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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1892)
United Slutci and Goaniy Ofdtlal Paper St. Hkmcnr, Hki'TKMUku 80, 1802. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Fresh vegetable!, frutti.meloni.eto, at Swager'a. ti. Aratlaar la now at work denpo tng the clmniml ftoroBi St. Helena bar, just bulow town. n in fiwnnor'a for your choice French cundiei. Mr. and Mr. W. M. GaddU, of Go- Me. were in St. Helens on Tuondny last. : Mr. B. A. Mllee and daughter Cora who have been back to Miasourl ou visit, returned home last Saturday, A marriage license was issued by the county clerk to Henry w. Whit and Cordelia Barnett, both of Scappoose, A fine lino of footwear and heavy clothing can be iound at Hwugors. If you cannot subscribe 9500 In aid of some university or charitable insti tution, snbsnriba for the Ukbqon mist iily 91.60 per year in advance. W. T. Mason has sold his property in St. Helens and rented the farm of II. P. Watkins, about three miles out of town, to which he will move in abort time. Ah Fontr. a Portland Chinaman, few niahts ago attempted to fill a coal oil UniD while It whs burning. He liadu't time to leave bis postollico ad dress. We call attention to the adofW. II. Canyers A Co., real estate and in aurance aeenta of Clatsknnie, the loading real estate and insurance agency in the lower eud of Co lumbia county. Dr. Griswold, tho dentist, left for Rainier Monday, and will hereafter visit ltainier on the last Monday of eaoh mouth, remaining for a few days at a time. If you are in need of any work in his line you should give him an early call. A vivacious lady writer declares "J" , that in order to vault a fence as casilK T. C. Watts went down to Clatr- a a man all a woman needs is "tne courage of her convictions." It uggoated that the flexor and extensor muscles of a pair of good lugs is per- tups quite aa essential In another column will be found the dot Bryant 4 Conway, the millmen of Clattkanio. Those desiring lumber fir or wdar of any class or deecrip. lSn will do well to patronize this null which can be done by placing orders in care of the steamers Shaver and Dixon. "The way of the wicked Is short" probably has reference to the man who gives short weights and sells on credit and charges interest after thirty days, or to the man who makes a big "bluff" on a bobtail flush and gU left. Johnny King, who disappeared so mysteriously from Salem, Ore., about five years airo, has been heard from He is livine near Kansas City, Mo. He writes a letter to a brother making inquiry concerning his relatives, but will no doubt be grieved and surprised to learn that his grief-stiicken mother lor whom he inquires most tenderly tnirether with a loving sister, have liasscd to the groat beyond. There has been a continued tend' ncy to bowel disease here this season aavs G. W. Shivell, druggist, Wicklifle Kv.. "and an unusual demand for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoe remedy. I have sold four bot tles of it this morning. Some re mttrkablo cures have been effected by it and in all cases it hat been success' fill." For sale by Edwin Ross. The Tillamook Headlight is after its dilatory delinquents with a good-stzed harp stick, so to speak, and publishes the names of five men who "utterly and persistently neglect to pay their bills." This is what may be termed decidedly personal journalism. Well, it man who doesn't pay the printer is in a bard row of stumps, as it wore ; lio will never get to heaven and the devil wouldn't have him. To destroy parasites infesting hen houses, scatter straw on the floor and set fire to it. This will be sure to de stroy tho parasites likewise the hen house. A correspondent of the Ore- son Statesman says he tried it and knows it to be a fact; and, further, that it required the united efforts of the neighbors to prevent the barn and contents near by from going the same way. This is about equal to jumping into the river to get out oi me ram. How often the Innocent are made to suffor for the crimes of the guilty. A Tacoma dispatch of September 24 ava: "William Randal, who was con victed of petty larceny, will be par doned by the governor, as he was tit nocont, the principal witness against lilm proving to be the thief. Randal lias served his sontenco except about five days." The Uiief whose testimony secured the sentence of Randal should be sentenced to a term twice the length of Randal's. Many years' praotlce have given C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents at Washington, 1). C, unsurpassed sue cess in obtaining patents in all classes of inventions. They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured al lowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. Their advertise ment in another column, will be of in terest to inventors, patontee, manufac tures, and all who have to do