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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1909)
THE DAILY GJZETTE-TIMES Published every evening except day. Office: 232 Second street, Tallis, Oregon. PHONE, 4184 Sun-Cor- Entered es second-class matter July 2. 1909, at tfaa postoffice at Corvalhs, Oregon, under act of March J, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ -15 Delivered by carrier, per month...- .50 By mail, one vear, in advance 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance.... 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance...- .50 N. R. MOORE .. . CHAS. L. SPRINGER, . . . Editor Business Mgr. FOR A PARCELS POST In an argument in favor of a Kational Parcels Post, The West ern Empire cities the fact that a British citizen may now send an eleven pound package of mer chandise from New York to San Francisco, or any other point in the United States for but 24 cents, while an American pays from $2.80 to $3.20 for the same service. The English parcels post carries such a package to New York and it is there trans ferred to the American express company, which has a contract "with the British government to deliver said package to its des tination for the 24 cents. The American Express company has kept up this contract for five ' years and is willing to continue it 100 years. A citizen mailing r expressing an eleven pound package from New York to San Pranciseo would . find the cost exceeding 1 $2, 50, The . Western Empire insists that this is un-;, just discrimination and demands a United States parcels pest that the situation may be remedied. The Empire continues: Xfmi 1 . 'a a xne aiscnni nation m i a' es m favor of citizens of Grea Britain r IS Only all lUMiUej r . S inations that the private expressing no ill-'ji agaifiit prohibition f- ftv -$mH 1 ' s ' -' ' " Zoe Barnette as Annette, and chorus, in the first ensemble scene in Act I of John Cort's Mammoth New Production of the Pixley-Luders Comedy Opera - , Success, "King Dodo" whose article appears in another column, and he is certain that the person named is not , ac- Henry : Watte rson to say Demo crats care particularly for milk.' Still, Democrats believe in free quainted with either the "editor or trade and if the man who stole the Gazette-Times. Were it so, j Mr. Gate's milk was not a free M. J. Bradford could not have trader we would like to be shown.- discovered referred to. He is a .Republican, too, for he 'ill-will" in the item Certain it is that 10 vuu,"- " ,r , ,. , .maue no noise ana graDDea an Mr. Cate. mentioned as the j he could. That's the habit these "Baptist" from whom the milk big eastern Republican protec was stolen, saw nothing but the tionists have fallen into. And humor, intended, and no other Baptist has voiced offense. If M. J. Bradford - were familiar with the : Gazette-Times ' fee or she .would know that this paper is strongly arrayed against the; liquor traffic and, public vice and the disposition to divide up the other fellow's property makes change. In the meantime M. J. Bradford is tendered the use of these columns for criticism of the editor or expression in re gard to any matter of public in terest at any time. And at the same time M. J. Bradford is cordially invited to subscribe f r the daily, in which the objection able and unfortunate attempt- at humor was found. fey hia? or her. Hitters WANTED By man and wife,: with no children, work on a ranch.' Address W. E. Young, Junction City, R. F. D, him somewhat of a Socialist. 1 4 zh or phone No. 1252, Beiifoun- Succeed' when everything else fejla. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands ijave testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOmACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist s pounter. !!fflB!S!BHBBW The fact that he stole a baby's Draliast y; makes him a jack rabbit. V r::y :.:'- Dcu'utless the editor's attempts at humor; are frequently clumsy tain. 12-.-?7Y The Gazette-Times 50c per month. TAFT Visiting Portland, at the. OPERA HOUSE: Wednesday and j Thursday Nights ggayiyMBESBSS irruption of every kind, Hav ' misplac?d? perhaps so ; companies ' have already used. - to build up certain great mail order houses which are the. very pro teges -of the express companies todayk "The private express compan ies' system - of discriminating in favor of large towns against small towns, of large dealers against small dealers, and of ex orbitant taxation of the general public is clearly set forth by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion in the case of The Boise Commercial Club, of Boise, Ida ho, vs. The Adams Express Co., and others, decided June 29, 1909. ;.,' : "A flat rate government pari eels 'service would put all on an equal basis large or small and enormously benefit ; the store keepers in small centers. "The next session of Congress is a good time for a change. It is a good time to stop operating the Post Office Depart