Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1994, Page 5, Image 5

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9pm Tomght
WOw Hall
This cjwsome show t#Qtures fhrec
gtecjt bonds 'i^e's ofnSC> and $ ’
Oregon Daily Emerald
I it n u a r y 2 1, l 9 9 '
taffy Johnson Converse
Shoquilfo O’Neil Reebot
Kevin Johnson Converse and £n Vogue
Clyde Dreiler Avio
<>mparing the films Nrv Is and Philadel
phia is like ( ottiparing a bowl of straw
berries to a hot fudge sundae both are
good, but to determine which is better depends
on individual tastes.
Philadelphia, starring Torn Hanks and Den
ied Washington, is about a man with AIDS
who spends the last months of his life trying to
prove in court that he was fired because he was
gay and had AIDS.
Sex Is. described by filmmak
By Lia Salciccia
Oregon Daily Emerald
er Mark Mueslis as "a gay- made
alternative to Philadelphia." is
comprised of interviews with
gay men from many walks of
lift!, discussing sox and intimai v m the age ot
While it's dangerous to make generalizations
concerning the entire homosexual and hetero
sexual populations, a point needs to lie made
about whom these movies cater to
Most heterosexuals who have yet to grapple
with their latent homophobia and have had lit
tle exposure to gay i ulture would find
Philadelphia palatable and Sr\ Is more uncom
fortable Homosexuals on the other hand, may
find Philadelphia annoying, and Sex Is more
t can be argued that Philadelphia, homoge
- nizod for the general public. begins to make
nn important statement about disi rimina
tion, but never goes far enough. The ai tion cen
ters around the courtroom where Andrew
Hei kett (Hanks) and his attorney Joe Miller
(Washington) try to coin ini e a jury that the
law firm that Be* kett worked for had sabotaged
an important account of his so they could hove
tn e\< use to fire him
I he audience never quite figures out vs In
Miller takes the case In one scene he flatly
refuses the case for "personal reasons which
we learn in a later scene is an intense dislike
for "faggots
But Miller dues take the case And overnight,
this hotshot lawyer, famous lor television ads
for personal injury cases, becomes a champion
Director Mark Heustis is billing his new him Sex Is
<j;> a gay-made" Phtktephui Alex Chee (top) along
with Sum arid Abel (bottom) agreed to share their
personal experiences with Heustis tor the him Sox
Is, /s a documentary style film chronicling the real
lives and experiences ot gay men living with and
without AIDS
for gnv rights
Km opt when he's throwing n young law stu
dent against a shelf of a drugstore I mean so the
young man was pi< ting up on him
Hie film successfully deals with w hat it s
like to lose one's life to AIDS, and the freedoms
that people w ith the disease lose The homo
phobia is sometimes blatant hut more often
subtle Hut the issue of discrimination against
gays is somewhat lost in the issue of AIDS dis
crimination. and only suggested during offhand
comments in the trial
It could Ih- argued that for a largely homo
phobe publli . such subtle treatment is neces
sary. !*h a use discrimination itself is subtle
ather than deal with the issue of disi rimi
nation. Sex />. is a validation and explo
% alien of gay male sexuality. Splicing
together interviews, clips of ga\ erotica, and
< ampy govornmom movitt nus, mis mm .i
different approat li In tlm HIV virus
"I remember 1 was at a party aiul someone
i aim* in and told us all that (AIDS) was '.usual
ly transmitted said one Interview subjei t
The men m the him. who had playfully
described gay sexuality and culture as it pro
gressed through the 50s through the 70s
sobered into dis< ussiiig the pain in the transi
lions into liemg gay in the Hits and 00s
here was a minister who talked about not
being able to have se\ with his wife unless
he fantasized that she was a man I here
was a young Afrit an American who talked
about sex with a white South Afrit an fhere
was a i ouple. IhiiIi balding, conservative look
jog men who talked about how joyful it was
just to hold each other fhere was a Ilian who
had lost Ins lover to AIDS There was a drag
queen who was into SSM I here were even
men who were HIV positive themselves, who
discussed how their sexuality was not extin
guished. just changed
l o gel a more complete picture, the filmgoer
would lie wise to see both Philadelphia and Sex
Zs Hie mainstream Philadelphia offers a glimpse
lorn to PHILADELPHIA, P.ujo H
KWVA ii sponsoring this rocking con
cert tonight in the EMU fir Room
Oswald 5 0 is headlining along with
Kpants, Kick Giants and Tattle Tale
Admission to the show is $4
It should be o screammer
Friday, Jan. 21
Hult Center, 8pm
Tickets ore $27 50, $ 18 50
Hitting Birth, Sage and Three
Doy Stubble
WOW Hall, 9pm
Tickets are $6, $7
Folk Music of Greece
EMU Ballroom, 8pm
Tickets are S 10, $8
Uead Ringers
Good Times Cafe and Bar
9 30 p rn Cost is $5
Saturday, Jan. 22
Hero Hero’s Fourth
Anniversary Celebration
2to5 p rn
Renegade Saints with
WOW Hall, 9pm
Tickets are $5 S6
Sunday, Jan. 23
Heidt Chronicles (benefit lor
Robinson Theater, 2pm
Tickets are S10
John McClutcheon with
Debbie Dietnch
WOW Holl. 7pm
Tickets ore $8, S9
Crealura from the Black
John Henry's, 9 30 p m
Cost is $3
Monday, Jan. 24
Rooster's Blues Jam
Good Times Cain and Bor
9 30 p m , Cost is i 1
Tuesday, Jan. 25
High Street
Good Times Cafe and Bar,
9 30 p m
Cost .5 S2
Wednesday, Jan. 26
Good Times Cofe and Bar,
9 30 p m
Cost a S3
Thursday, Jan. 27
The Oregon String Quartet
Beall Ha", 8pm
Cost S3 S5
( IM \1 A
STARRING: Julia Roberts,
Denzel Washington,
John lithgow
DIRECTOR: Alan J Pakula
By David Thorn
( W'iy. y! lit't I r’w.lhl
Relying on the talents of a top-notch i ast and
a best selling author. The Pelican Brief is not a
pcrfei t model of the thriller genre, hut is nonethe
less an enjoyable picture that is worth the price
of admission.
The movie begins with the brutal assassinn
lions of two Supreme Court justices A New
Orleans law student. Darby Shaw (played bv Julia
Rolierls) theorizes a possible conspiracy behind
the crimes, based on the judicial tendencies of
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