Magic In The Middles t cup* untoteftctttd all-purpose Hour cup unsweetened natural cocoa powtter t»p Peking *«Ja« - tsp sah cup granulated sugar <*nd eom* to dtp in) cup brown sugar * 1 Stic* unsatted Putter cup smooth peanut butter ^ tty. raoWa extract * t targe egg Fitting ♦ cup smooth peanut burn* * cup eontncmners sugar Chftn; 37$ F Bowl 1 Mrx four cocoa, bating soda and sad. Bow* 2: Msx sugar. Puee» and tN« peanut tx.*# Mu atti dry Fitting: Mu peanut buttr* and contecwoner*' sugar onttt smooth. *k>« tt cup unseated Cutler* Cup m#»t • t#p #a*t < t*p. baking #orte \ tb»p. grated lemon rind or to tsp, lemon oil. to uisto 2 cup# undoactHKl a*pvrpo«* flow 2 tfcep lemon juice Mitk for bru»n*ft>g {optional} Coar&e sugar tot #prt«kMng {opttonaf) Oven: 350 F In a Uisgt? mixing bovrf. cream iogetta* tne but te?. sugar s«R and fcafc ingaxfc* Mwx’jtl-^lew on ?e*? then mif rt #*> llou' Add #» tomo« *#c*. iheotneomer na# ot ftowr. 12 recipes that will show your friends and R©« the (tough into a >• wrch-tt»C* r#CtanQ$t on a p*«*> erf parc^m**# p»»r Tf*»w*#rtfc«? pa.'Cftmwf to & tvakifu} shaot Poefc to* dc**^ a» ovw **m a fork ar*j trirf & s#r» qqUfa* Prow Horrow tiwn from too ovoo «rto fcftMfc* K> a f«to*< to coo*. Whon to«yto coot brea* toetr apart into «x)»vKfoa! cook' m wtyn sop*raro Mako« 6 (tovosn octoktoa - r-Wf '?H» V.iwy **y.!» f iw vX*>x-; C.^-jwsy^sw' Pws* Sue Moore’s Cardamom Cookies 1 c up uncfttaKf butter. softened 1 cup confectioner# auger cup $r#mrt*fehe butter. sugar*. egg arc? vtewia arvj beet unfit met end Rutty $** ?*>»» flour and baking sods Into ?ha mSM# and m« wad £&» K> very iNn «i-^es about * etch thick &xt niaoff on ungrea&ed bskmg Sheets flake for about 10 swm. or unit golden brown Watch ceraMty they can bum eas** tram tor the cooIcto* to a wire rack attar they have eoofosf for a ftm Mtovto* Makes about dO to to coot-m ■ **tm !&■<** fry****. ■ i-feswart trim* A €**ig family there's nothing like Homemade Crystal Diamonds t* cup* tmWoucfxx* aiipu'pooc ffour H cup p4u* i tfrap. wnote mflk t drop tomoo oH (*•* note) t tap, fet*t*nt yeasrt . cup MMaMd Putter. cut into 8 pieco* l -cup* coarse *ug»<, f* hajmx am ni a twat oaeh ter i tyi; minute fiww) tm vow. >*#*$«■ tf&ft ipr ffi Wapa Z (■&<*(% Maple-Caramel Nut Crisps 3 tt»p. maps* syrup, pretoraOty matUum amber ■> cup ptus 3tPap granulated aupar 2 cup* coarsely chopped walnut# or pecans 2 tt>*p water • 3 cup* aS'-purpose flour 2 i*p. baking powder * 2 t*p. batons soda . pBOOfOUS isp aaf? 2 sfiefca uuaattod butte* 1 cup packed tigm brown sugar Oven; 350 P U» r *fc»a*r} mirn&ij tettaig w^h &*rfcum to* oe&giO wah rv&jvsftck $$f#y Mix: Maete synjp. 3t»f> sugar. a»*J pocam ««8* •art* <*0 <«0}'! eoaiaO Opw&ii on baking a-mtt. Ton# 8 s© <3 «WH<{8&. #E*«**> 0v0ify 3 » 4 rs** iom urn* Mx#j &ms*ta. $#f aortetooce*. fe»a Nwwy ssucaspar* mar marntn bom at* iogawwr tha wwnarsng > %jp grarttrawwi sugar rw*J th<> WfttW yfi# th» sugar ? fi^rnow horn te?m v*n«n it turns an ttffftW Vi POfctf. #*>n pou* ?,yn«3 Wto {>« pi««> ■ lot star** JO rwartmt >,*«« petite# ood t&it Braafc tr«? $ttefe> Mix; flswr, tmfcing pew*fei» oa*/r«rj sod* and ant. li\ a togo bow* ufcng a mow?