The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 17, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 10.
st. Helens, Oregon; Friday, February 17, 1893.
NO. 8.
J. H, BEEOLE, Manager.
ubserlptlea Hales.
On eiy on year la lvnr
Oil. Pll)! l IllOlltlll
ltii miy,...
,.,, ii ,. , , i . .1 m , , I ,
' Advertising Hale.
rnil.a.loiml earil. one year t Ii
Out column nun year , 1J6
Half eolumii mi year , 7I
UuartereoliiiiuHiiia rsar 0
line liter una imiiilh . i
On. tnh th in nxiiilln . 6
Una lui'U ! mouths
Loeal nollcen, )fl cbhh mr llti fcif ltrt liner
lion 1 lutgnl. par Hue lor aai'h aiiuaeiiiieiil III
an Ion.
I.iial a'lv.rllmiit, tl.M par lneh lor rirnl
inaeruon, unit 79 eviii. .r men lor faun aiioas
('Hiilr Olliceraj.
Jii.U" Dult Fllaneliant, Itelnler
1 cm H. E. UUK'k. H . H.l.ll
Hn.-IS . A. Maa.IV, Hi. Helena
Tr.iaaiir r .-...K. M. Wharton, t olmnbla niy
Sunt. l Htlioola T. I. IMeeloii. Vermont
AupRUif W. II. K)rar, Kaliiler
Surveyor ....A. H. I.iltl., ke iili r
lout 111 ll mora...,
in. u. H' lio inuvpr, vernouia
1 11. , naruea, waysw.
MasoNtr.-HI. Helens lx'. Mo. Bl-Reiiiilar
eomioiioteattoii. nr.i ami 1111m namruay 111
eaehnimtlh mil Mr. at. al Minimis hall, Visit
ln iiitiulxra 111 good lamllna Invllatl la at
MAMiNir -llHlnUr No. Jl-Htatad
Ineelliin Halu;ity on or hoior earn lull moon
' AI7IW r. 11. al Maaotile. ball, ovar lllan-hart 1
tor Vlaltlug nisuiotrt In wk) tiauillii( in
Tiieo m au.u.j,
lion Ki.uia-Ht. Helena I -not-a Nr. 117
Maria ry Ml unlay nielli at 7 10 Tranelent
braibran In got auntllng- eorillally luiliedto
Ths MalU. '
, Ouwu rlvar (boat) clout al M A. at.
I'd rtrer looal) rloiwu al 4 r. at.
1hanllliir Varnonla ami I'ltlabiirc 'tarM
81. Ileleiu UumUy, Mt.lnet.iay anil rrlHavy at
I a. at.
Tha mall for Msr.hlarnl. Clattkaul ami Mlal
laa (J.iluu Holiday, nnmeadaj ana rrtaay
WailetrallaaT) arih clots 10 a. .; lor
I'ortlauit al a r. at.
Traveler nU lllvvr Healee.
Snuatsa (I. W, Hnva- l,eavee HI. Helena
lor I'orilauil al II a. at. Tue-Oay, 'I burarla and
nalurilar Uavea Hi. Helena lor tlal.aaiile
M, iii,l. Wr. ii.-lay anil yrl.lH) at a OU , at.
raal; HI Helena loi l'ort-
laud 7; a. !, nturnliig all. SO r. at,
Hraanaa Juairn ki.t(w-laiea HI. Helena
lor ISutUiid iliill irepl Hnn.lay. al 7 a.
rlrlnaal Cutlaiul at 10 SO: relnrnliK, leai
rorilaiir at 1 r. Marrlvlnii at U Uelenaau.
, jk. 11. R. curr,
8U Helena, Oregon.
). t, II AI.I,
niJOlt-lAiN AND SUiaUiliUii.
Clatnksitte, Columbia county, Or.
jR. W. C. BKI.T.
(: Rainier, Oregon.
Bt.IUlkns, - OmtaoH
,. , o All Work Gtiarttnteed. "
T. A. Mcllaint. '
A. 8. Dnaaaita.
Oregon City , Oregon ,
Prnmi-t attention given laml-oRlce btulnen.
a B. l.I'1'TLK,
V 8t. Helens, Oregon.
I. ,nid aitrvevlne. town
nls'lilng, and engineering work promplly
done, i . . . " " '
J.W, ar..
T. Kuknsv. ,
Oregon City, Oregon. years' sxppriwe as Kfglsler of
",i rnlted ! Latin Olllce here, recom
.. :...i. ... In onssnei ialiy o n" kinds of
'J . ..... !,.,(., 10 tU Land Om-e or the
Courts and Involving the Oeneral Land
. Oregon City, Oregon. ,
. . . r I l.J ARl.. I
Il.alespeclnl ageniot tiencrai 1
iliimeatmid. -Pre-emption, ami i ' opment work being done in ths Elk City California often paid $1 apiece lor on
Land api'lieations, and "rn '1 mining dletrict thla aummer is exceed- Ions, and for potatoes and apples In pro-
?. ne. a .rcialty. Ofllce. sei-ond iioor,
Olll. a llttilding.
