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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1893)
A DAMASCUS BLADE. j. A Matter of Health TT costs more to make Royal Baking Powder JL than any other, because its ingredients . are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspondingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The di iTerence , in cost of Royal over the best of the others " does not equal the difference in leavening strength, nor make good the inferior work 4 of the cheaper powders, nor remove the I impurities which such powders leave in r the food. f ... '. Where the finest food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. Where the question of health is considered, : 5 no baking 4 powder but Royal can be used $ with safety. All others are shown by oflicial t analvses to contain lime, ammonia or alum. 5 This crescent shaped and flexible blade. With lime dulled, lawny gold Inlaid. 'NoAth Kkle that knew the eastern ataf , Wan found within Ait old basnar. I miml m w ell, how, iastiui by, We caught the merchant's gleaming eye, Where in hla dim rwwi ho wit Upon his pi-erlnus Persian mat. Urbane ho waa ami grave of tulaa, Thia patriarchal llamascene; lie lured us lu hla vim 1 1 ill van; A serving boy for colTe ran, And, while we alpiicd, he laid before, Our widening eyes his w oudrous more. There from worn sheath, one bright with RHt, We saw protrude the Jeweled blltt There Ivory from Hetural brought With Sar;u'eiilc art waa wrought; And there kwo ateol waa looked upon That like moon-burnished water shoo Hut most uf all on nie laid hold This blade, with li'tlera strangely scrolled- Borne curious Koran text, no doubt, Bidding the warrior's heart be stout- And, when we took our way afar, , 1 bore it from the old baut&r. He had a deadly supple wrist Who wielded It of yore, I wist. And oft, mayhnp, in goodly stead, lie Hushed It o'er bis turbaned head When some Cruader, huge and grim. In the thick press confronted biro. Perchance his senlous soul now rovos J11 peaceful paradisial grovust Ilia blade 1 wonder does he know? Is nothing but a curiol Ahl what a fate Its fate has been The blade that cleft for Saladinl -Clinton Scutlard In Upplncotfa, DEFINITIONS OF HOME. Son Eipertmenting- With Corn. I made a queer and a very interesting experiment with a crowing cornstalk, aid Harvey Samuels as he settled in one of the great rockers in the LindelL "1 had always heard a great deal about the effect or Hvjoctinjr medicines and food into human beings, the method being pro nounced preferable and more beneficial in eases of extreme illness than that of feeding through the regular channels. My work with this corn plant was decid edly interesting. I secured a small glass syringe with a very fine point to it After the corn was two weeks ol d and only a few inches tall I began to inject the unfer tnented jniceof crushed apples. My first injection was not quite a drop. Three days later I repeated thedose, increasing it slightly In a little while the injection was a daily occurrence and the dose in creased proportionately. The cornstalk waxed fat and tall AH along it gave proniiHe of great size and large fruit "It height in July was fully 10 inches above the tallest stalk lu the field. Its earn weie.tnni-h larger, while the silken taaxel nun much smaller and lacked the depth of color characteristic of the other plants i took an ear home to ttuin and feat. I can tell yon that the quality of that corn for eating purposes waa ex cellent It smacked a little of apple, jnst the slightest suggestion of it, and not at all disagreeable as one might sup pose. The grains were- large and juicy In fact the quality of the corn was far superior to anything I had ever eaten in that line. 1 am going to repeat the ex periiuent St Coins Globe-Democrat . ; The tleavena In tbe North. From the last days of May to the end of July in the northern part of this land Beautiful Sentiment About Thai I'lHce Which Is Loved by All. The London Tit-BiU offered a prise for the best delluition of home. Hera are some of the best of 5,000 answers sent in. The golden sewing in which the bright est jewel is "mother." A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut in. A ship upon the ocean of life, where the captain is assisted by a first class mate. An arbor which shades when the sun shine of prosperity becomes too dazzling; a harbor where the human bark Quds suel- the snn shines day and night upon its ter ia the time of adversity. Several Colnrldeueea. While the lielief