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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1891)
CONDEMNED. Ammonia Baking Powder Must Go; Bills hare been introduced in the, New York, Illinois and Minncsot Legislatures compellinjf the manufacturer of such baking powders to brand on the label in bold type, this powder "Contains ammonia,' Physicians and chem. lata condemn the use of ammonia in baking powders as crime. Its constant use no matter how small the quantity deranges the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juice and destroying the complexion. It is the small quantities taken every meal that do the mischief. It is gratifying to know there are pure baking powders to be had on the market and at no greater cost to the consumer than some of these so-called "absolutely pure" ammonia powders. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the standard pure cream of tartar powder for forty years. Free from the taint of either ammonia or alum. None so pureNone so whole some. ;,' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re-' ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. rii.Kai rimm ,. sTOKesa' Isi;s Pile otBtaeent will esre BHsd. B)ltn and licking P-.iw. when sit other uusTOii iitif rsjion. it uwnrti the himnn, slisvs the ttebrnc si one. arts it e poulto rise In si it ntii'i, In Williams' Indisu Pile Ointment is prvr-r-a oalf lor piles sud Ih-btnf v. mw j.j , . tnw niu, mnu nauiinir hum. s,rer? " Z oranrssiav or nt k 1 . i... , w wn iw uiu 91 per DOX. WliXLUIS MANrKAlCRINa CO.. Proprietor. Cli4. 0. IVe1e, Not Words --"JenUue, turret trm T" - Bices you. no: sad does If oat wife SMrt goes Baa taenia Man r-lfcfc; so dost, ao mU Tit Otuu for hreakfaat. 99 mm Hjerman Syrup The majority of well-read phys icians now believe that Consump tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con stitution itself it is caused by innu merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the. leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is , coughed up is those Disease. parts of the lungs , which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump tives become germ-proof and welL j Tb. Terrible Caanens. Tb day cannot be tar distant when it wUi besom atxmmaty tot the lawmakers of te tend to legislate Kalost the camera upon tne imps lines ana upon we nine principle that It ha already been found necessary to trRtaiate against the carry log of eoooealed weapons.. There is always a theory that the general good tense of the community will regulate these things, and 7 likely In the long ran the good sense of the community or the indifference of the community, which eome to the same thing, by allowing thing to slip out of siKQt aJtogwfcer fulfill the function thus eptimisUcsJly allotted to it; but in the maritime the1 Irritation of the nuisance de mand some more speedy and drastic remedy. It is the opinion of the editor, reached after a careful study of the situation, and a temperate and dispassionate '-review thereof, that for aa amateur to be found going about with an ordinary camera should be made a misdemeanor punishable oy conhscattoB or the instrument and a fine to be regulated according to circum stances. To be found with a detective camera should in aa amateur be punished by imprisonment for life; in a professional by instant death. Could these precise but mild laws u passed and rigidly enforced, there would be a very notable change in the comfort and in the moral tone of the community. It is impossible that there should be any high average of etbieal feeling In the land aa long as the camera fleod is daily and hourly allowed to trample upon every feel ing of individual liberty and freedom; and anlesasomething isdone U check this rapid ly growing evil, who knows whether civili sation will be able even to last out the century Boston Conner. If you are willing to pay a few cents more for a strictly Pure Tobacco, try Mastiff Cut Plug, It is worth all the difference. Packed in patent canvas pouches. J. B, Isee TobsOee Co., Richmond. Virginia. SCOWS DULSIQO Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPCPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda Is endorsed and prescribed by blading phrslcliuui beuaum both th Osd Ilr Ou sad Myy'fcf are the reougulsxt scouts lu ll. r ul JNmjMeM. It is as palatable as milk. Seslt'i Euafslca is m si M.I.