ment at a loss, which has been done o permit express compan ies, to cut, fat dividend melons, "It is a good time - for red blooded congressmen r- and sena tors to gloriously decide that this postal delinquency arid discrim ination has already been endured too long. ' . A V-'-J "It is a - good time to put ' cor rective social ; influences at work among bur people.' Illegal trust and trade ' conspiracies, .will : be , shattered ' completely" without violence to the commercial wel fare of any legitimate industry." it would be impossible for this paper to mtentidnally "slur" the prohibitionist. ; That the light-fingers written about was a prohibitionist, how ever, is clearly demonstrated in the fact that he stole milk. No 'wet" man would have wasted his time that way. There is evi dence, also that the miscreant was a Democrat, though it would be an 1 insult to Marse THE RETORT COURTEOUS the present instance. . The editor confesses to a disposition to See What he . thinks is humor in everything but a funeral, "and he has no regard for zealots who take 'themselves,' rather; vtheit cause, seriously. This doubtless leads to error and offense,' but; the flsaurariPA is offerer! that! there is a sincere ettort at re form m the t editoral sanctum, f and we are convinced that if any of our readers live to be as old as Methuselah "and our own career" is not cut short they , may note a LET ALL YOUR TROUBLES i GO UP IN SMOKE Don't worry over what you shall give your men friends lor Christmas THE MOST ACCEPTABLE PRESENT iS A BOX OF FINE CIGARS OR A PIPE I Admission - 10c Bjornson's Life I have the, largest stock ever shown here in at tractive Holiday Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices from 50 per box up. I Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE ' JACK MILNE, ThM2f Second St. Gorvallis Opera House, EriH IflUfl PfltT Presents a Mam dUilil bUil 1 GREATEST OF COMEDY OPERA SUCCESSES ' mV n 1 i rtn . r wwr t i ii ii ii ii i :l am, uuuuu Select musical specialties arid four other good mo- . tion pictures, will make up a pleasing program-., - Show Every Night: EXCEPT FRIDAY 3 (Continued! from page one By PIXLEY ihd LUDERS 'Replying - to Your- Favor "Of the 11th" V With ELEANOR KENT as Piola, WILLIAM FRIEND as King Dodo, Zoe Barnett, William Herman West, Laura Millard, Osborn Clemson, Louise Mink, Charles J. Udell And an Exceptionally Attractive Chorus of 50 More Real Song Hits than Were E ver Written for a Comedy Opera The Taleof a Bumble Bee," "I'll Do or Die," "For Love I Ufi Aba "Dfam.The Eminent Dr. Fizz," "A Jolly Old Potentate," "In the Garden Of My Heart,' r . - "Two Hearts Made One," "Claim i Thou Thine Own,? "The Lad Vho Leads," "True as the Stars Above, ay Butterfly,' "Good Night Dear."-.- THE PRICES: $150, $100, 75c, 50c. SEAT SALE OPENS Wednesday, 8 a. m., " r: ;;- - . - Graham"& . Wdrtham'sDgtorf Positively. No Free List writing, Krlstoffer Jansen, tnen a young: student, made his way to the poet' home at Cnristlania. carrying in hi pocket a roll of poems of his own to manuscript. BJornson was lying on his back on aa lounge playing with his firstborn,. Bjorn. b "Go on," he said, with a gracious; nod to the visitor as soon as he had heard the cause and the purpose of th visit. .... Young Jansen began to read. Now and then he would look up to see what impression he was making on his lis tener. As far as he could make out,. Bjornson was wholly absorbed in the play with the child. When at last the recitation ended and Jansen lapsed , into despairing silence, too awed to venture a question even, Bjornson leaped to his feet, dropped the child into the cradle and rushed out of the room. A moment later he returned, leading his wife by the hand.. "Karoline," he said to her, "I have . heard something that I like at last, and here is your first dollar." Blushed With Delight. ;. Jansen stared in unfeigned surprisev But i the explanation , that followed .made him blush with pleasure. ' "And now you must hear my latest," . Bjornson said, taking , a. manuscript from the drawer of his writing table. - .. It was "Arne." - Jansen listened to the reading of it with bated breath. VV nen ine euu came, o juruauu ueiuuuu- ed: : . v.:; : ' "Well, what do you think of it?" i Jansen gasped and stammered and blushed. He wanted to say something Cice, and he could not find words that ' seemed good enough. Finally he burst out: ; ' : - "I I think Mrs. Bjornson 1 should have another dollar." . ; , Bjornson was once askedto mention the greatest pleasure that ' his poetry had ever given him. "That," he replied "was when a delegation of political opponents marched to my house and smashed all my windows, for," he add--ed,-"they had no sooner done this and started to march home again than I heard them sing. ,T.'Tes, ; we love this : The editor of the G.-T.-is .io Lland of ours.' They had to sing tha- ;8ong of the man whom they had at Ucked'". , acquainted with M. J. Bradford,