Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 2005, SECTION B, Page 5B, Image 17

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    Magic In The Middles
t cup* untoteftctttd all-purpose Hour
cup unsweetened natural cocoa powtter
t»p Peking *«Ja« - tsp sah
cup granulated sugar <*nd eom* to dtp in)
cup brown sugar * 1 Stic* unsatted Putter
cup smooth peanut butter
^ tty. raoWa extract * t targe egg
Fitting ♦ cup smooth peanut burn*
* cup eontncmners sugar
Chftn; 37$ F
Bowl 1 Mrx four cocoa, bating soda and sad.
Bow* 2: Msx sugar. Puee» and tN« peanut tx.*#
Mu <o arid egg - #w> atti dry
Fitting: Mu peanut buttr* and contecwoner*'
sugar onttt smooth. *k>« tt<e #$»ng into 28 one
Cookies: Break ofl about t twp ofdrxxjn make
an wstentatwo in the corner with yout 1v*q*x
Piece peanut butter tx& mto t?*e «JCtint«tion
B»*hg the dough up and fA-er the fittrng. preset
it ciowti rot? the onotin to smooth ft out Bepeat
with the remasrwig dcugh and ftttrtg. then d»p
ear#: coo^re n gi&oyiased sugar and pkioa on
t»tteng sheets Batten each o«3*w» *s about V
:ocMhtcfc Bake: ? to # teimtfe*, Coot on rack
- f«;»» r«x? KV«$ A^Jxr ftwr */«*••* '..www'
Lemon Tea Snaps
> cup unseated Cutler* Cup m#»t • t#p #a*t
< t*p. baking #orte
\ tb»p. grated lemon rind or to tsp,
lemon oil. to uisto
2 cup# undoactHKl a*pvrpo«* flow
2 tfcep lemon juice
Mitk for bru»n*ft>g {optional}
Coar&e sugar tot #prt«kMng {opttonaf)
Oven: 350 F
In a Uisgt? mixing bovrf.
cream iogetta* tne but
te?. sugar s«R and fcafc
ingaxfc* Mwx’jtl-^lew
on ?e*? then mif rt #*>
llou' Add #» tomo«
*#c*. iheotneomer
na# ot ftowr.
recipes that will
show your friends and
R©« the (tough into a >•
wrch-tt»C* r#CtanQ$t on
a p*«*> erf parc^m**#
p»»r Tf*»w*#rtfc«?
pa.'Cftmwf to & tvakifu}
shaot Poefc to* dc**^
a» ovw **m a fork ar*j
trirf <? ttm l-py*1 itoch
romogto* Thora's no
rood to sapafato ft*
fftOftigtefr. ait yw frfrf'-o
to do <s cv*tf * dough
titixfr the tap of the
a*i#gh xoto mat* aod
so»r»wto w*h * de
flafco the cook*&$ to? 1$
tot8 mawtos. ootf
to*y <s> & s#r» qqUfa*
Prow Horrow
tiwn from too ovoo
«rto fcftMfc* K> a f«to*<
to coo*. Whon to«yto
coot brea* toetr apart
into «x)»vKfoa! cook'
m wtyn sop*raro
Mako« 6 (tovosn
- r-Wf '?H» V.iwy **y.!» f iw
C.^-jwsy^sw' Pws*
Sue Moore’s
Cardamom Cookies
1 c up uncfttaKf butter. softened
1 cup confectioner# auger
cup $r#mrt*fe<j sugar
t large egg
2 tap. vsnilta
2 cups aft-purpose flour
wp. baking soda
t tap. Week caretoroom seed#
in a large txs*t coir&am >he butter. sugar*. egg
arc? vtewia arvj beet unfit met end Rutty $** ?*>»»
flour and baking sods Into ?ha mSM# and m«
wad £&» <n cardamom seeds Shape a* dough
into two lO-tochong fog# tee diameter? of a
gearfe* Wrap the logo *» «r«x*d paper and eh*
for at toast an hour
Oven: 3SO f
Cut the «ogs *>K> very iNn «i-^es about * etch
thick &xt niaoff on ungrea&ed bskmg Sheets
flake for about 10 swm. or unit golden brown
Watch ceraMty they can bum eas**
tram tor the cooIcto* to a wire rack attar they
have eoofosf for a ftm Mtovto*
Makes about dO to to coot-m
■ **tm !&■<** fry****. ■ i-feswart trim* A €**ig
family there's nothing like
Crystal Diamonds
t* cup* tmWoucfxx* aiipu'pooc ffour
H cup p4u* i tfrap. wnote mflk
t drop tomoo oH (*•* note)
t tap, fet*t*nt yeasrt
. cup MMaMd Putter. cut into 8 pieco*
l -cup* coarse *ug»<, f<x rotting
Oven: J?/S* P
Mfcu Ftew. max. m*v& &,. jm*A tvvS 38ft
yofci wgft eom&nftd Ms* 10 tiw ptfK&Z <>*
hajmx am ni a twat oaeh ter i tyi;
minute fiww) tm vow. >*#*$«■
tf&ft ipr ffi Wapa Z (■&<*(%
Maple-Caramel Nut Crisps
3 tt»p. maps* syrup, pretoraOty matUum amber
■> cup ptus 3tPap granulated aupar
2 cup* coarsely chopped walnut# or pecans
2 tt>*p water • 3 cup* aS'-purpose flour
2 i*p. baking powder * 2 t*p. batons soda
. pBOOfOUS isp aaf?
