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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1996)
Ducks hope weather cooperates for important games m**c***mx*,t Sank* ahortatop Kathy Stahl Km baan a franctw to# tha Oucka with connlatant play on both data**#* and oftanaa Stahl quietly paves way to Oregon record book By Chrta Hansen Sfiam ftKpomr As the spring showers continue to ruin out game alter game for the Oregon soft ball team, senior shortstop Kathy Stahl is watching the final year of her stoned career as a Duck trickle down the drain Stahl is the Oregon tareer leader in five major offensive categories including runs (144). doubles (33), triples (16), home runs (244) and walks (?lt) If the Duc ks had been able to play alt of their games this season, Stahl might already own the career record for hits and RBI A* tt «land« now, Stahl wilt need 23 more hit* and 13 more KH1 to surpass the current leader* in tho«* two i ategoriet With 14 regular season games ttiii left cm lhe (chedule. both rec ord* teem attain able, particularly with Stahl * potent tail That I* where the problem lie* Stahl could mat likely get the record if (he were ju*t given the chance to hat But apparently Mother Nature U enjoying a little record breaking of her own. raining out teven of the Duck*' last eight garnet — games that will not be rescheduled, “ft*# frustrating." said Stahl "The game* that gut rained out were pretty important *» far a* our Handing* in the Pacific* 10 Conference. So it i* vary feu# UltiRg* It ha» «l*o made this weekend « home (tame* again*! No 4 UCLA end No, I Washington *11 the more important game* that Stahl had hoped at the begin ning of the year would not weigh *n hnav ily on her team * chance for post aeason pUy “I figured If we could beat the other Turn to STAHL Page ifl ■ SOFTBALL: Oregon has played only one game in the past two weeks because o! the rain oy vnn* nonivo Spa* ******* Spring thowsrt have »i>i to bring May flower* to the Oregon to ft ball team thit year. What they hav* brought, though, la a *oggv. unplayable field and a tiring of five consecutive rained out garnet When the No t ranked Washington Huskies and the No 4 ranked UCLA ttru in* t twtvo to town ihit weekend, the Out k» could be feeling the loll of having played only cme game in the peti two week* and the mounting pressure to win in order to Cn the fourth spot in the Pacific 10 Con na "fTh* rainoutsl tako * toll bacauao you can't put lho loam togoth«r a* a wholo." hmd coach Taint Brown raid ~ Son Ultimo* tt takoa the air out of your uilt. Whon you play day in [SVFT1A11 ] wio u«jr uui. i( ntup» >»u hi mui n iu iwi •I mm with your game * Saturday's doubleheadet against the tliwkw (40-7 n*««ll. 11-3 In the Pac 10) i« the first time the two teams Have met this season Washington (<«>k over the top spot in the nation after sweeping Arinina last weekend *ff we split with Washington, it would be a Huge mountain we have climber).'* drown said "Their team is solid, and they t ome to play it is going to be a tough bat tle * Brown has loftier «*pm lations (or Sun day a doubleheadet against the defending national champion Bruins 130 8 overall. 11-7 in the Par-10). who narrowly swept the thicks during a spring break trip to law Angela* Mentally we have the edge over UCLA," Brown said "(The player*) know they can compete against UCLA I know we can hit their pitching, anti to do they." The keys to the game are the same at always We have to play consistently and not beat ourselves We have to be pre pared mentally and come out attacking These teams are the upper echelon We can't make any error* because they will take advantage of every opportunity " Saturday's doubleheader against Wash mglon begins at I p in Sunday's double header against UQA begun at noon Ducks return to Drake Relays with fond memories of wins ■ TRACK: Oregon has had successful outmgs at the Des Moines. Iowa, meet m recent years By Andrea Oa Young and Pat* Schneider Omgon Dm* fmmma After three straight weekend* of having tha home field ad van tage. tha Oregon track and Raid teams are in Des Mo in**. Iowa, this weekend to defend their titles at the Drake Relays — a meat the Ducks have won the past four years. This weekend, both the men and women are taking teams that have a good chance of con tinuing the streak "The Drake Relays are a pretty good meet fair us to go to.” men's coach Bill Dellinger Mid *W# uukI lo Mod IMRU lo the Penn Relay* (in College Station. Pa | every year but we dacided to go with the Drake meet because tt la closer and more organized than the Penn meet " On the women * tide. Oregon 1* traveling with IS athlete*. Among them are the utual 4x100 meter relay and 4x400 meter relay team* In the short relay, freshman Aiaha Wallace, junior Nicole Gottumaaiong and senior* lantila Godfrey ana LeReina Wood* will be attempting to better their season beat of 45.01 second* The long relay team has yet to be determined, but the four athletes bum the short relay team, along with freshmen Tiah Unties and Sue Morris end }unior Tamara SchOrch. will all be available to compete The Drake features a 4*000 meter relay, which will be run by Morris, freshman Marie Davis, sophomore Ksarin Knud son and junior Vicky Reechnsr Knudson and Resrhner are returning from last year's team, which won the event in a photo finish. In other events, senior Niamh Zwagertnan will most likely compete in the 10.000-meter run. sophomore Jennifer Thomas will be long Jumping and throwing the Javelin along with sophomore Katie Pearmina, and Woods will be running in the 100-meter dash. At cording lo woman * bead > Tom liotititiMin. the Drake i» a chance (or some athletes to try a new event "Our emphasis in this meet is the 4x100 and the 4x400* Metncmen said "If the weather is good, which is iffy, we hope to get our fastest times of the year. The other relays are (or fun and competition and a break from our regular scoring meet ached* ule It gives our youngsters some travel and national experience * For the men's team, the Drake Relays will be a time to expand upon the team'* list of NCAA qualifiers and an opportunity to nurse injuries before traveling to Seattle for the last dual meet of the season against Washington Oregon already boasts nine individual* who have already provisionally qualified fur the NCAA i hampumthip*. and two athlete* — junior Darnel Da* Nhvm in the 1.000 mater steeple cha*« and sophomore Mall Davi* in the 10.000 meter nm who have automatically quail fled (or lh«m. Mora than 30 team* are »l*t»d to compete al Drake, which wilt no doubt account (or faster than average limn* The Duck* are about toady to claim a healthy *qu*d going into the moot thi* weekend, a* the team competed at the Papal Team Invitational with nearly a hill contingent last weekend The moot notable returnee* lea! week for Oregon include senior Turn to TRACK. Page 16