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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1891)
SEEDS !.!,(( H HKMti AKh 1 K1 :!. It ,m want vi tmt khI Hiui juti In",. 111 smw, Hi mh )rimw, writ,, r. i, POSSON A SON, t MrM Portland, Orvaon, GOULD'S READY MONEY. -y PR I ItU i 19 Put that i'nyour pipe - and moKe it r Price otiht to Ik; one of the least considerations when buy ing smoking tolxtcca If you want the lxst arulrc willing to nay a few wnts extra, buy the Mastiff Pluc Cut : there is more solid comfort', in one jmckag tii.tu you can "it out Ol a i .1 t i . wiren oiners. rackevt in can vas pouches. i- B I'arw TWaawm f ., RIWtnotHl, Va. "German Syrup C. Glower, Druswist, Watertowtu , Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a dni store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than -anvone else how remedies sell, atid what true merit they have. He hears of all the ailures and successes, and can therefore judge : "I know of nc medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat. !SCT &2 Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffcrttiR from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, snd I told her atxrat German Syrup and tnat few doses would give re lief; it she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her Jo take s bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory 1 would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it saying that she would never 1 without it iu future as few doses had t'v her relief." ". Oral ruHta Any Tlas Withdrawing U.0O0.O0O. How much U Jay Gtjulil yvnrlhr . Hlenntompomric, ajc-it am erit tt put him down at tmit tl!VO,OOi,000. I "Ilwo u w not mneu cxrKoratod. Ya snuw, wiw an bruki'M ami m th bank ing ttutnes tntr. the itifltiene of hi roatiy money lie htm roi the host mon ey tn Ihe country; It in all U.mlJ nmnn What do yon uinw by liquid monorf Sloney .which flows lik a liquid lik qiitckMlver, according to tho inclina- ti..M .... .. . .1 . ... 1 1 . itri nun in Agtort, ror m ample, do not have liquid uumev; their money is in ntl estate, upon which they wnld not realise in tight time as well as in easy time. Rut CkiMd money is her in time of panic as readily m in Busu-tituetVv.' Almost any time he can withdraw from the market l000,00oor can kwp it loaned. Now, th bank surplus is only 10,000.000. So you tve th pro digioua pownr that rutuH-y has in the mem ebb and flow of it When Mr uouia witnuraws It, as he i said toilo, though I bars no knowledge on the sub ject, the time are terribly tight ht-re, LTP Bow the rate of interest Men with obligations are ready to pay almost any thing. This money come to him in the nature of his property. His property is always earning money in cash. If he rswtjve to purchase some cosily piece of property, like the Uuion nviuv rauroaa. n may nut his ttione a I - . ... - one lKlCkaire oul w ' iutent accumulate niton it i ii.. i. ... ' vs unwinr, a mouey lender tn the sense of Ktuwel! Sase, who lends money to earn money. Mr. Gould lends money with an object in view, in the nature of a large merchant Yet he is without the conditions of such man a polite person. A friend of mine not long ago bor rowed $1,000,000 from bim in the midst of the panic This man did not conceal his temporary necessity, but said to Mr. Gould, or rather wrote to him, that whatever interest he was mi u Jed to ask would be satisfactory He says that Gould said to bita, "Go along nntil yon get through, and we will see about the rate then." When they came to settle all that Gonld asked him was ordinary interest per cent Such thiugs he does quietly without further remark, and hence many persons who are not very intimate with him. but hare had exchanges of that kind to take place, think of him with as much respect as they speak of him. it must be remembered, however, that he has not lived this life and encountered long hostility, and abuse to become mere philanthropist He is a gigantic merchant in tra imports lion. "Oath" in Cincinnati Enquirer. CALMING WAVES WITH C-tL, VeW An, Now rt.Wd t wiifc Apvu, tutus tr This fuilMMS, ' Wh,,n hydrmrn1iifl (uletita first sue gwtod to skipira who had sailed Hie ir yoar. Hint ixinrin.r nil Vewns Maml Manual Tralulng and Coh ll Sahvuls as Wall s Cilia. Practical education la needed In the country as well as in the city. There has been too mneh Itrain culture in the . . ....... ...M v.. VHI UW ---- - tnuiUhM wiitors might snvo Imih veaw t j P1 too UlUe sense duvelopiuont no viirKis mo proMiMon ws to w training. With all opporluut EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRY. Children always mm- SCOTT'S Enjoy It. nuLsifln f pure Cod Uar Oil arttti Mjo- j pasaphH f Urn and Sees la ! Inaoat se patstabla milk.