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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1893)
OREGON MIST. Unite J States and Ccanty OSlcial Pausr. SUBSCRIPTION PER YEAR $1.50. known upon appllca linn. AdUross all emrauutciiiiiu lo "ivdiior Oregon Mist," St. Helens, Ore.-ou. PAVIH URO'K., I i t I Editors). St. Helena, September 15, lf03 Tm Chinese must go." Jh mitt conclusion hat at last been arrived br the administration after aeveral month of vacilating nonsense, which the government haa succeeded in demonstrating the fact that it has pot naval courage lo enforce law a let it is enacted by its highest legisl tive body and declared constitutional bv its hichest legal authority. After months of weak kneed bickeriug and diplomatic flim-flam in which the Chinese Six Companies bluffed the government into a complete back-down, the administration haa realy braced up jt backbone sufficient to start five of the impudent, almond-eyed subjects of Confucius on their way to the flowery kingdom. The ball was started rolling the other day by tha action of a eensi ble California Judge, who had the courage lo decide that the Chinamen brought before him were here illegally and iu violation of law, and wuo ac cordingly ordered their deportation without any more ceremony. The de portation will continue until the $15, 000 which is all that is left of the $50,- 000 appropriation for that purpose, exhausted, after which the matter will be solely in the hands of cougreaa it self. Closelj following the announce ment that unregistered Chinese are to be deported comes the report that the Chinese Six Compauiea are mak Ing overtures to the government for stay of proceeding in order lo allow Chinamen time to regUter and comply with the provisions ef the law requir ing them to do to. This action of the Chinamen it limply an illustration of tho fact that they are willing to torn ply with the law it it U necessary in order to remain in the country, but will not recognize our laws unless rad ical measures are adopted by the ad- jniuibtration. Is auditing the bills which are pre sented to the county court, the urgent need of a law regulating the manner of summoning jurors, judges ol elee tion, etc., is apparent at a glance. Judge Blanchard, of the probate court, closely estimates the expense of the county for this particular item at $2,- 000 per annum, eighty per cent of which could easily be saved to the county by a statute authorizing the sheriff to summon such persons bv jnail, using regiaterd letters or special delivery stamps instead of calling npon each one in person and charging the county ten cents for milage. The county ia now well supplied with post offices and if the sumnunB is mailed at the proper time the party summoned is reasonably sure lo receice it in time to appear when wanted, and in the event of failure it is not a matter of such vi tal importance as to cause very serious inconvenience. A law of this kind would effect a considerable saving . to the county, and we recommend that our representative prepare a bill of this kind for consideration by tho state leg islature. Deputy president is a position un known to the constitution of the United States, but it practically exists all the same, and is filled by Secretary Iiamont, who, while nominally at the head of the war department, really has very little to do with its business; his numerous duties as deputy presi dent leaving him no time, even if he had the inclination. Little time as be has given to the wftr department since he entered the cabinet, it is probable that he will give less in the future, as the statement was this wee it semi officially made that a democrat was be ing sought with the ability to perform the duties of secretary of war and the willingness to accept the position and salary of assistant secretary, the object being to allow Dan Lament to con tinue drawing the salary of secretary whiles performing none of the work pertaining to that position. "Reform" comes high, but the democratic admin istration is bound to have it , There Is little if any doubt that the administration intends to rigidly en forces the provisions of the Geary law requiring Chinese resideuts of this country to register or sufTer deporta tion, ; The Attorney-general has given explicit instuctioQS to United States marshals lo arrest and bring every un registered Chinaman in their district , to a designated point fur shipment to China, and there is no disposition on the part of any revenue