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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1892)
? THE OREGON MIST. I'uitcd XUtM ind family Official Piper. amms&mgaBtmmmmasu-j lj lj ST. tlKUtXS, Fsbruaey 12, 1892. . LOCAL AND GENERAL. "Better Than QoW" at the Masonic UiU (Frid)) evening. ' 1 First class uroceriee at Berager's. ' Flue cigars at Bwager's. Buy your reesrved seals Hoes' drug store for the sntertalnment. , A full line o! rubber good at N. A. -Perry'e, lloulton. . Don't forget the Drsmatlo enter , Ulimieul to-night ttbe Masoiiio hall. The lateit novels anil other choice rending mutter at the drug store. .. ' Mite Hunter, of Portland, was the guest of Mite Lena Blakesley last week. . Bee the photo of the Trial Ground ( one in the Norluwsst), belong ing to Poesun'i Beed Store, Portland, . .,, Oregon. "Miss May Beegle, of Gilhon, is visiting friendt and relatives in St. lMeus this week. ' Valentlnet at Bwager.. Comic val entine at Bwagor'e. Fine valentines t Bwager'a. .. The St. Helens Dramatio ' Club hae pared no pains and cost In making the eutertainmeut to-night a eucccM. Blank note and reeelpt books at this Rice (or lata cheap. i Clothing, flrst claes and belt quality t Perry'. Houllon. Mi Mary Uicbardaon, of Astoria, Is at home on a visit for a few days, tine eipects to return Monday next. Buy your drugs at a regular drug tore. Edwin Uoss keep the best. Poison's Beed Store I to be congrat ulated for the enterprise in equipping and running the first "Trial Grounds" and "Test House" In the Northwest. 8s photo In this isus. Wanted A location fer a cheese factory, where milk can be bought, or, to rent farm with twenty-five to fifty cow. Address, C. Lewis, Bock wood, Oregon. Methodist appointments First Sun day, Muygers; second and fourtb Sun days, Clateknnie and Steward creek; third Sunday, St. Helens. II. C. Coats, Pastor. Remember the grand ball at Rainier next Friday night, February 19th. If you do not atteud you will surely re eret it. Freeh candies all the time at fiesger's. All kinds of notions t 8wiiger's. All kind of nut at Bwager'a. The five year printed guarautee given with each sale of Jewelry by W. J. Muckle 4 Co., Is fust what the peo ple want; it gives them confidence. No truck sold at this store. County board of examiners met on Wednesday lu the qnarterly examlna iion for teacher. Applicant present re Mr. M. E. Way, Mrs. H. Kitten honae, Misse Gertrude Badger, Alia Matthews, Maud E. Shanahan, Helun Overlin, J. B. Khoeinaknr, Wm. E. Chaso, James E. Edwards, L. W. Vau Dyke, Hvey A. Powell. Judge Kuluhun, of Kalama, who was "attorney" (T) for Mrs. W. M. Gaddis In a criminal action at Goble boul three weeks ago, takes it upon liimself to criticise the Oregon laws fur being so complicated and indefinite In regard to proceed ure in justice' court. W are of the opinion that the worthy judge would do better at farming than practicing law, even in Washington. Muckle Bros, bave a crew of men at work repairing their sawmill and gen erally getting tbinga in readiness lor operations. It is not known to us just bow soon the mill will be run ning, but indication point to some . . . , tmng unusual, ana our peopie neen not be surprised if their (lumbers are disturbed some 01 mess mornings si :80 by the sound of the mill's whistle. . Many year praotice have given C A. Snow A Co., Solicitor of Patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patent for all f Invaniiitna. The make a specialty of rejected oases, and have ' aecurea allowance m many pmonia that bad been previously rejected. Their advertisement in another col umn, will be of interest to Inventors patentee, manufacturers, and all who Lava to do with patents. Mayor Tichenor, of Clatskanie, was a caller at this office Tuesday last. Mr. Tichenor is considerably encouraged over the lumber outlook for the com ing summer, and says that, although the lumber market is dull and the urice has been comparatively low, be has realised a good profit all along on all lumber sold during the last year. . - He believes, a doe a great many ' other people, that with the opening up of spring business in general will take ," substantial turn for the