with patents. Tho grand jury at Portland have found "true bills" against all the priu cipals and a numbor of the more prominent abettors of the so-called glove contest which took place in that city on Tuesday night of last week. Four of the number being unable to furnish the required 91500 bonds are languishing in jail. Would it not be a good idea for the grand jury to ex tond its work to some of the robber dives of that city running under the guise of .thfiaternf Far graver crimes lire committed there than in the prize ring, uut men u migut mane sonm difference as to whoso ox in gored, bo to speak,. There is a story gotng the' rounds of the press concerning the wealth of the Rothschild's. It says deputation waited upon a member of the family in Paris to point out the iniquity of his possessing so much money. The gen tleman interviewed listened attentive ly to the arguments used by the vis itors, and frequently interrupted the proceedings with such ejaculations as "Hear, hear," "Well said." and the like. Finally, and in all seriousness, Baron Rothschild Inquired of the de putation what he was required to do, "We consider," said the spokesman "that your wealth should bo divided equally among tho people of Fmnco." iiiere was a momentary silence. Moanwhile the baron had been busy jotting down a number of figures, and drawing from his pocket a handful of coins presented eaoh member of the deputation with a franc piece, remarking at the same time "Gentlemen, that represents the pre. cine sum which each individual would reoeive were your wishes carried out. You have, therefore, no further ground for complaint. Any other French sub ject sharing your view will receive one franc by personally applying for the same." In Justice "Dlakesley's court Wed nesday a case was tried in which Jona than Dodge had brought suit against John Vanblannorn to recover the sum of 910 for a cow sold the defendant, and the further sum of 93.38 for work performed. In rebuttal the defendant claimed that the plaintiff had boarded with the snid defendant to the extent ofobout922. Tho evidence produced was by the two principals in in the cane and Joseph Vmiblaricom, a brother to defendant. W. J. Rice ap peared for plaintiff and T. J. Brink for defendant. Alter a short but pointed argument by the attorneys the case was given to the jury, who, after being out but a few minutes, fonnd a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of 911 "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of," says Mrs, Uattie Mason, of Chilton, Carter county, Mo., in sneaking of Chamber lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine can always be depended upon, even in the most severe and dangerous cases, both for children and adults. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Edwin Ross, drug gist.. leu me and Alaygpr Monday last on business of a political nature. On that day the republican county cen (ral committee, consisting of T. C. Watts, W. II. Conyers and Charles Mayger, held a meeting at Mayger for the purpose of consulting in regard to the campaign now in progress. The demand for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy is steadily growing, from the net that all who give it a trial are pleased with the results and recommend it to their neighbors. We feel sure that the rem edy cannot be recommended too high ly. -Wagley & Smead, druggists, New ton, Iowa. For sale by Edwin Ross. Thr Mist office has just received large invoice of job printing paper di rect from the wholesale house of Blake, Mt-Fall & Co., and are prepared to print letter heads, note and bill heads, envelopes, cards, eta., at prices that cannot be duplicated in Portland. Sheriff Maude and Deputy Miles are both very busy this week summoning the jury for the October term of court, besides there is a great deal of other business connected with the sheriff's office just at this time. Sam Looney, of Colorado City, Tex as, is visiting his brother, Prof. Looney, of this place, this week. He is very much in love with this country and may locate here. He has been in the banking business four years. I wish to make a firm denial of the rumor, if there be such rumor, that Portland can undersell mo in milli nery goods. Mrs. C, L. Colburk. C L. Colburn's aunt, Mrs. Markham, of Marion county, and Mrs. Anderson, his sister, of Portland, are visiting their nephew and brother this week. Nancv Hanks again lowered the world's trotting record Wednesday, i making a milo in Z Vi. The Jrtoyal and the Soldiers. Army and Navy Journal. During the last year, including the March contracts recently awarded, the Royal Raking Powder Company has supplied over 212,000 pounds, or 106 tons of bnking powder for the United States Government and its Army and Navy officers. For many years the Government has given its orders (or Royal Baking Powder in preference to all others, it being found superior