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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1892)
f HK OKl'GON MIST. aU4 Xliit'i mid I H'l - 11' ! County Ufflrlul Puprr. 5, 1H!I2. ar LOCAL AND 0EXE1LVL First da urocerlc at BwaKer. Fin at Hwager'a. A full line of rtiMicr good at N. A, IVrry'a, ll'iulum. Tim Iatt novel ami U" ,"icfl reading matlur at llw drug U.r. . VulMiUm 8"8f- Cowlo 1 , ntlno, at HwrVu I'lno valentine at H wager'. Mlank not and r'ceit boiV Ht ihi offloe for aulu cliuaii. C'tothinfC. and I' quality t l'erry'. lloulum. liny your drug at a rwilar drug uirv. Klwln Ku kwj tli bent. Tim loup year party Ht tliti Masonic Imll on KritUy mIil lust hi u grand aiiiitwi. a all testify who were 4irwcut. Cuiumwuinnor narrtesmilliig leimiioa was seen m oiirslNH't Mon day, hiiving bwiicallud Iwruon county matter. Mr. B. O. Blood, one of Clatskanie's ennririning sawmill mon, was a culler at Tmk M.ut olQcw Tuesday lt. Wanted A Ucnlioii for a rlieoae factory, hew milk can ho bought, or, to rent a farm wilh twenty-five to fifty cow. Add, C. U'wiiy Hiik wood, Oregon. Mthodit appointments First Pun day. Mnygere; nieond and fourth Bun tv, Clatskanie and Steward creek j third Holiday. Bt. Helen. If. C. Coat, Pastor. When ym call on W. J. Mucklrt A Co, btiv your wile (or aonie other man' w'ifr) a prcaent of a handsome lioon of jewelry. Freeh can-lie all tho time at Uwager'. AH kind of m-tinn ai Kwager'a, AUkindaol miUatSwager's. Your beat girl will lova you more and think les of the oilier ltd ow, if you will buy her a nice ireeut from V. J. Mucklu 4 Co.' new show case of jewelry. Misses Emily Cox ami Tillie Muckle h it hut Monday to attend achool at the Ht. Mary's Academy, In Portland. They will be greatly missed by their many 1 rlends here, ami we all wish them curce in Ihoir new undertaking. Followlna the advice of latt week's MtT. Mrs. Mary Ilralm.of Hrapiinose, availed herself ul tlie opiK.rlunHv which i only afforded every four year Wp year aud took to herself husband, Mr. Stephen Haine being ine. fortunate individual. The cere mony wa pronounced by Judeci P.J Hwitu r in the law office f Moore & Coh. Tn Mnrr xtud congratula tion. Voting ladies, take notice. Many rear practice have given C A. Know Co.f Solicitor of Patent, at Wa.liir.gton, V. 0., unsurpassed auccew in obtaining etent for ail . . Tlw,v mulca a itccialtv of rejected ". and have cured allowance of many patenU t1t had bceu nn'ionHly rnixclcd Thir advertisement ia another col umn, will he of Interest to inventor. KatfUter, inanufuctHrer, and all who hare to do with patent. a vrv distinct eartlioiiake wa fell UWiifblav nicbt at about 8:.'H) ..VWk Alihoueh nodemaue has yel ln rnuirled it i believed to hav the hard-rthockfor many years. Wiudow rattled, children wrj awakened fw.m lhir let'p ami evon i...n H woin(n ran from their house terrified with fright. The shock lusted lor irrl cnd. It i bulievcd that tlx) shock came from the vicinity of Mount 8U Ilebn. Mr. Vf. D. Council, of Deer Island, ia erecting largo barn to taku the y (ire eveml months ago. The new atrncture will he lC3x8tt, the main building two torie high with hcd on each ide, all unding up off the jrMiind. When completed it will have a capacity for2(K ton f hay and Ull room enougli for 130 head of tuck. Thi will be the largost and tbru in Columbia county. Mr. A. It Oeorge i the architect. Mr. Joiah Weston ha started u enterprise about .three muc aoove lUiaier, in the shape o a logging and wood business. Ho propose td use tramway inatcad of a akidroad. He lias negotiated for a large amount o timber, built niesshouae, hop and Ublcs, ha graded a large portion of the road, including a considerable Amount of blMting at a place about one mile below Danby, called Big Kddy, or dead rnau' Eddy, (where , the fisherman' war was.) He ha hi train-car partly built, and will pro a Bood many hand