Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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Officer’s promotion
sends bad message
Criticism* of Oti* Scarborough, an officer at the Uni
versity Office of Public Safety, are nothing new in the
Emerald. People routinely write letters to the editor that
deride Scarborough’s job performance — accusing him
of over-zealously ticketing student* for minor infractions,
such as riding bikes on small stretches of sidewalks.
However, opinions of job performance are largely sub
jective. Violations of University policy are not. Scarbor
ough was disciplined last September for breaking the Uni
versity’s sexual harassment policy — a claim that was
detailed extensively in _
the Jan. 25 Emerald.
Now, several months
later, OPS is shockingly
training Scarborough for
a promotion to lead
supervisor. The job is
not his automatically —
90 days after his May
appointment, the posi
tion will likely be
opened for a statewide
search. Howover. by the
end of the 90-day train
ing session, Scarborough
may well be the most
qualified candidate,
meaning he will proba
bly be hired.
Promotlont should
be given to
employees who
exhibit a good work
ethic and who
represent their
office with (Bgntty
which Is certainly
questionable In
judging by this latest
development, Scarborough’s original discipline given by
the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee was clear
ly not severe enough to make a dent in his personnel file.
A letter of reprimand on an issue as serious as soxual
harassment should be grounds for dismissal, not promo
OPS Director Carey Drayton should have tried harder
to find an alternative to Scarborough. His only action was
to appoint an internal committee of two supervisors and
one officer to make the decision, people who have worked
with Scarborough in the past and are more likely to over
look any indiscretions. In addition. Drayton had a choice
of three candidates for the position, yet he gave Scar
borough the job anyway.
Drayton and his office should have taken sexual harass
ment, or any violation for that matter, more seriously.
Promotions should be given to outstanding employees
who exhibit a good work ethic and who represent thoir
office with dignity, which is certainly questionable in
Scarborough's case.
This isn't to say that Scarborough should be punished
for the rest of his life. If it had been several years since
Scarborough's violation, and he had kept his record clean
since that time, a promotion would be more realistic.
However, it has boon only eight months, and that's not
long enough.
The fact that Scarborough is already being considered
for a promotion sends the message to students that their
efforts to report sexual discrimination are in vain and
won't be taken seriously. Conversely, it tells staff and fac
ulty they can do whatever they want — discriminate or
sexually harass women or men. It probably won't mat
ter in a few months when they're up for a promotion or
Oregon Daily
The Oregon Oariy F">»« 4 puNMhed derly Monday through Endey Amng the Know
year and Tueaday and T hui»day during me iu«w» By me O'agon Daily Emerald
PuBkafvng Co me el the Ikwerarty ol Oregon. Eugene. Oregon
The Emerald operatae independently o< the LKwervty with oflreae at Suae 300 ol the
ErB Memorial Ur»on and « a memeer ol the Aaaooatad Preaa
The Emerald m private progeny The untawtui removal or um ol papera » proeecutade
By law
Editor: Pat Maiach
Nawa Editor
Editorial Editor
QrapMca Editor
EntertoMmont Editor
J4*« Bros
Martin Firm
JOfl PiMy
F'Ofi Horn
Fraalancs tcHlof Mandy Baucum
Editorial Editor Fbvwt Jansaan
Sports Editor Oava CrMVtxmnaau
Supptamants Editor CaSay Andarton
Night Editor Pat Maiach
Associate Editors: Tamm* Baiay Sfudsnr Govammanr Act»wfaj Da*aiyn Traope
Communty Coaaan Pohhg. Mghar f<jUcjaoaAt»n<m*lr»hon
Nssrs Start: Owa A»an, Mat! Banda*. Jushn Brown. Sarah Oar*. Mao Dadwph. Amy
Oavaryxxl Jan Eason Amanda fa*r«a Anihon, tomay Bath Mags Ta*aaa MjMsmgar
Hacacca Man* Stava Many Katy MoaOar Trfhn. Musnar. TnsU Noa Elan Shaw Enc*
SludWKAa Manon Suitor Handy Th-aCa*' Michara Thompaon-Agmar. Amy van Tuyt. Todd
Wibams. Ctayton Van
Oanarsl Manager Judy Hat* Production Man agar: Ucnaia Hot*
Advartising: Tom Laacn Saras Manage* Shawn Ba<van. Or*>ca Manage* Jana iroia
Twasa lyabaoa Ph><«> Johnson N. Chns Kano**. Jaramy Mason Van L OS*yan H. GVhan
Oh Hachaai Tiu*. Anga *nh*n
Ctassltlad: Bac*y March** Manager Barry Logan Sharon Sauve
Distribution: Brandon Anderson. Graham S*mcaon
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Bald is beautiful
Correct me If I'm wrong, but
isn't this the 90s? I guess I was
confused for a while because sev
eral weeks ago. I was suddenly
transported into an early 60s "B"
Several friends and I attended
an "open" parly at the Beta Theta
Pi fraternity One of those friends
happens to be bald. Being bald
(and gorgeous), she gets a lot of
attention from guys (grwk or not)
But suddenly the movie start
ed IX) you remember the movies
where the outsider always gets
picked on by the "popular" peo
ple, then proves to the world they
are as good as anyone else?