in talismans and omens is confined to the less educated portion of our population, even the most skeptical read with interest coincidences that simpler minds regard as prophecies. President Garfield a few months before his. death related to a friend the follow ing incidents: Aa General Garfield entered the con vention the day of his nomination, a man distributing leaves of the New Tes tament handed one to him which the engrossed politician folded and put in his pocket Long after the nomination he took down the suit he had worn that eventful day. and before putting it on proceeded to empty the. pockets. He drew out a paper pressed into a narrow fold, one verse only being visible. It was this, "The stone which tbe builders rejected is become the head of the cor ner." Again, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the hour of the nomination in Chicago, an eagle, coming from no one knows where, lighted on General Garfield's house in Washington and sat there sev eral minutes. This occurrence was wit nessed by many persons in the capital. Wide Awake. , , . mountains, fiords, rivers, lakes, forests, valleys, towns, villages, hamlets, fields and farms, and thns Sweden and Nor way may be called the land of the mid night sun. During th'j period of con tinuous daylight the stars are never seen, the moon appears pale and sheds no light upon the earth. Summer is short, giving just time enongh for the wild flowers to grow, to bloom and to fade away, and barely time for the husband man to collect his harvest, which, how ever, is sometimes nipped by a summer frost A few weeks after the midnight sun has passed tbe hours of sunshine shorten rapidly, and by the middle of August the air becomes chilly and the nights colder, although during the day the sun is warns. Then the grass turns yellow. the leaves change their color, wither and fall; the swallows and other migrating birds fly toward the south; twilight omes once more; the stars, one by one, make their appearance, shining brightly in the pale bine sky; the moon shows itself again as the queen of the niht and lights and cheers the long and dark days of the Scandinavian winter. The time comes at last when the sun disappears entirely from sight; the heav ens appear in a blaze of light and glory, and the stars and the moon pale before the aufdra boreaHa. "Land of the Mid night Sun." A Kataraliat and the Snake Charmer. A story used to be told at Cairo of the late Sir Richard Owen during one of his sojourns in Egypt. The great naturalist was seated in the shade on the veranda at Sheppeards hotel, aa is the postpran dial wont of visitors to that famous hos telry, when the inevitable snake charmer came to him and produced from his bag a lively specimen or the horned asp the deadly cerastes. The professor gazed, and nothing . daunted stopped and plucked the homs from the head of the reptjle wriggling at his feet, remarking to a'bystander that the man would prob ably think twice before trying to palm off upon any one else a harmless snake aa a cerastes by the aid of a couple of fish bones. With anybody else the charmer wonld probably have succeeded. He had tried it on the wrong man. London Tit-Bits. THE REASON. Lpt us look into the force, mean ing:, reason of the oft-repealed line : Cures Promptly and Permanently. Pains Endured for 30 Years, 25 Years, r-..V':;.' -' 20 Years, ! , 10 Years, " Have been promptly Cured by ST. JACOBS OIL. By the use of: . . a APPLICATIONS A HALF BOTTLE : ONE BOTTLE TWO BOTTLES. Correspondence with Sufferer show tire permanence of cure up to thia time, In some cases covering , 5 Years, '.-.' 7 Years, ' , . ... 8 Years, f . -V 10 Years, and eo on, and this proof we hold. - wJt,?fi !!"' " P"'"1 prtfo of the "wf,oluuibian J..jrrltJr.ti," descriptive of IlutdfiiarH snd (irotinds, beautifully Illus trated, hi water color crlucta, will be sent to any addaa upon receipt of 10c. lu postage sump, by Tag ciuhlu A. Vooitta Co., Wanted to Krnsh Them Off. Passing down a quiet street not Ions Since i saw two beantifully dressed wom en approaching. They were clad in deli cate colors, and spick and span from heaJ to foot. Between them and me was a garbage wagon, and just as they came opposite about two tons of afbes was hoisted into it with a result to the women that was det rimental to their appearance to a marked degree. ' "That mean old thing," Said one. "1 know he did it on purpose," said the other. "My eyes are so full of ashes I can't see a thing." "And so is my mouth," said the other. . But the climai was