2 sfiefca uuaattod butte*
1 cup packed tigm brown sugar
Oven; 350 P
U» <i 1pMM 0#
0»$h will', akjrtumm tod
(jutted wit* rtOttSt&fc
3*8$ la^ a
fo-ty-is-tasit fc>r *fc»a*r}
mirn&ij tettaig w^h
&*rfcum to* oe&giO wah
rv&jvsftck $$f#y
Mix: Maete synjp. 3t»f>
sugar. a»*J pocam ««8*
•art* <*0 <«0}'! eoaiaO
Opw&ii on baking a-mtt.
Ton# 8 s© <3 «WH<{8&.
#E*«**> 0v0ify 3 » 4 rs**
iom urn* Mx#j &ms*ta.
$#f aortetooce*. fe»a
Nwwy ssucaspar*
mar marntn bom at*
iogawwr tha wwnarsng >
%jp grarttrawwi sugar
rw*J th<> WfttW yfi# th»
sugar <ftmQN8*. Btifig
mature to a &o* «v*r
mrxfoira boat. MfaK vv&
SO tbo ftiuSum
t*3v& ivnmt Comma*
bo&ng, (*w g&mty
J0O syrup hff 0
la 4 tafoMle*
Oi) *X>?
fi^rnow horn
te?m v*n«n it
turns an ttffftW Vi
POfctf. #*>n pou*
?,yn«3 Wto {>« pi««> ■
lot star** JO rwartmt
>,*«« petite# ood t&it
Braafc tr«? <Mf3msA mo
imaa chunks 1 tmztef
it?«tood processor ares
puto*: ’.ffiiii l Hilly limly
VWt?) 00*00 Pdf.
v>$ttefe> Mix; flswr, tmfcing
pew*fei» oa*/r«rj sod* and
ant. li\ a togo bow* ufcng
a mow?* on medium
SPOOd 0005 tegteto t0o
butte*. wown sugar and
ground *xaf»m<s until vnry
tMfy Ooai *» 4gg$ «4Ct
van&a «n» imm&. &hk
in h*1 tm «our mixture
00? so t0o remaewng Sot/?
ffitxte*. t0O toosted flute,
write smooft*. Spoon nr*«
B-ifttteygnamco 50
ascMcni} Sheet#
fetffctnf} parch
moot Srrjooift »r*3
term <»'to a ihicfc bg
afeet# f? *&m k>m
Wart *» <socb 15? tm
paper to kw the .:og
?mm uv««t^. Repeat
««m the r«matn«g
‘dough. Ptaae b<?a m?«
ntnraed taking sheet
arb fetem# tjotK ftrm
Ov«m: 3?s r:
C<4 ka^s *»«*>
M&*tctt-tft«k tbrx® and
transfer to taking
sheet*. apa&ng staw
a&Xi* £ thtitas apart.