when spring cornea and the weather become itled. He has also trot out a tb amount of solit cedar atuff for corduroying hi tram-road. floma pcron signing thomselve "Bartalmaou." in lat wcok'a Chief, aiiemnta to criticise this paper for tiublishing a eommuuioation from flnliMrihr" of two week ago, in , which aaid "Hubscribor", found fuult with tho method of the Clatskanie iiv council. Whether or not the communication referred to wa found cd upon faol we are not able to ay ..iii.p hava wa the time to invosti tUpm. . Mr. "Bartalmaou"' eriti- "Hnbicrioor empty oenutmiiBos, and y the people hould not be ur irl with inch a nauseous dish of i w.rLllA that rt.iis not concern them : Sitiltiat:"and in the wine article claims that he is a disinterested party. Then why, if he i not inteieted, doe lie show his freshness in tine manor, 'Ho far as empty headed nesa is con cerned we aro of the opinion "Bartal maou " U not overnowing. i ins nici was plainly apparent Immediately after the adjournment of the last grand jury if all report are true, and Uh.v have not vet been disputed. Bo far a publishing "Subscriber" com ! munication ia concerned we wish it "tittdoratood that every man ia entitled 1 to a fair hearing on all matters of pub moment through Tub Mitrr'a columne. 1 These columns are alwaya open to a ' lair dineussiuu of imporluut topicl, Furthur particulura have been re ceived of the Inmily quarrel and murder whlih OMiurrsdat Hurford's logging camp, about throe mile north of Oaailo Itotik Sunduy night. .Tame llt-rford, who had hecu at Olcqu, came homo drunk us did u!o his brother Odlnian, who had been Kt that place. Jamos arrived at his father's home before (lillniun and threatened to whip him as noon he arrived. He even sluru-il down the railroad track to meet him, hut was pursuaded to return home by hi fattier. Oillman soon arrived in compauy with Mr. Ilyint, better known a "Carolina." A quarrel took place between the two hint hers, ami the youngest, Uillmao, ills eel a revnlvtr against hi brother's breast and fired the ball ontering the left side near the heart. He died in about twenty minutes. The only words he Npoko were to Mr. Hyatt, snying: "Carolina, I am shot. I'll die, too. 8end for the doctor." Young Herford wa arraigned before Jalge Brown at that place and waived examination and whs held to appear before the superior court now in tcasion at Kalama. Ho claim self-defense. The EngliHh "hip Fnrndalo went ashore at about 3 o'clock Friday morn ing iwnr the entrance to dray' Harbor in a dense fog. The ship wa bound for I 'on In nd and arrived off the mouth of (he Columbia on Sunday before, hut was tinahlu to get a tug, conse quently she wescomprllcd to '"y out sen until! auoh time as she could secure a tug to come in. On Friday night a heavy gale commenced blowing and before morning the good ship wa a complete wreck in the breaker. The captain, llliilr, and twelve of bia men were lost, including the drat , and eo nd mates, and steward. Only five of tho crew were saved, and they wore dragged iincon-cious from the surf by a lone woman, the only person wit iiesing the wreck. Two ofihucrew have since been washed ashore and iNiried, while the remainder are no one knows wheri. It i yet thought that some of the missing may be saved. Captain Day. who has chariro of the crew of men who are getting out brush at Iteuhcn for I ho improvement of the channel at Walker's island informs us that the work is progressing splenitidly, that they can get any amount oi good hru'h at Reulam and handy of access. He ha a crew of about forty men at work all tho time In thi woik. The finance for the Walker' island im provement is furnished by the City of Portland throimh the Chamber of Commerce, and not by the government s most people snpiaisn. Tli con tractor. Mr. P. llink'.e. of Portland it doing all in his power to push the work ahead as fust a