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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1892)
ISMIIEU EVEHV MI0AI noBfUNaU -BT- ' THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J, R. BEEGLE, Manager. Rich Strike of Silver Ore in Arizona Territory. PEkSONAL MENTION. EASTE RINf ITEMS. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. FOREIGN LANDS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. N0T a corbett punch. ubicrlpliaa Hates. On copy on ynr lit advaui'S II 80 On copy nix mouth. ,. It Bliigle tiupy Advertising Hales. Ilndians Meet and Protest Against o the Compulsory Education of Papooses. Profcislonal card, on year.....; One column one year , ildl column una year .,, Charter euliiinii on. year One Inch on month On. Inch (lire, months..,.....,.,., On Inch ilx month. .... n .... m .... 7 40 .... 8 ... ... It in progress The Nevada State Fair ia at Keno. The Indian population of Arizona Ii given out a 85,777: Phtenix, A. T., (i to hava an electric light plant and a $300,0jQ hotel. Chinese pheasant are quoted In the Portland market at $1.25 a pair. This ia a big hid (or their alangbter through the alley. . At Holbrook, A. T.,Ben Mitchell with bii flat (truck Tom Lance a blow on the neck, breaking it and causing instanta neous death, Santa Barbara openly expresses Its dissatisfaction at the work of the utata . Ranter Board of Ecmalizntlnn In rU,n.. It. H. tt. Huho mover, V.rnouU aessuient roll O. w. BuoN, Merger. BesBineni roil. inn itmse in me wrecked Wet more cannot be located. The pumps have no effect, and the chance for saving the voanei ms very small, lineal notice., IA cant, per line lor Itr.t Inser tion; 10 mint, par llu fur each lubMuueiit In sertion. Log-ill advertlnainenta, II 60 per Inch for flr.t InMertlon, ami 76 cent, par tiioli fur aaoh .ub.a qiieul Insertion, COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTOBY. Cewtatr Officers. J Heine Dran Bl.ucharrl, Rainier ;1t K. B. (,ali, B. Helena Hnerlir. (). A. Maul.-. Ht. lltilens Treaaur r K. M. Wtiarlon, CoUmbla City Bnpt. of Hvlioola .......T. 1. Cl.clflu, V.rnonla AaMlMor... W II Kvuir. Kalnlur nu(Tjrur.. , A. B. 1.1111.. Uomralaaloners. Natlee. Famous Tenor Leaves the Lyric Stage to Become a Music Professor Mrs. Clara Schumann. Frederick Domrlaaa n1ava tha vlnlln As it Is his only dissipation and he ha it id a uinu iorm, it is to be Doped that it will not be counted against the good V1U IUHU. When Lord Tennyson Is asked to read ins woras aioua ne almost Invariably lect. tbe "Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington," and after that --aiaua." Mr. Whittier In a recent letter said : "For year I have been desirous of movement lor uniting all Christians, with na other creed or pledge than a eiiiiDie recognition 01 Christ a our leaaer." Peter M. Arthur, Grand Chief of the crotuernoou 01 Jbocoraotive Engineers, lives in a handsome home on Euclid av enue in Cleveland. He is a thrifty and economical man, and is said to be worth William F. Comly of the Dayton (O.) Journal at 83 still holds hi position as night editor, and i a spry and energetio mm mucii younger men on the staff. What a book he could write on "Fight I have had with the foreman." The Queen has two finanfah hnllnuVa In the park at Osborne, which are very beautiful creatures, with enormous Sioux Indians Receive a Very Large Indemnity. REV. MOLLINGER'S FORTUNE. Kng of Siam Asked to Send an Exhibit to the Chicago ExpositionA Congress on Africa. Emperor William ha Intimated that he wonld possibly visit the World's Fair at Chicago. A Congress on Africa la to be held next year in connection with the World' Co lumbian Exposition. The international chess tournament to be held at Chicago in connection with The Balance Sheet of French Telephones for 1891. FAT MEN FOR ADVERTISING. People of New York Not Afraid of the World' Fair will distribute $7,000 in prizes. a Cholera Epidemic The Largest Engine. B. G. Dun & Co. renort that ehnlara ha had no effect on trade. Garbage creamatoriea will be in n no ra tion in Chicago within a few day. A trust of all the safe and lock men In the United State, involving (5,000,000, is on the tap s. Within tbe next ninetv dava all tha telephone wires at Cincinnati will be laid underground. Fons Hov. a Chinaman, ia held In St Louis for manufacturing opium for smoking purposes. There is talk of a formal consolidation Tbe owner of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky propose to