better. While times are good throughout the Northwest compared with the East, yet money is not so plentiful aa in some former yean. In about a month wore the fishing season opens, which will start things rolling in good shape. Last Monday there were fifteen daed to right-of-way filed in the ' county olerk'e office by the Astoria A . Ooblo Railroad Company. This looks encouraging in ths extreme. Of course the Astoria railroad proposi tions have assumed immense propor tions as "chest nuts," but one thing Is certain, there is a lot of somebody's money being expended on preliminary work on this road. Many thousands of dollars have already been expended for surveys, "right-of-way and other -necessary work with a view to building - said railroad. When this preliminary ' work is finished some company will be given control of the matter who will push the project to completion. The people of Astoria are up and doing ' this time. The Dwyer contract has expired and they have effected a reor ganisation of the whole system. A . new board of trustees were elected to .'.solicit subscriptions consisting of J. ... A. Fulton, J. C. Trulliuger and W. E. 1 " Dement It is now claimed that work till be resumed by Mwcb. , Several seedmen who buy their stock in California claim to "test all thulr seed," but Posson's Sued Store, Portland, Oregon, come 'tght cut and say theirs Is no "damp cloth" or "wet cotton ' test, ana srnu us a cut oi meir whole Trial Grounds. Bee it In this isue. If planters would encourage such enterprise more, they would have no occasion to complain so ruticn about "Californift seeds" and "poor cods." . .. CoHFiDiHTUt- Jut buy a piece of jewelry from W, J. Muckle Co., take it home and present it to your wife and she will enfold you in her arm and say, my dear old hucksey-ducksey, and crab apples, my only joy. Remember Bwager will sell as cheap aa any store In town. All first olass groceries. One price to all. No Jew ing. CONGRESS) At Last Takes Action. A bill has been introduced at Wash ington requiring all baking powders containing alum and ammonia to be so labeled. This ia a step in the right direction, Jand has been long fore shadowed by the action of state legis latures, boards of health, food com missioners, etc., in this matter. The bill affords needed protection to the public (or the evidence as to tne in furious effects of alum and ammonia is very heavy ; but it will neverllie less be found bitterly by the menu faoturers whom it effects who are acuustomed to sell their goods as "purs Cream of Tartar," "absolutely pure," etc. The bill is something needed. If a maker uses a drug In bis powder, the name of which he does not want to have printed on his label, it is prima facia evidence that there is something wrong. We hope the subject will be vigorously prosecuted all over the country, not only as regards baking powder, but also all omer looa aoui titrations. This bill may incidentally benefit the makers of pure article, but if it should, tbis is only an additional point in its (avor. , CAHICO VALLKY. We have been having beautiful weather for the past two weeks. R. 11. Bailey lias been spending most of his lime for the past two weeks on Tide creek and at Deer Island, looking up the nursery buslnese for a Woodburn nuraery. lie reports good success. C. C. Moyer spent last week on his ranch with bis family. Miss Rosina Canell. of Columbia City, who has been stopping with Mr. Smith family since fjlinsltnat, re turned home ou Friday of last week. D. H. Pope is at home now on a few days lay-off, owing to the cold weather which now prevails. The dance at Jess Hendricks' resi dence Saturday night was a grand success. B. F. Pope has made improvement enough ou hi place, so it is said, that he baa the finest view in this part of the country. Ml. 8t. Helens, Ml. Adams and Mt. Hood are all in plain sight, as well as a number of ranches in Washington ; the steam boats can be seen on the river below Columbia City and up on the Willamette slongb, as well as the Scappooae bay. We wonder why some of the big capitalists in St. Helens and Portland does uot look up the logging business on upper Milton creek, as there are some of the finest