-I7M4 fttmh fVsHtswer. ' M th let AMtf Xur CONSUMPTION, IcreAils, lirenclitis, Wasting Pie- eaasc, Chronie Cenghs and Colds. i ask lor Soon' EmuJsiou and take noether. mm mtm u mm evfloimoMlan, to Usual the New Patent I dentical t .U u-'" Pew-ll Aswua mJt w Vr wee, i, ....... si r to.. UI'tum. lAta Hussu. Can't Feel Bias a4 His Cesspasa. "Give me a room with a southern ex posure, said a drummer at the Seventh Avenue hotel. "If you don't this little Instrument will tell me," he added, as be laid a round brass case on the counter. "What's thai?" asked Chief Clerk Perdu. The drummer took oft a lid and there aa a compan. "I am a great believer,1 the commercial man continued, "in snn- Ugat, and I have always made it a role to sleep in a room where the sun shines for a part of the day at least. Yon know how people are bewildered with the directions In strange towns and new hotels. Often when I call for a southern room toe affable clerks give me one on the north or some other side, a it happens to suit their convenience. 1 never could be sure about it, aud I bit on this little eo pass. As soon as I go into the room I put it on the table, and I can tell in an Instant where I am. Pittsburg Dispatch. The t'aaaets mt Slesssvrs. - Few people have any idea of the size of the funnels on the great ocean steamers. If yon ask the first half dozen people you meet for their estimate it is not likely that one of them will name a figure one-half the actual rize. Host persons would say that the diameter of the largest steamer funnel is four to six (wet and would want to wager that it was not more than eight feet. How far from the actual size such guesses are may be understood when it is stated that the funnel of the Ktruria meas ures a little- over eighteen feet In diame ter. At even a short distance away this can hardly be believed, it gives an idea of the enormous size of the big steamers. We nave grown so accustomed to them nowadays that we accept tiiem as a mat ter of course. Ulakely Hail in Brooklyn Eagle. Ezperiowuts with Dry aad Hoist Air. A series of experiments has been nuule with regard to the familiar fact that not only dry high temperatures are more easily borne than moUt, but dry cold causes much less discomfort than moist cold. Jog. fasting or fed. being observed in an air calorimeter, it appeared that in all eases moist air increased the loss of heat by conduction and radiation. New York Times, " ' ' ' Honiton, the royal lace, is made upon pillow. Kach sprig is worked separate, then all joined to the clear net ground. Making it employs the women and chit dren of half a dozen counties. There are lace schools In several of them, to which children go at seven year old. Boys learn as well as girls, but seldom practice the art after the age of fifteen. BOB CLAYTON'S FISHING TfUft We Return Aft.r Four ! Hard Woh with rirt, IHHIar Trent, "There P cicWmed Hob Clayton, at ne enter.! iu tynee of a family hotel on Went Nlnetwnih street, whew lie weld, the other evening. "Thews the result of four tiaya of hnrd ft-hinv. he adJt, ashe produced (txm hla over coat pocket a diminutive specimen of the trout family, which he held up for guneraj import ion. Hob had lxen on a trout fishing e. cursloii Into the wild of Connecticut 8otn 'Infernal crank," he said, hnd Induced hhu to take the trip under the proirdsw of raw sport to be had In that locality. Ha was a orry.slcht as he stood In the olBoe on his mtum nu hands and face was tcratched. his clothe torn and dirty, ami hta general appearance seemed to lndit that he had been dragged home behind a freight train. Tell us all about it. Bob." all asked in criorus after the laughter occasioned uy nis appearance had subsided. "What! principally want," said Bob, the scalp of that chowder headed chump that started ma on this trip. Well," said be, "Just take my advice. When any on talks trout to you brain him on the spot I've caught the only trout in uonnecticut; hew It is, and thew aw no mow left. "You see. I started from hew Monday morning. I had previously spent some fZO or mow in ttshlng tackle, and was thoroughly well equipped for a week's port. That fellow, Arthur Frost, who