Bake for 7 to tt mb
irfe*. o# «?># t^e <sx*m
;m y&am 0 tMff ar*3
>u»( aftgftty tana**
a*outa the edges
C***# :«*t?*.*> itoXv
Classic Oatmeal Raisin
2. cup* aHpurpoee now • 2 fcrgeeyg*
1 > tap ground cinnamon
. tap. ground nutmeg ♦ ? tap. t»Jw>y powder
tap bttktog «oda • > tap. *»n
2 stick* unaafted butter, #ttghtty *o«oned
1 cup dark brown s»>gar cup granulated sugar
3 m*p ck>v^r or other mttd*flavOred honey
?, Up. v«r*»a extract
3 cups otO-fa*hk>nod rotted oat*
1 '> cups dark or golden raJaim
Oven: VJi f
&Ow1 ? r Mj* Csnfta
n>o«. r«;eneg. oaiwng
powtitr i>along ttttfa
andsait Bov<-i 2 Mix
tX<8«f *«a suytfws Wtttt
a rm&t on saw. fee# ur**
fixture & we# ofeivJ
#xt end ligrtWAfrd. abOo?
j V wueum. Adi? srw
egg*. neney and vartte,
«nd tw«t on matfm*>
speed uflti frgftt itr-d
Kwtfy. about 2 rotrouws
longer Boat in tneftot*
mature on low. S?»»«
tfx> a<xa, ratals
gtsftiifMed IM
titans t (/■ ?0 mtatet
Pafl tiH wrtom «tm
aotiQh a#«3 shsp« *do
go# t*afc Pnm
down tm fty.Kp fcjpa un
it! tf** ojqIhss me »at
Mtd Xxk* 2 *x*m in
Bak* $t» t4 <T*rwfe».
Of uf&pH v&tfty dftfew
xntw fxi&rt
■ rw. xt uwhcwXjw/s*'
Coconut jumbles
cup unsaftod butter • < cup *ugat
2 l*rg» eggs ' I V tap. Y*mll* e*1recl
% tap. Strong coconut flavor (options!}
* tap. *»ft * . tap. batting «od«
t v cup* unbiaached all-purpose flour
1; cup* ****ttmed flawed coconut
About 36 candied cherrtef, cut In halt, or 72
macadam** nut*
Oven; m f
Bow* 1:Mex creoy, tout*
ter. *ug#. 999$, vartta
anct QGOOhut &*v©t jjntol
6gftt ;»{Vj ffcjtfy
Boxvt 2; $*f{ fa##. s»fc
art baking **J» fogatfa
<w. {hen mw into 099
mxtm> Bfer m !**} co
oonot unfif everytottig <s
*w# con'jfmorf
Ofofj ito* Ooogn toy me
waapflw < onto j-vswotJ
pr<ws «.3>ct> fe»* dovtr
tmy>e ftgltt <}Ok3e»'
bftowj and jud hrrrj to
lha touSft. As. cooktfts
ootnood d ovoo p«x>*
ha* a canoed c*wrry or
a -nacadamia ftut «do
tft» i'Xjraia# of each and
pxass tJoangwtty Cod
M*fc*s about % tXMWi
taaefy <anm &.*%
<M Wtxfeing W>#> h*i the
dougha?«time Rob fl
flo thfe *u$*r40v&r#d
tUffa* as tMfl M po*
«m*. adding wasteym
fw$» to th* WtJ4* KW'
taco find spaokSng «
.stop the f>s.^t> as nec •
t*«a*y ftp «5 ovw and
ftftffttfcte work $udftC#
with m<xe awjar ••■ the
top a«ci tto&tfh sudaco$
sftOoftJ ho &*&*% coat
ed wrth soga* The
cteugft afteukt t*> atom*
■* irtoh a^foat
♦raae-uner* !#-sjjote
Cut p«eco$
T**yH fttA sHi
oa&og Tfftoftfwtbeefc
onfe*d &a**>9 $Mwt»
Bftk# Sc/ 4$ w SO mav
yj»* THay afteuttf be a
Ooepgcfcto'- bnwn. Tfc*
<fe**r you to Oeef*
wwwt, too b«Daf th*yB
taoto P/tmuv# them
Horn too oven
vmstur to a racfc «mrro
<**?ety to coots Owr'
*6f* tfaOy m,Ty 5**CR w
iuot a lit* lemon, Vos.
