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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1891)
THE OREGON MIST. HCBSCflll'TlOX. U S) I'KIt YKAR. Ht. Hkiksh, NuvEMitKH 27, 1801. WASHINGTON LETTER. At lb nut-tin at tins national re publican committee in Washington MomUy, Miiinnapoli wtt chtiscii nn the seventh ballot ssth(tjltie for hold lug the next nalkmul reiiuuliesu com Vcnlioit. A'tkiK tin rebels Imte betn snccws ful in one of oaf sisfff rvpuhlirs on ilm south. The insurgents in Brssi) lira in pomeooiun of tlifl government rnaeltiiiery, the dictator having sur- taiulcred liia aulhttntjr to them Mon day. A new form of government will bo esUllihel Ht an esrlv tint. Thk Astoria Town Talk la evidently rnxkinff matters very warm for the Uiiuves, thug ami bootlhrs of thai lace. Whether the Tut It can npnose thia well organised gang of prostitutes of both skcs who liar for o lung Controlled that town, ami yet prosper, is 4 thing that has never y.t been ae coti;hi.licJ. To be successful in busi uess in AalorU and at the aartie lime tppte thia elea.eut U an utter im jKMsibility. TliK meatiest man on earth la tbe liar. You can ooe with burglar. Jiiurtlerer, a botw-thiff, or an outlaw of any kiud. but the liar baa no equal. He ia always reuly to till you a false iiootl often when the troth would answer better. Tbe man who will teli jrott a certain thing one minute and the next breath promote another man the aame thing ia too contemptible for recognition by deceut people. The man who can and does deliberately lie out of one falsehood into another so fas: that you have not time to record them ia a disgrace to the dirt upon which he walk, a prostitute of humanity, and should be caged aa soon aa possible Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing The city of &tu Francisco liss raised a subsidy of fSO.OOO for tbe t'urpoee of securing one or both of tbe National conventions for that city in 1S92. A Committee has been appoint ed to preaent San Francisco's claims to the national committee, and have already been Mint to Washington for (hat purpose. Tlie Bay city proposes to offer free transportation to the ilele- (ates to tbe couveniion, provided it be held in that city, and will aUo furnish free liotel accommodations, clerk hire, etc. When a city wants the honor of having a political convention ao bad and offers to foot all the bills we fail to see why their desire should not be gratified. " The Facilic farmer speaks to the point iu the following suggestions; "All those big boys and young men who are standing around on the streets should be made to feel that they must go to work, as everybody knows tbst tlie men who earn their living by hon est toil, must support tbe idlers in some way. The loafer has a digestive apparatus which muit be kept buoy, lie must have clothes sad shelter and unless be has some bonest occupation, the laboring men must support him. , While young tbe idler may be harp enough to get tbe laboring Rao's tuouey by some trick, but no matter how be gets it, the laboring men are the life of this country and must sup port the idlers. Think of this young man and if you are loufioK around with no visible means of support go to work. Study a profession, learn a trade, or be a farmer. I he street cor ners is no place for you." At tbe shipyard of William Rodgers, in Bath, Maine, recently, tlie four roasted, ceuk-rboard schooner Three Marys wss launched. This is the third vessel launth-sd from this janl