put m up to this trip, was to have gone along, too, but he had the grip and Docked out at Ui but minute, and so I bad to go alone. "When I arrived I had to walk about twenty miles to a plac called Stake'! pond, where they said I would find good nailing. It was a tough Job getting there, I can tell you, and the worst ol it was that when I did get there 1 found that tliew hadn't been a trout caught In Uiat pond for more than Ova year. I then pushed on about three miles fur- tlier until I cam to a brook which looked aa It It might contain trout I then began to fislt. "Well, I fished up and down that creek until dark without to much as bite. I was tuo tired to hunt np a plac to sleep, so I Just camped oat all night In an old shed. The next morning I was frown so stiff I could hardly mora. "I found a fanuhousa after an hour' walk, wbew I got breakfast, and then I was directed to another brook some six mile further on. 1 arrived at this last fishing ground about noon. Then my troubles re&Uy began. With my Unit east I lost my balance and plunged bead nrst Into about four feet of icy cold water, my pole snapped, and in scrambling back through the buahe I got all scratched up. 1 didn't give up, though, even then. After splicing my pole I again started in. After about three boors of hard fishing I imfbaged to book a trout And hew It is," said Bob, holding up the trophy. "Then," said Bob, "I started for the farmhouse. It was nearly dork when I got there, and I was pretty well played oat too. I was going through the gate when my coat got caught on a nail and torn, and then 1 Jammed my finger on the hinge. And while I was swearing at everything in creation In general and that villain Frost in particular a yellow mongrel dog rushed out of the house and bit me on the leg. "I couldn't eat any sapper that night I Just went to bed. I didn't get'np next day. I waa too tore. The following morning as I was dressing I saw that yellow dog In the yard and went to the D replace and got a brick. I threw it buf it didn't hit the dog. It mashed through a pane of glass in- ALOM AND AMMONIA in our n read Khali We lrlv Mow I'uUun tram Our HrvsktSKt Tsblof A nultMiiee that troubled Kii!ml fifty year gu n now rapiiiiv spreading in tins country, Umt Is, putting slum in the bread we eat. This question in canclng a preat deal of diacusHlon at tli present immium, as It IS roveaieil Hint Slum is being used a a tubstitut for cream of tartar in baking powder. A lorv Is to.l that a very lare percentagn of the baking powder told on tiie market eon- tain eiinwr imitt or ninniotita, siui nmnyof them contain Kith these, per nii'ious drtiK. Much timely alarm Is leit t the wlmU-mlo use of alum nrenu, tuscutl ana iiantrv. l'u vniirnr .Lll I l. , , ' - . riui.iirii, growing gin, person ul wrnkly frame, alum bread eaten morn ing, noon and evening I the moat narmiui. it la the unull quantities tnken at every meal that do the minhi. Alum I cheat), costiinr but it or :l eint a pound, whila cream of tartar coats 'Ail cents, and the high price of cream of tar tar nae let! chettp liaking powder to be made of alum. If the reader want to know eomethimt of the corrosive nnsli. tie of alum, let him touch a piece to hid tonmie ; then reflect how it act on the tender, delicate coal of the stomach The Seienlilie Amtriean published in a receiii number a list of sin in ami am nion. linking powdera, which i qf great value at thin time. Following in a con- ueneeu iihi compiled from olllciul r port, rowder marked with a star mem to have a general sale, aa thev nre mentioned lu t least two of the olllcial reports: ATLANTIC 4 I'Afirtl' royal, mi.vkk star. NOWHKirT, CTAR. UTAStlAKIl, havis O, tIKM. kkstox. There are, in addition to the foregoing list froru the SfitHllie American, a mint her of turn powders (old In the Western that wew uot fonnd in the Kanterti Moreif. hollowing in hst of the most imm inent: ANDKKWS l-K VRl .IVmUiltw Amm.mU ('., h. AuilrvHD is ('., Milwitiikr.) ACME... l',tlihi Ammuiils (Thus. Wood Co., rhlbutlU.l BOS HON ( oiiulnn Alius J. t", oiaul UaLiikjc l'.,ilvr Vxk, 'hlcsau,) CAI.fMKT... Cuntalii Alum iuint ilkiu IHtttlvr Co., I'hiniKU.) CLIMAX , lotiUliHi Ainm (luniai Hkin lwilM Co., Iu-I1siuiihII.) POKKDT CITV t'inuitii Auimouls Altua xwie ( l..rlml ) IUiTKI. I nmln AlnmmiU Almu (j. v .i. mm Hal. I uk t o., t tilcmro 1 Hr.lSt 1'l.feH r.iuulna Olnrt'UM ttakluf IVmlw t o., ttan I ru. lv ) hNB IMN. TAVUmn ...Ammonia Alum tiajutr mi. m, M. u.uu.l KCsl.NO Ml ,V. ',nulii Aitunniila 11U.1HH (Dvmioi notkt, t hli'4.l Rn AL. Contain Ammonia (r.oyai iMhtny rwutr i w., York.) The Kalare ot On bid. The orchids, conqueror of the light may well claim pardon for their triuuinh over their bumble companion of tli gardens, for ibeir victory is fairly achieved. They astonish us when we first examine I hem, then cluurru us. Ka- tuw lut been libersil with them, and they have everything. Their (lower are full of that curious charm that cap tivates. Their color aw harmoniously toned, and always bright and elegant Their odor is tweet and penetrating, but cine not cloy. , Notwithstanding their thin textuw.which give them delicate and frail air. they last longer than other ornamental (lowers. Nothing, in fact. seems to tie wanting to them but a more lively and abundant foliage, and that can be supplied by mingling fern leave ith them. It was long supposed that these won derful plant wore extremely delicate aud capricious.' This was a mistake. To their other virtue they Join the raw one of simplicity. Iiearly all the orchid cultivated In greenhouse aw natives of the inter tropical zone, and it was supposed fron this fact that they required comtidcrahh heat But it bus gradually been en tab lished that a high temperature really binders their best development A con siderable number of them in their native state grow on high mountains, undei tnnntvr a Vawt teag. On Thursday morning Mr. John (X Condon, of UolfiiHt, caught the king of lobfitem In the water of IVnoluwot bay, The lolwtrr ww caught southeast ot Moose point, In a lino with Hrigadler'i island. The woimtcr was too Urge to enter tho trap, but h tho tran was drawn up lm luiHine entngled In th heading uml was snft'ly landed in the boat Tha lobster vii iierfect in all hii part. Ho measured 87 inche from th rml of tho tail to the end of tho longest claw, 20 incliiv around the body and IT incite artHimt the dirge claw. When taken from the water he weighed twen ty-thre pound, but after boiling shrank to seventeen. Mr. Charles E. Sanford, of New York offered Captain Uraimlmll live dollar for the lobster, but he would not take It, tSaturday Captain Itiniuhall boiled tb Itibdior lu strong pickle to preserve it The captain expects to realise a hand stmie sum from the crustacean.. Will iamsoti ' "liiBtory of Belfast" mention the captuw of a lobster at City Point many year ago that weighed tweuty- two pounds. UfiruH Journal. exposuw to a bracing atmosphere; and tend and struck the fanner, who bap. j they are now cultivated in moderately pened to pas by at that moment on warmed and freely ventilated green the arm. That scrape cost me a five dollar bill. "Well. I bad bad all the fishing I wanted, so I put for home and (with a nourish of the fish) hew I am. "Colonel." said tb unfortunate fish erman, turning to the proprietor, "I want tlii trout served to me at break fast in the morning. It cost me Just fifty dollars, and I'm going to eat bun. bone and all" New York Herald. The sweet and luscious grapes are eaten with great relish by horses, cows snd sheep. Deer are fond of grapes, and often do much damage in California vineyards.- Bogs fatten upon grapes, rabbits love them aud a number of the wild animals, a tb ele phant and camel, will eat them. One of the Invention for life saving ap paratus' is the Irvine pneumatic gun. or throwing a line to ships in distress or to persons in a burning house. The air is admitted from a reservoir to the chamber behind the projectile at a pressure of H.4O0 pounds on th square inch. Tb hoUest'.region on earth Is on the south western-ocaut of Persia, where Persia borders th gulf of the asm nam, tor fortv consecutive day during th month of July and Angust th thermometer has been knownnot to lull lower than 100 deg. JhUireubsit, uignt or dav. Rrplacea the Hat. Even the much despised tramp has often mow honor than he's given credit for, as witness the following from hew Jersey: 'ourteen yean ago a troutp knocked at the door of Daniel Palmer, In South Orange ' township, Essex county, and asked for a liar, tiy mis take one of 'be daughters gave bim her father's best silk hat discovering the mistake just as the tramp started away with it An exclamation by her sister apprised the tramp of the prize he had received. Little thought was after given to the matter until a few mornings ago. when a clean new bat box was found on the front porch. It contained a new silk hat, and this explanation within on a slip of paper! 