possible, and contrary to expectation, he is having very lit tie dilliculty in securing plenty of pil ing, stone, brnsb, clo. for the construc tion of the dvke. Mr. Day. who is uperintondont of the brush depart ment, is jubilant over their success o far. Road survey No. C7. known as tbe Jivaph White road, beginning at Wil fred Miller's place on the Clatskanie and running from there in a westerly course to the Nehalem road from St. Helen to Pittsburg, was surveyed tins wek. Viewers, Fowler, Hendrick and Miller report that a good road can be obtained at a reasonable expense. When opened it will mtikn a much shorter and better route between the Nehalem and Columbia river, a it leave Itnakor Hill out entirely. The new lioat being built in Port land for the Shaver brother to run on the Clatfkanie route wa launched Wednesday - morning ' lust at 10:30 o'clock anil went into the Willnnelte Hying the American flag and Union Jack. When she struck tho water the tlag bearing the new steamer' name tiHin it wu unfurled to the bruese. She wa christened the Sarah Dixon, that being the maiden name of Mrs. i. W. Shaver. The new steamer will be ready for business about March 1. John Pringl, of Vernonia, made final proof on hi homestead before Clerk Quick Wednesday. Hia wit nesses were Sicgel Wickerson and William Mellinger. Messrs. W. II. Braden and Dave Davis, of the Nulmleni Journal, were welcome visitor at this office Wed nesday last. Remember Swagcr will soil aa cheap aa any store in town. All first class grorerie. One price to all. No Jew ing. Mr. Will Woodrd of the Sunday Welcome wa in St. Helen, Wednes day. Mra. Hanegan, of Gillton. wa a pleasant oaller at thi office on Wed nesday last. Xf r. J. B. Doan, of Rainier, was at the county eat Tuesday. riTTBUCRO. Nature is bU-Miiug u with fine weather at present. A. H Powell and other are making good use of the fine weather in the way of clearing land. That' right, got ready for an early spring. Some of the young people talk of attending the masquerade ball at Scappoose on the 15th Inst. We wish thorn a pleasant time. La grippe I quite oommon with ua of late. Rumors say that the ladiea of thie place are going to give a leap year party. Who would have thought itl Some of the boya ay they do not think they will attend. Uso. BRCCKPORT. Joseph DoRooa spent Monday last in South Bend. H. J. Wiegardt, of Bruceport, ha gone to Bay Center on business. The Miese Anna and Julia DeRoo paid Mrs. Mary Clark a pleasant visit last Sunday. F. Armstrong and Frank Barlchio spent Sunday lait in town on a visit. Miss Anna DeRoo wa suffering fmm a heavy cold and sore throat last week.. Bruceport ia greatly in neod of a baker ahop, to supply the families. Miss Mary DeRooa ha gone to Van couver to attend sohool thi winter. We are having fine weather down iu theee part thi week. OtiATHKANIK NKWM. A. M. Tiehonor," our mayor, nent most of last week in Portland. We are Imppy to not that the peace and dignity of the city wa maintained during hi absence. Grant Jo.ios and wifo wore over from Beaver on Monday. Mrs. Jones look the opportunity to get rid of an offender, in the shape of an aching tooth, Mention of an aching tooth reminds us that we once had a re dent dentist in the village, who went to Mist on short vacation and has failed to re turn up to this time. It i rumored si the country about Mist gives greater range for hi abilities and am bitions, and that dentistry i only one of hia many accomplishment. May fame and fortune attend hi effort. A. F. Myers, of the Central hotel, and proprietor of tho shim store and repair simp oi tun vnmge, inane m business trip to Pcrtland this week. E. C. Blackford, of The Chief, is having a new dwelling house built on an elevated site, and when occupied by himself and family, its location will afford him a good opportunity to look out over Die town and gather locals for the