officer to shirk the instructions of the department. There are available for this purpose jout f 15,000, and active measures will be taken to enforce the lavf while it lasts, after which the fulfillment of the law rests entirely with congress. Fear that the Chinese government will re taliate when an attompt is made to enforce the law lias iiroaiptod the gov eminent to make arrangements for tivnilieuirg the flayal fleet at the China station, and the Baltimore and two other vessels ore on the way to lhat place. CoNdRKSSKAH W. C. P. BrBCKKS BKDOK, of Kentucky ,is now the deleud ant in a suit for seduction, preferred by Miss Madeline Pollard, his mistress, whom h represented as his fiance and a such introduced into high Kentucky society. Besides being sued for Bed uc lion Breckenridie has been severely denounced by peopU who he imposed hit mistress upon, and a duel or two is it expected as an outcome of the very unsavory affair. Senator Mokqan a concurent reso Intiou for the appointment of a joint committee of seven senators and seven representatives lo investigate the en lire financial system of the country and report to congress what legislation it necessary to prevent periods of alio, genoy tucn at the country haa just passed through, has been favorably re' ceived and if it be not antagonised by the adminit t rat ion it may go through, j - Those democratic who have been accustomed lo accusing the rrpublcan parly of sectionalism should look at the organisation ot the house- the speaker and nearly two-thirds of the committee chairmen, including most of the important ones, from the south nd forever keep silent. A number of geutlemeu interested in protecting industries have this tuld the house ways and means committee what the result would be if the tariff is lowered or intirely removed in some cases entire destruction of industries, and in all cases lower wages for Amer ican workmen. Congress must appropriate the nee etsary seven millions to deport the un lawful Chinese residents. Clear them out of the country and perhaps a white man will be able to earn bread far hit starving family. CLATSKAMK, Wm. Howatson and Phil Johnson. of Kuappa, are in towa this week. Mrs. Tho. Bums and Mrs. Wm. Barr started lor Portland Tuesday night Mrs. Phil Stout, of Pea View, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Aiyers. Charlev Lee has moved his family across the river into one ol the Bryant bouses Cora Bryant left on Mondav evening for Portland, expecting to spend some tune mere, P. J. Popham has returned from an ab sence ot soma wee It 3 in Washington, across the way, Peter Donkle, of Mint, was over the first of the week in Ms usual happy and amiable Ira me ot mum, At a school meeting held on Mondav evening the small state apportionment was distributed to the needy teachers. James Paul, of near Mit. was over Tumi- day, bringing with him his daughter, Mrs. w. Lane and child wuo expect to return to their former home, near Bureau s mill. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Graham, of Marsh land, were m town Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Thorne, Mr. Graham's mother. Mrs. A. 31. I ichenor returned home with them for a short visit. We understand that Georee Havs ha disposed of the balance of his real "estate, near frisk's. He found buyers in some of the Finn families who want to get on a lit tle higher ground than they have on the prairie. We understand that B. F. Van is offering his butchering establishment and general meat market for sale, expecting to leave town and go to the farm In the Nehalem valley, where his father recently died, to take care of his mother, who feels that she would not like to leave the old place during the remainder of her dav. Frank, while doing his duty, is offering good induce ments to some one to carry on the butch ering business in C'latskarie, Oeorge Jones, wife and child eave Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dixon a surprise, week, coming all the way from Missoula, Montana, to visit them, after a separation of several years. Mr. Jones is a conductor on a division of the Northern railway and his wife is a niece of Mr. Dixon's. The vis itors reached the residence of their aged relatives entirely unannounced and were obliged to introduce themselves before their identity could be established. When known, however, they so delighted their uncle and annt that ther appoip.I it vrnv young in the memory of other years, and went aronnd the house with the surightli ness