Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 21, 1998, SPECIAL EDITION, SECTION B, Page 9B, Image 29

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    tven though the job
market is doing well,
it pays to plan early
By Amy Goldhammer
Oregon Daily Emerald
Realizing they don’t have to
stand in line to buy a 12-pound
chemistry book ever again and
their last days of listening to that
annoying girl in their 11 a.m.
class are long gone, many gradu
ating students will jump for joy.
However, testing the waters of
the “real world" can be frighting
and almost shocking for some
graduating students.
The Career Center helps stu
dents figure out what they want
to do and then assists them in
finding a job doing it, said Larry
Smith, Career-Center, director.
“We help find out where in the
world companies pay people to
do stuff they (the student) like to
do,” Smith said.
Students need to know them
selves before venturing into the
job market, Smith said.
“Through our array of pro
grams and services, students can
get information they need to
know about themselves,” Smith
said. “They will discover their
strengths, preferences and will
confirm interests.”
The Mentor Program, offered
through the Career Center, con
nects students with University
graduates in job fields they’re in
terested in.
“There is a mentor opportuni
ty for everyone,” Smith said.
As well as the Mentor Pro
gram, the Career Center sponsors
the Interview Program. The Inter
view Program is for students
graduating in 1999.
“We want them to be aware of
opportunities that recruiters
coming to the University are
bringing,” Smith said.
The Interview Program and ca
reer fairs give employers a
chance to look for graduating stu
dents who are hunting for jobs,
Smith said.
“Many students get jobs this
way,” he said. “It’s successful
and extraordinarily easy.”
This program is a wonderful
place for students to become
clearer about the type of work
they want to do, Smith said.
The job market continues to be
very strong for college graduates,
Smith said. There are always dif
ferent demands.
“Overall, the American econo
my continues to offer many op
portunities for college students,”
he said.
For many recent graduates, the
first job he or she will hold only
lasts for a short period of time,
about one to three years, Smith
said. These entry-level jobs help
accomplish the goal of being an
income producer, being able to
pay bills and being completely
being on one’s own, he said.
“The expectation there will be
a lot of job changes is really
true,” Smith said. “Like most
things, the first time through that
process is the scariest.”
There are job opportunities,
particularly for people who are
able to articulate the kind of
work they want to do, Smith
“It’s one of the more difficult
things for a lot of graduates,"
Smith said. “It sounds like forev
On his or her way to the dream
job, students should highly con
sider an internship, Smith said.
“It’s pretty dog-gone easy to get
one,” he said.
There are many internship pro
grams available on campus.
Many departments offer them as
well as the Career Center. Stu
dents also have the opportunity
to propose their own internship.
Through the Career Develop
ment Internship Program, stu
dents earn credit toward gradua
tion while learning valuable job
The Career Center not only
caters to graduating students, but
to the rest of the student body as
well. The Career Center helps
students find jobs during the
school year.
“There is major traffic to get
part-time jobs when school
starts,” Smith said.
About 70 percent of students
work during the academic year,
Smith said. During the Week Of
Welcome before classes begin
and the first few days of school,
tables are set up outside the
EMU. This makes it very accessi
ble for students to get job leads,
he said.
“The Career Center is very
comprehensive and very good,”
Smith said. “Our staff is very
friendly and want to help stu
dents get their career launched.”
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