'To replace your father's best silk bat, taken oy m i&urteen years ngo.' "Exchange. itlMhed th Gmm: A well known Main street bnaineaa man of Holy o Ice received a telegram a few day ago bearing the signature of his brother-in-law, asking bim to send htm fifty dollars, a he was "strapped" at Chicago. The telegram did not give the Holyoke man' full name, but it named hi btuinea and Main street address. After thinking the matter over a few momenta he concluded it was a bunco game, and sent a tele gram to bl brother-in-law in St Louis asking if be wa at borne. He soon re ceived an affirmative reply and the in vitation, "Come and see me." It was a brewd game, but it did not work. Springfield Republican. It is reported that a thief ha been identified at Ht Louis by a blind man, whose hearing waa so acute that he wa able to identify bim by bis pronuncia tion of "Qood morning. Strange to say, the blind man assertion wa conclu sively proved by the accrued confessing hi culpability. - The Smithsonian institution ho re ceived from Chin a pair of stocking manufactured from human hair. They are worn by fwuermen over cotton stock ings. (ling-too rough for the naked skin), ahd under straw- (hot as a pro tection against 'inotsturoV ' ' ,,' .. .. . ; -A I ' ...-,'. bouse. They are, therefore, relatively hardy plants, well adapted to the deco ration of our rooms. J. Oybowski In Popular Science Monthly, "It's Oraat la tie On L a !." A little ragamuffin, who hod lost one of hi kg, hopped around on a crutch one rainy afternoon hist week at the corner of Broadway and Park place. Ui shoe wa torn, and it wa natural to suppose that the foot inside of it was wet The boy was determined that thew should be no question about this, for he hopped from one puddle to another, and stood in each until the water began to ouzo out of tho shoe. Several other gamins played around with him. At times they tried to pull him down, but be was very quick and had a way of bringing bis crutch down on their shoul der that made them wary about com ing within hi reach. Suddenly be stopped and said: "1 feel hungry. Que I want some- thin' to eat." lie left his companion playing In the street, bopped up onto the sidewalk and accosted the first man that came along. The man looked at his crippled condi tion and gave him a dime. The next man fumbled in his pocket and brought out a copper. Tiie third and fourth paid no attention to bim. tie gave It up then and came bock to his companions, lous ing the money be bod received a though this was no unusual occurrence. . "(Join to leave you fellows, be sold; "coin' to get some beef and beans." A be hobbled away the other boy looked at him with envy in their eye. Gosh," said one of them, "it great to be one legged. You don t have to work and you gut more money, too." The other nodded assent New York Sun. What l's IMms Thla Mummer. Two little girls on a Cam avenue rnr were discussing their plans for the sum mer. One said: "Papa and mamma and Freddie and I e going to have the loveliest little teut on Orchard lake, and we'll have just heaps of fun for week and weeks." 'Oil, said the other, with a worldly and saperior air, "that so common Mamma and tier maid and nurse aud baby and 1 are going to Bar Harbor." "Bat what your papa going to dor "Why," in a surprised tone, "he go ing to stay home and earn money to send us, of course, Just a he always Uoe." Detroit Tribune. One of the Ways uf Queer Old Taw. Passenger who take the 9 o'clock car on Walnut afreet every morning enjoy a aecltieuiy novel treat through the kind new of the driver, a policeman aud I baker. Tho car posse a bakery at a cer tain, hour, and ju;t before it gels opposite ttieuoor a policeman standing near whis tle shrilly, the grating i raised and a flour dusted arm hamls out a hot loaf of bread. This the policeman hand to th driver, whoso invariable