" 1 ...t no T T fTri
QT ' 'TlFT r NS HUIdL.
Ol. HLLl-'iW aiwaav i
' J, George, Proprietor.
Tallies always supplied wlib thebastsdlblss
and dclicaclos (he market allords.
1U11 , -
.,..i iwnii Itewly refurnished, we
' ... i.renare.l to give satisfaction te all
.:' ,.. and solicit s share of your
0Ur patrons,
Great Suffering Among Stock
in Eastern Oregon. ;
Sacramento highbinders.
Glowing Prospects Reported From
Several Mining Districts
In Idaho.
Idaho hu tDDroDriated I30.0CO for tha
Boatbern California ll thinDlns but
low orange. It ll waiting for uio Flor-
Ida crop to Docom xuaaiMKl.
J. D. Rainer. ex-Oblef of the Fira De-
partmnntol Tacoma, uai lallen heir to
loriooe 10 leiai enimaieu at iuu,(KH),
la Eattorn Oreuon tha Intense cold.
together with tha heavy inowfalli. ii
(rnuiing great uttering among the itock
on me range.
Five women were arreated and eioh
lined 1 and ooate t Phutnlx, A. T.. (or
riding Mtrlde on horttback, dreued in
mother HuDUarai.
Dolorei Ochoa. Mexican resident of
Pbconlx, A. T., and one of the oldeet
men In toe oonntry, la aeal, uaring
reacnea we age 01 110 yean.
The Stockton Aeeoolatlon aare there It
nothlna? in tha itorr that Btambonl'a ran.
ord el wm obuined by fraud. The
whole matter u to De morouguiy lnvet-
The laree Irrlttation ditch to be eon
trusted iu Owyhee county, Idaho, will
be 160 mllef long, and will irrigate 860.
000 acre of deeert land. Water will
be taken from the Bnake.
The ana! rase to far of the body of Hit.
Nord bolt-Bent ley at Lot Angefee ahow
that the wai poisoned. Bentley, it ii
K-1.....I k. an.l .
tional trial u anticipated.
Alio vuuii m ' a 1 1. ... . . a. a. 1 aa ua
tided that a ball where drlnka were told
m. .a tki a m 1 ,t
and mnaio played by tnree women on a
tage, one of whom wea dreeeed in male
attire, la not yariety ihow,
Sacramento'e Chinatown la in fever
of excitement over the shooting by high
binder of a Chinaman while coming
ontol the Misaion ocnool and the stab
bing of Ah Wing on the street.
The Oregon State Democratic Commit
t regreta the attitude of Governor
Pennoyer toward Mr. Cleveland, and
considers his otteranoee agalnat the
President-elect aa unwarranted and ten-
'The Southern Californlan Smelting
and Kefining Company at Loa Angeles
baa began the work of preparing ground
for a smelter, and expects to have the
machinery in place and ready for opera
tion early in April.
The owners of sealers and masters at
Victoria, B. C, have been notified that
they must I ave the name of vet'ele
painteti on uoin ti 01 tne dow and at
the atern. On the latter there must also
be the home port or port ol register,
I nru . B.tinMA If alane and Tmnrovement
Company, Loa Angeiee coomy, vai., ie
suinir tnenantave lor mo nwiwiw
1 ha maul in Loa AnBele and terminal
privlloges, which bad been granted on
conditions that the road baa not com
plied with. . .
. aa. aa. a ...
Tha Sevada Wgiaiaturt na oeiore i
Ian irrigation proposition, and an extra
ordinary effort will be made to pass It,
for many believe toe eatvauoo 01 we
State depends upon colonisation and the
briniiinr nnder cultivation of much of
the now barren land. ,, , ,
Several Umatilla county farmers are
till hnldlnir aratn harvested In 1801.
On has 8,000 bushel on hand. An of
fer of VI cents per buahel waa made for
the wheat alter the harvest of that year,
and waa declined by the farmer, who
believed that the price would reacn si.
The aula of the Board of Director of
the fall brook (San Diego county, Oal.)
irrigation district, providing for issuing
and wiling bonds of the dlatnct, have
been indorsed by the Superior Court, and
tha friends of irrigation in that section
celebrated the victory with cannons and
Good prospect are reported for the
mine on tne miaue ion 01 u vioar-
avatar In
Idaho. A number 01 Claim
. . . .1.1 : u I u iM
rongh and in soma places dangerous
TVanlta tha snow Thompson A Camp
bell, sheep men of Pendleton, have lost
but three bead out of their band of 4,000
aince leaving the mouatatna. une 01
ft" w.i
killed another. Part of the Thompson
A Campbell sheep are on Blroh creek
and part on Coomoa' canyon, iney
have been fed ever since snow fell about
five tons, daily and ars in supero condi
tion. The Lake Hemet Water Company In
Ban Bernardino county, Cal., has at an
enormous expenditure erected at their
reservoir site in Hemet Valley a colossal
maaonrv dam. which in pointof siss and
durability is not equaled on the Ameri
can Continent. The future development
of the San Jacinto Valley In tbe direc-
tlnn nl aorinnltnra will be dependent On
this wster supply which is not controlled
by the caprices 01 tns season. -
Tha. f.llafnn rTrlahn) Tnoiins learns.