log timber there that can be found, and there is a splendid way to gel them to tide water with no great expense. A dar.i could be put in that would take out 25,000,- 000 feet of logs and perhaps more. It seems that loggers would want no better chance. RAINIER. La grippe has several victims here. The disease is in a mild form and the patients are recovering. A series of meetings are being held by Rev. and Mrs. Barber, of Clackamas county, assisted by Kevs. jsauman and Staub. Considerable interest ia awak ened, and good congregations are the result. M. Pomeroy, steward of the Bute Reform school, visited his family here last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Slaughter, of Mayger, visited Iriends here last Sat urday. Miss Carrie Dibble, of Albina, is the guest of Mrs. Deits this week. John Braim made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. AI Lee was thrown from a sled a few daya ago and sustained several bruises and other injuries. Mr. Clark is again in the poetoffice after a vacation caused by illness. "BETTER THAN OOfcD." The Bt. Helens Dramatio Club will produce "Better Than Gold" at Ma sonio ball this (Friday) evening. Those who have never witnessed this splen did drama should strain a point and attend tonight. The club have spared no pains to make it a success, and there will be a larger number of char acters on the singe on this occasion than ever before conlronted a est. Hel ens audience in dramatio art. Between acts the audienoe will have the pleas ure of listening to piano solos aud other instrumental selections. Procure your reserved seat tiokets at Edwin Ross' drug store, see cast beiow : Peter Perchant, a lawyer. .... .0. H. Jones Tom Payson, law clerk h. Decker Dick Gordon, the prodigal. . . .J. R. Beegl Gilbert Murdock, the heir Edwin Bon Asa, a colored servant. . , Frank Miles Mrs. OarHaid, housekeeper Cora Miles Annie Garneld, daughter.,. Lena Blakesley Belle Gordon, the lieiress Kittle Moore Jennie Joy, a seamstress Maud Bwager Time of acting hours. "Better Tban Gold." "Better Then Gold," than gold galore, Are th bargains to be found at Dolman's Lore: Aot I shows, In all goods a "great tumble," The 2d act, "prices" at which no one can grumble. The third I ob, tbe third; both good weight and good measure, The fourth aot 1 where we wait on you with Dleanure: " Tbe fifth sod the day, and all hands are To ldoklor a nlcr"talleu" would be folly. ROUOOIVBOVSB NOTES). BY THS PUPILS). Messrs. Fred Clear and Dan Richard son visited the school last Friday. The teacher distributed about 400 rewards to the pupils last Tuesday. Borne of the boys were locked up in Mr. Blukesler's hoa pen a tew days ago, and had to remain there for about an hour. Some of the school boys have had their beads shaved so the girls cannot get so good a hold. Miss Anna Beeela made us a pleas ant visit last Friday afternoon. School was dismissed Monday at 11 o'clock because the stove smoked so badly. Messrs. Watts and Muckle came in the evening and cleaned out the flue. Miss May Beegle, of Gillton, made us a pleasant visit last Tuesday morn ing. Tbe teacher say he will get enough valentine to paper the school house if tbey keep on coining at the present rate all through February. Mis Lena Blakesley and Newton Hundby were quite ill the first part of the week. . The second terra of school ends February 20. School will bave to close then for lack of funds, nnless a tax can be voted at tbe school meet ing. BROCEFORT. John Hawks, of North river, was in town Tuesday last. The Misss Anna and. Julia DeRoo and Anna Wiegardt paid Mrs. Mc Bride, of Stuart's Point, a pleasant call. Mrs. Pellard, of Bay Center, is in town. W.B.Clark's place at Story Point is improving quite rapidly. He has seven Chinamen engaged in digging and plowing. Mrs. McBride was a pleasant caller in town a short time ago. Mrs. Mary Clark is able to be around agaiu alter a long illness. Miss Julia DeRoo is suffering from croup, caused by wet feet. John Barluhio went over to Bay Center lost Saturday on business. Bruce port is in need of a dressmsk- ing sbob very badly. Justice J. Clark, of Stony Point, was seen among the visitors this week Eugene Riddel! met with a painful accident by falling off of a springboard while logging, aud is now slowly re covering at bis home in town. Born to the wife of H. J. Wiegardt, a daughter, February 2ud, 1892. Bruceport had a shock of an earth quake on February 3rd. No damage was done. John Hawks is repairing Joseph DeRoo' boat at present. Real Estate Transfers. G W McBride to Edwin Merrill, and lots 1 and 2, ee 8, 1 5 n, r 1 w ; 1262. G W Mclirtde to Edwin Merrill, land In sec 8 and 17. 