to all others in strength and purity by the official ex amination, and the only baking pow der that will keep and retain its strength in the various climates to which it is sent by the Department. HAINlEIt. toOWOSaO " Oh I isn't this weather just lovely. Are you going to the masque ballT the question one asks on meeting another. "Well, you just guess I am. the reply. ''Wouldn't miss it for a dollar. Everybody and his girl will be there." Dr. Griswold is here this week doing the "painless extraction" act. James Fenton is again the victim of that implacable shingle saw. He sac- ratlccd a portion of his thumb this lime. , It is said that Mr. Blanchard will build an addition to his house, and that it will be UBod as a hotel. The infant daughter of Miles Sbeeirn very sick. Dr. Belt is iu attendance. Mr. Muckle is having a house built on the hill for a residence. Pronouuced llopcleae. Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E, Hurd, of Groton, 8. ., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled On my Lungs, congh set in and finally terminated in Consumption, Four doctors gave Die up saying I could not live but a short time. gave my self up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends onearth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs .nd coi'iM. i gave II. a trim, . tooK in an itrlit bottles: it has cured me and thank Ood I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at I'M win Hots' Drugstore resular suiu, 50c and $1.U0, CL-ATSKANIK. John Myers left lost week for Mon mouth, to attend the state normal school at that place. Orville Merrill left on boat Friday lor i'ortlaad to spend some time with his grandmother there, and perhaps attend school if he finds tho schools there equal to Clatskauio. Mr, Parks, Sr., is down from Wood' land on a visit to his sou and for med ical treatment. Several men were busy a part of this weeic repairing the road from Tiche nor s mill. Quito a Quantity of new plank had to be used to take the place Of those worn out. A new two-horse hack Is expected to add comfort and luxury to the Blood family when they want to come to town or go elsewhere fdr an airing. D. C. Aldndge end Fred Clark had a very distressed and dejected express ion of countenance last Monday alter- uoon, aud reported themselves sick and dizzy from an attempt to work in Tichenor's well after having put a shot tu to do some blasting. Firedamp or some other suffocating vapor seemed to have got Into the well with the re sult mentioned and further work was postponed for that afternoon. No cases of cholera, have been re ported en board the steamer Shaver up to this time, and the vessel is still allowed to make her tri-weekly trips between Clatskame and Portland. Friday of this week is to be observed as a day of feasting at the E. W. Con yers residence, because it is to be Char lie's birthday anniversary. The cards of invitation do not say which anni versary, but Charlie's friends think he will be old enough to vote at the com ing presidential election. The old school house is being de prived of its furniture this week, and hereafter the shouts of the schoolboy as he chases the fellow who is running off with his bat will not begin at its doors. The multiplication song of 2 times 1 are 2 will be transferred to an other place, and the gentle patter of the ruler upon the palm of the hand will probably not be again heard in side its walls. Many a person passing the building and seeing the new school house will respond to the following sentiment of an old man: When the country was new, wife, when I win a scholar lad. Our readin' and wrltin' and spellln' were noui an me studies we nan. We cleared up tbe farm through the sum mer, then traveled through woods and snow. To the log bouse in the openln', the school- nouse ut yeurs ago. Now boys go to school in a palace, and study hard Latin and Greek: They go Into the district hopper and come out of the college spout; And this is the way the schools of our land are gnnuin me great men out." Mrs. N. Nichols and son George left on Steamer Monday night for a visit with Mrs. Kelly at Ilwaco. Mrs. B. W. Blood was also a passe n ger on the outward bound steamer on Monday night. W. K. xichenor and family are in Portland this week and will visit the exposition. Andy McDougal is at Kappa for a tew days. Some of the boys employed at Him pel's mill left for other places since tbe mill shut down last week, and others are taking a rest about town. Noticing the band out in uniform the first of the week the inquiry was started : "What's in tbe wind now?'' It was found, however, that they were going to get their pictures taken. They were ranged at the side of Con yers' store for a background and looked their best when tho instrument went off. The result has not yet been an nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Bozarth, of Woodland, are visiting