of youth, nearly. The visitors re mained until Monday, looking aronnd the neighborhood, eating plums, which they very much enjoyed and thought thev were the finest they had ever sai n, and enjoying nit vw, which is line irum mr inxons place. They were full of for Oregon except in one particular. They hurt our feelings by saying our roads were not good. Biding to Dixon s in a cart, they seem to have that so impressed ou their ininds that it was frequently referred lo by them. It was too bad that our county roads should be so lightly spoken of, but "teeing is be- liering," jar. . Jones thinks. A Tklnsr ( Keep at Htnt. Borne years ago we were very muoh sub ject to severe spells of cholera morbus, and now when we feel ony of the svuiptorus that usually preceed that ailment, such as sickness at the stomach, diarrhea, etc., we become scary. We have found Chamber lain's Cholera, Colic and Diarrhea Keroedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and always keep it aljoiit. We are noi writing mis lor a pay testimonial, but to let our readers know what is a ?onrl thing to keep handy in the house. Troy, .an.;iDiei. rot sale by Edwin Koss. Notice to Water Consumers, Patrons of the St. Helens Water Company are notified that the use of hose is strictly prohibited except be tween the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock P.M. Orchard Jones. Mrs. Cleveland presented the Presi dent with a daughter at noon Saturday. The new baby was born at the White House. Jj ii 11 HI! 139 The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used h MilJi?M 9f Homes 40 Year? the gtandafi UUEll ISLAND. Very wijtry weather. The train killed a valuable cow tor E. M. Wharton Monday. ' Last week's storm caught considera ble hay and grain in the field. Bert Seffeit is the lucky man. Got all his hay iu the day before the storm. The thunder storm last Friday was tho heaviest known in this part of the country iu many years. Alfred Mott and family last week moved into their new house which looks quite coxy. Seotinn Foreman Demurest hat a crew of men on the track now after being laid off about a month. A. A. Merrill has rented hit uncle Lyman Merill's farm for a year, and moved there with hit family last week. A child of Robert dimming it very sick at present with summer com plaint. It ia our earnest hope lhat he may recover. One good thing the recent rainstorm hat done U to clear the atmosphere of the obnoxious smoke. Well, "Us an ill wiud that blowt no good." Forest fires have done no damage In this neighborhood this year. The older people) get, the more they know how to bum slashings. Edwin Merrill sold ten acret of land lo A. Widger, of St. llohuia, who has a crew of men putting up a dwelling. Mr. Widcer will add quite a family to the neighborhood. Tho story comes from Xeer City of a young man who takes a four-munih's-old child to school for the teacher to te h, but it ia more proba ble he is anxious for the teacher to know that be is a competent wet irse. Th os. Saindan has dug a well in the town and fuund water al lh depth of forty-four feet, but ho will d;g still deeper. He used the saloon building for a curbing; and this is tho surest way of running a saloon in the ground. We aie sure ha hat a saloon in the well for there is a notice on the windlass "o minora allowed in here." There are certain hunters in this neighborhood who make it their bn&i- nest to sit on the Merrill lake bridge mid shoot ducks that make their home in the lake. Those parties should bn aware that there is a state law against shooting on the puulic highway. It is our opinion if lliose patties do not stop this practice the law will be fully enforced and proba bly by the grand jury. The gray sqirrel has become quite a uuisance in this vicinity and it might be possible that someone will ask the county court to pul a price on their scalp and oblige ihu-taxpavcr to fur- uibii the small boy a chance to make some spending money, n ml un rxense tor tresspassing on torhiddcn grimml. W think thete may be a better way to exterminate these pests limit through the c itinty court; exam ple, let the farmer whose farm is in feBted let some hunter have Ilia privil ege of hunting, providing he will also hunt for the squirrels. In this way one(kinii of game will pay for destroy ing another. Or, if it in neces.