- 1 CkMdrea aoio, It ratbar Miss ' otkarwlaa. A MAUVtLLOVS rtflN I rOOUCI It la IndaJ. and tn t Itttle lade end laaelee wtoe take caid j Mf, mar be fortlfiad (aalnat a ews st mibt prt5a aartoua, trf teainsr ecott's Cmulalon ener tiiair naaala during; laa xJniar sums. rnitB laa Alpa. The street between the wull and the hotel was called the club room of Zer matt, and it was there that my feelings of reapect for the cliffs and precipices of the Mattcrborn perished. For there 1 heard the story of Ihe fat Oe-rman hauled like a log op the peak by four gt titles, the rope tied aroonj his waist and fastened to his Xeet with aslip knot, aad he swing ing from rock to rock, smtpemled thou sands of feet in the air and they never bothering to look at him; and of the Italian count who made the ascent with seven guidaa in front, seven behind, and one man to keep bis legs straight against the rocks; and of the boy of fourteen fol lowing is the tram of the conqueror; and of the woman reaching the top, aild then, a the guides literally run her down, quietly steeping all the way back from the lower hot until the bells of the little church in Zennatt awoke her. And yet even the cynic who laughed at these taleacould bestirred into a show of enthusiasm, and more than-once were roused from our firt Wp by the ringing cheers with which the men at the Monte Rosa greeted the return of the Wt hero of the Matter bora. And, after all, there are certain perils which the ex ploiters of the Alps cannot wholly coun teract Century. scorn. The wise IhmhU ki.,, i.,,... Borne of tl younger Hkii!r thought tho schema might U worth Irving, and o put the thiDry lo the t,t. They found it to witrk excti-dingly well; so wcU, in rtotxl, tlmt in port here they told their brother master of tlieir sueoesw. Stori.-s of vcoaels having been ihvh1 by yw nwtho.1 were told at infrequent IntervuU to tho South strc t rvsorls, and were ro c.ivil with much of tho dtnihting 1 homns spirit, finally what were lookl upon as yams took t a color of verity with a vengeance, ami even the oldest of tlie akipta.m begim to Uheve in the oil tory. ' The result of this has been that there b not a w-eck w,. In fact hiuxllv a any, ttux me mivnter or some vwl drops intoUra CniUstnt'shvtirogmtlilo bureau and inform liout Oittinan or some of hia stall of Uo benefits he has derived dj.iring the stormy wenther which now prevails from tho uie of oil Bo efficacious has it proved in a number of Instance that tho attntion of sliip. owners iuis been ralhil to that tliey have fitted up their cm ft with sja-cial fixtures tor the juniiee of fighting huge wnves with oil. The Rriiwh Minsltip Kato Fawcctt U one of tlux.. Tanks are tittnl uxw oUvk for tlu Hid purpoee of car rying oil, and from theiu pipes lead through tlio sliip'a sido just above Uie water liuew In ca. the wares be come particularly thretiUdiing Cait oung lias the stoptivks in the pijin opene.1 and let out a bit of oil. lie has found tho ilan to work extremely well, and when running Bnils it neryvHiry to end out liut one gallon In four hours. He uses linseed or varnish oil. The llrit bh suninslop Fjirnwell is similarly fitted, and its otticers luve fimitd that the loosening of even a small quantity of oil lias Jkept the water from breaking over the decks of the st"mer. In cases w here ve'ls ar not specially fitted for fighting mountain of waler with oil. skippers sling over Uie bows tags filled with coarse, heavy oila, which ooze tlirough the cxmrve material of w hich the bags are nioie ami has a wonderfully calming effect on old Neptune. The only troulae in these cases, say the skipr. is tlut the oil is apt to clog up the canvas oi uh ana so prevent rfcet pcrcv lulion. This, t"uit. Ltrd f the American steumhip