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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1996)
California zoo curator offers animal sei tour for Valentine’s Day SANTA ANA. Cmlit (Al») — li t «n animal lover* ultimate bmlity For ihuw? into amorou* iguana* or ho) Iwa-Uml thrift*. th« Santa Ana Zoo it holding H* 2ml Annual Sat Tour In honor of Valentine t Day The adulttonly lour Fab 10. bring* people into »h» boudoir* of their furry and feathered friendt To *ai I ha mood. i hampagtt* l* **r*od IT* fun. lit inamtitf. and everyone bluthet.” too tpokaiwanMn l**li* Ptarovkh taut 11 1 an txlut alional program lo etpUin it to mating habrlt of anltnal* and reprodut live effort* by *00* lo preserve endangered ipaclat. I'emvich •aid. Tho curator and vvi«tlur lan who guuta I ha lour offer no guaranlmrt lhai animal* will ho amorout Hut If ih«y an*, vuiiort an* In for an eve ful Tub itu> two-toed tlolht for instance Their lonpliy involve* rubbing rump* — dancingcheek lo t heek. to lo «uMMrh Soon tho tkriht am any thing but lethargic They're airborne hanging face lo far * from I heir front legs The lour coal* Si 5. which Includes champagne and a continental breakfast 13-year-old drives bits through two states; police not far behind TAttOKOTY.N t: (AP) - A U tfiar old boy tool off in d M-hott! bu* and tod poli< r on a < have trying to run patrol an oil the road a* he drove «i mile* through part* of two date* Thu youth drove at fart a* the bu* would go. which isn't very fast tiwauw North Car olina whool buses have mechanical speed limiter* "Wr went 4fi mph the whole tone," said Tsbor City police Ofhter 1.1) |ame* hut I'll tell you, that hoy could dri ve that thing He ***« trary " At some point* during the middle-of-the-night chair, the youth tned to run patrol car* oil lire road, driving horn vide to vide, and drove with the bu* lightv off, police Chief R V Wooster *»id He look the bu* from South Columbus High School, near hi* home tn Tabor City, about f a m Saturday The key# apparently were left in the but Polit e fallowed the hut into South Carolina and down to Myrtle Beach, where it turned heck toward North Carolina The buv eventually turned into a driveway at Weal firunvwitk High School in Shallolte, about .10 mile* voutheavt ol Tabor City The gate wav cloved eo the driver parked, vet the emergency brake and vtepped out of the bu* "When he tame off that bus, he was smiling and laughing," fame* Mid. The youth wit turned over to hi* parent* Charge* won! fM«d. but he will b« accumd of *ev«ral traffic violation* in a petition to be given to Juve mb i sturt. twid highway patrol Sgt WD Pum The ride could have laaied longer. Mid Bill (iore, the •t hool hu* garage director "1 filled the bus up with diesel fuel Friday afternoon." (lot* Mid "He could have gone another 400 mile* at I n I » ( r i i I ) « f W i i c o n % i a - I* I * t t *• * i I I r 1 "If jaw km* k*ttt tmtirt m Urn **», "W •«** «**»# mm I* htu thmi «• »**■**> 1*0 **U *r *'<*“ *» «a*i t/kmt * Hi** Om* TSk*»*» Ix*arn Your Way Around The World • Modi at.mad to Scvltta. Spain, or I oodoa. I *ela»d. (or a lummci, In* a tmoir, or for a (oil a. adrmk >rar • t txtrtn to liberal am and talrmalNmal |>**r»na • (W> to a forrigo tangoafr as! miotrod • Home 1U11 aHli ante • Hrldtrfpa • (manual ah! apptic* (eacef* l«» tummrt Mtara*) Ptnfrio t 'aata: • For Hutmo, room. hoard and field ittpi • In Seville. Spam i5,SOO ((all a* tprutg) ft* IVmwhm iro.irnu $S.?50 ((all or iprtng) (or a* irudemi * In Umdtin. I -rtgland W.M5 ((all), $4.??S (vpimg) for W luDmm trvuteniv S4.77S ((all), $5,025 (tpntqc) (or n.wi trvnlrM* Application deadline* • April I for uiffliiwt araawn • April JO (or (all vemeurt • October I' tViilii), Nov* ad* ( i" it.•ode«n| ice tprtngj vnaM For » program dewrtplion and an appliralioa. wiwifcdi i m ip nn or r-oaad: Modi At*.>*diu»plait ed« A LOOK AT THIS MORNING S HEAGMNES Loggers give timber saies protesters ride out of blizzard *o#tnwi»t ASHLAND IAP| — A end protest of • timber tele n««r Howard Prairie lake. along ih« Pacific Croat Trail aitmii IA miU oast a 1 Ashland, wh cut *hori by blintsrd nmdKiam There were no *m*»u end no mturto*. mkI Steve Armitap*. (or nil manager for the A*hUntl Knoun* Am* of the US Human of Und Management About 3E5 to 30 pradtsim walked five miles beyond th* HIM barricade on Saturday into the Host* Griffin limber uir AArf the protest, the HUM tillered protester* a ride back to tha trail VVV iet thorn do thotr thing — it fcaafwJW than a confrontation —■ and than or* offered tham a rid* out because it wh cold and we war* afraid we would low tomotady." Artmtagp aaid They warn tough, but I dunk they didn't understand tb* woatber condt lions they wore In.” Protestor Colin Jorwood Mid the group made it* point, despite the weather 'Closure of puiilu land* ha* become a new Ou tx (or th* bureaucracy when it conies to controversial timber Mies." be Mid "But people cannot be kept off public land* ” Skier freezes to death after skiing into tree SISTERS (API - The body of a ml Mina *ki*r »«* found Sun day in • hob beneath a tree on the Powder Valley *lope at Hoodoo Ski Area lama* Scarwt. 