ning of this abounds in references to Al mack's. According to legend Mr. Almack was in reality a Scotchman, who came to London in the proverbial condition. His real name was M All, but as at that time his countrymen were not so es teemed south of the Tweed as they are now, he thonght to diminish hostility to his nationality by reversing his patro nymic. Almack's ultimately became Willis' Booms, and was for long the headquarters of social festivals, dances and charity dinners. These festal times are over, and instead of the toastmas ter" "Fill your glasses, gentlemen; bumpers, if you please," the refrain of its presiding genius will be "Go, going, gone!" And thns disappears another link which joined the end of the century with what the late Lord Lamington called the "Days of the Dandies." Lon don Telegraph. An Important Translation. Of the Papyrus Ebers, the important medical manuscript which George Ebers, the well known German Egyptologist and novelist, acquired at Lnxsor eight een or nineteen years ago, only frag ments the chapter on diseases of the eyes, for instance have, with Professor Hirschberg's help, yet been translated. Ebers shrank from translating the whole, on the ground that medical knowledge was requisite for the task. He expressed this opinion when he and Lndwig Stern edited the manuscript in 1875. A com plete translation has now been made by Berlin medical man, Dr. Heinrich Joachim, who learned Egyptian for the purpose, and has been working at the translation for several years. Thanks to his labors, the oldest medical work in the world is now accessible to all who can read German. Joachim thinks that it was written at latest 1550 years B. C, but that parts of it are of still older date. It consists mainly of recipes, interspersed here and there with proverbs. In some passages advice as to the examination of patients Is given; in others tbe prognosis indicat ed by certain symptoms is stated. The treatise shows that palpation of the ab domen was practiced by the old Egyp tian physicians. Berlin Cor. London Lancet. Cork Forests. Cork growing in Spain and Portngal is an extremely precarious business, and it demands considerable capital. Only the other day a man in this city was seeking a partner jjith flOO.OOOto putintoacork forest in Spain, with a lease of 150 years. Tbe bark is cnt only once in ten years, but as the forests are very large the grower manages to obtain an annnul crop. This year s crop is just beginning to come into the American market, the trees baving been barked in July and August. Crude cork comes over in great bales eighing from 175 to 225 ponnds each. The beat to which it is subjected in order to flatten ont its curves also drives ont most of the insects, such as one wonld naturally expect to find in bark. As cork is too light to form a cargo of itself, the cork carrying vessels also bring oil, olives, wine and heavy mer chandise of various sorts. New York Bun. Pessimist t hare meat to eat, wool to wear, coal to bum. My material wants are measurably satisfied. But the race is doomed. Von and I will not see the day, but It will come, when coal is exhausted by the ever increaiinx demand, when the earth no more yields food for the starving mil lions, when the temperate sonea must be abandoned for the lack of fuel and under the tropic sun men turned again to beasts struggle for tbe mere privilege of living. Arts, manufactures, sciences, everything, will follow fuel and light into the void of the forgotten. Books will pertah, cities crumble and gibbering apea crawl again where men walked, their degeneracy ac complished, the cycle of evolution com plete. Then let the sun's paling light (all. the quicker the better, on a dead world. white and frozen from pole to equator. Optimist uoeh! There never was a great human want that was not met. It is abort time, comparatively, since wood wait the fuel of the world. It became scarce, and coal was discovered in quantities ap parently inexhaustible in spite of what yon say. But grant for the sake of argu ment that tbe use of coal must some day cease. 