Advance, foon.l out when he was caught to a severe storm between bt. Thomas anil tho tturhtuloi last mouth, bo n nggeU np a big wt. uiht ott uie weatner UoirM am trvatea tho waves which Uimitened to ingulf hu vowel, to a copious both of ot, ana so epc trie criusimis from wash ing over the oVxrk of his steamer. Most any kind of l weeni to do the work re quired, hut (.apt. lYter. tf the f!nti-h steamship Lyon, has probalijy used the stnuigest mixture yet retmruit, one itt cod Uver oil anl iimuw-d oil. of both of which lie hapeutil to have a big con signment in h is canro, A counle of mil- Ions of fish oil. aays CaC tsohulx, saved the achonner W". H. Jwe frtun leing a single stick of logwool fnim his deck cargo while lie was trying to weather severe gale oil Hatteraa during hia last trip to this pi-rt ew lurk Times, DRIED FRUIT W i J Im jiiraiy awl ' Wi tJ w. N K-XKOT. rlaaaadwiS. Wasjow Ac (Scot, km ......... 7, 8. o. izj Paachaa. WUM Wat larla, fra.. Apple, brigta A0 iilaa, Miu 4r "'! . . a. to. ii a. to, 12 i, a. o 10, 12 3. 4 s. e. t 7. e. 3, is 20.25 4. 6 Rwnt, l&jri, fA . ' Bt ifctearri . ant. Otawria. jttrU. . Ftx. i&t, black Ci-..- Otbr ftu is rity. Th-thrmtim lot tanjptzlar. dalk. 4. or M'W ) . cMrr iornna. C'wmM 19 Hot... Hwf Hm. Iwi.aiMl W lar Wn . C vrnttl t,xU mrt mrr. 8i. W ur saaarat imrtl Of Kd 'a' laml at 1cm fKKM. iu.d w a !' tt jmv em Aj f v-tasuJietw Int. Aodna SMITHS' CASH STORE, 4il-4lH Fraortlt-, 1Sar Prsndsoo INDIAN i DEPREDATION fEN8IO PATENTS LAND HOMESTEAD POSTAL CLAI MS Tha-KXAldlaKH 'BI KKAt f C LAIMS . . enuits rum mumtwh . Ban Francisco Examiner. If fn hav a Hnim of any d.-wrtio.i i,iauvT li It ai! aljulicaul, aWr a JllllJf WKPnXKHI HS, ManaVar, SIS V urwl, H. M'abloi. I. V. f Li st c CO Vlaalac Taoala. We. J' Vartty. U- f t fc. V. tIHt I. ASS Kav"- , Haa laiinaou 1 . ' M l t 1 " , J Plf.!0S0RGA!IS. s yi ...... 1,4.111.11 U lIMIII HAerrtaon Straat, Portland, Or. faT atO OataatatlM at Vuaaral. It is a sad commentary on a Christian community, which taks that distinctive title from a religion "whoo founder is called the Consoler becaoae his word plucks the sting from death, that it sor rounds death with every circumstance of woe and gloom. The distinctive mini try of the faith seems to fail at the very point to which it is especially addressed. The natural Chriitiau tone at the burial ! of the dead would seem to be the cheer that spring from the thought of immor talitya sublime hope, a tender resigna tion. The Christian thought in tliat hour should Instinctively dwell opon the sonl. not eoon the body, and the simplest and most unoftUnitaUoua rite of bur ml would ; seem to be the mt truly Cbnstian. But the ostentation of Christian funerals has become so great tiiat burial reform aso- ciatious are fornxl. both in this country ana in England, to relieve the poor of the oainful and needless cost, which, from mistaken reepect for the dead, they will nat snare so Ion if as ontentatiou is the custom. George William Curtis in Harper'. ' ' Tbs Lara-a KatlaHal Cawatsrlaa. The biggemt of the eighty -two national M-meter are at ABlersoi,yiiie, ua., with 13,702 deadi Arliugtoo, Va.. wltti 10,300; CUaluiette, La.,witb 12.620; Chat tanooga, Tenn., with 13,023; rreiiencits bnrff Va.. with 15,273; Jefferson Bar- rw-ka. Mo., with ll.ftl7; AnUetam. Md;, with 13.!3; Marietta, La., with I8.1W3. Nashville, Twin., with 16.537; Kalisbnry H. C. with 13, 133, and Vicksburg. Miss., with 18,630. Of the 827,179 interred. 17823 are known and 148,65 unidenti fied. About 8,300 of the entire number are Couiederatea. Washington tjtar. Ull"nacy- He 1 didn't get yonr last I'jtter. She (poutingAud I sfjut you a ki in it ... ' ' He How nnbuhlnesBime you arei Don't you know thnt letter eouUtiulng valuables should be regislerf-d? H was alldVed to kis away the pout Exchange France conniwues from 4.000,000 to 4 800,000 kilogram of raw ilk ancn?'. ly. which may be valued at 220,000,000 to 270,000,000 franca. If to this be added the value of the wool and cotton yams oaed to mixed fabrics, the total value of the raw material used by trie sua muus try is found to be from 800,000,000 to a00.000.000 frMnca A lsaroas faraaa. 'Our organUit can stretch two oe- tavea." . - :. 