Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
didn't direct them to write it
The strong SMUB motion
became even stronger after mem
bers amended the wording to
"rejei t" the amendment, instead
of just saving that the proposed
amendment was not the "proper
In a previous interview. Mose
ley said the administration
viewed n memo dated May 1H,
l‘)') t. ns the most important, sup
posedly ending any disi ussion.
In the memo. University Pres
ident Myles Brand wrote that he
appointed Moseley to draft an
amendment separating the
EMUB's budget from IFC control
after meetings set up by the
ASUO to resolve the situation
proved fruitless. None of last
year's IFC members showed up
for the meetings
Moseley said the administra
tion could end discussion with
the memo because the adminis
tration had already offered a one
time extension for further debate
But the ASUO doesn't see dis
cussion ending Inst May Citing
state rules creating the IFC.
Bowen said any changes to the
Clark I)<x union) must be made
with comment from the ASUO or
IFC. If the two groups cannot
agree on the amendment, the
issue then goes to the Oregon
State Board of Higher Kducation
for mediation.
Bowen said that he was wait
ing for the final amendment
before he could make comments
on it. and legally could only com
ment on the written document,
not a memo proposing the docu
Continued from Page 1
photograph more inappropriate than in another?" Johnson said.
On Monday evening. Johnson and Macdonald agreed on a
compromise: Some pieces would be removed.
"When I'm asked to remove only certain pieces.” Johnson
said. I'm forced to agree to be partially censored."
Yet Johnson believed that by agreeing to the compromise to
remove certain photographs he would still be able to have his
work displayed.
When Johnson went to remove selected pieces Tuesday night,
the compromise unraveled. Macdonald decided Johnson should
lie responsible for taking down and putting up his pieces for
the weddings He chose to withdraw his entire show
"We originally agreed to a certain set of action." Johnson said.
"When she started changing the rules, i decided l would take
all the pieces down."
The walls at the Collier House are now bare, and Macdonald
is looking for someone to fill the space for the rest of the month.
"She’s defining what's m i eptahie for the University." Johnson
said, "and that's censorship."
Continued from Page 1
drinking, preparation and useful products to
Eugene residents who have either been
aware of Starbucks Coffee Co. before and
attract new i ustomers willing to experience
what Starbuc ks has to offer." said Laura
Moix. Starbucks media relations spokes
woman, in a telephone interview.
One of the most dominant and fast-grow
ing coffee retailing businesses in the North
west, Starbucks Coffee Co. has been opening
new espresso bars at a rate of one per week
over the last six years across the country
The company expects sales to top $1 billion
by the end of the decade.
Originally, the first Starbucks espresso bar
opened in 1971 in Seattle's historic Pike s
Place Public Market overlooking the Puget
Sound. The company has experienced
remarkable growth in public demand for its
coffee beverages and products There are
now more than 100 Starbucks stores in the
Northwest region alone. Nationally the com
pany averages $700,000 in sales per week.
The company’s name was based on the
coffee guzzling first mate character in Her
man Melville’s novel, Moby Dick The com
pany's unique reputation stems from its use
of revolutionary business operations in order
to sell its products. They have traveled
worldwide to seek alternative coffees avail
able. sought high standards of customer ser
vice and heavily invested in employee
training programs.
Several students have noted that the off
campus site for Starbucks' new store may
pose minor distance difficulties in order to
visit its premises However. Jody Hueffued.
Starbucks' media events coordinator and
Starbucks Co. hopaa the popularity of late
night coflee establishments will bring stu
dents In to enjoy "an affordable luxury. "
spokeswoman said tint company hopes that
the new Eugene store will appeal to students
despite its off-campus location.
"It's harci for most students on a budget to
have re< reational time without expendi
tures Late-night coffee hangouts are in'
among most young adults, especially col
lege-age, and we want Eugene residents and
students to know we're an affordable luxu
ry to enjoy," she said.
Moix also said the Starbucks stores are
modeled after Kuropean ■ afes fur an aura of
sophistication and relaxation for customers
Perhaps the most interesting features
about Starbucks Coffee Car. is the high pri
ority it plat es on its employees, i ailed part
ners or "baristas" the Italian word for
espresso bartenders A 20 plus hour class
training program is given to Starbucks
employees on customer servii e. coffee-brew
mg methods, handling the indiyidua! i oflee
produc ts and other responsibilities
Starbur ks autoiruitii ally provides employ
ee insurance i overage lor health, dental and
vision care for those who work more than 20
hours, and career counseling, product dis
counts and sics k options for all workers
The starting pay for employees is $0 per
hour, and about 2.400 people are presently
employed by Starbucks in the Northwest
The company also encourages team spirit
with participatory meetings, motivation and
reward programs for employees
"Starbucks is able to attrai t people with
more education and more work experience
than the average retail worker lei a use of the
relatively high hourly wage and excellent
employee benefits program. We only have a
f>() percent turnover rate," Hueffeud said.
According to a survey published in Inc.
magazine, gourmet i offee sales is the only
growth segment of the coffee market About
1>) pen amt of all coffee sold is gourmet, mak
ing Starbucks Coffee Co an aggressive lead
ing retailer in such a competitive market In
1992. Starbucks ranked fifth out of d l l busi
nesses selected for the entrepreneurs of the
Year contest sponsored by U S business
Pamphlet* are available at the store that
offer information about the products and
beverages they sell.
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