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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1996)
NATIONAL j*iWSJ_R0M*RGUN0 !Hf COUNTRY Schools try integrated curriculum approach ■ fcUUUUIUN - W teaching style combines subjects. discarding separate classes ARLINGTON. V*. (APS — Stu dunt* bump into Leonardo da Vinci everywhere they turn at Bancroft Elementary School Posters of the original Rmian «mr man hang in <U**n*wm A muni titled "Tike tact Lunch " —• a takeoff on da Vira t a "Last Sup per" — adorns a hallway There * even a cartoon about da Vinc i's Mona Lisa" portrait taped over the staff copy machine Teachers weave the Work of the painter, inventor, scientist into lessons about *< tern e. English, math, history and art — a teach* ing style that's gaining popular! - ty nationwide "It's a way of organising cur riculum without putting every thing in boxes, or saying 'OK. now it's time to take out our sci ence book."' said Fran Simms, language arts teacher al Han.Toft "It connects the day. connects learning.” But traditionalists are skepti cal of the concept, which some said tends to turn classrooms into theme parks where tenuous and unwieldy connections are made between xuhpict* best studied separately Integrating suhtm t* t*o‘l row hut (ho number of schools trying it he* grown steadily stm e the mid 1980* Mid morn rapidly In th« \***t five years, "There are hundred* and hun deeds of school* exploring it." swiid Sally Chapman wilh the Association For Supervision and Curriculum Development. which londutii workshops on the con crept. At ttrown Barge Middle School in Pensacola. Fla.. student* Iwm lesson* under theme* In the "Global Awareness" section. for example. students mwnch and write about different countries. *tudy ratio and proportion by comparing the sir* of continent* and team science hv studying th mate, rainfall and «amin cummti "The kid* love it because it maim **nv*e to them." said .Vmw tant Principal Sandy Ame« There i« nothing more frustrat tng than learning thing* in isola lion " Teacher* enthusiastic about integrated curriculum tn their student* don't just march from das* to class in blac ks of time They learn classic course work and skills, like writing, while exploring a larger issue ■ Inttnd Way ha# several vol uninef opportunities available this week including tutor fur Lane Education and Referral Network. office assistant for ARC of Lane (bounty, recreation companion for laurel Hill Can tar, Meals tin Wheels deliverer for U ,XX1 San tor Maal# or litara tur« librarian fur the National Federation of the Blind. For more information, call Bttt <kioo • Big Mount at n/Nattir A mart can Support Croup will sponsor Native American storyteller Ester Stutrman to share about mother Earth for Earth Day with a kid* mural drawing to follow today at 7 pro, Families are encouraged to donate S3 to $10 and bring kids’ art supplies and gardening tools to the t,rower’s Market, upstairs at 4’>4 Willamette St For more tnfor (nation, call 341-3051 • Sacred Heart's education department will offer a two part program called “Talking Fat Seriously,” Part I will focus on heart disease risk factors on Tuesday from 8:30 to 7 30 p.m Part II will cover recommended dietary goals and label leading to help participants make healthy food chokes on April 30 front 6 30 to 7.30 p.m Theda*# es are located at Sacred Heart Medical (enter. 1255 Hi I yard St, Both classes cost $15. snd peo ple can pre register by calling 7074. For more information, call Christopher Brown at 686 • 6868 ■ Big MottnUiaiHilivt Ameri can Support Group wilt show a video tilled "Hopi Prayer (or IW e." on Thursday at 7 p m at the Native American Long* house. (last IHth Avenue and Columbia Street off of Agate Street. The video Is a message for the world from the Hopi elders of llotevilla Village. Art* For more information, call 341* 3831. ■ PRIDE (Promoting Respect in Diverse Expression) will present Spring Out. a fund raiser for PRIDE Day, at the WOW Hall on Friday from 7 30 p m to 12 30 a m Entertainment begins at 8 pm with Zembuko Marimba Ensemble, The Rainbow Wran glers, performers from the ISC EE. and a sjm ial perfor mance at 10:30 p m with The Art Grooveau* Band Ticket* are fS tn advance, $7 «t the door The be«r garden wilt be open for those older than 21 years of age with identification For more information, tall 343-7050 or 683 8270. ■ Fourth Annual Odyssey of the Mind will host its yearly plant sale from 9 a tn to 3 p m on Saturday, which I# a fund raiser for Pleasant Hill School's Odyssey of the Mind program, an educational program that promotes creative thinking and problem solving skills for stu dents More than 10 specially nurseries from Medford to Port land will provide thousands of perennials, native plants, hang ing baskets and many rare and unusual plants The plants will be available at the covered she! ter at Alton Baker Park. 200 Day Island Rd For more informa tion. call Sheila Klest at 037 3073. — compiled by Down Hi ugh i NCAA Track Championships k ODE Special Section f RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW CALL 346-3712 Publishes Wednesday, May 29th Some traditional educator*, however. veld overxealou* attempts to connect everything ought impede looming Student* need to l***ro content and he t on vemnt in individual disciplines. *oid John Hotdren with the Gore knowledge Foundation He warns that an integrated < iiftK ttluw dm actually make it mom difficult fot vludenlv to leant about books such as Mari Twain'* The d (/venture* of Tom Scttnvr "The book n»n* the ri*k of twins *wallowed if placed in a It week inionliwlplmarv ectrav •ganxa during which students compute the area of hoard feme that Tom hoodwinked hi* frteiui* into whitewashing. or create neap* of Hannibal." he raid Heidi Have* lot aha. an educe tional consultant in Kye. N V . acknowledge* that venue educa tor* have gone too far Mo*t. however, have refined their approac h *he *aid They're introducing theme*. »u«:h a* studying the rain forest in »c:ienc e. literature and cm tal studies They are poatng a quo* tion or problem — like How do we save the rain forest?” — and leaving students use their knowl edge of different sc hool subverts to answer it. Wanted! Student* to help improve economic resident s get things done to improve the future Participants receive a $ t 2,.000 University of Oregon i it j,.«i i in, hi ni t'l.mumi: f’n! ■; 1* ,ul Milli.ii., km iii RECYCLE NAOT SHU 't5 •* AN OASIS OF COMFORT LAZAri * Mf tut • n/iMWtiSi«y« t<> THE BEST PIZZA FOR THE BEST PRICE! M0NDA??HH $095 One-Item Small Pins* • +Am»fr tm tjwiciAft? awytayi K.,«i . ttmmmm t* ^ #*&**«$ - ■ lit «t* MM fees'/ SUPER STUD (Medium Pizza WEDNESDAY ONE-ITEM* (t MEDIUM PIZZA FOR I ettminr PICK-UP TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 FRANKLIN lil.VD • 2511 W. UTH & WILSON • Nrw Starr l620 RIVKK ROAD 484-2799 - t«ll your faraway family and frionds to rood tho Oregon daily emerald now available on tho world wido wob http://darkwing.uorogon.odu/"' odo