form of thanks eonsist of the wortts, "Ood blea yon. old mail." Then the driver tie the line around the brake, enter the car, and di viae tue bread witb the luwuteuirvra. Thuw wew eight solemn looking passen ger in the car on a recent morning, and a man getting aboard at th Baltimore and Ohio depot was visibly astonished when be saw every one of them munch ing hot bread and talking poll lie. Phil adelphia Record. THK WKsTBKX MKTTLKK-a CIIOsKN MPKt'iriV. With everv a,lvan,f .nl,Mil,.n It,! ikj. I.. "i a n. w iiemaml la .ratrl r lltetlr I Stomach Hlltera. Newly iwnbM rwl"a Sf Irtt inmlly Inw mlulirlout than aUlar x-itlnt lot-all i ou aivnunt of llw mluma hlrn rlm fnna iwtitiy rlratr.1 land, mrllriilarlr ln Hit Mtifca ol rlvvia thai are auhlert to Imatwt. Tb aitru-uuurai or minlus mlitmut Imma, lnn h dim uot already know, that th lutr rlord the nut? aura I'miis-twu again,! malaria and ukw dlutrdcn ol (be atontavb, Hvw am) bowela, in whlrli v.lmalli- rhana.-a. I'li.Miiro aud uiMccuakiutml or milsltti)r water ordlrt atibjocl him. t'4iuiimttly h plait su llnlte upon thla srvat houaehold ai.viile and (.rvmillva eainuunraw wit lt iimlii.ln mm la, aud la rarwul to twp an nan.l a txabinitlva snd pro nioter ul bnllh so linpiuiilr la bs rUd tqwa ih ,tuiv ui um, "Ktrwnt. hut ln," muard the Tlrtlm M an Inward vvcula, "thai erookl manaxmuenl loo oim-o imaiurva amisiitoimi rirounuiuiitrc." Daring a heavy rainstorm in Indiana a mud turtle aa large as a man's hand fell from the clouds near Crawford- file. For an hour the reptile lay mo tionless as if staumtd, then it began to crawl away, but Wa captured and kept a a vuiioeitv. THK 1-IttHiKKSS.or THK f:NTI'HI Inn eirnv from superstition and blind idolatry ol iil and li--slloimthiu in. clutinl. It Iran luul universal, ali-ilvlvr iiiliung inw : tnwaril facts, not ntmne. It leans tow nnU iniiuutable principles and In vuineraltl truth, and away from uieraii uutlioritv. ors-iuiUed iKtioran snd liyeil-in-tlie-woiil prejnilice. itlinil viiiiiir in niedieiiie has, with other fiMsilusd bivalve, had its lis v. Ym. there are nlnntv Of " iwlatwl erai," hill IxtiiiK bom of dark- ne and frar-lwin sUter of liitelleeiiuit hltsmrv thpv rxnttnl niiinK lo,itr with. stand the ciriliung iultueiiee ol advancing si'ience. They are slowly but surely "Uy ingKitypt, dyin," before the "search light" ol' invnuiitation. Th sdvaucinn thinker wonders how it was powible lor that iminmronity llie nmlical scli'm(r elant nowlo hsve urvlvt to this Ink day I Hut where waa th reform to come troniT It Is not only pause to sthimpt re form, it is ontriifht (liinirerous. it riiiulrf s boldness skill to nttklPMiiieM. legion i tne inline who hsve trmt: thev have It- their bli-m hinx lames as s wartiing. An at tempt at n-forinlnir theolOKV braiids vim "heretic:" in politics you urn charged wilh rTwrjr imamy uiiiirr tne suti, atKi in meiu clue every ilut-k iiit U.-4-t "uitacka" at von and yuu are not used of litmus- no diploma when yonr diploma is on tile In the court house under the very eve of the slander er, aii una is cuiuhxi py imoiicii igiior Slice, and aim-e iMKiknureiKditfreeof charge 10 every applicant sml we pay the postage, there is no eicitae fur itimrance when it coots nutliliiK to lie informed. People who berate (lie llmtiwi-netiu avutmn uf im-uicinc are eitner iiiieiiiT-tuai parmiis incamoie in eotiiiliiig Ave in Micciwuion or iindi-rntiiinl- lug unv '2x4 hrublem. or thev are tiiruta aiugirariis snu canriui m-n.-w iin-in-i vin to the Hiln of iiil'orruntion by rending unl formHia- a tmncitisioii. In either cone their opinions nre n valuiihle a that of J'uget nuund oysters. Dr. Jonlsn's office I at the residence ol ex-Msyor Yeslsr, Third and James street, Seattle, Wh. Consultation snd preworiptionsslMKilute- ftemi for free book explsintng tb Hl to genetic system. Caltios. The Hltoiri nlio Medicine re sold in but one saency in each town, The 111 around tha bottle bear the fol lowing itiMriiition; "Dr. J. Kuitene Jor dan. Hiatovenetie Medicine." Every other oevice is a irauu. Tttl'tlf A HKNRUV, ...... . 