reached when the driver of the garbage wagon accosted them, saying: "Wouldn't yees like me to brush yees off?" ,-;, ., .,; . : . These two women proved that warm hearts were beating beneath their dainty clothes, for they only thanked him kind ly, but refused. New York Herald. The Came Needed Editing. " Three newspaper men were playing al leged billiards in the spacious billiard room of the Palmer House tbe other after noon, while two fel low ' workers in the business looked on and made remarks about the game. The game could not stand many remarks. It waa weak and halting. When, after manv efforts, and dry wild dabs with the cue, one of the trio would count, the quintet would in dulge in wild hilarity. Bnt this did not happen often. The buttons were becoming fastened on the wire by rust. The play was bad. Shots were made with the best intentions in the world, but somehow the balls al ways rolled too far to one side or theother. Finally, after a period of futile shots, one of the onlookers said: ' VYou fellows ought to get some one to 'read copy' on that game you're playing." "How Is that?" asked the player who had missed last. "Because there's so much bad English in it" Chicago Herald. A Thin Opening for Light. Experiments made In Hartford show that light can be seen through a clean cut opening of not more than one forty-thou sandth of an inch. This fact was deter mined by taking two thoroughly clean. straight edges, placing a piece of paper be tween the surfaces at one end, the opposite end being allowed to come together. The straight edge a tieinit placed between the eye and a strong light in a dark room, a wedge of light was perceived from tbe ends between which the naner was nla.-eil nrl the opposite, which were brought together. The thickness of the paper being known, the diHtauce apart of the two edges of tbe mall end of the wedge of light waa eaail .- calculated, and the result was shown as above. Exchange. Home is the blossom of which heaven is the fruit. Home is a place that a married man loves before bis niother-lu-luw cornea to stay there. Home is a person's estate obtained with out injustice, kept without disquietude; a place where time is spent without repent- nuce, and which is ruled by justice, mercy and love. A uraud old mirror, through which both shies or us are seen. Tht source of comfort which youth does not fully appreciate, which the young mep and maidens lovingly desire, which the middle aged generally possess, which the old rightly value. A hive in which, like tbe Industrious bee. youth garners the sweets and memories of life fur age to meditate and feed upon. The place where the cook spoils the din oer, where the baby spoils the night's rest, and where a late breakfast for an early train spoils the digestion. A place easily left but not so easily for gotten. iiie piace wnere the great are some times small and the small often great. The divinely appointed school for man kind, where husband and wife, parents ana cauurea mutually educate one an other. When good, a man's kingdom and ha ven of refuge; when indifferent, a parade ground of duty; when bad. the torturer' case in which of old the victim could neither move nor rest nor stand nor lie. Tbe kingdom of love whose queen is "mother." The world's workshop for tbe mannfao ture of character. A mint, in which onr characters (the coins of life) are stamped and Impressed. A junction on love s railway. .The best place for a married man after business hours. Hornets the cosiest, kindliest, sweetest place in ail the world, tbe scene of our purest earthly joys and deepest sorrows. A place the clubman retires to when weary of his club. The only spot on earth where the faults and railings of fallen L jmanity are hidden under tne mantle or charity. Where mother lives. The father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's world. The jewel casket containing tbe most precious of all jewels domestic happiness. the place at which the bread winner looks to obtain some little rest and quiet ness after a day of toil, and the favorite sojourning place of one's offspring while there is aught to be got out of it, and the place just as studiously avoided by them when their pecuniary position would war rant something being got out of them. vinere you are treated best and you grumble most. Home is a central telegraph office of hu man love into which run innumerable wires of affection, many of which, though extending thousands of miles, are never disconnected from the one great terminus. The center of our