Norman Merrill and wife this week. Rev. Frank L. Moore, the new M. E minister at this place, has gone off this week to unite his destinies with those of a certain fair maiden up the valley, and the people here propose to give the newly married couple a reception on Saturday evening at the house of D. C. Aldridge, which will be used for the present as a parsonage. A general invitation is extended to the public to come in and greot the' couple. The reception will also be on the donation plan, and anything contributed will be thankfully received by the commit tee In charge, and doubtless by the pastor as well. Refreshments will be served to all who attend. The public schools ol this place, un der charge of T. J. Cleeton and Mrs. N. S. Keascy, are announced to begin next Monday. The editor of the Mist spent a day in Clatskanie the first of the week. He behaved himself very well, and is respectfully and cordially invited to come again. RATE ITOII THIEP ELECTRICITY There is probably nothing as dis gusting as a sickly specimen of hu manity. By this we mean those peo ple who suffer from diseases which easily yield to electric treatment. They are miserable themselves and nuke others miserable. Because some doctors inform you that your case is hopeless does not make it so. Take the case of Mr. Tucker, president of the Bank of Genesee, Idaho, whose card we give below. It speaks vol umes for Dr. Darrin. Gennesfe, Idaho. Dr. Darrin Dear Sir: The elec tric medical treatment you gave me one year ago or chronic cartarrh and other troubles of fifteen years' stand ing has proved suooessful. Yours truly, II. A. Tucker. Dr. Darrin is permanently located at 270A Washington street, Portland. Office hours, 10 to 6; Sunday, 10 to 12: evenings, 7 to 8. Sufferers from all curable, chronic, acute and private diseases should call at once. Exami nations free at tho office or by letter. All cases strictly confidential. Ques tion blanks sent free. Bueklen'a Arnica Mauve. The Best Salve In the world far Cuts, Brntaen, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorei, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chllblalm, Corns and all Skin Ernptioni, and positively ouret Pllen, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect laUs. faction, or money refunded, Price 26 centa per box. For 8ale Bv Edwin Rosa. Subscribe lor the Mist $1.50 a year BRYANT & Manufacturers ROUGH Fir and Cedar Lumber. Clear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Materia Constantly on Hand, Clatskanie, - - Oregon Are You Prejudiced Many people tMnk it necessary to go to some large city to find a first-class DRUG Don't you believe it; because you can be convinced that there is a nrst-ciass drug store nere by calling on . Edwin Koss, Who carries a fine and varied stock of Drugs, Chemicals Standard Patent Medicines, Fresh from Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced chencist, St. Helens. : CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAMER G. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHAVER, Master. Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens,Columbia City, Kalama, Neer Uity, Kainier, Uedar Landing, Mt Ooffin, Bradbury. Stella, Jak romt, turning Tuesday, Thursday, and MUCKLE -Manufacturers of LUMBER AKD D GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. Joseph Kellogg & Co.'s River Steamers, mSMM- i Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RIVER. . JNUK 1 H W EjO 1 leaves and Friday at 5 am. Leaves day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAINIKR at 5 a. i daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. i Keturning leaves Portland at 1 Don't Buv ANYWHERE BUT EDFiUCr : YOW WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything -AT Clatskanie Drug Store. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. Notice UreeUlars, Notice is hereby given by the nnder signed administrator of the estate of George AUsliouse, deceased , to the credi tors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator, at his office at Gillton postoflice, in Columbia County. State of Oregon. W.8. NUNN, Administrator of the Estate of George Allshouse, deceased. Dated this 29th day of August . 1892. C0ITO1Y of and Dealers in AND- DRESSED STORE. the Factory. : : Oregon. and all - intermediate points, re Saturday. BROS., KALI BS IS n .in : .: and Northwest. KELSO Monday, Wednesday, PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs- p. m., arriving at 6 p. m Your Drugs AT A REGULAR STORE. THE - Dr. Dramawni laKhtnlnr Remedy for Rheumatism has received the unqualified endorsement of the medical facultv as being a safe and remarkably effi cient preuaration for the relief and speedy cure of Rheumatism, its work is so speedy and miraculous that benefit is felt from the first dose, and one bottle is war ranted to cure any ordinary case. Sold by druggists. Price, t5. for large bottle, or sent by prepaid express on receipt of price vy uruiumono juunicine uo w-ou Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. You should take your county paper. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor iOiiinibia uotiniy, FtoRxxca L. Arduuo. I'laiiitiff.) . vs. Anton AnoinuoK, Defendant. ) To Anton Anderson, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and unswer me com piamioi piumiin nenin dv luesuiiy. Hie 11th day of October, 1NWJ. ihnt belli the first day of the term of niil Court, foi lowiita? the expiration of the time nreprrihMi in tho order lor the publication of this turn inona, and if you fail ao to appear and answer, the plainiilF will apply to the court for the rcliefdeiuanded in her comprint, to-wit: Fbr a decree dissolvinir the bunds of matrimony now existing between you snd l.luintih". and that nluintirl be awarded the care and custody of the minor child of planum ana aeientutnt, Hiuries Anderson ; for general relief, and the costs and uls burecments of this suit. You are hereby notilied that thl auni mons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks in Xuc Okkooh Mikt. a weekly newspaper of iren eral circulation, published in the Countv of Columbia and Htate of Oregon, in pursu ance oi and ty virtue ot nn order duly made by the Honorable Thomas A. MeBnde, indue of the I'iltli Judiciul District of Ore- gun, made ana tiateu A tieust is, iwu. a2Go7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. aujHinonai. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ior loiumDia uuuniy. Joseph B. Misirvi. Plaintiff, ) vs. Oebtbudi Y. Mksiive, Defendant.) To Gertrude V. Meserve, the above named aeienuant: In the name of the State of Oreeon. vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plulntitf herein by Tues day, the Uth day of October, Uttfi, that being the first day of the term of said court following the expiration of the time pre scribed in the order for the publication of this summons : and if you fail so to appear ana answer, we piainiiu win apply w tne court for the relief demanded in his com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between vou and plaintiff', and that he be decreed to be the owner in fee of ail the real estate set forth and described in said complaint. You are hereby notified that this sum mons is served upon you by publication thereof, once a week for six weeks, in The ubeoon mist, a weexiy newspaper ot gen eral circulation , published in tbe County of Columbia and State of Oreeon. in pursu ance of an order duly made by the Honor able u numas a. Mcisrme , juugeoi tne utn Judiciul District of Oregon, made and dated Augusts, Ufttt. 11 LLaKU (JOl.K, a26o7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. summons. la the Circuit Court ot th? State of Oregon lor uoiumo'a county. Jekeie U. Mebaxda, plaintiff ) vs. JohhH. Mebanda, defendant. ) To John H. Meranda, the above-named de fend ant: In the name of the State of Oreiron you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff herein, by Tues day the 11 day of October, I9ta that being toe nrst day oi tne term oi said court, fol lowing the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this sum mons, and if vou fail so to auoear and an swer. the plaintiff will apply to the court ror we reuei acminara iu ner complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between vou and plaintiff, and permitting her to resume ner maiaen name oi Jennie M . unieieon, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit and such other relief as to tbe court may appeasreqtutable. You are hereby no tified that this summons is served unon you by publication thereof, once a week for six week in the ohkuom mist, a weekly newspaper of general circulation pub lished in the County of Columbia and State of Oregon, in pursuance of and by virtue of an order duly made bv the Honorable T. A . McBride, judge of tiie rum liiaiciai district ot uregon. niaue and dated August idtn, Attorneys for plaintiff. aemmoNS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor loiumoia ittunty. Josie Martis, Plaintiff, I vs. Robert Mahtih, Defendant.) To Robert Martin, defendant: In thd name of the State of Oreeon. vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against vou in the above entitled suit, on Tuesday, tho 11th day of October, 1892; and if you fail so to answer the piaintilf will apply to the Court for the relief nraved for in tbe (.iimnlniiit- Th oK. jeib oi bum suit 10 w oduiiii a uwiree or iu vorce troni you upon tne grounds ol de sertion. This summons is published bv order of nun. a . a. lacunae, luoee oi Bind court. maue August in, Asia. J. O. MORELAND. a26o7 ; ' ' Attorney for Pluiutiff. summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor tne uoumy oi uoiumuia. Ida M. Houoh, Plaintiff, ) vs. r Willis P. Hocoh. Defendant ) To Willis