-ary raise a money tux, and tho county! court to set the value of the bounty to be paid ou the scalp, then the ' county court should charge it up to the tanner on whose land the scalp was taken, inasmuch us these ver min do not destroy anything hut farm produce, und they generally abide ou farms that are cultivated. It will not. therefor, be just to ask the taxpayers to contribute to the fund of extermin ation. SIAINKVUIiE. Frank Mires, of Bay View, was here Sunday. Mist Lue Crouse hat cone to St. Helens to work. C. C. Moyer and family, of Carrico. spent Sunday here. School begins Monday next with E. Faxon as teacher. B. J. Plummer was up from Reuben Sunday and Monday. E. S. Faxon, of Columbia City, was here Monday and Tuesday. E. 0. Darling was here Saturday evening and spoke to the alliance. Mr. Case, of the Pittsburg Mill Com pany, was in Maineville Tuesday. The Sunday school concert Sunday evening was a decided success. The house wat as full as comfort would a! low, even though it was a rather rainy day- Charlie Brown and Charlie Crouse went hunting one day last week and had not been gone from the bouse more than an hour before returning with a deer. The program given by the farmer's alliance naturday night is agreed by all to have been the best ever given here. The alliance has lo thank Mes srs, E. O. Darling, S. B. Rose, E. P Faxon and others who are not mem bers, for kind and efficient assistance, Try It. For a lame hack or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's l'ain Balm and binding it on to the affected parts. This treatment will curs any ordinary case in two or three aays. rain i.aim also cures rncumatlsiri Fifty cent bottles for sale by Edwin Itosi. Notice. Notice it given that George H. La ment is our authorized agent and will hereafter collect and receipt for water rents. Orchard Joses. akin owden ltni-glarr at Italnler. The following letter was received at this otlloe Wednesday afternoon which discloses the newt of tho successful burglarixing and robbery ot the store of Dean DlancliarU, at Kaiuier. IUinikr, Or., Sept. 13. "The tafo of Denn lilanchard, containing about $70 cash, If 7 J postage stamiit, postal note and money order blanks, together with notes, checks and valuable pnpers, was mown opeu this morning, stopping clock in the ollico at 2:115. The burg lars tried several windows and hnall gained eutinnce through a hark win dw, breaking a light out of the office window, thereby being able to spring the catch ol the door. A pile of cloth ing. wet dowu, was found around the wreck and then the sound was heard by several perons. Nut daring lo riug up the cash register, they pried it open with a chisel, but found noth ing. The wreck is general mid com plete, with no clue except a few bor rowed ttols from the blacksmith shop al Cedar Lauding. lltKI). AUSKS KlHiK.KTON, aged thirteen yean at her parents, home, in I'latskauie, ot Monday, Sapteuiber 11. lfttt, of heart disease following scarlet fever. Deceased ha spent tho past three years in hospitals and t dfferent lo calities in the hope that she might suf ficiently overcome the effects of the disease to at least give her compaia live ease and comfort. A few week ago she came here very much prostra ted in the vain hope the would be benefitted. She wag taken to tin residence of her sirtor, Mr. Page where all was done for her that coul bo done to make her remaining' day comfortable, as her physician held ou no hope of a very long life to he The dropsical trouble lhat set iu I end her days made her lust few dav rather a burden to her, but she kepi up remarkably well hopeful of recov ery herself when her friends saw tha her days were about ended. She wa Duried on l neatluy in the new ceme- tary ou the Bryant place, a lares num ber of sorrowing friends being present at the funeral lo extend sympathy to the bereaved. VEUKSA. O. K. Wonderly is hauling wood at uowuing s lamiing. A. B. t idle has leased his farm to Mr, Turner for three years. S.'hool is progressing under the skillful care ot ma .u. loiiiih. J. B. Meserve returned home Tuesday of ia-i weca rrora iiuuiion. Miss Annie Bums, of Hudson, bns been spending the pant Week with Mrs. Won derly. J A.Atkins hvs ordered a latg - bill of lumber from Me-serva Bros, to lOinpletc uis re.-inetn e. . We are told that Kmil Schmidt is about to seil Ins xawrmll and land to John l-vver son, oi taiwur trim in trna, vii Initv u yielding aver ogely well. e-.t'MMlly prune (ind plums wnue poiuniei win ue a ugiil crop. tf we are to indg bv tha amount of rain time Uns ta.uu in mo la.t week, win ter m r'oini in. w ucli remiudt its that preparations should be madu for I), weather. i:u-Mc of a I kinjs l-c at a stan.l.itill on account of the c:ire:tv of n oiu v. yit we have ho;es that c ng'cs v. ill take some net!