reproduce tbe "tarry chamber" in the mining build ing at the World' Fair. Tbe British building at the World's Fair will have amona- it decorations flans bearing the arms of the nrincinal cities of tbe United Kingdom. Tbe London Timet does Chi tha honor to say that that citv is a sufficient attraction within itself to justify visit u wie fuiunioiui .exposition. Building material dealers will make an exhibit at the World' Fair. They will also hold an international congress for the discussion of matter of interest to tne building trade. A Physician Arraigned and Fined for Criticising a German Army Officer. PORTLAND MARKET. The wheat crop of France amounts to 109,264,421 hectolitre. . The Italian bandit chief, Einaldi, ha been killed by gendarmes. Switzerland is erecting what is report ed to be it first sugar factory. Serious riots have occurred In Flanders between strikers and the militia. A cattle disease ia decimating herd In the Grand Duchv of Mecklanhnnr. I . uAn i. ii . t Interest In juvenile temperance work V. ,A,5,r "w' tu , Frodne. fruit, me. Whbat Nominal. Valley, $1.20 1.225; Walla Walla, 11.11(81.15 per cental. Floob Standard, 13.75; Walla Walla, (3.75; Graham, 13.23; Superfine, 12.76 per barrel. Oats New. 40 43 .nr hnahal t rolled, $6.60.75 per barrel; $6.60 8.76 per bag; $3.75 per case. nAT per ton. Molstuffs Bran. ti6: shorts. $19: ground barley. 122.60325 : ebon feed. 118 (322 per ton ; feed barley. $2426; mid d ings, $2628 per ton; brewing barley, $1.1031.15 per cental : chiccen wheat. $1.25 per cental. Bottxb Oregon fancy creamery, 27X 30c; fancy dairy, 2627Xc: lair to S)od, 172 e; common, 12i15c; alifornia, 38(?40c per roll. Cubbsb Oregon, ll12c; Young America, 12c per pound. Eooa Oregon, 2o27c; Eastern, 25c per dozen. Pobltby Old Chickens, (4.004.50; broiler.$2.603.50: vouns ducks.6.00(2g 6.00; old geese, nominal, $5.00g8.OO; young, nominal, $6.O0.0O per dozen; lurxeys, 1017C per pound. Vjkgbtablbs Cabbaare. 12 ner cental : Onion, 76c$1.00 per cental; pote- . t The final programme -for the dedica- is growing on the continent of Europe. S!f 'vi?1??. per doien,; ?toe8' tlonoi fthe World' Fair building, i.aet-1 Man.lnnn.nti.1 wm.n unu?u!Z 5 " x; Oregon turnip., 15c per cieif MABoNio.-St. H.l.n. Lod., (Co. la-R.xuLr eoniraiiulnatluna Mnt and third Saturday In otnnonth l7:Wr. M. alMMolilo hall. Ins in.iubara In good ataudlng Invited to at- tnlld. Minomc-R.lnl.r I.od.a, No, tooatliis. Satiinlay on or before each full moon el7:aor. M., orar lllaucbard'a tor. Vl.ltlng uiambara lu good staudlug In lted to attaint, i Tlae malls. Down Hirer (boat) eloaa. at 1:10 1, H. lip rl.r (boat) clone, at 4 r. u 'ina It, He I A. M. Governor Roes of New Mexico denies vie puDiieneo report that tbe Dal ton gang of robbers have been captured in tuat xcrruory. xney nave not been seen mere. , The raisin grower of Riverside snd vicinity have organized a raisin growers' protective union, where novan mirwt to realise belter prices lor this year's urupw rusins. The Mexican Boundary Commission. ers find no material change to make in the line between tbe two countries so nr, ana ao noi expect tbere will beany. II for Varnonla and PltUbnrtf taavaa St, Ueleu. atbDday, WednetOay aud I rlday at Tha mall for Mamhl.tiil. l!latikanla and Mt.t leave. Qulun Monday, Wadueaday and Friday M.ll.fra Iwavl north clou a' 10 a.m.: fur ew monument are belnir nut nn fortlaud at S r. M. I Th.T, n . . t r . . w"it unpaituiiat O.I sppo nt- ed Dr. W. F. Chenoweth of Mosales, A. T., Sanitary Commissioner of that nnrt StsakxsO. W. 8Hivaa-Uavi 8t. Helena as a brecaution airalnst the entrant r.i Travelers Unl4e Hirer Rettiss. lor I'ortlaud at 11 A. u. Tuawlay. Haturdav. Kaavca Ht. Helen, for Monday, Wadueaday and Friday at :00 A Htam Ihalda leaves Ht. Helen, for Port land 7:4 a. M, returning at 5 80 r. at. BrsAiisa Joast-H Ksi.looo laveaSt. Helen, for I'ortlaud dally except Sunday, at 7 a. ., ar riving at I'ortland at 10 SO; returning, leave Purtlanr at I r. m.. arriving at St. Helena at 4. Thuradayand chnlara intn tha ITnltH a....i. n I'latakaule " " uuajr- maa. PROFESSIONAL. jjr. h. a. cur-r, . I'HYSICIAN and SURGEON. Advice from the White Hills in Arl. son report an immensely rich strike on tbe seventy-foot level of the Grand Army mine. A body of ore that will ran l mn ounce of silver per ton ha been found, it is said. The Pendleton roller mills are now running Quito steadily, with an innrnaaAH output, there being a bettor water sup ply. . The mill have now 150,000 bush- eis oi wheat on hand and 100,000 bushel more engagea. The Northern Pacific ) celed all Eastern lumbar The Canadian Pacific generally received iubbb consignments at me boundary, and it is believed the Northern Pacific' aim is to since tne uanadian Pacific W. B. Monroe with hi dog left Pres cott, A. T.. to bunt for bear. He shot I sbe bear and her cub, when the m tie R. W. o. BELT. ? , - suddenly appeared. Monroe shot him out tne near was only wounded. It iiTtiTfiTiTit, .