Well, that's exactly what hap
pened A Beta approached my
friend and told her to leave I
asked him why. and he had the
nerve to tell me she didn't fit in
at "his" party.
I thought he must lie joking but
soon discovered he wasn't He
yelled, cursed and degraded my
friend in front of dozens of peo
ple Although he was quickly
making a fool of himself (his
brothers in agreement with us),
he kept on berating her I just
couldn't believe that was actual
ly happening
We say our school is liberal,
but with the attitude (being fos
tered in the grwek system). 1 lean
toward disagreement. If we allow
this discrimination to go on. feel
ing will get hurt and ideas will
be oppressed. The Beta's pre
cious greek system is already in
jeopardy, they shouldn't com
pletely blow it by allowing their
members to get away with such
Christina Vincent
All the girls?
Today I had a frustrating expe
rience with the University's fine
registration system. I admit the
new changes seem positive, yet
how will we ever find out if the
system continues to malfunction7
I was scheduled to register
Wednesday. May 26. after 3:30
p in . and it just so happened that
when I called at 3:25 p.m.. the
system was down I continued to
tall until 6 p.m. Apparently the
system reopened at about 5 p.m.
At that time, twice as many stu
dents were trying to get through
to Duck Call.
I'm fed up! I pay too much
money to he run around. The
least I expect is to be able to reg
ister for the classes 1 need. I
would expect this from a Cali
fornia registration system, but not
from the ever-so-personalized
Duck f jill.
Don't you think these little
computer quirks should have
been worked out before registra
tion began? Ail the girls from
VVillcox Mall think so
Meysha Price
Landscape Architecture
Hands off ISA
During the lfh)3 International
Night Celebration, organized by
the International Students Asso
ciation. the organizers of the
event seized every opportunity
to show their gratitude toward
the office of International Edu
cation and Exchange for all its
"financial" and other "contribu
First off. it is noteworthy to
indicate that the ISA does not
receive any funding by or
through the OIEE. Hence, it
would be misleading to indicate
that the ISA could not have orga
nized the international night
without the financial assistance
of the OIEE.
For the record, it should be
noted that the ISA is an inde
pendent organization that is sole
ly funded by the Incidental Fee
Committee. Again, it would be
misleading to indicate that the
funding for an ISA event is pro
cured through the OIEE How
ever. it would have been correct
to indicate that ISA contributes
financially to the OIEE. Unfor
tunately, certain members of the
ISA who have direct financial
ties to the OIEE conveniently left
out the aforementioned fact dur
ing International Night.
It is not incorrect to praise the
OIEE. However, the gratification
made toward the OIEE must not
he done on ISA's time. It must
not he forgotten that the ones
praising the OIEE were the very
few who receive personal fund
ing for their own financial gains.
lastly, in order to preserve the
full integrity and independence
of the ISA. OIEE and OlEE's
financial recipients must stop
meddling in the affairs of the ISA
A. Pourlard
T. Fooladi
Iranian Student Association
Go Bob!
Bob Pierce from the Universi
ty rugby team has been selected
to the Western Conference All
Star Team, the Grizzlies. He is
the only person from the Pacif
ic Northwest to be selected
He is a senior this year, so it is
a great end to his college rugby
The tournament will be June
14 in Colorado The other three
conferences (East coast. Central
and South) will be playing
against the Grizzlies to determine
the collegiate conference win
After the tournament, the best
players from all four conferences
will be selected to play on a U.S.
rugby all-star collegiate team lat
er in the month The team will
play the Canadian national team.
Any people interested in play
ing rugby at the University
should contact Sean Morris. 687
9797. or the club sports office.
We welcome all newcomers to
the game.
Sean Morris
President, Club Sports Rugby
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250
words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must
be verified when the letter is submitted.
The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or