paper. Strain of music from Conyer' hall indicating band practice, are heard quite regularly three evenings each week. The hand ta making commen dable progress, and it'a members are trying to furnish good music. The writing school, under Mr. ilig gin's tuition, closed last Friday eve ning. The members of the school board are casting about a little for school house design to lie ready to begin building in the early spring timo. Steam escaping from the engine of Bryant and Conway' steam saw mill indicate that work i going on again, after a brief interruption caused by a scarcity of logs. Our iewelor. C. R. Higgins, has packed his grip again and left us, liar mg for the present gut the erring time pieces put to riichta again. He expects everything to run smoothly during hi absence. Frank Merrill' property I being greatly improved in appearance, by the new mline fence being now built around the lot and tho grading done inside. ' Talking of improvement suggests lhatW. E. Conyer ia getting hi property in good ahape by fencing and otherwise improving about hi new residence. Will intend to have the place look attractive, which is a laud able ambition on his part. There is an opportunity for him to spend his evening and mornings for a time in clearing off the ground he ha fenced in, part of which is not yet free from stumps. A little work of that kind ia an excellent thing in I he morning to give one an appetite for breakfast, and a little moro work in the evenings will help to drive away business cares. A little farther out on the public mad towards Mist, Jim Van's place of five acres, has been wonderfully improved during the full and winter. The lugs are all gone, nearly every stump taken out and the ground fertilized ready for the plough. Jim can have a fine garden thoro if he takes pain to properly cultivate it. Mrs. Susie Bryant left on the Shaver Monday evening for Portland and other points, where she will remain a few day. The Norwegian nd Finn resident ou and about the prairie are enjoying the visit of a couple of clergymen, who have been holding religious services, either at the different houses or in the school house just completed, each day and evening for a week or more. A large proportion of these people are member or adherent of the Lutheran church. It is reported that a new medicine project is vhsping and that another remedy to alleviate human misery will be placed upon the market from Clatskanie. BCHOOIi-HOCSB NOTES. The school orean attend.d the leap year party at the hall last Friday even- mg. . . Pearl Deckor is absent from school on account of sickness. Miss Marr Burke ia well enough to attend school again thia week. Who waa it that got hurt while try ing to climb on the fence a lew even ings agot Somethine oueht to be done with the stove at the school-house, it smokes verv badlv. Schixil took up IS minute late Monday morning because the room wa too full of smoke. A few day ago a little girl in the primary department waa asked to stand uu and point to the east with her riirht hand. After a few moments, of deep thought and having turned around several times shesuid : "I could do it if I knew which wa my right hand." We know now why the teacher wa so cross lust Friday. No lady aBked him to be her partner at the leap year party. Mr. T. C. Watte visited the school Tuesday morning. Misses Cloo Searcy and Mary Gil more were absent from school Tues day, on account of sickness. Mis Maud Decker burned her hand verv badlv Tuesday morning while lighting a fire with coal oil. A walk across the atreet in front of the school house is very much needed. The history class ia having quite an interesting time looking for questions iu historical recreation. Messrs. Jame Muckle and S. A. Milea visited the school Tuesday after noon. Maud Watt began achool again Wednesday, after having beeu absent a week. . .. . ' ' " ecHoOi, REPORT. Tho