-'II so that the of l ruirrea wil, auiu lull on. Tiio Coble ftallroad. Aina, sep'. i.j. i here were ru mora lodav that IJ. K. Warren, of this city, and Waller C. Smith, of Port land, who are now iu New York, had nueia contact tor me ouuuing oi me uonie ranroau vinle nothing i ulwcdiitely known, it is thought prob able that some s.iti.-factory urrange incut lias been arrived at. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Cocnty TrtFAsuiiF.u's Office, ) St. Helens, Or., Sept. 15, 1893., Notice is hereby given that all un paid county warrants of said county which have boeii presented -and en dorsed "Not paid for want of funds' up to September 11, 1891, and also warrants numbered 1673, 1677, 1676 and lova, will be paid on presentation at tins office. Interest on said war rants will not be allowed ifter date of this notice. E. M. Wharton, Treasurer of Columbia county, Oregon, In Childhood's Happy Days Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in IkiIij relief, as our memory re verts to the days when were younc, none are more prominent than severe sickness The young mother vividly remembers that It was Chnmherlain s Coiinh Itemed v that cured ber of croup, and in turn adminis ters is to her OuSpring and always with the uesi results, ror sale oy fiuwin Moss. Far Sale. Complete list of tax-payers in Co lumbia county Oregon together with posiolfice address, occupation and amount of each individuals taxable property, at seventy-five cents per hun- aren names. Address W. J. Eabtabrook, St. Helens, Or. I have for Bile the celebrated Pride of Japan tea. Call and try a package. J. H. S wager. IOU MALE. A few full blood Hhroupshiro sheep, rams and ewes. W. W. WEST, Hcajipoose. Notice. bounty Treasurer Wharton can be found at hi office in the court house in St. Helens en Wednesday anil Saturdays of each week. ONE DAY CURE HATTEES owr. Mra cpoRTiANa o Vet Salt, by Kdiu Row, 6t. Uslens, Or, & c Mot Ko Tovr ArUr All. A Washington capitullut who lias recently returned from the interior of Florida tolls this story of his tript Having obtained the title to a tract of hmd by what "Colouel Carter of Cftrtersvillo" calls "wmievery ungtm tletnnnly foreclosure proceedings, M he set out to view his potmeetdous. In tho midst of a swanipy waste be found a very dilapidated cabin. In the doorway hung a worn gray blan ket and over tho top of this blanket a grizzled "cracker" looked out at his visitor. The tenant surveyed his landlord and the landlord hie tenant for a moment, until the lattor broke Uieembarrnwdug silence. "Stranger, " he said, "I ain't so poor as you think I be. I don't own this hereabout." Washington Post Th Llltl One's Version. "In ray Sunday school class," said a bright young woman, "ia the sweet ewt little cherub you ever saw. Bhe is much younger than tho other mem bers, but she Insists on remaining in my class. Some days ago I instruct ed each of the little ones to memorize a verse or sentence from the Bible. Knowing that the infant brain could not retain a long sentence the mother of my youngcet pupil gave the child the shortest in the good book 'Jesus wept' The following Sunday I called upon the clous to fulfill my instruc tions. Finally 1 came to Margaret What is yours, my dearf 1 asked. 'Jeeua k'ied,' she lispod." Kansas City Timoa. A Wondarful Cable. Probably tho longest single span or wire rope in the world is that now in ue in the construction of the gtvat Austin datn, at Austin. The main cable is. 1,350 feet long and 24 inches in diameter, and the hoisting is done with t-inch steel rope. The plant is used to carry away the material ex cavated and to place the stone used in constructing the dam. The hoist ing apparatus will lift a weight of seven tons and carry it the entire length of the span in about a minute and a half. Manufacturer. everybody. Almost, Asked fur Prswata. When George II reigned in Eng land alehouses were marked by checkers on the doorpost To this day the checkers is a common tavern sign. Bukers had a lattice at their doors. All trad catnen not servants only, but master tradesmen asked for Christmas boxes. Walter Bosant in Haroer'8. Notice of Administratrix Bale of Real Ketate. NOTICE is hereby given that in pnrsn. aneeof an order ol the County Cuurt of the Unite of Oregon, for Mulmomali county, made anil entered iu the matter of the estate i.f Robert K. Bybee, deceased, ou the 7lh day of rVptruiher. laui. the uii'lemigued, the ailiniiii-trnirix ol the .aid e-t .ite, will sell at public auction to the liigne-t bidder, for cash, Uuld coin of the l.'uited States of America, and sub ject to the eouiirui ition of the said tViutty i our!, on Tuewl iy , the 17th ihiy of Oct obi r, iftia t 10 o clock in the forenoon of aid day at the front door of the County Joiirt h iue of CulumhiA eoautv. Nta'.e of Oregon, in the city of hali-'t Helens, nil the right, title, latere.