'Then for goodiiea ulie Keep mm . , . ... If,.'ll mln ih away irom uie uur. uu -: trab baar." Eoocb. ' Hanth Traatfuant nf Jewa. Kmuerou correspimdentH of the Jewish papers writing from Jerusalem bear lesii- muny to tle exotpun.-illv lmrh treat ment of tlto Jews t the iiantls of tlie Turkinh autlmritHti. "P-dintine, the loIy nhjtlicr," as ono,of the wriu-rs says, '"is casting out her children w ho com to vwit her from afar, and Jeruxnlem clfe her gates against tlaHn.w The govcru merit tins iatuied onfors forbidding foreign Jews who are new arrivals in tlie holy Una from staying there longer than thirty days. "JPalemine, say tiiene tyrannical rulers, 'i a country of holy places arxl anck-nt tombs, and not of ctHiimerce," and to visit theoe places thirty davs are cormuiered more than enough. As a result it is said trade fulls off and financial affair suffer; but ill tne jewisii irnmigrauon aixcourageu, while the Christian), nictilarly yiose of the Greek rliurch, and tho Mli.ini miians are treated very differently. Yet in ralestinc, as elsewhere, tlie Jewish settlers aptar to be good sul'jects ami sober, onierly, indutttrious pople.-Cul-cagoXewa. . lVarnlns tn filth Grammar. English grammar, the very terror of pupils and tm purzlo of mntfeis, K after all, nothing 1-ut the EnglWh language; but unfortunately neither rmtu-r nor pupil know it or thinks of it. The fires and the best elementiiry lesHon tiiat child learns, whether lie will or not, is from tlie language of tlie educated people around bim. A he grows older lie mimt l-ara to moke hi own grammar that Is, to understand his own langtmgej liut he mtiat l l!i to do it. This help can lie given with one of his very earliest reading lenMons without frightening him by tellinir him that lie Is lwrtung fcng Uh graimnnr, a phnwe that terrifies him more tlian the name of aay crtlicr study inlto curr.-ulum. Tlie bchool. Mapprcaalng tha Fraaa. Th arrest of two edi(or lor printini! an extract from another psoer question ing the validity of the anti-lottery law is certainly carrying thltiif pretty big!, in this Iand-ol free speech and liberal government. ' , ' Tt, I'umI has no obition to th aiamnine out of the lottery comian!e bnt the line should be drawn, it thinks, at that rint where irresponnible under- Im,! of the sioyernment attempt to Mtnntn wit lhtt DffHM. the Atlanta Cwilitu!it"i ays that " thiai jolicy will not work. If l,.(frie cannot be detroyed without the freedom of the press, the teop!e will be in favor of letl intt the i..trt aine. tve canjii'i. '" v yield our right to pek and publish fair criticisms of public meaur. If we il,l tha ridit in one instance, we may expect to be forced to keep silence when ever it suit the government to demand ii w.rtiinau-lv it is no eay matter to hnlMnze tha newsodpers of America. The menace of fine and impritionment will intimidate very lew. no mne. i,t i-v,lerai ollicials may hold, tti- newipaper men of the country will not ai.anim their conviction thst an hones! criticism or diwruswn of tha provisions contained in the anu-iotwr? ' w wihm with any show o! jumice ie neiu v a violation of that law. If they are mis taken in tide belief, then the law will have to lie repealed or modiied. In thb Kennblic the government cannot array itaerf at'alnt the pre and nave in. uptiortof the people." , It is the policy mid practice- in son of the monarchies to inhibit criticism by the press of Ihe acta oi government. i.;. .,.,1,1 l, a enfo'ceinent. or the nllejred mforeament. of the anti-lottery lw n one dreamed that kucIi a thing would lie attempted in the United Mates. Uw Ion (fes.) I'mt, foytfNibtr JO. tics for objective teaching and manual training, but littlo of it luu come to the country, and yet the boys and girls there ueed this training as much as children In crowded city tenement, Successful Mi'rimoiita lu these directlsxi ar le- ing made tn many country neighbor hood. Groups of ladies ar liiangnrat- Ing cooking; carpentry, and clay model ing cIomsos and sending to th cities for teacher. In these neightiorhood boy who poeted to become clerks, and In eons (liionce to leave their home for city boarding housea, are Incoming impreaaul with the tutertt a well as value of tools. .Girl ar enjoying lesson iu hygiene and the