1 hat ought not to worry us, now that tbe Niagara tunnel is opened. Isimtot bat nas that Optimist Everything. Light, heat, mo tion, power are all manifestations of the same force and theoretically interchange able. No one of them is ever lost. The trouble baa been to manage the transforma tion. Power is plenty without coal, but it isn't easy to lead it to its work. Try to do this with belts and shafts, and if the dis tance is great power becomes changed to heat by friction on tbe way. But now comes the great mutual reagent, electricity. At Lake Huella in Sweden 300 horsepower are to be generated by turbine water wheels. wired six miles to a lighting station and eight miles to a power station. If six and eight miles, why not 60 and St)r There is Niagara now in harness. Buffalo will be come a greater manufacturing city than ever before, yet burn relatively less coal. Every minnte the water that glides over that mighty cliff is the power equiva lent of thousands of tons of coaL This en ergy can be sent by wire to New York if you like and used to run sausage grinders. Having learned to change heat to power and telegraph it where we like, we shall learn to transmit power back into heat and warm ourselves in winter by the Grand falls of Labrador. Why go so farr The cool fields are bottled sunshine from tbe carboniferous period. Let's bottle our own. w e nave enough ot It in summer. Or catch the force of the tide which surges through our inlets aud turn that into power and heat. Then you'll see lumps of coal in cabinets labeled, "Formerly used for fuel, Then there is the wind. More wind power Is tued now than ever before, but its use is jnst begun. It is free, inexhaustible. Put up your shaft anywhere and set Boreas grinding corn. It is Irregular, but if there u a cyclone In Kansas and a calm In Da kota, Dakota can telegraph, "Please wire us 300 h. p. per minute 1. 1, and chg. to our acct." All this is supposing that coal runs out. But it won't. We understand better the conservation as well as the correlation of enemy. Many a man is running a SO h. p. engine on less coal than he formerly used for 6 1. p. Tue Campania bums no more than tbe old Servia. We have wasted our wood and our coal. Inventive genius is now economizing. There are plenty of saw mills that use no fuel but the sawdust they make. Pessimist Yes, but food? Optimist Waste- again. We waste br feeding corn to cattle and then eating the cattle, instead of eating the corn. We waste by turning sewage into the sea, instead of making it productive as at Pullman. We waste by slovenly farming. There isalmost no limit to tbe productiveness of a single , Belgium teaches us that. The denser the population tbe better the farm in z. No soil is so poor that it cannot be made to yield three or four big crops a year br till age, which is applied power, and by fertil ization. Atwater has raised splendid crops on sea sand, which had been baked to de stroy every atom of virtue in it. It is all a queue ion of power, power, power, in some one of its forms, and when we have harnessed Niagara to his plow the farmer can kill his oxen and 100 people live on the produce of their pasture. Draw a circle of 30 miles radius around New York. Within that circle can be raised all tbe food the city needs, if you eliminate waste. The desert of sabara could feed every human oeing on we planet and cry for more. Power, its transmission, transformation and economy, is the solution of tbe ques tion, and of power there is no apparent limit. Pessimist But there is heat. Heat is from tbe sun, tbe tides from the sun and moon combined. When the sun loses Its beat it will cease to build clouds, and Ni agara will run dry. No wind will blow your wheels about. Your farwer will lose that which Is more necessary tban power light and water. Where is humanity then? Optimist I don't know. But are von sure the sun is growing cold? Some say its everlasting tires are stoked by a constant rain ol aerolites, tbe inconceivable force of their impact transmuted