Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Best Ones are Worth $20 Grand io Scholarships
“Know When To Sav When*” Poster Competition
That’s right, we’re paying big bucks for the most
“illuminating" poster ideas that communicate a message
of personal responsibility about alcohol. So, grab an entry
form and enlighten us with your creativity. Drawing ability
won't be a factor in determining the best poster concepts.
This competition is being held in conjunction with
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week.
Scholarships are underwritten by Anheuser-Busch.
Contest ends December 17,1993.
Nineteen scholarships will be awarded. The grand prize
is $5,000 for the brightest idea. A matching grant will
be given to the winner's school. Two runners up will
each receive $1,000. Sixteen third place winners will
be awarded $500 each.
All entries must be accompanied by an official entry
form. You may obtain a form and a complete set of
official competition rules at the following locations,
or write to MKnow When To Say When” Poster
Competition, 1000 Geyer Avenue, St Louis, MO 63104.
• Reanie's Landiog • Guido’s • Ilia's • Bulla's II • Sam's on Campus •Butcher Block Deli • Track Town Pizza -7-11
• Tom's Market • Food Valoe-Fraoklin Bird. • II of 0 Bookstore • Tailor's College Side loo • Pegasus Pizza • Alder Street Market