-.vTv. Mi-wo lumi -or iu. iiuiiwr ma a ronsii i'UIOlUiALN AND BUKUIiUJN. and tumble fight ensued. The dog dis tracted the attention of the bear Jons St. Helens, Oregon. JJB. 1. K. HAM, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ClaUktuiie, Columbia county, Or. I t twvainiii wi AVIivUtATi I tlAJam si sisaaaaal ml fee Haatinlul ... I 1 1 I . . ' . norns, ana Miss Chaplin, tbe well- J' me Baltimore ana unio and UMo and will be tbe orator. Cardinal Gibbons aHaJa oeeta, ioc per aozen; weei potatoes, ao known sculptor, ha been commissioned Mississippi railroads. will deliver the opening prayer. , ... . , . per ponnd; Oregon cauliflower, 75c by her Majesty to model them a a The brewer, of Cincinnati will fight in Arkansas will exhibit at the World'. uCli?ljinlent f exce"eot Wj??? '' celery' S00 P6, l0? group. court an additional tax levy of $500,000 Fair relief map of the Statehowing R" Fauna-Oregon peache. $1 101.25 M DIebler, the executioner of Paris, Messed against them. elevations, depressions, lake., ' swamps, n v, , Etnt'L7 Z!$cA9' 2" k.i J i an .i i.!. i ' rr i... x.uh.l.j .. Iui.i.Jj , T.' The Oueen has st tha nana .ml Hm tornia lemons, S7.00(a8.0U ner box: w.uuuaou u, 4tjj ui ii i n iMiiuw nmiHn I XMBfl iikh R.uiHi.fiMi K iin.v.nT.n. i halncrai and is now think ng of retiring. He ha a miniature guillotine in a glas case on the mantel-p ece in ha parlor, does not receive visitors, and finds amusement in piaying tne violin. anaranlina station on Red river, where tbe Santa x1 e road enters tne btate. General Mile, is under orders to throw corn and cotton regions, timber wdl orairie lands etc presents. melons, 1.501.75 per dozen; California n v n..i. t. The Venezuelan revolntinnlata ..u Papee, $l.U0(a3i.B per box ; Oregon . A a woaiq ui liBWlBUIU. HtlxS.1111. nsafJ I . I ' " l troop, into Choctaw nation h.vr I left at tbe World's Fair headauartam. in I to Powiouof all the seaports ex- a.- . . " . -a-.. a.. a . . . I f I nan! I sa linanM indlftn AfTAnt KAnnnl t oam in tham ma inaeiltv nnilfllntT. a. mn a nf wF " r.i: S a.c .-7. ' l . ' -SSTJmml ""Jr . .90 Ocean has. begun a Sff JP2 TOVJt' 1? 9"". fel P?' W; bal cotta. Tbe King of Siam has been asked to send an exhibit to tbe Chicago Fair, and ill nmlahl. InnmrA m hi. I white elephants if there is an aasnrance cent Liberal Cath.ic Unire Tat YE ..SVZMl!14 5916 00 vonntrest Cabinet nlfiiara itTtedbCnBr'W ity to be the moft finished of the younger cution. w when exposed it hai race ot Parliamentary orators. for re mi. i ...... . . strained excellence of style" mm . The !are?t artificial stone In the world with Mr. Gladstone, Clara Schumann, the widow of the composer, is saiu to Da In failing health. Robert Schumann fell in love with her when she was but 13 year, of age. Sbe wa. already on the concert .tge, and hn u ur msiuen name ot (Jlara Wieck naa won a reputation as a pianist, " RV. Thomas Ewinir Rharman Catholio prie-t who has lately 'been preachins in Kansas Citv. wu fh. taougnj to resemble bis late father. General W. T. Sherman, very strongly as. iuuT7ai niiu UI rHVHl inla . lectualitv that ia bo charRi-triBf in w V. . .10 ittinuy forms tbe base of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty on Bedioe's Island, New York iiaroor. mu .., , . 1 in - ment" , ZTZZftt ZZ J!E?J JS 360,000 bushel, in 1890-91. First of the new Cunarders will ntif Ira A ntil anrt .,411 Vu J 1 a.1 1 second durinir the month oJJnn. 