. .. . . . , .
thjj. ti,e prospect lor extensive aevei-
Inglygood. It states that three claims
have been recently , sold for $40,000,
$zo,uw ano a,'iuu reepoonvoiy. Auoaw
sales havs aroused ths greatest exoite-
ent ,n th9 Min -nd eyM.ythng bear-
log mineral 01 tbe remotest vatue is oe-
ing located in the hops of sharing in the
general favor with which that country is
nowregaraea. .
Klamath county Is the latest seat of
nave oeen taaen in mie rvgiuu, w u,u .0 - KiTer ana flew tteaioru nave auueu ijw,
60 miles eaat of Urangeville and 25 miles q00 new spindles to their machinery ths
north of Elk City. The only way ol ,tt year.
gold excitement. A settler named Took, Carolina. The number of
on the south (ids of ths Klamath river naw employes was 13,315. Additions to
about one and one-half miles from Keno. miile gave employment to 2,000 par
was digging a well, snd at a depth of "
sixty feet he struck a formation from . ' ' . ,
whibh hs psnned out $1.60 in gold with ' The largest saw ml 1 In the world, it Is
an ordinary .klllet. The gold wa prob- cUlmed is located at Clinton, Iowa, on
ably from ths stratum of bins gravel, the Misaisa ppl river. It baa ten saws,
- r . ... a . a ii J ha ral anil K taaavaw. isanrs SkWirl !
which underlie a large portion oi tne
lake and Klamath river country, and it
may lead to tbe development of soma
good drift mlnss thsse.
Pattl Receiving Only $2,000 per Night
for Her Operatic Performances at
La Scala In Milan.
The fall name of the Fopnllst Gov
ernor ol Kansas is Lorain Demoetbenet
W. Clark Runajll, the novelist, whom
all Europe is raging over just now, was
born in the old Uarieton Uotel on Broad
way, New York, in 1844.
Daring the twelve years since Oeneral
Hayes retired from the White House
there la no record of bia having submit
ted to a political interview.
Senator Colquitt, of whom It waa said
a few weeks aifo that he wonld never re
cover from his illness, expect to attend
tne inauguration of Mr. Cleveland.
Burne Jones says that the only one of
hli paintings which wearied him waa bia
moat lamous painting, "Xne Uoklen
btaira." He declares that ha aot"ao
tired of those girl.
Pattl receive 12.000 s night for her
operatic porformanoea at La Scala in
Milan. In England the diva' rates are
Higner, lor she is paid I4,u.j lor every
concert in Jbonuon and iz.uou lor con
certs in the provinces.
The Cvrua W. Field blace at Irvlnrton
haa become the residence of A. L. Bar
ber by purchase. The new owner ha
been for many yar the principal stock
holder in and President of the largest
aspnait company in tnis country.
Lieutenant Totten. the New Uaven
prophet, haa resigned from the army, to
take effect next August. He will then
probably devote his entire time to the
arrangement of the rrand final cata
clysm which has so far failed to com op
to nis advertisement.
Ex-Consul Alexander K. Webb, who
I preparing to preach the true faith of
to 1'ropnet Maiiomet to tnta uccidental
nation. I personally a very genial and
companionable man. He is polite), alia-
bie, witty, and makes mends as tie
hope to '( proselytes wherever he
goee. Mr. tVebb baa progressed from
Presbytertanlsm throngh materialism
to Buddhism, and now to Ialamism. He
is a ready speaker, an amateur actor and
a clever newspaper man.
Indue E. Bockwjod Hoar while In
Washington one day laat week eat in the
Mouse 01 Kepreaentativeaawnue telling
stories to ex-Speaker Reed apropos of
that gentleman's famous ruling. He
said it made him think of an observa
tion of President Lincoln on one occa
sion. A delegation of colored men had
waited upou Mr. Lincoln, and he. being
at a loss to know lust what to aay to
tbem. not knowing their exact mission.
remarked! "Weil, all who are here ap
pear to be present."
Ex-SecretarV Endicott has Inherited
from tbe late William Endicott of Salem
and London, the famous John Ead cott
farm of Salem, which is a part of the
original grant to Governor John Endi
cott, and Includes the old Endicott bury
ing place and the Endicott pear tree.
Judge Endicott, who now comes into
possession 01 tne estate is a direct de
scendant of Oovernor Endicott. The
property ha never yet been oat of the
Endicott family since tbe original grant,
about 1030.
Largest Saw Mi l in the World Located
In Iowa Potatoes a Very Expen
sive Luxury in Alaska.
The Paris hot-water fountains, for the
rue of tbe pr, supply eight quart of
heated water for 1 cent.
A cradle baa been invented that gently
rocks itself, and at tbe earn time fur
nishes musio for the baby.