the present year. The Three Marys, Bays tbe Bstb Enterprise, is built of tbe first materia U. Tbe frame is wholly of Maine oak, flanking, ceil ing and deck frames yellow pine, 8 he has two decks and her cabins are large nd furnished tit hard wood and neatly ornamented and polished. Tbe lower masts each are Oregon pine and are 100 feet long, the topmasts fifty feet in length. The vessel is complete in every detail and is considered one of the stauncliest of her class afloat. This is only one instance out of a great many where the Oregon pine is used for masts and spars at tbe different shipyards throughout the East. Of this important shipbuilding material Columbia county has an abundance ; and tlie fact that Mr. Sodgers, who lias just completed his eighty-ninth vessel, uses the Oregon product and ships it across the continent in prefer ence to Maine pine, speaks a great den 1 for the value of our forests. The spar business will be a greut source of reve nue to thia county at no distant day. ftobool Report. Report of the Milton creek school for the month ending November 13 : Number ot pupils enrolled, 21 ; daily average attendance, iiOj ; those not ab sent during the month were, Stella Brown, Dannie Brown, Kidney Smith, 1 farty Mierwian, Caleb Kherrosn, I'earl Miermsn, Calvin Howard, Clarence JSeaucliausp, Harry Jk-auchurnp, Jiwsis ftt'itncbarop, Louis Burger, George Dsrver, Bert Brown, Fred J1' rants. Those Visiting tb houl weie, Mr. it. Harmon sod Mr. r!-it!ie Brown. Kahs A. Ih'G i Teacher, , iFnm Our Regular CorwpcnJrut WaBHIltoTo. It. 0.k Nov, i, The prealdent returned from the last vacation be is likelv to have fur the nest seven or eiitht month dou shooting trip iu Maryland io time to preside over a very miporliiiii enitiuei meeting uhimv, at which por tions ot ins annual mesmce to von grews, which will be uutMially Itiiitort- am tins year, were feat! ana dwt-ifssed The name of the stcer to rktcre lary Proctor was also submitted, and mere was some iiilormul talk shout the sis-cess of Minister Fred Oram in pelting tlie govern men t of Auelria to withdraw its prohibition of the inipor Ullon of American pork, which ia now regarded as an assucd fact Secretary Uiains had rouii'thing tttlerestiiiir tt say about the reetpriwity treaty with Mexico ami his hnal instructions to Minuter Kyan, who left Washington lor tlie lily of Mexico this week. Th ueftotialion of this treaty or agrmment will probably be officially concluded and announced su after Minikler Kyan eels back to his iiost of dutv. a only a few of the minor details remain to I settled The president and every tmmber of ma cabinet realise that they have a season ot liard Work altead of them, ana tliat, itolitwally sneaking, the coming session of cungreas promises Ui oe a mot iinpfirtantone, as the action ot tbe nemic ratio house of represent uvea, frttm iu flection of a speaker to its adjournment wul be preg ant with reatilts sITecting tlie presidential cam- ivsign, and tiie commercial and in dustrial proaiienty now so eeneral mronniirtut toe country, and tbev mav he relied upou in conjunctiou with tne republican senate, to be on lite lert lo counteract the evil of anv wtiucat legislation Utat niar be at' tempted by the democratic boose. V ben tbe statement was made, bv republican speakers and newspaper during tbe recent campaign iu jfew l ork that it Tainmany hall succeeded in carrying that state it would attempt to control the democratic national J1 icy, it was poo-poohed