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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1995)
•a STEREO SOUND EOlliPMEN' 1 CASH! We Buy S*» & Serve# VMS VCR'S ansi Stereos Thompson Electronics. 11?2 On* Mi-9873 117* fihKW color »«r*o rv I' ?•• 4 head [mnor VCR $35 CO * AM-FM CMMIM $60 404-0047 Tams 5 pc Orum KH. grant rood $600. alio many extra# nMMOnatHy rend Anttaw 302-3011 U5 RESALE Mer. Chiht Lost & Found Sale Umbrellas, mugs, jackets, haii. you name ti someone's lost ii, and we'll sell n to you CHI-I P" Where EMC Rec Center When Mon Nov 2? K 00 AM until ?? Come early for best selection 195 OPPORTUNITIES STEP FAMILIES Do you have a child in your home ages 5 8 yts who is in grade K-3? We are studying blended families like yours YOU CAN CAHN $175 Orison Social Learning Center *'■-*«** *500 Awm 485-271 1 Secondary Special Education Program: Tuition 8 stipend av.v aWe lo quaflftod persons in*®f»ttt©d m oartw^g special ©dotation o&rtsf? cation For rrxxo informal ion ptoase write to. Santu Davis 175 Cotfog© of Education. 5260 Urwortfy ot O© gon. Eugene. OR 97403-5260 Leaders Wanted Focused, seif motivated, desire wealth? Then step up Serious inqumes only. For interview (503)363-8342, B U’fO B £ Ha,?. £ T Hr i Qjuh Hiumri *o [■Ability kit «J (OffteM Of Wipurv Cds ire ii tr*e*ni lor tUe**! «onlrnt And itv**} uedrr Mil mull ^trtwlc a utAfrf* 04 iR-m tor uW (Mhcmivr m}$ IKjI ApprM taw p.»>d to tur trwr prcabaW* Arr Rnptmd j( tour own rnk POSTAL AND GOV T JODS t*l HOUR . BENEFITS NO EXP NEC- WILL TRAIN APPl & INFO 1 600-536-3040 Student Pee* Advisors wanted lor the College ot Business It you are a motivated, responsible mdrviduei looking to strengthen a variety ot Mulls then aitend an informational -j yi Thurs Nov 15 .il / pin Applications avaa m?7t Griben Don't Forget Vour Mother on The Holidays Help save trie environment and our national parts on your vacation by bemg an activist wan the Sierra Club Call Ken ® 686-2771 Cruise snips now hiring Earn up to $2,000* -month working on Cruise Sryps or Land-Tour compa nies World navel Seasonal 11 em ployment available No experience necessary For more information can t - 206-834-0466 ext C80891 Enthusiastic Marketing Students needed to take muse magazine io next level 688-7612 MO WORK STUDY POSITIONS Bet. Crntfr If you enjoy people THIS ts ihc job for you From desk potitions are available for Winter letm tand break ) Pick up applications in the Recreation Center on the ground floor of the EMC For more information contact Stephanie at *46-4178 Applications due Nov. 30. maami tt you need to work WiMer term now s the tane to apply' The t M1 j Food Service x too*no lei Mud ants wno are avaaatiia tor tmow or more hour* between ?jm and 1pm Position* include Sandmen prop or opening it-* FoHbowt. Ainum. Dinty Gnnd. AA.A Mivirth, Braeraway, La Ho Ceasars anil other Food Setv ice locations Pick up an application «i me t Mi ^ <xxl Service ■ » tv* huxJ UlQe Ceasart m the FishPowi ot Ihe Efti Memorial Union In crease your odds ot petting hired by having an application in betore Tuesday, December 5 for mm tnlormetvyn. caH 346 0606 and ask lor Mae $1750 weekly possitw’ mailing our circulars For mm 301 306 120 7 Basketball officials needed Earn ectra money oltortlmg fagft school basketball Work bused on your av.n abtuty Meetings are every Sunday . 