The amount of negotiable securities of
the United States held by foreigners is
probably over ttH)0,000,000.
Commercially we are annexing Can
ada pretty last. Our trade with her is
far greater tnan .England s.
Oar production of pig iron in 1802 wm
.157.000 tons a very large per cent
greater than that of England.
Bank clearances are heavier thus far
in 1HD3 than they were in 1892, and in
1892 they beat all previous records.
It is computed that all the locomotives
in the United State wonld, if coupled
together, make a train 300 miles long.
During 1892 twenty-one new silk mills
were started in the United Statea, giv
ing employment to about three thousand
Ths two Massachusetts cities of Fall
It is noted by an agricultural paper
that the number of sheep in this ooun
try increased last year mora than a mil
lion and a half.
Of the whole length of ths Sues Canal
86 miles are cuttings, 14 were made by
l'k-nd 8 "
required no labor.
The silver product of the United States
for 1892, according to the Wells-Fargo
report, was worth (50.607,601, against
$00,814,004 in 1891. -. .
Ths cars ths Pennsylvania railroad is
building to transport the two big Krupp
?;uns to Chicago will be tha biggest
roight cars in ths world.
Girls working at the Art Tile Works at
Beaver Falls recently struck for five min
utes' tlms in which to put on their wraps
before ths whistle blows.
In 1892 ths twelve leading locomotive
V. In thla m.,nl.a hnllt 1701 lnnnmn.
tlves. In 1891, 1,963 locomotives were
turned out by tbe same works.
Mlnera in Alaska have Daid as hlsh as
(t . . 1 - .
du cents toratpouiio. ri.y uinera ui
xhe net loss of gold to the country
m, ei0ea ol exports over imports was,
in mund figurea, $00,0.10,000 in 1892,
a34 000,000 in 1891, $4,000,003 in 1890,
am 000,000 In 1889 and $24,000,000 iu
1888, while in 1887 we gained $35,000,000.
B.y three new cotton hvs
been started during the laat twelve
months, twenty-seven of them in North
; S ""; l
l1'0' Z VX.
pwlty of the miU is 600,000 fsaH ol tarn-
aa ymt waf .
The Secret of the Steady Gold
Drain From America.
Oklahoma Farmers Jubilant St
Louis Beer and Bonds in
Great Demand.'
Nebraska will send 300 cowboys to the
World' Fair.
In Baltimore the lowest fine for policy
gambling is 200.
Boston wants authority to lisht tha
city with its own plant.
The brass manufacturers of Canada
have formed a combine.
An anti-Plnkerton bill was introduced
in tbe Wisconsin Legislature.
Boston is taking subscriptions for a
monument to Phillips Brooks.
Lieutenant Peary will set out on his
Arctic expedition about July 1.
ert s tat
i 00 vt emem larmer are ooiaiDff on
to iu,uw,wu dosdbi 01 wneat.
j .m x. I
Half a million a year is to be Spent to
protect New York's water supply.
Tbe sword of Cortes will be among
Mexico's exhibit at tbe World's Fair,
ri.n..1. v... . . . v.. t?.i
ear Thomson Steel Works at Braddock,
The old New York Hotel In New York
city has been sold to a syndicate of cap
Canadiaa estimates for tbe ensuing
year contain appropriations of $4,630,200
for canals.
Nebraska's LegbUture will probe tbe
frauds back of Lincoln's Capital National
Bank failure. .
. 16 V.
ao'rmril? ! tmoaatd to ow
Tbe United States foreign commerce
Throueh the medium of a matrimonial
paper a Pittsburg man became engaged j
to hia own daughter. I
Oklahoma farmers are jubilant over
the late snows, which will prove very
Denenciai to tne crop.
Tbe railronds centering In Chicago will
expend at least $V),0 K,oG0 in prepara
tion lor tne worm's f air,
The Harrison Telephone Company.
witn swyMJ.utu capital, has Deen incor
po rated under the laws of Illinois.
A ledge of lithographic stone sufficient
to supply the world for 600 years has
been discovered near St. ixmts, mo.
The boomers camped along the Chero
kee strip have suflered intensely from
the cold. Several have frozen to death,
Profeesor W. F. Whttlock has been se
lected Chairman of the Book Committee
of the Methodist Church of tbe United
Hanlan and Gsndaur have signed ar
ticles to row for the rhampionsh p of
A merica and $1,1-00 a side in Toronto on
July 23.
Kt. Liu'a feels ood. Beer is selling at
; per imrrei, 2 rents per schooner, and
her 4-per-rent bonds are nabbed up by
cap tal eta at 101.
There will be in the neighborhood of
32 consular p witions subject to appoint
ment by President Cleveland and bis
Secretary of State.
For over $2,000,000 the Weyerbouser
syndicate has bought 600,000,000 feet of
Minnesota pine lumber, planning to
control ths market
The Pullman Car Comnsny will hsvs
fo pay taxes on property in Nebraska in
future. Judge Dundy of the Federal
Court has so decided.