affections, around which onr hearts' best wishes twine. A little hollow scooped out of the windv hill of tbe world where we can be shielded from its cares and annoyances. A popular but paradoxical institution, in which woman works in the absence of man and man rests in the presence of wo man. A working model of heaven, with real angeis in tne form of mothers and wives. The place where all husbands should be at night. The place in which you liv till you are eld enough to get away from it, and to which you never fail to return when there is nowhere else to go. The antipodes of bad lodgings. I be place dearest to those who have lost It. An abode on which tbe Inmate, the -superior neing called man," can pay back at mgni with so per cent, interest every annoyance that has met him la business during the day. Tbe only place on earth where a man Is seen as be truly is. A place that U either made or marred by a woman. A place we are always unhappy away trom ana never contented In. An oasis in the desert of life where one can lind a shady retreat from the snn of toil and drink from tbe well of happiness - a seat oi uiisa w litre naught's amiss. A universal lodestone. A school wherein we are taught the most important lessons of life, for they count! tutethe basis upon which we build the whole superstructure of our characters. A NARROW ESCAPE IN RU33IA. Csar the Vigilant Oftlnitra ot the Were- Cleverly Outwitted. On the second day after our arrival In Krasnoyarsk we narrowly excaped gutting Into what might have been serious trouble as the result of au unexpected perquisition In the hmie f tlm atinlutancs with whom Shamarln and Peterson were stay ing. Thia acquaintance. It seemed, waa under suspicion, mid late In the evening. during the absence of the two young men from their quarters, the police suddenly appeared with orders to make a house search. The search wits duly made, but nothing of a suspicious nature was found except the two locked trtiuks of Shamarlu and Peterson. In reply to a question as to what was In them the proprietor of the house said that he did not know, that they were the prop erty of two of his Reqttitlntiinces who had topped for a few days with him on their way from Irkutsk to St. lVtersburx. Upon being asked where these acquaintances were, lie replied that he did lint know; that they usually went out after illuner and re turned between II and 12 o'clock. After a brief consultation the police olllcera de cided that as they had no orders to search tbo personal baggage of the houseowner guests they would not force the locks of the trunks, but would merely cord and seal them, so that the contents could not be tampered with, aud leave them uutil morning. lien bhamnrln and Peterson returned to their quarters about midnight they found their trunks corded and sealed so that they cort Id uot be opened. In one of them were many letters from political ex iles and convicts in eastern Siberia and friends aud relatives lu Kuropeiin Russia letters describing my Investigations and the nature of the material that 1 waa col lecting, and asking the friends and rela tives In Kuropean Kussla to co-operate with me and a photograph of myself that 1 had given to Shaman u with a dedication or Inscription ou the back that would re veal toauy Intelligent police officer the in timate nature of my relations with polit ical convicts. hat was to be done? To break a police seal under such circumstances would be a peual offense, and would prolwbly lead to imprisonment aud an investigation. To leave the letters aud photograph in the trutik would bo to insure their discovery and confiscation ou the following moruiug, aud that might create a very embarrassing situation tor me, as well as for the authors of the letters and their friends. The two young men finally concluded to make an attempt to get the trunk open without re moving the cords or breaking the seals, and as the letters aud photograph were near the bottom, and as the lid could not be raised even if the trunk were unlocked. they decided to take out a part of the hot, torn and afterward replace it. By working all the rest of the night they succeeded in getting oat one of the bottom boards, obtained the dangerous letters and the photograph, but the board back without disturbing any of the seals, and when the police came iu the morning stood by with unruffled serenity and saw tbe trunks searched. Of course nothing more dangerous thau a hairbrush and nothing mora Incriminating than a hotel bill could ba found. George Kennao In Century., The