by many peo ple, including some republicans. Well. be prophesy is already fulfilled, and tbe agents of Tammany hall are In Washington demanding that Crisp ball be elected speaker of the bouse, just aa next year they will be at the national democratic convention de manding the nomination of some man woo will promise, if elected, to alio litem to introduce into national atfiir the corrupt methods which have made the Mow i ork city government a stnch in the nostrils of bonest men everywhere. The speakership contest will be a test of the ptrencth of Tam many hall in liational affairs; If it can have Criup elected sneaker it can dic tate tlie democratic presidential nomi nation next year. (Secretary Foster is very much inter ested in the experience of Immigra tion Commissioner Kchultris, who. in order to avcertain ; the bottom facts boot the immigrant from Europe. came over from Europe in the steerage a one of them, and made some start ling discoveries concerning the methods of certain European associa tions in suit ting undesirable people to come to America, as well as the im moral practices in the steerage of Eu roieen steamers. Secretary Foater says that no amount of steamship In- uence will prevent bis getting at the bottom of this whole business and put ting a stop to it, if it can be done on charts, maps, blackboards and such apiwratua aa aw ueccessary for suhool purixiees, witlMut those things no teacher can ikra scliuol justice. We are Informed William Connell will buihf b dairy again iu the spring. The day before Mr. Con Hell's barn was burned lie broke grouud for a 21100 cottage. C, L. Smith has bought forty acres of la ifd from I. Utfingsnltier and has the lumber on the ground for a dwelling-. EUy Oeorge is nlwtlt to sell out bis Ure Ut Charles Mr. EiiKli.h i well knowu and highly rH-ctel. No man could come iirto the buine here better liketl. Ml. Getirite has done a good buoiness here, and lits reasmi for retiring is that he has Iim. much other burineot. lK-r Iland ii a good trading point and we predict abundant success for tbe new luau. The Tide Creek Dam A Uxiru Com. psny are driving a boom at the mouth of Tide creek. They have now full control of the ertek from the dam to its mouth, and will drite each and every mail's logs alike, and no one can say: "I did more work on your log thau you did on mine." One week ago last Tuesday night Mr. drome's store wss broken into and robbed. Besides several articles taken about 140 in cash went alao. We hejr of some petty larceny being continually committed. It is not hkelv theeuuulv officials can do auything tuwa-ils capt uring thems thieves as the County court ia enjoined not to pay lor "searching" for criminals. If the Chilian soldiers are anvlhimr like the Claukanw Chief pictures mem lu us last lasue, the American sniuiera nave notlimc to fear In case o! war. When a soldier will throw away his gun and run with a pocket- tune on io i tie sharp point of a fixed- bayonet, he will find out his niUtake loo late. War is different from riot. Knives will do in street riots, but they uever do in war. War is art. in which the soldier must be trained, and the more traiued the better the soldier. Discipline is the main thing iu war, but ret kleiwiios ia fatal, ami tht Chilian ill mid It out should lliev ever nuH Uncle Mam in tlie fiukt, like the Mexi cans did when they met Genera) Taylor. C. If. English is quite pooi'.y at pieseut, though nolhiug serious. Considerable colds are reuorted