chemistry of food, a well a practical demoustratiou of cook ing. Sewing Is also growing mom and more interesting, and th young girls appreciate Uotng with the learning. Take, for example, two neighbor- hoods on the Hudson, near New York. In one a library association was started few year ago by stone ladies. There eined but few people around who could or would utilise a library or read Ing room, but soon many meu and boy gathered nightly. A sewing school wits started for haturdays upon strict buii- nesa principle, and within a mouth waa overcrowded. It waa hard to tell wbttr the hundred or more girl came from. but tliere they were, eager to learn. A boy' class for modeling and carpentry tarteti, tnen a cooking class for girls. and all were successful. Monthly rater taiument were held, when an admiasioa fs of ten cent waa charged, and th rooms were crowded. In the other neighborhood practical clarae have also started . and are all crowded, tn this small settlement ar now being held three" weekly cooking clause Tor different group of girls, two large sowing classes, a dressmaking course and boys carpentry clause. Village bands and chornse are valu able. In one place a large group of boy are kept lnteretd by their weekly band practice. A right feeling of pride Is aroused when they are called upon to le4 local procession, to play at enter- t iumeuts, etc. Here, also, the teacher of the village school has started a gym nasium, and is training boy and girl alike in the Swedish movements. Coun try children need to be physically devel oped by training, and taught graceful movements a well aa city children. Village volunteer companies of boys can be organized and made a power by fur nishing practical outlets to energies, physical a well as meutaL Interest in surroundings should be roused. The country, with It woods, rocks, tree nd plants, should bestudied; intimacy with the beautiful variety of animal and insect life should' be en couraged. Through such channels home will be made brighter. Happiness mean contentment, and contentment come from health, occupation and Interest Country contentment will be the result when young people, become stronger. keep brain as well as hand busy, and are Interested itt others. Grace Dodge in Lippincott'a On Kail tar His. Writing in Century Dr. C R Gillespi relate this iucident of a Sunday to Co loma. Cal., in '49: ' A group o half a doxen Indians espe cially attracted my attention. They were strutting about in all the glory of newly acquired habiliments, but with this distinction that one suit of clothe was sufficient to dree the whole crowd The largest and beet looking Indian had appropriated tho hat and boots, and without other apparel walked about as proudly as any city clerk. Another was lost in an immense pair of pantaloons. A third sported nothing but a whit shirt with ruffled bottom. A fourth flaunted a blua swallow tailed coat, bespangled with Immense bra buttons. A fifth was decked with a flashy vest, while the sixth had noth ing but a red bandana, which was care fully wrapped around hi neck. Thus bat would scarcely serve one whit man tnt a effectually accommouawa six Indian. Tha Uaaks la the Barhslay tckaaL Each pupil in th Berkeley school will have, in the new building, a desk of polished bard wood and a chair upbo' ate red in leather. Whenever a boy is perfect in all of hi studies for a whole year be is to have his name neatly carved on the lower side of the lid of bis desk. This is an old Kugby custom. Borne time ago the Marquis of Bute offered tOO.OOO for twelve of the old desks in Kugby school because of the historic name carrea t Hereon. Among me name were those of Robert Peel and William E. Gladstone, rudely carved by themselves. Future generation may find some great name carved on the lids of the" Berkeley school desk. Dr. White says that be has some good stock among hi pupil. Hew York nine. A Valuabla Cat. SL W. Kimball, of Preaqu Isle, ha a Maltese cat which is valued a much as . I fl. . t. .1 u Home an'i ouggy. i u "7. hite Mr. Kimball was away, th cat came in from th barn and went to Mr. Kimball' wife, -and after "mewing" KtjirtM to the barn again. Ibis th feline repeated three times, till at last, Uo see what th cat