7 Btpla. Orooenes. About 200 delegates from various narts I olc io"B P of Europe and Amerira attended the re-1 h Great Lake, to be vaccinated has been revoked. The late Father Mollinger's assumed fortune of $20,000,000 has been dwindled down, to a matter-of-fact valuation of about $100,000. A train a mile and a quarter in length was lately hauled over the Raadinir rail. road by a single engine. It consisted of 250 empty freight cars. Major Harvey, United State Pension paint their own animal in tbe same whitewashed colors- and advertise them as being wool-dyei. NATIONAL CAPITAL. In the province of East Prussia alone during last year no fewer than 237 mar ried couple, celebrated their golden weaaing, The London Telegraph report, that Al- $10.50311.50 per ton. Kick Island, $5.00; Japan, $4.86 per cental. Bzakb Small white, 3c; pink, 8c; bayos, Sc; butter, 8c; lima, 3e per pound. Uoffm Uosta xuca, Zljtfc ; Rio, 20)jc ; fred Rothschild will be one of the Eng- Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27i30c; Java. liah Halturatoa ti Ih. Intui,.lln..l A I 27U:3lfa! Arhnrkla'a 1IIO.nnn.l - Secretary Noble Receives the Annual Re port of the Utah Commission for Year Ended September I. Sara Bernhardt say. she isn't afraid Agent of Detroit, paid off the 43,000 pen- liah delegates to tbe International Mon etary Conlerence, The lanreet telephone switchhnarH in I the world i. that in the Exchange at with tne main omce. oi cholera snd will go to any plague stricken town and give a benefit per formance. The fair trajtedienne's cour age ia born of absolute safety. Sara uaen. enougn anatomy to tempt the ui'ji?b hj vauburuuB ana ranipinn. .hi k ii 1 " CIttiU MUtllUB. where the next day Columbus will be unveiled. D Rainier, Oregon. yy 1. RICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Sr. IlRLiMg, . . - Orroon. Deputy District Attorney for Columbia Co. T. A, Mcltaios. A. 8. Dsaasca. JcDKIDE A DKKHSKR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. Oregon City , Oregon . ; Prompt attention given land-office buiineas. II. L1TTI.B, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, 8t. Helens, Oregon. Cunnty surveyor, Land aurvayliif, town platting, and engineering work promptly done. W. T.Boaiiit. . W. Diafeb. JJURSKV A DRAPER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Twalv years' experience as Register of the United Htatea Lund Office here, recom mends us in ous specialty of all kinds of business before the Land Office or the t.'onrta and involving the General Land Office. enough to permit Monroe to start np a tree, using one arm, the left being irauiureo. ine oe r returned to tne man in time to seize him by the .hoe, which came off, and the beast started away with it, bnt fell dead from it wound after going; a short distance, Monroe was badly used np and was taken to Prescott for medical treatment, ne oemg terribly bruised ana scratched, It is announced that within a few dava tne ran r ranciaco ana ureat Halt Utfce will file article, of incorrxiratlon. Tha article of incorporation nnder which tbe company at present exist were filed in Stockton. Tbe paper only set forth the object of the company aa being the construction of a railway between this city and Stockton, though, of course, no secret was made of the fact that this was Dut to be the beginning of a transconti nental line, or, at all events, one extend ing from San Francisco to Halt Lake. In the article, of incorporation which are to be filed, however, the complete object of the company will be set forth, that is, the construction, a. stated, of cross-continent road, . JROOKENBHOUOn A COWIN'O, " ATTO RNEY-at-L A W, Oregon City, Oregon. ( t.ste special agent of General Innd office. ) Homes tend, Pre-emption, and Timber Land applications, and other Land Office business a specialty. Office, second floor, Land Offlu Building. A. H. BLAKESLY, -Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELKNS, OREGON. The house has been fully refurnished throughout and the beat of accom- -. modations will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. STAGE run in connection with the hotel connecting with the North ern Pacilic Railroad at Mil Ion. State for Tacoma trains 10 p. m. For Portland train at p. m. Tbe 40-cent rate made by the Union Pacific a short time ago on lumber from Portland to Colorado applied only to lumber .hipped in box cars, and not to timbers such aa are carried on flat oars, and which are not brought from the South, whenoe come, the lumber which enter, into competition with Oregon lumuer. ine company na. now made another change, and gives a 40-cent rate on timber which can be carried on a flat car, but the old rate will remain in force on all timbers long enough to require two cars to ioaa tnem on. The first change did not benefit lumbermen here to any extent, as the road, carrying Southern lumber made a corresponding cut in their rate, but the last change may enable the lumbermen to build nn a trade in timber with Utah