1 5 n r 1 ; quit claim. Vernonia Improvemenient Company to (J K Miller, lots a ana e, oik it, vernonia; mo. G H Bynon to A Emmons, lots 4 and 5, Dues, vernonia; iuo. ..,, , btate of Oregon to Joseph Bnerdlch , land In sec 10 snd 16, 1 4 n, r 1 w ; (10 W K Conyers to Hannah C Couyers, lend III m t. OsCRHCoto Harry Wiat. H n, wK new. itii nX, lot 1, ec 35, 1 4 n, r 3 J '1 lea to LM Cox. eX nwtf. wX netf. seW nwfc. lot 1, sec co, 4 n, r l w; soou. United States to L Archibald, iM ec 15. W D Keiley and wife to M sry O Bamssy, l.r,A I,, be. t7 n. r4 w:ttM0. 8 B Row to G L 1111, lot 11, blk 8, Ver nonia; taO. e)B Rose and wife to A A Mead, lot 2, klk n V.rnnnlut O.SO. Joeph Vanblurioom to Harvey Beckwith, fot It. Vernoniit: ISO. Harvey Beckwith to Alice Beckwith, lot 8, DIK 11, vernonia; w. State of Oregon tod A York, nt sett efi 28. 1 8 n. r 4 w. Biate of Oregon to B Hendrickson, swX sec 21, 1 8 n, r 4 w. M A Carroll to J F Carrall, nej e, sec 26, t7n,rw;l. United 8UU- to W 0 Francli, nwX sett, W neW swtt, sec 8, 1 6 n , r 4 w State of Oregon to K O Chamberlain, nH dW,mik nwK,iw,i?n row; iou. J Price to K Kidgway. X of M. eo St, ton, re w. Tbe Nehalem Valley co-operaur colony to H E Uirard, H sccSl, wH nw qr, e S2. ten. r w: sii. United States to j P Wslls, s qr, sec 22, t M n rl ; intent. q H pynon to Anna rracy , iocs i, s, , a, blk 25, Veraunia; 1. United Stntes to BW Blood, nw qr nw qr. bj 20, t 7 n, r 4 w; patent. United States to B W blood, lot. 2, 8, sw qr of sw qr, sec 17, 1 7 n, r 4 west; patonl. A G Blood to V O Blood, lots 2. 3, sw qr sw qr, sec 17. nw qr nw qr, sec 20, 1 7 o, r4 : siuw. j F Carroll te M A Carroll. 80 acres In tec 26, t7n, r4w;ll. Frank Hulsman to E Rldcway. blk 2 and 6. and lot 0, blk 6. Vernonia; 8100. P P HoUtrup to G B Van Waters. w) se qr, eU sw qr' sec 14. t5 n, r 8 w; 8800. M 8 Dippold to M F Dippold, ne qr, sec li. ten, raw; si. C R Hart to J H Colson, 80 acres In sects 19 and 80, 1 4 n, r 1 w, bond for deed; 81750. W K Gonysrs to school district No. 8, 11-100 of an acre in sec 8. 1 7 n. r 4 w, quit Hannan c uonrsrs ana nusoana , ueir oi E d Brvant. deceaaed. to the director of ichool district No. 8,05-100 of an acre, sec 8, t7n.4w,quUclaim;81. , , . Mary C Lockwood and husband heirs of B G Bryant, deceased, to the directors of sohool dirtrict No, 8 40,000 square feet, Clatskanie, quitclaim; 81. V. Gltnieskl to John Seghera, land In sec 27, tSn.rSw-.U. . , , , Matilda KamoiaaKi to jonn oegnera, iana inec27,t5n,r8w;81. W N Menerve to. M Pirter, nw qr. wK ne or. sec 22. 1 7 u. r 8 w. assignment of eertlUcate; 8150. Beed Purchasing- a Matter of Con- ' Ildenoe. It is entirely so. The man who buys dry goods, groceries, etc,, can, to a verv considerable extent, judge of tne quality and value of the article. Tbis is not the case with seeds. Simply because a dealer says certain seeds he holds in his hands are choice, it dees not follow that il ia so. He may have been deceived himself. No one eau tell till valuable time and labor have been expended in testing tbe seed, both as to vitality and strain. Every dealer who handlea oar goods is fur nished with a photo of our Trial Orounds and a certificate giving date and what per cent hie goods tested. If hd cannot show these send to us and get Good Seeds at cash pricee. r. th roesoN bon, Paoifio Coast agenU for D. M. Ferry's seeds and A. I. Root's aud bee supplies, Portland, Oregon. flS-2t D. 1. aWITZEH. eeaeral raaieeaael Estate Asjesier Tbe progress snd prosperity of s com munity depends solely npon the hnsiness methods of its cltisens, and is mf asured by the world by the i-rlnclples with which tbs buisnes interests are conducted In general. If a man conducts his affair on a