Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 10, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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Record-holding pilot Osterud a favorite
By Lia Saiciccta
t Of !?'*■ Of&fr *' fX* t l m&.i fi
A favorite of military and < ml
ians alike in the Kugene airshow
was Joann (Kterud
Famous (or her limkeit ns ord*.
her 5-foot I. 100-pound frame,
her amiable manner and her pen
i hunt for loops, Osit-rud s a< t in
the mi-show last weekend demon
slraled what her press release
i alls "finesse instead of innsi |i
to i oax the airi rail through pre
i.ise. demanding maneuvers "
"Kverybodv has their own
sty le, " she said You’ve got Imsi
iJills all of the same mmes You
got sour straight level, upside
doss ii. rolls, sharp rolls, and sour
leaps It's how sou put them
Oslerud ■ ompnres her sis ie to
(ret Slsle figure skating
I like to lls upside doss il a
lot. said ( Klerud. svho hohls the
world re< ord for inverted lligilt
nan miles She's also broken
tile Mi se.it old national Outside
loop retold held l»s Oregonian
Dorothy Hester Men/el
III 1‘IH'i, ,ihose a North Hend
.mdiem e that ilu lulled Slen/el
lletself. (Kterud set mini-goals'
(or herself She first surpassed
Sten/el's n*t ord of til loops, (hen
I laf Mi < lain of Houston s re* ord
ol 1HU loops, then finally n-ai h**d
tin- number ol 200 loops and
de< ided to t all it (puts
lust then, one ol her favorite
songs i nine on the in-* ot kplt lajte
player and she dei ided to stii k it
out tor one more song and eight
more loops, setting the new
national rw.ortl oj ziim inverted
"I listen to must! in the i <m k
pti Didn't you hear it '" Osterud
Hut the musu and the moves
are all she Hunks jljout in the air.
for fly ing takes all of one's i on
i entralion
When Osterud is not stunting
in nirshmvs she IS flying a Hoe
ing 747 jet lor I huted Airlines as
a i ummen ml pilot
"Flying for United is like dri
ving a fug luxury tnr and tins one
is like my dirt hike that I ride on
the weekends,' said Osterud.
proudly surv ey mg her til-foot,
fid horsepower engine, hlue
and yellow plane nanu“d the t 'Iti
mate ions
Osterud admits her link m
luting a tile to do what she s
always wanted to do fly
"Do you realize that this Sep
temljer is tin 25th anniversary' of
my first lesson' When 1 learned
to fly. the military wouldn't take
women (in their pilot programs)
said Osterud who learned
through private lessons
Now a resident ol ( aliform.i.
( kleriid viid sin- misses the I’ai.il
u Northwest w lien- she grew up
I like to he here sile said ot
I ugeiie I he air is i lean I tie
people are friendly
(ktertid vud the lineup of a< ts
ill the Kugi-ne Airshoyy were
"firs! i lass"
When asked ahnut family and
off-tiilie. Osterud flashed a grin
and asked. "Off tune' What’s
that' 1 used to have a i at
P*OIO Cry AMhon, Fomyy
Eugene kids watch Northwest native Joann Osterud perform stunts
In her plane Friday at the Eugene Alrshow.
Continued from Page 1
Tin* nirshow is rt fund-raiser for the avia
lion program at lame Community ( allege
While the Saturday and Sunday i rowds
reached 25,000 [nmple Friday was a sper oil
day open only In the military, underprivi
leged kids and the media
Kuls from groups like llu- Make a Wish
Foundation, an organization that mati lies ter
minally ill i hildren wilh their dingiest wish
es got to meet heroes like the Misty Blues
Skydiving team and the famous Nay v stunt
pilots, the Blue Angels
The military brought to Fugene a show
ranging from the biggest plane built in the
i ouiitry, the mammoth transport am raft C
Mi Cnlaxy, to the sneakiest plane built in the
i ountry. the Stealth I ighter I 11'. euphem
ized by the announi er as the "hero of Desert
Somewhere m the middle of that wide
range were the Blue Angels, the world-famous
flying team of tin* l S Navy Producing
sounds that seemed apt to rip holes in the
sky. tln»tr millme y\as the loudest and longest
featuring sm h dazzling maneuvers ns the 4(H)
mph diamond roll
A favorite was the Stealth F-117 fighter,
which sum k up on the < rowd from the left
while the aniKHint er lamented alMiut the Pep
si he spilled on his shirt While on the ground,
it was taped off and guarded
Ki< k Dunham, one of only 300 pilots to llv
a Stealth lighter, said that yvhut makes it
unique is the shape and the radar-flhsorbent
In other words, this hlai k, angular machine
yy ith a vulture's beak and a swallow s tail is
designed especially to prevent the enemy
from delis ting its radar Hut y\ hat's more, the
Stealth can place a bomb "in your c an of
Hud." said the unnmim er, who also com
mented on its menacing look
Phe CAH (.alaw is as blatant as the Stealth
is subtle for good reason. Completely empty.
this airt raft weighs 400,000 pounds and is
used to transport everything from smaller
planes to y elm les to a group of dolphins list'd
in researt h by the Navy Seals
The plane seen at the airshow is from
Travis Air Fon e Base in Fairfield. Calif. With
maximum fuel load and i arrymgrapai ilv it
i an weigh up to 800.0(H) pounds and can go
from Sari Francisco to Frankfurt, Germanv m
1 i hours, said i rew t hief Frank St itivoni The
plane t un lit* reftieletl in the air
For the showgoer who wasn't impressed
hy a military show of size and strength, they
were perhaps wowed by the shosv of skill
demonstrated hv civilian flyers
They t ould watch Steve Wolf take the red
Samson, built hv he and his yvife after a 19-18
stunt plane, through figure eights and an
eight-sided loop that formed what annount
ers termed a giant stop sign in the sky
They i ould marvel at the spunky act. Yak
Attack, yvhu h was awarded "Outstanding
Nevx Ai t of 1992" In (irnirnl Aviation Yens
The act consisted of two Russian Yak-50 ner
ohalii ain raft performing aerobatics around
a World War II military twin-engine trans
port ain raft, piloted bv lead pilot Bill
Keesman in Yak-01. Ralph Riddell m Yak-02
and Tim Austen in a Beech-1 1
1 heir planes play fully rolled over each oth
er anil (Hissed nose to nose. Keesman wowed
xp«x tutors with an upward, inverted, flat spin
spiral rallied the "Russian Roulette."
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