wanted, Mrs. iin- bail followed it to the barn to wnere a colt waa hitched, and there lonna me horse tied so securely that It could scarcely move, and where, if It had re mained any great, length of time, it muat hav been severely hurt. not killed. Lewiston Journal. Mlslit Have Haaa Wordad tUffaraotly. Youna Medicn Of course It will take uie a long time to get started. Eminent t'hyslcian aaugnier yin, m- rir. aavs even the cleverest in the profession are years building up a prac tlce. New York Time. If there is one truth which more than another is brought ont by th tudy of geology, it I that from tlie most an cient period down to tne present uay there ha been a gradual Introduction from time to time of higher and higher forms of life on this planet, thus const! toting a kind of drama of existence. The water of the central basin of the Mediterranean ha been rouria to oe warmer, denser and richer tn dissolved (.alts than the western, wnueawmi disk was only vtaible at forty-three me ter photographic plate were ajfected at (00 meter. RICItlOl'N llANOKIt i-liM,.OMna Atdvv H,u. Udlliuit nr olllWl llvlllS 1 s hbIiii ( emiiury ttlion1 levar ml smieUiwvV' i.! .tiu.H llin utti-iiiM ill inula, ImI iIImi'iinu ant III lialnlavom tint sir ttml art' Unsllowitl Inim ill WMlur nf atictt s fetitim, Mwlh'linS nah'il Hitnl l alutihili'lv mvt'MHuy Ui niilillt llil iliitiiier, A rurlltvtiiu Mini iii'olltnMllllir the HVNll wi an In Iw nltle'lx rtolnMho mnlrliiTiHiliii, llm lottt'a Ultunaeli llltli'i It ImvmtwrHtily Hit' ! Mll lIlM ItllMI, lUllllllMI- 1 1,.!!, II lf 1 1 it 111 III llv,,r ami iMiHi'tii tMicitlotuo liiHlHtla Iml tlieae art' aimnllljr rtftlllitl Ii)' Hn lllllera. Tli (iiiii'IIiiiiii ui itl!tlm itml mirt'llniw rt llt by Ha u, it ml vlsttruu H rt'K'l iHrptiiiilltiiiii ui lite ttVNliiin ertiiiioli'il liy ll'l'iui mltiillnii ami uliv.lqiio art' lliua iH'lt'Uilixl itiiiliil tlia liireailit til iimlitrla hy lliln miMi'IiIi'm k vmilltA nlkl'i.ti la a t'.lrtulll Ullll llllintllH iyiiiihIv In tin' .irl euat'a ol liilt'rtiiUlt'tit ami rtuiiilliiiit It'vnrn. ThsdlllVijeiies tHitwtttii sit setrean smt mililU'r -4nti larva lliuinntiU'f slid I III) Olltfr Ht ilera titA tn,, - IIKItUKU AHOI'T ItV A I'KONCKH' TIVIC T A lltMI. I sm mil uluilns to rmivliips maiilsl tmlilwi, i lmlvail that wmi lit Ik. IrtlUliwa wltliotll llm iuhv nwary rulliiml liitnlltH't that uiakm lusla ni'l'll pabltt. Ftirea, brilliancy Biitl tri titnllly evati sr 0" wvaiutu It) aiim k s "lava with. Km many Pt'iilurlca llm nmlliiai art waa tuvlmil abrnit by minTl'tivti labtH) which It, aa yet, baa not aiir- vtve. Thvbraiitt hir uiiinltuins mull la lha twimlly ol luiraetllu tiauuinl iiihih tha innnlal caliber ol lit srtirasa Imllvtilnal -In rt'lallmi t mwlli'liia siitt mmtloliii) uivn. Tb tun ol thv nlnolix'iilh wntiiry haa nut ;l dawiiwl umn hia lltteUwmal horliuii. Ho, li'SvllnT with bin lilfal iiimlit'hi mail, atlll hlbrrttalea In lb sihhI nl.l tly lit Hi dark axtw, li" tl a bail (nriu be Inulatltva. Me atlll bvtltivt " III lilnillim bSlattirliui.vtiinliliiir, I'limtug an.l awmilns, U lovva oi'tiliinil tbiaca n( hurae imilU'liie. He ill' llk-tita In anHtlii'tlila anil rahuui'l ami ntrtaillc acUt. Tbtiy aiv mualilt'nM Imlliiiieiiaalilt'i no wtill-niitilaltHl lamlly, with t'lmio Inii'llwia ami altltitiiliUI ilrvvlnimit'iit, eiiiintiU'ra llat'll aaf arllbtitit Ihiiav latullv Inrt-a. 1 livaa I ilii mil a 1,1 to eiiiivvri: lbiy am Hit- Kill Vau Mnkli Dial will eiiiiiliuit' iiialiiitilii'r liiniitHb UiU ami prt'b ably Ihmuah Ilia tif&t mntiiry, ibi'y iluy m nii in ma wnriu a niainry. I t-y nvai may uifl. No nttiiiiimi'ttt tnarka Uiclr tnraulU'ti aei'tiU'lu'i lliimaiillv waa mil viirlt'hatl by tlu'lr aiiltmiif II haa liwl titiililns by Ibi'lr aalt. 1 liy am ilrlll wil on Ihe almrv "I time, and Itnalwllh tin- vlib and tlila ol o'lulon tbry bnva Itiliiirttorl Irnnt Ibi'iraiitbn'iHitiitirtiltlti aiiitialrv. Nn. II la nol In lliiia? I a lah lu adilreaa mym-K, bill In lht tltliiklns iiiiaa, wbom a Ibnttabt d" mil throw ItiMtati tinllftille iartuyiti; wlin tnVttkiitm'UilHf fur lu own aaku: wha are wltllnr to hivfatlitalt' Ihn truth or lalaitv of any nmiraiiloti, ami. omv eoitvuirvu, win aiami uy it turotnttt an tot Kniit atw til a flmllorllil! atlll