and Col orado. Trouble ha commenced over the allot ment of land, in the Kootenai Valley to Indian. About four month ago seven ranchers settled on land near Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. When Indian Commis sioner Konan made allotment to In dians on thle section, an Indian named rry oiaimea tor nis children and grand children, fifteen in all, land on which these rancher, bad settled. A few days eunm us u -jmn suit as guardian lor tbe halfbreeds to acquire possession of this land, and Judge Holmaa issued an in junction restraining settlers from inter fering with Fry', cutting hay on the land, under this try set men at work cutting hay and stacking it. A good deal of bad feeling has been engendered, and a'thoueh "gun clays" have 'been made, no shooting has yet ben done. On Saturday night warranto of arrest for Fry and five of hi men, charging them with grand larceny, were sworn out. Deputy Sheriff Donrt, who has been pro tecting Fry nnder the injunction issued, m awu arrroieu. iuo settler, claim that the mother, of both Frv'a .hiiHn and grandchildren are Oolvllle Indians and are not entit'ed to land under the allotment to the Kootenals, This Fry denies, and claim. Commissioner Ronan made the allotment. aions of Michigan in six day, thus sur- passing an previous records. Captain Berckman. of the A Stee I Barge Company, ia investigating a VctobSrT lh-!j!?".Tuki ringa aetae tol&um , . . . The Bennington, which is now at Cadiz. i iiiirra Mnnx vxmx iaan4 v aa .a r i ... . . . . . . The m!errlici;nn h M,a yaI ZZVXZ will accompany tne ewart and the fleet ernment of Zola's " Debacle," on the N. D.. ha. been captured andlynVhed.' cmonies - kiuuuu iiihs it -tenas to disturb the together with several of hi men. nn. i j peace." is said to have it rfl1 mnli ra in I r m . . . I Xu8 AWftSUfV 8l ft t 1116111- Jtl8t 1891160. the idea that prompted the Germa JETZZX?& V0" ?ows an increase in tbe net gold held The King and Queen of Italy visited tbe American man-of-war Newark at ernment to forbid all soldiers to go to we the repulsive battle pictures of Ver- eolfchagin. Neither hooks nor pictures ucp.rv men to oe soiaiers. George Auguatus Sala has tha nlnaa. an test remembrance that tbe first money he earned with his pen was paid him by Charles Dickens. By the way, speaking of Dickens, the interesting statement is made by Mr. Chapman, Dickens' pub- loner, iiikv tne saie oi ni works last year was four times as large aa that of louu, toe year beiore ihcfcens died. The famous tenor, 8ims Reeves, who has finally left the lyric stage to become a uiueio proietaor in ixmuon, is about 70 years oi age. Mr. xteeves is a snn nf a church organist in a Kentish town, and SO earlv Was his tail-nt fnr mnain man!. fested that at 14 he became tha uu cimir master oi uie village church. His long career before the publie ha roil, miui posrosaea OI a morirat hn. anffl. uient fortune. Resr-Admiral Benham has been or dered to proceed with hia fianship, the Newark, now at Genoa, to Cadii to ea- Genoa, shook hands with her nffiraa cort the Queen Regent of Spain to Hu- and witnessed drill on board. The Austrian War Office ha forbidden officers who are passing their furloughs in Russia and Germany to rejoin their regiment tor some time to come. A strong total abstinence movement In the western province, of Buaaia is in progress; in one pr vince there are no lea. than sixteen active societies. Stock return for New Zealand .how that the sheep of the colony have in creased oy 1,760,000 since last year. Tha nannl. V.. V.V ... .I..-.A krAI ..r. til KJ i ivwi an mi . AnerB r Over 18.UUU.0UU Sheep. r""T'u v viai mixj aiv.sMiHiu I - -w au)U-ii,iruV no ngaiuav tOA" I ajaa , of a cholera epidemic this fall, and are 75 for tbe like period in laBt September. . . ? ??w Queen of Manoa." in going about their business Just although .howing an increase despite the exist- wmcn Jttrl- ."Stry l. starring the Lon- Hiii'H nr nnurontina s vh Bvaaauu. Kiiaa a wuiiunriiii niiunr1 The Dinartment of Rtat. ha. reoi tn?ltJ ,or ol the dressmaker' the fnllnvinv lolMPam imm tia Imiw. ican Minister to Brazil: " Recent regu- I'J proposed to change the uniform lations compfl all ships from the United 21 ,ne. Ber"". police. Tbe present "out- States to any Brazilian nort to no flrat to P consiaered too heavy and cum- theqnarantinestationatRiodeJaneiro." bersome, especially the helmet and The United States Minister has mad ,wora- due remonstrance against