The Psychology behind the Citibank Classic Visa card, and the emotional security of the Photocard. The Citibank Classic Visa' •f instills m students feelings ol safety security and general wellness not unlike tlx*se experienced in the womb. Therefore, it is the mother of all credit cards 1 Some experts attribute these feelings to the Citibank Photocard, the only credit card with your photo on it A voice inside says. " I his is me, really me." (As opposed to. “Who the heck is that a common response to the photo W»k» t suffering fnmi ( mlit ( m LINO* MAUCI -3B U Not just Visa. Citibank Visa. Icrtam tixkl>t««u mwi Sumnuo id Add.luxvti Inkxmatain Buyer* Se»ufrts n undr* written hs The /vfkti lnlfriun»«*l l K limited < num tniuinim and fimnai»«n* apgds I ndr' x i mm hs ihr New Hampshire Insuiaivc « <«np*n> Sriske Isle etfMKtaiks sanr* Ns pt* xJud and is M ka\i the minimum based .*« retail mdusirs daia Drill tin <4 soser age aie asadaMr «r» ssnit Nummars 4 Addiinvnai Program Information Savings claim is hwsrsl <>n a minute night wrcArnd *ai‘ in Ihr l ‘Ihr Annual Hrnrntjfr Rate hx puivhase* •* HP* as id A*J' ami mas itn quarterls The Annual fVneniage Rale fix »a»h adtanse* is |4jp* |f a finance charge is imposed ihe minimum is VI sent* there 1* an addilaxsal fuvuvr .tv»fgc *»x rash .ash wham c if ansa, is xi rs|ual to id ihr amount id cash cash ad*a«ssr transwiaxi h«*ese» 4 will mx M le** than V^lkl ie greater than Skull Vk«v»rv.h*» are published Ns Mxsarvh Hess. 4 drs .saxi id Simon A Schuster a PfcramutiM ( .mmuns alaxis i . nrqwrrv l sed Ns pet mrxurxi .d the puNfsJhrr * xdxsnk stedit sard* »i c ssurd Ns i abint 'South IktksMai N \ ClWl ( 1 lit sank V«uth IVskiaai NA Member T I'll The Monarch* Notes Version: The Citibank Classic card gives students peace of mind, protection against Freud—or rather fraud—a Km rate anti no fee. Apply today. Call 1-800-CITIBANK, ext. 19