following is a report of tho St. Helen' school. Dist. No. 2, for month ending January 2 : y Days attendance, 927 ; day absent, 43; times tardy, 33: pupil enrolled, 51; pupils belonging, 49; average daily attendance, 47. Pupils who were not absent during the mouth are Cloo Bearcy, Nellie Decker, Eugene Whitney, Allieit llenshaw, Newton Bundby, Tom Muckle. Arthur Moore, Frank Monre, Robert floorge, (leorge Emerson, May Whitney, Tcnuie Way, Maud Uecker, Mary Uilmore, Amy Oeorge, Daisy Watklns, Fred Walkins, Frank Watls,l John Cooper, Charlie Cooper, Charlie 1,1 me, ueorgo, jvpuia tumsin, Oraco Miles, Lottie Cnoter, Percy George, Mary Dufoitr, Winnie Way, Alfred Hiimlby, tilen Watktns, l-.ugene Miles, l'esrl Decker, Nellie Cooper, AnnaUeorge and Florence George. C. J I. Jonas, Principal, Mr. B.B. Way, Assistant. MAIIHH ItAN'D. News is very scarce this week. Misses Louisa and Mabel Graham and Messrs. Edward Davey and Tildeu Urnhuni paid Clatskanie a visit Sun day last. Misa Donia Davey, who ha been very sick fer some lime, i slowly re covering. Messrs. Jamca McDonald and George Sutherland attended tho dance at Cuthlumet Saturday evening. Among other visitor to the flat thi week were Mcsars. J. W. McDonald, John Hurdesly, Dan Gninan and Lin coln Woods, and Misa Lottie Pedorson. John Hard ty and Jim McDonald aro stopping ou their claim in Neha lem this week. The question debated at the debat ing society lust Saturday evening wa: "Resolved, tlwt Universal Suffrage is a Success." On the affirmative were Louis Jarvey, A. S. Graham and Loyd Graham; negative, Bilvo Graham, James Wallace and William Graham. After an interesting discussion the judge decided in favor of the negative. . The dance at Wallace and Graham' landing last Monday" night, given in honor of Mis Lettie I'edcrson of Mist, who ha been the gurst of her ehter, Mrs. Joseph Dixon, for the past week, was one of the greatest events of the season. Jay Gould, Russel -Sage, W. K. Vanderbilt and many other promi nent Wall street operator were pre ent. Miss Pedorson left on Wednes day morning's train for Westport. Marshland Journal. ENTERTAINMENT. The St. Helen Dramatic Club will render a splendid production entitled "Better Than Gold," next Friday ere. nin it. Tin play embrace four uc.s and nine character. The performers are all residents of St. Helens, and have spared no pnins to make this effort a success. It promises to be a grand dramatic treat and literary sue cess. Jteserveti seal wiii be placed on sale at Edwin Rosa' drug store Mon day. As the opera house ia small all those desiring good seat should se cure them early. Doors open at 7 :30 and tbe peformance will commence promptly at S o'clock. Following la the caat of characters : ' P-Ur Peri bant, a lawyer C. H. Jones Toin Psj-son, law clerk L. Decker Dick Gordon, the prodigal. J. R. Becgle Gilbert Murdock, the heir Edwin IUuis Asa, a colored servant Frank Miles Mrs. tiarlicld, housekeeper MnaCora Miles Annie Garlleld, daughter . . . Lena lUakeslcy Belle Gordon, the heiress .Kittle Moore Jennie Joy, a seamstress.... .Maud Swagcr Time of acting 2y hours. BUUSCKIUEK AGAIN. Editor Mist Dear Sir: Our little communication in regaid to the man agement of affair in Viatskame, seemed to rume the piaciu coun tenance of onu of our councilman They seemed to blame The Mist for puliiisliinK said communication. Now the Chief steps in and puna finger in the pie in the way of publishing his feeble and erroneous answer which, by I ho way, lie didn't have brains enough to write himself. Now we dou't prefer to know much, hut we are able to do our own writing and dou't have to make our mark X, where our name should be written in full. Ho insinuate that we are in arreara a far a our subscription to Tub Mist is concerned, but if he wa to pay his honest debt we would not be in that predicament. We hope you will find space in your