and some i grippe, s Mr. "Query" wishes to thank some friend for a baUh of the Northwest Reform Journals, the alliance paper. He would tike to return the eender some copies of The Oregouiau aud Farm and Fireside. MtMMIKDt MKHANHA KMKKNON At lli.r r. ilrtH-eol ili tii'Mu'n iartiiti on MM inn erw-k Htinxlsv, Nov. 8i, laiil, J. II, Mer amla to Jennie M. Ktnvrtoii. ttwaeesir This i What ?fn oiiitht to have. In fact you iiuut hate ft, tu fully enjoy life. Tliuti sn.t.1 are aenrelihiK for tt i!jII , uiul nibiirii liiit iMVSnae tlwy Unci it mil. Tltmiatulii upon tlioiwaiKl of dollar ara xhpiiI sn uuully hy our iwiple in the hops that they mav alUln this boon. Ami yt It may lie lisil hy all. We iiuarnntee ilmt Klvetrle hitters, l( urnnl sivimlluir to illrveiloit ami tlitiii ert-lnl in. will tiling yuii khxI IHlwtlon anl on-t the ileltioii lvp.!lii and ln-t.ill Idolftul Kuiiepny, Wo rtHimi mend Klvetrle Ullten for ty?ii4 and till diveae of t.iver, Htomach mnl Kidney Sul.l at iVV siidH.W) IhiIIIo hy l-Mwhi Hum, lri(fk'l-t, ttwvklssits Arnica Naive. The he-4 aalv In the world f r Culm nnil. Korrs. t'lifM. Salt lthum, t'rver Hrw, Tetter, l'hal lUiidx, t hllhUlm, Corn, ami all Hklii Kniillot. aud IKWhlvftf Siirst I'll on. or do ay rslre.. It la nuarantevii t trv perlret lallii (a-'tUm, or luutiry refumlr.1. ITIr ts tent wr box. For III' Ktlwlu Row. One Dollar Weekly Buys irxxl iroltt wsleh hv our chili v tern. Our It ksmt told-tilledrnierv war ranted for 20 yearn r'ins Main and Wid iliaiu m iveieeut. stiriii stud ul mi. Iduly' or Kent' nine. Kiial tu any ' aatcli. Toseeurs upeni, where k hsvv iioim-i we Mill one of the bitntinsr cn n ah'lie for I lie clnK prlirv I.N and wild C. O. l. hv rspre villi pr vilegeot examina tion before j.aying fur the niiiiS. Our SKttiit St Durlisin, N. C. write: "Oiirleweler havs ente-l the ilun'l know bow juu eau liiml.h im b work lr tile imnif. ," Utirarrnt SI Heath Mprlnii, W. !., write "imir WOi hfft lake t llrhl. Tha millman huxolthr bin wm h wid is he Pkoinliinl ami ruiMi a leaeler waieb In joieier. that Her wi kwuer than )uun, but lbs rU Our ent st IVltnlnelnn, Tex., write! "Am la reeetpl ol ths wnl. h. and an pleiue.1 wlihiiot mesiure. Allwbuhavs aaeu my II wvui.1 wv euvap ar t ma On sia relinble airenl wanted fur each placs. Writs for particular, KaeiKS V aTi u (.;..., Krw York, .140 FIllST "STIwEliT 140 I'KDKH THK OILMAN IfOl'ftK. j.mTmoyer&co. Ar new prepared in tifler their llemiwnsl All-Wnol Hood si a Ureal Itedftvtloii (roiii lirner price. In poiinevnini with our All WkoI t'lnililim fr..ia ilm lllunv U'.l. . Mill. .iii.l II... I .... ...I l" '. " r'orvluti Mhls all His llet ItsoktiM, V warrant all ultr uoud s iloioai uilile. TIIE rrCAMKIt Tne Nest Kleetoral Vote. Tbe following table shows tlie electoral vote for IctSS compared with tbat apportioned for the different stale iu 1892, when tbe next president is to be elected: vers sua 18SS. Alabama ........ ArkauMv. California u . Colorado Ccuueciicut. 