this harsh An attempt to collect rents at Cool measure against all the port, of the redy. Ireland, by the County Clare United Sta ea, and has urged the adop- Sheriff was not resisted. Tbe tenant, tion of local inspection at port, of ar- settled and there was no eviction as waa rival. anticipated. Secretary of State Foster hail a mil Leamineton. often callcut tha "Ran. the other day from Mr. Lau tor bach, rep- toga of England," baa lately bad an un- MMniin ih. h.Aa u.on :., hmW.. ia r . . toner 21 next aa a mini in Thanked. : .i.. t. o . -v, n , , j . . , n - nil tun iichuij Biuw douiciiii,ci a ,11 lng day and holiday throughout the 12.250.000. makimr the total $110 569.li5fl. Btate of Missouri, calling It Columbu. .e rece'pts from the custom-house at Kb v V rk frntn Setitamhar 1 to Snntnm. the sconree had not erent nast tha har. riers. Over hundred bonsea in- different part, of Memphis have been condemned as Unaanitarv h tha RnarH nt TTaalth and the owners have been notified to raze and bnrn them. The State Legislature of Pennsylvania. at the session of 1878, appropriated $710,000 to pay the military anJ other expenses of tbe labor riot, at Pittsburg during the preceding year. A Detroit nanar aava tha jv,nfnain tn the administration of the quarantine regulations in that city ha reached such 27 30c j Arbuckie'. 100-pound 22 1-2UC per pouna. BYBur xutetern, in barrels, 4065c: half-barrels. 42)457c: in cases, i&a 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California in turreis, zutgweper; 11.70 per keg. Dbiid Fbotts Petite prunes. 8c: all. ver, 10Uc; Italian, 10llo; German, 8c; plums. 66c; aptlee. 4k.tHUcr evaporated apricots, 15c; peaches, lu(g uc; pware, isoc per ponna. Suoab Net nrices: D. 5c: Golden CI. ISJg'c; extra O, 6c; Magnolia A, 6 Vc; grannlated, do; cube crushed and pow dered, 8sc; confectioners' A, 6J,'c per pound ; maple sugar, 15 l'Jc per pound. Cak id Goons Table fruits, aseorled quoted 1.7531.90; peaches, $1.652.10; Bart lettpears,$1.751.80;pluma, $1.37) (ffli.ou; strawberries, J2.26; ciierrea, $2.00(32.25: blackberries, tl.85f3li.90: raspberries. $2.40: nineaDDles. $2.25n 2.80; apricote,$l.o61.76. Pie fruit: As ortod, $1.001.20: peaches, ,$!.; ilunm, $1.001.10; blackberrieertl.! .40 per dozen.. Vegetable, r corn. 11.40 1.86; tomatoes. 96ctl.00: auTrrneaa. ' 95c$1.00; airing beans, 9095c per dozen. Meat: Corned beef. Is. $1.2o: $1.86: chinned beef. $2.10: innch tongue. Is. $3.10 : 2a. 15.5(1 : deviled ham. $1.60 2.76 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 75c1.66: lobsters. $2.3003.60: salrion. tin, Mb. talis, $1.261.60; fiats, $L75; 2 lbft, $2.252.60; X bbL, $6.60. . EDUCATIONAL. Semi-Ofiicial Estimate of the Number of Scholars In Public Schools of the UniteJ States. a pass that the custom, officer, have tnrown np their hands in despair. The house of Ward MnAlli4 ia nriAn. aced with a divorce scandal. Tha wifo of Haywood, the son of Ward McAllis ter, ha threatened her husband with arrest tor desertion and non-support resenting the Pacific Mail Company, and the representative of tbe Panama rail road, regarding the action of the Colum bian Government instituting a quaran tine against European and American trading vessels, tbe effect of which waa a practical stoppage to commerce. They uesirea tne government to take some ac- precedented influx of Americans, who mn iainv overnowea tne man ha s . ui iua piace. mieeeuaneooa. Nails Base Quotations; Tmn isnn. - steel, $3.00 ; wire, $3.60 per keg. Ibow Bar. 2e Mr nonnd nio- Imn $2427 per ton. r V btbel l0)c per pound. T 1. 0. charcoal 14x20, pride qua!- 'u Tli. N.. v.i. n i , .. i uoti " ajuvomujent to wxa some ac- .1:Y?rkT9eIntial n?5 f"8, t relieve matters. It ia considered Amherst graduated three negroes this year. Omaha baa many married ean teachers. biKKest eneine. It is Nn. Qis Tfa ri-w. ing wheels are seven feet two inches, and a man may walk erect beneath the boiler. Tbe monster is for fast train service. The street naireant which N Vny will get up for its Columbian festivities win oe lighted by 100-candle electric torches borne alongside the floats, and probable that the United States will sub mit a remonstrance to the Columbian Government. Secretary Noble baa received the an. nual report of the Utah Commission for the year ending September 1 last, during wuwn unie tnree sessions were neid. one at Chicago and two at Salt Lake Iberville. La., ha. thin, wpes borne alongside the floats, and nit. fiai. f litii .TJ .C. ::T,T"lTi.uJK.,'nnaf wooa. schools: twentv.M,- " ""'" receiving electricity from Btoram bat- mSmliEr ... ' . . ' . Iteries on the floata. i ZZT,r:?, L'" jr:;. irTrf'. "npprtsiorAU niina I rwnna Innn. H.!,... . I i,nn - ; , . . . ' , toagreatbor" S.i7 rta- W TV u .1 , . .. " n" 1""" "t miiuriiiau uiere is an opium question, chot per sack, and tbe British authorities are in trouble Horsbshobs $6. ' M to tha beat way of dealing with it Naval Stobbs Oakum, $4.605 per vi nn repressive measure, j xwm, i.ouigo peroupounas; tar, iwuuiu us increased. nnxooim, sia.uu: Carolina, la.uu per luaniiiuu ourmng minaia a sa- xrit; pitcn, o.ibj per barrel; tnrpen- "ji waa uguiea oy tne rarseea uuv per gauun in carioaa iota. coiiiuries ago. xne nre is fed the political condition ef Utah, which. if pmperlv fostered and honestly man aged, win oe productive ot good results. Considerable space in the report is de- to 245.248.000 004,000 franc Anenat amonntml irancs as against 388.- for the oorresnondinir I Vlna.P.a.Ma.1 Xn. , , . 1 VU lUO 11UKLB. ,iw-liniuii, UUIIUU una nuoiM a I Wat. a. . trustee of Vassar College. xne proceedings at New York in the Weatern Reset ve University begins its 7Zi.A i,- tZ, XZZTi ZZV "'ma! vtv-mvanth apjulamin . ril7 I Ti. f. " vxovernmeni avwiiomorauie space in me report IB ae- Y O thi.f?n y " Cleve- on the allegation that .he was laden with voted to a discussion of the subject of l, v., Wlia 1BU. arms for tha ravnlntinnUta In V...l. I Tk.nlln. 1L.1 Mis in tbe third and fourth vear nf have been diamiaand fnrlaVnf ut.. mlnnm. atiii a .k.. ... a,, 1 1 i , . 1 , - -v.v. w..a.Duv,a,a I i J .a j ..aa... v.uho. .wa. ..i" .UWID B, I DTUUCT, mvafu iiku-Di.-UUUIB COQrsea m . 1.1 ll , .I niln, P,,., winant . MMir. I. mU . 1 t . J ... . - .7 talu- elective in shorthand. 7" .""1'' kiiT ZTmTLZZZS oi o.uuumen . , i K" tumuli vi tiuu,uuu uniaorisea Dy I j T. , , ; wwtou i umuiuuou uioir rieaiie. uiim tu rt .- v a wi tua a-TvuiAU-tJiiuiH i HiHmanr. i m iinirrtHH u an innamnit f-n ka i lfii v KaiiiiDiia kuu lhh mum wivws innw i in has rnAH .hak Mwvnrti ka.. . a i rr Luanchea) tret fl ii. -nt. fndl.n. tw -au gre.t.y free tenement, and firewood in Mecklen- Government some years airo. durlni nn that can hardly be controverted. The The German teWraiih aaiin. h.. Dnr8- of the Indian outbreak in the North, commission report fifteen peiwns who adopted eopner-bronze wires and i. . T. , , f .a . . aaa . I 1 I A.. fa.. I.Ann.. A la.. . 1 l i . I . 1 T , . . " . . -a. xeBinninn in uctooer. kuss an will ha wto. - mao po- piacinir ail its iron and steal b h taught in two of the Paris college and The Eaet Tennessee Railroad Com- lywoious marrlagw during the last year, the new metal, which is used of a small Dernans ne nnt on tnn um. f .. i nnrnu issnea an nriipr Mniiinn,. oK. i ""h "i". wmu oou perouxis wno mre i Quimetar snn w.inh. ianf lu., i German and English. stinence from tbe use of intoxicating kn?wn or believed to be now living in I to the mile. iva . aus coioesai mason work which waa Bldea, Wool and ITnp.. Hmsa Dry hides, selected nrima lu aO.. II. 1 t .11- 1 a ' . 'J" VaOii. i M3BB iifr cam; nwin aAiAt. month of last year ; exports for the same 1 over 66 pounds. 4c ; under 66 pounds, 3o ; time. 706.000. aa . atrsinat 97A aaa iiaa I sheen Delta, short wool. 8ftmRft, irancs. ' dium, 60 80c; long, 90c$t6; shear- The imprisonment of labor leaders at I ing,1020c; tallow, good to choice, 8 ju"'j, o. w., nss caused a threat-1 s7 porpouiia. Wool TJmDaua Vallev. IfliaiOn. fn clip, 1316io; Willamette Valley, 15 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore gon, 1016o per pound, according to eondition. Hops-1617c Prof. E. H. Griggs, who spent last ?ukon tI,e,Part.? ita employe.; also year in Leland Stanford nnl-,.i. soau, wnne in rne company'. teaching literature, will take charge of ferylce'keeP ". "m places where in- the department of general literature in lox,0",,, re "old, and lend their influ- Indiana University this year. ence to keep other away. Over 1.000.000 pudIIs reanmad thai. If lot of scrap and waste paper re- studies in Pennsylvania's public schonla ,r "n'0!";80 the paper mill in A short time ago the Collector of Cna- toms at Port Townsend wrote to the ireaanry Department for instructions in the case of one Ching Yon, the China man who claimed to be a British subject 1 II. 1 . a , . . . . a- . nii appiiea tor aamission to tne v nited States as such, exhibiting a certificate necessary