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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1996)
UO offers help with exams, careers ■ UHAuuAit: several oo campus services can smooth students paths toward graduate school By Chris Cunningham ttmtmcm narwrxe For many students consider >n« »• hoot. put the thought of »ntr*n< <• nami emu* ** a mm of the p tiers But. there is * w«y to reduce some of the anxiety, and it * located on aunpu*. Academic learning Service* i* just one of several program* located on campus that urn help prepare student* for graduate school exam*, including the GRK. LSAT. MGAT and GW AT Susan Lesyk, director of Aca demic learning Service* and Teaching Kfft* Itvenext Program, said the center offers lip* on visualization and lam he* relax at ion technique* "The principle way to pre pare is to rehearse." Lesyk said While ALS purchases the actual test question* of previous lent# from exam agencies, com mercial-ten! preparation pro grams compose imitation practice tests, she said ALS workshop* are also lets expensive than the commercial programs The campus work* shops range in price from $95 for the GRK and GMAT to $225 for the MC1AT — considerably less than commercial programs, Lesyk said. The ALS workshops are taught by University faculty who are specialists in their fields. The Instructors make themselves available for drop-in assistance and follow up lesyk said students expert •mm lest anxiety becatrae they •ren t comfortable or accut to the standardised lent inn hwma! 'Students wit) r»U mistake* because they don't know the answers or are distracted by other attractive answers." she adds. tesvk said the professors teach the students how to pace themselves, to use "guessing* strategies and to approach •same with lets anxiety If a student doesn't do as well a* expet led. Usvk said, he or she may take the test owe again and review the workshop* on tape at no additional coat While ALS help* students prepare lor the lest, the Testing Office registers the student and administers the tests. The campus Testing Office serves as the University admin istrator for Education Testing Service, which oversees the national standardised admit sums test* for graduate schools All national standardised esamt. except medical school exams are administered through the Testing Office The Testing (Wfn « provides material and information for students who need to register for tests, said David Espinosa. Testing Office supervisor However, they try to be more tlien |ust a source that passes out booklets, be said. We ask a lot of questions of people to make sure they, know what they need We take our charge of student services seri ously,” Espinosa said Espinosa said Education Tout ing Service is moving from pen ‘if and paper toward computerised testing, one advantage of which is faster turnaround of teat result* Cum puter hased testing it currently available through Sylvan l.**ro mg Center The U#ltr*ntt)r*i Testing fMfk* *l«o **rve* ** th<* vehicle for administering the fifth your teac hing education program entrance «ttm Th* T*ac her Standard* and l*rm:tii» (kunnu* *ton require test scones prior to th* attainment of a credential "Th* whole idea behind test planning and preparation **r vk*a |« to help *lud«nl» mol mis* their scores.** Espinuu •aid. Some individual* may need further information h*fnr« deriding if th*v n**d to go to graduate school For the** stu dent*, th* Career Center may lie th* Marling point to begin look ing at future education need* The Car**? Center ha» a r«*ourc* library with informs tion on graduate school* and omcawni teat* that assist stu dent* in determining whether their plan* requite a graduate degree Computer program* are avail able to help student* dec ide if their qualification* match with their desired career path. *aid Doug Anders, career center counselor Career advisor* are available (or drop in from 10 a m to I2;J0 p m and 1 10 to 4 00 p m . Moo day through Friday For more information on dates and tint** for t**t preparation, student* can contact Academic teaming Service* at »46-332« or the Testing Office at 34b 3230 The (arwt fainter can be reached at 340 3235 Workshop explains graduate school mysteries By Ntcot* Tur1«y University student* gained valuable advice on preparing for their future education during Tuesday's Graduate School Workshop in the EMU Walnut Room, A small group gathered at noon for the workshop led by instructors Donna Wong and kelly Vie of the Educational Opportunities Program Wong and VS* offered students general information on topics such as locating schools and programs, obtaining letters of re. orttmen dttios, writing personal stale menu and financial aid. The real purpose of this meeting i* to talk about general ities, and w«* encourage you to make Individual appointments with us." Wong explained Wong and Vie said the knight Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat. Smith Famih Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block from Campus 345-1651 Library ha* a rwfcmn: « tabi* that contain* book* on graduate pro grams <w ro»« ilvo country ft t an fa* uwd to begin the mnu< b for a gradual* program. and student* can look up schools twi«d on categories such a* location and quality of program* Financial aid information it also available in the Kmght Library and the Graduate Stu dent Funding Library in Chap man Hall The Academic Learning Cen ter offer* workshop* aimed at preparing students for graduate school entrance exam*. The** workshop* offer test taking strategies and give students a chance to take a practice teat to strengthen weak area*. The instructors also identified the University Career Center, in 244 Hendricks, and the internet as additional sources of in for matton Student* tan wttu a Craduale school in for man on o»* p«g« at http'tiww job tnk.cmn. Wong and Vie identified two valuable loot* m preparing for tpaduate school networking and internship* " internships are the way to go. they help you gel into grad school and help you get a lob.' Wong said Positive relationship* with protestor* can also help Wher ever you go. if you develop a rapport with a faculty memlxer, he or the tain network with you and help you when you apply for |nbs.* Wong said Today. Wong and Vie will conduct a workshop on con structing the resumes and state merits of intent needed to complete graduate school appli cations The meeting will lake pla* e bom noon to l 50 p m in the EMU Walnut Room Alumni Association.. j UMMl Own 1 taUow T <•** »n * uw inir m *«u* rnjirt nu n M i hr Uwrrtutii al (hrunn Th* iMr tt in* m )Mn Ih* MuitcM Alumna AawOrfcMKktt fufca. (hr ofifM*fu<uf* (« tamm ln»ul»»d i« cMlwit rwnta Mkei profile m the '«lMiunll> and m l««*l bualiiftHi Horngfbrn lhr bund larlururn awlntu <nl alumru Look «o l hr (Uluir Nut warn now Jam the SAA Build a better University. Application* air in 124 A*;a!r Mall and arc dur February Slh ‘ Vets Club & Colonial Inn Restaurant' _ Opm lo the Public - The Vipers performing Wed, Fri, St Sal 9:00pm-1:00am Bulfw tur* I n. II »m-2 ptn • 00. Wn U W H« Mnw M«n Sa( II jnwknmK Live Music, Blues A far*: Wed, Fri & Sat, <i pm-1 am ‘, 1**6 Willamette ♦ MV32M ♦ {Unhurt fmtltlttt « February 3 A*, fim n, .* 1-800-KAP-TEST C<HI now to re«M»r*» your *»at KAPLAN Open 24 Hours. Because sleep is for wimps. kinko's 1265 Willamette / 344*3555 It’s as easy as If you’ve had fNUmydM is the most rominco unprotected sexualty fnwiunirrpti disease m sex, you are fN* Uwffd Statps tot'aij. One m at risk for fifty men is infected ant! shows chlamydia. no symptoms of the disease. TIM U«iwWt| •( Oregon Student teeter tt offering elrtanydta wise terming to men el no charge vMtff term Stop 67 the taifceratory Monday throegh Friday, I 00 am to 2 «0 ml, a* call 34M4SS lot