5pm# lane Communrty Cottage Gym Cafl John # 689-1001 BAS it! T B At L OF F 1C I At S N E E 0 F DI Referees needed tor YMCA winter 6'bail leagues Saturday games, grades 2rtd-M S . S? SS per game Appiy at Eugene Family VMCA by 11/?7 2055 Patterson St ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Stud unis Needed' Farting Industry Earn op to" S3,000-$6,000* fmr month Room and Board' Transput tenon' Main ii Female No e*pen ence necessary Call (206iS45 4155 ed A6Q692 TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK Make up to S2S-45/hr. teaching ba sic conversational English in ja pan. Taiwan, or S Korea No teach ing background or Asian language* required For mlormation call C208> 632 -1140 ed J6069? $ Cruise Ships Miring! Stvktenis Needed1 S4$»Free Travel (Canto bean. Europe. Hawaii') Seasonal Permaneni. No E«po< Necessary Guide 919-929-4398 rut C tOO? Oft kb assistant needed tor busy oft* a Must be rugnty motivated, respons<tte ary] dedicated Great pay and IkwuOle hour*. Apgoui lions available at Academic Learning Services. 68 PLC HOME TYPISTS PC useriTneed ed $45,000 income potent m< Cali 1-800-513 4343 ml 8-9642 Now is your chance to apt*, for a reporting position at the Oregon Deify f m*v jij We are faring a re porter starring muter letm irs a pad lane KjC. avakaLse tor arty Uni versity student It you have ques norvt or want an appecahort, come to the EmaraKf office located at the EMU. suae 300 Apptcatiom for the position are due bv 5 fKft on Waits '. . 22 The Emeretcf is an equal opportunity employer commuted to a euteaRjf diverse workplace 795 HELP WANTE Want a chanca to tnlluanca roe •ay ttudem fee* art allocated? Tn» aSuO Program* fmwM CotrwtWle* Has opening* twgir> rang eroinr term tor Nr* Budget Analyst* and Hota taker »«* catxxta arxi r <**.*'« matter**! from roe ASUO. State 4 £MU or Boom ;># oJ ifia EMU Due t>y S pro Dec !, 1 £9$ in ASUO. Suae 4 Or Rm 29. £Mu 7i« HOUSES FOR RENT 1*^ Rental lIEl Resources .Vptf /.(stint's Ihn!y (all 3V* 6120 Tudor Corug« AomodBtad. CmhkjNM atyrd. 2 bdrfT) cottaoo Oak fioty 1376 'A fttfr < ACVO%!t 4*ft©V frtxfl C'aft Wood) Vv50'!T'O No sm^ng at pots 343 6000 3 bdfTT! houim *or rtfff Pirtff^, larpt porcf*. ? bis $ of campus Av«*4 m»d OtC ITSO^no 34 3-4602 ggrmiiiiomimni.ii T#*»# ov#r my l»dw t 1 94' Orv» Ndroom partly furrwsNJd .