to heat keening him up to his work. Tbe sun's heat can not be lost. Nothing is lost. It majtr cnangea to anotner form of energy, to emerge When the whirling worlds In their orbits clash and from tbe nebula of their unimaginable collision is fashioned forth a new universe. Pessimist Well, we're all riicht for the present anynow. Optimist bo you said in the first nlace. iiave yon seen Jones today? Jobo U. Bea ton in Aew York ltecorder. BuKcrstlvna for Caankcaare, I does to School Monday. The next time yonr Journey leaves you I A very sensible lady out on Ninth stranded In the great aud delightful city ! street delayed sending her smnll son to of New tliiiorkudclphia on the SabUith the miblic schools until ho should be old day, if j on should go to the Church of enough to look afur himself and has St Indolence I can recommend It a been teaching him herself In order that having the slowest singing and the soft est pew cushions with a preacher to mutch, in the city you will see the fol lowing "Suggestions to W orshipers: "Fall or slide In the pew nearest the aikla Stay there. Do not sit erect, but lop. Rest one elbow on the arm of the pew and support the aide of the face with tbe ontspread pnliu. "Do not rise during the singing of the hymns. The fact that you played tennis or baseball on Saturday afternoon or walked four or five miles around a bil liard table Saturday night entitle you to little rest on Sabbath morning. "Extend your legs as far under the pew as you can without sliding off the eat Gracefully and politely cover your mouth with yonr hand while yawning during the sermon. If the minister is looking at you, cover the mouth with both hands, and at the close of the yawn bring yonr jawa together with a cheer ful snap. "After lookinir at vour watch alwava turn your head and gate longingly and earnestly toward the door. "Do not move if a stranger, accom panied by his wife and daughter, at tempts to enter your pew. Permit them to climb over yonr legs, no matter bow much it may annoy you. "Do not annoy strangers who may en ter the church by looking at them or even glancing in their direction. If they really want a seat, they will find one without tne intrusive interference of other people. 'At tbe close of service remark aloud. but to yourself, tliat yon are hungry aa a shark and set off for home at a brisk trot" Robert J. Burdetta in Sunday School Tunes. ho might uot fall too far bvliliul other !) of his ago. estcrdiiy moniing Muster Freddy came gravely up to his mother for bis lesson. After the regular routine was ended his mother put a few leading questions: "Freddv. what Is a yearr "Three hundred and sixty-five days.' "WhatUadayr "Twenty-four hours and an honr is 60 minutes, and a minute is vu seconds,- "What Is an InstantT "An instant?" and Master Freddy knitted his downy brow a brief space while he thouuht. "Oh. yes, 1 know, I know, mamma. An instant is a hole in the BTonnd." "A bole in the ground! exclaimed ins mother, totally taken aback. "Why, how in the world do you make that outr 'Why," declared Master Fred with de cision, as he hurriedly owned his read er, "this book says, "John's dog foil down In an instant!" ' Freddy will start to school Monday. Cincinnati Commercial Oaxette. IBtt ItWrm-KtVIK IKKITATK Of the dlmites to which It Is rtepted '"M" results, ilosmtter't Slmnsrh Ulttsrs, s fm lly nimlli'lne, nnlirehenl I" Ha n" never l-n lhrut o publle sltenj'oii III the iiil-e of s tmlvenml iiaea for IxHtliy Ills. 1 1.1. elnin., .Lily srr..Kie.i In Mis i'"'"'"'"' ilmilslly iirew l.v the of meilleliies .I.,.., u iliies. has III thousand i..