ft <1«)p 0* 50*000 0»: YOU
want tfse mofoot him
©? VfrWi txw Z 5>«Ok$
m <#**>« ufwJooj^t«^»
jo$t enough to mfttttsr
bot>p*t vrtXXJw Attn*
ttsoyvo vasts »9
fvtakoo abr*;t bdcij.m
Jt'inc^ 000*00$
tsp, teaspoon
tb&p. Tattespoon
Sam* recipe#
ttaptfr* a&varuK
{*-«$?#'4&X> &##
Key Lime Cookies jC
i tb*p pto* 1 tap com Of vegatobto o*i *
t tb&p pie* i tap finery grated Key lime w i.4 ¥
regime? lima xa*t«green pert oi the *Mn) w
6 tbap tresb o* bottteHi Kay urn# Juice
1\ oiip* ftH'jHwpoae hour * 1 tap Poking *od*
1 tep. baktn^ powder * Finch of »oit
\cup granutated sugar * ? fbap. unsaited butter
i tap vanttla extract ...
> tap. ternon extract or time flavoring oil
i tbap. water. it flooded
3 tt**p. iime-cofored decorating sugar
Com&ine-* ail mi
tm Ut«tancs. <&*<*&
f<X «130 ttftfftftft*.
Mfcftntfivft ww p*£0 fy*
JWifldBfc W^S*#'*
r«afc*C#d K> ttfcS?) tf#>
;*«& Wi« <faO(0fl « GOfctf
sttphtiy U« «x» tfc *oo«!
Bowi 1: Met *xx*. fca^eng
$o0ft Mfcing p<**fc* &*}
v& 8o*»< 2. Beat \<>
qtmut mm m rwx#* mi
wyu AOci
fluffy. Mbt#i fcnw
pwaa, vatv&ft iysvi t«*r>ort
extract yn$ smocfrt
Gractuary tort flour mix
t«»e mo a tomwaxh
tlouflti fltoosofl to?
stand to? S ovo totem
H ft SStf«tttS <*>‘ $t;r *> UP
to 1 tfccp wa»T
OMfe ttv? <*>U0p #> ha*
INtfi tot t>at3* pottiott t»
twoeo ttmft* at ftafew*5
parchment o? wa* papa?
unw i inch thtdc Stack
the nofc*i ps^wr* (paper
at* tftoctxrii Off o tx*xy
ft«fr»9a>«te for 30 rr<r.
uldtt or foMO* kx 15 w
Ove«; '*50 P Gtaasa
WAX# <i fit WH» (X
coat wfa ncntick spray.
Work oot? portico at a
&«*?. Kwp Jbe oOw* rtf
trtyMaUK) P«et of? too
top SMtf? Of papi* toco
pat femcfy Dock «*o
piaco so a l#t mty
to rOfOOv* tut*/ tfiVW
•-•kxjK^i and pr*# ttff 60C •
t>?wc# a * nx#to
OftMf cot out f,00*00*
Nmcniuftfrfwg 8
aofwn too
moch ttondfi* tfco pa
pt* .too cookie to a
VffrWty ttxxfi arx* ttitfr
oj'ate f« m
t tmstott ih# coo*m to
tno bakKig
6tkX*t *
xjc^ apart. (temtov#2y
SfpWXf toO <XK*.« tOf»
vwtf: dscofatn^sj socj<y
Bake 7 to 11 tniM**
Of Urtttf 3004008 fcrtWrt*
at *d#o* fenmettosaty
vwffiw tfw ooofcwto to
a «■?« raok Macool
Matas 40 to ft).300k'
• Is* M tm&r.se- Hue* : *>*}*«*■ tkMv -.
Italian Anise Drops
3 cup* Hour - 3 t*p baking powder
tap wrfT • i cup butter
cup sugar t to 3 sgg*
2 tap. mm$ extract
0v«* . 360" F
M*x-. Cfttflft iogotto?
#<J a*’*®#
wtatct. Artrt 4ft <fey to
gmettmts. A<3d e^j*.
CXW #1 a limit 4:5 .-ie<x3
«0 i;*#d dough 6o;»»w
two i --rcr.