%* 0967 Hilyard Cas M*« !o mw 345-6072 1 bedroom S39Vmo PffvAiw im > paffcMQ, orvurta laundry 4 biocfcs from campus 4ft!? 2023 S*ch of Oorm Ufa? Tefce over our toas* f umrtHad 2 bdrm. 1 b#» ?o campus $66QftflO 18/7 EmtrakJ 34646 H Apartmantt on campus 1 am4 2 bdfms AvaAitfae soon $42$ $526 343 0645 smiaotipnmsH'i! 2515 Frontier 2 bfdroom freshly (hunted 3 bedroom fireplace ! hath Dnhu ushers, haste cable covered parking, on busline Cal) manager 643 7169 1390 Mill I bedroom ytticmus pru tUf patio imil to ta‘input Call manager 341 191# ran KJem Property Management 485-7776 1301 ferry On# txfcm $36&"mu .>61 t 2 E 14 Av# ft Cafl 343-6735 to vt*** 2 BEDflOOM $495 Campus 1 btocfc Very Uvg#. cteto. me© C4fpi*. tours dry parting. toas© through August no p*>?S A v .-*#»,'*4NOW’ 750 E lSih • 345-7907 APARTMENTS lUNFURNlSHEOli Sp^cioot 2 Bdmv \ S56 A' 18f* landicapad grounds. hJ9 n&MT**) fcachsn $6‘>Vmo Month to roonin OTfrNts* Stawnclarfv 461 -01W 2 Ddrm 1 bath SSSOrtno fc.X)C (Jepotit $50 *v»*r* («NTVAnC«l f«M» Jim* 15 94,> E t«h 9)2 34HOOO Pearl Garden Apt Very me* ! bdrm m a qMMN cohv pMii New and f>*nt. DA CtapCWUlt. baftrorty 0> Mo porting A laundry $425 vmww» no imolong Of pots 304235 or 345-5949 USE 19th it London Town Apo/lm«nt« 601 CoOurg Rd ? bedroom avatfat** m om at f vt ijnr*s 9 most charming OOmpter 101 pnvttt* pa&o. wtuuhantmS. »g laun dry room, fabulous tk*or plan. pork mg. fufry app*anc«Ml MAchan, boat At K4 par* , m . f i (XiV •■■*’ $■' . • Alto tte 2 bdmv? bath w»th te lapiac *» Must MW 406-1 35.’ ns QUADS FREE RENT UNTIL 12L14 Tala ov«f Upas* SJGOmo includes iAM *m» Pnv a? e hath 45 •> *>jj t g ,'■!• get Nov nmt fnm 1 t> * v ?. amp*,-. * mo ncK<J»?l a* ufiitmf ,141 -4929 NiC0 4**1 cfrfctn hjft-torv quads 1 bfc from campus. laundry room, sacurt* patrol. *v*A:**f tenants $.■5*3 me laas* no pot* 1300 Alder 345-5049 Share bath and kitchen • • .. ' , ,'i. mg. aS utNtima p«*1, 00 a#1« laundry >/•»’ •- I fu) M , 1 U > 41 •■ _l |T .?*»•-< ••>* M- » V-' RI3 S66CV0OO E«CO*Mf*1 coodWw (S03)6flJMH67 ?x ROOMS FOR RENT F amass »oomftyit« wanted kjf w«otw and Spring terms to, share 1 bed room apartment ntwtr campus No smoking no alcohol, no drugs $20/ SO a month * 1 fi. ut'HMxtii Hti *1 686 2 \ 40 WANTED Roommate Resources (aU.i.UOJjl uni JU)t ISth 0*04 4 you'?W stiiS ■nitwit**! tf> tHng VtHiiQB Apt CrtJt m» 4H4 -4fc£> mClUB SPORTS Mw' t <?«*** w.^oA'.'hj tor 4 tow yooel fW * ira/y, cJ**3h.^»!oO yuyn HO ei{»Wf¥JfH,.M *** D-tIVtJ W3&3l t 4 ms ScRVI *TTtNTK3N ALL STUOCNTS! Grams A sthol4r*/iip* are asaiiabta Billions of dollars in grams, qualify immediately 1(100 400-0209 Buy 1 Christmas ornament get the 2nsl ornament ■iff ttfUJI <)/ 50 fo Off Jp with this ad ott«*r fipiffs 11, t'(') JftBBEKWOCKY Cards • Gifts | I h * **/\i VHTrt » « ».«,««|'-o , v Hfc«r Y*f *!» kU*»« s .W***.; Pjr&MK# uti the krtf k-twf it/ out b»<«. J.fcu’W • ••».