valuable paper for this little contribution. We remain a ever your faithful Subscriber. A POWERFUL AGENT How Electricity Cured a Man Who Had Been In Constant Pain Two Month. (Oregonian February 1, 1892.) Kii i tor Orcgouian Sir : For two months prior to calling on Dr. Darrin I had been In almost constant pain in my head, night and day. My ideas were confused and my reason almost dethroned from it terrible effect. The trouble arose from stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Dr. Darrin cured the pain in my head wiih electricity and home treatment in two months. I reside at 902 Sixth atreet, East Port land, and will gladly anawer any ques tion concerning my case. ' Albert Hayhurst. dr. darrin' low charges. ! Owing to the "hard time," Dr. Dar rin will in future give electrio treat ment for (5 a week, or in that propor tion, a case may roquire. The poor free daily from 10 to 11 a. m. ; those able to pay, 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Eve ning, 7 to 8 J Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable, chronic, acute, private and wasting diseases, including stricture, hydrocele and varicocele, cancers, tumors and all malignant diseases treated successfully and cure guaran teed and never published. The doctor also cure deafness, catarrh, bronchitis, la grippe, consumption, heart dyspep sia, liver and kidney disease at his offices, 70J Washington street, Port land. All surgical operation skill fully pei formed. Consultation alriclly confidential. Send for question blank and circular. ; OPENING AN NOUN CEMENT! Groceries ASP Provisions. FRENCH CANDIES, CHEWING Alo a general assortment of NOTIONS Ktrewfth anal H.stltsi. If you are not feeling strong and bealthy. try Electric Bitters. If "La Grippe" has left you weak and weary, ne Elsclri lilt ters. This remedy acts directly on I.lver Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with Hick Headache, you will find i-peedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that tbis is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 80c. at Edwin Koss' Drug Store. TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will be at the uual voting places as follows: Auburn. Feb. 27, 1892, from 10a. m. to 3 p.m NVhalem - 29. " 9 " 4 ClaUkanie.Mch 1. ' 10 " 6 Marshland. ' t, " 10 " . S OjkFoint. " S. ' " 4 Rainier, 4, " 10 " Beaver Fall. 5. " 10 S Deer Island, 7, " 10 " S fcappooso, 8, " '0 " 3 Cnlon. 9, " 9 " 4 For the purpose of collecting the State, Bchool and County Taxes, due Coiuuibla County, Oregon, for the 1801. XV. A. HEEKEH, Sheriff of Columbia County. Oregon. Application for Sie of Real Tropei'ty. in the County Court of Columbia County, date of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of William II. Tntll,.. di-rofljied. ' To Nellie K. En-is, Zoe I.. Tuttle, and all In ira Lmivn or unknown. It mie irinj; to me from tbe petition of Jo-iab Konkie. administrator of the estate of William H. Tuttle, deceased, praying for an dnler of sale of the real estate beloiiKins; to said eHtute, tn-wh : Lot number two (2) of section twinty-four (24), in township three (.'!) north or range two (21 west of tbe Willainette meridian, in Columbia co.mty , rwimn nnntnininir thirteen and eUrhty- hunilri'dths (13 80-100) acrei. appraised at l"7H (Mi. and now valued at $2iC 00. That it is neceiis.ry. expedient and for the be-t InU-risM ol the estate mat saia real eMie be sold. It is hereby ordered that the next J kin nf afliil i.-cel. the above-named Nellie F. Knos, Zoe L. Tuttle and all others interested In said citate, be and 0 nmr lutfnre the countv court on Wednes day, the Oth day of March. 