SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES Scales Chemicals Lab Equipment 1 9-6 Mon-Fri • 10-5 Sat 726-9176 1124 Main St. axamtimmimanazmxag ducks do iiT ALL DAY TUESDAY 5 ALL ■ YOU CAN EAT EVERY , TUES! 1 includes I Gait»c Bread \ 1 30 am 10 pm pizza VfcT£$ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 /canoeX rentals an huur wenther permitting • Monday - Friday, 12:30 p.m. - dusk • Sat. & Sun., 10:30 a.m. - dusk , on the mill race \ 1395 Franklin Blvd./ \346-4386/ Record-holding pilot Osterud a favorite By Lia Saiciccta t Of !?'*■ Of&fr *' fX* t l m&.i fi A favorite of military and < ml ians alike in the Kugene airshow was Joann (Kterud Famous (or her limkeit ns ord*. her 5-foot I. 100-pound frame, her amiable manner and her pen i hunt for loops, Osit-rud s a< t in the mi-show last weekend demon slraled what her press release i alls "finesse instead of innsi |i to i oax the airi rail through pre i.ise. demanding maneuvers " "Kverybodv has their own sty le, " she said You’ve got Imsi iJills all of the same mmes You got sour straight level, upside doss ii. rolls, sharp rolls, and sour leaps It's how sou put them togelher Oslerud ■ ompnres her sis ie to (ret Slsle figure skating I like to lls upside doss il a lot. said ( Klerud. svho hohls the world re< ord for inverted lligilt nan miles She's also broken tile Mi se.it old national Outside loop retold held l»s Oregonian Dorothy Hester Men/el III 1‘IH'i, ,ihose a North Hend .mdiem e that ilu lulled Slen/el lletself. (Kterud set mini-goals' (or herself She first surpassed Sten/el's n*t ord of til loops, (hen I laf Mi < lain of Houston s re* ord ol 1HU loops, then finally n-ai h**d tin- number ol 200 loops and de< ided to t all it (puts lust then, one ol her favorite songs i nine on the in-* ot kplt lajte player and she dei ided to stii k it out tor one more song and eight more loops, setting the new national rw.ortl oj ziim inverted loops "I listen to must! in the i