1 rrT ... . v. miiidiiuiKHik, sHi'liedlurd avenue, lll-ooklyu, N. Y writes) "I have ued A throe, ' lNmni's I'Msmaii for the last twenty years, They are truly noiiM.imi.1 reimtiiy, jf one of my children lm a tuild nnil whue'ea, I put nil Al.M'oi-K's i-onoi's ri.TKa on the nhrat and one lw. IWWIII III aholllilnr lilinloa ll' i r ll,. ohltilriMi Jmve eniMpy ootiglia. or coughs u( o, on, i inaeii me pmater lut Up imind the throat: the manning ulleut la apparent nllnimt always In two hour. If iio'v iinrvniiixuMerttii ntoinaoh. a plsalnr I'liW'ni lltiw irt'lttW lilt) t'lltB ItltllHM tilts li aka. dlgentiiui perht'l in hall' a day, If tlmr la any KHisnnoiia in tne lioweln, iooiiiiunliil 'Y coldness ol III skin, two kV ro iiors ri,Asru nun IihI over t at., ,.,, I. cure In. IVtim two to live hours, I nolloe pitrt liiilrtiij- that Uiiwe plaster never nlirmle llie skin or cniiso thw HkIihi irritation, rrom my own exiierlentm I know limy never liul tor rheumatism, paint In the liauk or lunilwiM." Th hoUd wstllir ttult slwava laitnl ntlt lliu tli.. si KlltMt, Th ninnuriu'tiirur nf tUnr Plug chewing toliuiH linVD tiuilt up the largest tobni ci) liiisium tlx' world linn ever si rii ,v nlvliiu the cotmuifit'r the lust tolmceo and full-Wi-IkIiI sIxliiMiHiuiioe pound phiK. provlnK oouiinsively that giaul tubHneo and pound pliiK are wnuteil by most tolmecttchewer. Mm Baking Povder: MANY 8UCH. ! A Bnmp of niivlmnlis was sealed in tlioonuine-Mom when onessidi "llowr s,i It T,.,t' ..... taimlit tip, slni'isxl 'ualiisl I ho li'ilillU mill Wlilllnl liiiwti In 11, n I llisir, I lnv lhra Ilka ll in tliiwul. i Arttl e vrv ii'ttuhio wu hintinf i nmg mil) r ST. JACOBS OIL ! i Willi IMIN.T f I M..,M I ...... ' i .... ......... n,i. ,vi,n bos cured prunipily snd ptrrnm I nently won en', Urro on I Bllfrtuiri ring half a Iih tiuie. Illllmn,! r-..,l.n.l n A,t. , l aa in ,,rnmr. in, arm elulrfdn im.,Hii( itohoi not nit mjr srwi rouslnlit naln tinul taao. i.l.. ui I Jscolsioll rnrrd mo. JAtoll E rz H Ns I'F R( I Kit. I "ALL R1CHTI I ST. JAC003 OIL DID IT." I - i a. aa A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Ucd in Million of Home 40 Yean the Standard. Delicious Ck snd I'Mtry, tight risk liiuit. tirld.ll. Cake; lai.iW. ' and Wholciuttie. Ne othw baking powder dot suck work. w NUMTtti lauiPMiNTa VJM Flahln T l, Kin, llf VmM(, l.w'rl. Ol'lilolaanllitraia UmiiI ftrWal,uiMi, tiMn llinQflf! Dynamite UUUUUlf xfamnn it cLiroNia it., (an ratsciKo. .M " ,f"t H)WIKR for Mining, Railroad Work, Htnmp Itlasting or Tree l'lntitiif, tend lor I'rlce l.lsi. MllaraiawaiiylV s rl m m-m m m mm. w v m ww in i t m 1 C r f mm Ak your l. r l It, rr km M r (tmtlar w Ictaliiroa Inmbainr Co., lUituma. Csl Tit K OHIUTI'ST flew 4 thtrkr tit tier. YOUNO MCNt Tha Spool lo A No. I. tvrrn. iirB.i hu, .it nam .f Naaarr. fcw it Utevl, no miir i,l h-.w ....Jli, f,,.vi. alrkiurr, 11 hl . no ,i. Itl'.l rnunlir, nm oliil rvry,a l.(m l,M lrtltr.1. Ma!itiwt!ir frlvr. M.U.tlrsll 1 lH A Ni'lnm, Ml Vnlk la lKSwj.w,i:al. SHILOIi'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Tb wreew of this Orest Couch Core it without parallel in the history of mnlicine. mi uiukkiui si uinruci to sell it on po. live Rttaisnu. sicrt that no other cure can uc- ntully ttsrrd. That it may become known, .he rmprwlon, at n enormotu enur, are lscinr a Sumnle IValle I re into n-n home n the I'niipil Si net and Cansila. If ym have l.oti jh, bore i hroet, or itrnnchitm, ur ii, for will core yon. If your child hat the (.'moo. or Whooping Cotifh, ate it promptly, sml relicl is tare. If you dread thai Iumlmua diseaw ComiumntiiNi, o il. Adt your DrUKxut fi SHILOIi'S tnKK, Pike loci... jo cts. snd ll.on. If your Ijuilk sre aore or ilmk tame. nst Shiloh't l'onsn l liuicr, Price 15 cu. 8port8man, Attention! If y.. want tnahont arnirstelr, dna'l tail le lhl jmit inn wua the rolattrahut LYMAN Msillf Ul 111 , tHU riont Main. ll; t. A tv Unlit and a rwl noar an both alrusls to low up, A continuation ofacouith forsnv length of time causes irritation of the lungs, or some chronic throat disease, "Knanii Hmnehial Trnrkei" are an effective coush reineily. I'rlce, ' cent. M only in tnttt. The man who wants the earth In atlflil it be accurus Uic oiint. I INDIAN DEPREDATION I "PENSION PATENTS LAND '. HOMESTtaO ! POSTAL CLAIMS The"BXAMINKR" UVRKAV of CLAIM ' tB tm Draw-Tins or San Franolaoo Examiner. If vile have s clsim of any rtwrlptlon wbalsosvsr miHiisfc mm t'lunl sua wish It ipHNllly siljudlcsled, ildmm