Coyote and the Crows. Once on a tlmo many crowa llvod In the edge of some woods. A little out Into th plain stood a very large tree, with much snd under IU Duo day a coyote was plow ing and heard the crows sinning ami (lanc ing iitnti r this tree, and came up to wateh tlicm. They were dancing l a circle, and each crow hnd upon hla Utek a large bag. "Crow friends, what are you doing?" asked t he coyote, who was much Interested. "Oh, we are dancing with onr mothers," said tliu crows. "How prenyl And will yon lot me dance tool"' asked the coyote of the too whlt-lah rlildeh crow ion plain of the dance). "Oh, yea," replied the orow, "(Jo and put your mother In a bug and come to the dance," The coyote went running home. There his old mother was sitting In the corner of the llrepliice. The stupid coyote picked up a slick and struck her on the head aud put her In a bag, aud hurried back to the dance with her. The crows were dancing merrily and singing; "A! nana, queeerah, quo-ee-rah." (Alas, Mama! you arv slinking, you are slinking!) The royole Joined the dance, with the bag on his back, and sang as the crows did- "At nana, que-eo-rnh, que-ce-rab..M AI nana Is an exclamation always used by mourners. I Hut at last the crows burst out laughing, and said, "What do you bring In your bagV "My mm her, as you told me." replied the coyote, showing them. Then the crows emptied their bags,whlch were tilled with nothing hut saud, aud flew up Into the tree, laughing. The coyote then saw that they had played him a trick, ami started home, crying "Al nanal" When hu got home he took his mother from the bug and tried to set her up in the chimney corner, always crying, "Ai mini, why don't you sit up as beforef" Hut she could not, 'or she waa dead. When he found that she could not sit tip any more he vowed to follow the crows aud eat them all the rest of hla life, and from that day to this be has been hunting them, and they arealwaysatwar. C F. Lmnmls iu St. Nicholas. HnlTT'.l OAK liK'IVK SH'HOi'L. PflWrRnFPWSHERS -WILL FIND A FULL LINK OF- TYPE. PRESSES, Printing Material and Machinery For buIo at lowest prices ami most advantageous tonus at PALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY, Corner Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND. OR. f 4T Write for prices and terms before buying elsewhere. ti l sa ll.UUper llottkO JJSj J Ij A JX Uuoceutnuuso. wjjWjf iiijiBm' inn tins Hoitt's Oak Grove Bchool, M (librae, San Mateo county, Cat. A HiMclaxs home chool for hoys. Iliautil'iil surroundings. Sin erior instruction. The nest of rare. Its- rrsdiiates lor lie3 are admitted to thuStai Uiiivernity or Stanford l iiiversiity without -lamination. .Milliner oi pupils linn ran term commences August 1. Mend -autlogm-. and mention this paper, Ira I loitt, I'll. ., Master, ex-btate Huperiii. tundeut l'ublic Instruction. 4T I'OPnll ( mtal tirutuntlv roira wm'in ail uiiitTv iiui. luuitn, vroiip, vors Ihroat, lloaraensss, Whoupinf Cough anil Asthma. For Consumption It Tins no rival: has cured thousands, ami will ri na Ton If takenln time, bold ny UrtiKuiat on a guar antee. Kor a Iimn ll'X'k or Ch-t, line KHiLOH'8 BULLA DONNA PLAHTKRJtte. 'd DSSiaSnEMEDY, ' uinuiii imii r" ww1 1 j maiiniaiis tetHltocurtjrou. irioo,60ct. lujucturfrvot Hercules Gas Enainti (OAS Oil OAHOI.INB) Made for Power or Pumping Purposes, lbs ChNit tUillaM (las Unsluo ou lb tlarkM. Out d Enocns ami Pirn. "Did ymi oe (hat shwklnK straw hat tie liM Is wearing?" " Yen; another I'anama aCaudtU." Ul.t II1KD1.Y HII.AKV. A tremlilbiir hand, an uncertain step, fldgetl- e, m.lii'in. . i;y real 1cm millliiiK Irmu one Strangers Cold at St. Hilda. One of the most curious facts iriven by Dr. Parsousin his report on inllueur-a re lates to what ia called "strautfpra' cold," an epidemic from which the little com munity livinK at St. Kilda, in the broad waters of tbe north Atlantic, suffers every time a vessel from any other part of the world arrives. Indeed, so surely doea this outbreak follow the arrival of a boat that it Is called by the islanders "boat cotih." In other oceanic islunds the same odd ef fects have been observed. In an island 4S0 miles east of New Zea land a similar epidemic attacks both Euro peans and Maoris on the arrival of a ship. So regular is the occurrence that when mnrn-miirri, as the cold is called, appears. the good folk are so snre that a ship Is In the port that they ride straight off to the harbor "to fetch their letters." Stran gers' cold and influenza are remarknbly alike in their symptoms. 