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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1909)
'or Sale Grub lie 6525. tie ukv and Vicinity oak wood. Ind. . 8-18-6t R. Graham and wife are at the ttle fair this week. tor bale 8 room house, 13th and hington. Phone 4274. 8-18-5t pmplete outfits for camping parties lackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf erne Quality Paints and Floor Var- that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. e cream delivered on thirty minutes ce by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf ! hould you need glasses to correct vision, consult Dr. Rowley, the Hist. 8-18-d-lt-w-3t or Rent six room furnished house list and Harrison. Inquire 102 N. street; phone 3225.- 8-12-tf- -Get Your ME AT -OF- Hubler Bros, We have our own special delivery and deliver to any part of the city. Try us and you can't quit. It will become a habit. Call for the Western Market PHONE 1288 lor Sale An used less feet condition. Oliver typewriter, than two months. Cheap for cash. To Exchange Souse and barn with two lots in Eugene for Corvalhs prop erty. T. J. Pettit, 416 3rd at. 8-i-at real and for Rent Six-room house; bath and Ictric light equipment; pleasant loca- in. Address f. U. iSox lb, or phone U. 8-10-tf ' Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes - At Kline's. ' 6-12-tf m Tuesday, the z4th, 1. A. r oiks 111 sell some fine milch cows and irses at the Farmers Feed Barn, fecond and Jackson streets. The ani- lals will be auctioned off by A. L. pevenson. This sale is worth the at- Intion of all who care for good"stock. Invitations are out for the marriage Jane R. Caldwell, daughter of Mr. d Mrs. E. Caldwell, to S. Lester ampbell, the wedding to take place ednesday Sept. 1st. After Sept. 21st e couple will be at home at Oakville. hese are well known and popular iung people of this vicinity with a bst of friends who will be pleased to arn of their approaching nuptials. Albany's big Apple Fair and Chrys- nthemum Show will be held Oct. 27, 8 and 29. The big event of the Apple ffair will he "Annie Dav " This is an feriginal idea of Booster Struble, and it ; not the joy of commanding such a frig la hia intntim. tn We the ladies of . ate as is the bonny s "Limburger. Lbanv DreDare for that davannle pies. On Tuesday,ommodore Erastus Eliph- tnnle hutter. annle dumnlino-s. aDnle alet made a record breaking trip Svjh-, gnvthimr rrnrvl that from . Newport to Elk City and "return tan he'made from annles. which- will with a bevy of charming femininity on I -r-r- , ,- , : j. J J distributed to all the visitors. So Doaro. ine exaci Vmni nut cUiuCU I but it is kn'own to have surpassed tnat ' of the .passenger between Portland and J. C. Allison, of Kirksville, Mo., was Corvallis. That Commodore Wilson in Corvallis over night, the guest of Dr. , should do any speeding with a cargo of A. Cathey's family. Mr. Allison is 'ladies mav come' as a surprise, but 'tis a. young man touring the west and Su(i he was hungry. Just, now the just now is enroute to Seattle. He Commodore-has an assistant in the per has been away , from Missouri since son of Capt. C. M, McKellips. This July 4 and though having seen much recently rejuvenated gentleman, just country in that time says the Willam- ! back from the wilds of Indiana, is tied ette valley looks better to him than ! up for yf e so doesn't care about the any . he has seen. Mr. Allison is con- swell clothes, but he is having a great nected with the Daily Express of Kirks- time and will probably never lay aside ville. That town has 10,000 people, r the title of "Captain" for "Professor." one daily and that one the exact size j Pharmacy doesn't appeal to him any of the Corvallis Daily Gazette-Times. ! more. ' For Sale Or will trade for estate, piano and piano player music. For particulars phone 343 8-17-3t Miss Tillie Smith left today for her home in Punxsutawney, Penn., after a visit of several weeks in this city, hav ing been the guest of Misses Anna Ken- niburg and Vera Means. "Carpenters Ware Bros. Co., Spo kane, have enroute another shipment of the celebrated Self-Setting Planes made by Gage Tool Co., Vineland, N.J. If local dealers don't sell them get one of five Portland stores. " The Self Setting Planes. Word comes from Newport that Hon. E. E. Wilson has lost his identity as an attornev and is now known alto gether as "Commodore." Arrayed in cap, blue coat with gold braid, white trousers, and with sea glasses strapped over his shoulders, the Corvallis man sails the raging main in the "Weiner wurst" and fears no foe in shining armor. He looks his part a grizzled old sea-dog with prosperity, peace and comfort flirting with him in his declin ing years and he now cruises about in the "Pretzel" the envy of all who have don't fail to attend the Apple Fair. The Carver ,road as delivering eight more car loads of logs at the bridge over Mary's river. