Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1993, Page 18A, Image 18

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    The Psychology behind
the Citibank Classic Visa card, and the
emotional security of the Photocard. The Citibank Classic Visa'
instills m students feelings ol safety security and general wellness not unlike tlx*se experienced
in the womb. Therefore, it is the mother of all credit cards 1 Some experts attribute these feelings
to the Citibank Photocard, the only credit card with your photo on it A voice inside says. " I his
is me, really me." (As opposed to. “Who the heck is that a common response to the photo
W»k» t suffering fnmi
( mlit (<ml Theft Vm«*w/
Wn < I tiller rvx mi( tllfhink
Clown Visa f'hotm'unJ
on one's driver's license ) It's an immediate form of
II). a boost to your self-image. 1 Of course if your card is
ever lost or stolen and a stranger is prevented from using it.
you'll feel exceptionally good (showing no signs of Credit
Card Theft Nervosa). 1 Other experts point to specific
services. such as The Lost Wallet Service that can replace
your card usually within 24 hours Or the 24-Hour Cus
tomer Service line, your hotline, it you will, for any card
related anxiety whatsoever. further analysis reveals three
services that protect the purchases you make on the Citibank
Classic Vis,i card, at no additional cost I. Buyers Security can cover them against accidental
damage, tire or theft, for lX) days from the date of purchase (preventing, ot course. Insecurity).
2. Citibank Lifetime Warranty allows one to extend the warranty tor the expected service
life ol eligible products up to 12 years X \nd Citibank Price Protection assures you ol the best
price You need onlv see the same item advertised in print lor less, within 60 days, and Citibank
will refund the difference up to SI50 thence no h*st Purchase Depression). '{ Special student
savmgs are particularly thera|vutic. I here's the free Citibank Calling Service from NIC 1 to save
up to 26'r on long distance calls versus A KYI ’ (You’re encouraged to call Mom and Dad regu
laris preventing Parcnta Non Support us) And a $20 Airfare Discount* on any domestic flight
(Case studies indicate that a Fear of Flying is overcome when Spring Break in sunny Florida is a
possibility.) Not to mention the low variable interest rate of 154*;' and no annual fee for college
students Suffice it to sav. you'll have a credit card you can depend on while building a credit
history. So call 1-800-CITIBANK, extension 10, to apply over the phone (students don't
need a |ob or a cosigner) or to have your photo added
to your Citibank Classic Visa card ‘J It we say that a
sense of Identity is the first component ol the Citibank
Classic Visa card, a sense of Security the second, and
a sense of Autonomous Will from your newfound
financial independence the third, don’t be crazy. C all
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Not just Visa. Citibank Visa.
Icrtam tixkl>t««u <aI rukivawtv IV«x rcler k> mwi Sumnuo id Add.luxvti Inkxmatain Buyer* Se»ufrts n undr* written hs The /vfkti lnlfriun»«*l
l K limited < num tniuinim and fimnai»«n* apgds I ndr' x i mm hs ihr New Hampshire Insuiaivc « <«np*n> Sriske Isle etfMKtaiks sanr* Ns pt* xJud and is M
ka\i the minimum based .*« retail mdusirs daia Drill tin <4 soser age aie asadaMr «r» ssnit Nummars 4 Addiinvnai Program Information Savings claim is
hwsrsl <>n a minute night wrcArnd *ai‘ in Ihr l<M! to V|*»' 4gr hand - mg SH I 1 ( ard C nmpsii .hii.i s rate* »* A TAT \ standard tailing k axd rale' rfhrtlrve
4.*t\ l itrfsaiik l ailing Server kxtg disiarve usage sanraa hr applied 1.■ dxjin hrnrhts undet am <ahrr Ml I partner program .* .4»rt iv Hading travel award pngjrams
•(MVt rtpors b ttk**-t Minimum twin punha-e price »» %*»■» Rrhutrs are k« Cm thank -.iudrm 1 ardmrmhrr* on t*krts nwd Ns ISf l lights on!> ‘Ihr Annual Hrnrntjfr
Rate hx puivhase* •* HP* as id A*J' ami mas itn quarterls The Annual fVneniage Rale fix »a»h adtanse* is |4jp* |f a finance charge is imposed ihe
minimum is VI sent* there 1* an addilaxsal fuvuvr .tv»fgc *»x rash .ash wham c if ansa, is xi rs|ual to id ihr amount id cash cash ad*a«ssr transwiaxi h«*ese»
4 will mx M le** than V^lkl ie greater than Skull Vk«v»rv.h* N.ar» are published Ns Mxsarvh Hess. 4 drs .saxi id Simon A Schuster a PfcramutiM ( .mmuns alaxis
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The Monarch* Notes Version:
The Citibank Classic card gives
students peace of mind, protection
against Freud—or rather fraud—a
Km rate anti no fee. Apply today.
Call 1-800-CITIBANK, ext. 19