* on medium SPOOd 0005 tegteto t0o butte*. wown sugar and ground *xaf»mm Wart *» M&*tctt-tft«k tbrx® and transfer to taking sheet*. apa&ng staw a&Xi* £ thtitas apart. Bake for 7 to tt mb irfe*. o# «?># t^e u»( aftgftty tana** a*outa the edges C***# :«*t?*.*> itoXv Classic Oatmeal Raisin 2. cup* aHpurpoee now • 2 fcrgeeyg* 1 > tap ground cinnamon . tap. ground nutmeg ♦ ? tap. t»Jw>y powder tap bttktog «oda • > tap. *»n 2 stick* unaafted butter, #ttghtty *o«oned 1 cup dark brown s»>gar cup granulated sugar 3 m*p ck>v^r or other mttd*flavOred honey ?, Up. v«r*»a extract 3 cups otO-fa*hk>nod rotted oat* 1 '> cups dark or golden raJaim Oven: VJi f &Ow1 ? r Mj* Csnfta n>o«. r«;eneg. oaiwng powtitr i>along ttttfa andsait Bov<-i 2 Mix tX<8«f *«a suytfws Wtttt a rm&t on saw. fee# ur** fixture & we# ofeivJ #xt end ligrtWAfrd. abOo? j V wueum. Adi? srw egg*. neney and vartte, «nd tw«t on matfm*> speed uflti frgftt itr-d Kwtfy. about 2 rotrouws longer Boat in tneftot* mature on low. S?»»« tfx> a Bfer m !**} co oonot unfif everytottig ct> fe»* dovtr y B»K<; tmy>e ftgltt <}Ok3e»' bftowj and jud hrrrj to lha touSft. As. cooktfts ootnood d ovoo p«x>* ha* a canoed c*wrry or a -nacadamia ftut «do tft» i'Xjraia# of each and pxass tJoangwtty Cod M*fc*s about % tXMWi fAn&jfxi. taaefy #> h*i the dougha?«time Rob fl flo thfe *u$*r40v&r#d tUffa* as tMfl M po* «m*. adding wasteym fw$» to th* WtJ4* KW' taco find spaokSng « .stop the f>s.^t> as nec • t*«a*y ftp «5 ovw and ftftffttfcte work $udftC# with m atom* ■* irtoh a^foat ♦raae-uner* !#-sjjote Cut p«eco$ T**yH fttA sHi oa&og Tfftoftfwtbeefc myaatirt onfe*d &a**>9 $Mwt» Bftk# Sc/ 4$ w SO mav yj»* THay afteuttf be a Ooepgcfcto'- bnwn. Tfc* «Ok$ m <#**>« ufwJooj^t«^» jo$t enough to mfttttsr bot>p*t vrtXXJw Attn* ttsoyvo vasts »9 fvtakoo abr*;t bdcij.m Jt'inc^ 000*00$ C/JbM'.W-eacitoc: Abbreviations tsp, teaspoon tb&p. Tattespoon Sam* recipe# ttaptfr* a&varuK {*-«$?#'4&X> &## Key Lime Cookies jC i tb*p pto* 1 tap com Of vegatobto o*i * t tb&p pie* i tap finery grated Key lime w i.4 ¥ regime? lima xa*t«green pert oi the *Mn) w 6 tbap tresb o* bottteHi Kay urn# Juice 1\ oiip* ftH'jHwpoae hour * 1 tap Poking *od* 1 tep. baktn^ powder * Finch of »oit \cup granutated sugar * ? fbap. unsaited butter i tap vanttla extract ... > tap. ternon extract or time flavoring oil i tbap. water. it flooded 3 tt**p. iime-cofored decorating sugar Com&ine-* ail mi tm Ut«tancs. <&*<*& f ttfcS?) tf#> ;*«& Wi« qtmut mm m rwx#* mi wyu AOci t&atti«f*ei fluffy. Mbt#i fcnw pwaa, vatv&ft iysvi t«*r>ort extract yn$ smocfrt Gractuary tort flour mix t«»e mo a tomwaxh tlouflti fltoosofl to? stand to? S ovo totem H ft SStf«tttS <*>‘ $t;r *> UP to 1 tfccp wa»T OMfe ttv? <*>U0p #> ha* INtfi tot t>at3* pottiott t» twoeo ttmft* at ftafew*5 parchment o? wa* papa? unw i inch thtdc Stack the nofc*i ps^wr* (paper at* tftoctxrii Off o tx*xy ft«fr»9a>«te for 30 rr?wc# a * nx#to OftMf cot out f,00*00* Nmcniuftfrfwg 8 aofwn too moch ttondfi* tfco pa pt* .too cookie to a VffrWty ttxxfi arx* ttitfr oj'ate f« m t tmstott ih# coo*m to tno bakKig 6tkX*t * xjc^ apart. (temtov#2y SfpWXf toO *}*«*■ tkMv -. Italian Anise Drops 3 cup* Hour - 3 t*p baking powder tap wrfT • i cup butter cup sugar t to 3 sgg* 2 tap. mm$ extract 0v«* . 360" F M*x-. Cfttflft iogotto? #.«c« m 2 icwj a* 7 day* Oven.4Q& f I tvp. powtjef f tbap. *tfHt f tap ♦•antiin extract C$tv io Ha* txjHty fit** a **f*ce ertoa*8**# f# and to» gp«otJy untf stoowt > met* tfcsrk add n*4 Bour as neomseaty Cwt **m any c*x*»a cu t<» Ba'xe on ;>9^:v greased toafcmp sheet <#** ?»* edges a>e *ght iy t»own and tf»e ceata aat. (MOmmetes let rest tm sheet a mmuw btf&ttf reffWrv-OTg Wi$3hr i agtttuto Store >n cov erts# «»«e«ne? at root* aw no wen man a day t» two Wakes at teas* 3 «»ww oeokaes High Altitude Chocolate Chips cop v&cjvinbif} ♦ - e«p p»«* 2 tt»p %vy»r . cup ptus 1 tap. p»ck*Hrf Pgnt brown au^ar - tap pu*e vanilla cxUncI tap water' 1 targe: egg 1. cupa Kited altpurpose Hour tap taking aorta h » cup chocolate chip* 0 - tup chopped wmnvt* ot pecan* § v Oven: :\Ti V MpMty ;% jm&g #■«*>*$ >*te>er Muter; **saofc stowierwvj w the foowtct a stona t«r trtted w*t> tf «& #e auar.torwnt - tmur. um« srrwcm Atort me amt cream ursM t*jht &fvi fej«y A&t van* to extract, watt# and agp. anct total wet? »»a roemritti tx>wi <***' tone the toxrf. toatoag so vs Siptwaunft} come****! Hamyya tno &owi frotvs m maw. add ctoootete Chips v:3f> a 'NCH&fif Use two $poo*^ fe) #%&»> mcoofe^ StOOf> ft 90rt*fi&#t«p of action wtfh a $poor< tft*» us# ttXf 0XW. fSQQM- iC fXXXf. A onto ft# sto** We member tbe coofcws >v< $pr0&2 Of A wttjfc BSfce to* 8to to ttsofcwss a?e Makes ncflfty 3 <&r.*n «ry MfeMd cookies V&w? by .****? Afo«J *x» MfcW* &*9*A Mtfctt Chewy Gingerbread Cookies 3 cup* Hour cup dark browft sugar \ to*p. cinnamon 1 tt>*p. ground ginger t*p. ground dove* t*p. baking *od* » sticks unealted boi ler. cut into 12 pieces •nd softened slightly ; cup molasses 2 «t>»p. milk Oven: 350 V in a Icod P*tXtt8«* f««d ttftb & frxfijdt btoctou pro cess r*> ja jujgar dm» vnofi. gxqpt. nan t#xi gifting soda um* wt# comfartwrf. Aaa wot# pmm oms pnxmtt ofwt (f.ixiim >e $&lrhte& A stiff KOti fTWXtf. Add motagMS Wit tufa, pftxtmsf'g wn#t nuttutti H tivtiofy fHQtiA' amd arcs forma a soft tntusn, OswJa doitja «i *uitt aod place each fttfo# fc«w*** wo dtoce* o< parch »neo* paper ffcril about .■#&>' Pteae fa Umto* lot at toast 20 mmuto»ar overt OVW fffrfn turn#! -xxs cut ftvso g<( gMfeMNMl t pans <*%Sta&AiHxlHot2mr Cool #*J [Mai% MaKfcS aiXM ? 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