According to the estimate of tbe Poet-
master-General, the receipts of his de
partment for tbe next fiscal year will
exceed the expenditures.
Three of the largest silk mills In the
United States have formed a syndicate
to control the production of fine-grade
silk goods in the country.
Government employes of the military
and civil services are complaining bit
terly ol tbe losses tbey sustain tarouga
the depreciation of silver.
Miss Anna E. Dickinson baa begun
suit at Scranton, Pa., against eight per
sons Wbo were instrumental in Having
ber placed in an insane asylum.
Baggage snd transfer companies along
the New York Central railroad have
combined as tbe Consolidated Transfer
Company, with $1,500,000 capital.
It is proposed to levy a poll tax of $100
ner annum on all Chineae residents of
Canada. Enongh to pay fare by under
ground railroad to all parts of the United
Montreal Is now at the beginning of
the winter carnival, which will last until
the close of Mardi-Gras. Tobogganing,
skating and snow-shoeing will oe in
dulged in.
Tbe Department of Public Works at
Ottawa will shortly call for designs for
the erection of a monument on Parlia
ment Hill to the memory of the late Sir
John Macdonald.
A movement is on foot to form a new
traction company with a capital of $10,
000,000, out of the street .car lines not
now under the control of the Philadel
phia Traction Company.
Enormona shipments of wheat will
take place from Lake Superior in the
early spring; 16,0(0,000 bushels will be
atDuluth. There will be enough to fill
00 full-sized steamships.
The secret of the steady gold drain is
now said to oe tne boarding oi toe prec
ious metal for the purposes of war. the
magnitude and possibilities of which
will eclipse all conflicts recorded in his
tory. The World's Fair Committee has in
formed the Cigarmakera' Union that it
was not advisable to restrict the sals of
cigars on the grounds to those manufac
tured by any particular firm or organi
sation. '
Tbe Senate has ratified the agreement
entered into between- the Northern Pa
cific railroad and thePuyallup Indians
of Waahington, whereby the railroad is
given a right-of-way sixty feet wide
across the reservation for a spur of.itn
road 1,378 feet long. The agreement
was amended in one particular by pro
riding that the Indians shall rrc ive not
less than $1,500 an sere for their Irud.
The Inman Steamers City of New York.
and City of Paris to Raise ths
American Flag Soon.
Senator Dubois baa introduced a bill
making Bonner's Ferry a port of entry.
The bill is indorsed by the Treasury De
partment, and may pass this session.
The negotiations for the settlement of
tbe Keys case is proceeding so satis
factorily that tbe war ship Atlanta has
been recalled from her special misaion
to Port-an-Prince, where abe was sent to
enforce the demands of thia government.
Fithlan of the Committee on Census
haa made a minority report to the House,
protesting agalnat the passage of the bill
providing for a permanent cenna bu
reau. Baker of Kansas and Lawon of
Georgia signed the report with Fithlan.
Tbe House Naval Committee decided
to make no provision in the naval atv
propriation bill this year for new cruis
ers or battleships. One new $400,000
gunboat la the only vessel provided for.
The total appropriation is $2,000,000 leas
than laat year.
The best Informed people believe there
will be aa extra session not later than
the middle of April. It is believed the
Democratic leaders think this, and for
that reason they are not attempting to
crowd some matters of legislation they
feel are necessary.
I nru- r.:i n Mi..t u u.i
M. anmmoned noll,tni. ( Cnatnm.
T a. Phalna nf flan Franniam tn Waah.
I ington for the purpose of answering the
charges that he removed certain customs
j employee because they had refused to
contribute to the Republican campaign
It is also stated that the San
Francisco Examiner haa been called on
to furnish testimony in the case, having
published serious charges of offensive
Eartisansbip against Pnelps. No date
as been set for hearing so far as known.
Senator Squire haa polled tbe Com
mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds
upon his proposed amendment to the
sundry civil appropriation of $30,000 for
a marine hospital at Port Townsend,
Wash., and seen red a unanimous report
in favor of it. He reported it, and has
called It to the attention ol the Commit-
tee Appropriations and secured a nrom-
lee of favorable action when it comes to
be considered. Senator Squire ia very
confident that the amendment will be
sgreed to by the House.
Senator Dolph has been having a tus
sle with the Appropriation Committee
over a disposition to cut down tbe
amounts in the sundry civil bill forrivsr
and harbor improvements. The com
mittee bss bad it before the army engi
neers, endeavoring to find out if the va
rious amounts cannot be reduced below
the House bill. . Senator Dolph says the
appropriation for the cascades must re
main as passed by the House. Again it
is positively stated that tbe engineers,
who will report upon tbe improvement
at the dalles, will say that a boat railway
is not feasible, and that the only kind of
an improvement practicable ia a portage
road, and Congress will never build a
portage road. The report may be in be
fore the close of the session.