<> j» ’ • ». |»o Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson r~ HfclU>s Ml MOM. ITS CAl'jin IS 50HUUIN6 ITi fttces *RON6’ 'CWVtj I* F si 3UWOSfcD I'D K... . at >s swl ■! f -/ TV&K tW MK.! ck'X\m j we * IM ri 'X ACTUM*. CAU.IK& HOWES HOLD 10U |VUT WW OK' 1 gotta set *1 OKN SECBETMH \ i m SERVICES ProW#m»? C«4I th* U of O Cnsm Un« for omviymnu* «M F H*n &*vn 24 hniAlay +**•* twx'fci 348 4468 WANTED 100 STUDENTS to k mi A ’ Ot) i» N®"* Mgftafoofeftm B/wii ftvouah Cnw*i,ant«MK.i Result« U5 0Oco«t 18082083898 MUNOREDS AND THOUSANDS of grant* and »cfXA«irVvjj)ft avaMobto (O Aft AtuOm** tot •xk y*vvft Of wwvfi ytxi immiKSatii qua* <<**» *' aa (800) 270 2744 n«CAu»« p*opt« car* FREE pra^naocy taating Cat! 1st Way M7 8661 FREE HELP * .»*. f • >i prutWKn? Call Atcof>o4M:t A non y moo i M? 4HJ 24 hfV'Jrty COnf*Jff*ta* AiiukH*! Support SawOftB 24 Mr On vs l me 484 9796. vlvkJ Abortion S<WvKea to 21 mroafcft F?mo prmjnac* v» ?€*-'»?>. 4 ■ $4V\K tW ft Vt £ tlin. 342 5940 HEALTH 4 FITNE Shiatsu Massag* vr* * 1975 Cilftt’-ti 484 -'9609 A!»o S*r«*.t»fth M,v\V!*yw gift A ** :. ■< ytud&nt (Jtocount A art 88 {Mtfncfflgt>t paupfcet 100% natural. nodtl, no o»*v, ?n«i back guarantor SO* XCO 305 CAMPUS EVENTS HOWARD zmN *>tt tm toadtag a Symposium Tuesday Nt*«mb*r 2* on *EconofrxG Jostle* in tfx> Urvtsd Slates.' AJ 4 00pm m 13# QHtxvt And at ? 00pm m th© f MU &»* room* ha *”-! t» grvmg a lactur*. hcfcflts »vo ?ff*« for &t\jdnnts and S3 tor commun4y Tickets art* roquet*} for «w4ry. A*Xj aro AvAtafito at ifx» f Mu Mom Or** M^4h<W K#f»'s and Hungary M<w*d Bcxifc $ For mow info call 430? Study Abroad OverixMs Study F a*/ Mov 20 (LM 4 6 pm Ftf Hoorn, 6 MU wnat 1* ESC A PE ? "c«>ma u > FSv API 5 'PI N Mouse to<k»Y and find cxH1 F or mfocmahon on hem you can voturttoor tfwixjgh f SO API . Mop t>> EMU Mill from H today or ca*< 346 4352 Fr^n rafr&fthmonis' 3io ARTS ft ENTERTAINMENT MONTHLY THE LAKFJ « NADJA m/% 5 •* ** t J*> JEFFREY. L*I?l'AlAi=CM3 : M ALLRATS ODE Classifieds smhiTi 7:00 PM & 9:39 PM F1LMSSHOWN IN 180 PLC. admission:$2 studentojy/lP y>-—> CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACROSS I 'tiftftfk ft 5 Olet 8 PfJW r*//«rt1 v&Nckt 12 l i-Ofwing© 13 We< 14 OMftQftfN Gomracb 15 Ojmw comporwi 1 7 > 1*m*ACO 18 M«S *t$4fCt 19 Tompora m*nt 21 * t ;>!»f Uunmenf* 24 CcxttufQy rib 25 26 ContMk ti-ve ti*#** 30 M nu fw t em^u« 31 Th* man wrrttl tfMft 32 Cornpui 33 Hd:*OWW? tymbot 35 ChuOi 4 kfCA n<H> v 36 f-rom of* 37 GfAJ 34 Agre« 41 U 42 f i 41 Ttm, from ff'ff 44 “ast 49 PwOwG*?n 40 fcf* c* Uor^y Py9V3n 51 &»iney % P*l 52 W v N! 52 A t\jv Jful DOWN 1 C sjfrvtf'a/v'j short count 3 FotittMti - 4 M.t»f ■ »■ * ?o u ttsnounf 6 Ah» ij, 7 fk?y* r tWff 0 I (X tfv» !»fn® {><« ny 9 MurotfngFJtf 10 8 »' 1 1 ‘ .4^4 . JU 16 T fpO l*n.U 20 to 21 A':,t*V:V.J tH>t tfmt So4uOo<i time 24 mini 2? T '< j i 23 ‘A <r» ffw? f am *f fejtftO# 24 V. >n) <•* i*’ 0* 4 if or ,>rfl 26 ''■>■ «• Units 27 M 20 M . <• i 29 • * *1 t i j J1 (\ Usi 34 V. i 35 Wijfbfo*# 37 • >m»fc 30 A um* 39 Art * SJ'AM 40 >?.aH 41 > 1 .j#.* COmpO<Wtf 44 Compylef m#moty 45 Re#Wt » *What« 46 ’•;* h SOu*r‘«t 4/ LK»- Use