The Best Ones are Worth $20 Grand io Scholarships ■s “Know When To Sav When*” Poster Competition That’s right, we’re paying big bucks for the most “illuminating" poster ideas that communicate a message of personal responsibility about alcohol. So, grab an entry form and enlighten us with your creativity. Drawing ability won't be a factor in determining the best poster concepts. This competition is being held in conjunction with National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. Scholarships are underwritten by Anheuser-Busch. Contest ends December 17,1993. Nineteen scholarships will be awarded. The grand prize is $5,000 for the brightest idea. A matching grant will be given to the winner's school. Two runners up will each receive $1,000. Sixteen third place winners will be awarded $500 each. All entries must be accompanied by an official entry form. You may obtain a form and a complete set of official competition rules at the following locations, or write to MKnow When To Say When” Poster Competition, 1000 Geyer Avenue, St Louis, MO 63104. ENTRY FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT: • Reanie's Landiog • Guido’s • Ilia's • Bulla's II • Sam's on Campus •Butcher Block Deli • Track Town Pizza -7-11 • Tom's Market • Food Valoe-Fraoklin Bird. • II of 0 Bookstore • Tailor's College Side loo • Pegasus Pizza • Alder Street Market © 1993 ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES. INC