-. f.,n ii,lklt. l.i silvanee bv Its absurdity, d Hie pnH-ui of otliur retiwdlra of sum-rlor i.iinlliles hv Iwn hsinllenwd "f the iirvteiislntis of I heir worthless lire wwaKirs. Km the American hh.I know, because Ihey have veriiled the fuel by Ihe must trylnij lesis. thalth Milters imsscmm lbs virtues of a real .iwoltle In cases of nislsrlal and livsr disorder, .J.,,.,, ii, ,,i iiarv.ui. rbeumslle. sloniaeh and k. u i,-i it iIimm ii .f,Ms thorousli Iv, and mainly 'for this reason it l Indorsed and reroniUMuded by hosts ol respseiauie men. No one ever accumulated an ore stock ol wisdom by buiulii for we uiisiaaos oi oiiiers. HOW"! Tilt HI w. nflVr On Hundred Dollars reward for any case ol catarrh that cannot cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . i. i itr.ssr t u., Toledo, O. u-a thM ii.i1riatiMl. have known V. J. I'hi ney for the last Mieeu years, and bllre him perlee ly honorable in all business transactions aim niiaucianyso.e tu eurrj ., ., .,,b..v. made by luelr Hrm. MT 1 Kl AX, Wholesale PrusaUt", Toledo, 0, waU'I.nii, kinsan a mahvin, Wholesale Urusslsts, Toledo, O, rht'lire Is lakeu luternally,aetliir dlreellr uuon ths Uluod and mucins surfaces of llie v.leni. Teatlnioulals sent free, i'rlce, 70 cents per bottle, twld by all urassisis. Some people have a prejudice agaiust plasters, because, as tbey think, they bum and blister. That is true of many, but not of Alliws's Poaofs Plastsm. Tbey NO QUARTER will do you as much rood as the one that Narrow Wagon Tires and Had Roada. While the subject of new roads is be ing agitated by the legislatnres and the agricultural journals, the farmers are busy working np the subject in a prac tical thongh possibly nut in the most proper way by industriously, and at much expense of time and team, cutting np and destroying the roads by driving heavily loaded, narrow tired wagons over them. When we see a man on a heavily loaded, narrow tired wagon urg ing along his jaded team, engaged to hi nttnost power in making mud, aud then grumbling because of the "horrid' muddy roads, be seem to be an object for pity. The only thing he seems disposed to do to make matters different is to throw some hard words into the muddiest places, and then continue his custom of turning ont on to the highway with his rut digger every time the ground is too wet for plowing. Now, if the legisla ture is to do anything for tbe roads, let them begin by legislating the narrow tires off the heavy lumber and truck wagons. I have seen a single heavy, narrow urea wagon in tne distance of a half mile cause more damage than could be repaired in six days of ordinary road work. Tbe question seems to be about this: Which is the better economy, wide tires and good roads or narrow tires and bad roads? The narrow tires are as mnch out of place on the farm as on the highway. Men admit that facta and philosophy are in favor of wide tires, and say that when all the others nse wide tires they will do so. They seem to be afraid that tbey will do more than their proportionate share of good in this world. It seems that the legislature may have to help them out of their ruts. Coleman s Bural World. lameness of ths back, still n.s or the joints iiworti rosot'S r last it as nave teen proved again and attain to be not onlv a re.iei, DtitiBQure. IlauKuaa-Ta's Pills are safe to take at any HOIS, Judttina a man bv his face fa no more sails. farlory than II would be to accept a banana for ils saui. Cse Enamellne Stove Polish ; no dust, no smell. Tar OissttA for breakfast Welcome to Hood's We say at oar house, be cause of toe food it has done me. No one knows the Intense misery I en dured for years with dyspepsia. Nopretrrip tlons seemed to help me 9 W. and I had swat prcju- ilicinrs. Hut twins islr anted to try Hood's Barsaparllln, I did so. I sm now mint: my fountl bottle, and feel better than I hare lu twenty years, and ''-J?lV,V.,'.K dice am 'ci ?fr'',.'wEt medleln 'TS'y'Sl strongly Attacks, Hick tud lllllous Headaches, and all derangement of the liver, stomach, and bowel. Not Just temporary relief, and then a worse condition afterward but help that Uut. Pleasant heln, too. These lunr- coated little pellet are the smallest, the easiest to take, and the easiest In the way they act No griping, no violence, no disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. They come In sealed vials, which keep tfiem always fresh and reliable; a con venient and perfect vest-pocket remedy. 1 neyre tat chtapttt puis you can buy. NGRAVINGII KNOW tlt.l tt.foM.