The naval appropriation bill as agreed
upon by the Committee of Naval Affairs
carries sn aireregtte amount in round
numbers of $l'0,(i07l000. The appropri
ation for the current fiscal year is $23,
643.itSrt. and the estimates for next year
. J ooa Th.M ia nt annmnriatiAn .
in the bill for the proposed naval review 1
next May. The Senate, therefore, will Wolves in Russia destroy annually up
have to be looked to for the appropria- ward of 800,000 bead of domestic ani
tion to carry out the promise implied in mats valued at 8,000,000 roubles. Their
our invitation to foreign nations. Ons number does not appreciably decrease,
new gunboat ie authorized, and lor tbe i jh, Quajira Indiana in Venezuela
eeyment of vessels heretofore author- i roasted alive three traders, wbo were
ed to be built $6,150,r00 ia appropri- nght atealing young Indian srirls for
a ted, including $250,000 under the the. nnrnnaa of aallina- them into servi
bead of "equipment." Among tbe ap
propriations for new public works Is
$255,000 for the continuation of the Pu
get Sound dry-dock work.
fWrntarv Fnatr of the Treaanrr Do-
partaient has been notified tbat the ; bank.
American flag will be formally raised A London confectioner says tbat be is
upon the Inman steamers City of Nsw sometimes called on to furnish wedding
York and City of Paris at New York on cakes weighing 1,000 pounds each, atM
Washington's birthday. The event will puddings of a size sufficient for 600
be celebrated with great pomp. Many . hearty appetites.
dUtinguiahed people have been invited. gnitan of Turkey bas sent a eon
The President, who regards the act of -ratulatory letter to the Pope of Rome,
tbe City of New York and the City of This is about the nearest approach which
Pariain taking American register and the cross and the crescent have ever
sailing under tne Stars and Stripes ao the made toward a conjunction. ?
-.'in5"n' hth.' Tfl?lrtH iil7b. I Th eir to the Austrian throne, when
. N YkhS .Tl tr Emperor, will govern nine
"..-iii ri Snf tha memhSra " "chduke, two as grand duks and
n,nn.itiau liiatinimiahavil mamhara nf The Indian Medical Recnri ahow a
Congress and the principal officers of the
Navy Department as thsir invited guests.
When the Senate Committee on- For
eign Relations reported the Russian ex
tradition treaty, it was with an amend
ment that attempt to murder the Csar .
or any member of the royal family shall i
oe ronaiuoreu iiuu-puiitiua..
PI? ,3s hi SL
leal they hould be , extraditable. This
was finally sustained. Turpie was not
satisfied with this action, and intro- ,
duced a resolution recently intended ss
an offset to the terms of the treaty. The i
resolution declares it is the-eense of the
Senate that jurisdiction In what is
known as political offenses ought not to '
ha extra territorial, and no treaty should i
be approved which proposes to take from .
the courts of the United States the right
to determine whether or not an offense
ie political under tbe law of nations.
Business men in puhllo life fear tbat a
financial disturbance is aear at hand. It
la said that Secretary Foster has pre
pared to avoifi any difficulty in the Treas
ury by purchasing gold oy issuing an
enormous amount of bonds. As high as
$300,000,000 rumor places the amount.
This statement is made flatly, and goes
so far as to say that the bonds have al
ready been placed and an agreement
reached for their immediate exchange
for gold, the arrangement being made In
anticipation of the result of the silver
vote in the House, which it is feared will
precipitate a crisis. Whatever may be
done by the present Secretary of the
Treasury, it is now conceded that Cleve
land will early call an extra session of
Congress to repeal the Sherman law and
by his own personal power and actual
patronage and persuasion force tbe bill
through, beginning by having the House
organised nnder common-sense rules,
wfelah will bring the House to a vote.
Approaching Resignation
Minister Phelps.
The Annual Visits of the Duchess
of Edinburgh to Russia
The Khedive has been well received
at Asaioot.
Among tbe British nobility 19 per
cent are cmidieee.
More Americans than ever before at
thia season are in Italy.
Germany proposes to build five battle
sbips, eacu to coat i,ow,uw.
Nearly 22,030 Hindus lost their lives
last year irom being bitten by snakes.
Of the 136 members of ths London
County Council not one is a saloonkeeper.
Emperor William toasts the Czar in
public, but in private they say be roasts
Stanley contradicts the report that be
Intends to make another expedition into
During 1892 21,231 horses, 275 don
keys and 51 mules were eaten by the
A directory of resident Americans in
London, an edition de luxe, is to appear
in tne spring.
Witte, the new Minister of Finance
in Russia, has begun by Imposing a new
tax on the people, -
London society papers are becoming
chagrined at the number of Anglo
American weddings.
Two years age there was only one co
operative dairy society iu Ireland, while
, now were are uurty.
There is much concern in court circles
as to the health of the Princess of Wales,
which does not improve.
It Is expected that tbe betrothal of
Princess Louise of Denmark to the Csar
owltch will be announced soon.
An atmosphere of scandal hangs over
the court at Vienna, which does not long
have immunity from thia sort of thing.
Loudon is keeping np with the times.
The city now has tiO.OOJ telephones. This
has greatly reduced the number of car
rier boys.