1892, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said .lay, at the court room of said court, in 8t. Helms. Columbia county. Oregon, then and there to show cause why an order should not be rrautcd fcir the aale of said real estate. And it is further ordered that a ropy of this order be milili-hc-il at least once a week for four suc cessive weeks in Th Obkook Mist, a news paper printed and ptiniuiiea in saia ooiiniy. Hated mis z,in aay oi January, ictz. I29fl9 D.J.HWlTZEK. County Judge. TijaCelelratedFreiicHnre, WamuttMAPUDnniTINI?'' or moneT to cur "" I1MWU. Is Sols oa A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to care any form at nervon diMa oraoy disorder of ine generative or gs nol either ei, whether arlitlar' Intra theM(siYO RFFPBF iimuI StimuUnu. AFTFR Tobacco or Opium, or throuxb youthful indlsers tlou, over Indulgence, A .such as Lsof Jtraln Iuwr, n'akefulncw, Bvaringdown fains in ths back.HenilnalVc4ikneM.HVBtrta. Nenwu lroa- tratloo. Nocturnal EmlMious, Leworrlwra. 1)1 slDeM,weak Memory, Low of tower and Imps- truer, wnu n n swcieeie.ioiien loan to promaiura eld ate and lnunlt. Pries tl.oo a box, sboxe for I ioa Best by msit on receipt of price- A WRITTKN iIARAXTEK la given for very f.VCO order received, to refund the money it a I'arnanat euro la not effected. We have thoiandao teaUrannials fmm old and young, of both aexes, who have beeu permanenUr cured kj-Uiauaeof Aphroditlua. Circular Irea, Addreia TH: APHRO MEDICINE CO. WuUu llrauoh. Box J7. Foan Ann. Oa. For sale by EDWIN ROSS, Daoooisi, St. Helens, Or, HAG CABPBT8. All in want of ItagCarnetscan have them made bv Mrs. J. W. Tinkbaiu. Gillton. Co- lumbia county. Oregon. jm8 LITTLE i LIVER PILLS. N HOT NIK, SICKEX 01 CBaSTIMTl. : Sstt Csstpsa tax HftaMst, aaa au umaniae anuria rraai laaigietaaa ar Caaattss-nan. L. laiatwvaaiaaOaaivUalaa a; runfttma Ua aiaa. fkaSaaaeaa kaalaalFaSlaaia aa aait Ike aaea, aa Kill .n a.Yar hwul aaa. Bear ae take aa aa muA aaaar. 49 allla aa a la a etexiu eiel kick ma bm canaaS i aa paakat. !"" k amlm aa KMalM Vraa Sara. Sl4 aaa. a aa haatedlraaMarkkaaaja on. HANTEWa IROI TOWIO. I ' aa4 KinyKYSaat REaTORKaia DRHII.ITTKH W BBALra Ma vioaaouaaTaxiiaTBarTaaaai ,f aaa aaalaiw a. faaMMtwM. 5) TaUOB. HAITU MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, Ut if THE MIST Job Department IS GOMI'IIaEITE. r -DEALER IN- A OKXRBAL ASSORTMENT Of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. A Fine line of AND NUTS too numerou to mention. GALL AND SEE US AND ASK OUR PRICE3. St. Helens, - - - - Oregon. GENTLEMEN We have just received Stiff Hftta for the $ 1 .50 tO $5.00 PRICES SEE WINDOW DISPLAY, King Clothiers of the Northwest Silsia Coratar, BSetrrlMsi mm Seaset Btrwota. Pava-Msskal. ratit37.ecrj tore 209 Saw 170 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OREGON. WE ARE AGENTS FOR H. I. ROOT'S BEE SUPPLIES. F. R. CHOWN, IMPORTER OF 4 MAKUFACTURERg OP - Sheet-Iron, Tin WHOLE8ALI I 212 First and cor. Saltnsa Street. POmXAUD. .-. noTicas. V. a Land OOlee, Orexon City . Or., January 7, 1WX Cnmnlalnt bavins bean entered at f hia UOes by Joaepb Powers, Saal koiaealead eatryaiaa No. 2 HO. against Kllsha T. reel for abantlai4at his donation claim nolllleatron No. 7K!3, aettla ment claimed Not. ii, Kii. npon the aa am V,.eee. 10, iKnK and tei nw J4, aee. , tp7 a, raaire a w, ,u . ulkumh. ... -uh j , .rniv w.H viw m the eaBeellartsa said donation claim, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at ciataaanie, uregon, omiwrn t. Conyers, notary public, on the lth day ol Fed marv, 1892. at 111 o'clock a. an., to reind and turnlah teatimony eoiieerninr; said aliened abandonment, and on the teatimony then sub mitted a bearine; will oe aaa aa tan mhicwv Match IS, WW. at Wo-elock a. as. JlSai B. F.BURCH, Receiver. One Dollar Weekly Buys a (rood sold watoh by our club sys tem. Our 14-sara gold-nnea eases are war ranted for 20 years. Fine Kljtin and Wal- ihM m awirent. Blent wina aaa art. Lady's or Kent's site. Kqual to any $5U watch. To secure agenU where we have nnne. we sell one of tbe hunting care watches for the club price 2S and -lend C. O. 