dalainl rltlllwtloll. To lhtw.tioi Him altatit-mra, but lha thlnkfra -I eommvuil Iha l!ll"K"iii'lH' Hi.ii'in li.t Inieailiia lion, and will oltiriilaia with ili-aanrv any uma llou mil aultlrlimttv f laar lit biaik. whlt'h will Im antit IreoU'aiiy add Ir. Jordan's oIKi-a is at the maltlenoe ul x-Mayur V aalar. Third and Janies strevls, .battle. Wash Coiutultattons snd preauriplloiisslisoluts- nsnti for free book exutaliitn the Ulsto- srnetie svstem. tacTios. in nitotB!'iia MiHiicines are sold in but ttttu aitviicy In vault town, The laliel around th bottle hear the fnl lowlity Inacription' " lr. J. Kiiitene Ji dsn, lltatowwneiio Medicine." Kvery ulnar uavtu is I rami Sii man can ninia tail bfluM who haan'l ail- naut-vtl many ntna. IT O0K WITHOUT I Mil I That AiacM k'b I'oimca 1'itatraa are ap- provati by the leatliiit tnaillcal ini'ii of tha country, That they are the original and Kcntiitiv porous plasters upon whoa reputation Im llators trad That Ali.iiuk IWira l'l.Arraaa are the hik-lifcl rttiuil of mill ii al aciaitce and aL ill That In luxreitlants and niBthod tlii'V hav never been equalled. mat ai.u-oc s I'nai'i a j-msthm nave nevar yvl Inilttl lo tlo llielr work utiltikly and alleetually. Ilaware of iinilatltin. and tlo not be div ceived by iinaniinwiitatimi. Aak for Au.tiM K a. and let no solitiilalion or n planation Imlui a yoo to accept a aulialitutt' 'a Coas hii Itesms Hiiislm ef fect quick and certain relief. Tb world nexet alia ilnwu Iwlw ott s mail who baa any potul abtntl him. Has tnaraalln Star rnllab: no dnal. ao aatall Baking Povder: A Pure Cream of Tarlar l'owdcr. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, light Flaky BUcuit, Cridtlle Cakes, Palatable ad Wholesome. Ho other baking powder docs such work. Of all ktnda snd In any fiiantlly- wholS aale and retail at bedrock rlrea. . E. J. BOWEN, 08 Front 8tret, Portland, Or. Uniid for estalosii. ! u 1 1 mm Leiidini; medical authorities state that new and improperly- cured toljacco when heated in the pij)e produces a rank vege table poison. Tobacco like liquor can only be Improetd by agt. This is the reason why "Seal of North Carolina" is the most populaaf brand of smoking to bacco in the United States.. It is made from tobacco, at least three years old. Its rich mel low smoke has neyer been equaled. tal of Nsrtk Carolina In now rucked In Patent Clolb I'nili liea, aa wnll aa iu loll. YOU WANT IT ! OUR HOLIDAY CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SEND FOR ONE. Will 1 FIKCK, 8AM FRANCISCO, CAL OATAIIKII HAN'T II at DVUMI At'l't H'A'I'lONrt, lliey rtiiiHi'J llmlimi, 1 itiarrn la a 'imivhi Wllh l.OI'AI Mtuilil lllil HUM t 111 tllll or iniialllulliiiml iIIiimi,!', mid hi nntiT I" t'litv II yon liaw In tnka liilntnal reiutwllea. IliiU'al'a liiiili ('in la inktMi Internally, mid ai'ln illri'idly on Ihe blond and liiiiH'iia aililiii'i. Ilnlrara liirrlit'nm la un unai'k nieilli Inn. It pru ai'illaul by una ol the l"'"l I'lonli'laiie In Ihla niuiiiiv (nr yt'srs, ainl Is rt'iiul'il' niwrl'll'in, ll latiimimai'd ol llm ImhiI tonli'a know 11, tmtii blued Willi Die l'l blond imiiner, ai'llint ill riH'llv mi tile tnncntla atirrin'ea, 't'lie lrfi'l'( l'illl i'iiiuilnii nl lli luu liiHOttlvnta U a Iml ui'iulin'iia Mit'lt aniidi'tlnl nwnlia In eurlint ealnrili. at'lid Inr tealliminlala (rtw, K, J, t'HKNKV .V I'll., I'morMiira, TnUilo, 11, Sold by itrtiKlt! Iitlt'w, 79 tvnla. Ilni litillda a ni'al In man' heart where ill"-, iaillitiiii'iil Imtt'lie II Ununl, Those poiupllnliiK of Horti Thnmt or Itnnratiiiea ahoiild uae "llmiru't fruwAtW 'Vik'im." Tho i'iU'i't la extruiinllniiry, par- titnilnrlv whnii liat'd by slnsers Olid aiieaker for olt'iiring lh voice. ,Snm only la Wm. V iHtil'le aw ninrtiyhlitiiiialylmllirimnl Ibsii Hit' t'lieal bail lie llnda bliim'K niilw liul, Formerly tontinco fllivwurs In Orogon pur ohnsttl their tultutwo by the plug wlthtml roiiHlderltiK l Weight, lull liil(rnU from the Kant, where Hlitr lobaiwo I iiiilveranlly tiaetl, rt'hiatHl to Ink Ihnae aluirl wt'inlil pliiK and dt'iuniiili'd Htiir I'lug, whlt'h U not only llm lieal tnhtitw, tint Piti'lt pltia! la a full fvli'en-oiim pmitnl, and now ni'wt tihvwvr III Ort'Rtiil Ua Hlar, Tsv 0ns for breakfast. OX0 ISXJOVM Qtitli Ui metliod