-! and estate of the said Hubert K. HvUe at the time of his death . and all the ri.'ht. title and i.iterest the said estate has, hy opera tion of law or other!-, a quired other tli in, and in arhliiion to that of the aij lioliert K. Hybei! at the time of bl t'rath in and to al lhat ceilah lot. i.iere nr rcl of Tina, itu:it, lying an.l being In ! sal I County of Cnlumhia. and Male of Oregon, and particularly us follows, to-wif. The 8- uthnesl .nt.irt. r ofseetim sixteen (Hi), Township Ave (5) Worth, of liane Two - West. Terms and Conditions of Kale: Cash, (.old coin of thu Coiled States. Ten her cent of the purchase money to he naid to the auction eer ou the day of the sale, balance on cotilirm.ition of th sale by the said Oounty Court. ELLA K. BYHKB, Afinilnfelrutrix of the Estate of Hubert B. t)yb, deceased. scptIJoctl.1. Ivxecutrlx Malice. In th County court for th .tat of Ore gon, for Columbia county. In ti matter of th estate of Thomas Ilodgltins, deceased. Notice ia hereby riven that the under- signed has been duly appointed exei-utrii of said estate by the above entitled court, and all persons having claimi against the said estate are nereny required to present tbem with the proper vouchers, to th un dersicned with In six months from the date of this notice, at ber residence, near Quinn' postomce, in sain county and state. Jll'LIIAII ilOIJli K INK. Executrix of the last wilt of Thomas Hodg Dated this 2Ath day of August, 1803. nun. ui-ij'-iisi u. Notice far Publication. tand Ol.los at Oregon City, Oregon, Juts ar isia. VOTICE Is hereby given that tha following- tlon to make Unal nriMf In aimttort nf his elstm . i oniiit'o oiur nsn i iwi noiice ni nis iiirn, an.l Unit suld j.nmf will b insil. before th. voiiiiiy i.ier.1 oi ciiiumriia county, at at. Helens, dragon, on nepi, is, or.ia, tm: JACOB STHHRAIIMRR Homestsad CUtrv No. 74'20. fur tha snltthurAS. w. - ...m , h)ii.iiii v iior.ii, riaiiKv J wes.. He names th. following witnesses to prov. his continuous residence upon snd cultivation of aI ..... I . ... Ml 1 1. I .. f . -. U A . Mio isnu, tiki ffoni.r C Hrown. Oottlelb Atillker, C. C. Clark and Jacob Zwlngls, of Ji.ub.ii, fohimhla coun ty, Oregon. t. x. AVrtHHOX. Keglstar. Malice far Puklicailsi. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICK Is hereby given thst the followln'g nameu settler tool HImI nottpA , kl. Ini.n. tlon tO insk. flnsl Droof In Slllinort. nl him i.!niin and that sahl proof will la) innit. before th. iuunir viees oi i iiiumhis county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on bent. 21st. lftOT, vis: HORN f;h. IIOI.TER. Pre-.mptlnn D. H. No. 7800. for the N It W ot H, R. V. section S: W. U of H W section i slid N W.Z of N W. X section , T. iff., K W. lie names the following witnesses to Drove his coiiiiniiniis rosiuence upon ana euitivstion oi, said land, vis: A. t. Alley and JctsI. Alley, of Anlarv. Colum bla Co.. Ore., Ol. Knckson and Chris Johnson, Liutssaniv, iiiuinnis iouiiiy, urs. J. T. Al'PKKHON. Reitlstor. angtsepu).' A0KNT.S WANTKI) on salary and commis sion for THE ONIiY AUTHORIZED RTflfrRaPRY (IP 0. P1AWP IlyQAII. IIATIii,oT"r. hlslltersrv exeeu tor, with tho co-opcratlon of his famllv, noil for Mr. rustic s i;ompiete wnrgs, .TWe.rTy VK.4IIS Of :Si;ilKasi.s and his Inter ixwk, i-ii,i i n,i siMr'i'Mniosjsi.d One prnsiectus for these ft Itr.H X M-.l.l.l'iU boons in the miirket. A. K. p. Joiflan of Ms tons 112orlors from nrst lluoallsi agent's profH lUO.'O. Mrs. Billiard of 1. took 15 orders, 1.1 Heal UiissIh, In 1 ilsy: profit 2ll iS. K. .". Kice of msss. tons '1 oniers in 'i nays; profit I17.2A. J. Partrlge of Me' took 4 orders from tslcslls: nro flt7f, 25. K. A. Palmer of N, Ink. took Kl In 8 lays: l.rodti'lS iV Nl VI: I'KltHI. TOII V write immediately for terms lo THE HK.MtY BILL PUB. CO., Nor wich, Connecticut,. GO TO FOR YOUR School Books SCHOOL- SUPPLIES. ROSS MDCKLE BROS. -MiNVFACTVKEKS Ot Rough and Dressed Lumber. -DKALKItS IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed St. Helens, Oregon. Model Saloon. I. ITlHwOOD, fr-p'r. ST. HELENS, . . 