P. Hough, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oreeon. vou are herebv notified and rennired to annear and answer the complaint in the above en titled cause and court bv the 11th day of October, 1892, that being'the first day of the term ot sain court, following toe expiration of the time prescribe in the order for the publication of this summons: and If you fail so to answer or annear therein, the J lainiuT will apply to the court for the re let and for a decree as prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For decree dissolving me nonas oi matrimony existing Detween plaintiff and defendant; and for such urther and other relief as to the court mav seem just ana equitaoie. Anis summons is ordered served nnnn the said defendant by publication thereof by Honorable Loyal B. Stearns, judge of rne circuit court ot the f ourth judicial District ot tbe State of Oreiron. bv order niaue ana aatea on tne zntn day ot August, 1892. DELL STUART. . .... .. . v 2o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. AdnatnUtraler'a Sale. Notice is hereby riven that pursuant to an order of the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, tor voiumoia (bounty, made cn the 20th day ot July, A.'D. 1891, the undor eigned administrator of the estate of N. L. nets, deceased, win sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, or for one-half cash and the balance on a credit of one year, the same to be secured by a mortgage upon the land told, at the courthouse door in the town of St. Helens, Columbia County, State ot Oregon, ou Sat urday, the 1st day of October, A. D. 1892, at the hour of two (2) o'clock P. M. of said day, the following-described real estate, to-wit: The southwest Quarter (swUl of section four (4), and also the southeast quarter (e) of section four (4), all being situate in township six (0) north of range live west of the Willamette Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon, and containing 320 acres, more or less, according to United Stites government survey. A. Jn. B1SKU, Administrator of the estate of N. L. Bare. deceased. St Helens, Oreeon, Aug. 24, 1892. s23 Notice fer Pabllcatloa. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Auiust ao. 1K92. NOTICE is hereby glvan that the following named aettlei has Hied notice of his Inten tion to make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be mads before the County Clerk of Colombia county, at Bt. Helens, Oregon, on October S, 18SJ2. via: ELMER I. GRINDLE, Homestead entry No. 6989, lor the ne'4 of see S, 1 6 n, r 8 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: B. W. Lowman, uaniei eienman ana u. m. uorsey, ot Apiary f. O., Oregon, and C. F, Doan, of Kiiinier P. O., Oreiron. J, T. APPBRSON, ait. jo jtegister. st'innoNn. . In the Cirenlt Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. T. N. HvcaKAjf, Plaintiff, 1 vs. V Laura A. Ryckhab, Defendant) To Laura A. Ryckman. the above-named defendant; You will please take notice, that vou are required to appear in the court or. the tirat day of iu next regular term, to-wit: on the lltll day of October, IB.., ..J .u- .......I.. .: V irw. mil Mimwcr 1110 uoiiipimiii. ui piumkiu filed agnlnst you in said court, or tbe piain tilf will take a decree against you for tbe relief demanded In the cunmlRiiit. i. e..a judgment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between you and he, f defendant and plaintiff.) Published by an order made bv tho Iton Thomas A. McBride, judee of the said court, made nt chambers on the 24th day of August, 1892. W. J. HICK, a2bW Attorney (or Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ior boiuniDia countv. Edward Wcbstkr, Plaintiff, . ' vs. Gus H. Byhoh and Ntti.iE Br- hok, bis wife, defendants. To Gus H. Bynon and Nellie Bynorl, hit wne, tne auovc-nanieu defendants: In the name of the State of Oreiron. vou are hereby required to Appear and answer the con: plaint tiled aitainst von in the abova entitled uclion. on or before the first day of the next term of the above en li tied court, to wit: ine nrst Tuesday alter the second Monday in October. 1K92. belnir the 11th day of said mouth! and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the phiutiff will take judgment airainst yon and each of you for the sum oftoo.OO. with interest thereon since I he 16th day of March, 1891, at the rate oi ten percent, per annum, and for the further sum of 1:10.00 as attorney's feea herein, and for hia costs and disbursement of this action. This summons Is published pursuant to an order of I'honias A. McBride, judge of tiie above entitled court, mule at chambers on tbe 23d day of August, 192. ' GEO . E. DAVI3. a20o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. JJHillOltlS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Countv. John Freilinger, plaintiff ; 1 vs. Augusta Freilinger, defendant.) " To Augusta Freilinger the above-named de- lenaant: In the name of the State of Oreeon. vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled aeainst vouin the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next term ox tne anove entitiea court, to wit: The first Tuesday after the second Monday in October 1892. beinethe 11th dav of said month, and if you fail so t answer tor want tnereot, tne plaintiff win apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, viz: For a decree of divorce, and that the marriage contract between the parties be dissolved, and for hia costs and disbursements of this suit This summons is published pursuant to an order of Thomas A. McBride, judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers on tbe 23d day of August, 1892. UW. JS. 1'AVIH, a26o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. No tire for PnblieatlM. Land Office at Oregon, City, Oregon. Aiiffiiaft'.fl 1MI9 NOTICE is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice ot his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ' County Clerk or Columbia county, at St. Helena, Oregon, en Octobers, 1882, vis: DANIEL 8TEHMAN, Homestead entry No. S.W5, for the iroJi of see 11, ten, rlw. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence nnon. anil cultivation of, said land, vis: 1. M. Dorsey, W. V. King, 1. U Butts, of Apiary P. O.. Oregon, and C. F. Doan, of ltainier P. O., Oregon. azb.w i. t. AftUKSUiV Keguter. Notice fmr Pafcllcatiew. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, AilKUst 20. 1HM. NOTICE is hereby given that the following, named settler has Hied notice of hia inian- tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Columbiacounty,at St. Helena, Oregon, on October 5, 1082, via: DAVID M. DOESKY, ' Homestead entrr No. 6794. for tha nvW nf mm 11. ttn, rSw. He names tbe following wttuemiea to prove dm continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: Daniel Stehman. W. C. King and J. L. mitts, of Apiary P. O , Ore gon, and O. P. Doan, of Kainier P. O., Oregon, a jjsao i. T. APPEKSON. Register. Netlee fer Publaeatlea. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 20. 1892. NOTICE is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final oroof in stiDDort of hia claim. and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Colombia county, at St. Helens Oregon, ou October 11, 1KU, vis: JOHN C. MANTZ, Homestead entrv No. 6918. for tha swl af sea 4, t3n, r 2 w. He nnnies the following wit nesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: Julius Je. mann, Henry White. Norman McKay aud Hen ry Potter; all of Scappoose P. O., Oregon. A2630 J. T. APPEBSON, Kegistar. Notice fer Publication. Land Otfloe at Oregon City, Oregon. August 20. ISM. NOTICE is hereby given that the following. ' named Settler has filed notlra nF hia IntAn. tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena Oregon, on Oatober 10, 1882, vis: LOUIS BRADLEY, Homestead entry No. 7053, for the swW of see 3, to n, r 3 w. He names the following witnesses to Drove his eontinnniia rAl.lnnp uivui n.i cultivation of, said land, vk: A. Neer, Chas. E. Makinster, Wm. Uowd and Fred Wcwdham; all of Neer City P. O., Oregon. a?S0 J. T. APPERSON, Register. One Dollar Weekly Buys a good gold watch by our club sys tem. Our 14-karat gold-filled cases are war ranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin and Wal tham mivement. 8tem wind aod set. Lady's or gent's site. Equul to any 59 watch. To secure agents where we hava none, we sell one of the bunting case watches for the club price $28 and send C. O. D. by express with privilegeof examina tion before paying for the same. Our agent at Durham, N.C., writes. "Our Jewelers have confessed they doo't know how you can furnish such work for the money." Our agent at Heath Springs 8. C. , writes: "Your watches take at sight. The gentlamaa who got tbe hut watch said that he examined and priced a Jeweler s watcbes-ln Lancaster, that were no better than yours, but the price wasftfi." Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: "Am In receipt of the watch, and am pleased without measure. All who have sou it say it would be cheap at HO." One good reliable aeent wanted for earh place. Write for particulars. CMPiai Watch Co..NwYorV ST. HELENS HOTEL J. George, Proprietor. Tables always supplied with the best edibles and delicacies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE . OR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, w are prepared to give satisfaction to all our patrons, and. solicit a share of your patronage. .'. O ST. HELENS - OREGON. ' A Snarl mass Will not hobble around on crutches when he can cure his Rheumatism with one bot tle of Dr. Vrummond'a Linhtninr Remedy. costing only 95, but worth 8100. Enter prising aruirgists Keep H. or It will be sent lo any address on rcceint of price bv t!i Drummond Medicine Co., 48-o0 Maiden Lane, New York. Agent wanted.