Most of the Berlin newspapers indulge
in lamentations because, ot ths approach
ing resignation of Mr. Phelps, toe Amer
ican Minister.
England received about 10,057.600 let
ters from the United States last year,
Germany received from us 6,558,040 and
France 1,884,040.
The high prices charged at the better
class of restaurants in London is a sub
ject of many letters of protest to ths
Timet of tbat city.
Canada is negotiating with France for
a minimum tariff on rorta-tn (Mnadiau
products in return for a redaction of the
duties on French wines.
It is proposed in France to impose a
tsx of 10 centimes per 1.000 franca upon
time bargains on the Bourse, ibis tax
is expected to yield 12,000,000 franca.
Michael Laixaroni. a nephew of the
imprisoned cashier of the Bank ot Rome,
was arrested and charged with bribery
and forgery in his relations witn tbe
terrible record of deatha from cholera.
In fourteen years, from 1877 to 1890, it
declares that 1,000.826 persons have died
in Bengal from cholera alone.
At Avenches In French-speaking Switz
erland a Swiss society of archssology is
I. ,!,. kin fha, ait nl a Unman theaatar
nnjor the supervision of Th. Tan Muy
aen 0, iasanne, an arcnitect.
soldiers will wear seamless
marching efficiency. The old
style of seamed socks chafed the akin,
. The annual visits for long periods of
tbe imcness oi jiainourgn to ttuseiaare
exptamea Dy iqs inowieuKe ma. .r
ths Czar's administration shs would lose
lrge part ot her dowry were she to
forego them.
It is reported in Rome that Signor
Tamlonso. the imprisoned Governor of
the Bank of Rome, haa given evidence
to the examining magistrates agalnat
several of the most conspicuous states
men in Italy.
Nearly 6,000 men were at work last
year on the ship canal which ia to con
nect the Bsttic and North Seas. The
expenditure so far has amounted to
about $20,0C0,OO0. It is expected to be
opened for traffic in 1895.
The strike of the Journeymen takers
in Paris haa ended. A new arrangement
as to the price of bread and wages of the
men will go into effect at once, when
work will be resumed. Before the set
tlement of tbe strike the rioters stormed
a bakery, but were repulsed by the own
er, who fired two shots at thero, wound
ing two men.
No sooner have European aeronauts
improved their balloons slmost to tbe
point of perfection for military uses than
ilnno en mas a Rnssisn scientist with an
apparatus which captures the rays of the
sun snd employs tbem to onrn we mr
loons, somewhat on the principle by
which Archimedes plsansd te 4sstsof
SBtUe asvisa.
Pratlae. fruit, ffta.
Wheat Nominal Valley. M.nJi'a
1.20; Walla Walla, $1.10(31.12 per
Floo Standard, $3.40; WalU Walla,
$3.50; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
OaTS Choice, 43 44c per bushel j
rolled, in bags, $o.2536.60; barrels.
$6.506 75; cases, $3.75.
Ha v Beet, $11 13.60 per toni eosa
mon, $9.00310.00.
MiLLsrurrs Bran, $18; shorts, $20;
ground barley, $2334; chop feed,$20 per
ton; whole feed barley, 8085e percent
al, middlings, $2324 per ton; brewing
be'ley, 90(393 percental; chicken wbsat,
Si.iueu.iu per cental.
Bum a Oregon fancy creamery, 36(3
87c; fancy dairy, 8032)o; fair, to
good, 2627e; common, 15(170 per
pound; pickle roll butter, 406ao per
Chkssi Oregon, ll13c; Eastern
Twins, 14ic; Young America, 16o per
pound. -
Boss Oregon, 30c ; Eastern, nominal.
30c ; California, 30c per dozen.
Poultbv Chickens, mixed coops, $4(3
4.5 J; old hens, $5.00(35.50; old roosters,
$4; ducks, $5; geese, $11 per dozen ; tur
keys, live. l13Jic; dressed, 15 16c
per pound.
VaaRA.Ba Cabbage, tl. 00 (31.50 per
cental; onions, $1.2ol-5-J per cental;
potatoes, 90ct$l percental; tomatoes, 40
50e per box ; Oregon turnips, 7bctl.00
per cental; young carrots, 75c$l per
cental; sweet potatoes, $1.601.76 per
cental; Oregon cauliflower, 76c$1.00
per dozen ; celery, 60c per dozen.
Fauns Sicily lemons, to.00 per box;
Calilornia, new crop, $4.60(35.00; Ore
gon pears, $1.26(81.50 per box; bananas,
$2.50(9 3.60- per bunch; oranges, seed
lings, $3.00(33.25 per box ; navels, $4.00
(34.50; cranberries, $12.60 per barrel;
apples, $10)0(32.00 per box.
Seattle raa"l as.
Hosarr Choice comb, 15(3170 per
pound; new Oregon, 18$20e.
Sam Liverpool, 300a, $15.50; 100s,
$16.60; 60s, $17.60; stock, $10.60(311.60.