0EE00N Choice Wines, lienors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Tabl for Cb PuoommodhtioQ of Fafront CALL AROUND. DR. Wm. GEISWOLD, DENTISTRY. OFFICE ATTHE DRUG STORE. ST. HFLEJfS, s : : OREGON'. JAMES F. BRADDOCK, cemfiRjiLs BLACKSMITH WORK In all its Branches. REPAIRING : WOOD : WORK. - rrlc.j are yery reasonable and all guar.til.ed. work HOL'LTOJf, OREGON. )o Ion Drin OF COURSE YOD BO. SUCH BEING THE CAfiK. It behoove you to bud tha moat desirable plate ti, purchase vour ' invlgorator." "THE BA1IQUET." K.rps constantly on baud th famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. To. nnest line ol nines Llouors and Cigars to b. found this slue of Port- land. And if you wUh lo engag in a game of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can a-sur. yon that they have th beat table ill town. Kverything new and neatj and your patrouag la respectfully "THE BANQUET" kit Helens, Oregon. LEARN TELEGRAPHY! A TKADK IT PAVs Success Sure. Address 1. 0. HKYMOKKKK. OrnnriUlsB Bl'lg. PORTtAM), OKKiiON. TOIBIST AND FAMLI DEADQL',1ETES. New York Restaurant - Audkrhok Bcakby, Frorrictorg. II. ISt rir.t attract, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, ST. HELENS HOTEL. J, George, Proprietor. Tahl.s always supplied with th.hestedlblss and delicacies th market alford. TERMS REA80NABLK FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, w. ar. prepared to give satisfaction to all our patrons, and solicit a shar ot your patronag. ST. HELENS OREGOX. I H. DECKER. Tonsorial Artist. Tlie old and reliable barber baa his razors just aa sharp a can be found, and will hve you comfortably and quickly foi ouly fifteen ceuta. Give Him a Call at the Old Stand. tJT. IIELEyS, 0UEG0N, BHEIIIFF'S SALE. STATU OK OHKflON. I i ' ,.t I !iihiiul)(i(.t a. By VlftHIK OK AN KXKCIJTION, toiimd out of the tllr-'ult Court of th HiaUof Oren'"' '" !''lr ' bla, In (avui ot W I) Moyer and avalnat John Mavnard lur Ihasuin of 7oN with thereon since iho lt" ,lny ' Mareh, JwS. at the rate of per i.nt per annuiii. anil fur the ciM ami expenses of aid writ and ol said sale, said will wita tltrecWd and delivered lo me a fclieiltTol Columbia Cimutv Ori'itun, eoiuiiiaildliig me to mak tha above-named siinia out ol th property uf th. said defendant John May nurd, aiiil for want of personal properly I did on the tt of July, Ih. lew upon all of llits Interest id lh said delclidant, John Maynard, In and to lb. follow Inn crihed real property to wll: l.ut !l and 4 (two and four) section sinteen township six north, raiiK. live) west, and l.t ft. H, 7, 8 and the southeast V of southeast of section seventeen, towmdilo ! ninth. raiiK live west, of and in the County of Columbia, Klnte of Oregon. Now. there; for. by vlrtiiM and iu pursuance of said eneculion, I will, ou Hitttirday, lh.lthdy of Hepti-mbcr, IH1I3, at th hour of 10 o'cliM k In the forenoon of raid day at th door of th. Court llous liiMt. Helens, In said county and slate, sell tor eah at public auction to th highest bidder, tncrt lur all of the rigid, tillo and Interest of said defendant John Mnvuard, In and to the above described real estate, t satisfy said execution and lit. cost, and exprnssa of sale. Bald sale Is insil subject to re demption as per "I"'"1" VjTh.sIK. titicrlfrof Columbia County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATK OP ORKdON, , County f Columbia f BY VIUl'tKOK AN KXKCCTION AND ait order issuing out of tha Circuit Court of the Hlale ol Oiejlon. for th County of Multnomah, to nie directed, upon a judgment In Isvv.r ol I'laintills, wherein (I. Zellor and II. Hum , Co juirtnors. as ti. Keller it Co., were Plslutills, and Maggl Common and f W, Cniiunons were ! iendauts, for the sum of $! Mn. with Inter-e-l at the rate of per centum per aiiuiiiu from the tint day ol June. Ihu2. and lor the further sum of $.r.U snd accru ing co-t., commanding me to nmke sal. of the following desrrilatd real property, to wit: lllo- ks LSisml 4'.', In Ihebriond Ad dition to Vernoiua, lots I and VI. in block I.H, hecoiid Addiiion lo crnooln, h Is I and 12, In block H. 8eond Additiou to Vrrno nia, lots 7 and . in block IV irat Addition lo Ycrnuma, lot 7, block 14, First Aihlllkia to Vernouia. ami lots T. . . 