1 be cause of the former is attributed to tbe organisms of disease that people in populous lands carry about with them. and to which they themselves are inured. II that be so, whence comes our Influenza? London Tit-Bits. .Uceor iHnuirc to ntioilicr. u-uallv mental an- lovaiice at unexpected nuincs.aro amunir Hie .mlicfttlotiM i t cilrcimt nervounliciiM. Tllcf cm trilllnir.kiit ibe h-ilih ol men and women n this condition is "decidedly shaky, ' Hani, o be overthrown ilisu, trimly by cau wbli li he vigorous inhrhi defy. In tortlly tl ii'-r-v-otiH svjtem Rcnt-ml vtuor muu. tbrouuh ih- ncdhiin of rcinfuriH U diKemion and a renewal it an lni'ain-,1 louero! le,-iiiit at nlslit. Ih raised to a healthful tlaiiilmit. A guarantee ol lhi In ll.utelter'a Mumacli Hitlers, whlvh re .utanilxhvs diKe-tlon, bilo necrctioit and lb, labil of body on a permanently rcttulai thus renewing that body equilibrium, liii b In followed by a gain of t.i-iigtli anil erve tranquillity, for kidney complaint, -heutnatism, neuralgia, and a a pr veinlve ol ne nr! attack or sub-euucui return ol mala in! Uitordcru, ibis medicine is without a peor lb rice daily take a wlurKlu-ful. Urllllant Repartee. A certain famous English general, the hero of two eastern wars, found bis health beginning to give way beneath the strain of long and .arduous service, and was or dered home by his doctors. Un the day of his embarkation for Kngland he waa ac compauied by a vast crowd of friends, to whom be began to distribute various small tokens of his regard. Well, general," asked the bishop of Calcutta, who was one of the party, "have you no memento to leave to an old friend like me?" "Oh, I have not forgotten yon. my lord." cried the general. "On the contrary. 1 have bequeathed to you my entire stock of impudence." Ten thousand thanks, my dear gen eral," replied the undaunted bishop. "You have given me by far the largest and most valuable part of your property." And then the bishop's wife turned to her husband and said sweetly. "My dcur. I am glad to see that you have come into your legacy so soon," llaviu Ker In Harper's. The Coreao Umbrella. Tbe desideratum at present is a portable umbrella. There Is a fortune for tbe man who invents a really good umbrella which can be stowed in a valise or trunk. The re is fen unpatented Corean umbrella that may All tbe bill. When it begins to rain the picturesque and stately Corean swell reacnes into nis sleeve ana produces a folded, oiled paper affair resembling a fan. This Is spread and set over the hat like an extinguisher, and Is kept In place by two strings held under tbe chin. It Is not very large, but anything that will cover a Co rean bat will keep the rain from a Corean. Irish Times. "Hut, my dear, why should we be extrava- ant and keen hones? ' " Emravagenl? Why, iM, i, woiou u economy, ne utaveati oui Ivery bills." ttXPKKIKSCK OK AN KX-CII AMI-ION Athletes and men who take ordinary out- toor exercise, sttch as walking, running, licycle- riding, jumping, swimming, tennis, tc, are often the subjects of acute troub les. The experience of an ex-champion walker will be of interest to all who are af flicted. Dauby Hbooks writes: ".No. ifl Ktsr XixgTkc.NTii St.,1 New Yong, April 2, IWi. "Numerous statements relative to the merits of different planters having been rought to my attention, I take this oppor tunity to state that I have used A I. M in g's foaovs I 1.ASTKKS for over twenty years and prefer them to any other kind. 1 would furthermore state that I was very n ek with catarrh of the kidneys, aud attribute my recovery entirely to Aixcoi Vs l'oaous t'LAhTKRS." News comes from Chicago that whisky has I aoiie tiown a ueut. it never went uowo witnoul a scent. RUPTUKB AND PILES OCRBD. we positively eure rapture, piles andallrec- tsiniseaaeawiiuoui pain or detention from bus! less. No mire, no onv. Alan all Mniniit gases. Address for pamphlet Drs. Forterfleld A '"j, nann street, sau rraneisoo. August Flower" "One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, lirts been sick for a long : a ii .1 ,...t- . tunc, au iiitjugut nun past recovery. He was horribly ctnacia ted from the inaction of bis liver and kidneys. It is difficult to describe his appear ance and the miserable state of his health at that time. Help from any source seemed Impossible. He tried your August Flower and the effect upon him was magical. It restored him to perfect health to the great astonishment of his family and friends." John Quibell, Holt, Ont Fur Simplicity It Hunts th WnrlJ. It oils ttatilf from a ltarvnlr