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Moses left "today for Tangent to visit a couple of weeks with their children. Sheriff Gellatly, now in a Portland hospital, is recovering nicely from the j operation for appendicitis. For Sale 2 acres; 5 roomed house, j barn and out buildings, young orchard; for particulars call at Jack Dawson's Poultry Market. - 8-18-4t Father Norman Lillly, who has been under the weather in recent months, is some better now but hardly able to get down town today. , Major Walters, of the Belknap vici nity, was in Corvallis today in his auto to meet Mrs. Walters on her return from the Seattle fair. Wanted 5 room bungalow or four house keeping rooms, unfurnished. Phone 6935 or leava information at this office. Must know within a week. 8-18-6t By the completion of cement walk this side of the Farmers' Hotel that entire block now has the regulation fourteen foot walk' alone: its entire frontage. An 8 1-2 pound daughter came to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hazlett this morning at 4 o'clock. This must be the proverbial early bird. Tom is a clerk at Kline's but he isn't much good today. A. J. Johnson has just been appoint ed a delegate to the good roads con vention to be held at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept, 21-23. Ten other big guns of the state have been named also." Corvallis people desiring to furnish students with board and room, or those having: either furnished or unfurnished houses to rent, please communicate with the Y. M; C. A. of the college. Myrtle Trask, of Falls City, died there yesterday afternoon. She is a sister of Sidney Trask, who once lived here, and is known to several Corvallis people. Miss Trask was about twenty four years of age. COYOTE FENCE SAVES SHEEP (Continued from -pagee one ) We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our examinations. They are just as ac curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at all. They mean the proper glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. - Mrs. W. C. Jackson, of Shedd, was in Albany yesterday looking for her 17 year old son, Ellsworth, whom she has not seen or heard of for several weeks. Ellsworth had been driving a team in the country and about two weeks ago came to Albany and stayed at the house of W. J. Bilyeu. That night he went to bed with one of the men and slept on late in the morning. Sometime be fore noon when someone went to the room, the boy had gone and Mrs. Bilyeu naturally supposed that he had gone home. - The mother's anxiety for herv 1 - 1 . Ii I A ' All : 1 - -1 uoy uiuuguc iier ui Aiuany sum jsne - is i riV.oorl hunting for him everywhexeTTInf orma- -1 tion as to his whereabouts will be ap preciated. 7 .. '" J. H. Harris returned last night f rom his trip to South Oregon. While away he visited Crater Lake, Klamath Falls and was back of famous old Mt. Shasta. He also went over to Pelican Bay, but Mr. Harriman did not meet him. Ed ward ia over in Paree, you know. Mr. Harris says he had a great time fishing and hunting, getting plenty of venison. He landed some of the Dolly Varden trout, wonderful pink-spotted beauties that looked good to him as they came from the water. The people at Kla math Falls are inclined to the belief that the Harriman road will be complet ed by way of Natron to Eugene. Large crews of men are building : railroads down there. horse. That article savs; The murderous : activities of coyotes on herds of sheep have made business bad for ranch men. Here follows a year of history at Billy Meadows on the Wallowa National Forest in Ore gon. The people set to on this can coyotes be kept away from the sheep? If so, are the sheep healthier, heavier, and. more pro fitable? : Does the added profit in the sheep pay for the cost of shooing away the coyotes Eight Miles of Fence "Coyote-proof fence, fifty-nine inches high and eight miles long, was used to fence in 2,560 acres. In three : months 136 coyotes came to the fence and not one got ' through. They were on hand for seventy-two out of the ninety-five daysV Seven grizzly bears and eight brown bears got through the fence. Black bears, bobcats, lynx, badgers, and elk also came nosing the barriers. The grizzly bears passed in by going through the six-inch space petween the woven wire and the first barbed wire above, or through the eight-inch space be tween the two top barbed wires. The claws of the hind feet were hooked into the meshes of the woven wire, giving tne - Dear a pull to force bis body through. Fine Increase The band of sheep consisted of 1,200 ewes and their increase, 1,009 lambs, At the season's end, September 25, the sheep, experimented on, were turned back to the owner. The count gave a total of 2,194, a loss of fifteen since June 21, when the animals were turned into the pasture. The coyote-proof fence gave them 1 free, unmolested grazing, and they .began to out grow their herding methods! There was less massing, less trailing, v :less close-bunched grazing. This change is- good for the range and good for the Two Bargains in City Homes vTwo corner lots, with one house of 7 roomsunder construction. Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up ,and down stairs, lire place, basement full size of house, which is 24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con crete sidewalk and small barn. Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement 24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb-' ing, concrete walks. " This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street, Corvallis, Oregon. is Occidental Lumber Co. . Successors toJ Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET T, Local Mcr. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than ' . Acme Quality Palm Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" Jh1C1G2? WALL PAPER Second Street, AND Near PAINT STORE Palace Theater E W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS : These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices are . really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Attorneys Bryson, McFadden and Denman are back from court at Toledo. It was fully expected that a four-day grand jury session would be held, but Attorney Bryson hustled the session through in a day and a half, a wholly unprecedented proceeding. Mr. Den man had three cases at court, two of them divorce cases in which he won for his clients. One of these was a dusky Indian belle. In the third case he in duced his client to plead euilty. 1 The attorneys generally prefer Toledo to any as a court town, this because they alwaya-get something good to eat over there. However, one of the local t at torneys in order to keep his stomach from getting used to anything better than he has at home, is in the habit of carrying his meals with him in a grip. Henlzle & Mrs. S. S. Landis and mother, Mrs. Card, of Baker City, arrived here today and with their old . friends, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. N. Bell, proceeded on to Newport, where the latter two will spend at least two weeks. The Landises will return here shortly, it being the purpose to enter their son Bonnie hi the Agricultural College for a four year course. Down at the bay Dr. Bell ex pects to harpoon a whale, take a ride on a sea lion, and if it gets dark enough he will go in bathing. There isn't bathing suit at the beach large enough to fit the Corvallis pastor so he neces sarily has to wait until nightfall , to make his appearance in undress un iform. If press dispatches report tidal wave at Newport, Corvallis people wjll know that Dr. Bell has just butted into old Neptune. While he is gone the old town here will have a hard time struggling along, but we can suffer it in the prospect of him returning with renewed enerey and a disposition to to take a firmer grasp on the situation. The age of the two bands "at the time of final weighing was approximately the same, yet the average weight showed an ad vantage of -8.7 pounds in favor of the animals from the coyote -proof pasture. After being han dled under the pasturage system for three months, between the ages of three and six months, ambs weighed eight pounds more than of the best lambs of the sameZ class that has been herded. ' Fence Costs Heavily The chief drawback to th e system at the experimental pasturage was the excessive cost of the fence, which on most grazing lands will approach closely to $400 a mile. Among the advantages of the pasturage system that justify this expenditure for fence con struction are: 1. Increased carrying capacity of fifty per cent over, the -custo mary herding system. 2. Heavier sheep. 3. Decrease from 3 per cent to one-half of 1 per cent in the loss. 4 Less expense for hauling. 5. An increase in the lamb crop. 6. Heavier and cleaner wool Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, BricK, Cement, Shingles, etc J A Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY crop. The experiments were closely watched by James T. Jardine of the Forest Service, who will shortly publish the results. The coyote is the one great menace to the sheep industry, and in ex cluding him the fence has served its purpose." , COOPER 8 NEWTON E CO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, - - Corvallis, Or egon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' . Hardware. - Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges Seared With a Hot Iron, Or scalded by "overturned kettle cut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gun or in any other way the thing needed at once is Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the germs. It's earth's supreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at all druggists. 1 WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and China ware, LAMPS ETC.