-e4 lliatOftiV.U mo rrrni rlu ww a-a'nhltahfHt Hi 177 by lht Maiiftxei uf th tihWr.Y KN RAVI Nil Ol, who hV -WM'Urtod lh IttlMt and Improve titi'tit- rrl itfumwi-a mi it lull timt.tnMii Of III flitaat UiipruVrtJ ntfthinrry, ptmio nil urn i u . po w t. rl u I ! rW-list-lit,, !r. lUVll.C J. jr. ATaaatW. Jauftfkt Ui.' !"" lrir4'or ami UIM-fiof strtfaitaL till olonenr Co. turn out lit blr.'i emm vf wot prottipltjr, rilui'ly mI uutfMrmiy moitrlt : prlrr fur all kimUi.f nrrvinn. IutHahrrs tiHittK to ('tup BpTbit iuiii-. J no rU'ra and other ttiotiUI wrml fur .iupirt,t,HiMlani In for mat lot. A. T. l'KWHV, MIMMtr, MetrH M ftt, , CU. g PRINTERS & AND- -W1IX FIND A rCIX UKK Of- TYPE, Presses, Printing Material and Hacfeintrj For sals si loweal prices sod most advsnlaifcoui terms at Palmer & ReyType Foundry, Cor. Front tnd Alder Streets, POBTLAHO. OR. Write for prices aud Urma before buying la. tiers. DOCTOR him mil THE GREAT CURE -yon- INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION. Regulator of the Liverand Kidneys a urn-mo roit- rV a Hood's Cures M15 tK AA.w,rww averylblris in the alxus line. Coatiin eousiiler myself cured." Marshall. Mir FrsmK (',. Htt-ast. V.6T, uniy nuvu . Hood' Pllla cure liver ills, sick headaehs. ititi.a rervthlric in the above line. Costumes, wiss. Beards. l'rotrrt!e. Oners Slid IMsv Hooks, sir.. furnished st k really redneed rates and In snne- ijiialllr by the oldest, larsest, best renowned and therefore anln rttiahU Thtalriral MhobIv " on Ihe fnriif (wast. C'orreenondenee so. Ili-lted. ItOl.rerrtlN t t o.. W. -A ami l O'Fsrru II street, also wo Market street, Man Francisco, We s.innlv ill Tiraurt on lAs Until, to wham wa ra. siwctiuiiy reier. W 1L W f f & sfLJLJ 'a-ail I Jr 711 Bottav! I Cth 1 Kl 11 sfl aA. I I Ms .eU CtJ lo ZSebu 6Ucta,aad 11.00 per Oue cent a does, Tbi nam Cocoa Tommy Picked tbe FoUee Chiefs rocket. In Madison, Wis., there is a cbiof of police, J. E. Adamson, who is clubbing biuiseir. batiinlay be visited Chicago to get Inomas Kington, aged fourteen. who was wanted at Madison for larceny. lie bad been arrested by Chicago offi cers. Late in the evenini? be hand cuffed himself to yonng Kingston and started for the train. Before it reached Desplaines the chief was snoring loud and long. Kingston is a ennnmg little rascal. He saw hi opportnnity. He quietly went through the pocket of the sleeping chief and found the key which unlocked hi handcuff. Stealthily be crept over the snoring filacer, and when the train stopped at Desplaines the chief and his youthful prisoner parted company. ine train had gone a good many miles when Chief Adamson awoke. Of coarse be was mad, bnt when he looked for the key with which to remove the handcuff from his own wrist his wrath knew no bounds, for Tommy had taken it with him. All efforts to remove the bracelet were fruitless, and nntil he reached Madison hi left hand and wrist were buried deep in his overcoat pocket. Ihey were "ont of sight." Kingston was picked up bv Chicaeo officers. He is at the Desplaine trwt station waiting for another bout with Chief Adamson. Chicago Tribune. where all others fiuL C sa. Whoopine for Consumption It bss no rival: H promptly cure tiens. Lrouo, aora hooping; Cough and Throat, Hoarseness, iithm, L ri...i has cured thousands, and will cvss) too il taken In time. ek.Ul oj Jmiggist on a guar antee. For a lame Rack or Chest use HIL.OH' BELLADONNA PLASTaBJOo. (JHILO H'sykCATAR R H slave you Catarrh t This remedy is sua ran teed to cure you. rrk,60ot. Injector Ire. DR. GUMS IMVBOTSB LIVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A noTBiRl of the bow! sssttoll da la uaa-ai'T 1 haaltb. Tbeaa tull auoolv wtiat (haayatoa laoki mafca II riiUf. Tby our Hywtah, britata ta my em aol vtmmt ilia (,ooipliioa BsMtar uu e sssssasw WIFT'S SPECIFIC Jt'OR renovating the entire system, eliminating all Poisons from the Blood, whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this prep aration has no equal. , "For tifhlee mcnlhi I had an toting tort on my tongut. I wai trtattd best local fhyilciant, hit obtained tu relief; tht tort gradually grew worst. I finally took S. and was tnlirtly turtd after using a few ialllei.' C. B. McLemosx, HmdtrsoH, Tex. Fishing Tackle. It ..avs .. M .. l.MI .. 