in order to provide Bombay i ? Jr.v1' " wter aaa oeen com pleted. TheresnltisanartiflHul l.w. irom which the city can draw 450,000 cubic meter of water dai.y. The retirement by tbe Czar of Genera The Market. BxUrLlve. lW(a2'..c. draaaa Ai 6c. " ' , MtrrroH-dUve, 3(330 ; dressed, 7c ; lamb Uve, Jia3)4c: dressed, 8oT riooe uive, ojc ; dressed, 8c, VAi-4flo per pound. SKOKBD Mbats Medinm 14)6c; large ham, UUo breaktatt recently. A semi-offlc al eStimate tAL P"nyra, Mich., were found two ),nd as such, exhtbiting certificate ragoniron, the Moltke of the Ruseian "W large ham, 14414o; breakiatt the number of .TOffi ot tbe Un ted Btntes at between 13.000- ' T7r, 000 and 14,000,001, and the nationTi- ? . .T? pends $150,000,000 for their !n.f,ni!? 'tHpof Virgmil pends $150,000,000 for their instruction. iw iJl .Jni' 'nd-th? other in It is a thousand- o'd bstter investment 1840 ,or ection of Mississippi, than the mill ons spent by foreign na- Southern Pacific railroad has tions to maintain .landing armies, and f'ven notice of its withdrawal from the the ultimate returns are beyond calcula- WeBtern Traffic Association, which is tion. now practically dead. The Transcon- aiso going to association really of any tures of John Adams and Martin Van The Collector expreaeed the opinion that among military men throughout En- !?,'ked 8ldee. VOl-yc; smoked bacon. wasdrawn in 1810 for lnl"waea testcase,and if the man were rope, ne was somewhat of a martinet perpouna. tion. now practically dead. The The Lynn School Committee proposes ti.nental Association I alac to have every public-school tea&TSx? Eftllil "l,,? ?nly amined regarding his or her abilitie. as w0':.0. "!hich J allowed to enter, the authorities on the other aide of tbe line would begin at once to make British citizens of the Chi nese in order to evade restriction law. Assistant Secretary Rnanhlinv. in renlv xuiuruiB vue ixniector mat tne naturail- and wa Chief of the Kieff diarri-t The cholera scare is proving a good thing for the landlords of English pleasure resort, and they are having fat pickings ont of AmAriran fnn.i.1. who do not care to cross tbe Atlantic w-5omrxund, in Uns,0Vc; pure, in tins, 1212)io; Orep, lo)i12d . u-ir... . ma iu sciiuiarsnip at least once each term Teachers setting 90 ner cent, nn t hi. ' amination shall be considered to rank in value i the Western Freight Aaan-ia. tion. Tiffany & Co., jewelers of Union zation of a Chinese oerson hv an adia. I and face New York's ouarantina taoiI. cent country would not qualify such a tion. person to enter the United States, and Fat men are in demand in London as he instruct him to decline to consider advertising medium. They wear cloth- the papers mentioned aa in any manner in8 on which space, are arranged for changing the status of such a person aa various advertisements, and thna ar- far as admission into the United States rayed they parade the streets. On their T llA n ass anJ ak.1 . I NfiniM W AW V SV Br asa KhIIJ!-- Is a . . - - a - . , . . . T " Z.r.iVn. v. ,io on lD k1 L i "UI,U"' "new is concerned. An official of the Treasury captney bear this inscript on: "Space, manent hat of teacher., to remain there J fJZJ?T. tte. naannfacture of cutlery. Dapartment .aid that it waa a dahatahli to be let on sixty men." The balance-sheet of the French tele- as long as their work shall keep up to !5.1!i;Kinl?T give, credit for question whether this action of vnuianiVl VI bAia 11IBL IH.11 K . K Vrm llfl I rvmr n aaauH VUOf ! MftKlAJir UI niPrmMr 1 XaAlnsiMM auki. At I 1 a a svraa du I . . l i W ... e w- aw .uivua ih IDlUDlllM kU rrUUKUlIH I.UH I imnnHB IAT I KU -i nwa anaaa ." a ?K.W.D SZS?". ta r KE?S?Ji;: ff 2 ' Brlttoh natural zation of Chinese per- imoultini tTi22UmL ?hrianhPf rat kUling contest lately. Thr ,V . 4...H K IV. J .1 . . . I Km. 1 1. ., . - Only seven Waterloo veterans have rtv sponded to the invitation given them by Gen. Van Merten, of Haarlem, to cele brate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the battle. The oldest of them waa hum In 1798 and the youngest in 1798. Six oot of tbe seven are in a state of com plete destitution., " Two younir miners in the Kmnlra an.l Hollenbark Wilkesbarre,com-i the second rank, and below s ..T nntll now held by Englim mannfitn. i. ,n. "i.r.rri. i" 7.!'.". "VW' .'engtn ot ' ;;; ;- y. au to be dropped. la puabing the buainee. to a suoceea. State, at anv timaT mXZI 2 i-l ..TS,."" " 00n" u rT"...CT P000' , , vu.v.ii, .4iri weurut. o.oaa.