IJata <;r. 9<oas<xl took
w SfvftW ta» »6 *r#rfifc.%
terna g*&e« o* 2
oonfc«#ctfWt< tas^W. 1
»ap te*non i>.«c« <iod
<Mk Poor gam ovor
*<m nonpaawto
Ma*j»s 2 doe**
- frMftVX«* ferty ««**
Redpes ttxnpaed toy
Joan BnjnaWB
Food editor Associated Press
Refrigerated Rolled Cookies
orate W
at U>m 2
icwj a* 7 day*
Oven.4Q& f
I tvp. powtjef
f tbap. *tfHt
f tap ♦•antiin extract
C<A the cfctogh <i>$tv io
Ha* txjHty fit** a
**f*ce ertoa*8**# f#
and to» gp«otJy untf
stoowt > met* tfcsrk add
n*4 Bour as neomseaty
Cwt **m any c*x*»a cu
t<» Ba'xe on ;>9^:v
greased toafcmp sheet
<#** ?»* edges a>e *ght
iy t»own and tf»e ceata
aat. (MOmmetes let
rest tm sheet a mmuw
btf&ttf reffWrv-OTg Wi$3hr i
agtttuto Store >n cov
erts# «»«e«ne? at root*
aw no wen
man a day t» two
Wakes at teas* 3 «»ww
High Altitude Chocolate Chips
cop v&cjvinbif} ♦ - e«p p»«* 2 tt»p %vy»r
. cup ptus 1 tap. p»ck*Hrf Pgnt
brown au^ar
- tap pu*e vanilla cxUncI
tap water' 1 targe: egg
1. cupa Kited altpurpose Hour
tap taking aorta
h » cup chocolate chip*
0 - tup chopped wmnvt*
ot pecan*
v Oven: :\Ti V
;% jm&g #■«*>*$
Muter; **saofc stowierwvj
w the foowtct a stona
<r»>t«r trtted w*t> tf «&
#e auar.torwnt - tmur.
um« srrwcm Atort me
amt cream ursM
t*jht &fvi fej«y A&t van*
to extract, watt# and agp.
anct total wet?
»»a roemritti tx>wi <***'
tone the toxrf. toatoag so
<Hy VqttHtofMA. ■'■
and mx w k>vs
Siptwaunft} come****!
Hamyya tno &owi frotvs
m maw. add ctoootete
Chips <W'xJ (XflS #*?*'• tWft
9^«^y >v:3f> a 'NCH&fif
Use two $poo*^ fe) #%&»>
mcoofe^ StOOf> ft
90rt*fi&#t«p of action
wtfh a $poor< tft*» us#
ttXf 0XW. fSQQM- iC fXXXf.
A onto ft# sto** We
member tbe coofcws >v<
$pr0&2 Of A wttjfc
BSfce to* 8to to <mutet
t» uottf tf#> ttsofcwss a?e
Makes ncflfty 3 <&r.*n
«ry MfeMd cookies
V&w? by .****? Afo«J *x» MfcW* &*9*A Mtfctt
Chewy Gingerbread Cookies
3 cup* Hour
cup dark
browft sugar
\ to*p. cinnamon
1 tt>*p. ground ginger
t*p. ground dove*
t*p. baking *od*
» sticks unealted boi
ler. cut into 12 pieces
•nd softened slightly
; cup molasses
2 «t>»p. milk
Oven: 350 V
in a Icod P*tXtt8«* f««d
ttftb & frxfijdt btoctou pro
cess r*> ja jujgar dm»
vnofi. gxqpt. nan t#xi
gifting soda um* wt#
Aaa wot# pmm oms
pnxmtt ofwt (f.ixiim >e
$&lrhte& A stiff KOti
fTWXtf. Add motagMS Wit
tufa, pftxtmsf'g wn#t
nuttutti H tivtiofy fHQtiA'
amd arcs forma a soft
tntusn, OswJa doitja «i
*uitt aod place each
fttfo# fc«w*** wo
dtoce* o< parch
»neo* paper ffcril
about .■#&>'
Pteae fa Umto*
lot at toast 20
mmuto»ar overt
turn#! -xxs cut ftvso g<(
gMfeMNMl <x dmuetti
shafts P*3C# on tu«c*
mtrot-towf stx*>t pans
<it&> Cool #*J [Mai%
MaKfcS aiXM ?
• i-.&tewx f*'«y "Aty
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