ami result when Syrup of Fig I taken; it i pleasant md refreshing to tlie tante, ami acts jeully yet pniraptly on the Kidneys, Liver ami Ilowt'l. cleaitats the y em efl'iK'tuallr,- dixpels cold, himd telle ami fever And cure hatiitm toiiaiipaiion K'rmaiioiitly. For alt n SOoand $1 bottle y all druggisU caucornia no srnup co ttm mnoico. eu. inuinnai try ton c5lf In Hfl frown CURES PERMANENTLY, ppmatism J- Sciatica IT HA3 no eqUAL IT IS THE BEST. J. MOCRAKEN . CO., -IIKaMCKM IN- , aalM Mataar I la., PtrHi4 CaM, . a at 4 Ula riaslar. Hals, kt krtaa sa firs Clay. ll CtHIII. M Merta rrnal Blraat. Oaf, I, CtlKTt.AHU, UK, IOHMSTON A LAWWtNCI, .aMu Miisu ,iou- laiars' laflawrs' tasslHis. Naa aa llaaat ftimM, lr ria, Kaata, Hlim Cao'la. lOtlfL)la Walars, l,a sn VaatilalMt, Cask Ssil', tic, Wtlla It tttt. 131 flKlf ST., rOSTlNI), 0. f'irtilra-tuia tat ht-atlii ami vvtilllatllif buit'linaa, Ktin,ata inrnititad, B ant an aitanl In rrary town In Hoto'H, wk. Inatnu and Idabo lo II PIANOS and ORGANS Oil mmnttaafiill, or il.ll.l rimM UiMld li'o hr italoirr-1. St'la ral tniali uutla, m lor iwrtlt'ulara, ritHVI.4l. Oil. SituMi. rifra-ia A r frt?wtif, i-n. MrslMli a. m,t t .iml fits I ui.,,s. iml.m. on, a,mtwilatHt rtitilr. taut nttm ol taitiiMl. f'laf. Vaawa S NIK t tl V.. Sr l aMi thrrtiMFi--"! tlw atiHMnt, wtn 14 at any tows. tMAl-iaaa !""- allaf shwl. 'lav Dm Bma Imltit'd, But'Nottir CiceiN The; Art Bcycmt Compirltoal W Maka WJ (ifr tmnu ui ih" Wire Mst Hultl In Ainmi-a. S- Hw Ih.t fmir ma! ! -a ana. il .ist.t.l ll in w ,a HARTMAN MFC. COM PA My. Works, UtAVEH FALLS, PA. BAKER A HAMILTON - SAM FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA. Write f'r ( -af m..iml Ilte.H -t n t !;.,iut.. w(f.Kfrt.,, M., I r;-Jf i yfTt v-v t,tua i.-Cilill4i thliift. I 't'!-rv-7srr'r,r'; '.-a wiimiii . MhAmtnmrMi;tMUtiiut!j And " Hntt." TN, OH I All. Hi H1 CMWIMI Nata4 tat Ual H a4lA tWl UtaSHUt (1Mayw JMM4 iaMMHkl ' la ass HWafa. 1 sMt 4k stl, f " M ! aasM, (St la rH ty 1. , m mm rwUayri, wtii mafc, tw4 I, ItMIWat). W4 kf mii UrnmA t HllV , fntl Im mIsx. m HsS Wi Wa-MI IsWiayWisiiaa-aa ! CrttfiMiarc CntMiciit Co., rMiM m Mail! ratvr- Ptff J I I Hi k nIMir-fc ffititir rmmt fr H it' nnnjaitufti ,v-har IVlldiaaWMf un, 4 tttmin iHif tttt (h dfbiM lo wumri, Mr 4 Ml Wr i tpmrUt rf twmt Mf . CJUI'.0 imirFt, - - I 1 kt !.,' 0,Dicsr",iu, awn si urasiu 1-atllX OtaaV SB Br B t B ArfaaBB- ritK OltKATKHI . fie Jt (Alrlrca) lira. HHIri Ak your doabw lo It, oc ml lot rca Clamkts I I'ctaluma Innihator to, I'ctaluma, Cul HAY FEVER CUNC0 TO STAY CURC0, W want the nam and ml Ainmut trvrrir ssuflrrwr In lh & ASTHMA I'titur,. Srnoo Opens (or Ircut ipnl 1st 2 g zzTACKLE: Us' 3 O D H. T. HUDSON, 1 First atraat. rsrtlaad, Or., -autsa t- II1S, 1KT0LTEI3 1 SPOSTSXEN'S C0OC1 aa4 lor osar tllualralatl aaiaksraa, M. V. N, IT; Va. in9. K. N. tl. Nn. W ItawtOiuxh Mwliclna. Ittmituntendad by I'hyali ians. LUrvswhi-ra sll vise tails. I'lraaant ami srrralilt) lo ths " tut. Clilltlmn lake ll without objection, liy drUKiflsla. ll s-k4 HK I 1 asbayaTa irtdefiesK thekin Ihhhe old proverb be true; 3AP0LI0 is dre?ber -hhn royaally it-self. Try ib in your nexb-house-cleaning. Grocers keep ih DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE? Aa a true patriot and citizen vou nhould naturaiixa vnriraalf by unln- the bent lnTenttona of tho dar for removing aueh a oharea. To liv tn Groaao l utterly urmecuenary when BAPOIJO la aold to all tha atnrsva. and rvHsihAi rraaa and dirt. i hi ...3 Bay to Own Goods if Tour Dealer Does Not Carry Them. 1DVANGE THRESHERS. THE BEST IN AMERICA. PARRY CARTS AND ROAD WAGONS, Bt and Cheapest In the World. Carts, S15 Up. Wagons. t50 Up. r. i OnimlPal Fire Rimlnna and Rttlnrillsheni, Klra llnan anil (llKll llm I us, BiikkI), rii rrli-a, Hnrliii niv'iiiiinrr, rum oi an ainiia, itrnas tiooi a. r I mi aim V mum una, ciiiirt'h.Ni'hiHil ami K Hi-.ltluK ainl Iloae, Wranchca, l.nbrli'atliii ltilra, writ lor urliwa, ror liirllior lulormaUou call oil or atid Hlat'kanillh lirllls anil Pin 01 cans 111 rurtlaiia. IH'iHtrtmant Hiii(illi, Sb'm U'l"'? :s, Iimik im -h lnilinior, Miirlna I anil Farm lli'lls, Kiislnnasiid Hnllnrai K.r..t WaKoiia, llm larni'st aaaoruua'" I T. WHISHT, Foot of Hlorrisoa Street, PC3TUK0, CD.