1). bv eapress with prmlegeol examina tion before iiaynig wr Hie same. Our asnt at Durham. N. C, writes; "Our Jeweler have confessed tney aoa anow how you can lurninh such work lor the mousy." Our agent at Heath BprlngM, 8. C, writes: "Your watohes take at alsht. Tha gentlemae who not the last watc-h aaid that he examined ...,t .7.1,.1 lewelrra wauhe in Lancaater. that were no better than yours, but tha arlue aaia." Our agent st Pennington. Tel.. writes: Aai In reeeiut of tha watch. eni ass Picasso without ineaaura. All who have sewn u say 11 would be cheap at W0. One good reliable agent wanted (or each place, w rite tor pariu-uiara. , KMPta Watch ., New York. NOTICE I'OB rtina.lCAYIl. , . j f m. 1. a ammi ritr Or.. Tlee. ?l. 181 Noti-ei. hereby "jrlvea that tW "lr; named settler has liicd notice of I his I""" to wake final proof In support ol his claim sod iha?aald prool will be made before the . Connty i-l..rk i,l Columbia county, at Kt. Helens, Ore gon, ou February 13. WW. vis: tin anv-i. for the nwVk of see. T:..vw'i. name, the tallowing wit ness to prove his conllnuous realdence upon awl cultivation ol aaid land. vl: John rhomp """. u Koaa and A. II. jA.- .u Xi Keaoiioose P. O.. roltimbla ;Vi orVoB7 i. T. APFE1WON. Kegialsr, Key West -SI Domestic Cigi GUM, OF ALL KINDS. the correct style ia Spring of '92. FROM $ 1 .00 10 $5.00 Oar catalogue 1 com plat In every department, sad tell how to grow all kinds of v getabl, bow to plant and trim trees, bow to use, and wbat ai tba best fertilisers, bow to handle bee te. etc. Free to all-Send for it. D. Jil.f erry & Go's Seeds HardvarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and ne&tins Stoves. and Copper Ware, AND I RETAIL.- Mr sob. William XL Hornier, bavins? left home without my consent, I will not is re sponsible (or any debts h may contract. Besppooae, Or,, Dec. 10. lHOt. dl-3ra Itatlee ta CroellteMrsj. Notice is hereby given tliat the under signed, Emma Lruisacher, has been duly antMinted adaaiiHKtratrig of the estate it Frederic k Lettgai-lier, deceased, by tha county court of tli state of Oregon far Columbia county. All persons having claims against said deceased ar aerekv required to present tlieni, under irntb. wita the necessary vouchers, within six months from the date hereof to the said adminis tratrix, at her home, near Hunter, ia Co lumbia county , Oregon. EMMA 1.ENOACHEK. Administratrix f the estate of Fred erick Lengaclier, deceased. - ief Dated Jan. 7,lq. ISOTICB reasa rVBI.caTI.4. Land Oflice at Oregon City. Or., January a 1V2. Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlag named settler has filed notice of hia intenliaa 10 make Anal proof In support of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the Register and Reeefverof the United Hiaiee Land oatra. at Oregon City, Oregon, on March J, lswi, vis: JOSEPH KEKFK, rre-emptlon D. . So, 722S. for the nw K of arc. 1t,tpn, rlw. He namea the lollowlag wit neaaee to prove his roalinuoua rexidrnce upon, aadeultivatioa of said land, vis: Philip Oayar. Jamas Rickman, W illiam Kobrrts and Robert Service; ail ol Dixie), Washington county, Ore gon. George B. Zimmerman, who mad homeataed entry No. J.w.', la hereby specially nvtited la appear and show cause why Joseph Ksefe's entry of said tract should not he allowed. )IM1 J T. A rpKRHt).S, Register. DEAPnEQD, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated by an anrlst of world wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and entirely cured, of front at to 30 years' stand ing, after all otlicr treatments have failed. How thediniculty ia reached and the raos removed fully explained in circulars, with affidavits atui testimonials of cares Irons prominent people, mailed free. DR. A. FOSTA1NK, Tsenssa. Wash. THWAITES, The PhotosTspicr. CABINETS IS.50 PEft DOZEN. CAEDS. . 1100 PER DOZEN. 187 and 164, First Street, Portland Or.