2.MI Fltanard Flies, per do. ores-oii i rout rues, tier dot. ........ Hemi's Files, tier doi.... Kpllt Mumboo K'xis, ew'h ., th-iit by mall on receipt of price. THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., rortiana, urKOir. Catalotmes on application. TREATISE on Blood and Skin A Diseases mailed tree. Tub bwirT brscirtc Co., Atlanta, Ca N. P. N. U. No. 51f-S. F. 8". IT. No. 687 Some Rig; Pumpkins. One man regards as a wonderful achievement the raising of four pump kin on one vine, weighing respectively 119, 95, 90 and 80 pounds. The biggest cornstalk reported was 18 feet 8 inches high. The biggest ear was eight feet irom tne ground. x.ots ol others were fourteen to fifteen feet high. One man thought it of sufficient importance to report that he had raised a potato vine fifteen feet long. Report of second crop strawberries have been frequent. and farmers had some on the Beading market less than ten days ago. At least twenty farmers reported that they had recently picked a second crop of rasp berries. Pennsylvania Cor. St. Louis (jrlobe Democrat. A Short Lived Lake. "A month hence," says a California engineer of reputation, "theSalton lake will have dried np." Salton lake, it will be remembered, is tbe shallow inland sea which was formed by a break in the Colorado river, whose water in modern times, at least, flowed into the Oulf of California, a we know it. The basin cf the short lived lake, however, was once a part of the gulf, and if the flow of water had continued some modern im provements might indeed have been ef fected. The river will not boom again till spring, when the lake may refill. Any device that could render it perma nent would have a mitigating effect upon the dreaded Arizona climate, of which dire stories are told. Worse things could happen than the tapping of tne ioloralo river higher np, so that all it waters might flow into tbe old chan nel and make the wilderness blossom with the rose. New York Commercial Advertiser. An immense flame is being construct ed near Fresno, Cal., which will not only furnish water for irrigating pur poses, but will be used to transport lum ber needed by farmers living near by. It is pretty hard to be told at the be ginning of a long, cold winter that gold table services are coming in. It waa boped that they had gone out to stay. Soldered Ills Eye. A Bangor (Me.) plumber couldn't open hi eye the other day because the uoner ana lower lids were held together by drop of solder. The accident happened while be was using some solder in a gut ter in which there was a little water. Tbe moment that he applied the melted metal it snapped and flew. One piece of it came directly for hi eye. The lids closed Involuntarily the moment of con tact and tbe solder rested upon the lash es; it soldered the lids together so firmly mat it was impossible to move them. The eye was not injured in the (lightest, but wa effectually closed. The victim wa half amused at the ridiculous side of the affair. A companion took him to a doctor, who severed the lashes. Bos ton Herald. FREE -THE Buyers' Guide JONES' CASH STORE FRAZER AXLE 3estiBtheWarid!nnrnnr Set the GenuiuBllinMIXI SoldE.eriirserolUlla.nUL rRAMK WOOLHE f ,Aent, Portland, Or Wouldn't Take the Preaeher's Wealth. As the Rev. W. F. Poor, pastor of the Lutheran church of Tribes Hill, wa driving near the residence of Joseph Clark, on the West Amsterdam road, he was held np by two highwaymen, who, at the point of the revolver, demanded hi money or his life. On discovering tnat tneir intended victim was a minis ter of the Gospel he wa allowed to drive on and retain his valuables, and the highwaymen took to the fields. Cor. Utica Herald and Gazette. Ths Hcvbiis' Uiids Is publinhed the tlrst of eaen montn. it is issueo in tne interest ol all consumers. It slves the lowest cash iitntlins on everything In theiroeery line. It wll. save yon money to consult It. Mulled free to any uldres on Atitilieiitioii. Don't be without It. it costs yon nothing to get It. It 'fitotes wholesale prices a l reet to tne consumer, stenilon tblr paper. Address JONES CASH STORE. 