JOIIlf VVKDDKBHURW, Maanger, U r strwtt, !. W. Wsshlncton, D. 0. OOOOOOOOOOO THE 8MAUE8T PILt IK THE WORLD I o TUXT,S o TINY LIVER PIIXS OhTIlihlrtuMorth ltwBrwM," a (wlljr r.Mllv pure I r Vrir nttUtlo W frvuvt Nlxt MlKHva In Uil bortlr. OOOOOOOOOOO PIANOS MORGANS. WINTER 8 HISFEfl, 71 Morrison Street, Portland, WMI SO Or1 WALL PAPER 10 cents out double roll. K-nd 2-csnl stsmn for families. . Kf' A MOKIiAN, iw 1 nirn strent, rortiann, nr. UHV CCUCD cured to iTtr cured. lilt I iLf Llk We want llie n.mean.l al- ureimof every suncrer in me ICTURjlA U.S. and Canada. Address, no 1 iiivin f. SEEI Of all kinds snd In anrquaullly-wbnle- ssw sun retail al btal rock prlcwa. E. J. BOWEN, SS Front 8treet, Portland, Or. ftf Heml for rauknue. MORPHINE HABIT I Hooka frss:, SURE CURE l-scttln Msdldin Ui., 60 llsr hi.. Mm frsjsrtscd. rnnlsnd, (irvfiiit. A. I. Armnrnns, erlo. Brswli -( cut. 1. Rin. 1'nLt.vus. s Um. 11 Muu ewinaa uf study, asms rsus of unilwn, Jln8lnHK. Nhocthand, TyPfmritimr, Vtnmtnthi. m4 HmgiUk ibfiartmtnti irln mmum Uirrvuariroul lite ypr. iMudrngi jriuiit tM u any urn. (tUou froa itlsi- tcbool, trim. HOYT & CO. Want an agent In everv town In firearm. Waah. tiiKUiu ami Idaho to ael PIAN03 and ORGAN8 On anmmlsslnn. No stock or esidtsl needed. siusie learners nreierrefl. msM'lal ralM on all aissia. n nw inr paniruiara. POUT I. A BID, OK, JOHNSTON A LAWRINOK, wsin,aai,aD aTiu--flamkar' as Isflnesrs' fupfH, "Hunt an ttsai rumas. Iran Plea, Sans, fla Cevarlflf, tubrlcalent. Water Mrtofa, Fan in Vntllatra, Cash agisters, Im. Wliu fiir prints. 131 flMT IT., PORTLaNO, 0. Cnntraxtora on hssUn and vsntllstlns biilldlnaa. Kstlmsua rurnlatied. J. McCRAKEN bsAl.KUH If- co.f Rack Harker Um. ferllan CtsMnt, a. Sal an UUk Plait. Hair, Fir Irlek an fir Clay. LAND PLallC. 99 Worth front Street, Cor. D, i-OHTLAND, OB. . , BCTmads7i in rmirrtsyson my KlsrtrleOorsnt at- -" arm niMciaiues. um iier cent prow and out prises, hwii pie free. Ur lirnlsman,lirilway,M.V SIGHTS. WU Xlshl. 41: I, ,,1-v UtmA orV lllllitli.M S-n.,.t fl.. uft eeuis. unit l. ntsll ou rwi4 nf inii, N. T. HUDSON, 13 First Stmt, Pgrtlmd, Or. seud lut new lUiistmhNt t'aislona. RARfG! We hate a hlc shwk ol Itnlila-r iimis h.,.i,t nl a lesitln- house rellrlu Iront loulorse on this rsmst, I'hlid's tul.hrr ahem, A to 10 2?n Mlsmsr" lisiiholda, IV u i., . . , , , , . , . . 1 Missmi' oviirshors . ,, 'if. Ion Misers' sttllrs sRd lilaheiils.,., . ... Il isj. Il.'n U.ll,' iv.,r.l., sll slf Irs . ; toe, fr. a U.II.-S- strtli-s sml snow exrludrr , II ui. ii.i'i IjhIIkS' bllth CMt (SllKIS. II ?), 1 ladles' nonU, ssH'lsl bsmallls.. , II .si, l T,1 Ihlld'S boots,. lion. tl.M Misers' Issita., , II -i m Ibiy'esMJts , ..... .WKieV Men's sliort bonis, extra.. , j.,ei ki i..'al Men's blp hoots , .;.'( (,4a Men's nvenhors, elKhl styles . . 4V, iwe, um, ;.t Men's srrlliv snd snow eseludrrs. . II ri, II. ro Koliner t'lotlilna nf all klmls al a bis dlaromit from matilsr prices. Ask for our full list l Hublsir l.oisls. Address SMITH'S CA8H STORK, I-4I I ront Ntreet, Mna rrastelsMS, Cat. : .n p a 7 a nnn esi. Ml Saliwqfjap. - The most popular brand of smoking tobacco in the United States.' It is made from to bacco at least three years old. Its rich mellow smoke has never been equaled. Real ( Maria f'arellna ta now recked In Patent Clnth Pouches, ss wall aa in foil. CI QlathearknnwIMM adlns remedr Inr ail Ui unnatural disrharsee and prlvatadleeeeeedf men. A eerisia cure for llie dentil. Milne weskDses peculiar to women. Iireeeitkr Ipreeeribellandfeslasr HlEtOiil"-'inv lu reoomnieBdla Its . dscisn,o aTP all suirerers. ' .1 J t'i" "1 B .DtMTua.w. Sa1 VUfvm 9tj99. r yrealnTX I fITMiA YH. I ueSfssteMsntieW I ease. awMWM, rssJij5g FRAZEII AXLE GREASE BsstiDthaWorld 6et tha Ganuina Sold Everywhere .yr. uisi.ia s-BM ' " i.wi. iZ.v st iij.irm.n. Wwul.l.l,iils,s:iUl4.lii,1ll'i,"l.7.U s K Wk CHIOHtlTtH'S C HOLISM, RtD C08$ DlAMONO BHAN0 rtunRoNu?s Tha -rati-1 Pib At. tutit ahsUai. bmii vtii rem im um, rtvisim. 'l akkat mm mthmm klaL fM .t,ai,i j ..... A Msn,lll.n,.B,liilsl.,.!, N. P. N. V. No. 41(1 -8. F. N. D. So. 41 3 aF . IlestOiUKli Medicine, ltrconimenilej by l'hvaioian. Cureawher all else fnils. l'liiuaant and sfc-roeahleto th taste. ChlMrea take it without objection. Hv clriiKplnU. Y