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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1995)
?»s OPPORTUNITIES StuKMnt MWH«» mm) »1 » AoK** mc/Uftdiclar*d m currently open •CP eppfrcjwton Pa§*»prt dMcnp^o^ arsd appr*--at>qn!* are avarfawo in f M $xj4* 4 Appfc. .ihon *+ Mg* l!M 7/96 an 6pm ASUO « *A 1:0 ADA 0r\ikrym OfM^ women ti i taagtue A chimps xyokifiQ for *v t*d» player Ty 0&MOI9 JOBS’ INTERNSHIPS’ GRADUATE PROGRAMS! »«t A competitive «dba* A!t«rx1j ’*’e UO C»r«N»c A tntemtMp j ;F#tr *n Tues . Nov 14 A WtKiv 'Nov 15»’-vm 11-00 4 '■•■ '■ i MU Ta» entfi r**pftvi4*nt*!rvm !w Over 90 compisfvos. govern ment /tgenoe* non-profit* and graduate AC*»004* about CAffWif iVXj 0ppOl^if1S»#» For A frS* of participant*, vmrt !fv» Career Center. 544 HerKiricfcs £ Ij r £ k fc£ y/A.JtJE ffc* t'>ir|p»>n i ’4 » f to.--ji-..‘ kwwi m> iv*i»Wh lor t4 v rw»tr«* or mpn**Hr Mr «rr w 'rrnrrf kw 4tr*il « o«*r«< *<m! mi4 o*«k' *4» prvnt* 4 ijl >V«*> tor u«r CMWfluw W« l*M« tfVTM IQO f*»wd k> br »«r prubAfr V' Rcvpocwl 4f > out o»fl rink Cruis*? ships now hiring Elf up to S2.000*-month working on Crwse Ships or Land-Tour compa Oi<>5 World travo) c>*M$onal M em t^oyment avartatJMl No e*p«»f>*»nct» nee#&sary For mo* e information cai) f-?06 634-0466 e*t C60691 NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE Recorded nwrs.ruig« gtvns dryta^is 345 1073 Craft wood Workers Needed W VJ y pa y $4 H( )♦. f ■n at * *ft.- i; pr o«i < h \i Free »nfo 24 hrs (801 >34?-4121 Teaching Assistants Mr iH f.jr ilw Xtrm>< Pr ffirn ami |(an viluiMr PR % t «utrr a*h r«|Vftrnt r V«m mill i all iluni« ami 1> Htunumd |H lcvu.mjJv »ki mat* h thrm as * arrcf mnti'tt with students titimwrU oi thet# RrkJ M i mt itrrdrxl h» ihr f*i<h.*min*i (lasses vmxn ln*|hsh Mtst-rs Musas IS** !»■ it**j* Stvmioir* fmtfisuitrnul Miaks ftuanrM 1« >nnau> s ami an AM Major* t lt*» • Mint he an rnthtmnlH ind'tUiul »nh n*»**i •ega/uyasnwial skill* aiuJ a drwn t<» talk to man* skltrrriti pn4nstoiuh • t tKlniBah Qnh * |*ai*i poMixMt (j$ Kite Vapp or Juiim: M*U at 14<» WiJI for RPfrifcafcMfes .»r tfurshoas i\fenU/rU Jv%tMtnr I huflU*i\ \.**w/*«*r /fi ^ppfh*auns Mitaumai at »P Urmk* tu SprsrfcmJ S ilr tarn inttrt \U vu »> amlltkii h* OPPORTUNITIES YOU MA Y WANT TO QUfT YOUR PRESENT JOB Ev«r!s coanfrmix lot tbo EMU food Sanncvj Thi-a parson «kxa] tm for booking i.w'ch and offwwr .acts prvn#rtfy kx *N» UO BtW Gordons. bul lor ofNir food ****** as *«$ Tho <sv«n*s coo# dfcntfttor would «fswj crus**#** a# f«r €** of promoting Rood Srrvv;# #** t©r?it'>ni“rwvf Adv#wi»*<ng S4Wf •Rd a QOOd knoiMidgi t ># ?n» igca# muoi*c scrw^n *s mandatory for th?» poMwn Computer graphics ar*i MtyOUl fMM wot Art t» a phj| To apply *or in* poiHton, slop by ins EMU ^ood Swv*«? Q#f*c« NftNnd Lrffte C«wwii m !N» F ofibowf ol f*v» EMU to pn * up an kx** ai'.