well guarded plan bis fellowmen have codH- denceln him; if he ho a negligent, hap hazard way of nondncting his affairs he is unsuccessful with his own business snd loses ths esteem and endorsement of th more conservative and (tricily progressive classes. Insurance Is a guarantee to every man who Invests his money in It that be will not suffer loss by accident. It Is not s gams of chance, but a strictly business proposition, recognised as such by all pros perous snd orogresslvs business men. 1 ni statement is substantiated by the fact that ths prosperous fsrmers and merchants all carry Insurance on their perishable real estate Why 7 Because tbey can better afford to have s rich corporation stand their loss, should they offer any, than to bear tbe entirety of it themselves; snd bet-awe they csrry s surety of several hundreds or dollars npon which the percentage is very smsll. Bsy, for instance, you bare a house with brick flues and ne exposure which yon wish to insure for 81000 for Ave years. Th j coat to you would be 826 for the Ave years, or ons-fourth per cent per annum. Where and bow ran a roan insure bimself against loss for soch low Interest in any other way xcept through the insurance companies. It isjurt th same exactly as borrowing money and paying a rate of Interest, only in Insurance the Interest is only about one- fortieth as high as on borrowing money. Mr. Bwluer represents some of the eett companies In the world, including tbe Hamburg A Bremen, Flremens' Fund oi San Francisco, State of Salem and Farmers' A Merchants' of Albany. These companies are all solid financially. Mr. D. J. Switxer also carries on a large real estate bume. Parde desiring Information In regard to land or town property in Columbia county would do well to consult him either in per son or by letter. He will always be found ready snd willing to answer any communi cation of a business nature. A niltlaat t rlssWU. A friend In need is a friend indeed , and not less thsn one million people bsve found Just such a friend In Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs snd colds. If you have never ned thl great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful enrstive powers in all dis eases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle w guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refended. Trial bottles free at Edwin Ross' drug store. Large bottles 60c and 81. TAX NOTICE. Notice ts hereby given that I will be at the usual voting places as follows: Auburn, Feb. 27, 1892, from 10a. m. to 3 p.m Nehalem " 29. Clatkatii,Meh 1. Marshland," 2, 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 Oak Point. " Rainier, Bearer Fall, Dr Island, Scappoose, Union For the purpose of collecting the Btate, Hcbool and County Taxes, due Colombia County , Oregon, for the year 1891. IS. A. MEEKEB, Sheriff of Columbia County. Oregon. C. R. HART, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Baited Meats, 8susage, Fish ana vcgetaoiea. Meats by wholesale at special rates. Express wagon ran te all parts of town and charges reasonable. HE L1VK8 AGAIN. Bow Mr. A. K. Miller, the Photoa rapher or Albina, Escaped Fearful Eeath. Editor Oregonian Sir: Inasmuch as there are undoubtedly many poor human beings suffering the agonies aa I did, I deem it my duty to let them know through your "oolumna" where) they can find relief. For seven years I suffered deaths with urethral stiictures, until I could urinate only with the aid of hot appliances, baths and morphine, when finally they closed entirely and I was taken to Dr. Darrio. He recognised immediately tbe imminent danger I was in, and ilh his wonderful surgicsl and electrical skill relieved me in a few moments, and now I am perfectly well. To my surprise, the operation was rendered entirely painless, and did not "lay me up." It is justice to Dr. Darrin to say thst my esse baffled the skill of nearly all tbe doctors in the country for years. The publica tions of such difficulties are against Dr. Darrin's rules, but I am so grate ful for what be bas done for me that I insist on making my case known for the benefit of the public I can be found at 277 Knott street, Albina, Oregon. A. E. Miixxs. Da. darbin's