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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
The Gazette -Times Wishes Its Readers a Merry Ghristmas ,VOLL NO.201 .;V f .". ; CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1909 " . ' : PRirF fivp tpntc TWO OLD TIMERS y MANUEL KNIGHT AND HIRAM f LICKINGER CALLED s. KNIGHT FUNERAL ON SUNDAY Both Men Active !n the Early Life of Corvallis -One Was a Blacksmith the Other- a Harness-maker, and Both Accumulated Means. v... "''jv - is" Manuel 1 Knighthiied at his home in the city last night . at the age of ; 83 years. He was striken with paralysis several years aga and since that ? time had been ; all but helpless. L Death ' was a gradual ' wasting away and the end brings to him .great relief; - . . ' Manuel Knight, was well and favorably known to all the older people of this community. He was a Chilean who came here early in - the cy's history, in : the '50s, went to school across the river, Orleans, and ' later , operated a blacksmith shop where the Beals . shop now stands. He was frugal, bought ground and was in fair financial shape. To protect him . and his , interests the "Masonic lodge of this city agreed to take Vcdretf him and - hisf-wrfe- until their death; if " he would make the lodge his beneficiary. This was agreed to and Manuel has had the best care since that time. The passing of this citizen means the going of another landmark. He was a man - of unassuming character, quiet and peaceable, one who brought nothing but good to the .community. At' the time of his death he was ' the second oldest living member of the Masonic lodge.' - ' A very short funeral service "will be held at the house, corner Tbeater Friday 'and Saturday McKenzie's Merrymakers in a 4-act rural comedy drama, "Mary Jane" Motion Picture Program -"The Keeper of the Light'' An absorbing drama of the love of a lighthouse keeper's daughter and a fisher lad. "A Lady's Purse" A jolly, little "comedy showing how a couple of thieves were stung. "On the Wrong Scent" . An hilarious comedy in which Smith is the toy of Fate's freakish ways. "Eat four Soup" "A General's Birthday Present" At The STAR :.. Today and Tomorrow s - "The Geisha Who Saved Japan" A true story of the life of Marquis Ito and how he was saved to his country by the bravery of a girL - v - "Two Women and a Man"" "The Nobleman's Dog" . "How French Perfumes are Made" Special Matinee at the Star Christmas Afternoon. PASS Al Palace ouuuay uuuer uie auspices oi d, 1 1 1 II II 111111 "i '" R. N. Bell and the Masonic U 1 U,,L 1 LL "I- t xoctge. - . .. inr nn nnnn . ; Hirman Flickinger, a resident of Corvallis many years, died at Los Angeles yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. - He was 80 years of age and was at the home of a brother where he had gone en- route to the Sandwich Islands. Mr. Flickinger came . to Cor vallis in the 50's, engaged in the harness business and by industry and frugality accumulated consid erable means. He was a capable. intelligent man of strong charac ter and was a factor socially and politically. At orte time he was Treasurer of Benton County. He was a member of Barnum lodge, in. politics - a -republican and in religion an - atheist.' - Mr. Flickinger , enjoyed the respect of the people who knew him and oldfriends here will revere his memory. ; ' . ' - . About twenty years asro. , Mr. Flickinger moved to Pendleton He buried a son there. A few years ago he returned to Benton county and lor a time lived at Philomath. Then he went to Newport, where Mrs. Flickinger died about a year ago. - At her request her body-, was cremated and her aslies strewn over the grave of her son. Following this service Mr. Flickinger went to California, was taken ill and returned to a Pendleton hospital where he remained until he -re turned here in November, a shadow of hisj former sell ' He aexerminea to taKe a long trip, but died at Los Angeles as stated. The '. Congregational church now stands where Mr. Flickinger lived tor many years. COMING SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES EPISCOPAL w Church of the Good Samaritan, corner of 7th and Jefferson Streets. " Friday 6:30 p. m.,' Sunday School song service and tree. Saturday Christmas Day, full festi val service, with special anthems and solos and five-minute sermon at ten o'clock. Offering ifor Infirm Clererv. Widows' and Orphans' Fund. &unaay bt. Stephen, the Martyr's Day. Holy Eucharist at a. m. Sunday School at 10; Morning Service and Ser mon at 11; Evening Service and Sermon at 750 (Sunday after Christmas, with Festival Music). . - Monday St. John, Evangelist's Day. Service at 10 o'clock. Tuesday-The Innocents' Day, 10 a. m. These days of the Christian Year are indeed holy days. They are true holi days for the tired heart of humanity. Their appeal and refreshment have a Divine-human tenderness. They call us from shop and table to spend the flo wer of our time in healing medita tion. They invite us to come with the Shepherds and Wise Men of old and adore Him born King of all hearts and Son of the Highest. To such these days are as dew in summer, songs at midnight, as heavenly bread and wine and oil making glad the heart of man. Like doves may they bring on their white wings . the benediction of peace to men of good-will everywhere. ; Y PRESBYTERIAN Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning by the pastor, X. R. N. ' BelL - Morning topic, "The Real Christmas.',' . Special anthems by the choir. Reception of members at the morning service.- The Session will meet at the manse at 10:30 a. m. There will be a Christmas choral service at p. m. The choir has made out a program of music for, this occasion which is quite above he ordinary. Prof. L M. Glen, professor of music at the Oregon State University, and one of the leading bari tones of the Pacific Coast, will be in two mtmbers which will delight the .(Continued on page two) Ant U UUUU WRITER TAKES ISSUE WITH - G.-T. EDITORIAL. PREFERS THE OLD SNAGS Wants .Addresses of Any Men Who Ever Got 'Any Satisfaction From a Set of Store Teeth Will Give $100 For a Real Dentist Editor Gazette-Times;-' , In Wednesday's 'edition I see an article headed: .