1 Ma ware Florida UeorKia... illimu. Inuiaoa Iowa , ... ; Kavs Keiiiucky IRALDA I now nakin rexulsr round tiijw from OAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily Eicept Wednesdays, Lkavixu OAK I'OIXT... ......4 A. Jl. " ft KI.I.A " KAIMKH. .0.15 ' KAI.AM A T:I " 1ST. lIKLKTi S lOHThAM).... II m RETURNING T,s.vs PORTLAND IKWP. M. ASsiVSHTEI.LA .....7: " W. E. NEWSOM. der Ihe preseut laws, aud be thinks it i . vl .in. can be. DEER ISLAND. The weather ia everything that is- desirable. . Owing to so little fnvt this winter peas and beans are still blooming. Seveial of our farmers attended the sale last Saturday and some of them made good purchases. A. A. Merrill sports a span of mules. Who is the farmer that hires a hand and puis him to work without proper tools and expects him to accomplish much; or the merchant who hues a clerk and expects hint to make big re turns without first stocking his store; or tbe logger who hires a laborer and puts him lo work with only an ax and expect him to cut many logs. Neither om it parents expect great things from a teacher, when they only furntb the m hoot with the children, b oks and It. The school should have globes. Maine Maryland M-uBai.buaells ... Micbhtajt ... ... Mionvauta. Miioipi ... . . ., Mutouri ........ Nebrataa Nevada New Hampshire New Jerwy , New York....... No'tli Csrutma .. Oliio Oregon PuiiixyiVaHia ... Kbotls l.ltnd ... Mouth tarolina .. renneasee . . . . Texas Vermont Virginia .. Went VirRinia Wisconsin...., VoTS oa 1W3. ..10 Alabama 11 . 7 ArKauaa Si .. S California U .. 3 4'olnrailo ... ..... 4 . . 0 C'oiinct tu lit ...... li . . i Ihela ware A ,. 4 Honda.... 4 ..13 Ocorirta 13 ,.'l lilimrij..,. ..14 Jdalio ........... 3 ..13 Indiana..... I" . 0 luwa IS .13 Kanias .. .... lo .. a Kentucky.. 13 . . 6 Louiiiajis .... .. 8 Maine ... ..14 JUarylaod. ....... S ,.1.5 Ma-acinue(ls ... 15 .. 7 Micbteao. 14 . 0 MinneatMS ....... V ..lti Minuaaippt V .. It Miartiri 17 . 3 Jlontana 3 . . 4 Nebraska S .. V Nevada 3 ...3li New lljmpablre... 4 ...II New J. rey 10 ...Jtl New York. . ... :W ...3 hortli Carolina.. 11 ...30 forth Uafcota. .. 3 ... 4 Vhin ..V ... ti Oreon 4 ...12 feuiwylvanis .... 32 ...13 Kbode Irland .... 4 ... 4 Houtb t arolina ... i ...13 ftoutb Isko(a.... 4 ... li TeimeMte. ...It Texaa 15 . Vermont 4 Vl-ginU 12 i VValnl!jrtoli ..... 4 M'evt Virsinia. ., . . 6 Wuuoruiln 1'.' Wyoium.. ..... i DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, rVlentiricslly treateil by an snrltt of world wide reputation Ileafne.a enulicateil and entirely eureil.of from Ji lo vrr' aisnd ina, after all mber treatment lie fadrtl How tbe d fTirulty brea hi d and tliscanae removed fully esplahml in ciwiilar. villi allUlavit and letimonial ef cure from prominent people, mailed free. DR. A. KONTAINK, Taroma. Wh. MlEUIKr'S 8 ALE. STATE OK ORE;o5l, M County ol Columbia. ( Hy virtue of an exetrution imneil mil of the County Court of the htnte of Oreeon, t med reeted. hi favor of EverdinK A Kurrrll and ni J. W. Itevia. jr., and John W. ttevw. for tbe um of f 113 .10, jiidioiieiil. wi h lnleret fmm thettli day of November. Iwl. st s per cent, per year, and lbs further sum of 1 19 (10 eot aud a.TruinK ioil; I did, on tlie 1.1th day of November, littl. duly levy upon all lbs etate, rfchl. title and Intereot of Ihe above named driendant, J. W. ltrk, jr.. and John W. Uevia, In sn Total . .401 Tlie ..) indicates new atabrs. .444 Cakes Without Eggs. Obterviag hcrawkeepers quickly leant that Dr. Prica'i Cream Baking Powder il far nperior to other brands in the fact that they never fail to make the finest pastry, and if they wish to be economical they can dispense entirely with egg and can use a less quantity of batter for shortening' purposes. The advantage is not alone in the saving effected but in avoiding the trouble and frequently the great difficulty of securing eggs that are fresh, litis is often a serious trouble. , Cakes of various kinds from the informal Griddle Cakes to the