low charqks. Owing to the "hard times," Dr. Dar rin will in future give) eleotrio treat ment for 95 a week, or in that propor tion, as cases may require. An ex ception is made in his charges for surgioal operations. Tbe poor free daily from 10 to 11 a.m.; those able to pay, 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sundays, 10 to 13. All curable, chronic, acute, brlvate and wasting diseases, including stricture, hydro cele and varicocele, cancers, tumors and all malignant diseases tree ted successfully and cures guaranteed and never published. The doctor also cures deafnesa, catarrh, bronchitis, la grippe, consumption, heart dyspepsia, liver and kidney diseases at bis offices, 70( Washington street, Portland. All surgioal operations skillfully per formed. Consultation strictly confi dential. Send for question blank and oiroular. rOSTEM FOSTKM. Seasral Orecerla HarSwsr, ws Slews, reeel, ate. In the town of Reuben Messrs. Foster A Foster enjoy a splendid business, princi pally because their store Is tbe oldest end best known, and because thy have th postofflce for that city. In tbe postofflee department is found the latest Improved DitUKS found In the larger cities through out the country. Patent lock boxes and all other modern Improvements of tbe dsy. These gentlemen, although not plom-ers in th sense that term is generally uaed, have been In badness long enough to have estab lished themselves permanently and secure tbe trade of th n town and locality. Their store is filled with new goods consisting of hardware, tinware, stoves, wuodebopptrs and loggers supplies In complete aort- hroent. In tbe grocery line their etock ii al ways freb and new In flour, canned fruits. vegetable, beef, oysters, clains, sardine, cigars, tobacco, etc. It will be remembered that Messr. Foster Foster make a ape- eialty of tbe above lines of goods, nol In eluding clothing, thus enabling them to devote their entire attention to the selection of the best articles that can be had in the market. At their door tbe steamer land their goods from tbe best markets of the world, thus, ss ws said before enabling them to order fresh goods daily and keep ing abreast with tbe times. HherUTt Sale. STATE OF OREGON. I County of Columbia.) n. vlrtn. af an execution laantid out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the i:,,untT of Multnomah, to me directrd. In favor of Richard Kreniing and Sylvsster Karrell and against nelson tioyt ana r. e. Hovt. for the sum of 8202.40 dollars. Iuds nsht, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 13th dsy of July, 1880, and tbs further sum of 830.00 dollars costs and accruing costs, commanding me to make sale of tbs following-described real property, to-wit : Ths southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and lots one (1) and two (2) and such part of lot three (3) as liea north of a line due east and west of tbe northwest corner of tbe donation land claim af Jaaenh Btonton. in section No. 24. township 4 north of range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; all being situate in Columbia county. Htaia of Oreaon. I duly levied upon aald premise on tbe Uth day of Feb ruary. 1H92. Now. in nnrsuanca of said execution. I will, on the Uth day of March, 1892, at the hoarof 10 o'clock A. M., at th Court house door. in aid County and 8taU, sell at pub lic auction all tbe right, title, clehn and interest in and to the above -described real Dronertv of Nelson Hovt and F. M. Hoyt. to the hiKhest bidder therefor, for cash to satisfy said execution . interest and costs. ' W. A. MEEKER. fl2mll Sheriff of Columbia County, Or. NOTICE FOB PUBIS CATIOIS. Land Offlot at Or.ioa City. Or., Januarys, ISM. lent! t. harabr elvMl that the. following- aaned tattler aa filed notice of hta lutenUoa to auke Anal proof la support of his eUlm, an th.t nraof wlU e made bofore the Resist! and Receiver of the United States Land OStee, Oregoac,.,- on . s, sx, vu, PrjmnUca D. S. No. 732S. lor tb llVS see. 14, tp $ r 7 w. Be namss ths following wlt n.MM to prove hi eontlnuon reddence npon, and cultivation of aald land, via: Philip Oovor, Jaaes Klckman, William Roberta ana BaDen