- 'A - Rpal Christmas Present." . As a gen eral thing I do not think the G.-T. means to 7 be . misleading in its statements on any question what ever, and it only makes this as. a suggestion but in this case I must say that it not only did not hit or come ear the "bull's eye, but missed .the entire circle, and is still" speeding through "space. In rmy judgment, (and I have had several years' experience,) there is nothing worse an old person can do than to present themselves with a set of false teeth.; I want the G.-T. to give me the address of any party hav- chew on. I wish to know if the dentist who made them js still in the TJ. S. I have not been able to .chew one mouthful of grub in over four years. But wait! During that time I have had three differ ent sets of false teeth made by three different (so claimed, first class) dentists. But I will depos it in any bank to the order of any dentist, double the cost of the making (payable after 30 days' trjal) who will make me a set of teeth I can chew any food with, the lower set not to break in? the middle as all three of my other sets have. No, old man, keep your natural teeth,' old snags, (Continued! on page three) ONE HOUSES Hi CATTLE AT O.A.C. RUBY "WILL SEND Bin Hnnsrs I AND BROWN THE CATTLE GREAT FOR SHORT COURSES Farmers and Breeders to be Given f Opportunity at Judging - None i Who Can Attend Should Fail to En iroll for Short Course. . The Animal Husbandry De partment of p." A. C. has just completed arrangements by which the students of the coming short course and the regular stu dents as well will be given the opportunity of studying some-'of the best livestock in the state. During the second week' of the course A. C. Ruby, of Portland, will ship down twelve head of his finest imported stallions, con sisting of three : Shires, three Percherons, three " Belgians and three German Coachers."' These animals which have only recent ly been imported from Europe re all very 'fine , specimens of their respective breeds and will be a whole show in themselves. course Frank Brown, of Carleton, will send some fine Shorthorns including the great bull, Wapato, and a number of choice females, He. will also send some of the im- ported Squthdowns which hai e made such a stir at the fall fairs Extensive work in Animal Hus bandry will be offered this year. ! Especial stress will be placed on the , judging and the feeding. This is the first time that the short course students have had the opportunity of studying judg ing and it is an opportunity that no farmer-should miss nor allow his sons to miss. The farmers near Corvallis, especially should not miss this course as they may . MM WUWJ. 11IUJ attend at much less trouble and ' We Wish You a Merry Ghristmas One-third off on all Toys, Dolls and Christmas Goods 'till January 1st. expense than those in other Darts of the state Those who cannot get away from their work long enough to enroll as" a student should visit the College some day while the snort course is in ses sion, particularly while the visit ing stock is at the barns. Ruby's horses will be here January 9th to 15th. inclusive, and Brown's sheep and cattle January 5th to February 5th. . .; IAS TREE AT SOUTH HI. E. At the South Methodist church a very large and handsome Xmas tree was erected yesterday and tastefully decorated with orna ments and presents, for the exer cises which are to take place this evening," beginning at 7:30. mere win be excellent music and recitations by the youngsters which will make the most serious minded laugh. All are welcome. The auditorium will be delight fully warm. Come and spend an hour's enjoyment together. - Buena Vista, Colo., Dec.: 23: Four men have been ; frozen- to death and a fifth is in sucK con dition that he will probably" die as the result "of the; intense . cold during the past ; 60 hours.- The "v"v uuu ucau lliCIr (UC unidentified. vThe first to' die was a section "hand, who- was overcome by the cold-while walk ' ms ' alon tne'- railroad " track several miles west of here. : He W down between the rails.' A few minutes later his body was ground to pieces under the wheels of a passenger train, s , The next dead men discovered were-two tramps, whose bodies we're found frozen stiff, sitting upright in a box car which ar rived here during the night. ' - The last victim, likewise a tramp; was found by the railroad track v near. Tennessee Pass, where he had evidently fallen from a train after becominsr numbed. CHRIS CORVALLIS SUITS US KILLED HIS WIFE 50 YEARS AGO MAN HELD YOUNG WIFE UNDER WATER UNTIL SHE DIED IN PRISON SINGE THAT TIME May be Released at Early Date Everything Worth While Has Hap pened Since His Incarceration-May Get Out for Christmas. The Connecticut state board of pardons which met last week and considered an application for the pardon of John P. Warren, who is officially designated as convict No. Ion the roster of the big Connecticut state prison at Wethersfield. If favorable action is taken by the board, and it is generally believed that such will be the case, this Christmas will be a happy one indeed for War ren for It will be his first Christmas outside of prison walls in half a century. ' On the day that the board of pardons - meets to consider . his case Warren will have completed an even 50 years as an inmate of the state prison. He is believed the longest imprisoned life convict, in .the ..United. .States, and possibly in the world.. When the doors of the big prison first closed behind him the Civil war had not commenced, railroad transportation was in its infancy and such common conveniences of the present day, as the tele- ' phone, : the electric car, the automobile and the " typewriter were unheard of, not to mention the skyscraper buildings, wire less telegraphy, flying machines, submarine boats and a hundred arid one things' with which the present generation is familiar. Wife murder was the crime for which Warren was sentenced to life imprisonment. One day in July 1859, he invited - his 18- (Cononuedi oni page three)