Mo Carburetor to get out of order. No flatteries nr Ktcctrlo Hpark. It runs with a Ctiinir fir,,.!,. ,.f tiawllna tlian aur oimtr iirftiia, IKKti rK I ATAUioOa TO PALMER & REY, MANUFACTuntaa, C5 iuiwii Slrwt, till f nxisca, hi AHO . rOKTI.ANU, OKKOON. FISHING TACKLE (ife -rott- Rodai, Reel, Llnea, Hooka, Leadora aton of tha Flnaat Quality. tIKND TO HE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., 03 rirtt St., Portland, Or. Mend foi catalogue. The man who delights to net up with the lark Is never seen out uiion one after dark. BokuiPoiuIer Purity and Lcdven.nj&PoYv'cr UNEQUALED. QASH PRISES To Introduce our I'owdrr. e hare de. "uunsu to niatntrow among in, rntistim rs a numUr of Cahh Iit!Za.& ya ms person orolnb returning as the unrest rrrir.y'A'''" vrtM CLOSSEfA DEVERS. PORTLAND, Or. mt dr. cumrs ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS, COLDS AHO CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADViCE. "''" a rjeiiiTof nine ehlloren. ar onlr aa. M onldn syrup, is iJSrj1 STsniinhllitrtm Hki Pr. (I. inn-. Onion rrup There Is more catnrrh In this section of the country hau all other disease put together, at d until the last low years wan supposed io be Incurable. Knr a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local (llseane atui prescrliied local remedies, and by constantly falling tocure with local treatment pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to lie a constitutional dlsiase, and therefore require couitltutinnai treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ny F. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on tin- market. It I taken Internally hi doses from ten drons toateasnonn. till, it act directly oil the blood and muoou surfaces..! the yuern. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure, Hend for circulars si. d tmtlmonlnli. Address K. 3. CH KNKY A CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by druggists; 76tsenta. SOCIETY BADGES. A. FKI DKNIIEIM-, Leading Jew eler of the Pacific Northwest, keeps a large sioca Ol all HKCItKT HOCiKTY IIAIKIKX on hand. liest goods at low est figures. Jlsdges mane to oruer. 7jjj)jj to $250.00 cn;;r"tl", I flll.UU H, F. JOUKMON A CO., UlCHMOND, VA ', wnion Is slrMrtr r"tr4 and mor ttaaal to III ul. Bold everrwnwe. I bolt lea so amis. IsaenosulMUtuteforil. Tun's BuUuaa as ooC BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. KtrS'Ssst Rrphllla permanently cured In 14 toMdays. You coo be ImuM at home for tin sr. too price and tlx. .....n. p , . uHiimwiiopniicrio coin? koreeowlll contract to core them or refund and pay eipenw ttl cunliig. railroad far and bote! bills, if we fall to euro, If ton hay taken saer rurr. Iodide r"a.l, and still fun) acbea and imins, M srsus llhee.lii mouUs, atorTIf-eMt. VI aaulea, oppe-M olered Urease, si leers on ans Ibe body, llnlr or r.rrhrmtm tn,iiina Is Ibis atrakliuie oo JHMmoV i vmar-aniee tocure. We solicit the mmt, eiwsanoraKllem-elhewerld r that i obetlnai. B ea.e we cannot care, llilsillseaaaluuialwats elans. S.'MMS.SMMt Mullet iK'hlrid our unwiiMll. Iional guarantee. AlnMiiuinnronisi'ntraipil on ammeaiion. viiMrwa MM. II KM Kit Y .. -MUM te i J8 A Aliuonig 'A'esaulo. Culeaa-a. IU. Dae KnimeUue Store Polish : no dart, no smell. Thy Germia for breakfast. - A Military Norslty. A vegetable cartridge (bell, which is en tirely consumed in firing, Is now coming into Knerai ue in tbe French army. Tbe cartridge has scarcely half the weight of one with a metal shell; the coat inconsider able less, beside tbe inconvenience of re moving tbe shell aftereach shot Is avoided. At present tbe composition of this military novelty Is kept s secret. St. Louis Republic. Seasoning Timber. Oak timber loses about one-fifth of its weight in seasoning and about one-tbird of its weight in becoming dry. Gradual drying and seasoning are considered tbe most favorable to the durability and strength of timber. Kiln drying is par ticularly serviceable for boards and pieces of small dimensions, and unless performed slowly is apt to cause cracks and impair tbe strength of the wood. Jf timber of large dimensions be immersed in water for There are In Illinois many extinct lakes. which can easily be transformed into sheets of water by the simplest means. All the enormous "Lake Plain,' as It is known to geologists, comprising Wisconsin, Minne sota and Michigan, north of the Ohio river. is aoitea with countless sheets of water, conditions' being favorable for creating many more by such iuexper.siveartifices as I tne uaoiraing of streams. Learning; by Ciperlence, Tramp Please, mum, I'd like some cold vittlea fer my dog. nousegeeper uogi Wby do you go tramping through the country with a big I brute like that at yonr heels? 