10, Hand IJ. in block 111, In th. r'irsl Addition to Vrinonia. iu Colunibia county, state ot Oregon, to K tier with the Ivueinrnis, hertdltaai.nta and appui tciiances Iher.iinto bi longing or iu any wis. appertaining, all bring situated in Columhhi county, stst. of Orrgon. I hereby certify thatl levied Uion tk. soc vw ilescrilied real property ou Ike first day ot June. INXI, ia theiultowing uiaaner, to-wit: lly iisting in a conspicuous place upon th iirioieriv alaive dcscrilxsi, a copy of tha writ of Ktecutlon cerlllied to by ru. sa xhsriir. Now in pursusiice, and by author ity of said execution I will, on the gJday of Mcptcmbi-r, I.0.1, at Iho hour of 10 o'rbwk uf said day, at the Court House door In Co lumbia Comity and blat. aforesaid, sell at public suction all lb. right, title, claim in terest and estate of Ih. said Maggie Cum moiisa'iill W. Cunuuons in and to th shove descrilied real property, to the high est bidder therefor, for cash. Iu satisfy" said execution, interests and costs. IJ. A. MASS IE, aug'.'AsepZS Hbcrlffof Colnmbia county, Or. am IN THR flUCL-rFcOCnT OF Tfl Htate of Oregon, for Columbia County. imic ouahmi, vs. plaint l:r,i tf ' . u.t.UM oKAin dvfemtun To WCl-'siu (iralian defendant: tha alaiy.-nsmJ In the name, of the Sta'e of Ortr. yoil are hereby required In eppi ar nail an, nee to the f ompl.dtt! Med a. s.nsi you In this alaive inll'lfl suit In Ihe ul.ove oiirl. on or liefore the lltt tlav of the terns of raid Court, m il MUming the .ipitMics) of mi weeks pulliiattoii of this sum no n which will he Tnelv not foiloing Iho 2nd M.nidav iu th toher. to wll: tho pith .lav of Kclober. Iii.l. And if you fsil to appear and answer snid Coieplulnt, fur want therrof plaintlll will fak a rleerr ugalnst you dis-oh log Ihe bonds of matri mony now existiuif bviwvrn you and plain, tiff, awarding phiin'iif the care and rniKtly of the minor child. Mary KllaOiahsin, anil permitting plahifitf" to resuma her maldia name, l.liiir Mclxuiald. This K'tuions is publish.'! pursnaat to art order of the Hon. T, A. Mctliiile, Judge of said Court, muilo the tL'th day of August, IhsO. August l-'th t i, V. HKACII. Aluirney for plaintiff. itnnogi. Ia ma JrsTKig Cottator 1,'stos Pacctgcr, Htt or Oagiina, C'olvmiiu Cotistr. I.. O. llAXTIB, l'ltfT. 1 vs. V SUMMONS. Cuas. litjSTia, Deft. ) 'lo l.UAS. lltmrga, u.r.ndaat. IN THE NAME Or THE STATU OT Oregon, yon ar hereby required to ap pear in the Jostle court of tin Ion precinct, lor Columbia county, slat of Ureuon. on Haittrdsy, October Tilt. A. 1. lxn.1, at 10 o'clock A. M. toajisarrth complaint Ulid against you lo the above eanse, or else th pluintill will take hidvineut agsiust yon a prayeu mr in me 1'oniptmiit, vis: lur lb sum of IWJ..'U. with inti rest tberron from th day of January, l.shS. until paid, at tb rats of M per cent per annum, and th costs uf this action. A. H. Bf.AKKrU.KY, Justice of Ih I'.ae. W. J. Uka, attorucj for plalnliir. au2ftocl4 Summons by Publication. TN TffR CinClTIT COURT OF TH 1 Htate of Oregon, for tk County of Co. luiuhia. P. K. Ckosswaii, Plalutiff, vs. Osoab Akin, 1 1. Aig, I J. M. Ckkss, Defendants. An I John Hackus, J To Oscab Akia asp WtLLta I. Aug, ieivnusnts. In the name nf the Htate of Oregon, yon e hereby retiuired to atincar and ansarar the coniiialnt tiled agninst yon in th aboy- entitled suit, by th first day of th term of the above court, commencing on th first Tuesday after the second Monday in October, M, and If you fail to so appear or unswer, for want thereof, tha plaintiff will apply to th court for th relief de manded in said complaint, 'namely: Thai ha have lodgment against th. defendants. Oscar Akin and Willi. 1. Akin, for tha sun. of ll.'l i on with ten per cat. interest from the 4th day of January, 1HW. dn tin prnniisory unto made by them lo the plaint iff, and $100 attorney's fees, and his costs and disbursements, including taxes paid hy him on the southwest U of SMtion 2g. township 5 north, ram.'. .1 west of las Will. aiuette meridian, in said Cnlomkia stat of Oregon, and praying the foreclosure of a mortgage xcnled aad delivsred ta ii I in by said Oscar Akin and Willi I. Akin on said land, to secure the payment W said note, and such other and additional relief aa may to the court seem in set and th nature of this case may require. This ser vicn of this summons by publication hi tn nheiliaiiee tn an order tberef.r by Hon. 'I t OS. A. Mcllrhle. illlle.or thassld Ciranlk court above. uaniad, dated July Iftth, 1803. bKIX jjTtlAET. atig4sepl9 Attorney for Plaintiff. W. S. DRAKE, DENTIST. Owing to the idrlngrnl times will do wnrlc at Eastern prices for th next ninety days, nffli.A af (, Jh I ' ' - l . , . . J b m ovmvr Tirst aud Taylor btrsets, PoiujmJy