stately- Bride Cake can be made with Price's Cream Baking Powder, which insures light, sweet and hand some cakes; or when used for Griddle Cakes to be eaten hot enables their production in tbe shortest space of time, always tender and delicious. Dr. Price's is the only Baking Powder that contains ths white of eggs. None so pure t None so wholesome I Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdtr is re ported by ail authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal porder has never been ques tioned. .. - . ..... tu ihe foliowing-deaciilied real piopertv. to wft: Tbat portion of Hunter's bon'ation Land Claim lyinic seat of User llnd tboiigh, In section 41 and 30, towmdiipO, rotiire 1 and '2, euntaininir 3(7 acre, more vr !, together with ail I lie hereditament and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in any w ie appt.rthiiiig. Now In juru anrs of raid execution, i will, nn tlie lilth day of Deeeliiher, l'l, at Ihe hour of In o'eliark A. M., at lbs Courthouse door in ail i-ounty and "late, ell tbe abuve-de-cnl-ed intere-t of naid defendant. In and to paid n-sl properly at public auction lo the ldxbet bidder for rash, or no uiiieb tbeieof a will sail.fy id exeeutfon, III teret and eoRl. W. A. SIKKKKU, Hhvrtlf of t'-ohmiMs County , Oregon. Dsted November l-'t, ItOl. ii:U1S Heliali Vmt Nw. lrtM lrS time Tweed Miilf.l1,M, lrld Wnrlt Hull , Mlrld Cheviot "nttii eien i nevn inia, Itroa n I'hiltl Mull. Moltlml I'livvliH Ktib,., lirar I'liei k Sii(l... . ....... Kaney l'tn.lnl Xulta lironu Tweed Smi Km. ilMO, ItnotN cheviot Mini. ., , I'laid Cawlmers Mull , , Faney raa.hnerr Holla Ilnta ii Tweed Suit. Fain )f llnln lloiie aulia..... Vel jiir Kni'r I "iiiln. t.ray rueiul fuliv. I. at SOW. Itr.mii I llf.-k iil( ,,;,., CtifS Cauilieere henvy Sttlu --lillie.lCai-.liiiine lievv niiIim Orae 'hetn(. Iieavy, Hull.,,,, ttrown t'hevbil. heuvy Hiiltn... Heavy blue Tared Xnlla Xlaek ami W lUlv Mti I t'aa atmerv Mull ., I. at Hm. S03U. Itrnwn sirliied Wnr.tiKt Still Hlwk Planl lull. ., IMaek I'orka'rew Hull... Heavy lime Mrltoit rtitlta ..... Heavy t hwk I'ulinere anil faney Wlile V1. Wonted Hull tkrouii I'liild WorMed Snltv... Dark t'lu' auna.b, No. vtllO. falter t'heek ('Maimer aittta' IrtlN'dl iiiiere heave auit trk liny I'bevha .all. Hrah Taeed vehtur Shlh aulla ram-y Ctoslmere kiiIu. atav Wiirtel auK...,.,. Mlk Mtet l'a.lmere aidl Banket t hee t'aaaliuer mil brow a Teel milta. MWM Natural Dray t aanlmer. no dve kidt. lln.a n t'liex lot .-4eoii'h miltf.M lark HrnR Ttrewl alt., ... . Park liny Taee.1, la-sunr KiNata. ftiiiu , . . Mtk nine, Miliars eul, aaiU.M lli.rk WnMnl Mll Ian Torr-1, SH'iHitirs '.l, anil ... ....,.,.,., XXX M..l T.eedull. . ... At $ 8 50 At 10.00 At 12 00 At SIC 00 At n no At IS 00 At 13 CO Nth Stmo, Slai'V Wide Wh Sulla blue Wine Mat hum ii Mvliou inh ,,, Kani'y Check t'lieiba mill,... Park orov Wnr.leil iilla..,,.,., Ulaek I nranerew ailltx.. ,. blHi k lllaijMual nulla , ,. I. at ft. Silltl. Park ItriiHii Tsil tiii Il.m y lilui, pin u. 11 It v sun..., Mrl lam ) Wi.r.lnl .nil, ,. Kvlra lleavv Imrk l.ray I'm. atttieie kmiK. I'laid Vtrlvl, Heal iwivrii nil ., Iirolien Plaid Wur.led .ull. Mlk lilted Virivd .iilK w4 mo. Itfaek Mile Wale nulla ,. Kwuey MilHord mill.,..,,.,,,,,, rine Prah hr.iy aulla,., .,,... Kle Wra.t He'riie. park lira)' Unrated iill.ud II e v llfuv lit'to t anil, "Ilk MlT.I t'iMiiiii'it miila.,, rney I'UI.I .,li ... Kmall Cheek Wnnieil niu. I'luln brim n Mullen anlta Kvlr Heavy XX