Borvle; all of Dixie, Waahlogtoa eeuaty. Or. Oeorc B. Zlmmennaa. who mads homestssd entry No. 79S2, is haraby apedally aoUfled a appoar and ahow eanae why Joseph Keefe't entry of said troet abould not be allowed. man. JUI1V J. T. APrsBSOJi, aegtster. notice roar publication. t.anrf ASM at OreMB City. Or.. Feb. 4. ISM. Mode U hereby given that th following named settler haa filed notica of hta intention to make final proof In support of nu claim, ana that aald proof will b mad before th County Clerk of Columbia eoaaty, at Bt. Helens. Or., on Mar en a. un. via: OEORGE W. OR A NT. Homaateod entry No. SSS7. for th se V ot aw U, si mc It. tp I n, rl w. He name the lollowlnr witneue to prove hi eontlnuou realdenee upon and eultivauoa of, atd land, via: J. u. W.itt A.. Holiday. J. D. Morran. Jollua Zte mana; alio! Seappooae, Columbia county, Ore gon.. Xizmia J. i. arrauufli atfuwr. NOTICE. . TJ. 1. Land Offlee, Omgon City, Or, January T. IBM. Complaint bavin been entered at this Office by Jovepk Powers, fiaal homeetead entrymaa No. 3440, againec Elitha T. Peel for aban4cs!nt bli donation claim ndtiDtiin No. 12, settle ment claimed Mov. 2a, lsH, upon th MKii K.sec.l0,HswWand5nw 5 see. S,tp7 n, rang 4 w, In rolum&la county, uregoa, witn a vlaw to the cancellation of aald donaUoa Calm, the aald partleaara hereby summoned to appear at uiaiaaania, urocon, oeiora w. n. m.rv u4 .t lb o'clock a. m.. ia raanond and furnlaa testimony concerning said altefad asaauonmeni. ana on ins cosumony wen aun milted a hearing will be had at thl osleeoa March is, ubz, at ivo cjocb a- an. J. T. APPKRSON, Retlster. Ufll ' B. F.BURCH, Beosiver. One Dollar Weekly Bnva a arood sold watch by oar club sys tem. Our M-karat gold-filled cases are war rantee lor zu years. ins aigm ana v at tham msrerrent. Stem wind aad set. Lady's or gent's size. Equal to any 850 watcb. To secure agents where we have none, we sell one of the hunting case watches for tbe ciud nnc via ana sena u O. O. by express with privilege of examina tion before paying lor tne some. Our ogsnt at Durham, N. C, writes: "Our Jewelers have confessed they dost know now you cob lurnisa ancn wora zor tao monaj. Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. C, writes: "Vonr watahee take at alrht. Th centlaman who got th laat watch aald that he examined and priced a lewelere watehea ta Laneoatar, that war ne better than vonr. bat ths pries wa fav our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: "Am In receipt ot the watch, and sat pleased without measure. All who have aeea It aaj It would be cheap at 84. " One rood reliable ajrent wanted for each place. Write for particulars. . AairiBB vvatcsi wo., new xora. BAO OABFSTB, All In want of Rae Carnets can hare them made by Mr. J. W. Tinkham. OUlton. Co lumbia county, Oregon. j8mS THWAITES, The Photographer. CABINETS IJ.50 FEB DOZEN CARDS. $100 PEE DOZEN. 167 and 169, First Street, Portland Oi PwtluA. Onama. A. 9. Arautrcni. Ma. Smaaa Sokml: Crir.i Boa. Qui aea. twaa, om aama aaamaa 1 away. raaaa m muuoa. Business, Shorrthnid, TWa aw ftani !, tmi tgHt VaSal laiiwinniajaaafcwattlwyiar. aw j.Ma etj Safat ear (Una. uialaaa vi attlav tSM-i. CSS tt THE MIST" Job Department IS corvinPEAmnzin GENTLEMEN We hftve just received the correct style ia , Stiff Hate for the Spring of '92. $ 1 .50 tO $500 PRICES FROM $ 1 .00 tO $5.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. King Clothiers of the Northwest Hlaa Corner, "I vrriaam stwat SeewsiA Straata. FwrSlmmat. F. R. CHOWN, uiFOBTXB or - MANDFAOTTJSSKg OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware, WHOLESALE I AND KKTAIL. 2 1 2 First and cor. Salmon Street PORTLAXID- MUCKLE Uanafactnrers of AB BsUUBSS OT GENERAL UERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. 9. HIGH ARM. The only perfect family machine, was awarded the only graad prize at we rans LARGEST STOCK For particulars call on or address the ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G. SPEXARTH, i The Largest General Jewelry House IN THE CITY. MAIN OTFICES: lHMetStrect, S. FnCalfcr2li HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and Heating Stoves. BROS., jjzpoBiuon in ioov. AT LOWEST PRI0Z3.