-.m Apphcatfoo dfudims is Mon, ‘Nov 20 at 5pm F * f>.vo nl - manors. cat? 34$ 0606 ano a.*fc ?c* jM’Ml postal and gov t jobs NO EXP NEC- Wil L THA N A PPL & INPO t 600 536 3040 Don ! Forget Your Mother on The Holidays h**4j;> save ?n# «nv«omwa and our naf* y%ai ports on your vac4f*oin by tMMOQ Hh actrv^sj wah ins $*#rra Chjfc Ca& K«w 668-i’/(M Oflce AssistantY^eciyd* Cksrk 12 16 hr* per ***** Must be tjeftfei Oft enled 6©*sbfc» a/kl hove experience *ir' • ng it-,j f»x -Needed im mediately ;...■• ’ ■ * -» ‘ Knr.’ • 4M 0366 Mi HELP WANT Now a-.: -. **pbrvg applicationsi 'or drive/* inside help #*n<1 fanaors A|X^ly m pO'oon M 824 Cfinmo'!on Pijza Pipeime EcperwNX* lor r «d Raise 5SS Th* •' v * * ‘ »s here to t>e*p you- Eaet. easy, no nsk or financial oWtyatiorv^f^mks. groups clubs. motrvafed meimdu als. Cafl now Raise $600 in only one woe* (800) 862 -1982 ext 33 HOME TYPISTS Pv -.w, ,WH.j ©d Sr45.000 trx:ome pofenfcai CaW 1 800-513-4343 e*t 8-964? Web Page Local educational software reseller looking lor a Web Page program rr>wr with HTML ftrxj Pori exp*>r« ©nc« Graph* Arts {Quark, Pago mitker) experience also desired MuSl riavo working know tec ige of both Miic and PC P ull or part unto E-mail seanc^ts team&erv com or resume to Webmaster. PG Bo* 10636. Eugene. 97440 Please Recycle Chile, The Tiger of Latin America! It’s OSli's Newest Study Abroad Program Six Week*, August - September • Study Spanish with Cntversidad Catollca (acuity and earn 3 hours transferable credit • Immerse your si* I! In workshops on Chile's cultural, social, political, and economic change, and earn 3 more hours credit • lave two weeks In your own apartment and four weeks with a Chilean family • Join our extended excursions Vifta del Mar. Valparaiso, I’omaire, and other fascinating sites • Explore all of C hile and the neighboring countries ol Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia • Make lifetime friends with university students and other Chileans • l se your financial aid im luurs course, nouaing aim exturmlooa •Call: Frederick J. Smith, Director, 737 1433, 726^039 life* Plants? Ut« to plan ahead? WhofaaNe nursery iDOtung to# ?*gn energy peopfo pert is***? altar CNi&tiflS MMme «n spnng Send 'e-sum* to PO hot 63?. COR#g* Qrcve, ON 97424 The U o* 0 Bookstore «s r*m m. • ;:wp*sng appecaftort# lor temporary and cwh j help from both stud ents ami nonttuderrts tor the be gtnnttQ of «er*«r term Open po«u bona mchde te*t guti** chec* approvers ami < ns/vw i for the boo* general merchandise and art departments* apply m pereon at the admrweiratrve office gfMUMTS >n the fioofcvorn $1750 Weekly t 'tj : • Circulars f of rrto 301 306- 320? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Need BifengweU perypte to f'xwp w*ft’ nyf rajxfy growing infer national buievase ■ 1 6fM -6374 l od CM hcww to ©«wn $$!•** «\v*% t>y donating plasm# trs prnpM % sal# »■,»•■ *.v uy Mar B*« ,tiit f'M'./riil *nf<>r M3 9430 ASUO Multicultural Canter Graphic Design Computer Tach CoQtd*t\aiQ* toti descriptions and appk:rtUv'-* 4ha.« .-«{*« »r> the Mu»* .•’..tfturai Center Suite .U. t Mu Works*.*** or StOO-mo nfepentl. if? hrn.>*k Apps due Nov 16 5p Call J4 6-420/ artth Questions or *4f Op by !be confer A A 1: Of AQA ASUO Multicultural Center Pro gram Outreach f if ^ < doscnpHom ami #ppfcc*#on» avas m tn»* Mij-'f-; uSural . ‘t»s»v. Svr t« 33, f MlJ Work*tix*j r $ t Ofi r?* > Stipend, 16 fwvwk App# due Nov If* # 5pm Can 346-4207 with Questions or stop by ihe Career A At. CHI-ADA Depressed? You can earn $15 by panic ipat »ng n our screening procedure. and poMHbty another $20 when you qualify lor research on emotion In the Bra*n Sieciropftyaaoiogy l rtf > lo cated »n the Psychology Depart dram oi the University of Oregon, we are studying howr the otectncdJ activity of the br&n changnw wtfh tftferem errH«3or\ai stales if *« fend after fhs scrpemng procedure Uvtf yOu Qualrfy. your txam eaves eni t« recorded as you read storiee of every clay «fe rrvents if you are f*iw f«witng defxev:^d ceM Erica da Koniny (346- 19M) to set up a time for a screening AB pf a cs coded by nunrrfyer to mamUiin cor^ der>f(«|i4y in HELP WAWTEQ Proof fn-kter for fete* ary review SfcMtd, iMcmn corrwnrftfKj C«*S 3443 396 7 w HOUSES P0»W Todor Cottage b«Mut(fui cr?yfd. 2 txtro COMO* Qdfc floor PifUptftt-n 137© ‘A ©tb !'n*i *'*«»> fr ■•(•■ . A i $66Q7mo No wtxauq or pgta 343 6000 ?'i APARTMENTS ifURNlSHCQ »p*im«iu on campus t and 2 tom* Ava*aM® soun $v. iv'. 343 AM*. f urtunhiKf TtxJrm *p*§rtmtw* 464-9*2? . -WOW*. DA ihufxysMf r*** ^ypnt $V>Um<' A,.».i N A 34J 3318 Two bdrm apt, cio-sa to crmpui, • ^ <•» mm%. tug “4>» -. *ut, avatf now C j or Mob M3 2463, anytime Omh. modem Mulct apartment Jo c atm! t tAocfc from UO BoiAtltro 4v4?{ i?/8 S400rmo 484 6796 VWII VHt h Now I Mudk) Walk to campus. $365 4H5-7T?6 or 485*6396 ■i P? }{.'6fty Manigtfn^n? 1 bedroom <•- v<" ! ,;*fry *>o •;,»« parking Some ofcfcb«« 967 Pgtlw $406 ffKTf 741 /604 2 txlrm 1 both $66*3 mo $200 depowt $60 ma«v ■ In (non fM ; KMMMf URttl ffi 942 f !$|h |M ;> 34 36000 1 bedroom apt - < ampu* tvoa SJSftmo. mt;k*.kfc» ail utas 485 2823 or 666 -3061 CAMPUS 10 BLOCKS Clean. ioufdry. jwtung. 