Cawlmars allll...... .,.,,. Km, SIMM!. Irk riray talmir Kn. I '!. atere ulta ... ,. Mne blank WurMrd (Murk) suit black t hevliil ixifi ami. Imrk Itioaii Mpllnn aulla tik Kanev Wnrmlivl auit. Fiu-y Halite fiiak iuli . ... Herrlii Ikme nil. ,. .Seal Dark Wuiainl nil faney I'laid W.r.el "illlt . Straight lrl Unrated .ulta, kau vitiHlli) Coiki-mv mill Lai m. fliou, XX SX vsl.Mir Wlark I'hevlut nil,... .,...,.,.... Klr lUitvy Wi.le Walilt ITanev eirba-d .!.! .ulta, ll.vuii I vi l.ln Wat, rmra.., .. Ilna)i Willi, Ciml 1'ilt. lllek I'laid Unrated, Siniaia eill. Hllila...,. ... . Ilerrlni Hon trl WiiMid Af nil. f'lab KerMiv all..,...,. Male K. ry ikiii.h,, .....a al Hroarn aiili Hlu Thit, Wdtepa'ern.ull Ha-ket tt..i,ie, nii,, Heavy Ptaaviial nulla hark limy Wuntnl will..,,,.. J. M. MOYHU & CO., Siiceeaaor bt B"wwiivllle Woden M II. . 140 FIRST STREET, COItXEU ALDER. PORTLAXU tt ITIICTI.Y TfC fUICU. NO linVfATION. At 11 50 At 15 00 At 20 00 22 50 Portland Seed Co., tK. W. MIU.KK, Mg,.,) f'ffAf.fritN IN SEEDS. TREES, Fertilizers, Bee Supplies, Spraying Apparatus and Material, Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc. 171 Mocimtl Hi. IVrtlstid, Oiegnn, r-Vntl for Caiilonu, llii20 0( Sale of Stock! Ther nlll lie sold al Mer, Orefun, nn December .19, at 2P.M., rievsnly Shares tff IlisCspttal (tluekaftlit Green Creek L&mbering and fifanofactaring Co., Of MByger. Ori-jroii, n r rant, of .,.a la paid up, 'rtlei.e lnire v.i tm oli In dp. (sail of pnymonl of an siaewiiieni of 10 wr i t lit, now i.ue, ' G. C. L. & M. Co. II IfENIrKIISON, SiVy. C. E. HAKT Proprietor '. St. Helens Meat .Market Krrali ami hallel and Vi p l.ible THE RETAIL MERCHANT is tlie newwnry Medium of Trade bvtween the Miuiufitcturtrr hiul the Coii.tinuer. He taunt protect (ho interval of hi cuntoiiKTH by purchttrting ii tlif ltiwcst nml nntl best iniukctf, mtd by wiling to bin piiti-onit at tiie Lowest lWiblu PricoH. PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping thcue true principloM of trtwle nlwitn in view ; often Icuvea the old tnvck nlul titriken "iterom. lota" for IiargniiiH for hi cuntomem. Ills Block of RSGeneral Merchandise Is bt-ing enlivrgwl hy New Goods Every Duy. It I not eonvenlssit to name the many dlfTxreiit srt'rle kept nn rale. si le from I'rv (IhhI.,I I .ilili.s. I.i.lii-"' Wear tienilemeii' Wear, Ili ad Wear. K""t Wrar, rioiirand Krfd, f.riN rr midl'iin. nml flood. Null" iiml llardwar. fna kery and lila.aaar. llriill nnd llnwure. I'om.ler and riliot. Hat and Cup, liou'a and Hliov, I'uUnt Jli-liiliie, Tnili t Ankle, etc. UNCLE MTEES THE PORTLAND JEWELER. IJIl'OUTr.K AND DKAl.ER IX Bia: siiEini-T sale. STATE Of OnKflOJf. County of Columbia. Be virtue of s decree nd order of sls. In tied out of the t'in-uit Court of the Htata of Oreiron. for the County of f olumliia, tit me Uirei lnvor ol Jame MUrkle. it., situ Clixrle Muclile,eo-)arlner,doini;buliie S Miickle Krotlier, t'lahititr. snd SKSinat Ji A. V. Wskeiley, Chnrle W. Iliu XxnA lilukcJilf.v. Ii:ae M. Hlakexley, Chnrle W. Iliukeahy, Walter Illnke.ley, Keniliill lilakeley, Kugene B'akenlty and Mary itlakewley, defendinit., for the sum of 1 woThouaand One Hundred and Klxty-two Dollar. W.Wl ()), and the further orini of Twenty-sivht and Kiftlily five Hundred tli iM 1, Dollar cost and di.bnrefnenfr, sid secruinc coU. eom- iiiaudinK me to levy niion snd iiiske sle ol ths following decrlled real .rortv, to-it: Uit numbered ten f H)h eleven (111 snd twelve (121 tu boek numlier eleven (II) in