130 Front Street, - Portland, Or ... ' mmySt. : nt 1 ' III IILIIU fiOK. THIS IS THS TIM! TO order your HI) MM ha KOI.I.Kfb. Yon waul theasjrr; that's theoulj kind we deal In. Then semi your order for tht BKHT KOI.I.KKH and 1NKH to PALMER a kky typb rimy Postlard, Oa. Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia lad 111 Olber Blood tad Sklo Dlstues. It Is s po.ltlrs cur for all those naltitiil, deli cate eotnplalnla and eoinpllcati-d tronbles and weaknesses common among our wives, mothers Slid dauithters. The eSerl Is Immediate and lastleg. Two or three doses of Da. Paantra Hsaanv taken dslly keeps the blood nsil, the liver and kl.liies art Ive, and will entirely srailleate from the system all trs.-e. of Scroll. la, Salt lUieuiu, or any olber form of blood disease. No aiedieine ever Inlroduevd In this eountry has met with aurh ready sale, nor given - urh universal sstlstaetlon helier et used aa that ol pa f saiiea Ksasnv. This remedy hss been nsed In the hospitals throughout insole world for ihe past Ktenly Sve tears aa apeelHo for the alxive dlsws. and It has and will cure when ail other su-eallrd remedies tali. Send for pamphlet of testimonials from tliote who have beeu enred by lis use, prut gtsis sell it st li on per bolll. Try It and be eotiviiieed. For sale by MACK & CO., O and II Front St., San Pranelaco. KIDNEY, Blsdder. t'rlnsrv and Liver DiseasM. Drnnsv 0 ravel and Diabetes are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THE BEIT KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Bright'! Disease, Retention or Non-re-ten Hon ot Urine, I'aius In the Hack, Loins or Side. HUNT'S REMEDY Puree Intern iterance, Nervous Diseases, General iMblllty, female Weakness end Kgoease. HUNT'S REMEDY Cure Hlllntisneaa, Headache, Jaundice. Hour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation slid flies. HUNT'S REMEDY I Iver liesllhy ao- H't T ON'r: on the Kidneys and Hwei, re-luring them to a lie. tlnn.atld I'll It KM when all nlhar ... fall. Hundreds have been saved who liavs been given up to die by friends and physicians. MOLD HW AI.V iHi'uarr. Irooklyn Hotel 201-212 lain II., S Fnnclsco. Thto fiiTorlte hot, la tiinlor tli maniiirempnt A U l.ltsi UflN'I'llflULrllV a sail la .v. ..I It pot lh twt Kami. j aud Hu.lueai Mtm'i JioUtl i raii r Tkiiuiacu ome ComfortsI Cuisine Unexcelled I First-class service and ths bis best stsndard of reapeetaliilliy iiaraiited, l)ur runms ninnot lie iurjMueett Uvt nrntneit nmt nmnrl. room per aay, 91., and room per week, 17 to 11. free ooaub to aud from hotel II .7 6 and U. Ili; single 1 from hotel. Hoard and Ml: board rooms bue 3 rf AiaeW THE BEST HARNESS EVER MANUFACTURED ON THE COAST is sold by DOLK-FBAIIHON HARNESS CO., at price that will aMtonlsh you. Only the best Oaka-Tanned Leather nsed, and all work guar anUted. Kimd (or fine Illustrated Catalogue vhkk. UtO Union A vc nne (Kast Hidn), Portlana, Or. This Trade Ms r Is on ths best WATERPROOF COAT rilusteatad In UVM f A. J. TOWfcR. WJblUN. MAii. Mining; Dividends. The dividends paid by mining compa nies of this country which report their earnings amounted to $1,421,875 during October. The total for the first ten months of the year is $14,099,990, an amount largely in excess of that paid in the same period of 1S90. Engineering reesabsjsilljbr Ia ft Plso's Remedy tor Catarrh Is the "J Tfr! I I Best, Ksslest to Use, and Clicspest. II riliSJfT I I aoid by Drnggl.ts orsent by man. a fJ Lst )c T, BsMitlaa, Warrea, fa. J KB A U -A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Ctloore's Revealed Remedy. MOoSSrV mmn mat by the uV ol kUKfltf ITIMU imi Mtnn u " husband was relieved from an old caae of MATDtM when the best aoottu 1 could get did sua n good. Yob hi gratltade, ItltA M, v, s-i taiJI. ou zt Tofra dbvui. )