3 tafcscM to Saf*rw4v lease,. no pets 2046 WAamette 346 **-18 / CAMPUS 1 BLOCK ? bedroom $646 large. etean nice carpet. taunt Jry perking. lean** no pats 760 f 1 HIT' 346 798/ Great location*! Boa ,• M Bum. OW. rkepoeaf inunh room. landscaped ground* Can* for ar appc Avaunt A) now 461-0199 or 466-1362 CHILD CARE SUBSIDY ► Available for on and off-campus childcare ► Full and part-time UO students ► Funded by student incidental fees ► 15-45% of care subsidized ► Available for all year Pick up in application ai 1511 Moss Street or call 34e 4J?4 Become pari of your student government! | The ASUO Executive is looking to hire enthusiastic people tor Federal Attain; Coordinator • State Attain, Coordinator Elections Coordinator • Elections Board Computer Support Specialist Pick up applications a! ASUO Office in Suite 4 EMU Applications will be reviewed beginning 11/15/95. 5 pm Compile Speualisi ipktkWH sell be renews befitum* lim.95 5 pm ASUO is an EO/AA/ADA Employer Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson BRRR .S FREEZING out rvCRE' 1 Ooni wAut to lEAYE *1 NKE Wtf!W BED ON DMS .'XI nr , 1 K '5H MOM VICiXD rMi IN VAX tXTRA BLANKET OfcR Mt. PftT NN UtAD, AND AS l SINK INTO TVflt NllON UNttR rut. vs k ■*’ of tut ooftfts v ‘ *<10 *ax Sk HEY LETT. ME tT.'/ tws is tvh Turn tihe rvt CMLEb WJ.' 'f'wVE Taw'-, t-, vus w_ bus.' LETS'??/.' TMtit MoRmn&s m GOtNfj TC> K.U. MC ,0 APARTMENTS jUNFURNlSHEOi l 3 bedroom aptartm*** t* on® block from carntxai and o^wi cat*® op &0*\ laundry on »«*, water ♦ garbage ifttfUdftCt in jfe(Vmo CaS 686 9t;>8 Spacxxjs 7 uory. ? bdrm apt ctoaa to camjl iSO off i si mofrtttn r«rx Avail 12tt 1 Cm 606-4571 Spec loot 2 Bdrm l^v. /» i#ih landix.aixK.1 ground# M **ju*!fxxj k;tr.hw i'- i'vmo M-xith to month t o «* ■ u461-019-9 Aero®* from Music Building ig $iudk> wood floor $400 Ava^ NOW (>x» txfrm ,-r,.* 0** $430 AS tixc*n< n*«x.tnc 343 <8000 Share bath and kite hen hjffxturo iidfpatfld, tiff tffjMrt - p£fti «n0. Afl dbfches (Mud, on »*t« laundry S-'AVmO ! ?S0 Mitya*-! J .14.1-4109 g»* * 4«?9 Take Over my l4Hi*v« and pnt trtiftj S.’S-Amo 34 i .144 4 3y f Weave m®S4Wtye| □MUMEB Room 3 mock* from campua $780 4 i'atSkQ :*X^A)mJ 1 * 3®pO*ft*t Avetit D^C 1 68.3- 5>5*v4 « room® av ausoi® on 11 /TO MOut® 1 7 t)*OCI( from campus $45-7876 $?8?VthO * (V*t**srt M; • ■<' v. \ it**' ■ • •***'•. ■ -■ fer ry St Bridge are® t*cv ! v 1700 * < 4 ut i’ti®n 4«‘. ||M3 from S3C and m - a<iat*b9 lor ertftt®* term mo metuesntt rent. -Student1! Cooper a atoti 683- in? ■M'l.T.MiH WANTED Gimme Shelter1 M '-')>< !,-;v*-xNv seek® o^f tfnpui room w-nter tpflng * arttcufcAl*? Sam