ths toam of Ht. Helen, Oreifoii. AIo tlie followiiif;: Cauimeneiiiff st a point which bear north nevenly-foiir decrees and thirtv minute eal. two hundred hd Keventy (270) lirtk from the corner lot fourteen M) aud lifleen (1.1), In bits k ten (10), In the town of Kt. ilelen, Oregon, and in a right line with the dieiaion line of said lota fourteen (II) and fifte. n (!.'), and run. ninir tlienw north seventy -four diyree and thirty minute ea.t imn ty-aeveii (M7) link lo low water mark ; thence w.iith eijditeen deicreen and Mevun minute eat with low water mars eiiriny-eiKiii inn; un; iiienee aoutli seventy-four degree and thirty minute wn.t ninety-one (Dl I tin kt : tlienoe to the plscsof beKlnirnil in townndip lour (4) north, rntwoue (1) wht of the Will smeite uiertoian, and heinir tide land in front of lection llireet 9) in aui iowiikhiii aud ranite. Alo ths umlivided onv-lialf t U i of the nortliwet .iiiarter () tit the north' st quarter tyt j ot .eiion eiKiiuien (ID), in townldp nvs (0) north, rsnite one (1 J went ot ins meridian. Aiao nn niniber lifleen (IA) hi Mock numlier ten moi in iha aid.l town of Ht. Helen, all in Columbia county. Mats of Oreaon. together with sil tlis tenements ami improvement thereon. I duly levied mmn sid preiuine on ths 27th dky of October. ISOI. ... Now. in niirrtisucc ot n oerres ami order of sle, I will, OH Huturdsv the 2Mlh dav of N'overobsr, l"fl, at ths hour of 10 A'c'lnek A. M., st ths courtlioU.e dr til Sid county unit tfate, veil the above do ae.ribed real property at ptihlitS aui tlnn lo Iha liiirheet bidder therefor, for eauli, to stify auld decrss and order of Kale and tjlisritrof coluuiDis t.oumy, vrrgon. , Londs Clocks Watches. Jewclenr, end Optical Goods. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street Between Morrison nnd Yamhill. Portland, Or. CO Q O O O O Q CD X S-J o MUCKLE BROS., Dealers in all Kinds of Lumber, Lath Pickete. Faints, Oils, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Dry Goods and Groceries, FEED AND HAY. General :-: Merchandise. BUCKLE BROS BT. HELENS, OREGON. O m z m r m 30 o x z D CO m o Mi'st. fsuiSkf, fUb Meal, hy sholeoate at perlal r.tle. Kxp-Mn wason run In all narta a and rlinnrea rvttnuMe. THE MODEL SALMK J. K. tl.0XIN(!KR, I'rop'r. Choice Wines. Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts BillanJ mii Pool VoWr, for y'ltiuoitiniotJiition of Patron CALL AROUND. at Do Wrinl? OF COURSE YOU DO. Crt'H HKIMI THK t'AKK. ft hehiot- O y. g to lind His m.t' plaev til piirvhu.e vour ' invljioralor.'' TTTI? Tt A'iVrriTTT'T VTaaVVl w JUJLt Keep ooiiaiaully on band ths faiuSB Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tlie nft line of n ine I kiiuir snd t'lgnr t-i lis found tlilaalde ol Poit Innd. Aud If ,oti l-h lo suiruvs in ssmof POOL OR BILLIARDS, riisrrHn -uis vou tlisl lliev liava tha heft luliln In loan. Kverytliinn new and mnt, and your palrumise I rv-iwifudv nolliiied. 'THE BANQUET" Ht, Helen. Oregon, ""Y A saanrittsl of infomatiea nod aa- -f vtlraut uf th law., alivw lag Uiw Uttt f otiUln Palwit., t araala, Tral, V V V.Staraa, Vtiprnehi., ami htt,a V V" ll wl CO.y w 1 BraaSwar, f Webfoot Saloon THOS. COOI'EU, Prpr. 8T. HELENS, - - - OitKUOX Cyrus Noble's Wbiskies. A I.AItOE STOCK or xcelleot Wines, Liquors and Cigars, y-KT.rt COKBTANTI.V ON HAND.-' An Excellent Too! and Billiard Tabic FOR THE USE OF FATmONS, ,GIVE VS A CALL . THWAITES. The Photographer. CAUDH, 12.00 TKK DOZKV. 167 ftnt 1C!), First Street, rurtlund Or.