IFC Continued from Page 1 didn't direct them to write it The strong SMUB motion became even stronger after mem bers amended the wording to "rejei t" the amendment, instead of just saving that the proposed amendment was not the "proper solution." In a previous interview. Mose ley said the administration viewed n memo dated May 1H, l‘)') t. ns the most important, sup posedly ending any disi ussion. In the memo. University Pres ident Myles Brand wrote that he appointed Moseley to draft an amendment separating the EMUB's budget from IFC control after meetings set up by the ASUO to resolve the situation proved fruitless. None of last year's IFC members showed up for the meetings Moseley said the administra tion could end discussion with the memo because the adminis tration had already offered a one time extension for further debate But the ASUO doesn't see dis cussion ending Inst May Citing state rules creating the IFC. Bowen said any changes to the Clark I)() percent turnover rate," Hueffeud said. According to a survey published in Inc. magazine, gourmet i offee sales is the only growth segment of the coffee market About 1>) pen amt of all coffee sold is gourmet, mak ing Starbucks Coffee Co an aggressive lead ing retailer in such a competitive market In 1992. Starbucks ranked fifth out of d l l busi nesses selected for the entrepreneurs of the Year contest sponsored by U S business journals. Pamphlet* are available at the store that offer information about the products and beverages they sell. r Banyan Tee »u^r«4 j_\t*t 0< als H.isiiu Donor Center mrrl the world need with a plasma donation Earn #20 on your llrsi donation Open Turs thru Sat ( all titCI !W:M> 1901 W Hlh Avr 1 ywo 1775 W. 6th IU0WM 444-6496 DIM SUM Sat It 30 am - 2 30 pm * w'i Steamed Shnmp Dumpings (Ha Gam) it M Steamed Pork Dumpings (Sn Mai) i«.i PUJI/1 Steamed Sparenfcs ffut * 'Ml Steamed Beet Tnpe tj.itiiiri « Steamed Bean Wraps S PI m Mi if Deep-Fned Sweet Sesame Bal • fill- tt LoBakXo Jft .* 9 (»J * Thousand Egg Rce Soup K11 'it Steamed Chicken Feet Our Shoes are more Comfortable than S Our Seats! ) AHWALK LAZAR'S KNOWS SHOES! Choose from over 500 different types & styles of men's and women’s shoes with sizes ranging from 1 to 16' Mention our "toilets" and receive a 5% discount on your next shoe purchase! LAZAR'S BAZAR 57 West Broadway ft 957 Willamette Eugene Downtown Mall • 687-0139 Look for our new kiosk opening Nov. S, at 13th At Kincaid on the l J of O campus. Taste the l Jdinese difference! Beedmvood- roastal l Idinese (iiffe is an Italian tradition possessing true neatny espresso taste wit/tout bittenuss and bile. F.H/tJ tht trwt la sir of h iprruo at tht foUowiwg /ofutiom Ambmain Restaurant A Bar, Baba Ya*a'» Dream Co.. Downtown Athletic Club, Kxeelsior Cafe, Kuphoria Chocolate Co., I libber (around (lofiee Co., (»ii/.cho Restaurant, Mu/./.i'* Italian Restaurant, l dine sc Kspresso Cart at the 11 ol <) ( aimpus, (Idineac Caffe Shownmm. f or u tree brochure and information about purchu»mft K*pre»i*o machine* call I dincuv < 'title at: | .*00-992-(>4 24 Huy one l Idinesc t'.spresso drink A jjet it second l 'dinette espresso drink FREE! Kiptrei 12/V^J ( >u« ctMifxm fmt pcrfMHi