ai (503) 588- 2494 Ftaommato wanted to share a trx®® bedroom apartment with u» t blocs from i ampua OaN® opbon, parking orvttfe laundry Caff 686 <9178 S®®ew«g tvs fumaf® roommate tor 3 Odmv i Wh hoias® I irio from Book tMo*e Owner has *m dog 34 3 3771 ROOMMATE WANTED 1 bdrm. t taoh &k®~nerw $713mo^ On butkn# Caff 686 7699 ODE Classifieds 346-4343 rs club sports TT># U of O Womto s Club Vo# laytMMi t<Nlm * •« h*» homing tryout OUfWtg If VO AiH* so# M’S A Ml? Tfx» bni09 atv ovtwy M W A Th froro 7 U> 9 30pm Anym mtorost MS SERVICES FREE HELP- i a* ofvot a pfoM*wr Caff Alcoholics Anonymous M?4U3 ?4 t\r%ilay. cOftfcdor* ATTENTION ALL STUOENTS’ Grants A ihl ftoUtship* ;w» av»itAt>t« Billions of dofiam m grants, qualify tmmadMrtsfy 1 000400-0209 Povalo h«4f) Irons f»ww*t*i FREE ptsgnancy tasting '•' c\y 1st VV.» , '.'.h * t AtJO#t»<lfl $#fVKM$6 lO »' I Arid* £ Ffo* pf<£QfWK:y t«n»is An Wtvnmgy-n HiKtlh t tilts 342 8940 Prottfams? Call th« U of O Crisis Lmt ' / f m* i . , counseling M f Spro fiani 1 f, A.-.*r-v.h 1146 44mi v«i*u*4i A ss<u ill Sc4P|XVt SofVHAS ftsiS l. »rw> 4A4 g/'i HUNDREOS AND THOUSANDS of grants and schotiifafHKt avtfcUvWs m a9 t*w our yoar* of fw stxvcfi twx»fst you (mmcdaia ijua; ■ itTxw\ C«S {000) 770 2744 WANTED 100 STUDENTS ? -.u B 100 H*s N<tw Molar* ii-irti BtmA IhfOugfi Ou4r^l0bU Rifl^uRs $36 00 >5t 1800-200-3*06 3» CAMPUS EVENT too GokJ , <VXJ StOTNM of !.*>w ■ 492 E 13th • 686-2458 r owrouifr shows i w* u .•■TS^TS b****- m«m ts«tir ta iasim* wnl ^ wsm*la tnt» i **^My 1 V«n<i*ui* U<r* Tfuuuuuij MONTH BY : THE LAKE j Jeffrey] •maiiiiamn ( I <)( KI RS J MALLRATS 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer 1 T m io on# 5 *04» 4 0«IN UV Vm 12 Doo# 1 4 H i ' «rt 4 gyron* iniffi? IS ’Ha*# MA(| 14 H<ti**>y !o# tf«? ^ iung I 7 Spa«fc \ 8 i tumActan 20 H*t o* fuj **/»♦«» 23 TV toe assort 24 >>,<(■ pota!ao#t« 25 1 v fc sifiop *ie#n» 28 Tot* fejp rKJ#KK* 2$ l 4V.« V(V«<(W 30 T hanks ^V4f»0 VWJQ** 32 Bkrf» jay* 34 ' • - ••>»» M«..l nli/e rnn •CtO* 30 Also t&r\ 3 ! <3t*covwat 40 i ong 4! M*X>y ft putftuet 42 <*>c*otry 4 7 city 40 MKwiy a/xJ cteogfttet 4tt tte%< Computet 50 f‘ om ftpttu) 51 Qfaf 1 Meadow 2 A%k SyfTtoogfa* 5 ► *«<*! ,vb 6 QtCJ f nonet 8 ‘ifXfkfcl -h 4** *»/<#') 9 10 Manage 11 S-ngm* m:\ot I d 1 3 t>jr*«*d v4 19 Wfw Solution tim« 25 min »1 U 20 Wil 21 C<x»guU*!w * 22 Attorney Janoi 23 Aftruial vtttktf i 25 Bu». u % f>4i 26 Spotter*? 27 '^Oitefen * r 20 Ptvttpprfte hn*lw J1 Scratch 33 'tee & Ac«J*4 34 Mortem (tty f*CK>ry ftUkK 36 r*f\ OtKftpa 37 Sootr*? 36 Sfnp I shote c*Jl? 30 Young te«ow* 40 i ufTwnjry 43 *Cttught y»r 44 f Vv/fi 45 *0owtmkT 46 C*u**c solution ii nrirn