DaisD Fauns Petite prunes. 10(3120:
sUver,llil4c; Italian, 12 (3 14c ; German,
10011c; plums, old, 636c; new, 7Sc;
apples, 6(3 11c; evaporated apricots,
16316c; peacAss, 12(3 ltfc; pears, 7311e
per pound.
Rios Island. $4.7535.00 : Japan. $4.88
uorraa uasta zuca, ue ; zuo, wc ;
Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27 X (3 30c; Java,
27X(330c; Arbuckle's, Midland, Mo
kaaka anaV Lion. 100-pound cases.
25 86-lOOe per pound; Columbia, asm.
26 35-lOOc.
- Bbams Bnutu wiute, sxe; pink, 8c;
bayoa, SWc; batter, lc; Imaw, '
per pound.
PYBUr jgjiaiwrn, in Dawreia, avyooti;
hali-barrels. 42X57Kc: in casss. So(4
80e per gallon ; $2.25 pas keg. California
tn Darreia, zvosue P guon; si.'O per
BceAm aet prices t u, 4c; uoidenuL
4ic; extra C, 4e; Magnolia A, 4Jc;
granulated, ajc; cube crushed and pon
dered, 6Jic; eonfectioners' A, 5e per
pound ; maple sugar, 10(a) ibe per pouaa.
Cahkid Goods Table fruits, assorted
quoted $1.75(82.00; peaches, $1.85(32.10;
BartWtt pears, $1.75(32.00: plums, $1.37 3i
guv; strawberries,; cues
nee, $2.20 02.40; NackMnies, $U4I
X; raspberries, $2.40;, $2.2010
2.80; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pis fruits:
Assorted, 11.20; peaches, $1.25; plums,
$1.10(31.20; blackberries, j$l-253 1.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons Assorted,
$3.153.6); peaches, $3.50 4. 00; apri
cots, $3.60(34.00; plums, $2.75(33.00;
blackberries, $4.00(34.60. Vegetables:
corn, $1.40(3 L85; tomatoes, $1.00(31.10;
sugar peas, 90c (3 11.00; string beans, 90
95c per dosen. Meats: Corned beef. Is,
$1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped beef, $2.56:9
410; lunch tongue, Is, $4.00; 2s, $6.78;
deviled ham. $1.75(32.75 per doses.
Fish: Sardines, 75c3$2.25; &S,
$-i.lfi4.60; lobsters, 2.30S.60; salsa
on,tin 1-lb. tails, $1.25(31.50; flats, $L7t;
2 ibe., $2.2502.60; bbL, $5.60.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, ll 75;
steel, $2.75 ; wire, $2.50 per keg.
Ibon Bar, 2je per pound ; pig Iran,
$23(326 per ton.
Stbbl lOo per pound.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.50(39.00 per box; for crosses, fj
extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime
quality, $6.75(37.00 per box; I. C. roke
plates, 14x20, prime quality. $7,5058.00
par box ; tern plate I. C, prime quality,
$6 88(37.00; 14x20, $13.75(814.00.
Lsao 4He per pound; bar, :
Shot $1.80 per saofc
. HoasBBBoae $5. .
Navai, Storbs Oakum, $4.50(5 per
bale; resin. $4-80$5 per 480 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per
barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 65o per gallon in carload iota.
; Bides. Wnl aa Via,
Hints Dry bides, selected prime, 6-9
8c; Ke less for culls: green, selected,
ever 66 pounds, 4c ; under 65 pounds, 3o;
sheep pelts, short wool, 80g50c; me
dium, 60980c; long, 90c (8 $1.26; rjheavr
lags, 10O20e; tallow, good to choice, 8
$3o per pound.
Wool Umpqna Valley, l817o; fall
clip, 13(315Kc; Willamette Valley, 15(3
18c, according to quality ; Eastern Ore
gon, 10(3 16c per pound, sccorUing to
Hors 12(329c, according to quality.
' Tha Siama Bfavrka. .
Bibs live, 2i(33o per pound;
dressed, 41(37e.
MtrrroK Live, 434JB'e per pouud;
dressed, 8c; lambs, live, 44'cj
dresssd, 80.
Hoes live, 6(J6e per pound ; dressed,
7o. - ,
Vbait 47e per pound. '
v Satoxao Mbats Large ham, 174 &
17c medium ham, 17318c; break
fast bacon, 17918jo; short dear sides,
143l5Vo; dry salt sides, 13(3 14a
per pound. , .1 .
Labo Compound, In tins, 13,'t'ci
pure, in tins, 1H17; Oregon, lliil
12)1e per pound, .
Put nr rot la it.-.
A mare belonging toiv rtaiilcut of Kipley.
Me., was lately found in a paaturc with hs,
hind foot caught in her mouth la such a'.,
manner tbat it took several men to extrt-t
sate It.
The last words of Lord Eacon were:
"Thy creatures, O Lord! have beca
my books,- but thy Holy Scriptures
much more. I have sought tbee in'
the courts, fields nnd gr.rdens, but I
found thee, O God I in thy aanctzt-;
uy 4hj temJ)le.,, ,