1 ramp 1 o pertect my heels from other dogs, mum f.nod News . A VISTU1WANCE Isn't what you want, if jour stom ach and bowels are Irregular. That's aliout all you got, though, with the ordinary pill. It may re lieve you for the moment, but you're usually in a worse state af terward than before. This is lust where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant l'elleta do most good Tbey act In an easy and natural way, very different from the huge, old-fashioned pills. They're not only plcAHantor, but there's no re action afterward, and their help Units. One little sugar-ooatod pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective three for a cathartic. Constipa tion, Indigestion, Hillcim Attacks, Ulzzinees, Hick and Bilious Head aches, are protnntlv relieved and cured. They're the smallest, tha Hasinas to take and the eheaneiA nlll von can buy, for they're guaranteed to give Bubiiuucuuii, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good yon HAVE YOU GOT PILES TTCHTWtf 3TTillll known Ivy molMttir I illta piNprMaii,auM Mitotitui Milling , wtn warm. Tiill form ml II 1.1 Ml, : liXjUJiUlwa or irUMliVVLMi Vll YltfUl AT OWIt TO DR. BO-SAN-K O S PILE fl&MPQY. whintt muim dtrootir on prt affryrtM, '""rim lumiin, auajH luirunM.mntyminK r uijao. jr. .wuuar,rm.4ipJii,' YOUNG MENS Th Speclflo A No. I. Cort!, without fail, fcJI Mtwi uf 4tnrr irit ri4 4ilMA, no mailer of how long uUtnfJliiK, IVoronM HtHrtiirn, It Mnir n lu-tt-riml ft-mivty. Vttr whftt vnryUiiuc ! htm fullwl. HiM l.v all llrtiKRlflta. Jrlauitftw-tiirnni: I b A. B honnhirf eMMMn r. HHM. omi .uw, uu. FRAZER AXLE BestintheWnrldinnr Mfir Get the Genuine! h If I- Sold Everywberel U 1 1 Ut 1 W 1. FRANK WOOL9EY, Agent, Portland, Or. m 11 I some weeks it is improved, and is less lia ble to warp and crack in seasoning. Phila delphia ledger. - The young Prince of Naples, heir to the toroneot Italy, is said to be a mode nr nee. If timber of 1 intellectually and morally. He is an only .uuu, luuuieu oy ins parents, ana a scholar v p n m Knis p v tt v K7o tuu'" "proviueu wiw a flight of Mrs. Vt'illiam H. Vanderbilt sometimes rides in a high French carriage of striking design that is remarked by thousands in Central park, New York, as a veryfiueand unique vehicle. It is lined throughout with satin, and sets so high at the sm-lnm that it is provided with a flight of stepa Life and Strength Are given to weak and frail children In wond'-r-'"1 '""n, "' hr Hood's Barsaparilu. Mr. lid- Mais.,a)s: "Kurdangh ter, Ktta, bad little strength when a baby. Wheu two and one liu'lf y-ars old she bad fre quent fainting spens. we gave her Hood 'ft Barns nam 'a. Her general bcalthimprorcd until she beearre lies lib v and rouged. Weoivehcr An expert electrician asserts that an eleo- HOOCI S OcirSaDarillO and a gentleman In every sense of the word. Jasmine is an Indian shrub. Iu starry. wax white blossoms are indescribably week All tne uurnme I)Hln and niu nn , and pathos and mystery of the Hindoo race seem to rise up to you in iu breath. I J9 ft- . . . - J H IMRS. WINSLOW'S SosvtrhuVnq : - FOU CHILDREN TECTHINO . i Filll''" "ft tlsaias) settle, !' "li"l AtsniMlsria WiKf.aaiil Ktta Hubert. trio train making 185 miles an hour would require 7,000 feet in which to coma to a standstill. ,.. occasionally now, whenever she eoraplalas of ,111. ..,7,4 KT.-IIUK, mm m ssi jm .Li. .M wmsapun, ana people I who bare weak lungs or Astb-1 ma, sbould ass Piso'sOare for I uonsumptioa. it Has eared I thonssiods. ft has not Injur-1 Bold everywhere, fjftc HOOd' Pll la cure Cousil nation by restorl ug I t i ' the iK.-rlslaltlo action of the alimentary canal. U HERCULE8 GAS ENGINE. Hun With Usui or Unaollne. Tour Wife can run It. Hennlros no licensed engineer. Makes nosmell or dirt. Mo Batteries u, Aivciriu npsra. PA LAI EH de IIKV, Han Fsakc:co, Cai. I'oTi.AHn, Oa. BEATS STEAM POWER ' mm mi. Tftm 18 TUB TIME TO order your rlUMMKK ROM.KftH. You w.iit the sesT; that's tbe only kind we deal In. Then f"n'!7e"' order for the JHCHl' KOIJ.KKH and 1NK " HAbMKK KKY TV I'K IT'UBV roHTUMn, Oh, "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE S A POLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF moore's Revealed Remedy. M5'KKATm thstbyth. . KH r.UMATIHM and my youngust isiVnr.n.i.rr. . !S .mra " "' oaseol MATUM when th. b-HS'raeffi OLD r jovu vnvaewT . Y'