22, a c ullage stu deni living in Salem. *«• repeal ed miming late Saturday nighi 1 after lie failed lo meet a group of j friend* al the lodge Hi* body *ii found al ft 25 a m Sunday after an all night j mu h by Santum Ski Patrol He wa* *u*pended upmde down in a tree well San Francisco might legalize homosexual wedding ceremony MATtOtm SAN FRANCIS CO (AF) — Ur) Guido* and Cheryl Daanar w*M loDly ttoll. paid $35 and received ■ certt Haste that satd San Fram two officially recog nised them as partner* White they had the certificate, they watched heterosexual tou Cle* get marriage liiense* and r>ad ter civil wadding cm monte* "People gel a piece of paper for lha marriage h< enw and people get a piece of peper ter dome* tic partner*, but they're not equal/' Guido* Mid. The city'* Board of Supervisor* is scheduled to vote Monday on a proposal that would allow the city to perform symbolic domes tic partnership marriages The union, which could be performed ter homosexual or heterosexual couples, would carry no legal weight Two-day standoff ends at do Pont estate NEWTOWN SQUARE. Fa (AP) — An hair to the du Font fortune w«* captured by SWAT teem member* Sunday a* he •topped outside hi* mention to fix hit boiler, ending a 4« hour ttandoff that began with the •hooting death of a top wrestler Min K du Font, who had been without heat tint* police cut off hit boiler system Friday night, told negotiator* he wat cold and we* leaving hi* house, taid New town Townthip Police Chief Mnhaal Mellon He did noi carry one of the many weapon* he kept on hit HOC acre estate No one wa* injured in the capture "HU intent wat to make repair to the boiler* because he wa* without heat," Mellon said POWs released; U.S. officer injured; four NATO soldiers killed WOftlO SARAJEVO, Bosnia•Hvrxago*’ in« (AFJ — Bosnia » farmer battlefield fom claim**! Sunday they had emptied their jails ol all POW*. in a day marred bv the deaths of four NATO sol diers and the wounding of a U S Army officer by sniper fire Three British soldiers were killed when their vehicle hit a mine near Mrkonjir: Grad in the northwest A Swedish soldier died when an armored person nel rramer skidded off a road in the north In ilidza. a Serb held suburb west of Sarajevo. l.t Shawn H Watts was grazed on the neck by a sniper's bullet. The 2tt-year old from Greenwood, Miss. returned to duly several hours later NATO said it was investigat ing, but Bosnian Serb army offi cials in Ilidza said they knew nothing of the shooting It was the biggest death toll of any tingle day of the NATO-led mission since it began Dec 20. Before Sunday, there were 35 injured and four dead, including a British soldier who killed him self. Meanwhile, with hundreds of war prisoners released .Saturday, it appeared that most of those in captivity before the weekend had been set free Croats and Muslims freed about 380 prisoners on Saturday at the Sara|evo airport, a neutral sit* commonly used for such releases On Sunday. 74 were confirmed released by the Serbs and eight by the Bosnian gov ernment A Bosnian Serb spokesman said the release of another 74 outside of Sarajevo accounted for all Serb-heid POWs, hut the Red Crow could not immediate ly confirm that Organization: Leaders dedicate group to social justice ■ Continued from Page 1 front lath, a nonpartisan group, will provide transport# Hon to t-anc County Election* Monday and Tuesday in hope* nl t .hallengmg the backlash of voter apathy among young peo ple "We emamtne iaauea. not par* tie*." O'Neal said O Neat mid Krontlash also aim* to get involved in current labor struggle* Working toward Arising the minimum wage and supporting striking worker* and their famihe* are on Front lash * agenda "People am craving few an orga nt tat ion dedicated to na tal jus tn«*," ON.*il mud "(anting young people involved i» a great thing to do," The formation of coalitions between student* and workers is also a goat "The problem* of worker* and students are often the Mine." he •aid Knn Curtin, another Fnmtlash cam put organiser. said she hopes the group will indla action from its memben "We'll build awanmett and turn activism on campus up.” the said "Now it the time to get it «o»nK" However, Curtin said the knows that change may be a while tn coming. Problems with your landlord? t Legal Services handles a wide range of legal problems from landlord tenant disputes to divorces. # There is never a consultation or settlement tee. I Legal Services staff members are experienced, qualified professionals. I Legal Services are FREE to current fee-paying U of O students Contact Legal Service*, EMU, Room 334 (Third floor »bov* th# Fi*h Bowl) Or call 346-4273 to set up an appointment.